Lab Report 5
Lab Report 5
Lab Report 5
Carbohydrates are the most important source of energy for the body. 1g of
carbohydrate provides 4.2 kcal of energy. Cells in the body need glucose in order for the
production of energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate. The brain cells and the erythrocytes
are completely dependant on glucose as an energy source. If there is too much energy in the
body, in the form of carbohydrates, it is transformed into fat and stored in the body as glycogen.
About 30% of the energy is lost when carbohydrates are stored as fat. Another important
function of carbohydrates is to act as energy storage. The body's own glycogen stores act as a
readily available energy reserve. 1/3 of the glycogen is stored in the liver and about 2/3 is stored
in the muscles. Dietary fibres are also carbohydrates. It used to be believed that fibres could not
be used by the human body, as the digestive juices in the body did not contain enzymes capable
of breaking down these compounds. Some other important functions of carbohydrates are:
Complex carbohydrates are polymers of the simple sugars. In other words, the
complex carbohydrates are long chains of simple sugar units bonded together. Polysaccharides
are starch, glycogen and also cellulose. Starch is the principal polysaccharide used by plants to
store glucose for later use as energy. Plants often store starch in seeds or other specialized
organs. For example, common sources of starch include rice, beans, wheat, corn, potatoes, and so
on. When humans eat starch, an enzyme that occurs in saliva and in the intestines called amylase
breaks the bonds between the repeating glucose units, thus allowing the sugar to be absorbed into
the bloodstream. Once absorbed into the bloodstream, the human body distributes glucose to the
areas where it is needed for energy or stores it as its own special polymer - glycogen. Glycogen,
another polymer of glucose, is the polysaccharide used by animals to store energy. Excess
glucose is bonded together to form glycogen molecules, which the animal stores in the liver and
muscle tissue as an "instant" source of energy. Both starch and glycogen are polymers of
glucose; however, starch is a long, straight chain of glucose units, whereas glycogen is a
branched chain of glucose units. Another important polysaccharide is cellulose. Cellulose is yet a
third polymer of the monosaccharide glucose. Cellulose differs from starch and glycogen
because the glucose units form a two-dimensional structure, with hydrogen bonds holding
together nearby polymers, thus giving the molecule added stability. Cellulose, also known as
plant fiber, cannot be digested by human beings, therefore cellulose passes through the digestive
tract without being absorbed into the body. Some animals, such as cows and termites, contain
bacteria in their digestive tract that help them to digest cellulose. Cellulose is a relatively stiff
material, and in plants it is used as a structural molecule to add support to the leaves, stem, and
other plant parts. Despite the fact that it cannot be used as an energy source in most animals,
cellulose fiber is essential in the diet because it helps exercise the digestive track and keep it
clean and healthy. Oligosaccharides are carbohydrates that are made up of two to ten units of
monosaccharides. They can be liberated on hydrolysis. As they attach to proteins and lipids,
these complex carbohydrates then form glycoprotein and glycolipid, which plays a major role in
the plasma membrane.
There are a few tests to detect the presence of carbohydrates as well as different types of them.
One of the test is Molisch Test. Molisch test is a sensitive chemical test that is used to detect the
presence of carbohydrates in sample. It is based on the principle of dehydration of the
carbohydrate by sulphuric acid in to produce an aldehyde. This aldehyde eventually condenses
with two molecules of phenol, usually α-naphtol, resulting in a red or purple coloured compound.
A positive test is indicated by appearance of a purple ring at the interface between the acid and
test layers. This is the result between the interaction of the sulphuric acid with α-naphtol.
Barfoed’s test, on the other hand, is another test that plays a msjor role in
detecting carbohydrates. However, this test is mainly to detect the presence of monosaccharides.
It is based on the reduction of copper(II) acetate to copper(I) oxide. This results in the formation
of a brick red precipitate. Although disaccharides may react, their reaction is much slower. The
aldehyde group of the monosaccharides which normally forms a cyclic hemiacetal is oxidised to
the carboxylate.
Molisch reagent
Sugar solution
Concentrated sulphuric acid
Glass rod
Test tube
Test tube rack
1. Two drops of Molisch reagent was added to 2ml of the sugar solution and mixed
2. The test tube was inclined. 5ml of concentrated sulphuric acid, H2SO4 was poured down
the side of the test tube gently.
3. A purple colour at the interface of the sugar and acid indicates a positive test. The test
was disregarded if green colour appears.
The reaction between Molisch reagent with glucose, fructose, lactose as well as maltose shows a
positive test. The positive reaction is indicated by the formation of purple ring near the interace
where the acid meets the carbohydrate (sugar). All carbohydrates show a positive reaction with
Molisch reagent because all sugars undergo dehydration reaction in the presence of sulphuric
acid. A formation of hydroxymethylfurfural or also known as furfural occurs. In the second step,
the furfural reacts with α-naphtol in order to form the coloured product which is the purple ring.
Sugars are dehydrated in the presence of concentrated sulphuric acid. This results in the
formation of furfuryl derivative which is the furfural or hydroxymethyl furfural. Furfural is
derived from the dehydration of pentoses and pentosans. On the other hand, 5-hydroxymethyl
furfural is produced from hexoses and hexosans.
1-naphtol reacts with hydroxymethylfurfural. The hydroxyl group of 1-naphtol has a storng
electron donating resonance effect that contributes in increasing the electron density in the
benzene ring. 1-naphtol acts as a nucleophile and is added to the positive polarized carbon of the
aldehyde group of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural. Water is then eliminated after an intramolecular
proton migration. A carbon=carbon (C=C) double bond is also formed.
Now a further nucleophilic addition of 1-naphthol molecule takes place. After an intramolecular
proton migration two protons are eliminated leading to a purple furfuryl dipheylmethane dye.
Although this test will detect compounds other than carbohydrates such as glycoproteins, a
negative result indicates the absence of carbohydrates.
precautions should also be taken during the carrying out of the procedures of this experiment.
This is because concentrated sulphuric acid is a highly toxic material that can cause severe burns.
It can be fatal if swallowed and is also carcinogenic. It is very destructive of mucous membrane.
Besides, 1-naphtol is an eye, skin and respiratory irritant. It can also cause liver damage. Due to
the dangerous side effects of these materials used in this experiment, thus safety precautions
should be taken.
The Molisch test is used to detect the presence of sugar or carbohydrates. All carbohydrates
gives a positive reaction towards Molisch reagent which is identified by the formation of purple
REFERENCE :'s_test
Barfoed’s reagent
Sugar solution
Concentrated sulphuric acid
Test tube
Test tube rack
Bunsen burner
Tripod stand
Wire gauze
Water bath
1. 15 drops of the following carbohydrates were placed in the separate labeled test tubes :
glucose, fructose, sucrose, lactose, maltose
2. 1ml of Barfoed’s reagent was added to each test tube. The test tubes were heated in a
boiling water bath for ten minutes.
3. The test tubes were removed and noted.
4. The results were recorded.
In this experiment, both monosaccharides as well as disaccharides are used. Glucose and lactose
are both monosaccharides whereas disaccharides are undoubtedly fructose, sucrose and maltose.
Barfoed’s test shows a rapid positive result for monosaccharides. In contrast with that,
disaccharides reacts with Barfoed’s reagent at a slower rate although it may produce the same
result as the monosaccharides in a longer duration of time. Reducing monosaccharides are
oxidized by the copper ion in solution to form a carboxylic acid and a reddish precipitate of
copper (I) oxide is formed within three minutes. However, disaccharides take about seven to
twelve minutes in order to produce the same results. This test is based on the reducing nature of
the carbohydrates due to their having aldehyde or ketone groups, that reduce the cupric
hydroxide formed in acidic medium to red coloured cuprous oxide. As disaccharides are weak
reducing agents, they do not reduce cupric ions in Barfoed’s solution under acidic condition.
This differs in monosaccharides which are strong reducing agents that are able to reduce cupric
ions even in acidic conditions. However, in prolonged heating, acetic acid present in the reagent,
hydrolizes disacchraides to monosaccharides which responds to this test. The reagent used in
Barfoed’s test contains copper acetate and glacial acetic acid.
REFERENCE :'s_test
1. Give other test that can be used to detect the presence of carbohydrates.
Lugol’s test (iodine solution) is used to test complex carbohydrates. Positive results are
indicated by the change of the iodine solution from yellowish brown to dark purple or
black colour.
Benedict’s test is used to test for reducing sugars or aldehydes. Positive results are
indicated by the formation of brick red precipitate.
Fehling’s solution is used to test for reducing sugars or aldehydes. Positive result is
indicated by formation of red precipitate.
Tollen’s test is used test for the presence of aldehydes. Positive result is indicated by a
formation of silver mirror.
2. In Molisch Test, why the concentrated sulphuric acid need to be poured slowly
down the side of the test tube?
The test solution is combined with a small amount of concentrated sulfuric acid and is
slowly added down the sides of the sloping test tube, without mixing. If the acid is
poured too quickly, it results in a mixing of the contents and, can cause the test results to
be inaccurate. All carbohydrates and even, glycoproteins will give a positive reaction. A
positive reaction is indicated by a purple ring forming at the interface between the acid
and test layers. The sulfuric acid needs to be slowly poured so that it can have time to get
into the test layers. It enhances the depth perception of the reaction.
3. What is the similarity and difference between Benedict’s Test and Barfoed’s Test?
Barfoed's test is used for detecting the presence of monosaccharides. It is based on
the reduction of copper(II) (as acetate) to copper(I) oxide (Cu2O), which forms a
brick-red precipitate. Disaccharides may also react, but the reaction is much
slower. The aldehyde group of the monosaccharide which normally forms a cyclic
hemiacetal is oxidized to the carboxylate. A number of other substances,
including sodium chloride may interfere. The test is similar to the reaction of
Fehling's solution to aldehydes or Benedict's test.
There is no difference for a solution to be tested by Benedict`s or by Barfoed`s
test, as both detect the presence of reducing sugars. Barfoed`s test is the least
known of these three.
Both the test detect the presence of reducing sugars and the only difference
between the two tests is that further confirmation of a monosaccharides or
disaccharides are done in Barfoed’s test.