Projoct -2 x 600 MW STPP
Client - ACPL.
Agreement No - ACPPUSTPPIABIR/EXWI05. dated 18.08.2010
“Total Value | Rs_859,00,00,000 ( Rupees Nine hundred and fity nine crores only)
Zoot Total Value]
BBU No. Description of System ee (INR in | Remarks|
ine | Grores)
1 |Coal Handling System, 25.00%| 230.75
2 [Ash Handling Plant 70.00% 35.9)
3 [Pre Treatment Plant 3.50%] 33,568]
4 JOM Plant 4.00%{ 36.36]
5__|CW system 4.00%| 38.36
‘6 _|ACW System 2.00% 19-16
7 [Chlorination and chemical Dosing system O.50%| 4,795]
'8__|Vertical And Horizantal pumps 50%] 4.708}
9 JRW piping from Piant Boundary t RW Resenor (0.50%| 4.706]
10__|Service water and potable water system 0.40% 3.836]
11 [Fire protection and Detection System. o7é%| 7.1925]
42 HVAC and Dust suppression system 7.00% 9.50
13. | Compressed eir system ‘075% 7.1905]
74 [Fuel oll system 7.00% 9.59
48 [H2,C02,N2 filled Gas Cylinders 0.10%] 0.860]
16 __ [Elevators 0.50%] 4.795]
17 |LP Piping, valves and specialties: 2.00%) 19.18
18 [EOT, HOT cranes and hoists EA
18 Chemical Lab Equipment ‘O25%| 2.3975]
20 [Work shop equipment O.50%| 4.798]
21 |Condensor on load tubs cleaning system 0.75%] 7.1029
22 JETP and STP. ozs) 2.3076]
23 [Plate Heat Excahngers ‘o.2s%! 2.3075]
24 |DMCW pipes from BTG plant boundary to BOP system | ~o.s0%] a 708]
25 |Generator Bus duct and LT bus duct 4150%| 74.385
26_— SP bus Duct (11KV and 3.3KV) 0.50% 4.796]
27 |DC system 0.50% 4.795}
28 Lighting systom ‘O76%| 7.1925]
29 |Earthing and Lightring protection System 0.25%| 2.3075]
'30___|Communication System ‘025% 2.3975)
31 [Mis electrical{cable trays and conduits) (0.25%) 2.3075]
32 ~[Eleotrical and C8! Lab 0.25%| 2.3075]
35__[Power Supply (UPS Battery and Ballery charger ‘50% 4,706
4 |A00KV Switch yard 5.00%] 47.95
38__|HT and LT Switch gear 4.00%| 38.36
36 |HT, LT, Power and control 70.00% 95.9
37_|GT,UT and Aux and service ransofimers 10.00% 95.9]
38 [GB 2.00%. 19.18
39 Emergency DG Sats orxl —71ez5|__—_|
40__ [NG Resistors. ‘070% 0.989]
41 [GT Protection oor 3.836]
#2 |UT Protection 0.25%) 2.079
[43 |Cai System 3.00%) 28.77
Totall 10000%| 960,00
1 Amount inécated against each tem is 100%
payable for such item and invoioos willbe raised as per
terms and conditions of contract. Prorata payment shall be billed on pro-ata work progress al ste
2 BBU shall be further deteied during engineering fexecution
‘8 The Contract Prieo of Rs.959.00 Crores is exclusive of of excise duty and custom duty