CAD Assignt Bashir Isiaka Hiwayway
CAD Assignt Bashir Isiaka Hiwayway
CAD Assignt Bashir Isiaka Hiwayway
Civil CAD
Land Development
Civil Soft
Road Cad
Eagle Point
Step 3: Save the data with a .prn. Extension files (Tab delimited).
Step 4: Open the civil cad interface and click road work from the drop
down menu and then select horizontal alignment.
Step 5: Go to file and open the saved excel data uploaded and then
refresh all the uploaded data will be plotted.
Step 8: Draw a polyline of the topography plotted and click on apply and
the vertical elevation will be plotted.
Step 9: Select the cross section from the road drop down menu and click
on define section to choose section format.
Step 10: Select the station and scroll down to the existing level section at
the lower portion of the screen, input the offset and elevation.
Step 11: Input the design level and click on apply, then choose any point
to draw the cross section.
Step 12: The vertical alignment data can then be used to calculate
volume of cut and fill.