Mergers and Acquisitions in Indian Banking Sector

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The research project aims to understand mergers and acquisitions in the Indian banking sector.

The aim of the research project is to understand the various mergers and acquisitions that have taken place in the Indian banking sector.

The research project covers topics such as the purposes, benefits, risks of mergers and acquisitions in banking, the regulatory framework, major mergers that have occurred and issues around HR and the future of mergers and acquisitions.










A Final Report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of MBA

Program of the ICFAI University, Dehradun

Project submitted by: Faculty Guide:




This is to certify that the report titled “MERGERS AND ACQUISITIONS IN

INDIAN BANKING SECTOR” is being submitted as partial fulfillment of the
requirement of MBA Program of ICFAI University, Dehradun.


It is my proud privilege to express my sincere gratitude to all those who helped

me directly or indirectly in completion of this project report. I am greatly indebted
to Professor Anup Kumar De for his support, guidance and valuable suggestions
by which this work has been completed effectively and efficiently. These all
contributions are of immense value. I owe thanks to my friends for providing the
required data to complete this project. Without which it is not possible to complete
the project. Last but not least we are indebted to those entire people who indirectly
contributed and whom this work should not have been possible. Endeavour has
been made to make the project error free yet I apologize for the mistakes.








6. BANK 19

















The project aims to understand the various “Mergers and
Acquisitions in Indian Banking Sector” A large number of international and
domestic banks all over the world are engaged in merger and acquisition activities.
One of the principal objectives behind the mergers and acquisitions in the banking
sector is to reap the benefits of economies of scale. In the recent times, there have
been numerous reports in the media on the Indian Banking Industry Reports have
been on a variety of topics. The topics have been ranging from issues such as user
friendliness of Indian banks, preparedness of banks to meet the fast approaching
Basel II deadline, increasing foray of Indian banks in the overseas markets
targeting inorganic growth.

Mergers and Acquisitions is the only way for gaining competitive

advantage domestically and internationally and as such the whole range of
industries are looking to strategic acquisitions within India and abroad. In order to
attain the economies of scale and also to combat the unhealthy competition within
the sector besides emerging as a competitive force to reckon with in the
International economy. Consolidation of Indian banking sector through mergers
and acquisitions on commercial considerations and business strategies – is the
essential pre-requisite. Today, the banking industry is counted among the rapidly
growing industries in India. It has transformed itself from a sluggish business
entity to a dynamic industry. The growth rate in this sector is remarkable and
therefore, it has become the most preferred banking destinations for international
investors‟. In the last two decade, there have been paradigm shift in Indian banking
industries. The Indian banking sector is growing at an astonishing pace. A
relatively new dimension in the Indian banking industry is accelerated through
mergers and acquisitions. It will enable banks to achieve world class status and
throw greater value to the stakeholders.



Merger is defined as combination of two or more companies into a single company

where one survives and the others lose their corporate existence. The survivor
acquires all the assets as well as liabilities of the merged company or companies.
Generally, the surviving company is the buyer, which retains its identity, and the
extinguished company is the seller. Merger is also defined as amalgamation.
Merger is the fusion of two or more existing companies. All assets, liabilities and
the stock of one company stand transferred to

Transferee Company in consideration of payment in the form of:

 Equity shares in the transferee company,

 Debentures in the transferee company,
 Cash, or

A mix of the above modes.


Merger or acquisition depends upon the purpose of the offeror company it wants to
achieve. Based on the offerors‟ objectives profile, combinations could be vertical,
horizontal, circular and conglomeratic as precisely described below with reference
to the purpose in view of the offeror company.

(A) Vertical combination:

A company would like to takeover another company or seek its merger with that
company to expand espousing backward integration to assimilate the resources of
supply and forward integration towards market outlets. The acquiring company
through merger of another unit attempts on reduction of inventories of raw material
and finished goods, implements its production plans as per the objectives and
economizes on working capital investments. In other words, in vertical
combinations, the merging undertaking would be either a supplier or a buyer using
its product as intermediary material for final production.

The following main benefits accrue from the vertical combination to the acquirer
company i.e.

1. It gains a strong position because of imperfect market of the intermediary

products, scarcity of resources and purchased products;

2. Has control over products specifications.

(B) Horizontal combination:

It is a merger of two competing firms which are at the same stage of industrial
process. The acquiring firm belongs to the same industry as the target company.
The main purpose of such mergers is to obtain economies of scale in production by
eliminating duplication of facilities and the operations and broadening the product
line, reduction in investment in working capital, elimination in competition
concentration in product, reduction in advertising costs, increase in market
segments and exercise better control on market.

(C) Circular combination:

Companies producing distinct products seek amalgamation to share common

distribution and research facilities to obtain economies by elimination of cost on
duplication and promoting market enlargement. The acquiring company obtains
benefits in the form of economies of resource sharing and diversification.

(D) Conglomerate combination:

It is amalgamation of two companies engaged in unrelated industries like DCM

and Modi Industries. The basic purpose of such amalgamations remains utilization
of financial resources and enlarges debt capacity through re-organizing their
financial structure so as to service the shareholders by increased leveraging and
EPS, lowering average cost of capital and thereby raising present worth of the
outstanding shares. Merger enhances the overall stability of the acquirer company
and creates balance in the company‟s total portfolio of diverse products and
production processes.


Acquisition in general sense is acquiring the ownership in the property. In the

context of business combinations, an acquisition is the purchase by one company
of a controlling interest in the share capital of another existing company.

Methods of Acquisition:

An acquisition may be affected by:-

 Agreement with the persons holding majority interest in the company

management like members of the board or major shareholders commanding
majority of voting power;
 Purchase of shares in open market;
 To make takeover offer to the general body of shareholders;
 Purchase of new shares by private treaty;
 Acquisition of share capital through the following forms of considerations
viz. Means of cash, issuance of loan capital, or insurance of share capital.


To study the purpose of mergers and acquisitions in the Banking

To study the benefits of mergers and acquisitions.
To understand Bank merger/amalgamation under various Acts
To study the changes in the Indian Banking Scenario.
To study the Procedure of Bank Mergers and Acquisitions
To study the motives behind consolidation in the Banking sector.
To study the risk involved in merger and acquisition.
To study the HR issues during merger and acquisition.
To understand the challenges and opportunities in the Indian Banking
To study the major Banks involved in Mergers and Acquisitions.
Case Study on the Merger of ICICI Bank and Bank of Rajasthan.


The analysis is purely based on the secondary data.

Secondary Research based on:

1. Business Magazines
2. Internet Sources
3. Finance books

The purpose for an offeror company for acquiring another company shall be
reflected in the corporate objectives. It has to decide the specific objectives to be
achieved through acquisition. The basic purpose of merger or business
combination is to achieve faster growth of the corporate business. Faster growth
may be had through product improvement and competitive position. Other possible
purposes for acquisition are short listed below: -

(1) Procurement of supplies:

1. To safeguard the source of supplies of raw materials or intermediary product;

2. To obtain economies of purchase in the form of discount, savings in

transportation costs, overhead costs in buying department, etc.;

3. To share the benefits of suppliers‟ economies by standardizing the materials.

(2) Revamping production facilities:

1. To achieve economies of scale by amalgamating production facilities through

more intensive utilization of plant and resources;

2. To standardize product specifications, improvement of quality of product,


3. Market and aiming at consumers satisfaction through strengthening after sale


4. To obtain improved production technology and know-how from the offered


5. To reduce cost, improve quality and produce competitive products to retain and
Improve market share.

(3) Market expansion and strategy:

1. To eliminate competition and protect existing market;

2. To obtain a new market outlets in possession of the offeree;

3. To obtain new product for diversification or substitution of existing products and
to enhance the product range;

4. Strengthening retain outlets and sale the goods to rationalize distribution;

5. To reduce advertising cost and improve public image of the offeree company;

6. Strategic control of patents and copyrights.

(4) Financial strength:

1. To improve liquidity and have direct access to cash resource;

2. To dispose of surplus and outdated assets for cash out of combined enterprise;

3. To enhance gearing capacity, borrow on better strength and the greater assets

4. To avail tax benefits;

5. To improve EPS (Earning Per Share).

(5) General gains:

1. To improve its own image and attract superior managerial talents to manage its

2. To offer better satisfaction to consumers or users of the product.

(6) Own developmental plans:

The purpose of acquisition is backed by the offeror company‟s own developmental

plans. A company thinks in terms of acquiring the other company only when it has
arrived at its own development plan to expand its operation having examined its
own internal strength where it might not have any problem of taxation, accounting,
valuation, etc. But might feel resource constraints with limitations of funds and
lack of skill managerial personnel‟s. It has to aim at suitable combination where it
could have opportunities to supplement its funds by issuance of securities, secure
additional financial facilities, eliminate competition and strengthen its market

(7) Strategic purpose:

The Acquirer Company view the merger to achieve strategic objectives through
alternative type of combinations which may be horizontal, vertical, product
expansion, market extensional or other specified unrelated objectives depending
upon the corporate strategies. Thus, various types of combinations distinct with
each other in nature are adopted to pursue this objective like vertical or horizontal

(8) Corporate friendliness:

Although it is rare but it is true that business houses exhibit degrees of cooperative
spirit despite competitiveness in providing rescues to each other from hostile
takeovers and cultivate situations of collaborations sharing goodwill of each other
to achieve performance heights through business combinations. The corporate aim
at circular combinations by pursuing this objective.

(9) Desired level of integration:

Mergers and acquisition are pursued to obtain the desired level of integration
between the two combining business houses. Such integration could be operational
or financial. This gives birth to conglomerate combinations. The purpose and the
requirements of the offeror company go a long way in selecting a suitable partner
for merger or acquisition in business combinations.


1. GROWTH 0R DIVERSIFICATION: - Companies that desire rapid growth in

size or market share or diversification in the range of their products may find
that a merger can be used to fulfill the objective instead of going through the
tome consuming process of internal growth or diversification. The firm may
achieve the same objective in a short period of time by merging with an existing
firm. In addition such a strategy is often less costly than the alternative of
developing the necessary production capability and capacity. If a firm that
wants to expand operations in existing or new product area can find a suitable
going concern. It may avoid many of risks associated with a design;
manufacture the sale of addition or new products. Moreover when a firm
expands or extends its product line by acquiring another firm, it also removes a
potential competitor.
2. SYNERGISM: - The nature of synergism is very simple. Synergism exists
when ever the value of the combination is greater than the sum of the values of
its parts. In other words, synergism is “2+2=5”. But identifying synergy on
evaluating it may be difficult, infact sometimes its implementations may be
very subtle. As broadly defined to include any incremental value resulting from
business combination, synergism in the basic economic justification of merger.
The incremental value may derive from increase in either operational or
financial efficiency.
Operating Synergism: - Operating synergism may result from economies of
scale, some degree of monopoly power or increased managerial efficiency.
The value may be achieved by increasing the sales volume in relation to assts
employed increasing profit margins or decreasing operating risks. Although
operating synergy usually is the result of either vertical/horizontal integration
some synergistic also may result from conglomerate growth. In addition, some
times a firm may acquire another to obtain patents, copyrights, technical
proficiency, marketing skills, specific fixes assets, customer relationship or
managerial personnel. Operating synergism occurs when these assets, which
are intangible, may be combined with the existing assets and organization of
the acquiring firm to produce an incremental value. Although that value may
be difficult to appraise it may be the primary motive behind the acquisition.

Financial synergism-Among these are incremental values resulting from
complementary internal funds flows more efficient use of financial
leverage, increase external financial capability and income tax
a) Complementary internal funds flows
Seasonal or cyclical fluctuations in funds flows sometimes may be reduced or
eliminated by merger. If so, financial synergism results in reduction of working
capital requirements of the combination compared to those of the firms standing

b) More efficient use of Financial Leverage

Financial synergy may result from more efficient use of financial leverage. The
acquisition firm may have little debt and wish to use the high debt of the acquired
firm to lever earning of the combination or the acquiring firm may borrow to
finance and acquisition for cash of a low debt firm thus providing additional
leverage to the combination. The financial leverage advantage must be weighed
against the increased financial risk.

c) Increased External Financial Capabilities

Many mergers, particular those of relatively small firms into large ones, occur
when the acquired firm simply cannot finance its operation. Typical of this is the
situations are the small growing firm with expending financial requirements. The
firm has exhausted its bank credit and has virtually no access to long term debt or
equity markets. Sometimes the small firm has encountered operating difficulty, and
the bank has served notice that its loan will not be renewed? In this type of
situation a large firms with sufficient cash and credit to finance the requirements of
smaller one probably can obtain a good buy bee. Making a merger proposal to the
small firm. The only alternative the small firm may have is to try to interest 2 or
more large firms in proposing merger to introduce, competition into those bidding
for acquisition. The smaller firm‟s situations might not be so bleak. It may not be
threatened by non renewable of maturing loan. But its management may recognize
that continued growth to capitalize on its market will require financing be on its
means. Although its bargaining position will be better, the financial synergy of
acquiring firm‟s strong financial capability may provide the impetus for the
merger. Sometimes the acquired firm possesses the financing capability. The

acquisition of a cash rich firm whose operations have matured may provide
additional financing to facilitate growth of the acquiring firm. In some cases, the
acquiring may be able to recover all or parts of the cost of acquiring the cash rich
firm when the merger is consummated and the cash then belongs to it.

d) The Income Tax Advantages

In some cases, income tax consideration may provide the financial synergy
motivating a merger, e.g. assume that a firm A has earnings before taxes of about
rupees ten crores per year and firm B now break even, has a loss carry forward of
rupees twenty crores accumulated from profitable operations of previous years.
The merger of A and B will allow the surviving corporation to utility the loss
carries forward, thereby eliminating income taxes in future periods.

Counter Synergism-Certain factors may oppose the synergistic effect

contemplating from a merger. Often another layer of overhead cost and
bureaucracy is added. Do the advantages outweigh disadvantages?
Sometimes the acquiring firm agrees to long term employments contracts
with managers of the acquiring firm. Such often are beneficial but they may
be the opposite. Personality or policy conflicts may develop that either
hamstring operations or acquire buying out such contracts to remove
personal position of authority. Particularly in conglomerate merger,
management of acquiring firm simply may not have sufficient knowledge of
the business to control the acquired firm adequately. Attempts to maintain
control may induce resentment by personnel of acquired firm. The resulting
reduction of the efficiency may eliminate expected operating synergy or
even reduce the post merger profitability of the acquired firm. The list of
possible counter synergism factors could goon endlessly; the point is that the
mergers do not always produce that expected results. Negative factors and
the risks related to them also must be considered in appraising a prospective

Other motives For Merger

Merger may be motivated by two other factors that should not be classified under
synergism. These are the opportunities for acquiring firm to obtain assets at

bargain price and the desire of shareholders of the acquired firm to increase the
liquidity of their holdings.

1. Purchase of Assets at Bargain Prices

Mergers may be explained by opportunity to acquire assets, particularly land
mineral rights, plant and equipment, at lower cost than would be incurred if they
were purchased or constructed at the current market prices. If the market price of
many socks have been considerably below the replacement cost of the assets they
represent, expanding firm considering construction plants, developing mines or
buying equipments often have found that the desired assets could be obtained
where by heaper by acquiring a firm that already owned and operated that asset.
Risk could be reduced because the assets were already in place and an organization
of people knew how to operate them and market their products. Many of the
mergers can be financed by cash tender offers to the acquired firm‟s shareholders
at price substantially above the current market. Even so, the assets can be acquired
for less than their current casts of construction. The basic factor underlying this
apparently is that inflation in construction costs not fully rejected in stock prices
because of high interest rates and limited optimism by stock investors regarding
future economic conditions.

2. Increased Managerial Skills or Technology

Occasionally a firm will have good potential that is finds it unable to develop fully
because of deficiencies in certain areas of management or an absence of needed
product or production technology. If the firm cannot hire the management or the
technology it needs, it might combine with a compatible firm that has needed
managerial, personnel or technical expertise. Of course, any merger, regardless of
specific motive for it, should contribute to the maximization of owner‟s wealth.

3. Acquiring new technology –To stay competitive, companies need to stay

on top of technological developments and their business applications. By
buying a smaller company with unique technologies, a large company
can maintain or develop a competitive edge.


The relevant provisions regarding merger, amalgamation and acquisition of

banks under various acts are discussed in brief as under:

Mergers- banking Regulation act 1949

Amalgamations of banking companies under B R Act fall under categories are

voluntary amalgamation and compulsory amalgamation.

Section 44A Voluntary Amalgamation of Banking Companies.

Section 44A of the Banking Regulation act 1949 provides for the procedure to be
followed in case of voluntary mergers of banking companies. Under these
provisions a banking company may be amalgamated with another banking
company by approval of shareholders of each banking company by resolution
passed by majority of two third in value of shareholders of each of the said
companies. The bank to obtain Reserve Bank‟s sanction for the approval of the
scheme of amalgamation. However, as per the observations of JPC the role of RBI
is limited. The reserve bank generally encourages amalgamation when it is
satisfied that the scheme is in the interest of depositors of the amalgamating banks.

A careful reading of the provisions of section 44A on banking regulation act 1949
shows that the high court is not given the powers to grant its approval to the
schemes of merger of banking companies and Reserve bank is given such powers.
Further, reserve bank is empowered to determine the Markey value of shares of
minority shareholders who have voted against the scheme of amalgamation. Since
nationalized banks are not Baking Companies and SBI is governed by a separate
statue, the provisions of section 44A on voluntary amalgamation are not applicable
in the case of amalgamation of two public sector banks or for the merger of a
nationalized bank/SBI with a banking company or vice versa. These mergers have
to be attempted in terms of the provisions in the respective statute under which
they are constituted. Moreover, the section does not envisage approval of RBI for
the merger of any other financial entity such as NBFC with a banking company
voluntarily. Therefore a baking company can be amalgamated with another
banking company only under section 44A of the BR act.

Sector 45- Compulsory Amalgamation of banks

Under section 45(4) of the banking regulation act, reserve bank may prepare a
scheme of amalgamation of a banking company with other institution (the
transferee bank) under sub- section (15) of section 45. Banking institution means
any banking company and includes SBI and subsidiary banks or a corresponding
new bank. A compulsory amalgamation is a pressed into action where the financial
position of the bank has become week and urgent measures are required to be
taken to safeguard the depositor‟s interest. Section 45 of the Banking regulation
Act, 1949 provides for a bank to be reconstructed or amalgamated compulsorily‟
i.e. without the consent of its members or creditors, with any other banking
institutions as defined in sub section(15) thereof. Action under there provision of
this section is taken by reserve bank in consultation with the central government in
the case of banks, which are weak, unsound or improperly managed. Under the
provisions, RBI can apply to the central government for suspension of business by
a banking company and prepare a scheme of reconstitution or amalgamation in
order to safeguard the interests of the depositors.

Under compulsory amalgamation, reserve bank has the power to amalgamate a

banking company with any other banking company, nationalized bank, SBI and
subsidiary of SBI. Whereas under voluntary amalgamation, a banking company
can be amalgamated with banking company can be amalgamated with another

banking company only. Meaning thereby, a banking company can not be merged
with a nationalized bank or any other financial entity.

Companies Act

Section 394 of the companies act, 1956 is the main section that deals with the
reconstruction and amalgamation of the companies. Under section 44A of the
banking Regulation Act, 1949 two banking companies can be amalgamated
voluntarily. In case of an amalgamated of any company such as a non banking
finance company with a banking company, the merger would be covered under the
provisions of section 394 of the companies act and such schemes can be approved
by the high courts and such cases do not require specific approval of the RBI.
Under section 396 of the act, central government may amalgamate two or more
companies in public interest.

State Bank of India Act, 1955

Section 35 of the State Bank of India Act, 1955 confers power on SBI to enter into
negotiation for acquiring business including assets and liabilities of any banking
institution with the sanction of the central government and if so directed by the
government in consultation with the RBI. The terms and conditions of acquisition
by central board of the SBI and the concerned banking institution and the reserve
bank of India is required to be submitted to the central government for its sanction.
The central government is empowered to sanction any scheme of acquisition and
such schemes of acquisition become effective from the date specified in order of

As per sub-section (13) of section 38 of the SBI act, banking institution is defined
as under “banking institution” includes any individual or any association of
individuals (whether incorporated or not or whether a department of government or
a separate institution), carrying on the business of banking.

SBI may, therefore, acquire business of any other banking institution. Any
individual or any association of individuals carrying on banking business. The
scope provided for acquisition under the SBI act is very wide which includes any
individual or any association of individuals carrying on banking business. That
means the individual or body of individuals carrying on banking business. That

means the individual or body of individuals carrying on banking business may also
include urban cooperative banks on NBFC. However it may be observed that there
is no specific mention of a corresponding new bank or a banking company in the
definition of banking institution under section 38(13) of the SBI act.

It is not clear whether under the provisions of section 35, SBI can acquire a
corresponding new bank or a RRB or its own subsidiary for that matter. Such a
power mat have to be presumed by interpreting the definition of banking institution
in widest possible terms to include any person doing business of banking. It can
also be argued that if State Bank of India is given a power to acquire the business
of any individual doing banking business it should be permissible to acquire any
corporate doing banking business subject to compliance with law which is
applicable to such corporate. But in our view, it is not advisable to rely on such
interpretations in the matter of acquisition of business of banking being conducted
by any company or other corporate. Any such acquisition affects right to property
and rights of many other stakeholders in the organization to be acquired. The
powers for acquisition are therefore required to be very clearly and specifically
provided by statue so that any possibility of challenge to the action of acquisition
by any stakeholder are minimized and such stakeholders are aware of their rights
by virtue of clear statutory provisions.

Nationalised banks may be amalgamated with any other nationalized bank or with
another banking institution. i.e. banking company or SBI or a subsidiary. A
nationalized bank can not be amalgamated with NBFC.

Under the provisions of section 9 it is permissible for the central government to

merge a corresponding new bank with a banking company or vice versa. If a
corresponding new bank becomes a transferor bank and is merged with a banking
company being the transferee bank, a question arises as to the applicability of the
provisions of the companies act in respect to the merger. The provisions of sec. 9
do not specifically exclude the applicability of the companies act to any scheme of
amalgamation of a company. Further section 394(4) (b) of the companies act
provides that a transferee company does not include any company other than
company within the meaning of companies act. But a transferor company includes
any body corporate whether the company is within the meaning of companies act
or not. The effect of this provision is that provision contained in the companies act

relating to amalgamation and mergers apply in cases where any corporation is to be
merged with a company. Therefore if under section 9(2)(c) of nationalization act a
corresponding new bank is to merged with a banking company( transferee
company), it will be necessary to comply with the provisions of the companies act.
It will be necessary that shareholder of the transferee banking company ¾ the in
value present and voting should approve the scheme of amalgamation. Section 44A
of the Banking Regulation Act which empowers RBI to approve amalgamation of
any two banking companies requires approval of shareholders of each company
2/3rd in value. But since section44A does not apply if a Banking company is to be
merged with a corresponding new bank, approval of 3/4 th in value of shareholders
will apply to such merger in compliance with the companies act.

Amalgamation of co-operative banks with Other Entities

Co-operative banks are under the regulation and supervision of reserve bank of
India under the provision of banking regulation act 1949(as applicable to
cooperative banks). However constitution, composition and administration of the
cooperative societies are under supervision of registrar of co-operative societies of
respective states (in case of Maharashtra State, cooperative societies are governed
by the positions of Maharashtra co operative societies act, 1961)

Amalgamation of cooperative banks

Under section 18A of the Maharashtra State cooperative societies act 1961(MCS
) registrar of cooperatives societies is empowered to amalgamate two or more
cooperative banks in public interest or in order to secure the proper management of
one or more cooperative banks. On amalgamation, a new entity comes into being.

Under sector 110A of the MCS act without the sanction of requisition of reserve
bank of India no scheme of amalgamation or reconstruction of banks is permitted.
Therefore a cooperative bank can be amalgamated with any other entity.



Voluntary Amalgamation

Section 17 of multi state cooperative society‟s act 2002 provides for voluntary
amalgamation by the members of two or more multistage cooperative societies and
forming a new multi state cooperative society. It also provides for transfer of its
assets and liabilities in whole or in part to any other multi state cooperative society
or any cooperative society being a society under the state legislature. Voluntary
amalgamation of multi state cooperative societies will come in force when all the
members and the creditors give their assent. The resolution has been approved by
the central registrar.

Compulsory Amalgamation

Under section 18 of multi state cooperative societies act 2002 central registrar with
the previous approval of the reserve bank, in writing during the period of
moratorium made under section 45(2) of BR act (AACS) may prepare a scheme for
amalgamation of multi state cooperative bank with other multi state cooperative
bank and with a cooperative bank is permissible.

Amalgamation of Regional Rural Banks with other Entities

Under section 23A of regional rural banks act 1976 central government after
consultation with The National Banks (NABARD) the concerned state government
and sponsored banks in public interest an amalgamate two or ore regional rural
banks by notification in official gazette. Therefore, regional rural banks can be
amalgamated with regional rural banks only.

Amalgamation of Financial Institution with other entities

Public financial institution is defined under section 4A of the companies‟ act 1956.
Section 4A of the said act specific the public financial institution. Is governed by
the provisions of respective acts of the institution?

Amalgamation of non-Banking financial Companies (NBFC’s) with other


NBFCs are basically companies registered under companies‟ act 1956. Therefore,
provisions of companies act in respect of amalgamation of companies are
applicable to NBFCs.

Voluntary amalgamation

Section 394 of the companies‟ act 1956 provides for voluntary amalgamation of a
company with any two or more companies with the permission of tribunal.
Voluntary amalgamation under section 44A of banking regulation act is available
for merger of two” banking companies”. In the case of an amalgamation of any
other company such as a non banking finance company with a banking company,
the merger would be covered under the provisions of section 394 of the companies
act such cases do not require specific approval .
Compulsory Amalgamation

Under section 396 of the companies‟ act 1956, central government in public
interest can amalgamate 2 or more companies. Therefore, NBFCs can be
amalgamated with NBFCs only.

Like all business entities, banks want to safeguard against risks, as well as
exploit available opportunities indicated by existing and expected trends. M&As in
the banking sector have been on the rise in the recent past, both globally and in
India. In this backdrop of emerging global and Indian trends in the banking sector,
this article illuminates the key issues surrounding M&As in this sector with the
focus on India. It seeks to explain the motives behind some M&As that have
occurred in India post-2000, analyse the benefits and costs to both parties involved
and the consequences for the merged entity. A look at the future of the Indian
banking sector, and some key recommendations for banks, follow from this

The International banking scenario has shown major turmoil in the past
few years in terms of mergers and acquisitions. Deregulation has been the main
driver, through three major routes - dismantling of interest rate controls, removal
of barriers between banks and other financial intermediaries, and lowering of entry
barriers. It has lead to disintermediation, investors demanding higher returns, price
competition, reduced margins, falling spreads and competition across geographies
forcing banks to look for new ways to boost revenues. Consolidation has been a
significant strategic tool for this and has become a worldwide phenomenon, driven
by apparent advantages of scale-economies, geographical diversification, lower
costs through branch and staff rationalization, cross-border expansion and market
share concentration. The new Basel II norms have also led banks to consider

M&As that have happened post-2000 in India to understand the intent (of the
targets and the acquirers), resulting synergies (both operational and financial),
modalities of the deal, congruence of the process with the vision and goals of the
involved banks, and the long term implications of the merger. The article also
analyses emerging future trends and recommends steps that banks should consider,
given the forecasted scenario.

The Indian Banking Sector

The history of Indian banking can be divided into three main phases :

Phase I (1786- 1969) - Initial phase of banking in India when many small
banks were set up
Phase II (1969- 1991) - Nationalisation, regularisation and growth
Phase III (1991 onwards) - Liberalisation and its aftermath

With the reforms in Phase III the Indian banking sector, as it stands today, is
mature in supply, product range and reach, with banks having clean, strong and
transparent balance sheets. The major growth drivers are increase in retail credit
demand, proliferation of ATMs and debit-cards, decreasing NPAs due to
Securitisation, improved macroeconomic conditions, diversification, interest rate
spreads, and regulatory and policy changes (e.g. amendments to the Banking
Regulation Act).

Certain trends like growing competition, product innovation and branding, focus
on strengthening risk management systems, emphasis on technology have emerged
in the recent past. In addition, the impact of the Basel II norms is going to be
expensive for Indian banks, with the need for additional capital requirement and
costly database creation and maintenance processes. Larger banks would have a
relative advantage with the incorporation of the norms.

• The procedure for merger either voluntary or otherwise is outlined in the
respective state statutes/ the Banking regulation Act. The Registrars, being the
authorities vested with the responsibility of administering the Acts, will be
ensuring that the due process prescribed in the Statutes has been complied with
before they seek the approval of the RBI. They would also be ensuring compliance
with the statutory procedures for notifying the amalgamation after obtaining the
sanction of the RBI.

• Before deciding on the merger, the authorized officials of the acquiring bank
and the merging bank sit together and discuss the procedural modalities and
financial terms. After the conclusion of the discussions, a scheme is prepared
incorporating therein the all the details of both the banks and the area terms and
conditions. Once the scheme is finalized, it is tabled in the meeting of Board of
directors of respective banks. The board discusses the scheme threadbare and
accords its approval if the proposal is found to be financially viable and beneficial
in long run.

• After the Board approval of the merger proposal, an extra ordinary general
meeting of the shareholders of the respective banks is convened to discuss the
proposal and seek their approval.

• After the board approval of the merger proposal, a registered valuer is

appointed to valuate both the banks. The valuer valuates the banks on the basis of
its share capital, market capital, assets and liabilities, its reach and anticipated
growth and sends its report to the respective banks.

• Once the valuation is accepted by the respective banks, they send the proposal
along with all relevant documents such as Board approval, shareholders approval,
valuation report etc to Reserve Bank of India and other regulatory bodies such
Security & exchange board of India (SEBI) for their approval.

• After obtaining approvals from all the concerned institutions, authorized

officials of both the banks sit together and discuss and finalize share allocation
proportion by the acquiring bank to the shareholders of the merging bank (SWAP

• After completion of the above procedures, a merger and acquisition agreement
is signed by the bank.

RBI Guidelines on Mergers & Acquisitions of Banks

 With a view to facilitating consolidation and emergence of strong entities

and providing an avenue for non disruptive exit of weak/unviable entities in the
banking sector, it has been decided to frame guidelines to encourage
merger/amalgamation in the sector.
 Although the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 (AACS) does not empower
Reserve Bank to formulate a scheme with regard to merger and amalgamation of
banks, the State Governments have incorporated in their respective Acts a
provision for obtaining prior sanction in writing, of RBI for an order, inter alia, for
sanctioning a scheme of amalgamation or reconstruction.
 The request for merger can emanate from banks registered under the same
State Act or from banks registered under the Multi State Co-operative Societies
Act (Central Act) for takeover of a bank/s registered under State Act. While the
State Acts specifically provide for merger of co-operative societies registered
under them, the position with regard to take over of a co-operative bank registered
under the State Act by a co-operative bank registered under the CENTRAL
 Although there are no specific provisions in the State Acts or the Central Act
for the merger of a co-operative society under the State Acts with that under the
Central Act, it is felt that, if all concerned including administrators of the
concerned Acts are agreeable to order merger/ amalgamation, RBI may consider
proposals on merits leaving the question of compliance with relevant statutes to the
administrators of the Acts. In other words, Reserve Bank will confine its
examination only to financial aspects and to the interests of depositors as well as
the stability of the financial system while considering such proposals.

Information & Documents to be furnished by BY THE ACQUIRER

1. Draft scheme of amalgamation as approved by the Board of Directors of the
acquirer bank.

2. Copies of the reports of the valuers appointed for the determination of realizable
value of assets (net of amount payable to creditors having precedence over
depositors) of the acquired bank.
3. Information which is considered relevant for the consideration of the scheme of
merger including in particular:-
A. Annual reports of each of the Banks for each of the three completed
financial years immediately preceding the proposed date for merger.
B. Financial results, if any, published by each of the Banks for any period
subsequent to the financial statements prepared for the financial year immediately
preceding the proposed date of merger.
C. Pro-forma combined balance sheet of the acquiring bank as it will appear
consequent on the merger.
D. Computation based on such pro-forma balance sheet of the following:-
I. Tier I Capital
II. Tier II Capital
III. Risk-weighted Assets
IV. Gross and Net npas
V. Ratio of Tier I Capital to Risk-weighted Assets
VI. Ratio of Tier II Capital to Risk-weighted Assets
VII. Ratio of Total Capital to Risk-weighted Assets
VIII. Tier I Capital to Total Assets
IX. Gross and Net npas to Advances
X. Cash Reserve Ratio
XI. Statutory Liquidity Ratio

4. Information certified by the values as is considered relevant to understand the

net realizable value of assets of the acquired bank including in particular:-
A. The method of valuation used by the values
B. The information and documents on which the values have relied and the
extent of the verification, if any, made by the values to test the accuracy of such
C. If the values have relied upon projected information, the names and
designations of the persons who have provided such information and the extent of
verification, if any, made by the values in relation to such information

D. Details of the projected information on which the values have relied

E. Detailed computation of the realizable value of assets of the acquired

5. Such other information and explanations as the Reserve Bank may require.


Based on the cases, we can narrow down the motives behind M&As to the
following :

Growth - Organic growth takes time and dynamic firms prefer acquisitions
to grow quickly in size and geographical reach.
Synergy - The merged entity, in most cases, has better ability in terms of
both revenue enhancement and cost reduction.
Managerial efficiency - Acquirer can better manage the resources of the
target whose value, in turn, rises after the acquisition.
Strategic motives - Two banks with complementary business interests can
strengthen their positions in the market through merger.
Market entry - Cash rich firms use the acquisition route to buyout an
established player in a new market and then build upon the existing
Tax shields and financial safeguards - Tax concessions act as a catalyst for
a strong bank to acquire distressed banks that have accumulated losses and
unclaimed depreciation benefits in their books.
Regulatory intervention - To protect depositors, and prevent the de-
stabilisation of the financial services sector, the RBI steps in to force the
merger of a distressed bank.

1) When two banks merge into one then there is an inevitable increase in the
size of the organization. Big size may not always be better. The size may get
too widely and go beyond the control of the management. The increased size
may become a drug rather than an asset.
2) Consolidation does not lead to instant results and there is an incubation
period before the results arrive. Mergers and acquisitions are sometimes
followed by losses and tough intervening periods before the eventual profits
pour in. Patience, forbearance and resilience are required in ample measure
to make any merger a success story. All may not be up to the plan, which
explains why there are high rate of failures in mergers.
3) Consolidation mainly comes due to the decision taken at the top. It is a top-
heavy decision and willingness of the rank and file of both entities may not
be forthcoming. This leads to problems of industrial relations, deprivation,
depression and demotivation among the employees. Such a work force can
never churn out good results. Therefore, personal management at the highest
order with humane touch alone can pave the way.
4) The structure, systems and the procedures followed in two banks may be
vastly different, for example, a PSU bank or an old generation bank and that
of a technologically superior foreign bank. The erstwhile structures, systems
and procedures may not be conducive in the new milieu. A thorough
overhauling and systems analysis has to be done to assimilate both the
organizations. This is a time consuming process and requires lot of cautions
approaches to reduce the frictions.
5) There is a problem of valuation associated with all mergers. The shareholder
of existing entities has to be given new shares. Till now a foolproof
valuation system for transfer and compensation is yet to emerge.
6) Further, there is also a problem of brand projection. This becomes more
complicated when existing brands themselves have a good appeal. Question
arises whether the earlier brands should continue to be projected or should
they be submerged in favour of a new comprehensive identity. Goodwill is
often towards a brand and its sub-merger is usually not taken kindly.

In a few years from now there would be greater presence of international
players in Indian financial system and some of the Indian banks would
become global players in the coming years. Also competition is not only on
foreign turf but also in the domestic field. The new mantra for Indian banks
is to go global in search of new markets, customers and profits. But to do so
the Indian banking industry will have to meet certain challenges. Some of
them are –

 FOREIGN BANKS – India is experiencing greater presence of foreign

banks over time. As a result number of issues will arise like how will
smaller national banks compete in India with them, and will they
themselves need to generate a larger international presence? Second,
overlaps and potential conflicts between home country regulators of foreign
banks and host country regulators: how will these be addressed and resolved
in the years to come? It has been seen in recent years that even relatively
strong regulatory action taken by regulators against such global banks has
had negligible market or reputational impact on them in terms of their stock
price or similar metrics. Thus, there is loss of regulatory effectiveness as a
result of the presence of such financial conglomerates. Hence there is
inevitable tension between the benefits that such global conglomerates bring
and some regulatory and market structure and competition issues that may
 GREATER CAPITAL MARKET OPENNESS - An important feature of
the Indian financial reform process has been the calibrated opening of the
capital account along with current account convertibility. It has to be seen
that the volatility of capital inflows does not result in unacceptable
disruption in exchange rate determination with inevitable real sector
consequences, and in domestic monetary conditions. The vulnerability of
financial intermediaries can be addressed through prudential regulations and
their supervision; risk management of non-financial entities. This will
require market development,Enhancement of regulatory capacity in these

areas, as well as human resource development in both financial
intermediaries and non-financial entities.
 TECHNOLOGY IS THE KEY – IT is central to banking. Foreign banks
and the new private sector banks have embraced technology right from their
inception and continue to do so even now. Although public sector banks
have crossed the 70%level of computerization, the direction is to achieve
100%. Networking in banks has also been receiving focused attention in
recent times. Most recently the trend observed in the banking industry is the
sharing of ATMs by banks. This is one area where perhaps India needs to
do significant „catching up‟. It is wise for Indian banks to exploit this
globally state-of-art expertise, domestically available, to their fullest
 CONSOLIDATION – We are slowly but surely moving from a regime of
"large number of small banks" to "small number of large banks." The new
era is one of consolidation around identified core competencies i.e., mergers
and acquisitions. Successful merger of HDFC Bank and Times Bank;
Stanchart and ANZ Grindlays; Centurion Bank and Bank of Punjab have
demonstrated this trend. Old private sector banks, many of which are not
able to cushion their NPA‟s, expand their business and induct technology
due to limited capital base should be thinking seriously about mergers and
 PUBLIC SECTOR BANKS - It is the public sector banks that have the
large and widespread reach, and hence have the potential for contributing
effectively to achieve financial inclusion. But it is also they who face the
most difficult challenges in human resource development. They will have to
invest very heavily in skill enhancement at all levels: at the top level for
new strategic goal setting; at the middle level for implementing these goals;
and at the cutting edge lower levels for delivering the new service modes.
Given the current age composition of employees in these banks, they will
also face new recruitment challenges in the face of adverse compensation
structures in comparison with the freer private sector.
 Basel II – As of 2006, RBI has made it mandatory for Scheduled banks to
follow Basel II norms. Basel II is extremely data intensive and requires
good quality data for better results. Data versioning conflicts and data
integrity problems have just one resolution, namely banks need to
streamline their operations and adopt enterprise wide IT architectures.
Banks need to look towards ensuring a risk culture, which penetrates
throughout the organization.
 COST MANAGEMENT – Cost containment is a key to sustainability of
bank profits as well as their long-term viability. In India, however, in 2003,
operating costs as proportion of total assets of scheduled commercial banks
stood at 2.24%, which is quite high as compared to in other economies. The
tasks ahead are thus clear and within reach.
 RECOVERY MANAGEMENT – This is a key to the stability of the
banking sector. Indian banks have done a remarkable job in containment of
non-performing loans (NPL) considering the overhang issues and overall
difficult environment. Recovery management is also linked to the banks‟
interest margins. Cost and recovery management supported by enabling
legal framework hold the key to future health and competitiveness of the
Indian banks. Improving recovery management in India is an area requiring
expeditious and effective actions in legal, institutional and judicial
 REACH AND INNOVATION - Higher sustained growth is contributing to
enhanced demand for financial savings opportunities. In rural areas in
particular, there also appears to be increasing diversification of productive
opportunities. Also industrial expansion has accelerated; merchandise trade
growth is high; and there are vast demands for infrastructure investment,
from the public sector, private sector and through public private
partnerships. Thus, the banking system has to extend itself and innovate.
Banks will have to innovate and look for new delivery mechanisms and
provide better access to the currently under-served. Innovative channels for
credit delivery for serving new rural credit needs will have to be found. The
budding expansion of non-agriculture service enterprises in rural areas will
have to be financed. Greater efforts will need to be made on information
technology for record keeping, service delivery, and reduction in
transactions costs, risk assessment and risk management. Banks will have to
invest in new skills through new recruitment and through intensive training
of existing personnel.
 RISK MANAGEMENT – Banking in modern economies is all about risk
management. The successful negotiation and implementation of Basel II
Accord is likely to lead to an even sharper focus on the risk measurement
and risk management at the institutional level. Sound risk management
practices would be an important pillar for staying ahead of the competition.
Banks can, on their part, formulate „early warning indicators‟ suited to their
own requirements, business profile and risk appetite in order to better
monitor and manage risks.
 GOVERNANCE – The quality of corporate governance in the banks
becomes critical as competition intensifies, banks strive to retain their client
base, and regulators move out of controls and micro-regulation. The
objective should be to continuously strive for excellence. Improvement in
policy-framework, regulatory regime, market perceptions, and indeed,
popular sentiments relating to governance in banks need to be on the top of
the agenda – to serve our society‟s needs and realities while being in
harmony with the global perspective.

People issues like staffing decision, organizational design, etc., are most sensitive
issues in case of M&A negotiations, but it has been found that these issues are
often being overlooked.

 Before the new organization is formed, goals are established, efficiencies

projected and opportunities appraised as staff, technology, products, services and
know-how are combined.
 But what happens to the employees of the two companies? How will they adjust
to the new corporate environment? Will some choose to leave?
 When a merger is announced, company employees become concerned about job
security and rumors start flying creating an atmosphere of confusion, and
uncertainty about change.
 Roles, behaviors and attitudes of managers affect employees' adjustment to M&A.
 Multiple waves of anxiety and culture clashes are most common causes of merger
 HR plays an important role in anticipating and reducing the impact of these
cultural clashes.
 Lack of communication leads to suspicion, demoralization, loss of key personnel
and business even before the contract has been signed.
 Gaining emotional and intellectual buy-in from the staff is not easy, and so the
employees need to know why merger is happening so that they can work out
options for themselves.
 Major stress on the accompany merger activity are: -
* Power status and prestige changes
* Loss of identity
* Uncertainty
 Unequal compensation may become issue of contention among new co-workers.

Date of Acquirer bank Target bank Assets of Number of
merger target bank branches
as % of of target
acquiring bank

August 2010 ICICI Bank Bank of Rajasthan 0.05 463

February HDFC Bank Centurion Bank of 20 394

2008 Punjab

August 2007 Centurion Bank of Lord Krishna Bank 11 110


April 2007 ICICI Bank Sangli Bank 0.5 190

March 2007 Indian Overseas Bank Bharat Overseas Bank 6 102

October 2006 IDBI United Western Bank 8 230

September Federal Bank Ganesh Bank of 1 32

2006 Kurundwad

October 2005 Centurion Bank Bank of Punjab 106 136

August 2004 Oriental Bank of Global Trust Bank 17 104


February Punjab National Bank Nedungadi Bank 2 173


March 2001 ICICI Bank Bank of Madura 36 350

February HDFC Bank Times Bank 75 39



The cases chosen for the purpose of this study were selected based on their
prominence and recency (all post-2000) to ensure that the motives driving the deals
will remain relevant in the current context.

 HDFC Bank Acquires Centurion Bank of Punjab (May '08)

 HDFC bank is merged with Centurion Bank of punjab

 New entity is named as “HDFC bank itself”.

 The merger will strengthen HDFC Bank's distribution network in the

northern and the southern regions.

 HDFC Bank Board on 25th February 2008 approved the acquisition of

Centurion Bank of Punjab (CBoP) for Rs 9,510 crore


For HDFC Bank, this merger provided an opportunity to add scale, geography
(northern and southern states) and management bandwidth. In addition, there was a
potential of business synergy and cultural fit between the two organizations.

For CBoP, HDFC bank would exploit its underutilized branch network that had the
requisite expertise in retail liabilities, transaction banking and third party
distribution. The combined entity would improve productivity levels of CBoP
branches by leveraging HDFC Bank's brand name.


The deal created an entity with an asset size of Rs 1,09,718 crore (7th largest in
India), providing massive scale economies and improved distribution with 1,148
branches and 2,358 ATMs (the largest in terms of branches in the private sector).
CBoP's strong SME relationships complemented HDFC Bank's bias towards high-
rated corporate entities.

There were significant cross-selling opportunities in the short-term. CBoP
management had relevant experience with larger banks (as evident in the Centurion
Bank and BoP integration earlier) managing business of the size commensurate
with HDFC Bank.


The merged entity will not lend home loans given the conflict of interest with
parent HDFC and may even sell down CBoP's home-loan book to it. The retail
portfolio of the merged entity will have more by way of unsecured and two-
wheeler loans, which have come under pressure recently.

 Bank of Baroda Acquires South Gujarat Local Area Bank Ltd (June

According to the RBI, South Gujarat Local Area Bank had suffered net losses in
consecutive years and witnessed a significant decline in its capital and reserves. To
tackle this, RBI first passed a moratorium under Section 45 of the Banking
Regulation Act 1949 and then, after extending the moratorium for the maximum
permissible limit of six months, decided that all seven branches of SGLAB
function as branches of Bank of Baroda. The final decision about the merger was
of the Government of India in consultation with the RBI. Bank of Baroda was
against the merger, and protested against the forced deal.


The clients of SGLAB were effectively transferred to Bank of Baroda, deriving the
advantage of dealing with a more secure and bigger bank. SGLAB did not benefit
much, except that it was able to merge with a bigger bank and able to retain its
branches and customers, albeit under a different name. Since BoB was a large
entity (total assets of Rs. 793.2 billion at the time of merger), addition of a small
liability did not affect it much. Albeit minor, it obtained seven more branches and
the existing customers of SGLAB. This further strengthened its position in rural


There was no widespread criticism or any apparent drawback of the merger since
the financials involved were not very high.

 ICICI Bank Ltd. Acquires Bank of Madura (March '01)


ICICI Bank Ltd wanted to spread its network, without acquiring RBI's permission
for branch expansion. BoM was a plausible target since its cash management
business was among the top five in terms of volumes. In addition, there was a
possibility of reorienting its asset profile to enable better spreads and create a more
robust micro-credit system post merger.

BoM wanted a (financially and technologically) strong private sector bank to add
shareholder value, enhance career opportunities for its employees and provide first
rate, technology-based, modern banking services to its customers.


The branch network of the merged entity increased from 97 to 378, including 97
branches in the rural sector.9 The Net Interest Margin increased from 2.46% to 3.55
%. The Core fee income of ICICI almost doubled from Rs 87 crores to Rs 171
crores. IBL gained an additional 1.2 million customer accounts, besides making an
entry into the small and medium segment. It possessed the largest customer base in
the country, thus enabling the ICICI group to cross-sell different products and


Since BoM had comparatively more NPAs than IBL, the Capital Adequacy Ratio
of the merged entity was lower (from 19% to about 17%). The two banks also had
a cultural misfit with BoM having a trade-union system and IBL workers being
young and upwardly mobile, unlike those for BoM. There were technological
issues as well as IBL used Banks 2000 software, which was very different from
BoM's ISBS software. With the manual interpretations and procedures and the lack

of awareness of the technology utilisation in BoM, there were hindrances in the
merged entity.

 Oriental Bank of Commerce Acquires Global Trust Bank Ltd (August


For Oriental Bank of Commerce there was an apparent synergy post merger as the
weakness of Global Trust Bank had been bad assets and the strength of OBC lay in
recovery.10 In addition, GTB being a south-based bank would give OBC the much-
needed edge in the region apart from tax relief because of the merger. GTB had no
choice as the merger was forced on it, by an RBI ruling, following its bankruptcy.


OBC gained from the 104 branches and 276 ATMs of GTB, a workforce of 1400
employees and one million customers. Both banks also had a common IT platform.
The merger also filled up OBC's lacunae - computerisation and high-end
technology. OBC's presence in southern states increased along with the modern
infrastructure of GTB.


The merger resulted in a low CAR for OBC, which was detrimental to solvency.
The bank also had a lower business growth (5% vis-a-vis 15% of peers). A capital
adequacy ratio of less than 11 per cent could also constrain dividend declaration,
given the applicable RBI regulations.


ICICI BANK is India‟s second largest bank with total assets of Rs.3,634.00 billion
(US$81 billion) at March 31,2010 and profit after tax Rs. 40.25 billion (US$ 896
million) for the year ended March 31,2010.

The Banks has a network of 2035 branches and about 5,518 ATMs in India and
presense in 18 countries. ICICI Bank offers a wide range of banking products and
financial services to corporate and retail custumers through a variety of delivery
channels and through its specialized subsidiaries in the areas of investment
banking, life and non-life insurances, venture capital and asset management.

BANK OF RAJASTHAN, with its stronghold in the state of Rajasthan, has a

nationwide presence, serving its customers with a mission of “together we
prosper” engaging actively in Commercial Banking, Merchant Banking,
Consumer Banking, Deposit and Money Placement services, Trust and Custodial
services, International Banking, Priority Sector Banking.

At March 31,2009, Bank of Rajasthan had 463 Branches and 111 ATMs, total
assets of Rs. 172.24 billion, deposits of Rs.151.87 billion and advances of Rs.
77.81 billion. It made a net profit of Rs. 1.18 billion in the year ended March
31,2009 and a net loss rs.0.10 billion in the nine months ended December 31,2009.


ICICI Bank Ltd, India‟s largest Private sector bank, said it agreed to acquire
smaller rival Bank of Rajasthan Ltd to strengthen its presence in northern
and western India.
Deal would substantially enhance its branch network and it would combine
Bank of Rajasthan branch franchise with its strong capital base.
The deal, which will give ICICI a sizeable presence in the northwestern
desert of Rajasthan, values the small bank at 2.9 times its book value,
compared with an Indian Banking sector average of 1.84.

ICICI Bank may be killing two birds with one stone through its proposed
merger of the Bank of Rajasthan. Besides getting 468 branches, India‟s
largest private sector bank will also get control of 58 branches of a regional
rural bank sponsored by BoR


The negatives for ICICI Bank are the potential risks arising from BoR‟s non-
performing loans and that BoR is trading at expensive valuations.
As on FY-10 the net worth of BoR was approximately Rs.760 crore and that
of ICICI Bank Rs. 5,17,000 crore. For December 2009 quarter, BoR
reported loss of Rs. 44 crore on an income of Rs. 373 crore.

ICICI Bank Bank of

Largest Mcap(Rs.crore) 99,125 1,471
Branches 2,009 458*
ATM 5,219 111*
no. of Employees 34,596* 4,075*
Gross NPA (%) 5.06 2.8*
Capital Adequacy(%) 19.41 11.3#
Loan Book(Rs.crore) 1,81,200 8,100#
Low-cost deposists(%) 41.7 27.4*
Business/Employees(Rs. 1,154* 532*
*As of March 2009;
# As of december 2009;
All the other figures are as of March 31,2010

ICICI Bank is offering to pay 188.42 rupees per share, in an all-share deal, for
Bank of Rajasthan, a premium of 89 percent to the small lender, valuing the
business at $668 million. The Bank of Rajasthan approved the deal, which will
be subject to regulatory agreement.


The boards of both banks, have granted in-principle approval for acquisition
in May 2010.
The productivity of ICICI Bank is high compared to Bank of Rajasthan.
ICICI recorded a business per branch of 3 billion rupees compared with 47
million rupees of BoR for fiscal 2009.
But the non-performing assets(NPAs) record for BoR is better than ICICI
Bank. For the Quarter ended Dec 09, BoR recorded 1.05 percent of advances
as NPA‟s which is far better than 2.1 percent recorded by ICICI Bank.


This is a horizontal Acquisition in related functional area in same industry

(banking) in order to acquire assets of a non-performing company and turn it
around by better management; achieving inorganic growth for self by access to 3
million customers of BoR and 463 branches.


Haribhakti & Co. was appointed jointly by both the banks to assess the
Swap ratio of 25:118(25 shares of ICICI for 118 for Bank of Rajasthan) i.e.
one ICICI Bank share for 4.72 BoR shares.
Post – Acquisition, ICICI Bank‟s Branch network would go up to 2,463
from 2000
The NPAs record for Bank of Rajasthan is better than ICICI Bank. For the
quarter ended Dec 09, Bank of Rajasthan recorded 1.05 % of advances as
NPA‟s which is far better than 2.1% recorded by ICICI Bank.
The deal, entered into after the due diligence by Deloitte, was found
satisfactory in maintenance of accounts and no carry of bad loans.


In 2009, further opening up of the Indian banking sector is forecast to occur due to
the changing regulatory environment (proposal for upto 74% ownership by Foreign
banks in Indian banks). This will be an opportunity for foreign banks to enter the
Indian market as with their huge capital reserves, cutting-edge technology, best
international practices and skilled personnel they have a clear competitive
advantage over Indian banks. Likely targets of takeover bids will be Yes Bank,
Bank of Rajasthan, and IndusInd Bank. However, excessive valuations may act as
a deterrent, especially in the post-sub-prime era.

Persistent growth in Indian corporate sector and other segments provide further
motives for M&As. Banks need to keep pace with the growing industrial and
agricultural sectors to serve them effectively. A bigger player can afford to invest
in required technology. Consolidation with global players can give the benefit of
global opportunities in funds' mobilisation, credit disbursal, investments and
rendering of financial services. Consolidation can also lower intermediation cost
and increase reach to underserved segments.

The Narasimhan Committee (II) recommendations are also an important indicator

of the future shape of the sector. There would be a movement towards a 3-tier
structure in the Indian banking industry: 2-3 large international banks; 8-10
national banks; and a few large local area banks. In addition, M&As in the future
are likely to be more market-driven, instead of government-driven.


Based on the trends in the banking sector and the insights from the cases

highlighted in this study, one can list some steps for the future which banks should

consider, both in terms of consolidation and general business. Firstly, banks can

work towards a synergy-based merger plan that could take shape latest by 2009

end with minimisation of technology-related expenditure as a goal. There is also a

need to note that merger or large size is just a facilitator, but no guarantee for

improved profitability on a sustained basis. Hence, the thrust should be on

improving risk management capabilities, corporate governance and strategic

business planning. In the short run, attempt options like outsourcing, strategic

alliances, etc. can be considered. Banks need to take advantage of this fast

changing environment, where product life cycles are short, time to market is

critical and first mover advantage could be a decisive factor in deciding who wins

in future. Post-M&A, the resulting larger size should not affect agility. The aim

should be to create a nimble giant, rather than a clumsy dinosaur. At the same time,

lack of size should not be taken to imply irrelevance as specialized players can still

seek to provide niche and boutique services.


Prasanna Chandra, Financial Management, Theory and Practice (Tata

McGRAW Hill)
J Fred Weston and Samuel C. Weaver, Mergers and Acquisitions.
EBSCO Research Database
'Developments in Commercial banking (2004)',


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