Design Report For Power House Rock Support
Design Report For Power House Rock Support
Design Report For Power House Rock Support
The Rock support is used to improve the stability and maintain the load carrying capability
of Rock near the boundaries of under ground excavations.
The term support can be reserved for use in those cases in which the rock mass is truly
supported by structural elements which carry in whole or part, the weights of individual rock
blocks isolated by discontinuities or of zones of loosened rock.
General Details about the Rock Support
The best known set of empirical design rules are those for pattern rock bolting
developed by Lang (1961) during the construction of the snowy mountains hydroelectric
scheme in Australia. These rules are still widely used for determining the bolt lengths and
spacing for ‘permanent’ excavations.
Lang gives the minimum bolt length, L as the greatest of
(a) twice the bolt spacing , s
(b) three times the width of critical and potentially unstable rock blocks defined by
the average discontinuity spacing ,b
(c) 0.5 B for spans of B < 6m.
0.25 for spans of B = 18 ‐30m.
Concrete Shotcrete
The shotcreting of the Power House Cavern is primarily to satisfy the following main
• To prevent leakage of water
• To ensure long – term stability under Rock pressure in static an dynamic condition.
The shotcrete is generally PCC and the thickness is designed to ensure safety against maximum
external pressure in the Cavern.
Designing the Engineering Structures is to consider the Relationship between the capacity C
(Strength or Resisting force) of the element and the Demand D (Stress or Distributing force).The
factor of safety of the structure is defined as F = C/D and failure is assumed to occur when F is
less than 1.
A slab of thickness‘t’ being supported by one Rock Bolts in a pattern spaced grid,
spacing of S x S.
Design Parameter's
Unit weight of Rock Υ = 27 kN/m
Thickness of the Rock Wedge t = 1 m (assumption)
Spacing S = 1.5 m
Yield Stress of Steel Fe = 415 N/mm
Dia of the Rock Bolt d = 25 mm
The weight of Block Being carried by the Bolt,
Stress or Distributing Force D
D = Υ x t x S
D = 60.75 kN
Force due to Bolt
The Strength and Capacity of the one bolt,
Tensile Stress of the Bolt 0.66 x Fe = 273.9 N/mm
Capacity C = 134.45 kN
Factor of Safety F = 2.2
The total length of the power house cavern is 215m. To find the shotcrete thickness of power
house cavern, the cavern has been modeled in using 4 noded plate elements per
meter width of the cavern. The thickness of plates assumed as 100mm.
(i). Supports:
FIXED BUT SPRING (Movements has restrained at X and Y directions with spring constant of
42034.47 kN/m2) has been provided to an account of Rock and concrete interaction.
Indirect Estimates of the Deformation Modulus:
Rock class – II
RMR = 80 – 61 for Good Rock
For RMR greater than 50
Em = 2 RMR – 100
Em = 2 * 70 – 100
Em = 40000 kN/m2
Here Spring constant has been calculated from following formula:
K = E/ (1‐ μ2),
K is spring constant (kN/m2)
E is Young’s modulus (kN/m2) and,
μ is Poisson’s ratio.
K = 40000/ (1‐0.222) = 42034.47 kN/m2
Fig: 3.1 Cavern Model
(ii). Loads:
a) Self weight of the shotcrete
Self weight of shotcrete is considered with multiplying factor of 1.
b) External Rock Load
Rock load has been calculated from two methods
Bierbaumer's method.
Kommerell’s method
Bierbaumer’s method.
This theory states that a tunnel is acted upon by the load of a rock mass bounded by a parabola
of height, h = αH.
Height of the overburden above the
crown of the excavated Cavity to Rock
Line H1 = 27.91 m
Height of the overburden above the
Rock line to NSL H2 = 43.54 m
Height of the excavated Cavity m = 49 m
Width of the excavated cavity b = 21 m
Bulk density of Rock ΥR = 27 kN/m
Density of saturated soil Υs = 22 kN/m
angle of Internal Friction ø = 49 degree
(for Biotite Gnesis)
The base width B of the Parabola Rock Load
B = b + 2m tan (45º ‐ ø /2) B = 57.64 m
H < 5B = 1 = 1
According to this theory the tunnel is acted upon
by a rock mass bounded by a parabola of height h h1 = 27.91 m
= H h2 = 43.54 m
The maximum vertical pressure coming on the pR = 753.57 kN/m
roof p = Υh pS = 957.88 kN/m
Total Pressure p = pR + pS p = 1711.45 kN/m
Kommerell’s method:
In his analysis, Kommerell assumed that the sliding surfaces are started from the lower corners
of the walls at an angle of 45º + ø/2 extending to the crown and then continuing in a parabola
of height h.
for the construction of horizontal pressure diagram,the end values e1 and e2 are required to
be computed.
e1 = hΥ.tan (45º ‐ ø/2)
e2 =(h+m)Υ.tan (45º ‐ ø/2)
e1 = 239.243 kN/m
e2 = 409.088 kN/m
Fig: 3.2 Vertical Pressure Fig: 3.3 Horizontal Pressure
c) Rock Bolt Force
As per calculation, capacity of one rock bolt force 134.5 kN
Fig: 3.4 Rock Bolt Force
d) Load Combination
1.5 times of all the Pressures and force.
Fig: 3.5 Load Combination
Fig: 3.6 Moment Contour
As Per IS 456:2000
Grade of Concrete = 25 N/mm
Power house cavern Crown
Moment due to Combination of Loads = 218 kNm
Lining Thickness
d = √Mu /(0.138*fck*b) = 251.373 mm
Say 250mm
Power house cavern Wall
Moment due to Combination of Loads = 94.5 kNm
Lining Thickness
d = √Mu /(0.138*fck*b) = 165.503 mm
Say 200mm
Fig: 3.7 Shear stress Contour
Maximum shear stress of concrete = 3.1 N/mm2 (From IS 456: 2000, Table 20)
Design Shear stress of concrete lining = 2.31 N/mm2
Shear stress is within the limit , Hence Safe
• Rock Bolts
Spacing of Rock Bolts = 1.5 x 1.5 m
Diameter of the bolt = 25mm
Length of the Rock Bolt = 5m
• Shotcrete Thickness
Thickness of shotcrete at the arch = 250 mm
Thickness of shotcrete at the side wall = 200 mm