Diateza Pasiva

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Diateza Pasiva ( Passive Voice )

Tense /Verb Form Active Voice Passive Voice

Present Simple keeps is kept
Present Continuous is keeping is being kept
Present Perfect has kept has been kept
Past Simple kept was kept
Past Continuous was keeping was being kept
Past Perfect 333c221d had kept had been kept
Future will keep will be kept
Conditional would keep would be kept
Perfect Conditional would have kept would have been kept
Present Infinitive to keep to be kept
Perfect Infinitive to have kept to have been kept
Present Participle / gerund keeping being kept
Perfect Participle having kept having been kept

Diateza pasiva se formeaza de regula :

to be + V 3 /

 The poem is read by me .

 A nice house was build in our street .
 The dress has been bought by my sister .

Mather washes the child . ( diateza activa )

The child is washed by mother . ( diateza pasiva )

The pupil is solving a problem . ( diateza activa )

The problem is being solved by the pupil . ( diateza pasiva )

We have sent for a doctor . ( diateza activa )

A doctor has been sent for . (diateza pasiva )

You can’t speak to him . ( diateza activa )

He can’t be spoken to . ( diateza pasiva )

Atunci când verbul din propozitia activa are 2 complemente , unul direct si
unul indirect , ambele complemente pot deveni subiecte ale propozitiilor
pasive :

Mother told the children a story . ( diateza activa )

A story was told to the children . ( diateza pasiva )

The children were told a story . ( diateza pasiva )

Verbele to have , to get , pot fi folosite cu înteles cauzativ si cu nuanta

de pasiv , în constructii în care arata ca altcineva si nu subiectul face
actiunea , iar complementul direct o sufera .

I had my hair cut . – M-am tuns ( la coafor )

She had her dress cleaned . – si-a curatat rochia ( la spalatorie )

Where do you get your shoes mended ? – Unde-ti repari pantofii


Verbul to get poate fi folosit în locul verbului to be ( auxiliar ) .

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