Analyses On Reinforced Concrete Cross Sections

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Analyses on Reinforced Concrete Cross Sections

This document includes additional information about our reinforced concrete


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Manual, revision 1/2009

Analyses on reinforced concrete cross sections 1

Analyses on Reinforced Concrete Cross Sections


Design for bending and longitudinal force.......................................................................... 3

Bases of design........................................................................................................................ 3
Design for a given reinforcement ratio ..................................................................................... 7
Design according to the kd (kh) method .................................................................................. 8
Minimum reinforcement for components exposed to bending ............................................... 10
Minimum reinforcement for compression members............................................................... 10
Lever principle ........................................................................................................................ 11
Calculation of the effective rigidity..................................................................................... 12
Shear design ......................................................................................................................... 15
Shear design according to EN 1992 1-1 ................................................................................ 15
Serviceability analyses ........................................................................................................ 23
Crack width proof according to EN 1992 1-1.......................................................................... 23
Stress analysis according to EN 1992 1-1.............................................................................. 26
Accidental design situation fire .......................................................................................... 27
Literature ............................................................................................................................... 30

See also Standards and terms in the document B2_eng.pdf

2 F+L - Statics and Structural Analysis

Design for bending and longitudinal force
In the reinforced concrete design, the strain state producing failure is calculated with
unknown reinforcement for the given action-effects.
Due to the strain distributions in the ULS defined in the standards, at least one border strain
is always known. The internal and external forces must be in balance.
The result are two or, with double bending, three non-linear equations, whereby the internal
action-effects are functions of the border strains and the inclination angle of the neutral axis
(double bending). The solution is obtained by iteration with the help of the Newton method.
You can select among the kh-(kd)-method (only with uniaxial effect of actions) or the method
with given reinforcement ratio for the bending design.
Where cross sections exposed to low action-effects are concerned, the compliance with the
minimum reinforcement (compression/bending) can become decisive.
In addition, the application indicates when the permissible maximum reinforcement is

Bases of design
DIN 1045 7/88 Regulation ÖNORM EC2 DIN 1045-1 BS 8110 EN 1992 1-1
HLB B4700 Italy
Internal action curve Figure 11 Fig. R1 + Tab. Figure 7 Figure 4.2 Figure 23 Figure 2.1 Figure 3.3
of concrete R7

Maximum stress fcd  R acc. to tab. R acc. to fck/c fck/c fck/c 0.67  fcu/m ccfck/c
12 tab.R7
Compressive limit 3.5 o/oo Concrete- 3.5 o/oo 3.5 o/oo Concrete- 3.5 o/oo Concrete-
strain concrete cu depend. depend. depend.
tab. R7 tab.9,10 tab.3.1
Compressive strain 2 o/oo Concrete- 2 o/oo 2 o/oo Concrete- 0.00024  Concrete-
end of the parabolic depend. depend. depend.
area c2 tab.R7 (fcu//m) tab.3.1
Exponent n 2 Concrete- 2 2 Concrete- 2 Concrete-
depend. depend. depend.
tab. R7 tab.9,10 tab.3.1
Internal action curve Figure 12 Analogous Figure 9 Figure 4.5 Figure 27 Figure 2.2 Figure 3.8
for reinforcing steel with
Stress maximum ftd ßs ßs fyk/s fyk/s ftk,cal/s fy/m K  fyk/s
Limit strain 5 o/oo 5 o/oo 20 o/oo 20 o/oo 25 o/oo Assumption NDP
steel ud acc. to /11/ 10 o/oo
Strain Figure 13 Figure R2 -- Figure 4.11 Figure 30 -- Figure 6.1
distrib. ULS

The stress-strain curve of the concrete is shown in the parabolic rectangular diagram.
For standard concrete (except BS 8110) with c2 = 2 o/oo and exponent = 2, you can use
closed formulas ( /2/ ) to calculate the internal action-effects with rectangular or circular cross
In all other cases (high-performance concrete, T-beams and layers cross sections, concretes
acc. to BS 8110) an approximation calculation is performed by splitting the concrete
compression zone in thin layers. With cast-in-place complements, the internal actions-effects
of the concrete are calculated using the corresponding internal action curves of the different
concretes used.
You can optionally take the surface of the concrete displaced by the steel in the compression
zone into consideration ( Design configuration). The disregard with highly reinforced cross-
sections particularly of high-strength concrete common until recently is no longer justified
according to /10/ p.13.

Analyses on reinforced concrete cross sections 3

DIN 1045 7/88
When performing the design according to DIN 1045 7/88 figure 13, a summary safety
coefficient depending on the strains should be taken into consideration.
For high-performance concrete, the area of the rectangle and the parabola as well as the
exponent of the function depend on the selected concrete.

DIN 1045-1
In accordance with 10.2.(5), ed/h < 0.1 c2 with 2.2 ‰ may be assumed with small
This is implemented with the exception of annular and rectangular hollow cross sections and
polygonal cross sections. With these cross sections, always c2 acc. to tab. 9,10 is used in
the calculation.
According to 10.2.(6) the compressive strain in the plate centre of structured cross sections
is to be limited to c2 according to tab. 9,10. This is implemented with the exception of
annular and rectangular hollow cross sections and polygonal cross sections.

fck characteristic compressive cylinder strength

 coefficient for the long-term effect and the conversion from compressive
cylinder strength to uniaxial compressive strength
for standard concrete 0.85
for lightweight concrete 0.75
In case of short-term effects of actions such as in accidental design
situations due to load impact (cf. /25/) or earthquake design situations (cf.
/23/p. 20-66), you may increase  (0.85 <  <= 1.0).
 See User-defined concrete
c, s partial safety coefficients for concrete and steel
 Material factors acc. to DIN 1045-1

The inclination of the upper branch of the internal action curve of the reinforcing steel is taken
into consideration unless you have unticked this option in the configuration section.
When using high-strength concrete (> C50/60), you should tick the design option
"Consideration of the net concrete surface" (cf. /14/ p.161).

fck characteristic fatigue strength (75 % of the characteristic compressive cube
strength fcwk)
c, s partial safety coefficients for concrete and steel
 Material factors acc. to B4700
Minimum moment acc. to 3.4.3., M > N  h/10 applies.

EC2 Italy
fck characteristic compressive cylinder strength
 coefficient for the long-term effect according to (11)  = 0.85
c, s partial safety coefficients for concrete and steel
 See Material factors acc. to EC2
BS 8110
fcu characteristic compressive cube strength
m partial safety coefficient of the material

4 F+L - Statics and Structural Analysis

 See Material factors acc. to BS 8110
EN 1992 1-1
fck characteristic compressive cylinder strength
classes acc. to table 3.1

cc coefficient for long-term effect NDP

NDP Standard concrete Lightweight Unreinforced 12.3.1
3.1.6 concrete 11.3.5
EN 1.0 0.85 0.85
NA_D 0.85 0.75 0.75
NA_GB 0.85 = EN = EN
NA_A = EN = EN = EN

c partial safety coefficients for concrete NDP

Permanent/transient Accidental Earthquake
EN 1.5 1.2 1.5
NA_D = EN 1.3 1.5
NA_GB = EN = EN = EN
NA_A = EN = EN =1.3

possible reduction acc. to Annex A

A2.1 reduced A2.2 (1) A2,2 (2) A2.3 concrete A2.3
geometric measured or variation strength in the Minimum c
deviations due diminished coefficient of mixing plant
to control geometric concrete determines the (c,Red4)
c,Red1 data c,Red2 strength < 10 diminishing
% c,Red3 factor 
(c,Red* )
EN 1.4 1.45 1.35 0.85 1.30
NA_D 1.5 1.5 1.5 0.9 1.35
NA_GB = EN = EN = EN = EN = EN
NA_A = EN = EN = EN = EN = EN

NA_D: with small eccentricities ed/h < 0.1, c2 may be assumed with 2.2 ‰.
This is implemented with the exception of annular and rectangular hollow cross
sections and polygonal cross sections. With these cross sections, always c2 acc.
to tab. 9,10 is used in the calculation.
All: According to 6.1.(5) the compressive strain in the plate centre of structured cross
sections is to be limited to c2 according to tab. 3.1. This is implemented with the
exception of annular and rectangular hollow cross sections and polygonal cross

fyk characteristic value of the yield point

ftk k  fyk characteristic tensile strength

Analyses on reinforced concrete cross sections 5

s: partial safety coefficients for reinforcing steel NDP
Permanent/transient Accidental Earthquake
EN 1.15 1.0 1.15
NA_D = EN = EN = EN
NA_GB = EN = EN = EN
NA_A = EN = EN =1.0

Possible reduction acc. to Annex A

A2.1 reduced geometric A2.2 (1) measured or diminished
deviations due to control geometric data c,Red2
NA_EN 1.10 1.05
NA_D 1.15 1.15
NA_A =EN2 =EN2

The inclination of the upper branch of the internal action curve of the reinforcing steel is taken
into consideration, unless you have unticked this option in the Configuration.

Minimum moment: M > N  max(2 cm, h/30) applies acc. to 6.1 (4)

6 F+L - Statics and Structural Analysis

Design for a given reinforcement ratio
This function is particularly suitable for the design calculation when compressive force with
low eccentricity applies. It can however also be used universally, with multiaxial effects of
actions and circular cross sections for instance. The breaking state is assessed by iterative
calculation with a given reinforcement layout (biaxial effect of actions) and/or a given ratio of
tensile and compression reinforcement (uniaxial effect of actions).
You can reduce the required steel quantity by selecting a particular reinforcement ratio or
Minimum reinforcement
Where compression members (ed/h < 3.5) are concerned, the system checks automatically
whether a design of the minimum reinforcement will become decisive.
For the design types uniaxial design T-beam, rectangle and layers cross section, the
application checks in addition whether the required minimum reinforcement for components
affected by bending will become decisive.
For the design types biaxial design rectangular and circular cross sections, the minimum
reinforcement is currently not considered.
You can disable the consideration of both minimum reinforcements in the section
 Design configuration.

DIN 1045 7/88

Booklet 220 of DAfStb
Rectangle, uniaxial effect of actions tables 1.10 - 1.12
Rectangle, multiaxial effect of actions tables 1.19 - 1.26
Circle/annulus tables 1.27- 1.30.
Similar design tables for high-performance concrete are included in / 3 /.

DIN 1045-1
Tables for symmetrically reinforced cross sections of standard, high-strength and lightweight
concrete acc. to DIN 1045-1 are included in / 10 /.

Tables for symmetrically reinforced cross sections are included in / 11 /.

EC2 Italy
Tables for symmetrically reinforced cross sections are unknown. Comparisons to / 11 / are
possible with restrictions if deviating material parameters are taken into consideration.

BS 8110
Tables for symmetrical reinforced cross sections are included in BS 8110-3, however with s
= 1.15 acc. to BS 8110 (1985).

EN 1992 1-1
NA_D: tables for uniaxial effects of actions in / 46 / (fck <= 50 N/mm )
Circular and rectangular cross sections with d1/h = 0.05 ...0.20
NA_A: tables for uniaxial effects of actions in / 48 / (fck <= 50 N/mm )
Circular and rectangular cross sections with d1/h = 0.05 ...0.20
NA_GB: tables for uniaxial effects of actions in / 50 / (fck <= 50 , fck = 90 N/mm )
Circular and rectangular cross sections with d1/h = 0.05 ...0.20

German Committee for Reinforced Concrete

Analyses on reinforced concrete cross sections 7

Design according to the kd (kh) method
The kh and kd method are substantially the same. The abbreviation kd also refers to the
effective height, height is however abbreviated with d instead of h (DIN 1045-1, EN 1992 1-
The method is used for the design on cross sections exposed to uniaxial effects of actions
and is the preferable method for bending and longitudinal force with high eccentricity.

kh = is the measure of the effect of actions on the cross section.
Ms [kNm]
In the first place, the layout of a tensile reinforcement is assumed. The resisting moment for
a particular strain state is calculated by balancing the moments in regard to the reinforcement
layer. The full utilization of the reinforcement produces the strain state with the maximum
moment with the compressive limit strain of the concrete on the pressure side and the yield
strain at the level of the reinforcement layer. If the applied internal moment is smaller than
the limit moment, the breaking state is determined by iterative balancing of the moments and
the normal forces. If the applied internal moment is greater than the limit moment, the strain
state described above is assumed. The differential moment is balanced with a compression
If compressive strains do not occur, the design is performed according to the lever principle.
In linear elastic calculations of continuous beams, the compression zone height should be
limited if no constructive measures are undertaken. Compliance with this criterion is achieved
by modifying accordingly the limit steel strain that forms the basis of calculation of a
compression reinforcement.

Minimum reinforcement
Where compression members (ed/h < 3.5) are concerned, the system checks automatically
whether a design of the minimum reinforcement will become decisive.
For the design types uniaxial design T-beam, rectangle and layers cross section, it is
checked in addition whether the required minimum reinforcement for components affected by
bending will become decisive.
You can disable the consideration of both minimum reinforcements in the section
 Design configuration.

Particularities with DIN 1045 7/88

The limit strain of steel is assumed with 3 °/oo.
Compression reinforcement with predominant bending should only be taken into account up
to 1 % of the cross sectional area. A compression reinforcement greater than the tension
reinforcement is not permitted according to DIN 1045 7/88 (2), i.e. you must apply the
method for a given reinforcement ratio.
Corresponding tables are included in Booklet 220 (table 1.a, 1.b)

Particularities with DIN 1045-1

Relative compression zone height in linear elastic calculations of continuous beams:
x/d <= 0.45 (standard concrete) or <= 0.35 (C55 and higher)
The standard does not limit the compression reinforcement. If the compression
reinforcement becomes greater than the tension reinforcement you should however use the
method for a given reinforcement ratio in the design.
Tables for cross sections of standard, high-strength and lightweight concrete acc. to DIN
1045-1 are included in / 10 /.

8 F+L - Statics and Structural Analysis

Particularities with EC2 (Italy)
Relative compression zone height in linear elastic calculations of continuous beams:
x/d <= 0.45 (standard concrete) or <= 0.35 (C55 and higher)

Particularities with B4700

Compression reinforcement results if the steel yield strain can no longer be exploited. You
should note in this connection that compression reinforcement must not be taken into
account for slabs with h < 25 cm according to 3.5.2 (4). You should select a more suitable
material or a greater cross section for such effects of actions. Instead of kh,
γ= is used as a measure for the effect of actions on the cross section in the tables.
b ⋅ fcd
Tables for cross sections without compressive reinforcement are included in / 12 / tab. 27.
Relative compression zone height in linear elastic calculations of continuous beams with
action-effect redistribution:
x/d <= 0.45 (standard concrete) or <= 0.35 (C55 and higher)

Particularities with BS 810

Relative compression zone height in linear elastic calculations of continuous beams:
x/d <= 0.5 (see /20/)

Particularities wit EN 1992 1-1

Relative compression zone height in linear elastic calculations of continuous beams:
NAD_D x/d < (1.0 - 0.64) / 0.8 = 0.45
fck > 50 N/mm or lightweight concrete: x/d < 0.35
NAD_GB BS: x/d < (1.0 - 0.40) / 1.0 = 0.6
fck > 50 N/mm x/d = f(cu2) C90: x/d= (1 - 0.4) / 1.13 = 0.53
NAD_A x/d < (1.0 - 0.44) / 1.25 = 0.45
fck > 50 N/mm x/d = f(cu2) C90: x/d= (1 - 0.44) / 1.41 = 0.39

Analyses on reinforced concrete cross sections 9

Minimum reinforcement for components exposed to bending

DIN 1045-1
A minimum reinforcement should be provided for components mainly exposed to bending
stress in order to ensure the ductile component behaviour required by 13.1.1.
As per / 29 /, this minimum reinforcement must be considered in combination with the
following effects of action:
- Pure bending stress
- Bending with longitudinal pressure as soon as tensile border stresses occur in state I
- Bending with longitudinal tension as soon as compressive border stresses occur in state I
The calculation of the reinforcement is based on the crack moment in accordance with /14/.
Longitudinal tensile forces are considered in this connection, the favourable effect of a
compressive force is not. An internal lever of 0.9  d is assumed.

EC2 / B4700
With components mainly exposed to bending stress (e/h > 3.5), the system checks whether a
minimum reinforcement acc. to / will become decisive.

BS 8110
With components mainly exposed to tensile stress, the system checks whether a minimum
tensile reinforcement acc. to table 3.25 (pure tension, tensile stress on web, tensile stress on
flange T-cross section) will become decisive.

EN 1992 1-1
The minimum value of a longitudinal reinforcement exposed to tensile stress is one NDP
according to
EN = 0.26  fctm/fyk  bt  d > 0.0013 bt  d
NA_D = (fctm+ N/Ac)  Wc / (fyk  0.9  d) See /14/

Minimum reinforcement for compression members

As defined by DIN 1045-1 3.1.19  compression members are cross sections exposed to
compression with a relative load eccentricity in the  ultimate limit state of ed/h <= 3.5. If
biaxial effects of actions apply, compliance with the criterion must be ensured in one direction
at least.

DIN 1045 7/88 requires a minimum reinforcement for compression members of 0.4 % on the face
that is less exposed to compressive stress and of 0.8 % in total referenced to the statically
required cross-sectional surface. For walls (b0/d0 > 5), the minimum reinforcement according
to amounts to 0.5 % in total.
For high-performance concrete according to the application guideline, the minimum
reinforcement for compression members amounts to 1 % ( For walls, it can be
taken from table R12.
This reinforcement, which is first calculated relative to the real cross section, is used to find
the breakage strain state that is needed for the calculation of the resisting longitudinal force.

10 F+L - Statics and Structural Analysis

If it is greater than or equal to the existing longitudinal force, the minimum reinforcement
becomes decisive. The reinforcement is reduced according to the ratio between the existing
and the resisting longitudinal force because it is referenced to the statically required cross

DIN 1045-1
Columns acc. to 13.5.2: MinAs = 0.15  Nsd/fyd
Walls (b/h > 4) acc. to 13.7.1:
DIN 1045-1 (2001): MinAs = 0.0015  Ac,
Slim walls or NEd > 0.3  fcd  Ac
MinAs = 0.003  Ac
DIN 1045-1 (2008): MinAs=0.15  Nsd/fyd > 0.0015  Ac
Ac: concrete cross section
Columns acc. to MinAs = 0.15  Nsd/fyd > 0.0028  Ac
Walls (b/h > 4) acc. to MinAs = 0.0028  Ac
Ac: concrete cross section

EC2 (Italy)
Columns acc. to MinAs = 0.15  Nsd/fyd > 0.003  Ac
Walls (b/h > 4) acc. to MinAs = 0.004  Ac

BS 8110
Acc. to table 3.25 (assumption Acc=Ac) MinAs = 0.004  Ac

EN 1992 1-1
The minimum reinforcements for columns acc. to 9.5.2 (2) and for walls acc. to 9.6.2 are
As,min Columns Walls
EN = 0.10  NEd/ fyd > 0.002  Ac = 0.002  Ac
NA_D = 0.15  NEd/fyd = 0.15  NEd/fyd > 0.0015 Ac
NA_GB = EN2 = EN2
NA_A = EN2 = EN2

Lever principle
If the resulting longitudinal tensile force lies in the area of the reinforcement layers, no
concrete compression zone results. To simplify the calculation, it is assumed that the
reinforcement reaches the yield limit on bottom and on top. The size of the reinforcement
then simply depends on the reinforcement distance referenced to the centre of gravity of the
cross section and the eccentricity of the resulting force and can be calculated according to
the lever principle (DafStb Bl. 220 1.2.8):
See in addition  Calculation of the effective rigidity.

Analyses on reinforced concrete cross sections 11

Calculation of the effective rigidity
The state of strain is sought after in which the external and internal action-effects are in
The result are three non-linear equations with three border strains as unknowns. They are
resolved by iteration with the help of the Newton method.
The effective rigidity with bending is consequently determined by the strains. The following
equations apply
Ely,eff = My  / (1 - 3) and
EIz,eff= Mz B / (1- 2) .
H,B: dimensions of the rectangle enclosing the cross section
1: strain with maximum pressure
2: strain in the adjacent corner in x-direction
3: strain in the adjacent corner in y-direction

Note concerning polygonal cross sections:

With general cross sections, uniaxial effects of actions can also produce curvatures in the
direction where the moment is equal to zero.
Therefore, you should consider the curvatures instead of the effective rigidities in the
approach to the deformation calculations.

External and internal action-effects

You can select whether the effective rigidity should be calculated in the serviceability limit
state (SLS) or ultimate limit state (ULS) ( see Design configuration).
The resulting internal action-effects are in accordance with the internal action curves for
concrete and steel.

DIN 1045 7/88

Internal action curve
of steel continuously linear behaviour of the steel
Internal action curve
of concrete parabolic rectangular diagram
Action-effects the summary safety coefficient under service load is 1.0;
the summary safety coefficient under breaking load is 1.75.

DIN 1045-1 / EC2 (Italy) / B4700 / BS8100 / EN 1992 1-1

In the serviceability limit state SLS, the material coefficients are set to 1.0, otherwise
according to the design situation of the ULS.
Internal action curve
of steel bilinear stress-strain curve
Internal action curve
of concrete ULS: parabolic rectangular diagram
SLS: linear internal action curve with Ecm
Action-effects In the serviceability limit state SLS, the design action-effects of the
ultimate limit state ULS are divided by a factor defined in the
configuration or the action-effects of the quasi-permanent load
combination are used  see Configuration.

12 F+L - Statics and Structural Analysis

Particularities with DIN 1045-1
Internal action curve
of steel If the stress-strain curve is enabled for the calculation of the action-
effects, the internal action curve of steel according to figure 26 with
rising upper branch applies with
fy = 1.1  fyk/s and ft(uk)= fy  1.05 or fy  1.08 (uk acc. to table 11),
 see Configuration.
Internal action curve
of concrete If the stress-strain curve is enabled for the calculation of the action-
effects, the internal action curve of concrete according to figure 22
and 8.6.1 (7) applies with
fc = fcm/c and k = Ec0 / c  c1 / fc
(Ec0, fcm, c1 and c1u acc. to table 9 and/or 10).

Particularities with EN 1992 1-1

Internal action curve
of steel According to 5.8.6 (3), a bilinear internal action curve as per
figure 3.8 with the design values fyd (yield limit) and ftd(ud) applies.
Internal action curve
of concrete If the stress-strain curve is enabled for the calculation of the action-
effects ( see Configuration), the internal action curve of concrete
acc. to figure 3.2 and 5.8.6 (3) applies with
fc = fcd and k = Ecm / cE  c1 / fc
(Ecm, c1 and c1u acc. to tab 3.1 and/or tab. 11.3.1, cE is NDP ).
EN 1.2
NA_D 1.5
NA_A = EN2

Creep and shrinkage

If creep and shrinkage are enabled in the  Configuration, they are considered in the rigidity
calculation as follows:
Creep: If the stress-strain curve of the concrete is non-linear (normally in the ULS), the
strain is modified  = /(1+) for the calculation of the internal action-effects on
the concrete.
: creep coefficient
DIN 1045-1  = (t0,) acc. to /14/ p.59 ff.
In order to take currently a diminished creep coefficient eff acc.
to DIN 1045-1 (2008) 8.6.3 (10) into consideration, you must
enter it manually
 see Environmental conditions/creep coefficient.
EN 1992 1-1:  = (t0,) acc. to Annex B
In order to take currently a diminished creep coefficient eff acc.
to 5.8.4 into consideration, you must enter it manually
 see Environmental conditions/creep coefficient.
With a linear stress-strain curve and in the calculation of curvatures in state 1,
the application reduces the modulus of elasticity of the concrete
Eceff = Ecm/(1+).

Analyses on reinforced concrete cross sections 13

Shrinkage in state I:
Shrinkage is considered via an additional curvature
1/rS = cs  Es/Eceff  S/I in accordance with EC2 Annex 4.
cs: shrinkage strain
DIN 1045-1: acc. to /14/ p.65 ff.
EN 1992 1-1: acc. to Annex B
S: static moment of the reinforcement relative to the centroid axis (state 1) or
the neutral axis (state II)
I: moment of inertia of the cross section (state I)

Shrinkage in state II:

According to /24/ p. 18, creep is taken into consideration via a negative
compressive prestrain of cs (creep coefficient acc. to /14/ p. 65 ff.) in the
calculation of the internal action-effects on the steel.

Tension stiffening
If the corresponding option is enabled in the  Configuration, the tension stiffening or the
contribution of the tensile strength of the concrete between the cracks is considered by
modifying the internal action curve of reinforcing steel (cf. /14/ p.35). Depending on the
relationship between the steel strain under load in state II and the steel strain under crack
action-effects, the steel strain is reduced due to tension stiffening acc. to /14/ figure H.8-3 to 

Component rigidity: only with the cross section types rectangle uniaxial, T-beams and
layers cross section.
The distribution coefficient  provides for a weighting among the
in state II 1/rII = (2 - 1 ) / h) and
and in state I 1/rI = M /(Ii  Eceff )+ 1/rS
to obtain an average curvature 1/rm = 1/rII  + (1-) 1/rI)
 = sm / s2 (cf. /5/ p.292)
sm: depends on the proportion s/sr
s2: steel strain in state II
sr: steel strain in state II under crack action-effects calculated with
fctk0.05 (default) or fctm (option),
 see Design configuration
s: steel strain in state II under the load for which the rigidity is
calculated (default) or in the infrequent load combination
 see Design configuration

EIeff = My/(1/rm)

Cross-sectional rigidity: the effective rigidity is determined by the curvatures in state II using
the factor k = (sm-c2) / (s2 - c2) to obtain
EIeff = M/ (k  1/rII) (cf. /22/ p. 303)

14 F+L - Statics and Structural Analysis

Shear design
Shear design according to EN 1992 1-1
Shear force
The analysis of the shear resistance is based on a truss model with compressive concrete
struts and steel ties (stirrups). The minimum stirrup requirements result from the flattest
possible strut inclination.
A flatter inclination however reduces the bearing capacity of the struts
and increases in addition the forces in the tension chord. The result is an increased shift.

Shear design for vertical shear reinforcement (stirrups):

VEd shear design value (ULS)

VRd,c the shear resistance without reinforcement for the cracked state results from
equation 6.2
VRd,c = CRdc  1  k  (100  l  fck) + k1  cp)  bw  d >= VRdc (Eq. 6.2b)
CRdc: calibration factor acc. to 6.2.2. (1) (NDP)
K1: empirical strain coefficient
NDP k1: CRdc
EN 0.15 0.18/c standard concrete
0.15/c lightweight concrete
NA_D 0.12 0.15/c
NA_GB 0.15, 0.18/c, > C50 test or as C50
NA_A = EN2 = EN2

1 correction factor for lightweight concrete

K =1+(200/d) <= 2 [d in mm]
scaling factor, decreases when the effective height increases
l =Asl/(bw  d) < 0.02
tensile reinforcement Asl that goes beyond the considered cross
section with lbd+d
cp = NEd/Ac < 0.2  fcd
Tension (positive pressure, i.e. higher bearing capacity!)
bw: lowest cross section width within the effective height

Analyses on reinforced concrete cross sections 15

Equation 6.2.b
VRd,c > (vmin+k1  cp)  bw  d
NDP vmin
3/2 1/2
EN 0.035  k  fck standard concrete
3/2 1/2
0.028  k  fck lightweight concrete
3/2 1/2
NA_D 0.0520/c  k  fck (d < 600 = EN2 (GK))
3/2 1/2
0.0375/c  k  fck (d > 800)
0 lightweight concrete
3/2 1/2
NA_GB 0.035  k  fck standard concrete
3/2 1/2
0.030  k  fck lightweight concrete
(> C50 test or as C50)
NA_A = EN2

You can optionally perform a calculation in the uncracked state according to 6.4, if the
concrete border and main tensile stresses are smaller than fctk0.05/c.
NA_D: does not apply to prestressed element ceilings
Others: applies to single-field systems of prestressed concrete

Components with required shear reinforcement

Cot  the design objective is the minimum shear reinforcement, i.e. the flattest
possible strut angle (Max Cot ) is sought after, at which the bearing capacity of
the strut is still ensured.
If torsion stresses apply simultaneously, this bearing capacity can become
decisive for the strut angle to be selected.

NDP Max Cot  Min Cot 

EN 2.5 1.0
NA_D 3.0 standard concrete 0.58
2.0 lightweight concrete
NA_GB = EN2 = EN2
1.0 with external tension
NA_A 1.6 in general = EN2
2.5 with overpressure on cross section

Cot <= (1.2 - 1.4  cd/fcd) / (1-VRd,cc/VEd) Eq. 6.7aDE
VRd,cc: crack friction force
VRd,cc = ßct  0.1  fck  (1 - 1.2  cd/fcd)  bw  z Eq. 6.7.bDE

You can optionally set the strut angle by default ( Design options) to analyze
additional sections with the strut angle relevant at the decisive cross section, for
instance. This angle must not be flatter than the required one.

z lever arm of the assumed truss model according to the bending design (if
unknown, assumption of 0.9  d, or of 0.55  d with circular cross sections).

16 F+L - Statics and Structural Analysis

NAD_D: limitation z < d - 2  cv,l (here cv,l = nomc of the longitudinal
reinforcement in the compression zone, acc. to /26/, a limitation of z < d – cv,l -
3cm applies to cv,l > 3cm).
You can also set a user-defined lever arm by default
( Design results).

aswV calculated shear reinforcement acc. to Eq. 6.8

Equation 6.12 is proven through the selection of the strut angle whereby
compliance with VRdmax is considered as a criterion.
The application checks whether a minimum shear reinforcement acc. to 9.2.2
(5) for beams or (NAD_D) for slabs will become decisive. The
reinforcement is calculated for an average web width (with circular cross
sections bwS = Ac/Da).
With circular cross sections, an efficiency factor for round stirrups is calculated in accordance
with /31/ that increases the required shear reinforcement. The factor takes into
consideration that the applying shear force in normally not parallel to the
resisting force of the stirrup. Depending on the considered section, the resisting
force applies at another angle to the perpendicular.

Min asw/s=   bw  sin 

 (beam) acc. to 9.2.2

EN 0.08  fck/fyk
NA_D 0.16  fctm/fyk
NA_A 0.15  fctm/fyd

slabs (b/h > 5): no minimum reinforcement
slabs with b/h > 5 (or if defined so the Design configuration):
If VEd < VRdc, no shear reinforcement is required. Otherwise, a minimum
shear reinforcement that is 0.6 times as great as that of beams should be
Junction area 4 < b/h < 5:
If VEd < VRdc, the minimum reinforcement results from interpolation
between the zero-fold (b/h=5) and the simple value (b/h=4), otherwise from
interpolation between the 0.6-fold (b/h=5) and the simple value (b/h=4).

Analyses on reinforced concrete cross sections 17

VRd,max The bearing capacity of the struts results acc. to 6.9 and/or equivalent and
depends only on cot . The following equation applies:
VRd,max= bw  z  cw  1  fcd  cot /(1+cot )

NDP 1 acc. to 6.2.2 (6) Comments

EN 1 = 0.6  (1-fck/250) Eq. 6.6N
1 = 0.5  (1-fck/250) Eq. 11.6.6N lightweight concrete

1 = 0.6 Eq. 6.10AN fyd < 0.8  fyk

1 = 0.9 - fck/200 > 0.5 Eq. 6.10bN fyd < 0.8  fyk and
fck >= 60 N/mm
NA_D 1 = 0.75  1 fck < 60 N/mm
1 = 0.75  1  (1.1-fck/500) fck >= 60 N/mm
(IAW DIN, relative to z and with c’)
NA_GB 1 = 0.6  (1-fck/250) Eq. 6.6N
1 = 0.5  (1-fck/250) Eq. 11.6.6N lightweight concrete

1 = 0.54  (1-cos) fyd < 0.8  fyk

1 = (0.84- fck/200)  ( 1-cos) > 0.5 fyd < 0.8  fyk and fck >=60 N/mm
(> C50 test or as C50)

NDP cw acc. to 6.2.2 (6)

EN Reinforced concrete acw = 1.0
Prestressed concrete
0 < cp < 0.25  fcd: acw = 1 + cp / fcd
0.25 < cp < 0.5  fcd: acw = 1.25
0.5 < cp < 1.0  fcd: acw = 2.5  (1-cp / fcd)
NA_D 1.0
NA_GB = EN2 (> C50 test or as C50)
NA_A = EN2

The maximum of VRd,max results for a strut angle of 45°.

If VRd,max is smaller than the design value of the shear force, you should
increase the cross section or the concrete class.

bw The width bw corresponds with T-beams to the web width b0 and with layers
cross sections to the lowest width in the cross section. Where circular cross
sections are concerned, bw corresponds to the lowest width between the
resultant compression force and the resultant tension force. If the position of the
resultant force is unknown (moment and normal force are equal to zero) a safe
distance of the resultant compression force of Da/40 is assumed in the

18 F+L - Statics and Structural Analysis

sl,max maximum stirrup distance acc. to 9.2.2 (6)

sl,max (NDP acc. to 9.2.2 (6)

EN 0.75  d  (1+cot )
NA_D distinguished according to shear force utilization with a
VRdmax ( = 40°)
NA_A 0.75  d  (1+cot ) <= 250 mm

VEd < 0.3  VRdmax sMax = 0.7  h beams: < 30 cm (> C50/60: < 20 cm)
VEd < 0.6  VRdmax sMax = 0.5  h beams: < 30 cm (> C50/60: < 20 cm)
VEd > 0.6  VRdmax sMax = 0.25 h beams: < 20 cm
VRdmax may be assumed with = 40 degrees according to /14/ p. 212

Cast-in-place complement
For cross sections with cast-in-place complement, the bearing capacity of the cast-in-place
joint is to be analyzed vEdi < vRdi Eq. 6.23

vEdi shear force to be transmitted per length unit in the joint

vEdi = ß  VEd / (z  bi) Eq. 6.23
VEd: design value of the shear force
z: lever arm of the internal forces,
see shear resistance analysis
NAD_D: if VRd,c > VEd, the lever arm limitation with cv can be
dispensed with.
ß: ratio of normal force in the cast-in-place concrete to total
compression force (assumption 1.0)

vRdi design value of the shear force resistance of the joint

vRdi = c  1  fctd + n +   fyd  ( sin  + cos 0.5  fcd (Eq. 6.25)
vRdi = c  1  fctd + n +   fyd  (1,2  sin  + cos 0.5  fcd

n normal stress perpendicular to the joint with ND = nEd/bi < 0.6  fcd
nEd: design value (pressure: lower, tension: upper) of the normal
force perpendicular to the joint per length unit, pressure
bi: effective joint width, reduced total width due to prefabricated
formwork, if applicable.
c roughness coefficient according to surface quality
Very smooth Smooth Rough Interlocked
EN 0.1 0.20 0.40 0.50
NA_D 0 = EN2 = EN2 = EN2
NA_GB = EN2 = EN2 = EN2 = EN2
NA_A = EN2 = EN2 = EN2 = EN2

Analyses on reinforced concrete cross sections 19

  Friction coefficient according to surface quality as per table 13

 Very Smooth Rough Interlocked

EN 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.9
D = EN2 = EN2 = EN2 = EN2
GB = EN2 = EN2 = EN2 = EN2
A = EN2 = EN2 = EN2 = EN2

 strength reduction coefficient acc. to 6.2.2 (6)

 Very smooth Smooth Rough Interlocked

EN 0.6  (1-fck/250) 0.6  (1-fck/250) 0.6  (1-fck/250) 0.6  (1-fck/250)
6.2.2 (6) 6.2.2 (6) 6.2.2 (6) 6.2.2 (6)
NA_D 0.0 0.2 <= C50 0.5 <= C50 0.7 <=C50
0.2  (1.1-fck/500) 0.5  (1.1-fck/500) 0.7  (1.1-fck/500)
NA_GB = EN2 = EN2 = EN2 = EN2
NA_A = EN2 = EN2 = EN2 = EN2

 shear reinforcement percentage of the joint

 = Asw / Ai = asw / bi

asw required stirrup reinforcement crossing the joint, hence vRdi = vEdi
vrdi0 = c  fctd +   n bearing capacity without joint reinforcement
asw = bi  (vEdi – vRdi0) / (fyd  k    sin cos )


The torsion design is effected via an equivalent hollow cross section. With structured cross
sections, only the web cross section is used in the approach by approximation.

The requirement to analyze the torsional resistance instead of the minimum reinforcement
results from interaction equations that differ according to the National Annexes.
TEd/TRdc + VEd/VRd,c < 1 Eq. 6.31
TEd: design value of the torsional moment
TRdc: resisting torsion moment only depending on the tensile strength of
the concrete
TRdc= Wt  fctd acc. to /42/ p.290
Wt: section modulus acc. to DAfStb Bl. 220 p. 104
TEd < VEd  bw/4.5 Eq. 6.31aDE
VEd  (1+ (4.5  Ted) / (VEd  bw)) <= VRdct Eq. 6.31bDE

20 F+L - Statics and Structural Analysis

Cot  the design target is the minimum shear reinforcement, i.e. the flattest possible
strut angle (Max Cot ) is sought after, at which the bearing capacity of the strut
is still ensured.
This calculation does not automatically produce the reinforcement minimum
because the portion of the longitudinal torsion reinforcement increases
considerably with flatter struts.
If shear effects of action apply simultaneously, the interaction of shear force and
torsion might become decisive for the design.
To simplify the calculation, you can base the torsion analysis exclusively on the
assumption Cot  = 1.0 (45 degrees) (see Design configuration).

Calculation of the strut angle acc. to /51/, p. 173 ff
Cot  <= (1.2 - 1.4  cd/fcd) /(1-VRd,cc/VEd, T+V) acc. to Eq.. 6.7.aDE
VEd, T+V: resultant effect of actions
VEd,T+V = VEd,T + VEd,V  teff,I / bw
VEd,V: effect of actions due to shear force
VEd,T: effect of actions due to torsion
VEd,T = Ted  zi / (2  A)
VRd,cc: crack friction force acc. to Eq. 6.7.bDE
VRd,cc = ßct  0.1  fck  (1 - 1.2  cd/fcd)  tef,i  z

TRd,max design value of the resisting torsional moment acc. to Eq. 6.30 or equivalent
depending exclusively on cot . The following equation applies:
Trd,max= 2    cw  fcd  Ak  tef,I  cot  (1 + cot )

tef,i: effective wall thickness

tef,I = A / U
< 2  d1 double distance of reinforcement
< ba real wall thickness with hollow cross sections
Ak: surface enclosed by the wall centre lines
cw: coefficient analogous to VRd,max

The maximum for TRd,max results for a strut angle of 45 degrees. If TRd,max
is smaller than the design value of the torsional moment, you should increase
the cross section of the concrete class.

aswT the required stirrup reinforcement due to torsion results from

aswT* = TEd/(2  Ak  fyd  cot ) /46/ p. 283, for instance
Because only one leg of torsion stirrups may be considered in the calculation,
aswT= 2  aswT applies.
The minimum shear reinforcement becomes decisive if aswV+ aswT < aswMin
is true.

AsL additional longitudinal reinforcement due to torsion

Asl = TEd  cot   Uk/(2  Ak  fyd) Eq. 6.28
Uk: circumference of area Ak

Analyses on reinforced concrete cross sections 21

With combined shear force and torsional effect of actions, the following interaction condition
must be complied with:

TEd/TRd,max + VEd/VRd,max < 1 Eq. 6.29

For compact cross section applies
2 2
(TEd/TRd,max) + (VEd/VRd,max) < 1 Eq. 6.29aDE

The stirrup cross section results from asw(V+T)= aswV+ aswT.

22 F+L - Statics and Structural Analysis

Serviceability analyses

Crack width proof according to EN 1992 1-1

Based on the crack formula Eq. 7.8 the maximum limit diameter still in compliance with the
permissible crack width is calculated for an external effect of actions that depends on the
decisive combination of actions and for a selected reinforcement.
wk = sr,max * (sm- cm)

Decisive action-effect combinations and permissible crack width acc. to table 7.1
The considered NAs all require the proof of a permissible crack width of 0.3 mm for
reinforced concrete components of exposure class XC2 and higher.
The proof for XC1 is based on a crack width of 0.4 mm for aesthetical reasons (exception
NA_GB: 0.3 mm)
The decisive load combination is the quasi-permanent one (Qk).

Due to the fact that the tensioning bars are highly susceptible to corrosion, prestessed
concrete components have to comply with higher requirements in regard to the load
combinations (infrequent (Sk), frequent (Hk)) and the permissible crack width to be proven.
In some cases, a proof of decompression (Dek.) might be required for particular load
The regulations may differ in the national annexes.

Post-tensioned concrete:
X0, XC1 XC2/XC4 XS1-3, XD1-3
EN 0.2 + Hk 0.2+ Hk and Dek. Hk
Dek. Qk
NA_D 0.2 + Hk 0.2+ Hk and 0.2+ Hk and
Dek. Qk Dek. Qk
NA_GB 0.2+ Hk 0.2+ Hk and Dek. Hk
Dek. Qk
NA_A 0.2+ Hk 0.2+ Hk and 0.2+ Hk and
Dek. Qk Dek. Qk

Pre-tensioned concrete:
X0, XC1 XC2/XC4 XS1-3, XD1-3
EN 0.2 + Hk 0.2+ Hk and Dek. Hk
Dek. Qk
NA_D 0.2 + Hk 0.2+ Hk and 0.2+ Sk and
Dek. Qk Dek. Hk
NA_GB 0.2+ Hk 0.2+ Hk and Dek. Hk
Dek. Qk
NA_A 0.2+ Hk 0.2+ Hk and 0.2+ Sk and
Dek. Qk Dek. Hk

The crack width results from the maximum crack spacing srmax and the average strain
difference sm - cm of concrete and steel.

Analyses on reinforced concrete cross sections 23

sm- cm: average strain difference between steel and concrete (Eq. 7.9)
σs − k t
d1+ α ρ i
e p,eff
ε sm − ε cm = ≥ 0,6
Es Es

kt : 0.6 short-term action

0.4 long-term action

s : steel strain in state II

Calculation with Eceff = Ecm/(1 +  (t=UE))

e = Es / Ecm

eff : reinforcement percentage in the effective tension zone

eff = (As+ Ap * 1 ) / Aceff
As: reinforcing steel surface included in Aceff
Ap: tensioning steel surface included in Aceff
: factor for the bond characteristics of tensioning steel

Aceff : surface of the effective tension zone

Aceff = heff  beff

heff 2.5  D1 < (h-X0II)/2

X0II: compression zone height in state II:

beff effective tension zone width

not included in the standard, but in /11/ for instance
beff = 0.5  beff(Z.I) + 2  c1
(cf item Cur_D / Cur_D_BP)

Sr,max: maximum crack spacing:

k1 ⋅ k 2 ⋅ k 4 ⋅ φ
sr,max = k3 ⋅ c +
k1: coefficient reinforcement bond characteristics
0.8 good bond characteristics
1.6 poor bond characteristics
k2: coefficient of the strain distribution
Bending: 0.5
Tension 1.0
Bending + tension (1 + 2) / (2  1)

k3: coefficient for concrete cover

c: concrete cover on longitudinal reinforcement
k4: coefficient
: average diameter of the tensile reinforcement

24 F+L - Statics and Structural Analysis

EN 3.4 0.425
NA_D 0 1/(3,6  k1  k2) <   s/(3.6  fct,eff)
NA_GB = EN2 = EN2
NA_A 0 1/(3.6  k1  k2) <   s/(3.6  fct,eff)

The limit diameter  is obtained by rearranging the crack formula.

Compared with table 7.2, more favourable (larger) limit diameters may result because the
simplifications the table is based on are dispensed with.

If the resultant limit diameter cannot be realized, you should increase the selected

Minimum reinforcement due to indirect action:

The application calculates a minimum reinforcement acc. to 7.3.2 for imposed bending on top
and bottom if the corresponding option was enabled in the dialog
Control of crack width proof.
The minimum reinforcement for T-beams is calculated separately for the web and the flange,
whereby the rectangle over the total cross section height is considered as the web and the
remaining parts of the slab as the flange. You can take different bar diameters for flange and
web into account.

As,min  s = kc  k  fct,eff  Act (Eq. 7.1)

k coefficient for internal indirect action

1.0 (h <= 300 mm)... 0.65 (h >= 800 mm)
h: lower value of the partial cross section
fct,eff tensile strength, fctm (t <= 28d)
NA_D: >= 2.9 N/mm when t >= 28 d
kc coefficient for the stress distribution
kc = 0.4  ( 1 - c / (k1  fct,eff  h/h’))
c: concrete stress (state I) under crack action-effects
in the centre of gravity of the partial cross section
Flanges box, T-cross sections, for crack action-effects compl. under tension
kc = 0.9  Fcr / (Act  fct,eff) >= 0.5
Fcr: tensile force in the flange under crack action-effects (state I)
s: calculated according to modified diameter Ds1 for compliance with permissible
EN2: Tab. 7.2N formula and derivation, see /12/
Ds1 = Ds  fct0 / fct,eff  2  (h-d)/ (kc  hcr)

NA_D: Tab. 7.2DE formula see /13/, p. 196 ff.

Ds1 = fct0 / fct,eff  4  (h-d)/ (k  kc  hcr) < Ds  fct0 / fct,eff
NA_A: Tab. 5 analogous to NA_D

Analyses on reinforced concrete cross sections 25

Stress analysis according to EN 1992 1-1
Concrete, infrequent combination
c < k1  fck k1 = 0.6 (all considered NAs)
The objective is to prevent the destruction of the concrete structure. Alternatively, you can
increase the concrete cover or enclose the compression zone with reinforcement.

EN2 recommended with the exposure classes XD, XS or XF.

D can be dispensed with where unprestressed components in typical
building construction are concerned if the percentage of redistribution <
15 %.

Concrete, quasi-permanent combination

c < k2  fck k2 = 0.45 (all considered NAs)
When this limit value is exceeded, linear creep can no longer bee assumed. If applicable, an
increased creep coefficient according to Eq. 3.7 should be considered.

Reinforcing steel, infrequent combination

s < k3  fyk k3 = 0.8 (all considered NAs)
Whereas the crack width proof for reinforced concrete becomes only decisive under the
quasi-permanent combination, yielding of the reinforcement should also be prevented under
the infrequent combination.
With indirect action:
s < k4  fyk k4 = 1.0 (all considered NAs)

Calculation of the existing stresses

The calculation of the steel stresses should be performed with a reduced modulus of
Eceff = Ecm/(1+(t0, )) acc. to /11/.
This takes the long-term behaviour of concrete into consideration. The concrete withdraws
from its contribution in the bearing of the effects of actions by creep i.e. redistribution to the
reinforcing steel.
Acc. to /11/, this can often be neglected where compact cross sections are concerned. With
T-beams however, the resultant steel stresses increase by 5 % in comparison to a
calculation that does not consider the creep coefficient. A corresponding note as in ENV
1992 1-1 para. (3) is however missing in EN 1992 1-1.

Correspondingly early times are decisive for the calculation of the concrete stresses, i.e.
 = 0 in this case.

26 F+L - Statics and Structural Analysis

Accidental design situation fire
Fundamental considerations
According to MLTB 9/2007 , the analysis could be performed using a simplified calculation
method in the analysis according to DIN ENV 1992 1-2:1997.
In the meantime, the new Eurocode DIN EN 1992 1-2:2006(/42/) and a draft of the NA (/44/)
have been published.
Current publications refer to the new Eurocode such as the lectures of Dr. Müller at the
Seminar of the Bavarian Chamber of Engineers 2007, the lectures of Dr. Richter concerning
the hot model columns method held at the occasion of the 12th Solid Construction Seminar
2008 in Munich and the articles by Prof. Quast and Dr. Richter in "Beton- und Stahlbetonbau
2/2008" (/41/).
The latter article states that the results of the simplified calculation acc. to EN 1992 1-2
Annex B.3 differ only slightly from those of the general method. In addition, the authors found
out that this is not the case when the method according to Annex B.2 (zone method) is used.
The hot design and the rigidity calculation in this application are also based on the simplified
method B.3. In accordance with the recommendation in /41/, the thermal strains are also
considered in this connection.
The first version of this application allows only analyses for rectangular and circular cross
sections with fire attack on four sides. We therefore have dispensed with a thermal analysis
and decided to use the temperature profiles according to Annex A of the Eurocode instead.
As the exact position of the steel is decisive for the result, the additional module "Polygonal
design" B2-Poly should be available. The analyses in the event of fire are performed with the
cross section types "rectangle with general point reinforcement" and "circle with general point

Temperature profiles
The temperature profiles in /42/ Annex A are based on the following assumptions:
Fire attack on four sides according to the standard temperature-time curve (ETK)
Specific heat acc.t o 3.3.2
Humidity of 1.5 %
Thermal conductivity c 3.3.3 with lower limit value
Convective heat-transfer coefficient c = 25 W/(m K)
Circular cross section D = 300 m
Squared cross section h = 300 mm
Fire resistance classes R30, 60, 90 120

With deviating cross-sectional dimensions, a uniform spacing of the temperature isolines

from the outer edge is assumed. This means that with larger cross sections, the
temperatures (h > 30 cm) are slightly higher, i.e. they are on the safe side.
Whereas, with smaller cross sections, the temperatures (h < 30 cm) are slightly lower and
decrease progressively the smaller the cross section and the higher the fire resistance is.
We therefore recommend to perform the analysis with a temperature addition of 20 - 40
For the fire-resistance R180, no temperature profiles are specified in Annex A. In the case of
rectangular cross sections, temperature profiles according to CEB Bulletin 145 (/45/) implying
temperatures on the safe side are used.
Since corresponding temperature profiles for circular cross sections have not been published
yet in any literature known to us, we have based them on our own FEM calculations.

Sample List of Technical Construction Regulations

Analyses on reinforced concrete cross sections 27

External action-effects
The action-effects of the combination for the accidental design situation fire should be used.

Internal action-effects
In order to calculate the internal action-effects on the concrete, the concrete cross section is
divided into elements with an edge length of 1 cm. The internal action-effects on the element
result with the stress-strain curves corresponding to the average element temperatures acc.
to /42/ figure 3.1 and table 3.1. Calcerous aggregates can be taken into consideration, if
applicable. The thermal strain results according to figure 3.5.
According to the recommendation in /41/ the stress-strain curves of /43/ table 8 are used for
high-strength concretes. The thermal strains result according to /43/ figure 37. The use of
high-strength concrete currently still requires coordination with the site supervision.

The internal action-effects on the reinforcing steel depend on the temperatures in the
reinforcement points acc. to /42/ figure 3.3 and table 3.2. The more favourable behaviour of
hot-rolled steel can be taken into consideration in this connection, if applicable. According to
/44/ steel of class X requires a proof by experimental testing and is therefore currently not
supported. The thermal strain results according to /42/ figure 3.

The stress-generating strain  in an arbitrary point of the cross section

results from the thermal strain th depending on the temperature and the
bending strain b in this point. The equation  = b - th applies.

For the concrete results a typical bearing behaviour whereby a smaller

outer ring due to the considerably diminished stress-strain curve with high
temperatures and an inner area with  > 0 (tension) withdraw from the contribution to bear
the action-effects.

The internal action-effects on the reinforcing steel 500 Grad Isotherme

react very sensible to the location of the Betonstahlspannungen

0 N/mm2 |Max|=359,8 N/mm2
reinforcement point, a minor change in position of 1 0 N/mm2 Max=-12,0 N/mm2

cm produces a measurable change in the steel 60


Design 4 6 3

The strain state (bending plane) at which the internal

Mz=460,0 kNm

and external action-effects are in balance is sought 10 9

after by iterative approximation.

The internal action-effects on the steel are first 11 12

calculated for a reinforcement area still unknown Nx=-857,0 kN

whereby a uniform weighting of the entered 8 7

reinforcement points is assumed.

The strain plane is varied between the defined 1 5 2

breakage strains. The required reinforcement

quantity results directly from the resultant strain state.
1,00 o/oo

6,15 o/oo

28 F+L - Statics and Structural Analysis

Calculation of the effective rigidity
The strain state (bending plane) at which the internal and external action-effects are in
balance is sought after by iterative approximation.
The internal-action effects on the steel are calculated for a selected reinforcement that can
vary from point to point.
The effective rigidity results from the found strain state. The following applies:
effEIz= Mz  h/(1 - 2) and effEIy= My  h/(1 - 3), whereby 1, 2, 3 are the corner strains
describing the bending level at the rectangle enclosing the cross section.

Analyses on reinforced concrete cross sections 29

/1/ Leonhardt, Vorlesungen für den Massivbau Teil I
/2/ Linse Thielen, „Grundlagen der Biegebemessung der DIN 1045 aufbereitet für den
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/3/ König, Grimm, „Hochleistungsbeton", Betonkalender 1996, Part II, p.441 ff.
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/6/ Fischer: "Begrenzung der Rissbreite und Mindestbewehrung", Seminar DIN 1045-1,
/7/ Tue, Pierson: "Ermittlung der Rißbreite und Nachweiskonzept nach DIN 1045-1",
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/8/ Reineck: "Hintergründe zur Querkraftbemessung in DIN 1045-1",
Bauingenieur 2001, p.168 ff.
/9/ Beispiele zur Bemessung nach DIN 1045-1, Volume 1 Hochbau
Deutscher Betonverein, Ernst & Sohn
/ 10 / Schmitz, Goris: Bemessungstafeln nach DIN 1045-1, Werner Verlag
/ 11 / Fritze, Stahlbetonbemessungstabellen auf Basis der ÖNORM B4700
/ 12 / Valentin/Kidery: Stahlbetonbau, MANZ Verlag 2001
/ 13 / Curbach/Zilch, "Einführung in DIN 1045-1" Ernst und Sohn 2001
/ 14 / Deutscher Ausschuss für Stahlbeton Heft 525, Beuth 2003 including correction 5-2005
/ 15 / Grasser: „Bemessung von Stahl- und Spannbetonbauteilen"
Betonkalender 1995, Teil 1
/ 16 / EC2, Italian version of December 1991
/ 17 / Deutscher Ausschuss für Stahlbeton Heft 425, Beuth 1992
/ 18 / Deutscher Ausschuss für Stahlbeton Heft 400, Beuth 1989
/ 19 / National application document Italy to EC2,
in Gazzetta Ufficiale 2/1996
/ 20 / Mosley, Bungey, Hulse: „Reinforced Concrete Design", Palgrave, Fifth edition 1999
/ 21 / FI Standard E-4539, Filigran Elementdecke, Querkraftnachweis nach DIN 1045-1
/ 22 / Krüger/Mertzsch, "Beitrag zur Verformungsberechnung von Stahlbetonbauten"
Beton- und Stahlbeton 10/1998, p.300 ff.
/ 23 / Beispiele zur Bemessung nach DIN 1045-1, Volume 2 Hochbau
Deutscher Betonverein, Ernst & Sohn
/ 24 / Deutscher Ausschuss für Stahlbeton Heft 415, Beuth 1990
/ 25 / Fingerloos, Deutscher Betonverein, „Anwendung der neuen DIN 1045-1 mit aktueller
/ 26 / Abbreviated commented version of DIN 1045, 2nd Amendment, Beuth 2005
/ 27 / Interpreation of DIN 1045-1 by NABau of 12 March 2005
/ 28 / 2nd Correction of DIN 1045-1 (2005-06)
/ 29 / Fingerloos, Litzner: „Erläuterungen zur praktischen Anwendung von DIN 1045-1",
Betonkalender 2005, Part 2, p.422 ff.
/ 30 / Wiese, Curbach, Speck, Wieland, Eckfeldt, Hampel: "Rissbreitennachweis für
Kreisquerschnitte", Beton- und Stahlbetonbau 4/2004, p. 253 ff.
/ 31 / D.Constantinescu: „On the shear strength of R/C Members with circular cross
sections", Darmstadt Concrete 8/1993

30 F+L - Statics and Structural Analysis

/ 32 / G.Fritsche, „Der Grenzdurchmesser", "Betonstahl" - Official organ of the Quality
Protection Association for Reinforcing Steel, Magazine No. 78 1/00, Austrian
Reinforcing Steel Magazine 1/2000
/ 33 / Zulassung Z 15.1-1 Kaiser-Gitterträger KT 800 für Fertigplatten mit statisch
mitwirkender Ortbetonschicht
/ 34 / Zulassung Z 15.1-38 Kaiser- Omnia- Träger KTS für Fertigplatten mit statisch
mitwirkender Ortbetonschicht
/ 35 / Zulassung Z 15.1-147 Filigran- E- Gitterträger für Fertigplatten mit statisch
mitwirkender Ortbetonschicht
/ 36 / Zulassung Z 15.1-93 Filigran- EQ- Gitterträger für Fertigplatten mit statisch
mitwirkender Ortbetonschicht
/ 37 / Zulassung Z 15.1-142 van Merksteijn- Gitterträger für Fertigplatten mit statisch
mitwirkender Ortbetonschicht
/ 38 / Zulassung Z 15.1-143 van Merksteijn- EQ- Träger für Fertigplatten mit statisch
mitwirkender Ortbetonschicht
/ 39 / P. Mark: "Bemessungsansatz für zweiachsig durch Querkräfte beanspruchte
Stahlbetonbalken mit Rechteckquerschnitt"; Beton- und Stahlbeton 5/2005 p.370 ff.
/ 40 / Deutscher Beton- und Bautechnikverein, Heft 14 (2008)
/ 41 / Prof. Quast, Dr. Richter; vereinfachte Berechnung von Stahlbetonstützen unter
Brandbeanspruchung; Beton- und Stahlbetonbau 2/2008“.
/ 42 / DIN EN 1992 1-2: 2006
/ 43 / Dr. Nause: „Berechnungsgrundlagen für das Brandverhalten von Druckgliedern aus
hochfestem Beton“; Dissertation at the Technical University of Braunschweig 2005
/ 44 / Prof. Hosser; Dr. Richter: „Überführung von EN 1992 1-2 in EN Norm und Bestimmung
der national festzulegenden Parameter im nationalen Anhang zu DIN EN 1992 1-
2“;Frauenhofer IRB Publishing House 2007
/ 45 / CEB Bulletin 145, „Design of concrete structures for fire resistance”; Paris 1982
/ 46 / Zehetmayer,Zilch: “Bemessung im konstruktiven Betonbau“,
Springer Publishing House, Berlin 2006
/ 47 / Fritze, Kidery, Potocek: “Stahlbetonbau Teil 1 Grundlagen und Beispiele”,
Publishing House Manz 2008
/ 48 / Fritze, Kidery, Potocek: “Stahlbetonbau Teil 2 Bemessungstabellen”,
Publishing House Manz 2008
/ 49 / Potucek: “Eurocode 2 Praxisbeispiele”,
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/ 50 / Narayanan, Beeby: Designers’ Guide to EN 1992-1-1 and EN 1992-1-2,
Thomas Telford , London 2005
/ 51 / Grünberg, „Stahl- und Spannbetontragwerke nach DIN 1045-1“, Springer Publishing
House 2002

Analyses on reinforced concrete cross sections 31

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