Iseries Commands

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Common Commands for the iSeries

Command What it does?

WRKACTJOB View Active jobs both batch and interactive – BE VERY CAREFULL
WRKACTJOB sbs(QBATCH) Work with Batch Jobs currently running
WRKACTJOB sbs(QINTER) Work with Interactive Jobs currently running
WRKUSRJOB Display your job names and status
DSPJOB Display your current job information
DSPJOBLOG Display your current job’s command and message history
CHGJOB (press f4) Change your jobs attributes
CHGJOB prtdev(PRT02) Change your current job to print on printer PRT02

WRKJOBQ QBATCH List jobs waiting in batch mode to go to active status.

DSPMSG Display message associated with your user sign-on

DSPMSG QSYSOPR Display messages associated with the SYSTEM OPERATOR
WRKSPLF Show your spool files.
WRKWTR Work with ALL printers
WRKOUTQ *ALL Work with ALL user Print queues
WRKOUTQ QEZJOBLOG Work with output queue that records print outs of expired jobs due to errors.

WRKSYSVAL QDATE Take option “2” and change SYSTEM date– ALL AS/400 users affected
WRKSYSVAL QTIME Take option “2” and change SYSTEM time – ALL AS/400 users affected
DSPSYSSTS Display System statistics – percent of system disk(ASP) used
INZTAP Initialize the tape
newvol(SAVT01) YOU MUST include a New Volume Id.(user choice)
density(*QIC120) YOU MUST include tape density (*QIC120 for example)
DSPTAP Display the information on your tape
DSPTAP data(*SAVRST) Display Information from tape (List ALL files)

WRKDEVD *ALL Work with ALL devices (check status of terminal/PC)

WRKCFGSTS *CTL Status of Controllers
WRKCFGSTS *LIN Status of Lines
PRTDEVADR Print a listing of Device, port and addresses for a controller

WRKHDWRSC *CMN Show All of Communication Devices

GO PROBLEM Work with Existing Hardware problems

CHKDBD lib(libraryname) Check logical file dependencies

S:\SWL_DOCS\INSTALL\AS400\iSeries Commands.doc

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