Checklist For Structuring An Acquisition

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Metz Lewis Brodman Must O'Keefe LLC

Checklist for Structuring an Acquisition

The following checklist sets forth common considerations in structuring a business

acquisition. This material should be seen as a starting point for addressing high-level structural

 Assess the Reason and Rationale for the Acquisition

o Consider fit with existing operations and synergies
o Ease of operational integration
o Market forces, opportunities, threats, and competition
 Acquisition Financing
o Debt versus equity financing -- consider current debt levels, dilution, etc.
o Impact on buyer’s existing facilities and lending relationships
 Transaction Structure
o Stock Sale
o Asset Sale
o Merger
 Structural Considerations
o Stock Sale
 Usually preferred by seller
 Typically simpler and fewer transaction documents
 Seller often enjoys favorable tax treatment
 Contracts and licenses often can be transferred without third-party consents
 All shareholders must be willing (or there must be a mechanism to force all
shareholders) to sell in order for buyer to acquire entire company
 Buyer is subject to all seller liabilities, except to extent seller indemnifies Buyer
 Buyer generally assumes seller tax basis for assets, unless buyer files an election
to step up tax basis in assets and buyer pays tax on step up amount (unless seller
is an S corporation)
 Buyer cannot write off amount paid for stock
 Buyer may be able to make use of tax loss carry-forwards, subject to limitations
o Asset Sale
 Usually preferred by buyer
 Usually more complex transaction documents
 Third-party consents to assign contracts and licenses will often be needed
 Unanimous shareholder approval is typically not needed -- usually a simple
majority will suffice
 Buyer is generally able to limit liability to those liabilities it agrees to assume;
there are significant exceptions (e.g., environmental, ERISA, etc.)
 Less favorable tax treatment for seller
 C corporation versus S corporation considerations
 Allocation of purchase price among assets
o Merger
 Variant of a stock sale
 Similar considerations as a stock sale
 Can typically be accomplished without unanimous shareholder approval being
 Purchase Price
o Fixed price
o Valuation formula
 Comparable transactions considering metrics such as total enterprise value, sales,
EBITDA, etc.
 Asset-based valuation
 Discounted cash-flow analysis
 Industry specific valuation
o Earnout or other contingent payment
o Determination of valuation (particularly in the case of a formula-based valuation
and calculation of earnout and contingent payments)
 Dispute Resolution
 Payment Method
o Cash, debt, equity securities, earnout, or some combination of these
 Representations and Warranties
o Consider industry specific representations and warranties to include beyond the
typical clauses
 Indemnification Obligations
o Limitations
 Time limit
 Dollar threshold of obligation
 Dollar cap on obligation
 Set-offs, insurance benefits, tax benefits
o Joint liability of shareholders
 Escrow of Portion of Purchase Price for Claims
o Amount of escrowed funds
o Timetable for release
 Retention of Key Employees
o Employment / consulting agreements
 Restrictive Covenants for Shareholders / Company Employees
o Non-competition
o Non-solicitation of customers
o Non-solicitation of employees
o Confidentiality
o Invention assignment

This document is intended to provide information of general interest and is not intended to offer any legal advice about
specific situations or problems. Metz Lewis Brodman Must O’Keefe LLC does not intend to create an attorney-client
relationship by offering this information, and anyone’s review of the information shall not be deemed to create such a
relationship. You should consult a lawyer if you have a legal matter requiring attention.

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