Statewise Production of Potato in India

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4/12/2011 Area Production and Yield for India

Area, Production and Yield in India

Year Area ('000 ha) Production ('000t) Yield (q/ha)

1994-95 1069 17401 162.7
1995-96 1136 19237 169.3
1996-97 1248.8 24215.9 193.9
1997-98 1205.9 17648.1 146.4
1998-99 1320.5 23610.7 178.8
1999-00 1340.0 24713.2 184.4
2000-01 1221.9 22488.4 184.0
2001-02 1207.9 23963.8 198.4
2002-03 1337.2 23181.4 173.4
2003-04 1270.3 23123.5 182
2004-05 1318.5 23631.3 179.2
ACGR (%) 3.34 5.67 2.26

Potato Statistics of 2004 – 05 over 1949-50

Year Area Prod Yield

(‘000 ha) (‘000 t) (q/ha)

1949-50 234 1543 65.9
2004-05 1318.5 23631.3 179.2
% increase 463.5 1431.5 172.0
(time) 5.6 15.3 2.7

Top ten potato producing Indian states during 2004-05

Sr. No. States Prodn. (‘000 t)

1. U.P. 9821.7
2. West Bengal 7076.6
3. Punjab 1338.1
4. Gujarat 1088.7
5. Bihar 1062.8
6. Madhya Pradesh 752.6
7. Assam 589.1
8. Karnataka 361.0
9. Haryana 323.9
10. Uttaranchal* 261.2

State-wise area, production and yield of potato crop during 2004-05

States Area Prod Yield 1/3
4/12/2011 Area Production and Yield for India
(‘000 ha) (‘000 t) (q/ha)
Andhra Pradesh 4.0 27.0 67.5
Arunachal Pradesh 4.2 27.5 65.5
Assam 73.1 589.1 80.6
Bihar 138.7 1062.8 76.6
Chhatisgarh 10.2 54.7 53.6
Delhi 0.1 0.3 30.0
Gujarat 39.3 1088.7 277.0
Haryana 16.4 323.9 197.5
Himachal Pradesh 13.3 158.8 119.4
J &K 1.3 14.2 109.2
Karnataka 52.0 361.0 69.4
Madhya Pradesh 45.6 752.6 165.0
Maharashtra 16.3 74.7 45.8
Manipur 3.0 15.7 52.3
Meghalaya 18.2 152.8 84.0
Mizoram 0.5 2.5 50.0
Nagaland 13.8 95.0 68.8
Orissa 7.8 79.0 101.3
Punjab 65.1 1338.1 205.5
Rajasthan 3.1 48.2 155.5
Sikkim 7.5 32.6 43.5
Tamil Nadu 5.0 79.1 158.2
Tripura 5.3 93.5 176.4
U.P. 440.0 9821.7 223.2
Uttaranchal* 16.6 261.2 157.3
West Bengal 318.1 7076.6 222.5
ALL INDIA 1318.5 23631.3 179.2

Potato statistics of India vis-à-vis other countries

Area (average of 2001-2003) Production (average of 2001-2003)

Rank Country Ha Rank Country Mt

1 China 4,630,454 1 China 68,892,594

2 Russia 3,195,433 2 Russia 34,860,837

3 Ukraine 1,599,000 3 India 23,191,200

4 India 1,255,667 4 USA 20,513,490

5 Poland 921,129 5 Ukraine 17,487,833

6 Belarus 570,133 6 Poland 16,211,420

7 504,890 7 11,073,854 2/3
4/12/2011 Area Production and Yield for India
7 USA 504,890 7 Germany 11,073,854

8 Germany 283,267 8 Belarus 7,929,433

9 Romania 280,116 9 Netherlands 6,925,751

10 Peru 259,985 10 UK 6,511,333

World 19,124,181 Total 313,770,638 3/3

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