Prakash Kumar Giri provides his personal information including his permanent and present addresses in Varanasi and Ghaziabad, India. He was born on April 12th 1990, is unmarried, Hindu, and knows Hindi and English. His mother tongue is Hindi and he is looking for a salary that is negotiable. He declares that all information provided is true and correct to the best of his knowledge.
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Prakash Kumar Giri provides his personal information including his permanent and present addresses in Varanasi and Ghaziabad, India. He was born on April 12th 1990, is unmarried, Hindu, and knows Hindi and English. His mother tongue is Hindi and he is looking for a salary that is negotiable. He declares that all information provided is true and correct to the best of his knowledge.
Prakash Kumar Giri provides his personal information including his permanent and present addresses in Varanasi and Ghaziabad, India. He was born on April 12th 1990, is unmarried, Hindu, and knows Hindi and English. His mother tongue is Hindi and he is looking for a salary that is negotiable. He declares that all information provided is true and correct to the best of his knowledge.
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Prakash Kumar Giri provides his personal information including his permanent and present addresses in Varanasi and Ghaziabad, India. He was born on April 12th 1990, is unmarried, Hindu, and knows Hindi and English. His mother tongue is Hindi and he is looking for a salary that is negotiable. He declares that all information provided is true and correct to the best of his knowledge.
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Personal information :-
Permanent add : vill + Post- kathi, thana chobhaypur
distt. Varanasi
Name : prakash kumar giri
Father’s Name : shri, nand kishore goshwami Date of Birth : 12th April 1990 Marital Status : Unmarried Present add. : near kamla hall vijay nagar by pass road Ghaziabad Nationality : Indian. Religion : Hindu Languages Known : Hindi, English Mother tongue : Hindi Salary drawn : ……………….. Salary expected : negotiable
Declaration :
I hereby declared, that the contents or the above resume is true & correct to the best of my knowledge and belief nothing material has been concealed there from.