Alpha Gamma Delta Ritual

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, INITIATION SERVICE ADVANCE PREPARATION NOVITIATES ‘The novitiates shall meet the requirements for initiation as provided | im the By-Laws of the Fraternity, Article II, Section 3. UNDERGRADUATE CHAPTER AND EXECUTIVE COUNCIL | The procedure for initiation as outlined in the President's Handbook 5 \ | shall be followed, oH number of services planned must be based on the size of the | grup of novitiates; however, it is recommended that no more than ten be included in any one service. | The rehearsals shall include: J. the songs to be sung by the Chapter; e@ | 2 the order of marching with members as novitiates, to be sure of j spacing: I ‘i the complete service with the Executive Council Chairman in at- I PARTICIPANTS { i}. Officers tendance. . President . Fisst Vice President—Alpha « Second Vice President—Gamma | Corresponding Secretary—Delta | Recording Secretary—Insignia and Symbols ‘| | £. Chaplain—Armorial Bearings @. Librarian—Herald ~ 1h, Teeasurer—Co-Herald i Guard 2. Others : a. Pianist B. Soloist ‘The President shall preside at the initiation service and shall be re~ {75] sponsible for all necessary arcangements as provided in the Ritual, Constitution and O ficer Hendbooks. All officers shall memorize their patts. No notes may be used. The Herald shall memorize the Order of Marching as well as her part in the service. ‘The Herald and Co-Herald shall carry lighted candles throughout the service, EQUIPMENT 1. One oblong table, 30” high, approximately 42” X 24” (Presi dent's table) Four tables, 30” high, 34” X 20” ive white teble covert . One white knecling pillow, 15" X 16" . One Alpha Gamma Delta Ritval . One Alpha Gamma Delta Badge for use of Recording Secee- fay 7. One silver Rose Bow! 8, One Alpha Gamma Delta Ssnn2eak Rerun. Muse 9, Cascenpoholishblaitistion Music 10, One framed Armorial Beasings, 8” X 10” 11, Candlesticks a. Five identical silver candlesticks, approximately 3" to 5” high b. One pair silver candlesticks 8” to 10" high c. One pair silver candlesticks suitable for use on piano 4, Two candle-holdess for Herald and Co-Herald 12, Eleven new 12” white tapers for each initiation service 13. Roses and asparagus fecn For Rese Bowl: Six to nine red roses, six to nine buff roses, asparagus fera For Alpha Table: One red rose, plus one red rose for each novitiate For Gamma Table: One buif rose, plus one buff rose for each novitiate For Delta Table: One piece asparagus fern, plus one piece aspatagus fern for each novitiate {76} i 14, Office! Dress for Participating Officess Nine white satia robes Nine white cords Official headbands Four stoles DRESS} | 2h [Fraternity Members {'Undergraduate members shall wear white formals; dare shoul- |, dersshall becovered by scarves. |, Alumne members shall wear white whenever possible; other- | jwise they may were pastels, i Nowitictor i ALL novitiates shall wear white formals; bare stioulders 4 shall be covered by scarves. Appropriate evening slippers i i shall be worn. id {Jovy mapevor i diag rings. 5, Patticipating Officers 4 Participating officers shall wear official robes, stoles, cords, | heacbands, Alpha Gamma Delta badges, and white or gold slippers. No jewelry may be worn except engagement and/or wed- ding tings. ROOM ARRANGEMENT (See Diagrant) 1, The Sister-Mothers:and undergraduate members, dressed in white formals, sit in the front rows. Only cendletight may be used during the service. 3. A chair shall be provided for the Chaplain at the end of the Front row close to Table LV. 4, Whenever possible, the piano shall be at the rear of the initia tion room. 07] He Cot ® € Ko A-tichte i 1 Yopers BUalighted Tipe Bowl of Roses DoRitval Cushion Yobles Alpha U—-Gamen Data oe * + + xe % é 6 i a @ W IW Recorlings SexpChaplain V—Presilect Initiation Liner HePostion of Herald for entrance speed H2—Postion of Herald for “Lamp of Love" spesch CoH—Go-Henia XX Novitates {78} >. ‘The roses and Fra on Tables 1, TI and II shall be arcanged so that theie stems éo not interlock and the blooms are toward the novitiates. They should be placed in a fan-shaped arrangement. MUSIC - See Rien Mume For axexnueTions! . Background music by pianist until Herald enters. . Initidtion Song, page 3, Alpha Gamma Delta Song Book. Two verses to be memorized by Chapter. - Our Flower Song to be sung as solo, Music on page 1, Alpha Gamma Delta Song Book. Words in Ritual Official Initiation Masic, . Alpha Gamma Delta Hymn, page 4, Alpba Gamma Delta Song Book. PROCEDURE 1, Novitiates shall be arranged (in the anteroom) according to class, seniors fitst, and if from the same class, in order of ge, the eldest first 2, In accordance with the instructions in the President's Hand- book, the First Vice President, Recording Secretary and Corresponding Secretary shall arrange for the signing of the ‘Constitution and the Taitiation Slips. The Constitution shall be signed by the novitiates in the SAME order as that ia which they will be initiated. The chapter numbers shall be carefully checked, and the number appearing in the Ritual and Conti tuition shall be the same as that appearing on the Taitation Slip. The Chapter Piesident shall be responsible for dhe signature ppages. She shall see that cach subsequent page is headed like the first one (page 92). She shall insert the date of the initia- tion service prior to the signatures of each initiation class and shall see that both sides of the pages are used, with only the dete of the scrvice separating consccutiv. fi When the Herald leaves the room to bring in the novitiaces, the pianist strikes a thord, the members tise and sing the , Initiation Song and continue singing until the novitiates are "arranged in a semi-citcle in front of the President's table. 3 {19} 10. 1, ‘e@ 4 | 13. a4, bil 16, 18 . President requests novitiates to kncel, individually, for Pledy: arching is accompanied by Initiation Music. 5. Each officer steps to the right of her table and starting with the one next to the Herald hands 2 rose or fern to each novitiate in ‘order. It should not be necessary for the novitiate to step out of the semi-circle, The officer picks up not more than five roses at one time, moves counter-clockwise and completes the circle by returning, left, to her position. Marching is resumed. el ‘When the Grst novitiate is given the Fraternity grip, she passes hse flowers to the Herald, on her left. Each novitiate in-tuen passes hers to the left before the grip is given, When the last novitiate has received the grip, the flowers are returned, When the Recording Secretary describes the Insignia and Spmbols, the pianist plays the Call and Answer on the piano. ‘The Answer is the same as the Call. The music is played twice, the second time very softly. The Recording Secretary demonstrates the Knock on the wall or, if necessary, on the table. While the President is administering Pledge II, the Chaplain and Recording Seceetary quicily change places ‘The Chaplain shall hold the Aemcrisl Bearings so that all novitiates may see it during her explanation. ‘Our Flower Song shall be sung as 2 solo. Not more than five novitiates place their hands on the Armorial Bearings at one time, and repeat Pledge IIT in uaison. If there are more than five novitistes the pledge is given twice Following Pledge IV the President lifts « burning candle and lights the eenter candle. Prior to the President’s closing speech to the initiates, the ‘members shall rise. Following the President's closing speech, the members shall sepeat the closing prayer in unison The first two verses of the Alpha Ganna Delta Hymn shall be sung by all members as the Sister-Mothers go forward to pin the badges on their Sister-Daughters, Pianist continues playing the Hy alitall have left the to, After all badges have beea pinned, eich Sister-Mother takes the right atm of her Sister-Daughter. With the Herald lend- ing, the line marches inte the outer room, followed by the Co-Herald and participating officers. All members will follow {80}

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