Format of Bonafide Student Certificate

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This is to certify that Shri/Smt.-----------------------------------------------------(Name and addresses) is
a bonafied student of this college/institution pursuing the course-----------------------------------------
--------------------------(specify name of course).

The period of the course is from-------------------------------------to---------------------------------------

(specify the date).

It is also hereby certified that the above student is regular in attendance. The certificate is
issued for claiming interest subsidy for the education loan availed of from Federal Bank Ltd.

Note: Please provide the following details, if the students has discontinued the course

I Reason for discontinuation of the course

(please tick the applicable field for items from i.a to i.d)
i.a) Expelled due to disciplinary grounds
i.b) Expelled due to academic grounds
i.c) Due to medical grounds
i.d) If discontinuation of the course is due to medical
grounds,whether necessary documentation to the
satisfaction of the head of institution is submitted.



Signature of Head of the institution/Authorised Signatory:




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