The Predicament of Culture

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\Cliford takes as his natives, a well a his informants, ‘anthropclogists. .. We are being observed and inscribed. PAUL RABINOW, “REPRESENTATIONS ‘ARE SOCIAL FACTS” 1. On Ethnographic Authority Trae 1724 rontpice of Father Laftau’s Moeurs des sauvages ame _quains portrays the ethnographer aS a young woman siting ata writing ‘able amid artifacts from the New World and from classical Greece and Egypt. The author is accompanied by two cherubs who assist in the task ‘of comparison and by the bearded figure of Time, who points toward a tableau representing the ultimate source of the truths issuing from the ‘writer's pen. The image toward which the young woman lifts her gaze is a bank of clouds where Adam, Eve, and the serpent appear. Above them ‘stand the redeemed man and woman of the Apocalypse, on either side ‘ofa radiant triangle bearing the Hebrew script for Yahweh, The frontispiece for Malinowski's Argonauts ofthe Western Pacific is .a photograph with the caption "A Ceremonial Act of the Kula.” A shell necklace is being offered to a Trobriand chief, who stands at the door of is dwelling. Behind the man presenting the necklace is a row of six [bowing youths, one of them sounding a conch. All the figures stand in ‘profile, their attention apparently concentrated on the rite of exchange, areal event of Melanesian life. But on closer inspection one of the bow ing Trobrianders may be seen to be looking atthe camera. aa 2 piscourses Lafitau’s allegory is the less familiar: his author transcribes rather than originates. Unlike Malinowski’s photo, the engraving makes no ref- ‘erence to ethnographic experience—despite Lafitau’s five years of re- ‘search among the Mohawks, research that has earned him a respected pplace among the fieldworkers of any generation. His account is pre- sented not as the product of firsthand observation but of writing, in a ‘crowded workshop. The frontispiece from Argonauts, like all photo- ‘graphs, asserts presence—that of the scene before the lens; it also sug- igests another presence—that of the ethnographer actively composing this fragmant of Tobriand reality. Kula exchange, the subject of Mali- rnowski’s book, has been made perfectly visible, centered in the percep- twal frame, while a participants glance redirects our attention to the ob- servational standpoint we share, as readers, with the ethnographer and bis camera. The predominant mode of modern fieldwork authority ssig- raled: "You are there . . . because I was there.” This chapter traces the formation and breakup of ethnographic au- thority in twentieth-century social anthropology. It is not a complete ac- ‘count, not is it based on a fully realized theory of ethnographic interpre- tation and textuality.' Such a theory's contours are problematic, since the activity ofcross-cultural representation is now more than usually in ques- tion. The present predicament is linked to the breakup and redistitution of colonial power in the decades after 1950 and to the echoes of that process in the radical cultural theories of the 1960s and 1970s. After the negritude movement’ reversal ofthe European gaze, after anthropology’s crise de conscience with respect to its liberal status within the imperial order, anc now that the West can no longer present itself as the unique purveyor of anthropological knowledge about others, it has become nec essary to magine a world of generalized ethnography. With expanded ‘communication and intercultural influence, people interpret others, and themselves, in a bewildering diversity of idioms—a global conditon of 1. Only English, American, and French examples are discussed. fit likely that the modes of authority anaiyzed here are able to be generalized widely, no attempt has been made t extend them to other national traditions. It's asumed aso, in the antiposiivit tradition of Wilhelm Dilthey that ethnography is pro- ess of interpretation, not of explanation. Modes of authority based on natural scientific eplstemologies are not discussed. In its focus on participant observation 4s an interubjective process atthe heart of twenteth-century ethnography, this fiscussionscants a number of concibuting sources of authority: for example the Weight of accumulated “archival” knowledge about particular groups, of across- cultural comparative perspective, and of statistical survey work. ON ETHNOGRAPHIC AUTHORITY 2B ‘what Mikhail Bakhtin (1953) called *heteroglossia."? This ambiguous, ‘multivocal world makes it increasingly hard to conceive of human diver- sity as inscribed in bounded, independent cultures. Difference is an ef- fect of inventive syncretism. In recent years works such as Edward Said’s Orientalism (1978) and Paulin Hountondii’s Sur la “philosophie” atri- caine (1977) have cast radical doubt on the procedures by which alien human groups can be represented without proposing systematic, sharply new methods or epistemologies. These studies suggest that while ethno- graphic writing cannot entirely escape the reductionist use of dichoto- mies and essences, it can at least struggle self-consciously to avoid por- traying abstract, ahistorical “others.” It is more than ever crucial for different peoples to form complex concrete images of one another, as well as ofthe relationships of knowledge and power that connect them; but no sovereign scientific method or ethical stance can guarantee the truth of such images. They are constituted—the critique of colonial ‘modes of representation has shown at least this much—in specific his- torical relations of dominance and dialogue. The experiments in ethnographic writing surveyed in this chapter do not fall into a clear reformist direction or evolution. They are ad hoc inventions and cannot be seen in terms of a systematic analysis of post- colonial representation. They are perhaps best understood as compo- nents of that “toolkit” of engaged theory recently recommended by Gilles Deleuze and Michel Foucault: “The notion of theory as a toolkit means (0) The theory to be constructed is not a system but an instrument, a logic of the specificity of power relations and the struggles around them: (i) “That this investigation can only be carried out step by step on the basis of reflection (which will necessarily be historical in some of its aspects) (on given situations” (Foucault 1980:145; see also 1977208). We may contribute to a practical reflection on cross-cultural representation by un- dertaking an inventory of the better, though imperfect, approaches cur- rently at hand. Of these, ethnographic fieldwork remains an unusually 2, *Heteroglossia” assumes that “languages do not exclude each other, but rather intersect with each other in many diferent ways the Ukrainian language, the language ofthe epic poem, of early Symbolism, ofthe student, ofa particular generation of children, ofthe run-of-the-mill inellectual, of the Nietschean, and so on). It might even seer thatthe very word "language’ loses all meaning inthis process—for apparently there is no single plane on which al these {uages! might be juxtaposed to one another” (291). What is said of languages applies equally to “cultures” and “subcultures.” See also Volosinov (Bakhtin?) 1953:291, esp. chaps. 1-3; and Todorov 1981 88-93. ry Discourses sensitive method, Participant observation obliges its practitioness to ex: perience, at a bodily as well as an intellectual level, the vicissitudes of translation. It requires arduous language learning, some degree of direct involvement and conversation, and often a derangement of personal and cultural expectations. There is, of course, a myth of fieldwork. The actual experience, hedged around with contingencies, rarely lives up to the ‘deal; but as a means for producing knowledge from an intense, intersub- jective engagement, the practice of ethnography retains a certain exem- plary status. Moreover, if fieldwork has for a time been identified with a Uniquely Western discipline and a totalizing science of “anthropology,” these associations are not necessarily permanent. Current styles of cul- tural description ate historically limited and are undergoing important ‘metamorphoses. ‘The development of ethnographic science cannot ultimately be understood in isolation from more general politcal-epistemological de- bates about writing and the representation of otherness. In this discus- sion, however, | have maintained a focus on professional anthropology, and specifically on ethnography since 1950.? The current crisis—or bet- ter, dispersion—of ethnographic authority makes it possible to mark off ’ rough period, bounded by the years 1900 and 1960, during which a new conception of field research established itself as the norm for Euro pean and American anthropology. Intensive fieldwork, pursued by niversity-trained specialists, emerged as a privileged, sanctioned source of data about exotic peoples. It is not a question here of the dominance of a single research method. "Intensive" ethnography has been variously defined, (Compare Griaule 1957 with Malinowski 1922:chap. 1). More- over, the hegemony of fieldwork was established earlier and more thor- ‘oughly in the United States and in England than in France. The early examples of Franz Boas and the Torres Straits expedition were matched only belatedly by the founding of the Institut d'Ethnologie in 1925 and 5. 1 have not attempted to survey new styles of ethnographic writing that may be originating outside the West. As Edward Said, Paulin Hountonji, and ‘thers have shown, a considerable work of ideological “clearing.” oppositional ‘rtieal work, remains; and it isto tis that non-Western intellectuals have been Sevoting a great part of their energies. My discussion remains inside, but atthe experimental boundaries oa realist cultural science elaborated inthe Occident ‘Moreover it does not consider as areas of innovation the “para-thnographic* genres of ofal history, the nonfiction novel, the “new journalism,” travel Iitera- ture, and the documentary film ON ETHNOGRAPHIC AUTHORITY 25 the much-publicized Mission Dakar-Djibouti of 1932 (Karady 1982; Jamin 1982a; Stocking 1983). Nevertheless, by the mid-1930s one can fairly speak of a developing international consensus: valid anthropolog- ical abstractions were to be based, wherever possible, on intensive cul- tural descriptions by qualified scholars. By this point the new style had been made popular, insttutionalized, and embodied in specific textual practices. has recently become possible to identify and take a certain dis- tance from these corventions.* If ethnography produces cultural intr pretations through incense research experiences, how is unruly experi= ‘ence transformed into an authoritative writen account? How, precisely, is a garrulous, overdetermined cross-cultural encounter shot through with power relations and personal cross-purposes circumscribed as an adequate version of « more or less discrete “other world” composed by an individual author? In analyzing this complex transformation one must bear in mind the fact that ethnography is, from beginning to end, enmeshed in writing. This writing includes, minimally, a translation of experience into textual form. The process is complicated by the action of multiple subjectvities and political constraints beyond the control of the writer. In response to these forces ethnographic writing enacts a specific strategy of authority. This strategy has classically involved an unquestioned claim to appear as the purveyor of truth in the text. A complex cultural experience is enun- ciated by an individual: We the Tikopia by Raymond Firth; Nous avons ‘mangé la forét by Georges Condominas; Coming of Age in Samoa by Margaret Mead; The Nuer by E. E. Evans-Pritchard. “The discussion that follows first locates this authority historically in the development of « twentieth-century science of participant observa- tion. It then proceeds to a critique of underlying assumptions and a re- view of emerging textual practices. Altemate strategies of ethnographic authority may be seen in recent experiments by ethnographers who self- consciously reject scenes of cultural representation in the style of Mali- nowski’s frontispiece. Different secular versions of Lafteau’s crowded sctiptorial workshop are emerging. In the new paradigms of authority the 4. In the present criss of authority, ethnography has emerged a5 a subject ‘of historical scrutiny. For new ertical approaches See Hartog 1971; Asad 1973; Burridge 1973:chap, 1; Duchet 1971; Boon 1982; De Certeau 1980; Said 1978; Stocking 1983; and Rupp-Eisenreich 1984, 26 DISCOURSES writer is no longer fascinated by transcendent figures—a Hebrew- Christian deity or its twentieth-century replacements, Man and Culture. Nothing remains of the heavenly tableau except the anthropologists scumbled image in a mirror. The silence of the ethnographic workshop hhas been broken—by insistent, heteroglot voices, by the scratching of other pens.* A Atthe close of the nineteenth century nothing guaranteed, a prior, the ethnographer’ status as the best interpreter of native life—as opposed to the traveler, and especially the missionary and administrator, some of whom had been in the field far longer and had better research contacts and linguistic skills. The development of the fieldworker image in ‘America, from Frank Hamilton Cushing (an oddball) to Margaret Mead (a national figure) is significant. During this period a particular form of authority was created—an authority both scientifically validated and ‘based on a unique personal experience. During the 1920s Malinowski played a central role in establishing credit for the fieldworker, and we should recall in this light his attacks on the competence of competitors in the field. For example the colonial magistrate Alex Rentoul, who had the temerity to contradict sciences findings concerning Trobriand con- ceptions of paternity, was excommunicated in the pages of Man for his unprofessional "police court perspective" (see Rentoul 1931a,b; Mali rnowski 1932). The attack on amateurism in the field was pressed even further by A. R. Radcliffe-Brown, who, as lan Langham has shown, came to epitomize the scientific professional, discovering rigorous social laws (Langham 1981 :chap. 7). What emerged during the first half of the twen- tieth century with the success of professional fieldwork was a new fusion (of general theory and empirical research, of cultural analysis with eth- nographic description. ‘The fieldworker-theorist replaced an older partion between the man on the spot” (in James Frazer's words) and the sociologist or anthro- pologist in the metropole. This division of labor varied in different na~ tional traditions. In the United States for example Morgan had personal knowledge of at least some ofthe cultures that were raw material for his 5. On the suppression of dialogue in Laftau’s frontispiece and the consi- tution ‘of a textalized, ahistorical, and visually oriented “anthropology” see ‘Michel de Certeau’s detailed analysis (1980), ON ETHNOGRAPHIC AUTHORITY 27 sociological syntheses; and Boas rather early on made intensive field- ‘work the sine qua non of serious anthropological discourse. In general, however, before Malinowski, Radclffe-Brown, and Mead had success- fully established the norm of the university-trained scholar testing and deriving theory from firsthand research, a rather different economy of ‘ethnographic knowledge prevailed. For example The Melanesians (1891) bby R.H. Codrington is a detailed compilation of folklore and custom, drawn from his relatively long term of research as an evangelist and bbased on intensive collaboration with indigenous translators and infor- imants. The book is not organized around a fieldwork “experience,” nor does it advance a unified interpretive hypothesis, functional, historical, ‘or othenwise. It is cortent with low-level generalizations and the amass- ing of an eclectic range of information. Codrington is acutely aware of ‘the incompleteness of his knowledge, believing that real understanding, ‘of native life begins only after a decade or so of experience and study pp. vi-viil. This understanding of the difficulty of grasping the world of alien peoples—the many years of learning and unleamning needed, the problems of acquiring thorough linguistic competence—tended to dom- inate the work of Cod'ington’s generation. Such assumptions would soon be challenged by the more confident cultural relativism of the Malinow- ‘skian model. The new fieldworkers sharply distinguished themselves {rom the earlier “men on the spot"—the missionary, the administrator, the trader, and the traveler—whose knowledge of indigenous peoples, they argued, was not informed by the best scientific hypotheses or a suf- ficient neutrality. Before the emergence of professional ethnography, writers such as J. F. McLennan, John Lubbock, and E. B. Tylor had attempted to control ‘the quality of the reports on which their anthropological syntheses were based. They did this by means of the guidelines of Notes and Queries _and, in Tylor’s case, by cultivating long-term working relations with so- phisticated researchers in the field such as the missionary Lorimer Fison, ‘After 1883, as newly appointed reader in anthropology at Oxford, Tylor ‘worked to encourage the systematic gathering of ethnographic data by «qualified professionals. The United States Bureau of Ethnology, already ‘committed to the undertaking, provided a model. Tylor was active in founding a committee on the Northwestem Tribes of Canada. The com- mmittee's first agent in the field was the nineteen-year-veteran missionary among the Ojibwa, E. F. Wilson. He was replaced before long by Boas, a physicist in the process of turning to professional ethnography. George ae UsFa + BIBLIOTECA 48 Fee 9 gq 950 28 DISCOURSES ‘Stocking has persuasively argued thatthe replacement of Wilson by Boas "marks the beginning of an important phase in the development of British ‘ethnog-aphic method: the collection of data by academically trained nat- ural scentists defining themselves as anthropologists, and involved also in the formulation and evaluation of anthropological theory” (1983:74). With Boas’ early survey work and the emergence in the 1890s of other natural-scientistfieldworkers such as A. C. Haddon and Baldwin Spen- cer, the move toward professional ethnography was under way. The Torres Straits expedition of 1899 may be seen as a culmination of the ‘work of this “intermediate generation,” as Stocking calls them. The new style of research was clearly different from that of missionaries and other ‘amateurs in the field, and part of a general trend since Tylor "to draw more closely together the empirical and theoretical components of an- thropo ogical inquiry” (1983:72) The establishment of intensive participant observation as a profes- sional norm, however, would have to await the Malinowskian cohort. The “intermediate generation” of ethnographers did not ypically live in a single locale for a year or more, mastering the vernacalar and under- {going a personal learning experience comparable to an initiation. They did not speak as cultural insiders but retained the natural scientist's doc ‘umentary, observational stance. The principal exception before the third decade of the century, Frank Hamilton Cushing, remained an isolated instance, As Curtis Hinsley has suggested, Cushing's long firsthand study ‘of the Zunis, his quasi-absorption into their way of life, “aised problems of veriication and accountability .. A community of scientific anthro- ppology on the model of other sciences required a common language of discourse, channels of regular communication, and at least minimal con- sensus on judging method” (1983:66). Cushing’ intuitve, excessively personal understanding of the Zuni could not confer scientific authority. ‘Schematically put, before the late nineteenth century the ethnogra- pher and the anthropologist, the describer-translator of custom and the builder of general theories about humanity, were distinc. (A clear sense of the fension between ethnography and anthropology is important in correctly perceiving the recent, and perhaps temporary conflation of the ‘wo projects.) Malinowski gives us the image of the new “anthropolo- gist”—squatting by the campfire; looking, listening, and questioning; re- cording and interpreting Tobriand life. The literary charter of this new authority isthe frst chapter of Argonauts, with its prominently displayed photographs of the ethnographer’ tent pitched among Kiriwinian dwell- ings, The sharpest methodological justification for the new mode is to be ON ETHNOGRAPHIC AUTHORITY 29 found in Radcliffe-Brown's Andaman Islanders (1922). The two books ‘were published within a year of each other. And although their authors developed quite different fieldwork styles and visions of cultural science, ‘both early texts provide explicit arguments for the special authority of the. ‘ethnographer-anthropologist. ‘Malinowski, as his notes for the crucial introduction to Argonauts show, was greatly concerned with the rhetorical problem of convincing, his readers that the facts he was putting before them were objectively acquired, not subjective creations (Stocking 1983:105). Moreover, he ‘was fully aware that “in Ethnography, the distance is often enormous be- ‘ween the brute material of information—as tis presented to the student inhis own observations, in native statement, in the kaleidoscope of tribal life—and the final authoritative presentation of the results” (Malinowski 1922:3-4). Stocking has nicely analyzed the various literary atifices of Argonauts (its engaging narrative constructs, use of the active voice in the “ethnographic present,” illusive dramatizations of the author's partic- ipation in scenes of Trobriand life), techniques Malinowski used so that “his own experience ofthe natives’ experience [might] become the read- ‘e's experience as well” (Stocking 1983:106; see also Payne 1981, and ‘Chapter 3), The problems of verification and accountability that had rel- ‘egated Cushing to the professional margin were very much on Mali- rnowski's mind. This anxiety i reflected in the mass of data contained in Argonauts, its sixty-six photographic plates, the now rather curious “Chronological List of Kula Events Witnessed by the Writer,” the constant alternation between inipersonal description of typical behavior and state- ments on the order of “I witnessed...” and “Our party, sailing from the North..." ‘Argonauts is a complex narrative simultaneously of Trobriand life and ethnographic fieldwork. It is archetypical of the generation of eth- rnographies that successfully established the scientific validity of partici- ppant observation. The story of research built into Argonauts, into Mead’ popular work on Samoa, and into We the Tikopia became an implicit narrative underlying all professional reports on exotic worlds. I subse~ ‘quent ethnographies did not need to include developed fieldwork ac- ‘counts, it was because such accounts were assumed, once a statement ‘was made on the order of, fer example, Godfrey Lienhardt’s single sen- tence at the beginning of Divinity and Experience (1961:vii): "This book is based upon two years’ work among the Dinka, spread over the period of 1947-1950" In the 1920s the new fieldworker-theorist brought to completion a 30 piscouRsES powerful new scientific and literary genre, the ethnography, a synthetic cultural description based on participant observation ‘Thorton 1983). ‘The new style of representation depended on instituticnal and method- ological innovations circumventing the obstacles to rapid knowledge of other cultures that had preoccupied the best representatives of Codring- ton’s generation. These may be briefly summarized. First, the persona of the fieldworker was validated, both publicly ‘and professionally. In the popular domain, visible figures such as Mali- nowski, Mead, and Marcel Griaule communicated a vision of ethnogra~ phy as both scientifically demanding and heroic. The professional eth- rnographer was trained in the latest analytic techniques and modes of scientific explanation, This conferred an advantage over amateurs in the field: the professional could claim to get to the heart of a culture more quickly, grasping its essential institutions and structures. A prescribed at- titude of cultural relativism distinguished the fieldworker from mission- aries, administrators, and others whose view of natives was, presumably, less dispassionate, who were preoccupied with the problems of govern ‘ment of conversion. In addition to scientific sophistication and relativist sympathy, a variety of normative standards for the new form of research temerged: the fieldworker was to live in the native village, use the ver rnacula, stay a sufficient (but seldom specified) length of time, investigate Certain classic subjects, and so on. ‘Second, it was tacitly agreed that the new-style ethnographer, whose sojourn in the field seldom exceeded two years, and more frequently was much shorter, could eficiently “use” native languages without "master- ing” them. In a significant article of 1939 Margaret Mead argued that the ethnographer following the Malinowskian prescription to avoid inter- preters and to conduct research in the vernacular did not, in fact, need to attain “virtuosity” in native tongues, but could “use” the vernacular to ask questions, maintain rapport, and generally get along in the culture ‘while obtaining good research results in particular areas of concentra~ tion, This in effect justified her own practice, which featured relatively short stays and a focus on specific domains such as crildhood or "per- sonality” foci that would function as “types” fora cultural synthesis. Her attitude toward language “use” was broadly characteiistic of an ethno- graphic generation that could, for example, credit as authoritative a study called The Nuer that was based on only eleven months of very difficult research. Mead’s article provoked a sharp response from Robert Lowie (1940), writing from the older Boasian tradition, more philological in its orientation. But his was a rear-guard action; the point had been ON ETHNOGRAPHIC AUTHORITY 31 _generally established that valid research could, in practice, be accom- plished on the basis of one or two years’ familiarity with a foreign ver- rnaculae (even though, as Lowie suggested, no one would credit a trans- lation of Proust that was based on an equivalent knowledge of French) Thitd, the new ethnography was marked by an increased emphasis ‘on the power of oaservation, Culture was construed as an ersemble of characteristic behaviors, ceremonies, and gestures susceptible to record- ing and explanation by a trained onlooker. Mead pressed this point fur- thest (indeed, her own powers of visual analysis were extraordinary). AS a general trend the paricipant-observer emerged as a research norm. Of ‘course successful fieldwork mobilized the fullest possible range of inter- actions, but a distinct primacy was accorded to the visual: interpretation ‘was tied to description, After Malinowski a general suspicion of “privi- leged informants” reflected this systematic preference for the (methodi- cal) observations ofthe ethnographer over the interested) intepretations ‘of indigenous authorities. Fourth, certain powerful theoretical abstractions promised to help academic ethnographers "get to the heart” of a culture more rapidly than ‘someone undertaking, for example, a thorough inventory of customs and beliefs. Without spending years getting to know natives, their complex languages and habits, in intimate detail, the researcher could go after selected data that would yield a central armature or structure of the cul- tural whole. Rivers’ “genealogical method,” followed by Radclife- Brown's model of ’social structure,” provided this sort of shortcut. One could, it seemed, elicit kin terms without a deep understanding of local ‘vernacular, and the range of necessary contextual knowledge was con- veniently limited. Fifth, since culture, seen as a complex whole, was alwaystoo much ‘to master in a short research span, the new ethnographer irtended to ‘focus thematically on particular institutions. The aim was not io contrib- ute to a complete inventory or description of custom but rather to get at the whole through one or more of its parts. | have noted the privilege -given for atime to social structure. An individual life cycle, a ritual com- plex like the Kula ring or the Naven ceremony, could also serve, as could ‘categories of behavior like economics, politics, and so on. In the pre- ‘dominantly synecdachic rhetorical stance of the new ethnography, parts "were assumed to be micracosms or analogies of wholes. This setting of institutional foregrounds against cultural backgrounds in the portrayal of _a coherent world lent itself to realist literary conventions. Sixth, the wholes thus represented tended to be synchronic, prod 32 Discourses ucts of short-term research activity. The intensive fieldworker could plau- sibly sketch the contours of an “ethnographic present’—the cycle of a ‘year, a ritual series, patterns of typical behavior. To introduce long-term hhistorical inquiry would have impossibly complicated the task of the new-style fieldwork. Thus, when Malinowski and Radcliffe-Brown estab- lished their critique of the “conjectural history” ofthe difusionists, it was all to0 easy to exclude diachronic processes as objects of fieldwork, with ‘consequences that have by now been sufficiently denounced, A ‘These innovations served to.validate an efficient ethnography based on scientific participant observation. Their combined effect can be seen in ‘what may well be the tour de force of the new ethnography, Evans- Pritchard's study The Nuer, published in 1940. Based on eleven months ‘of research conducted—as the book's remarkable introduction tells us— in almost impossible conditions, Evans-Pritchard nonetheless was able to compose a classic. He arrived in Nuerland on the heels of a punitive military expedition and at the urgent request of the government of the ‘Anglo-Egyptian Sudan. He was the object of constant and intense suspi- ion. Only in the final few months could he converse at all effectively with informants, who, he tells us, were skilled at evading his questions. Inthe circumstances his monograph is a kind of miracle. ‘While advancing limited claims and making no secret of the con- straints on his research, Evans-Pritchard manages to present his study a5 'a demonstration of the effectiveness of theory. He focuses on Nuer pol ical and social *stracture,” analyzed as an abstract set of relations between territorial segments, lineages, age sets, and other more fluid groups. This analytically derived ensemble is portrayed against an “eco- logical” backdrop composed of migratory patterns, relationships with cattle, notions of time and space. Evans-Pritchard sharply distinguishes his method from weat he calls “haphazard” (Malinowskian) documen- tation, The Nuer is not an extensive compendium of observations and ‘vernacular texts in the style of Malinowski’s Argonauts and Coral Gar- dens. Evans-Pritchard argues rigorously that “facts can only be selected and arranged in the light of theory” The frank abstraction of a political- social structure offers the necessary framework. If | am accused of de- scribing facts as exemplifications of my theory, he then goes on to note, Thave been understood (1969:261). In The Nuer Evans-Pritchard makes strong claims for the power of ON ETHNOGRAPHIC AUTHORITY 33 scientific abstraction to focus research and arrange complex data. The book often presents itself as an argument rather than a description, but rot consistently: its theoretical argument is surrounded by skillfully ob- served and narrated evocations and interpretations of Nuer life. These passages function rhetorically as more than simple “exemplification,” for they effectively implicate readers in the complex subjectivity of partci- pant observation. This may be seen in a characteristic paragraph, which progresses through a series of discontinuous discursive positions: Its dificult to find an English word that adequately describes the so- ial position of del in a tribe, We have called them aristocrats, bt do not wish to imply that Nuer regard them as of superior rank, fr, as we have emphatically declared, the idea of a man lording it over others is repugnant to them. On the whole—we will qualify the statement later—the die have prestige rather than rank and influence rather than power. If you are a ail ofthe tribe in which you live you are more than a simple tibesman. You are one ofthe owners ofthe country, is vil lage sites, its pastures, is fishing pools and wells. Other people live there by vitue of mariage into your clan, adoption into your lineage, ‘or of some other social te. You ae a leader of the tribe and the spear- ‘name of your clan is invoked when the tbe goes to war. Whenever theres a iin the village, the village clusters around him as a herd of catle clusters around its bull. (1969:215) ‘The frst three sentences are presented as an argument about translation, bbut in passing they attibute to “Nuer* a stable set of attitudes. (I will hhave more to say later about this style of attribution.) Next, in the four sentences beginning “Ifyou are a di... ,” the second-person construc- tion brings together reader and native in a textual participation. The final sentence, offered as a direct description of a typical event (which the reader now assimilates from the standpoint of a participant-observer), ‘evokes the scene by means of Nuer cattle metaphors. in the paragraph's ‘eight sentences an argument about translation passes through a fiction of Participation to a metaphorical fusion of external and indigenous cultural descriptions. The subjective joining of abstract analysis and concrete ex- perience is accomplished. Evans-Pritchard would later move away from the theoretical position ‘of The Nuer, rejecting its advocacy of "social structure” as a privileged framework. Indeed each of the fieldwork “shortcuts” | enumerated earlier ‘was and remains contested. Yet by their deployment in different combi- 34 DIscouRSES nations, the authority of the academic fieldworker-theorist was estab- lished in the years between 1920 and 1950. This peculiar amalgam of intense personal experience and scientific analysis (undersiood in this period as both “ite of passage” and “laboratory") emerged as a method: participant observation. Though variously understood, and now disputed in many quarter, this method remains the chief distinguishing feature of professional anthropology. tts complex subjectivity is routnely repro- duced in the writing and reading of ethnographies. A “Participant observation” serves as shorthand for a continuous tacking between the “inside” and “outside” of events: on the one hand grasping the sense of speciic occurrences and gestures empathetically, on the other stepping back to situate these meanings in wider contexts. Partic- lar events thus acquire deeper or more general significance, structural rules, and so forth. Understood literally, participant observation isa par- adoxical, misleading formula, but it may be taken seriously if reformu- lated in hermeneutic terms as a dialectic of experience and interpreta- tion. This is how the method's most persuasive recent defenders have restated it, in the tration that leads from Wilhelm Dilthey via Max We- ber, to “symbols ard meanings” anthropologists like Cliforé Geertz, Ex- perience and interpretation have, however, been accorded different em- phases when presented as claims to authority. In recent yeats there has been a marked shit of emphasis from the former to the latter. This section land the one that fellows will explore the rather different claims of expe- rience and interpretation as wel as their evolving interrelation. “The growing prestige of the fieldworker-theorist downplayed (with- out eliminating) a number of processes and mediators that had figured ‘more prominently in previous methods. We have seen how language mastery was defined as a level of use adequate for amassing a discrete body of data ina limited period of time. The tasks of textual transcription and translation, along with the crucial dialogical role of interpreters and "privileged informants,” were relegated to a secondary, sometimes even despised status. Fieldwork was centered in the experience ofthe patic- pant-observing scholar. A sharp image, or narrative, made its appear- ‘ance—that of an outsider entering a culture, undergoing 2 kind of ini- tiation leading to “rapport” (minimally acceptance and empathy, but tsually implying something akin to friendship). Out of this experience ON ETHNOGRAPHIC AUTHORITY 35 emerged, in unspecified ways, a representational text written by the Participant-observer. As we shall see, this version of textual production ‘obscures as much as it reveals. But it is worth taking seriously its princi- pal assumption: that the experience of the researcher can serve as a uni- fying source of authority in the fel. Experiential authority is based on a “fee!” forthe foreign context, a kind of accumulated savvy and a sense of the style of a people or place, Such an appeal is frequently explicit in the texts ofthe early professional partcipant-observers. Margaret Mead’s claim to grasp the underlying principle or ethos of a culture through a heightened sensitivity to form, tone, gesture, and behavioral styles, and Malinowski’ stress on his life in the village and the comprehension derived from the "imponderabilia” of daily existence, are prominent cases in point. Many ethnographies— Colin Turnbull's Forest People (1962), for example—are still cast in the experiential mode, asserting prior to any specific research hypothesis or ‘method the “I was there” ofthe ethnographer as insider and participant. Of course it is dificult to say very much about experience. Like “intuition? it is something that one does or does not have, and its invo- cation often smacks of mystification. Nevertheless, one should resist the temptation to translate all meaningful experience into interpretation. If the two are reciprocally related, they are not identical. It makes sense to hold them apart, if only because appeals to experience often act as vali- dations for ethnographic authority. ‘The mast serious argument forthe role of experience in the historical and cultural sciences is contained in the general notion of Verstehen.* In the influential view of Dilthey (1914) understanding others arises initially from the sheer fact of coexistence in a shared world; but this experiential ‘world, an intersubjective ground for objective forms of knowledge, is precisely what is missing or problematic for an ethnographer entering an alien culture. Thus, during the early months in the field (and indeed throughout the research), what is going on is language learning in the broadest sense. Dilthey’s “common sphere” must be established and re- established, building up a shared experiential world in relation to which all “facts” "texts," “events,” and their interpretations will be constructed. 6. The concept is sometimes too readily associated with intuition or empa thy, but ab a deseription of ethnographic knowledge Verstehen properly involves critique of empathetic experience. The exact meaning ofthe term is a matte of debate among Dilthey scholars (Makreel 1975: 6-7) 36 DIscouRSES “This process of living one’s way into an alien expressive univers is a ways subjective in nature, but it quickly becomes dependent on what Dilthey calls “permanently fixed expressions.” stable forms to which undestanding Can return. The exegesis ofthese fixed forms provides the content of all systematic historical-cultual knowledge. Thus experience closely linked to interpretation. (Dilthey is among the first modem theotsts to compare the understanding of cultural forms tothe reading of "texts But this sort of reading or exegesis cannot occur without an intense personal participation, an active a-homeness in 3 common uni verse Following Dilthey, ethnographic “experience” can be seen as the building up of a common, meaningful world, drawing on intuitive styles of fesling, perception, and guesswork. Ths activity makes use of clues, traces, gestures, and scraps of sense prior to the development of stable interpretations. Such piecemeal forms of experience may be classified as aesthetic and/or divinatory. There is space here for only a few words about such styles of comprehension as they relate to ethnography. An tevocation of an aesthetic made is conveniently provided by A. L. Kroe- bers 1931 review of Mead’s Growing Up in New Guinea First ofall, ts clear that she possesses to an outstanding degree the faculties of swiftly apperceiving the principal currents ofa culture as they impinge on individuals, and of deineating these with compact pen-pictures of astonishing sharpness. The result isa representation of quite extraordinary vividness and semblance to life. Obviously, a gift of intllectualized but strong sensationalism underlies this capacity; also, obviously, a high order of intuitiveness, in the sense ofthe ability to complete a convincing picture from clues, for clues ial that some ‘of her data can be, wit only six months to lear a languege and enter the inwards ofa whole culture, besides specializing on child behavior, [Atany rate, the picture, so far as it goes, is wholly convincing tothe reviewer, who unreservedly admires the sureness of insght and ef- ciency of stroke ofthe depiction. (p. 248) [A diferent formulation is provided by Maurice Leenhardt in Do Kamo: Person and Myth in the Melanesian World (1937), a book that in its some- times cryptic mode of exposition requires of its readers just the sort of aesthetic, gestaltst perception at which both Mead and Leenhardt ex- celled. Leenhardt’s endorsement of this approach is significant since, siven his extremely long field experience and profound cultivation of a ON ETHNOGRAPHIC AUTHORITY 37 Melanesian language, his "method” cannot be seen as a rationalization for short-term ethnography: “In reality, our contact with another is not accomplished through analysis. Rather, we apprehend him in his en- tirety. From the outset, we can sketch cur view of him using an outline ‘or symbolic detail which contains a whole in itself and evokes the true form of his being, This latter is what escapes us if we approach our fellow creature using only the categories of our intellect” (p. 2). ‘Another way of taking experience seriously as a source of ethno- sraphic knowledge is provided by Carlo Ginzburg's investigations (1980) into the complex tradition of divination. His research ranges from early hunters’ interpretations of animal tracks, to Mesopotamian forms of pre- diction, to the deciphering of symptoms in Hippocratic medicine, to the focus on details in detecting art forgeries, to Freud, Sherlock Holmes, and Proust. These styles of nonecstatic divination apprehend specific ci Cumstantial relations of meaning and are based on guesses, on the read- ing of apparently disparate clues and "chance" occurrences. Ginzburg proposes his model of “conjectural knowledge” as a disciplined, non- generalizing, abductive mode of comprehension that is of central, though unrecognized, importance for the cultural sciences. It may be added to a rather meager stock of resources for understanding rigorously how one feels one’s way into an unfamiliar ethnographic situation, Precisely because itis hard to pin down, “experience” has served as ‘an effective guarantee of ethnographic authority. There is, of course, a telling ambiguity in the term. Experience evokes a participatory pres- ‘ence, a sensitive contact with the world to be understood, a rapport with its people, a concreteness of perception. It also suggests a cumulative, deepening knowledge ("her ten years’ experience of New Guinea"). The senses work together to authorize an ethnographers real but ineffable feel oF flair for *his” or "her" people. Itis worth noting, however, that this "world." when conceived as an experiential creation, is subjective, not dialogical or intersubjective. The ethnographer accumulates personal knowledge of the field (the possessive form my people has until recently been familiarly used in anthropological circles, but the phrase in effect signifies “my experience’). A Itis understandable, given their vagueress, that experiential criteria of authority—unexamined beliefs in the “method” of participant observa~ tion, in the power of rapport, empathy, and so on—have come under 38 DISCOURSES cctiticsm by hermeneutically sophisticated anthropologists. The second. ‘moment in the dialectic of experience and interpretation has received increasing attention and elaboration (see, for example, Geertz 1975, 1976; Rabinow and Sullivan 1979; Winner 1976; Sperber 1981). inter~ pretation, based on a philological model of textual “reading,” has emerged as a sophisticated alternative to the now apparently naive claims for experiential authority. Interpretive anthropology demystifies ‘much of what had previously passed unexamined in the construction of ethnographic narratives, types, observations, and descriptions. It contrib- tutes to an increasing visibility of the creative (and in a broad sense po- etic) processes by which “cultural” objects are invented and treated as meaningful What is involved in looking at culture as an assemblage of texts to be interpreted? A classic account has been provided by Paul Ricoeur, in his essay “The Model of Text: Meaningful Action Considered as a Text” (1971), Clifford Geertz in a number of stimulating and subtle discussions has adapted Ricoeur's theory to anthropological fieldwork (1973: chap. 1), “Textualization’ is understood as a prerequisite to interpretatior, the constitution of Dilthey’s “fixed expressions.” It is the process through which unwrtten behavior, speech, beliefs, oral tradition, and ritual come to be marked as a corpus, a potentially meaningful ensemble sepa- rated out from an immediate discursive or performative situation. n the moment of textualization this meaningful corpus assumes a more oF ess stable relation to a context; and we are familiar with the end result ofthis process in much of what counts as ethnographic thick descriptor. For ‘example, we say that a certain institution or segment of behavior is typ- ical of, or a communicative element within, a surrounding culture, as when Geert’ famous cockfight (1973: chap. 15) becomes an intensely significant locus of Balinese culture, Fields of synecdoches are created in which parts are related to wholes, and by which the whole—what we ‘often call cuture—is constituted. Ricoeur does not actually privilege part-whole relations and the spe- cific sorts of analogies that constitute functionalist or realist representa- tions, He merely posits a necessary relation between text and *worid.” A ‘world cannet be apprehended directly; it is always inferred on the basis ofits parts, and the parts must be conceptually and perceptually eat out of the flux of experience. Thus, textualization generates sense through a circular movement that isolates and then contextualizes a fact or event in its englobing reality. A familiar mode of authority is generated that ON ETHNOGRAPHIC AUTHORITY 39 Claims to represent discrete, meaningful worlds. Ethnography isthe inter- pretation of cultures. ‘Asecond key step in Ricoeurs analysis is his account ofthe process by which “discourse” becomes text. Discourse, in Emile Benvenist’s dlassic discussion (1971:217-230), is a mode of communication in which the presence of the speaking subject and of the immediate stua- tion of communication are intrinsic. Discourse is marked by pronouns (pronounced or implied) | and you, and by deicticindicators—this, that, ‘now, and so on—that signal the present instance of discourse rather than something beyond it. Discourse does not transcend the specific occasion in which a subject appropriates the resources of language in order to communicate dialogically, Ricoeur argues that discourse cannot be inter- preted in the open-ended, potentially public way in which a text is “read” To understand discourse “you had to have been there,” in the presence ofthe discoursing subject. For discourse to become text it must become “autonomous,” in Ricoeur’ terms, separated from a specific ut- terance and authorial intention. Interpretation is not interlocuion. It does not depend on being in the presence ofa speaker. The relevance of this distinction for ethnography is perhaps too ob- vious. The ethnographer always ultimately departs, taking away text for later interpretation (and among those “tess” taken away we can include imemories—events paterned, simplified, stipped of immediate context in order to be interpreted in later reconstruction and portrayal). The text, unlike discourse, can travel. if much ethnographic writing is produced in the field, actual composition ofan ethnography is done elsewhere. Data constituted in discursive, dialogical conditions are appropriated only in textualized forms. Research events and encounters become field notes. Experiences become narratives, meaningful occurrences, or examples This translation of the research experience into a textual corpus separate from its discursive occasions of production has important con- sequences for ethnographic authority. The data thus reformulated need no longer be understood as the communication of specific persons. An informant’ explanation or description of custom need not be cast in a form that includes the message "so and so sid this.” A texualizd ritual or event is no longer closely linked to the production ofthat event by specific actors. instead these texts become evidences of an englobing context, a “cultural reality. Moreover, a specific authors and actors are severed from their productions, a generalized “author” must be invented to account for the world or context within which the texts ar fictionally 40 DISCOURSES relocated, This generalized author goes under a variety of names: the Trative point of view, “the Trobrianders.” “the Nuer’ “the Dogon,” as these and similar phrases appear in ethnographies. "The Balinese” func- tion as author of Geers textualized cockfight ‘The ethnographer thus enjoys a special relationship with a cultural origin oF “absolute subject” (Michel-Jones 1978:14), It is tempting t0 ‘compare the ethnographer with the literary interpreter (and this compar ikon is increasingly commonplace)—but more specifically with the tra- ditional critic, who sees the task at hand as locating the unruly meanings fof a text in a single coherent intention. By represerting the Nuer, the ‘Trobrianders, or the Balinese as whole subjects, sources of a meaningful intention, the ethnographer transforms the research situation’s ambigul- ties and diversities of meaning into an integrated portait. tis important, though, to notice what has dropped out of sight. The research process is separated from the texts it generates and from the ficive world they are made to call up. The actuality of discursive situations and individual interlocutors is filtered out. But informants—along with field notes—are ‘crucial intermediaries, typically excluded from authoritative ethnogra- phies. The dialogical, situational aspects of ethnographic interpretation tend to be banished from the final representative text, Not entirely ban- ished, of course; there exist approved fopoi for the portrayal of the re- search process. “We are increasingly familiar with the separate fieldwork account (a subgente that still tends to be classified as subjective, "soft," or unscien- tific), but even within classic ethnographies, more-or-less stereotypic ‘ables of rapport” narrate the attainment of full partcipantobserver sta- tus. These fables may be told elaborately or in passing, naively or iron ‘caliy. They normally portray the ethnographer’s ezrly ignorance, mis- understanding, lack of contact—frequently a sort of childlike status within the culture. In the Bildungsgeschichte of the ethnography these Slates of innocence or confusion are replaced by adult, confident, dis- ‘bused knowledge. We may cite again Geertz’s cocMfight, where an early ‘alienation from the Balinese, a confused “nonperson* status, is trans formec by the appealing fable of the police raid with its show of com: plicity (1973:412-417). The anecdote establishes a presumption of con~ hrectedhess, which permits the writer to function in his subsequent analyses as an omnipresent, knowledgeable exegete and spokesman. ‘This interpreter situates the ritual sport as a text in a contextual world and brilliantly “reads” its cultural meanings. Geertzs abrupt disappearance ON ETHNOGRAPHIC AUTHORITY 4a imo his rppot—the ust insbliy of patna bsenaton—ispa- tuigrae, Hove he mates use ofa estublshed conetton slag thtatuinmer of elmopaphic autor AS a eau, weave som inde svar of fat hat ames pt ofthe cokighs conse tena ioc arsine ex wi pe slr Balinese ater than reing clue “over th sles (1973:452). in Sout A Interpretive anthropology, by viewing cultures as assemolages of texts, loosely and sometimes contradictorally united, and by highlighting the inventive poesis at work in all collective representations, nas contributed significantly to the defamilatization of ethnographic authority. In its ‘mainstream realist strands, however, it does not escape the general stric- tures of those critics of “colonial” representation who, since 1950, have rejected discourses that portray the cultural realities of other peoples without placing their own reality in jeopardy. In Michel Leis’ early cr- tiques, by way of Jacques Maquet, Talal Asad, and many others, the un- reciprocal quality of ethnographic interpretation has been called to ac- count (Leitis 1950; Maquet 1964; Asad 1973). Henceforth neither the experience nor the interpretive activity of the scientific researcher can be considered innocent. t becomes necessary to conceive of ethnography not as the experience and interpretation ofa circumscribed “other” real- ity but rather as a constructive negotiation involving at least two, and usually more, conscious, politically significant subjects. Paradigms of ex- perience and interpretation are yielding to discursive paradigms of dia- logue and polyphony, The remaining sections of this chaoter will survey these emergent modes of authority. ‘A discursive model of ethnographic practice brings into prominence the intersubjectvity ofall speech, along with its immediate performative context. Benvenise’s work on the constitutive role of perional pronouns ‘and deixis highlights just these dimensions. Every use of ! presupposes a ‘you, and every instance of discourse is immediately linked to a specific, shared situation: no discursive meaning, then, without inteiocution and context. The relevance ofthis emphasis for ethnography is evident. Field- work is significantly composed of language events; but language, in Bakitin’s words, “lies on the borderline between onesell and the other. The word in language & half someone else's” The Russian critic urges a rethinking of language in terms of specific discursive situations: "There a DISCOURSES are," he writes, “no ‘neutral’ words and forms—words and forms that can belong to ‘no one’; language has been completely taken over, shot through with intentions and accents.” The words of ethnographic writing, then, cannot be construed as monological, as the authoritative statement about, of interpretation of, an abstracted, textualized reality. The lan- ‘guage of ethnography is shot through with other subjectvities and spe- cific contextual overtones, for all language, in Bakhtin’s view, is “a con- crete heteroglot conception of the world” (1953:293). Forms of ethnographic writing that present themselves in a “ sive’ mode tend to be concemed with the representation of research contexts and situations of interlocution. Thus a book like Paul Rabinow’s Reflections on Fieldwork in Morocco (1977) is concerned with the rep- resentation of a specific research situation (a series of constraining times and places) and (in somewhat fictionalized form) a sequence of individ al interlocutors. Indeed an entire new subgenre of “fieldwork accounts” {of which Rabinow’s is one of the most trenchant) may be situated within the discursive paradigm of ethnographic writing. Jeanne Favret-Saada's Les mots, la mort, les sorts (1977) is an insistent, self-conscious experi- ‘ment with ethnography in a discursive mode.’ She argues that the event terlocution always assigns to the ethnographer a specific position in ‘a web of intersubjective relations. There is no neutral standpoint in the power-laden field of discursive positionings, in a shifting matrix of rela- tionships, of’s and you's. ‘A number of recent works have chosen to present the discursive processes of ethnography in the form of a dialogue between two individ uals. Camille Lacoste-Dujardin’s Dialogue des femmes en ethnologie (1977), Jean-Paul Dumont’s The Headman and | (1978), and Marjorie Shostak’s Nisa: The Life and Words of a !Kung Woman (1981) are note- ‘worthy examples. The dialogical mode is advocated with considerable sophistication in two other texts. The frst, Kevin Dwyers theoretical re~ flections on the “dialogic of ethnology” springs from a series of interviews with a key informant and justifies Dwyer’s decision to structure his eth rnography in the form ofa rather literal record of these exchanges (1977, 1979, 1982). The second work is Vincent Crapanzano’s more complex. ‘Tuhami: Portrait of a Moroccan, another account of a series of interviews 7, Favret Saada’s book is anslated as Deadly Words (1901), vee xp. chap. 2, Her experience has been rewritten at another fictional level in Favret-Saada land Contreras 1961. ON ETHNOGRAPHIC AUTHORITY 4“ that rejects any sharp separation of an interpreting self from a textualized other (1980; see also 1977). Both Dwyer and Crapanzano locate ethnog- raphy in a process of dialogue where interlocutors actively negotiate a shared vision of reality. Crapanzano argues that this mutual construction ‘must be at work in any ethnographic encounter, but that participants tend to assume that they have simply acquiesced to the reality oftheir coun- terpart. Thus, for example, the ethnographer of the Trobrian¢ Islanders does not openly concoct @ version of reality in collaboration with his informants but rather interprets the "Trobriand point of view” Crapan- zano and Dwyer offer sophisticated attempts to break with ths literary- hermeneutical convention. In the process the ethnographer's authority as narrator and interpreter is altered. Dwyer proposes a hermereutics of “vulnerability,” stressing the ruptures of fieldwork, the divided position and imperfect control ofthe ethnographer. Both Crapanzano and Dwyer seek to represent the research experience in ways that tear open the tex- tualized fabric ofthe other, and thus also of the interpreting self (Here ‘etymologies are evocative: the word text is related, as is well known, to ‘weaving, vulnerability to rending or wounding, inthis instance the open- ing up of a closed authority.) The model of dialogue brings to prominence precisely those discur- sive—circumstantial and intersubjective—elements that Ricoeur had to ‘exclude from his model of the text. But if interpretive authority is based ‘on the exclusion of dialogue, the reverse is also true: a purely dialogical authority would repress the inescapable fact of textualization. While eth- ographies cast as encounters between two individuals may successfully dramatize the intersubjective give-and-take of fieldwork and irtroduce a counterpoint of authorial voices, they remain representations of dia- logue. As texts they may not be dialogical in structure, for as Steven Tyler (1981) points out, although Socrates appears as a decentered rarticipant in his encounters, Plata cetains full contra ofthe dialogue. This displace ‘ment but not elimination of monological authority is characteristic of any 8. It would be wrong to gloss over the diferences between Dayer's and Crapanzano's theoretical postions. Dwyer, following Georg Lukics, translates dlalogte into Marxian-Hegelian dialectic, thus holding out the possibilty of a restoration ofthe human subject, a kind of completion in and through the other. CCrapanzano refuses any anchor in an englobing theory, his only authority being that ofthe dialogue's writer, an authority undermined by an inconclusive narra- tive of encounter, rupture, and confusion. (tis worth noting that dialogic, as used by Bakhtin, is not reducible to dialectic.) For an early advocacy of dialog anthropology see also Tedlock 1979, 4a DISCOURSES approach that portrays the ethnographer as a discrete character in the fieldwork narrative. Moreover, there isa frequent tendency in fictions of dialogue for the ethnographer’s counterpart to appear as a representative Of his or her culture—a type, in the language of traditional realism— through which general social processes are revealed.? Such a portrayal reinstates the synecdochic interpretive authority by which the ethnogra- pher reads text in relation to context, thereby constituting a meaningful “other” world. If itis dificult for dialogical portrayals to escape typitying procedures, they can, to a significant degree, resist the pull toward au- thoritative representation of the other. This depends on their ability fic~ tionally to maintain the strangeness ofthe other voice and to hold in view the specific contingencies of the exchange. A ‘To say that an ethnography is composed of discourses and that is difer~ ‘ent components are dialogically related is not to say that its textual form should be that of a literal dialogue. Indeed as Crapanzano recognize Juhami, a third participant, real or imagined, must function as mediator in any encounter between two individuals (1980:147-151). The fictional dialogue isin fact a condensation, a simplified representation of complex tmultivocal processes. An alternative way of representing this discursive Complexity isto understand the overall course ofthe research as an on- foing negotiation. The case of Marcel Griaule and the Dogon is well Known and particularly clear-cut. Griaule's account of his instruction in Dogon cosmological wisdom, Dieu d'eau (1948a), was an early exer- cise in dialogical ethnographic narration. Beyond this specific inter- Tocutory occasion, however, a more complex process was at work, for it is apparent that the content and timing of the Griaule team’s long- tetm research, spanning decades, was closely monitored and signifi cantly shaped by Dogon tribal authorities (see my discussion in Chap- ter 2), This is no longer news. Many ethnographers have commented ‘on the ways, both subtle and blatant, in which their research was directed or circumscribed by their informants. In his provocative discus- On reat "types see Luks 1968, passim, The tendency 0 transform an Tau, echurteruncaor may be observed in Marcel Gravis Bal dea Races aman i Shostaks Nisa (9). for a ds oie ea eee lence and of te ba esl dscrsive complexity See fod 9860: 103-108. ON ETHNOGRAPHIC AUTHORITY 4s sion of this issue loan Lewis (1973) even calls arthropology a form of “plagiarism” ‘The give-and-take of ethnography is clearly portrayed in a 1980 study noteworthy for its presentation within a single work of both an interpreted other reality and the research process itself: Renato Rosaldo's Hongot Headhunting. Rosaldo arrives in the Philigpine highlands intent ‘on writing a synchronic study of social structure; but again and again, lover his objections, he is forced to listen to endless llongot narratives of local history. Dutiully, dumbly, in a kind of bored trance he transcribes these stories, filling notebook after notebook with what he considers dis- posable texts. Only after leaving the field, and after a long process of reinterpretation (a process made manifest in the ethnography), does he realize that these obscure tales have in fact provided him with his final topic, the culturally distinctive llongot sense of narative and history. Ro- saldo's experience of what might be called "directed writing” sharply poses a fundamental question: Who is actually the author of field notes? The issue is a subtle one and deserves systematic study. But enough has been said to make the general point that incigenous control over knowledge gained in the field can be considerable, and even determin- ing. Current ethnographic writing is seeking new ways to represent ade- ‘quately the authority of informants. There are few models to look to, but it is worth reconsidering the older textual compilations of Boas, M nowski, Leenhardt, and others. In these works the ethnographic genre has not coalesced around the modem interpretational monograph closely identified with a personal fieldwork experience. We can contem- plate an ethnographic mode that is not yet authoritative in those specific ways that are now politically and epistemologically in question. These ‘older assemblages include much that is acwaly or all but writen by informants. One thinks ofthe role of George Hunt in Boas ethnography, ‘or of the fifteen “transcripteurs" listed in Leenhard’s Documents néo- ccalédoniens (1932).1° Malinowski is a complex transitional case. Hisethnographies reflect 10. For a study ofthis mode of textual production see Clifford 1980, See ‘also in this context Fontana. 1975, the introduction to Frank Russell, The Pima indians, on the book’s hidden coauthor, the Papago Indian José Lewis; Letis 1948. discusses collaboration as coauthorship, as does Lewis 1973. For 2 forward-looking defense of Boas’ emphasis on vernacular texts and his collabo- ration with Hunt see Goldman 1980, 46 DIScouRsES the incomplete coalescence of the modern monograph. If he was cen~ trally responsible for the welding of theory and description into the au- thority of the professional fieldworker, Malinowski nonetheless included material that did not directly support his own all-too-clear interpretive slant. In the many dictated myths and spells that fill his books, he pub- lished much data that he admittedly did not understand. The result was fan open text subject to multiple reinterpretation. It is worth comparing Such older compendiums with the recent mocel ethnography, which cites evidence to support a focused interpretation but litle else."* In the modern, authoritative monograph there are, in effet, no strong voices present except that of the writer; but in Argonauts (1922) and Coral Gar- dens (1935) we read page after page of magical spells, none in any es- sential sense in the ethnographer’ words. These dictated texts in all but their physical inscription are written by specific unnamed Trobrianders. Indeed any continuous ethnographic exposition routinely folds into itself ‘a diversity of descriptions, transcriptions, and interpretations by a variety of indigenous “authors.” How should these authori presences be made manifest? A ‘A.useful—if extreme—standpoint is provided by Bakhtin’s analysis of the ‘polyphonic novel. A fundamental condition othe genre, he argues, is that it represents speaking subjects in a field of multiple discourses. The novel grapples with, and enacts, heteroglossia. For Bakhtin, preoccupied ‘with the representation of nonhomogeneous wnoles, there are no inte- ‘grated cultural worlds or languages. All attempts to posit such abstract Unities are constructs of monological power. A “culture” is, concretely, ‘an open-ended, creative dialogue of subculture, of insiders and outsid- fers, of diverse factions. A “language” isthe interplay and struggle of re- gional dialects, professional jargons, generic commonplaces, the speech of different age groups, individuals, and so forth. For Bakhtin the poly- phonic novel is not a tour de force of cultural or historical totalization (as realist critics such as Georg Lukacs and Erich Auerbach have argued) but rather a cammivalesque arena of diversity. Bakhtin discovers a utopian tex 1. james Fernandez’ elaborate Bwiti (1985) is a sel-conscious transeres- sion of the tight, monographic form, returning to Melinowskian scale and reviv~ ing thnography's “archival” functions. ON ETHNOGRAPHIC AUTHORITY ar tual space where discursive complexity, the dialogical interplay of voices, can be accommodated. in the novels of Dostoyevsky or Dickens he values precisely their resistance to totality, and his ideal novelist is a ventriloquist—in rineteenth-century patlance a “polyphonist” "He do the police in diferent voices,’ a listener exclaims admiringly of the boy Sloppy, who reads publicly from the newspaper in Our Mutual Friend, But Dickens the actor, oral performer, and polyphonist must be set against Flaubert, the master of authorial control, moving godlike among the thoughts and felings of his characters. Ethnography, lke the novel, wrestles with these altematives. Ooes the ethnographic writer porvay hat natives think by means of Flaubertian “fee indirect style,” a style that suppresses direct quotation in favor ofa controlling discourse always more or less that of the author? (Dan Sperber 1961, taking Evans- Pritchard as his example, has convincingly shown that style indirect is indeed the preferred mode of ethnographic interpretation.) Or does the portrayal of other subjectvities require a version that is stylistically less homogeneous, filled with Dickens’ “dtferent voices"? Some use of indirect style is inevitable, unless the novel or thnog- raphy is composed entirely of quotations, something that is theoretically possible but seldom attempted." In practice, however, the ethnography and the novel have recourse to indirect style at diferent levels of abstrac- tion. We need not ask how Flaubert knows what Emma Bovary is think- ing, but the ability of the fieldworker to inhabit indigenous minds is always in doubt. Indeed this is a permanent, unresolved problem of eth- nnographic method. Ethnographers have generally refrained from ascrib- ing beliefs, feelings, and thoughts to individuals. They have not, how- ever, hesitated to ascribe subjective states to cultures. Sperber’s analysis reveals how phrases such as “the Nuer think "or "the Nuer sense of time" are fundamertaly different from quotations or translation of indig- enous discourse. Such statements are “without any specified speaker” and are literally equivocal, combining in a seamless way the ethnogra- pher’safrmations with that of an informant or informants (1981:78), Ethnographies abound in unattributed sentences such as "The spirits re- 12. Such a project is announced by Evans-Pritchatd in his introduction to ‘Man and Woman among the Azande (1974), alate work that may be seen 35 2 "reaction against the closed, analytical nature of his own earlier ethnographies ‘His acknowledged inspiration is Malinowski. The notion of a book entirely com [posed of quotations isa modernist dream associated with Walter Benjamin) 48 DISCOURSES ‘urn tothe village at night” descriptions of belies in which the weiter assumes inetfct the voice of culture. 'At tis “cultural” level ethnographers aspire to a Flaubertian omni science that moves freely throughout a world of indigenous subjects, Be- neath the surface, though, their texts are more unruly and discordant. Victor Turner's work provides a telling casein point, worth investigating more closely as an example of the interplay of monophonic and poly- phonic exposition. Turner's ethnographies offer superbly complex por- trayals of Ndembu ritual symbols and belief; and he has provided too an unusually explicit glimpse behind the scenes. In the midst ofthe es- ‘ays collected in The Forest of Symbols, his third book on the Ndembu, “Turner offers a portrait of his best informant, “Muchona the Horne I~ terpreter of Religion” (1967:131-150). Muchona, a ritual healer, anc Tur- ner are drawn together by their shared interest in traditional symbols, etymologies, and esoteric meanings. They are both “intellectuals pas- Sionate interpreters of the nuances and depths of custom; both are up- rooted scholars sharing “the quenchless thirst for objective knowledge” “Tumer compares Muchona to a university don; his account of their col- laboration includes more than passing hints of a strong psycholegical doubling. “Theres, however, a third present in their dialogue, Windson Kash- inakaj, a Ndembu senior teacher atthe local mission school. He brought ‘Muchona and Turmer together and shares their passion for the interpre- tation of customary religion, Through his biblical education he “acquired a flair for elucidating knotty questions.” Newly skeptical of Christan ddogma and missionary privileges, he is looking sympathetically at pagan religion. Kashinakaj, Tumee tells us, “spanned the cultural distance be- tween Muchona and myself, transforming the litle doctors technical jat~ gon and salty village argot into a prose | could better grasp” The three intellectuzls Soon “settled down into a sort of dally seminar on religion” “Turner's accounts of this seminar are stylized: “eight months of exh ara ing quicklre talk among the three of us, mainly about Ndembu rtual” ‘They reveal an extraordinary ethnographic “colloquy”; but significantly ‘Turner does not make his three-way collaboration the crux of his essay. Rather he focuses on Muchona, thus transforming tralogue into dielogue and fattening @ complex productive relation into the “portrait” of an formant.” (This reduction was in some degree required by the format of the book in which the essay fst appeared, Joseph Casagrande'simpor- ON ETHNOGRAPHIC AUTHORITY 49 tant 1960 collection of “Wwenty Portraits of Anthropological informants,” In the Company of Man.)?® ‘Turner's published works vary considerably in their discursive struc- tute. Some are composed largely of direct quotations; in at least one ‘essay Muchona is identified as the principal source of the overall inter- pretation; elsewhere he is invoked anonymously, for example as “a male ritual specialist” (1975:40~42, 87, 154156, 244). Windson Kashinakaji is identified as an assistant and translator rather than as a source of inter- pretations. Overall, Tumers ethnographies are unusually polyphonic, ‘openly built up from quotations ("According to an adept. ..," or "One informant guesses . . ."). He does not, however, do the Ndembu in dif- ferent voices, and we hear litle “salty village argot.” All the voices of the field have been smoothed into the expository prose of more-oF-les inter- ‘changeable “informants. The staging of indigenous speech in an ethnog- raphy, the degree of translation and familiarization necessary, are com- plicated practical and thetorical problems."* But Tumer’s works, by siving visible place to indigenous interpretations of custom, expose con- cretely these issues of textual dialogism and polyphony. ‘The inclusion of Turner's portrait of Muchona in The Forest of Sym= bols may be seen as a sign of the times. The Casagrande collection in ‘which it originally appeared had the effect of segregating the crucial issue of relations between ethnographers and their indigenous collaborators, Discussion of these issues still had no place within scientific ethnogra~ phies, but Casagrande's collection shook the post-Malinowski profes- sional taboo on “privileged informants.” Raymond Firth on Pa Fenuatara, Robert Lowie on Jim Carpenter—a long list of distinguished anthropolo- gists have described the indigenous “ethnographers" with whom they shared, to some degree, a distanced, analytic, even ironic view of cus- tom, These individuals became valued informarts because they under- stood, often with real subtlety, what an ethnographic atitude toward cul- ture entailed. In Lowie's quotation of his Crow interpreter (and fellow “philologist”) Jim Carpenter, one senses a shared outlook: "When you 13, Fora “group dynamics” approach to ethnography see Yannopoulos and ‘Martin 1978. For an ethnography explicitly based on rative “seminars see Jones and Konner 1976. 14, FavretSaada's use of dialect and italic type in Les mots, la mort, les sons (1977) is one solution among many to 2 problem that has long preoccupied re- alist novelists, 50 DISCOURSES listen tothe old men telling about their visions, you've just got to believe them? (Casagrande 1960:428). And there is considerably more than a ‘wink and a nod in the story recounted by Firth about his best Tikopian friend and informant: (On another occasion talk turned tothe nes set fr salmon rout in the lake. The nets were becoming black, possibly with some organic ‘growth, and tended to rt easily. Pa Fenuatara then told a story to the ‘crowd assembled in the house about how, oUt on the lake with his nets tone time, he felt a spirit going among the net and making itsoft. When he held the net up he found it slimy. The spirit had been at work. 1 ‘asked him then if this was a traditional piece of knowledge that sir, vwere responsible for the deterioration ofthe nets. He answered, “No, ‘my own thought” Ihen he added with laugh, "My own piece of traditional knowledge” (Casagrande 1960:17-18) “The full methodological impact of Casagrande’s collection remains fatent, especialy the significance of its accounts for the dialogical pro- duction of ethnographic texts and interpretations. This significance is ob- ‘cured by a tendency to cast the book as a universalizing, humanist doc- lument revealing “a hall of mirrors ... in full variety the endless reflected image of man’ (Casagrande 1960: xi. In light of the present crisis in ethnographic authority, however, these revealing portraits spill into the ‘oeuvres of their authors, altering the way they can be read. If ethnogra- phy is part of what Roy Wagner (1980) calls “the invention of culture its activity is plural and beyond the control of any individual A ‘One increasingly common way to manifest the collaborative production ‘of ethnographic knowledge is to quote regularly and at length from in- formants. (A striking example is We Eat the Mines, the Mines Eat Us [1979] by June Nash.) But such a tactic only begins to break up mono phonic authority. Quotations are always staged by the quoter and tend fo serve merely as examples or confirming testimonies. Looking beyond ‘quotation, one might imagine a more radical polyphony that would “do the natives and the ethnographer in different voices”; but this too would only displace ethnographic authority, stil confirming the final virtuoso ‘orchestration by a single author of all the discourses in his or her text. In this sense Bakhtin’s polyphony, too narrowly identified with the novel, is 1a domesticated heteroglossia. Ethnographic discourses are not, in any ON ETHNOGRAPHIC AUTHORITY 51 event, the speeches of invented characters. Informants are specific indi- ‘viduals with real proper names—names that can be cited, in altered form ‘when tact requires. Informants’ intentions are overdetermined, their ‘words politically and metaphorically complex. If accorded an autono- ‘mous textual space, transcribed at sufficient length, indigenous state- iments make sense in terms diferent from those of the arranging ethnog- rapher. Ethnography is invaded by heteroglossia This possibility suggests an alternate textual strategy, a utopia of plu- ral authorship that accords to collaborators not merely the status of in- dependent erunciators but that of writers. As a form of authority it must still be consilered utopian for two reasons. First, the few recent experi- ‘ments with multiple-author works appear to require, as an instigating force, the research interest of an ethnographer who in the end assumes ‘an executive, editorial position. The authoritative stance of “giving ‘voice" to the other is not fully transcended. Second, the very idea of pplural authorship challenges a deep Western identification of any text's ‘order with the intention of a single author. If this identification was less strong when Lafitau wrote his Moeurs des sauvages ameriquains, and if recent criticism has thrown it into question, iti still a potent constraint ‘on ethnographic writing. Nonetheless, there are signs of movement in this domain, Anthropologists will increasingly have to share their texts, and sometimes their ttle pages, with those indigenous collavorators for ‘whom the term informants is no longer adequate, if it ever was. Ralph Bulmer and lan Majnep's Birds of My Kalam Country (1977) is an important prototype. (Separate typefaces distinguish the juxtaposed ‘contributions of ethnographer and New Guinean, collaborators for more ‘hata decaue.) Even more significant isthe collectively produced 1974 sstudy Piman Shamanism and Staying Sickness (Ka:cim Mumkidag), ‘which lists on its ttle page, without distinction (though not, it may be ‘noted, in alphabetical order): Donald M. Bahr, anthropologis; Juan Gre~ sgorio, shaman; David |. Lopez, interpreter; and Albert Alvarez, editor. ‘Three of the four are Papago Indians, and the book is consciously de- ‘signed “to transfer to a shaman as many as possible ofthe functions nor- ‘mally associated with authorship. These include the selection of an ex- pository style, the duty to make interpretations and explanations, and the right to judge which things are important and which are not" ip. 7). Bahr, the initiator and organizer of the project, opts to share authority as much _as possible. Gregorio, the shaman, appears as the principal source of the “theory of disease” that is transcribed and translated, at two separate 32 DISCOURSES levels, by Lopez and Alvarez. Gregorio’s vemacular texts include com- pressed, often gnamic explanations, which are themselves interpreted land contextualized by Bahr’ separate commentary. The book is unusual in its textual enactment ofthe interpretation of interpretations. in Piman Shamanism the transition from individual enunciations to cultural generalizations is always visible in the separation of Gregorios and Bahr's voices. The authority of Lopez, less visible, is akin to that of Windson Kashinakaji in Turner's work. His bilingual fluency guides Babr through the subtleties of Gregorio’s language, thus permitting the shaman to speak at length on theoretical topics.” Neither Lopez nor Alvarez ap~ pearsas a specific voice in the text, and their contribution to the ethnog- raphy remains largely invisible to all but qualified Papagos, able to gauge the accuracy of the translated texts and the vernacular nuance of Bahr's interpretations. Alvarez’ authority inheres in the fact that Piman Shaman- jsm is a book directed at separate audiences. For most readers focusing ‘on the translations and explanations the texts printed in Piman will be of Title or no interest. The linguist Alvarez, however, corected the tran scriptions and translations with an eye to their use in language teaching, using an orthography he had developed for that purpose. Thus the book contributes to the Papagos’ literary invention of their culture. This difer- tent reading, built into Piman Shamanism, is of more than local sinift- cance. It is intrinsic to the breakup of monological authority that ethnogra- phies no longer address a single general type of reader. The multplica- tion of possible readings reflects the fact that “ethnographic” conscious ress can no longer be seen as the monopoly of certain Western cultures ‘and social classes. Even in ethnographies lacking vernacular texts, indig tenous readers will decode differently the textualized interpretations and lore. Polyphonic works are particularly open to readings not specifically intended. Tiobriand readers may find Malinowski’s interpretations tire- some but his examples and extended transcriptions still evocative. Ndembu will not gloss as quickly as European readers over the different voices embedded in Turner's works. Recent literary theory suggests that the ability of a text to make sence in a coherent way depends less on the willed intentions of an originating ‘author than on the creative activity of a reader. To quote Roland Barthes, if a text is "a tissue of quotations drawn from innumerable certers of culture” then “a text’s unity lies not in its origin but in its destination” (1977:146, 148). The writing of ethnography, an unruly, multisubjective ON ETHNOGRAPHIC AUTHORITY 3 activity, is given coherence in particular acts of reading. But there is al~ ways a variety of possible readings (beyond merely individual appropria- tions), readings beyond the control of any single authority. One may ap- proach a classic ethnography seeking simply to grasp the meanings that the researcher derives from represented cultural facts. Or, as have sug _gested, one may also read against the grain ofthe texts dominant voice, seeking out other halt-hidden authorities, einterpreting the descriptions, ‘texts, and quorations gathered together by the writer. With the recent _questioning of cotonial styles of representation, with the expansion of literacy and etmnographic consciousness, new possibilities for reading {and thus for writing) cultural descriptions are emerging."* The textual embodiment of authority is a recurring problem for con- ‘temporary experiments in ethnography."* An older, realist rode—fig- ured in the frontispiece to Argonauts of the Western Pacific and based on ‘the construction of a cultural tableau vivant designed to be seen from a ‘single vantage point, that of the writer and reader—can now be identi- ‘ied as only one possible paradigm for authority. Political and epistero- logical assumptions are built ito this and other styles, assumptions the ‘ethnographic writer can no longer afford to ignore. The modes of author- ity reviewed here—experiential, interpretive, dialogical, polyphonic— are available to all writers of ethnographic texts, Westem and non- TE pay emt cl ph eon ed oe pia rasa ros ea kat SSN etc se Ek SERN We a Pn mel nec ten Satya in a el ae So Lae Tah eco nat Se Seen arte i? sine Sea estes Sere cnt eT ue @ ae Sr to er! ca od Scere es ah SuPer ‘ee frie accent cn ae! Set ai na ara eon St Soe ce rs ae ie tw se ‘scriptions in identical formats. Ethnography appears as a process of collective sectarian gn Zale cen nacre onde bese ia Pte eet ey Ss on Sy 2 Solera ane lig rata le peel ecg pig etna ts a a a ‘Clifford and Marcus 1986. 982 Fal 19825 and “4 DIscouRsES ‘Western, None is obsolete, none pure: there is om for invention within ‘each paradigm, We have seen how new approaches tend to rediscover discarded practices. Polyphonic authority looks with renewed sympathy to compendiums of vernacular texts—expository forms distinct from the focused monograph tied to participant observation. Now that naive claims to the authority of experience have been subjected to hermeneu- fic suspicion, we may anticipate a renewed attention to the subtle inter~ play of personal and disciplinary components in ethnographic research. Experiential, interpretive, dialogical, and polyphonic processes are at work, discordantly, in any ethnography, but coherent presentation pre- supposes a controlling mode of authority. | have argued that this impo- sition of coherence on an unruly textual process is now inescapably a matter of strategic choice. | have tried to distinguish important styles of authority as they have become visible in recent decades. If ethnographic ‘iting is alive, as | believe itis, itis struggling within and against these possibilities.

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