The Hobbyist's Guide To Casting Metal - 2nd Edition (Print)
The Hobbyist's Guide To Casting Metal - 2nd Edition (Print)
The Hobbyist's Guide To Casting Metal - 2nd Edition (Print)
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Thanks to the members of the forums, without which this book
would never have existed.
Many of the activities described in this book are very dangerous. I make an attempt to point
out some specific safety precautions as they come up, but there is no way I can point out
every conceivable danger. I'm not a professional foundryman, scientist, or engineer, just a
hobbyist—so there may be dangers that I don't even know about. For that matter, any
advice I give could be wrong or even dangerous in certain situations. I can't be held
responsible for any harm that comes to person or property as a result of following my
advice or using any of the information in this book. Remember, the extremely high
temperatures that liquid metal can reach are more than enough to send you to the hospital
or kill you, or to set fire to anything nearby (like your house). Other activities, like welding
or machining, present their own very serious dangers.
Table of Contents
Utility of Metalcasting.......................................................................................................1
The Basics..........................................................................................................................2
Personal History.................................................................................................................3
Section I: Safety....................................................................................................................5
Safety Gear.........................................................................................................................5
Eye Protection...............................................................................................................6
Respiratory Protection...................................................................................................7
Special Precautions............................................................................................................8
High-Temperature Metals.............................................................................................9
Safe Foundry Practice......................................................................................................10
Steam Explosions........................................................................................................10
Crucible Care...............................................................................................................11
General Safety Rules...................................................................................................12
Section II: Melting and Casting Practices........................................................................13
Judging Temperature........................................................................................................13
Temperature by Color.................................................................................................13
Optical Pyrometry.......................................................................................................14
Pyrometric Cones........................................................................................................14
Casting Processes.............................................................................................................15
Oil-Bonded Sand....................................................................................................15
Resin-Bonded Sand................................................................................................16
Lost Foam....................................................................................................................16
Lost Wax.....................................................................................................................16
Investment Casting.................................................................................................17
Ceramic Shell Casting............................................................................................17
Permanent Mold Casting.............................................................................................17
Identifying Scrap..............................................................................................................17
Forming Methods........................................................................................................81
Slip Casting.............................................................................................................82
Plastic Forming.......................................................................................................83
Section VI: Furnace Construction.....................................................................................85
Furnace Shell...............................................................................................................89
Slab Rolling............................................................................................................91
Section VII: Dictionary of Metalcasting Terms...............................................................98
Appendix 1: Temperatures by Color.........................................................................119
Appendix 2: Melting Points and Pouring Temperatures of Various Materials.........119
Appendix 3: Table of Common Foundry Fluxes.......................................................120
Appendix 4: Flame Temperatures and Energy Densities of Selected Fuels.............120
Appendix 5: Composition of Selected Aluminum Alloys.........................................121
Appendix 6: Thermodynamic Data for Selected Materials.......................................122
Appendix 7: Properties of Selected Refractory Materials.........................................123
Appendix 8: Pyrometric Cone Chart.........................................................................124
Appendix 9: Formulas and Unit Conversions...........................................................126
Appendix 10: Patternmakers' Rulers.........................................................................127
The first question a beginner to the hobby of metalcasting might ask is, Why cast metal?
Casters that have been with the hobby a while have already answered this question for
themselves, of course, and they are likely to have a multitude of personal reasons for their
own involvement in the hobby.
Utility of Metalcasting
Machinists will find the casting of metal invaluable for creating blanks and rough parts, as
it is much easier and cheaper in most cases to cast a rough part and finish machine it than it
is to machine the same part from solid. With care, machine turnings can be recycled by re-
casting, and salvaged scrap metal and failed parts can be melted to produce new parts,
drastically reducing the need to buy expensive stock. For many parts, also, casting to rough
shape will save a large amount of machining time and tool wear compared to machining
from stock. Indeed, casting and machining are complementary pursuits to such a level that I
would regard a hobby machine shop without the ability to cast parts crippled in its pursuits
and abilities.
Sculptural artists may find their expression in cast metal, as the casting is permanent but
relatively easily formed from a sculpted pattern in wax, modeling clay, or wood. Art
studios exist that will professionally produce castings from an artist's original, but these
services are universally expensive and perhaps out of the reach of the non-professional
artist. Furthermore, much greater control over the process is achievable by doing the entire
process yourself.
For the experimenter, casting metal will be an interesting and challenging intellectual
pursuit, drawing upon skills in a wide variety of fields. Casting at the hobby level provides
especially interesting problems to solve due to the budgetary and other constraints not
present in an industrial setting. The solutions to these casting problems often blend
technology developed thousands of years ago with technology developed in the modern
world to provide a manageable approach to processes usually reserved for heavy industry.
It is also possible for the entrepreneur to make a living, or at least some spending money,
casting metal in a small home-built foundry. A commercial enterprise will require higher
quality and more consistency than most hobby operations achieve, but this can be done if
the income stream from casting offsets some of the money spent on better equipment.
Perhaps most fundamentally, casting metal is a way to make things. As an additive process,
it nicely complements many subtractive processes such as machining and sculpting, and it
is a valuable tool for any metalworker, artist, or artisan. Anyone who derives enjoyment
from the act of creation will find enjoyment in the hobby of metalcasting.
The Basics
The next question a beginner might ask is, How do I cast metal? The technical details of
this question are covered collectively by the rest of this book, but it is perhaps appropriate
to make some general notes here.
In order to cast metal, you first need to have metal, a way to melt the metal, and a mold to
put it in when it's melted. Getting the metal is relatively simple—it can come from
collected scrap, or it can be purchased in ingot form from various suppliers.
To melt metal, you need some form of furnace. Crucible furnaces (the type covered in most
detail by this book) use a vessel to contain the metal, and a furnace to heat the vessel up to
the metal's melting point. Crucibles can be bought or made, and can be made of metal or
Direct-melting furnaces, in contrast to crucible furnaces, have a place in the furnace (called
a hearth) that holds the molten metal. Reverberatory furnaces are designed such that hot
combustion gases (from a burner or the burning of solid fuel) make multiple passes above
the hearth before being exhausted, improving efficiency. Cupolas allow the metal to fall
through a bed of burning solid fuel, melting on the way down and collecting in the hearth
until the furnace is tapped and the charge is emptied. Other types of furnaces, like arc
furnaces, have a crucible-like hearth and apply heat directly to the metal through various
means. Direct-melting furnaces may pour metal directly into molds, or into a ladle (similar
to a crucible) that is then carried to the molds.
Molds can be made in many different ways. Sand molds will be discussed in detail in this
book, and the basic sand molding process is to place a pattern in the shape of the casting
into a specially-designed box (flask) and compress special molding sand around it on all
sides. The sand takes the shape of the pattern, the pattern is removed from the mold
(usually the mold is made in multiple parts to accommodate this), and the metal is poured
in. The mold is destroyed in extracting the casting, but the sand can be reused.
These processes are extremely simple, as you can see. However, making crucibles and
furnaces that can survive the temperatures required to melt certain metals can be
challenging, and the other requirements (thermal shock resistance, good insulative ability,
and so on) implicit in making the process practical will make the process even more
difficult. In short, while casting metal is not in itself difficult, casting metal well is.
That being said, just because there is an enormous body of research already done on
metalcasting does not mean that there is no room for innovation. While a practiced amateur
is capable of getting good results from good equipment, the mark of a true expert is getting
good results from bad equipment. So don't let the apparent requirements of metalcasting
daunt you. People figured out how to cast metal successfully thousands of years ago,
without the benefit of 5,000 years worth of information about the subject, and you can do it
Metalcasting is a very old process, dating back almost to the very beginning of civilization.
Early castings were commonly made using variants of greensand casting processes, as well
as investment and permanent mold processes. The Industrial Revolution created a huge
demand for cast parts, and spurred on developments in casting technology. Nowadays,
industrial casting using machine-made sand molds, high-pressure high-speed die casting
machines, and technically advanced ceramic shell processes are commonplace. Still, the
basis of most casting methods has not changed much if at all in the past 5,000 years, and
the techniques work as well now as they did then.
Older technology is often advantageous to the hobbyist, because it tends to be cheap and
readily accessible. That being said, modern technology can be of use. There's no need to
build a hand-cranked bellows to supply air to your charcoal furnace when the blower from
an old vacuum cleaner will do as well.
You will not find bleeding edge developments in casting technology in this book. Indeed,
there is nothing particularly novel about the methods used in most hobby casting. Instead,
the purpose of this book is to provide a guide, as close to comprehensive as possible, which
details every step of the casting process. More importantly, I have tried where I can to
explain some of the science at work behind the scenes. Many other hobby casting tutorials
provide a set of detailed step-by-step instructions for doing things a certain way, but they
rarely explain the reasoning behind those decisions. This tends to leave the beginner
blindly following instructions, and if anything goes wrong he is helpless to correct it.
The science at work behind even simple casting processes is extremely complex, so this
book provides no more than an overview. There is enough information available about
most of the topics in this book to write a doctoral thesis about each one (that isn't to say I
know enough to write a doctoral thesis about each one!) and still have only skimmed the
Personal History
My introduction into hobby metalcasting, like many other hobbyists, occurred when I was
in the middle of a project and trying to make a part I couldn't buy. I needed a set of gears
duplicated, so I decided I would try to cast them. (I later learned that gears of that size
wouldn't be possible to cast using any hobby technique I had access to at the time, but that
doesn't matter.) In figuring out how I'd cast the gears, I learned more and more about the
hobby, and decided to start experimenting with casting metal. The gears, and the project
they went to, were quickly forgotten.
I made plenty of mistakes and false starts when I was trying to learn how to cast metal. I
was following what I'd seen other hobbyists do, but each person seemed to do things in a
different way, and I didn't know which way was best. Many of the things I tried didn't work
at all, or worked very poorly. Still, enough worked to show me what was possible with the
hobby, and I pursued it fervently.
My first furnaces were both solid-fuel. This was messy, and the blowers that provided air
were very loud. Neither of them were well-insulated, so they were expensive to run. I didn't
have a good casting area or any greensand, so I was using the lost-foam method and casting
over concrete. The foam burnt off and made the sand stink like melted plastic, and with
every pour (though I didn't know at the time), I was taking a chance on having a steam
explosion if enough metal hit the concrete. Still, I was casting things, and though none of
my early castings were particularly good, they showed promise.
Then, I decided to upgrade. I got some commercial refractory (dense refractory, because I
didn't know any better) and built a large furnace with it as a hotface and perlite for
insulation. I spent a while fiddling with different waste oil burners, but none of them
worked well enough to use in a furnace, so I eventually converted to propane. Furthermore,
I had built too big, and I couldn't use this big furnace for the kinds of castings I really
wanted to do. It took so much time and fuel to get it hot that I had to melt a lot of metal to
justify the fuel costs, and I didn't have either enough molding sand to use that much metal,
or a way to move it safely when molten. The big furnace sat unused for a year while I
melted using a much smaller furnace made of perlite stuck together with some leftover
That small furnace eventually got destroyed by high temperatures and mechanical damage,
so I built another one of similar size with ceramic wool and a clay/foam hotface. This
furnace was also fragile, because I put too much foam in the hotface, but it worked very
well for high-temperature, efficient melts. I also started using the big furnace at about the
same time, and though it wasn't very efficient, it worked well for large melts and breaking
down scrap.
The new furnace, while fragile, was well-insulated and more temperature-tolerant than
anything I had made before. I used it for quite a while melting aluminum, copper alloys,
and iron before a crucible failure flooded it with metal and destroyed it.
Then, I built the furnace detailed in this book. In building, I have attempted to incorporate
all the lessons I've learned in my previous designs as well as the things I've learned about
the science behind metalcasting and refractory ceramics, and I believe the results have paid
off. It is a very capable design, built to fit commercial #4 and #6 crucibles as well as
homemade steel ones of common sizes, efficient and well-insulated, and capable of
sustained operation at iron temperatures without damage.
Section I
Casting metal is serious business, and very dangerous. Even when using proper safety gear,
and observing all necessary precautions, serious accidents can still occur. Lack of proper
safety gear, unsafe surroundings, or unsafe procedure increase both the likelihood and
severity of accidents.
Safety Gear
The proper safety gear is necessary, but not sufficient, to ensure a safe casting environment.
On the other hand, safety gear that is not suitable to protect against the hazards being faced
may actually be worse than no safety equipment at all, because it provides an illusion of
protection that does not actually exist. It is also possible to have too much safety gear—
properly used safety gear should never restrict movement or vision, and no amount of
safety gear is a substitute for prudence.
When casting or working with hot materials, always wear cotton or wool clothing.
Synthetics can melt and burn vigorously when exposed to high temperatures, whereas
cotton only smolders and wool tends to self-extinguish. Wear long sleeves and long pants
with a minimum of holes, and leather work boots with thick soles. Keep the boots laced
loosely so you can take them off in a hurry if metal gets inside. Commercial foundry boots
often have Velcro fasteners instead of laces, the point again being quick removal. Shorts
and open-toed shoes (or worse, bare feet) are a recipe for disaster.
In industrial foundries, workers wear heavy fireproof aluminized chaps, aprons, jackets,
and gloves to protect against both radiant heat and molten metal splash. Such an outfit
would be ideal for the hobbyist as well, but a full set of safety gear can cost hundreds or
thousands of dollars. Welding safety gear is typically leather, and while it will not protect
against pounds of liquid metal (such as in a crucible failure), it will help considerably
against smaller splashes. A full outfit will cover the front of the body from head to toe
(except for the face, which I'll get to later), and costs between thirty and sixty dollars.
Gloves deserve special mention. Ordinary leather work gloves are too thin, and synthetic
gloves are worse than nothing at all. Leather welding gloves are heat-resistant to a degree
(typically for short contact with surfaces up to 400°F), and are what many beginners use.
Intense radiant heat (such as when melting iron) or prolonged exposure to furnace exhaust
can either burn the gloves and damage them permanently, or heat up the insides enough to
cause burns to the wearer's fingers. They are, however, excellent for lower-temperature
operations like pouring aluminum and general foundry work, and they are very cheap,
between $3 and $12 a pair.
Real foundry gloves are much more expensive, between $30 and $80 a pair, and most of
the materials they are made out of (woven ceramic fiber such as Zetex ®) are not nearly as
resistant to mechanical damage as leather. They are, however, much more heat resistant—
the ceramic outer lining does not burn or melt under any normal circumstances, and they
are typically several times better-insulated than welding gloves. They can be obtained in
several different types, some designed for harsh mechanical conditions (typically aramid
fiber such as Kevlar® or Nomex® instead of ceramic fiber) with a lower maximum
temperature, some designed for maximum protection against hot objects (woven ceramic
fiber, possibly with a double palm or extra insulation), and some designed for protection
against radiant heat (aluminized gloves—be warned that contact with extremely hot objects
can damage the aluminum coating).
Eye Protection
A full-face shield is necessary for metalcasting to protect against splashes of molten metal.
Commercial foundry shields are often wire mesh, which has the advantage of not melting
easily in hot environments compared to common polycarbonate face shields. Other types
are made of tempered safety glass. For the hobbyist, a polycarbonate shield should be
acceptable. Polycarbonate reflects infrared light quite well, so it will take a fair amount of
hot furnace gas to melt the shield—it is unlikely to melt from radiant heat alone in a hobby
A face shield does not offer complete eye protection—a pair of glasses (shatterproof
polycarbonate lenses only) or safety goggles should be worn underneath. Side shields are
strongly recommended. Safety goggles alone are not suitable either, since they do not
protect the rest of the face.
Shaded lenses are necessary for iron melting, and recommended for bronze and copper
melting, due to the volume of light released, and the increasing intensity of dangerous
ultraviolet light at those higher temperatures. Sunglasses offer only marginal safety—ANSI
No. 3 to No. 5 shaded lenses should be used. Oxyfuel welding goggles are of the correct
shade and commonly available, but tend to dangerously block out peripheral vision. A
tinted face shield, or face shield with flip-down tinted visor, is a superior solution. These
may be a bit hard to find, and should sell for $10 to $25. When using a tinted face shield,
the work area must be well-lit or movement becomes hazardous. Arc welding lenses
(including the auto-dark variety, which can be triggered at random by a hot furnace or
melt) are much too dark and should never be used.
Respiratory Protection
Propane and electric furnaces are extremely clean by themselves, and of all common
metals, only a handful emit harmful fumes when melted, so a good portion of hobby
melters can forgo respiratory protection. Waste motor oil can produce small amounts of
vaporized lead (from the bearings in engines), most waste oil burners tend to produce
smoke on start-up, and solid fuels produce particulate ash. (All fuels except for electric still
produce carbon dioxide (CO2), so ventilation is important for all furnace setups.) These
hazards can be dealt with by staying away from and upwind of the source, and by melting
outside where there is plenty of ventilation.
More severe hazards come from the metals being melted. Zinc, when overheated (as in
zinc-bearing copper alloys), boils and reacts with oxygen to produce zinc oxide smoke.
This can produce an unpleasant condition known as zinc fume fever. Zinc fume fever is
highly unpleasant, but generally not dangerous, and zinc does not accumulate in the body,
so this respiratory hazard can be avoided by using a cover slag on bronze melts and staying
away from the distinctive white smoke and metallic smell. Filter cartridges with P95 or
P100 particulate ratings, when properly used with a suitable respirator, are effective in
removing zinc fume from the air.
Lead and cadmium, when overheated, produce extremely toxic metal vapors. Not just any
respirator cartridge is effective in filtering out these vapors—only cartridges with P100
particulate filters remove a sufficient percentage of the contaminants to be safe. The
primary defense for the hobbyist is to limit exposure by keeping melts short and the
temperature as cool as possible. Small children are much more susceptible to heavy-metals
poisoning than adults, and should be kept far away from any area where lead is melted or
worked. See “Lead” under “Special Precautions” for more information.
Contact with siliceous refractory in its dry powder form, silica-based parting dusts, or dry
powdered clay also constitutes a respiratory hazard. Keep these materials cleaned up—
careless spills on the floor can release microscopic particles of silica every time they are
disturbed. Some of the smallest particles may stay in the air for hours. Silica, unlike
asbestos, is not carcinogenic, but long-term exposure does cause a highly unpleasant
cumulative disease known as silicosis. Again, cartridges with P100 particulate filters are
necessary to remove high concentrations of these materials from the air. Nuisance dust
masks are not even slightly effective, and are actually worse than useless because they
provide an illusion of protection that does not actually exist.
The fumes from lost foam casting, or melting dirty, oily, or painted scrap, are usually fairly
toxic and should be filtered out with an OSHA-approved organic vapor respirator.
Chlorine-based degassing products release gaseous hydrochloric acid (HCl) and chlorine
gas, and should be protected against with a respirator cartridge rated for these two gases.
Combination cartridge filters are often available that are rated for organic vapors as well as
reactive gases such as HCl and chlorine, and come with a P100 particulate filter attached.
Note that disposable paper masks are only suitable for nuisance dusts such as sawdust—
fine particles of silica and smoke particles are small enough to pass right through the
masks. Not all respirator cartridges are created equal—don't assume it will protect you
unless it's specifically rated for the hazards you need it to guard against.
Special Precautions
In addition to the hazards inherent in all metalcasting, certain metals present additional
hazards that require special treatment.
Everybody knows that lead is toxic, and that eating it or breathing its dust is a bad thing.
But how bad is it? It turns out that ingestion of lead is unlikely to cause harm in adults
(only a small portion of ingested lead is retained by the body), but small children are more
likely to retain lead, and it does them more harm. The primary spread of lead
contamination is through contact: picking it up on the hands. Ordinary soap does not do an
adequate job of removing lead contamination; a mild acid such as vinegar should be used
in addition to a thorough hand washing with normal soap, especially before activities like
preparing food for small children. Lead can also be spread through secondary contact; e.g.
door handles.
Lead vapors are also a concern when melting lead. Not all respirator cartridges can screen
out lead vapor; respirator cartridges rated for metal fume (P100 particulate rating) are more
expensive, but a good idea. In any circumstances, the lead should not be overheated or kept
molten for longer than necessary, and it should always be melted outside.
Lead dust is a concern when sawing or filing lead. A cold chisel is preferred, but if sawing
or filing is necessary, use a blade with large teeth and go slowly, with adequate lubricant,
to create large chips instead of dust. (Fortunately, lead generally makes chips instead of
dust.) Lead should not be sanded without proper dust-collection equipment. The lead chips
should be cleaned up and disposed of, not left lying around.
Lead dross is also a hazardous material, even more so because it is in powder instead of
lump form. It is difficult to dispose of legally, and should be kept in labeled, sealed
containers to prevent contamination.
Zinc, unlike lead, is not harmful at room temperature. It does, however, have a low boiling
point of 1665°F, so it should not be overheated when melting. Since its melting
temperature is much lower, at 788°F, heating to the boiling point is difficult to do
accidentally. The real danger comes when melting bronze with zinc in it, because the
melting temperature of the bronze is greater than the boiling point of zinc. The zinc vapor,
when exposed to the air, immediately burns into white zinc oxide smoke. Inhaling this
smoke is not generally lethal, and has little potential for long-term damage, but can cause a
highly unpleasant acute condition known as metal fume fever. Glassy slags should be used
where possible when melting bronze to keep zinc vapor to a minimum, and the melting
should always be done with excellent ventilation. Zinc fume has a characteristic smell, and
the white smoke is often visible, so the best course of action is to simply stay away from it.
Magnesium is quite dangerous due to its high reactivity and its similarity to aluminum.
Magnesium burns in air, water, and even the carbon dioxide used in common fire
extinguishers. It can also react with sand, so even burying it in sand won't put it out (and,
indeed, any moisture in the sand can cause a dangerous explosion, more so than an
ordinary steam explosion, from the magnesium, sand, and water reacting to release a highly
explosive mixture of hydrogen and silane (SiH 4) gases). The only sure-fire way to put out a
magnesium fire is with inert gas such as argon or sulfur hexafluoride. Since most hobbyists
don't have the equipment to extinguish a magnesium fire, the best thing to do is not let it
get lit to start with. (If you plan on melting and casting magnesium, you should have the
equipment to deal with a fire.)
The best cure in this case is prevention: learning to distinguish magnesium from aluminum.
Magnesium is about 36% less dense than aluminum, and will fizz in a mild acid such as
vinegar, while aluminum does not. If you do end up with a magnesium fire, the best thing
to do is to stand back and let it burn out. It may destroy your crucible and even your
furnace, but you're likely to get injured if you try to move a crucible of burning
magnesium. (If you get splashed with burning magnesium, it will keep burning as it eats its
way into your body, since people have plenty of water in their bodies for it to react with.)
Magnesium oxide smoke can also cause metal fume fever (see entry on zinc above).
High-Temperature Metals
High-temperature metals present a different hazard than the toxicity hazards covered in the
rest of this section. The primary difference with regards to safe practice between melting a
low-temperature metal like aluminum and melting a high-temperature metal like iron is the
intensity of the radiation emitted by the melt. Radiation increases as the fourth power of
temperature, all other things being equal, and radiation from a constant source falls off as
the cube of distance. That means that doubling the temperature of the source of radiation (a
crucible, for example) and keeping the size and other characteristics the same, will cause
the radiation to be 16 times as intense at the same distance, twice as intense if the hotter
source is twice as distant as the cooler one, and the same intensity if the hotter source is
24/3, or approximately 2.52, times as far away as the cooler one.
In practice, this means that tools and practices used safely with low-temperature metals
often have to be modified to be used safely with high-temperature metals. The radiation
from a small crucible of aluminum is barely noticeable with suitable safety gear at a
distance of approximately one foot, but the same size crucible of iron can put out enough
radiation to char and burn leather welding gloves in the time it takes to complete a pour. It
is therefore necessary to either use more temperature-tolerant gloves or longer tools, or
both, with iron. Very large melts of high-temperature metals present the hazards of flash
igniting clothing that gets too close, and of causing heatstroke or radiant burns, so
aluminized safety gear designed to reflect the bulk of radiant heat will be necessary in these
conditions. Usually, hobby-scale enterprises do not generate more molten metal than can be
handled safely without this exotic equipment, but a very ambitious large-scale project must
accommodate the increased hazards of dealing with large amounts of molten material.
An associated hazard that comes with high temperatures is dangerous visible and
ultraviolet radiation. Fortunately, black body thermal radiation (as generated by hot
objects) expends most of its energy in the infrared spectrum at all but the highest
temperatures, but the spectrum of light shifts toward the visible and ultraviolet as
temperature increases, in addition to the increased output of radiant energy that occurs as
the temperature increases. See “Eye Protection” above for specific recommendations for
shaded lenses.
Steam Explosions
Steam explosions deserve special notice, because they are some of the most dangerous
accidents, and some of the most common. Any time water comes in contact with molten
metal, the water will flash to steam, expanding around 1,600 times in volume almost
instantly. This can easily throw metal, ranging from small droplets to fist-sized globs, tens
of feet in any direction. Steam explosions are most dangerous when confined against a
nonporous surface, such as a wet ingot mold. This creates a mortar of sorts, launching the
metal forcefully. A damp concrete surface (or even a dry concrete surface, if the amount of
spilled metal is large enough to force out chemically bound water) is another candidate for
severe explosions, which can also launch bits of hot concrete as the surface spalls. Damp
dirt or grass is usually porous enough to dissipate generated steam, and sand is extremely
porous, so even very wet sand will result in at most minor spattering. A sand bed is a good
idea for fire-prevention reasons as well, but it is the best surface for preventing steam
Steam explosions can also occur if damp tools, scrap, or flux is added to the melt. If the
moisture stays on top of the melt, the metal is not thrown upwards, and any droplets of
metal are small. If the moisture is submerged, however, it can throw the entire crucible full
of metal out of the furnace. Scrap with recesses or cavities that can hold water, grease, or
oil are usually the causes of such explosions—always preheat scrap before shoving it under
the surface of the melt, especially if it might be wet. Certain fluxes (containing calcium or
magnesium chlorides, usually) are hygroscopic and thus likely to contain water when put
on the melt. Avoid these if possible—they are dangerous to use for this reason. If using
them is necessary, preheat them before adding to the melt, and never shove them under the
surface or stir them into the melt until you are sure all water is gone.
Even if a surface appears dry, it can still have chemically bound water. Common culprits
are the hydrates in concrete and hydrated rust on steel tools and molds. These release water
vapor more slowly and less energetically than liquid water, but they can still be very
dangerous. A general rule is to preheat ingot molds where possible, and store permanent
(usually steel) molds and tools in a dry area. If a permanent mold has gotten wet, it must be
preheated before being used again.
Crucible Care
Only the best and most expensive safety gear can protect against significant amounts of
spilled metal, and even top-quality stuff will have trouble preventing serious injury if you
dump a crucible full of metal on your feet. Therefore, the best course of action is to prevent
spills in the first place. Part of that is taking care of your crucibles.
Steel crucibles should be preheated to a cherry red before using to prevent them being
dissolved by the metal. If your crucibles have a brazed joint (such as on a propane tank
crucible), it is a good idea to weld over the joint, just in case. Soup can crucibles are
naturally unsafe (too thin to be used safely), and if used, should never be used more than
once. Steel crucibles for bronze and copper need to be at least schedule 40 pipe or
equivalent to prevent deforming from the much higher heat. Never use a crucible that has
eroded to much thinner than its original thickness, and always test for soundness before
each melt.
Ceramic crucibles, except for silicon carbide (SiC), which does not absorb water, must be
preheated at 200°F for 30 minutes before each use to get rid of any water that could crack
or stress fracture the crucible. They should be evenly supported by their base block, and
tools should always fit well around the middle (never the rim) of the crucible. Never lift a
ceramic crucible with pliers, or use a crucible that is visibly cracked, has been dropped
from a significant height, or otherwise abused. The empty crucible should “ring” somewhat
when tapped—a dull “thunk” indicates stress fractures. (No crucible will ring like a piece
of metal, and some varieties of crucible ring more than others, but the difference in tone
between a cracked and sound crucible is perceptible. Experience is valuable here.)
Never leave a heel to solidify in the bottom of the crucible or wedge scrap in tightly—
thermal expansion will crack the crucible. Also, endeavor not to freeze the melt by adding
scrap too quickly, and be gentle when skimming slag and poking the melt. If in doubt, don't
use a crucible that might be damaged—a new one may be expensive, but it's worth the cost
if it saves a trip to the emergency room.
Keep a clean melting area, with a short, clear path between the furnace and molds. You
don't want to trip while carrying a crucible full of metal. Also, keep a good footing and
don't try to move a crucible that is too heavy. Hold the crucible away from your feet, so if it
spills or fails, it won't spill on you. Always have your wits about you when casting—it's not
something you want to be doing tired, distracted, or inebriated. Also, cast either outside or
with a dedicated high-volume fume hood and fireproof casting area indoors. Outside is
strongly recommended—a safe indoor casting area could cost thousands of dollars.
Keep flammable items well away from the casting area. If you're using solid fuel, be aware
that sparks can travel a long way, so don't fire up if your area is particularly dry. Keep a
bag of dry sand around to put out wooden flasks and such—you don't want to be spraying
water on molten metal. A class ABC fire extinguisher should be kept on hand for oil fires if
you're using waste oil or kerosene, and a class D if you're melting magnesium. Keep
propane hoses out of the way of hot stuff (watch where the radiant heat from your lid is
going), and shield them from heat and hot spatters where possible. Don't leave hot things
where you might walk, or sooner or later, you'll step on one.
Most importantly, use common sense. I can't possibly foresee all the dangers you'll face,
and neither can you—act prudently in all situations, and the danger will be minimized.
Even if you're as safe as humanly possible, though, metalcasting is still a very dangerous
hobby. Don't make it more dangerous than it has to be.
Section II
Judging Temperature
Measurement of temperature is critical to the metalcaster, both in correctly firing refractory
and in ensuring that molten metals are at a correct pouring temperature. As a general rule,
metal that is too cold will result in a partially filled mold or loss of surface detail; metal that
is too hot may cause sand to stick to the surface of the casting (in sandcasting); and
problems with entrained gas and volatile metals boiling out of the alloy can also manifest
Temperature by Color
Judging the temperature of an object by observing the color of its glow is a very low-tech
and inaccurate method, but it finds a great deal of use in a hobby setting. Obviously, the
object must be glowing visibly for this method to work; the properties of the glowing
surface and amount of ambient light also factor in to the perceived glow. The best surface
to view is a dark matte surface, such as the outside of an oxidized iron crucible. A closed
object with a small hole for viewing (such as a closed furnace) also provides an acceptable
surface to view, more or less regardless of the properties of the surface inside the closed
Ideally, all glowing surfaces would be viewed in total darkness, but more practically, they
should be viewed in the same lighting conditions, such as in the shade on a sunlit day, for
consistency. Viewing in full sun tends to wash out even the higher temperatures, as does
viewing a light or shiny surface (the reflective surface of molten aluminum is difficult to
see glow, even when the crucible is glowing brightly), so these conditions should be
avoided. An estimation of the temperature corresponding to each color is as follows
(assuming a matte black surface in the shade in daytime):
Optical Pyrometry
An optical pyrometer is essentially a device for judging temperature by color, albeit far
more accurately than the human eye. The fundamental structure of the device is a dark tube
with an incandescent bulb in it. The filament's temperature is controlled by a potentiometer,
so that its glow can be matched visually to the glow of an object viewed through the tube.
The device can be calibrated with the melting temperatures of various pure metals, and
then used to determine temperature in the visual range (greater than 1000°F in most
Pyrometric Cones
Cones are devices used in ceramics to judge, not absolute temperature, but heat work,
which is a function of time and temperature, and is necessary to determine how pottery is
fired. Thus, a cone does not correspond to an absolute single temperature, but rather a
range of temperatures depending on the heating rate and time spent “soaking” at that
temperature. Cones are numbered sequentially, with 1, 2, etc. getting progressively hotter.
Cones cooler than 1 are designated by prepending a zero, with cone 01, 02, etc. getting
progressively cooler. A cone indicates its temperature by bending from the heat; when the
cone has bent a full ninety degrees, that indicates the heat work corresponding to that cone
has been reached.
In ceramics, cone 02 is considered low fire, cone 6 medium fire, and cone 10 high fire.
Most commercial ceramics kilns go no higher than cone 10 or 12. An un-fluxed clay-based
refractory should be fired to cone 18 to 20, and a good refractory clay should have a PCE
(pyrometric cone equivalent, the amount of heat work at which a cone made from only that
clay would bend appropriately) around cone 35.
A generic cone chart is available in Appendix 8, and more accurate ones should be readily
available from the manufacturers of the specific cones you're using, but more importantly
for the hobbyist are some rules of thumb.
Given reasonable rates of heating, cone 1 represents about 2100°F, cone 10 2350°F, and
cone 18 2800°F. I recommend a 30-minute soak at 2800°F to fire any un-fluxed clay-based
refractory. This provides good sintering without unduly wasting fuel. Slightly over- or
under-firing will not damage the refractory. Too much over-firing will mostly waste fuel;
with the temperatures that most foundry burners are capable of reaching (no more than
3000°F except under exceptional circumstances), it is impossible to vitrify an un-fluxed
refractory. Under-firing will produce a weak product, and this error may not be possible to
fix with a second firing, so erring on the side of too much heat is a good idea.
Casting Processes
Different casting processes generally have very different applications and uses. While
sandcasting and lost foam casting are beginner-friendly processes that are commonly used
at the hobby level, hobbyists with different requirements may also wish to pursue
investment or ceramic shell, or even permanent mold processes, none of which are out of
reach for a dedicated and skilled hobbyist.
Sandcasting, described in Section III, is one of the most common types of casting for
hobbyists. The general process is to ram a mixture of sand and a binder around a pattern in
one or more parts, remove the pattern, re-assemble the mold, and pour metal in. The mold
is destroyed after a single use, but the pattern can be used to make many molds, and in
most types of sandcasting, the sand is reusable with some reconditioning. Sandcasting is
useful for anything from individual parts to short production runs of hundreds or thousands,
though production at a reasonable pace requires a considerable amount of molding and
sand-processing apparatus. Sandcasting is generally used in industry for high-temperature
metals like bronze and iron that would destroy permanent molds.
Greensand is bonded with clay and water. The bond is the weakest of all the bonded sand
types, but greensand is cheap to make, the binder is relatively available, and if correctly
made and processed, can handle high-temperature casts like iron for a very long time
without “wearing out.”
Oil-Bonded Sand
Oil-bonded sand produces less mold gas (allowing for finer sand grain size and thus a
better surface finish) and produces a stronger bond than greensand, but the organo-bentone
binder, binding oils, and catalysts are specialty products and tend to be expensive. Also, the
molds produce hazardous oil smoke when poured, and the sand may “wear” quickly when
used for iron and similar high-temperature applications. The sand requires more intensive
mulling to recondition, and is impractical to recondition without machinery.
Resin-Bonded Sand
This includes sand bonded by sodium silicate and gassed with CO2, and sand bonded by
various commercial resins such as the brand name Furan. The bond is the strongest of all
the sand types, and is often used for cores inside greensand molds, where the shapes must
withstand additional handling. It is also useful for complex molds or those that need to
tolerate rough handling. The resins often make very little mold gas compared to the other
two sandcasting processes. The molds often have to undergo an additional process, such as
gassing, baking, or curing over time, and while the sand can be ground up and reused, the
binder is a consumable.
Lost Foam
This process uses a consumable pattern made of polystyrene foam, which is either buried in
loose sand or rammed into a heavily vented greensand mold (termed the “full mold”
process), and the mold is poured with the pattern in place. Since the pattern is destroyed
after a single casting, this method is not readily adaptable to production. It is, however,
very simple for the beginner to use. Some hobbyists have created foam-carving CNC mills
for producing precise patterns, but this is a slow and expensive process not suitable for
large production runs. Polystyrene foam can be inflated inside a machined mold to produce
ready-made patterns, but this takes a fair amount of equipment and is generally out of reach
of the hobbyist. Correct pouring speed is critical for a good casting, but the slower travel of
the metal through the mold produces castings that in many cases have superior mechanical
properties. The process produces large amounts of harmful smoke. Unlike traditional
sandcasting processes, it can readily accommodate undercuts and shapes that would be
difficult to mold in a way such that the pattern is removable.
Lost Wax
Investment Casting
Investment casting is the standard for production of jewelry and dental castings because of
the high level of detail and suitability for one-off castings. Often, small parts are
centrifugally cast, or cast with pressure or vacuum assist. Specialty investment materials
are used in industry, but a mixture of equal parts plaster of Paris and silica flour can be
used for aluminum and cooler metals. (Centrifugal or pressure assist may cause this
homemade recipe to fail catastrophically—commercial products should be used in these
demanding circumstances.) The investment ceramics must be de-waxed slowly, and then
slowly burnt out to at least the temperature of the metal entering the mold, so this process is
not suitable for fast production. The molds are poured hot, preventing cold shuts in small
sections, but the slow cooling resulting from the large thermal mass of the mold often
causes inferior mechanical properties.
This process is an industry standard for casting of high-temperature metals with high
precision. The wax pattern is alternately dipped in specialty ceramic slurries and ground
fused silica or zirconia to build up a strong, thermal shock resistant ceramic shell. This
shell is then burnt out as quickly as possible to prevent the expanding wax from cracking
the mold, and poured hot. The slurries required must be stirred constantly to prevent
settling, and the dipping process can take weeks, so it is a process not well-suited to low
volumes of castings. (The exceptions are art casting studios, where the high value and high
finish requirements make it worthwhile to maintain slurry batches in between customers.)
Since the castings cool faster due to the thin mold, mechanical properties are often superior
to those of investment casting.
In permanent mold casting, a mold is made that is designed to be disassembled and reused
after every casting. Hobbyists have had success with steel or graphite permanent molds for
short production runs, but in industry, permanent mold casting is almost entirely restricted
to pressure die casting. Dimensional tolerance is excellent, but the molds tend to trap air
mixed in with the metal, so mechanical properties are often poor. This process is best
suited for large-scale production runs of tens of thousands of parts, ranging in size from
less than an ounce to several pounds apiece. Because there is considerable labor and
expense involved in making the casting die, this process is often well out of reach of the
hobbyist. Like sandcasting, the castings are restricted by the requirements of draft, though
draft can be a degree or less instead of the two to five degrees required by sandcasting.
Identifying Scrap
A small casting business will need reliable metal properties and will probably want to buy
ingots of a known alloy, but the average hobbyist will not want to spend the money on
metal, and may have a difficult time finding a source. Thus, collecting scrap is the lifeblood
of a hobby casting operation.
The first test for scrap is by easily visible properties: average density, metal color if visible,
and magnetism. A magnet is a valuable test tool: typically, steel is worthless as scrap, so
that can be discarded right away. The most valuable scrap is copper and its alloys
(excepting a rare find of precious metals or other valuables), and the most useful to the
hobbyist is likely to be aluminum. Aluminum is readily distinguishable by its much lower
density, and copper alloys by their color (which is rarely painted over). Generally, any
nonmagnetic metal scrap is worth picking up and carrying back to headquarters for further
Separating lighter alloys is critical. An advisable test is to file clean a small portion of an
object and drip some white vinegar on it: magnesium will fizz and aluminum will not react.
Accidentally getting magnesium in an aluminum melt is dangerous and can easily destroy a
furnace. Pure magnesium is worth selling for scrap if you have enough to make it
worthwhile, or breaking into smaller pieces and playing with if you know how to do so
safely. Very few casters will want to cast with it.
Distinguishing between aluminum, zinc, and the various alloys thereof is trickier. Density
is a good test: zinc and zinc-heavy alloys are considerably heavier than aluminum.
Breaking off a small shaving and heating it is another good test: zinc melts several hundred
degrees cooler than aluminum, and if heated hot enough, will produce characteristic zinc
oxide smoke.
Copper and bronzes are very easy to distinguish by their characteristic color. Filing the
surface clean will allow you to get a good look at the true color: the redder it is, the more
copper and the less alloying agents. Heating a small chip somewhat past melting point will
allow you to test for zinc with the presence of zinc oxide smoke. Be careful: brasses and
bronzes can potentially have some very nasty alloying agents, like lead and beryllium, that
will produce toxic dross and/or harmful vapors when melted. Identifying a specific copper
alloy is very difficult: a better test will be to cast with it and see if you like its properties.
Electrolytic purity copper is sorted out by purpose rather than property: electrical wires and
plumbing pipes will generally be very pure. Most other things are likely alloys, because
pure copper is more difficult to process and more expensive.
Lead is very easy to tell apart by its extremely high density and softness. It is rare to find in
large, usable quantity (lead-acid batteries are quite difficult and dangerous to disassemble,
so it's better to leave this source to professional recyclers) because of its toxicity and
regulations on its disposal.
Residential scrap sources are unlikely to contain any metals that have not yet been
identified, but industrial sources may. A piece of nonmagnetic “mystery metal” that is none
of the usual suspects could be fairly valuable: a high-grade stainless steel or a rarer metal.
Now that scrap has been roughly sorted, aluminum scrap in particular should be sorted into
cast alloys and wrought alloys. Any source that is a casting (automotive parts, etc.) will be
a high-silicon alloy that will cast well. Other metal will have poorer casting and mechanical
In particular, aluminum has a significant solubility for hydrogen gas in the liquid state. This
gas, if introduced to the melt (usually by contamination from hydrocarbons in a reducing
furnace atmosphere or from water or oil on scrap), and if not removed, will exit the metal
upon solidification and lead to gas defects. The way to remove it is to either agitate the
melt while displacing the gas, or introduce a reactive chemical that will remove it as a
compound. Generally, this involves bubbling gas through the melt from a special tool. Inert
gases, like nitrogen and argon, are introduced from a tank of the compressed gas and
function only to agitate the melt, but reactive gases like chlorine can be sourced from a
solid degassing compound that decomposes and produces gas when exposed to the heat of
the melt.
Sodium and calcium hypochlorites (NaOCl and Ca(OCl) 2, commonly sold as “pool shock”)
will both source chlorine in this manner. Approximately a quarter teaspoon (1ml) of the
granules will suffice per five pounds of melt. The degassing tool should be a small chamber
that contains the granules (which can be packaged in aluminum foil for convenience) with
many small holes for the gas to escape. This tool is plunged to the bottom of the melt and
stirred until the chlorine gas bubbles up. Bubbles coming up should be small,
approximately pea-sized. Hydrogen in the melt will be removed by the agitation and
reaction with chlorine to form hydrochloric acid (HCl) gas. Chlorine gas and HCl gas are
both highly toxic, so wear a respirator and have adequate ventilation when degassing.
Aluminum chloride is unstable at aluminum melting temperatures, so the chlorine will not
react with aluminum, but it will remove some magnesium from the alloy (as magnesium
chloride, MgCl2) if magnesium is present.
Arguably the best cure for gas defects is prevention. Run with a neutral or slightly
oxidizing atmosphere and avoid painted or dirty scrap. Leaving a melt molten for longer
than necessary, stirring it excessively, or overheating can also aggravate gas problems.
Chloride salt fluxes have fairly high solubility of steam, which will source hydrogen and
cause gas problems. It's best to flux as late as possible with most alloys to avoid this. Clean
melts can often get away with no flux at all if good melt practices are followed, so the
benefits of good practice are compounded.
In addition to gas problems, many extrusion alloys of aluminum suffer from hot tearing.
This is caused by aluminum's hot shortness, combined with the comparatively high
shrinkage of these alloys. Poor mold design may be one culprit, but the ideal solution is to
switch to a silicon-bearing casting alloy, which will not suffer from this problem due to its
low shrinkage, and will also have much higher fluidity.
Finally, aluminum dissolves iron. The iron does not benefit the alloy; in most cases the
aluminum becomes brittle and harder to machine. Furthermore, it can easily dissolve right
through an unprotected steel crucible. Steel crucibles and tools should be heated empty to a
red heat before use, to build up a protective layer of iron oxide. This oxide layer will last
longer if the aluminum is not fluxed, or fluxed lightly, and if the layer is not disturbed. For
casting applications which need purity, consider using ceramic crucibles to avoid the
problem entirely.
The recommended flux for aluminum is a mixture of sodium chloride and potassium
chloride, 50:50 by volume, or 66% potassium chloride by mass. It should be melted
together before use. Most applications will need no more than a teaspoon of flux per five
pounds, added only a few seconds before skimming. A cover flux can be used to melt thin
scrap, but dealing with thin scrap (e.g. soda cans) in the first place is generally not
recommended considering the availability of much better scrap sources. Sand can be added
to soak up excess flux, as it is quite runny when molten.
Aluminum can be tested for correct pouring temperature with the following test: Stir the
melt with a cold 1/4” diameter steel rod, oxidized to prevent dissolution. If there are no
submerged solid chunks of metal and the metal slips off the rod instead of adhering in a
skin of solidified aluminum, the melt is ready to pour. This test is only a guideline;
experience is a better judge of correct temperature, and a good pyrometer is still more
Copper alloys cover a wide range of casting characteristics, as brasses and bronzes are
extremely diverse in terms of composition. In general, copper alloys tend to be more
difficult to cast than aluminum due to the higher temperatures required and the wide
variability of behavior of alloys derived from scrap sources.
Pure copper is a fairly nonreactive metal, and can in fact be cast reasonably well with no
special procedures, if care is taken to follow good melt practice. Copper dissolves oxygen
in much the same way as aluminum dissolves hydrogen, so it benefits strongly from a
The most common way to remove dissolved oxygen from copper is to introduce a reactive
metal to carry it away as dross. Copper phosphorous or lithium are used if the copper must
be kept pure; the addition of a few percent zinc will serve as well, creating a low-alloy
brass. Aluminum in aluminum bronzes serves the same purpose as well, but aluminum
bronzes can be quite tricky to cast.
Fluxes for copper alloys are usually glassy in nature; borax is a powerful flux that can be
used on all alloys containing no aluminum or more reactive metals, and can be used quite
sparingly (one teaspoon/5ml or less per fifteen pounds of melt) in combination with a
charcoal cover. For drossier alloys and alloys containing zinc, which boils off, a glassy
cover slag may be desired. This will typically be a soda-lime fluxed aluminosilicate,
though it can also contain boron if not used for aluminum bronzes. The slag is not treated
like an ordinary addition of flux; it is maintained throughout the melt and not skimmed off,
and during the pour is held back with a tool so that the metal underneath stays protected
throughout the entire process. This pouring operation usually requires three hands to do
effectively; nevertheless, the slag offers benefits in protecting the metal and minimizing
loss of volatile zinc. Glassy cover slags can be used multiple times. All glassy fluxes attack
ceramic crucibles vigorously, and the viscous glassy variety may tend to attach to the
crucible wall and resist efforts at removal. Copper phosphorous, being a deoxidizing agent,
also functions as a flux for pure copper. It will not generally deal with heavy dross from
zinc-bearing or aluminum-bearing copper alloys.
Many copper alloys present a respiratory hazard when melting. Zinc, lead, cadmium, and
beryllium are notable hazards that may be present and will produce harmful fumes when
melted. It is always advisable to wear a proper respirator when working with a copper alloy
not known to be safe. Slags and dross containing lead, cadmium, or beryllium oxides are
also toxic and need to be disposed of properly.
Zinc within a copper alloy can also provide a gauge of pouring temperature. For a given
high-zinc alloy, there will be a temperature where the amount of evolved smoke noticeably
increases. This temperature varies with the amount of zinc in the alloy, approximately
indicating an appropriate pouring temperature for the alloy. Again, experience is a valuable
judge here.
In order to add zinc to a copper alloy safely and effectively, it must be preheated above the
melt to nearly its melting temperature, then thrust to the bottom of the melt and stirred in
vigorously. Simply adding it to the top of the melt will cause it to boil on contact, and very
little zinc will actually end up dissolving.
Iron is often considered the holy grail of hobby casting technology, because its high
melting point puts it near or above the limits of what most hobby foundries can achieve.
That being said, iron is quite easy to work with if the high temperatures, and materials to
tolerate them, are available.
Cast iron scrap is cheap and fairly easy to obtain; scrap structural steel is completely
different, with a higher melting point and generally very poor casting properties. In general,
it is best to avoid steel. Gray iron is the most common type: it is brittle and dark gray if
broken. It has excellent damping characteristics and machinability, making it ideal for the
construction of machine tools. White iron is gray iron cooled too quickly for graphite
flakes to form, and it is not easy to machine, though it is very resistant to abrasion. The
addition of ferrosilicon may be needed for a casting to harden as gray iron instead of white
iron, especially if the casting has thin sections which cool quickly. Commonly, a sample
wedge is poured and broken; if the tip forms white iron, ferrosilicon is added. Reheating
the castings to about 1800°F (980°C) and letting them cool slowly will also turn white iron
into gray iron, and this method may be more accessible to the hobbyist than obtaining
ferrosilicon from a foundry supplier. Conversely, white iron can be purposely created by
placing a heatsink (known as a “chill”) in the mold to cool the iron more quickly in that
Annealing white iron even more slowly, over a period of days, can create malleable iron,
which as the name implies, is malleable rather than brittle. The addition of a small amount
of magnesium to a cast iron melt will create ductile iron, another way to get around the
brittle nature of cast iron.
Cast iron generally has low shrinkage and excellent fluidity, so risers and gates can be kept
smaller than for aluminum. The use of a ceramic crucible is of course necessary, and the
temperatures reached by melting cast iron will damage or destroy furnace linings that
contain non-refractory ingredients. In general, refractories rated to 3000°F or higher, or
homemade ceramic compositions without significant amounts of fluxes, are necessary. Iron
takes a lot of fuel to melt, in general, because the melting temperature is very close to the
maximum achievable temperature for air-breathing foundry burners, so furnace efficiency
is poor. Good insulation and hotter fuels like waste oil pay big dividends for iron melts.
Iron generally does not suffer from gas problems, so keep the flame as neutral as possible
for maximum heat output.
Iron will oxidize, so a charcoal cover can be used to lower losses. Iron oxide is a flux, so
the metal will be somewhat self-fluxing; still, other fluxes may be needed. Fluoride fluxes
are typical, and glassy fluxes can also be used. A cover flux is not necessary. All of these
fluxes will attack ceramic crucibles and furnace linings vigorously, especially given the
high temperatures involved. Iron tends to leave an unremovable coating of its oxide on
ceramic surfaces it comes in contact with, which will flux the ceramic over time.
Zinc and various zinc-aluminum alloys (referred to as “potmetal”) behave much like
aluminum in many ways. Certain potmetal alloys have excellent fluidity and strength
comparable to low-alloy steel. Given the low melting point of zinc-rich alloys, potmetal is
often even easier to work with than aluminum. Unfortunately, its industrial uses are mostly
constrained to die castings, so its prevalence as scrap is much less than aluminum.
The low melting point makes fluxing somewhat more difficult, as the salt fluxes that work
with aluminum alloys will not melt when used to flux zinc alloys. Salt fluxes containing
magnesium or calcium chlorides (see Appendix 3) have low enough melting points, but
these salts are strongly hygroscopic, and that presents a danger of steam explosion. The
flux should be stored in an airtight container and preheated before every use. Organic
fluxes can also be used, but these will usually boil quite vigorously at zinc temperatures, so
caution is needed in their use.
Zinc, like aluminum, dissolves iron, so the same precautions are needed to protect melts
from contamination. Zinc does not form a passivating oxide layer as well as aluminum
does, but the temperatures involved are lower, so oxidation is not an enormous concern.
The furnace atmosphere should be kept neutral.
Zinc has a low boiling point of 1665°F (907°C), and it will produce distinctive white zinc
oxide smoke if overheated to boiling. Unlike in zinc-containing brasses, zinc and potmetal
alloys melt well below this temperature, so there should never be a respiratory hazard when
melting zinc. Still, the possibility of overheating does exist and should be guarded against.
Lead and tin melt at temperatures low enough not to require an actual furnace to cast,
instead requiring only a hotplate or camp stove to achieve the desired temperature. A
furnace will be more efficient, but the temperatures involved are low enough that the loss
of efficiency does not necessarily translate into large fuel costs. Unfortunately, tin is
relatively expensive, lead is toxic, and both are quite soft, so lead and tin castings tend only
to be useful for specialized applications like weights and poured bearings.
Both lead and tin are quite dense, lead especially so, which when combined with the good
fluidity of both and of certain lead-tin alloys produces castings with excellent detail. This
density can cause problems, however, especially in lost-foam processes, where hydrostatic
pressure can distort the unbonded sand. In greensand casting, extra care must be taken to
weight the mold adequately. The buoyant pressure exerted by lead (density 10.66 g/cc
liquid) on sand (approx. 1.8 g/cc for rammed molding sand) is roughly fifteen times that
exerted by aluminum (2.38 g/cc liquid), so the effects of increased density cannot be
Lead and tin are best fluxed with organic fluxes. Commercial petroleum-based pipe
soldering fluxes (which may additionally contain zinc chloride) work well, as do many
other organic preparations. Both metals are relatively nonreactive, and do not oxidize
aggressively at their pouring temperatures.
Neither lead nor tin dissolve iron or have problems with dissolved gases, though both will
dissolve copper. Lead and zinc are immiscible, though tin and zinc alloy well, and such
alloys are used as solders for aluminum.
Tin is quite safe to melt, but lead is toxic and produces small amounts of lead vapor when
in the molten state. This amount of vapor increases as temperature rises, so it is important
not to overheat lead and its alloys, and to always wear an appropriate (P100 particulate)
respirator when melting lead. Dross from lead alloys also contains toxic lead compounds
and may be difficult to dispose of in an environmentally friendly fashion. It should be
stored in a sealed, labeled container like any other toxic substance.
Working with lead also contaminates clothes and gear. The low levels of lead
contamination may or may not be harmful to adults (if you do a lot of lead melting, it
would be wise to test for lead levels on a regular basis), but poses significant danger to
young children. Children accumulate lead much more readily than adults, and may also
expose themselves more because of a lack of understanding of practices that limit the
spread of lead contamination. It is a good idea to keep lead-working tools and crucibles
separate from other foundry gear and safely stored. Even molding sand may pick up a low
level of lead contamination.
Metalcasting on a Budget
Like most hobbies, metalcasting requires a bit of financial outlay. The old adage “time,
money, quality—pick two” applies in full force. There are certain expenditures which are
unavoidable or foolish to skimp on, whereas there are other areas in which an investment of
skilled work can save quite a bit of money.
If there's one thing that deserves a financial outlay, it's safety gear. Even so, the expense
need not be overwhelming. For most melting, a set of welding leathers (including leather
welding gloves) will be adequate, on top of leather work boots and cotton or wool clothes,
and a face shield. These items (except for the face shield) can be had secondhand or at
discounted prices quite easily. A frugal caster might spend only $30 to $50 on a full set of
safety gear. The need for a respirator can be done away with by only melting outside and
avoiding toxic metals such as lead, and using a parting dust that is not a respiratory hazard
(such as talcum powder or most commercial parting dusts). Casting iron or handling large
quantities of metal will require more expensive safety gear designed for the metalcasting
industry, and these items can run into the hundreds of dollars.
Metal Sources
A frugal caster shouldn't need to invest anything but time in order to obtain plenty of stock
for casting. Aluminum is commonly sourced from residential trash (particularly old
lawnmowers), copper and brass can occasionally be found free where plumbing is being re-
done, lead can be collected as wheel weights from tire service centers, and there are many
other sources which an imaginative caster will be able to find. If all else fails, scrap prices
for most metals are relatively affordable, and castings can be recycled with very little loss.
If you have access to a welder, all you need to make most tools (skimmers, lifting tongs,
charging tongs, etc.) is a source of stock or scrap steel. If you cannot weld, it may take a bit
more ingenuity to fabricate good tools. Slip-joint pliers work well as a substitute for most
types of tongs (except that they can't be used to safely lift ceramic crucibles). Riveting can
be used as a substitute for welding in many situations and requires no more than a hammer
and suitable working surface, drill, and some malleable stock (for cold riveting). A
metalcasting furnace can be used as a forge for hot riveting operations. Riveting takes only
a modest amount of skill, but it is very slow. It is, however, cheaper and more permanent
than bolting parts together.
Burner parts can get expensive, so if you can make parts out of scrap instead of having to
buy plumbing parts from the hardware store, you can save some money. Be warned
(especially depending on the type of burner you're making) that there is usually a fairly
large time expenditure associated with this.
Blowers for solid fuel and waste oil burners can be had free from old vacuum cleaners and
electric leaf blowers, and these blowers are generally as good as anything you could
purchase. A cheap router control will allow adjustment of airflow, or for even less money
(if you can stand the noise), an adjustable waste gate can be used to bleed off excess air.
A furnace is usually the single biggest investment that the hobby will require. To obtain
high performance, it is almost necessary to spend some money. Still, there are ways to
The type of fuel that you choose will dramatically influence both the amount of time you
spend and the cost of your furnace. Solid fuel, the most common type for beginning casters,
can use the cheapest furnace designs but is often (unless you have a free source of wood or
coal) the most expensive fuel per pound of metal melted. It leaves behind ash, requiring
messy, unpleasant work to clean up after a melting session.
Propane is very clean and very easy to use, but it is expensive. The cost of the tank, hose,
high-pressure regulator, and burner fittings will likely total at least $80-$100, and the fuel
itself is also expensive. The high cost of fuel necessitates spending extra money to make
the furnace more efficient, especially so at higher temperatures, which propane struggles to
reach. Natural gas may be slightly cheaper than propane, but is otherwise similar.
Waste oil is more difficult to burn cleanly than propane or solid fuels, but the fuel itself is
free, and the flame temperature is higher, which makes the melting of higher-temperature
metals easier and quicker. Furnaces can sacrifice a little efficiency without significant cost,
but they must be built with high-temperature materials to survive the oil flame's extreme
temperature, so they are usually not cheaper to build than propane furnaces. Building the
burner may be a significant cost in terms of both money and time, depending heavily on the
particular design.
Electric resistance heating is the cleanest of all and usually cheaper per pound of melt than
propane and solid fuels. However, the low maximum power input (limited by the breaker
or fuse on the circuit the furnace is plugged into) necessitates the most efficient and thus
most expensive designs, and the elements are costly as well. The cost of high-temperature
elements usually makes resistance melting above aluminum temperatures impractical.
Electric arc and induction furnaces can achieve very high temperatures, but the design of
the furnace and electrical control units is well beyond the scope of this book, and these
methods are generally not economical for melting on a budget.
Some refractory materials are more expensive than others. Sometimes this expense is
justified; sometimes not. More importantly, sometimes a perceived cost-cutting substitution
can turn out to be a false economy.
Non-refractory ingredients like Portland cement should be avoided in any furnace expected
to last longer than one or two melts. There is no economy to be had in using cheap
materials if they don't work. If you must construct a furnace out of non-refractory
materials, save yourself the trouble of buying unsuitable materials and dig a hole in the
ground instead. Even then, there will be no economy to be had in terms of fuel usage, as
such a furnace is guaranteed to be wasteful. Still, it can provide some valuable
experimentation time for the beginning caster.
Perlite is a fairly cheap insulator, as are diatomaceous earth and vermiculite. If your
furnace is expected to see only low temperatures (primarily melts of aluminum and white
metals), then by all means, use these cheap insulators. If you intend to do brass or iron
work, you will save more in the long run by using materials that can survive the heat.
Clay-sand mixtures appear to be the best option for the budgeting hobbyist—the materials
involved are quite cheap (between one half and one sixth the price of common commercial
refractories) while also, in most cases, tolerating the highest temperatures that naturally
aspirated burners can produce. Insulation can be cheaply added to whatever extent needed
in the form of polystyrene foam beads, which burn out and leave air pockets.
However, there are two hidden costs which most hobbyists do not figure into their
calculations: time, and firing costs. Homemade ceramics can be quite labor-intensive,
particularly for the raw beginner. Unlike with a commercial product, there are no definitive
instruction manuals. More crucially, there is a wealth of available advice, of which at least
some is misleading, incomplete, or simply false. One of the many purposes of this book is
to create an instruction manual for exactly this situation; however, you will still find no
definitively accepted recipe for homemade ceramic refractory, but rather recipes that have
been tested and found to work under most circumstances, along with some basic grounding
on the science of ceramics so you can figure out how to modify them to suit your needs.
Ceramics is an extremely broad and deep field; there exist people whose professional lives
have been dedicated to the study of a tiny subset of the mechanisms at work when
something like our furnace is fired.
So, be prepared to make some mistakes and have some failures. Be prepared to patch
cracks as they form, to compensate for shrinkage that was more or less than you
anticipated, to start over with a new recipe if the one you're using just refuses to work out.
In the green state, clay mixes can be re-wetted and reclaimed (though separating such a mix
into its individual components is highly impractical), so the primary loss will be of time.
More importantly in terms of budget issues, if you fire a ceramic only to discover after
firing that something didn't work right, the fuel used in that firing (if you're using propane,
often more costly than the materials that were fired) is gone forever. The ruined refractory
can possibly be reused in the next mix as grog, but firing costs can add up very quickly to
more than the total cost of commercial refractory after several failures.
Even among commercial refractories, there are still budgeting choices. In particular,
ceramic wool is worthy of mention. It is the most effective insulator in common refractory
use, so using it will save considerably on fuel; also, its cost per unit volume is not high
compared with many other commercial materials. The only disadvantage is that it requires
Commercial dense and insulating castables, unless intended for a specialized application,
are generally also relatively cheap. Insulating castables are generally adequate in terms of
mechanical properties, and will save fuel as well as filling substantially more volume per
unit weight. Dense castables are only for use in the most abusive of situations.
Insulating and dense firebrick also deserve a mention precisely because they are not
budgeting choices. Commercial kilns have fuel costs as well, and those are passed on to the
consumer of fired products. Insulating firebrick also has additional costs associated with it
due to its easily-damaged nature requiring more protection during shipment. These
refractory products may be convenient, but will generally cost about twice as much per unit
volume as comparable castable products.
Mold Making
Of all the mold-making processes in existence, two stand out as budgeting choices: lost
foam and water-bonded greensand. Lost foam requires only loose sand to start, which can
be recycled virtually indefinitely. There will be some start-up costs associated with
respiratory protection, but these are not unreasonable and a good respirator has many other
uses. The foam will be a recurring cost to the process, but it can be had cheaply or even for
free if scavenged from foam packaging.
Lost foam, however, unless set up with a computer-controlled (CNC) foam mill or molds to
expand foam into (both of which are expensive), is not good for producing many parts of
the same type. Water-bonded greensand is superior in this regard, as the patterns are
reusable, and it is also very cheap. The requirements are sand, bentonite clay, and some
molding tools. Flasks can be built out of scrap lumber, sprue and riser patterns out of PVC
pipe or disposable cups filled with concrete, and most other molding tools can be fashioned
out of old silverware or sheetmetal. A good rammer is perhaps the exception; it is easy
enough to cast one out of aluminum, or turn one from wood if you have access to a lathe. A
power rammer can be made by modifying a cheap air chisel.
Both of these processes have much poorer tolerances than investment, ceramic shell, or
permanent mold processes, yet the latter processes are much more expensive.
Section III
Sand Molding
Sand molding is one of the most approachable and low-cost methods of creating molds for
metalcasting. It is also a very versatile process, being suitable for any volume of production
between unique parts and runs of several thousand pieces, and suitable for almost any
metal that is commercially cast. Detail is not as high as in some other processes, but with
fine sand, correctly mixed, it will be more than acceptable for the majority of hobby
The simplest of all possible sand molds is a hole or depression in sandy soil. If the soil is
sandy enough to resist the hot metal, dry enough to avoid steam explosions, and wet
enough with enough binders to maintain its shape, then the metal will accurately take the
shape of the depression.
Pouring metal into sandy soil is undoubtedly how the process of sand molding was
developed by our primitive ancestors, but it is not a controllable enough process to make
much use of in modern casting. Instead of using naturally occurring sand, we need to make
our own with desirable properties that can be controlled and maintained. The process is
simple for water-bonded sands, which are the most accessible variety for most hobbyists.
(Oil bonded and resin bonded sands achieve the same thing in principle, using more
complex binders for improved properties.)
To make any molding sand, the first step is to get good sand. Clean white silica sand of
approximately 70-90 mesh is a good starting point. Most hardware stores sell a sieved and
cleaned “play sand” that will work adequately, though a foundry sand will generally have a
finer and more useful gradation of mesh sizes. Olivine sand will also work, and it is usually
green or black. The grains should be sharp, not rounded, and the sand should not contain
rocks or debris.
This sand now needs a binder. For water-bonded greensand, the binder will be bentonite
clay, approximately 10% by weight. Bentonite is available in high purity from ceramics
suppliers and in bulk amounts from well drillers and some farm supply stores. Some types
of cat litter are bentonite chips, but these will have to be ground into powder before use. A
coffee grinder works well, if slowly.
Adding more clay will increase the sand's strength but decrease its porosity, leading to gas
defects in extreme cases. Adding less clay will lower the strength but make the sand more
porous. 10% is what I prefer, but it is possible to get away with as little as 6%. As long as
the sand molds well, less clay is generally better.
The clay and sand will not become greensand without the addition of water. Water should
be added slowly to the blended clay and sand, and thoroughly mulled in until the sand feels
uniformly damp (but not sticky) and forms a cohesive ball instead of crumbling when
squeezed. It takes time for the clay to absorb water, and mulling action is necessary to
distribute the clay evenly (but excessive mulling will “wear out” the sand by rounding off
the grains, reducing porosity and strength). Sand generally improves dramatically if it is
left to sit overnight after mulling in a sealed container, and the sand will continue to
improve even more for several weeks after it was first made, as long as the moisture level
is maintained.
Too much water in the sand increases the amount of porosity necessary to prevent gas
defects and will cause the sand to stick to things. (Dramatically too much water can even
cause metal to shoot back out the sprue of the mold from the steam generated! A mold that
does this will never produce a usable casting, so it is best to retreat for safety's sake until
the metal has cooled.) Too little water will cause the sand to abrade away and lose strength,
eventually crumbling. A sand mold can be dried after molding without a loss of strength,
but the drying will cause shrinkage, which can lead to gap run-outs and problems with
dimensional tolerance. It is generally better instead to use properly conditioned sand and to
pour molds as soon as they are made.
Sand can be mulled by hand with acceptable results, but it is a labor-intensive process that
falls short of the results a machine can achieve. Commercial mullers of a size that is
practical for hobbyists are occasionally available at affordable prices from industrial
equipment auctions and from the vocational departments of schools. A muller is a simple
machine, so building one is quite straightforward and within the means and skills of most
Mulling action needs to mix the sand thoroughly, to compress it like it would be when
rammed into a mold, and to fluff the sand and break up chunks to prepare it for use. A
typical muller, as shown in Figure III-1, consists of a pair of wheels rotating inside a metal
drum to compress the sand and crush lumps, and one or more plows to fluff the sand and
funnel it from the walls and center of the drum into the path of the wheels. Plows shaped to
smear the sand against the drum can be used in place of or in addition to wheels,
particularly in smaller mullers where the force required to drive this action is not
impractically high. The muller also needs a trapdoor in the bottom which can be opened to
unload a batch of sand.
The wheels need to exert a significant amount of force on the sand to be effective; this can
be achieved by making them heavy or (commonly with smaller designs that would be too
light to mull effectively using weight alone) using springs to force them into the sand. Both
the wheels and the plow(s) need to be able to move to accommodate sand lumps and
varying loads without damage to the machine. All metal surfaces exposed to the abrasive
action of the sand, particularly the plow(s) and the bottom of the drum, should be fairly
heavy steel for long life.
Required torque varies quite a bit based Figure III-1: Cutaway view of a basic muller
on design, but a torque of 100 ft-lb
should generally be adequate to mull a 50 pound batch of sand. Processing time varies
depending on the muller's rotational speed, design, and the condition of the sand, but one
batch generally takes about five minutes. With a speed of 50 RPM and assuming 95%
drivetrain efficiency, a 1 horsepower motor will be adequate for this size muller. More
power will certainly harm nothing (unless it exceeds the structural limits of the mulling
apparatus!) and will allow the muller to “power through” difficult, lumpy sand without
jamming or stalling. Note that even a small muller produces enough torque to
overpower a human caught in the device, and mullers usually run open with no safety
guards on the mulling apparatus. Entanglement of body parts in the machine is a
serious danger and can have fatal consequences. Have a cut-off switch readily
accessible and follow good shop safety practices when working with the muller.
To mull sand by hand, it is necessary to duplicate the action of the muller. A garden hoe
and a wheelbarrow work well to process the sand. The sand should be alternately smeared
against the side of the container, chopped to break up lumps, and mixed around. Hand-
mulling sand is physically intensive work, and trying to process too much at once will
quickly sap your strength. The sand can also be mulled by alternately sandwiching it
between sheets of tough plastic and walking over it or rolling a vehicle over it, then stirring
and raking it around. This method poses a risk of contaminating the sand with dirt and
other foreign matter, however.
Pattern Making
There are three critical parts to know about before making a pattern to be molded and cast
in sand. First is something called the “parting line.” The seam between the cope (top half of
the mold) and drag (bottom half of the mold) is the parting line, and the pattern's widest
portion must sit at the parting line.
Often, you will want to make “split patterns.” This is basically a pattern that is in two
halves that meet at the parting line. Alignment pins are installed in the halves. There are
ways, however, to cast three-dimensional objects without a split pattern. Patterns with a flat
side can be molded only in one half of the flask. If the pattern's projection is small or
shallow, it can be molded with a board designed to accommodate it (known as a “follow
board”), or molded normally and the sand carved down to the parting line (known as
“coping down”).
For some sand molds, you may need to use a three or more part flask, where there is an
extra piece between the cope and drag. That extra piece would be called a “cheek.”
The third thing to know about is shrinkage. Metal shrinks when it cools, and different
metals shrink at different rates. To further complicate the matter, different alloys of the
same type of metal shrink at different rates. Also, you may have to make parts larger still to
allow machining of the part afterward. This needs to be kept in mind when designing the
Patterns for sand molds are best made of metal or wood. Wood patterns should be coated in
a good coating of polyurethane, varnish, or lacquer to protect them, and keep them from
absorbing moisture from the sand. This coating can be skipped for a one-off pattern, but
molding is made more difficult by the lack of a smoothly finished surface.
You don't have to be a good woodworker to make good patterns. Epoxy, wood putty, and
anything else can be used to fix your mistakes, as long as the final surface is smooth and
Molding Tools
In order to make molds, some tools and equipment are needed. The primary equipment
consists of one or more flasks, some molding boards, a rammer, sprue cutters or sprue and
riser patterns, a vent wire, and a knife or small trowel to cut gates and pouring wells, and
clean up edges. An applicator for parting dust, some clean paintbrushes of various sizes to
touch up edges and spread parting dust around, and a source of compressed air to blow out
molds, are also handy, and various small pieces of sheetmetal can be bent into custom tools
for a specific purpose. For large molds, the flasks may need to be lifted and rolled with a
mechanical hoisting apparatus.
Either way, a flask needs to have alignment pins that are accurate, can be opened smoothly,
and can only be assembled in one direction. This foolproof design keeps molds from being
ruined due to operator error—if your flask design is symmetrical, it is surprisingly easy to
accidentally put the cope on backward! There are many ways to build alignment pins, but
the longer the pins are, the easier it will be to guide a mold to close evenly. The protruding
portions of the pins are usually kept in the cope so the drag can be molded parting face
down without a molding board cut to fit between the pins.
Large flasks (12”x12” and larger) also need something on the inside of the flask for the
sand to grip. Smaller flasks usually have enough friction between the flask sides and the
sand not to need anything more than a smooth side, but adding in something for the sand to
grip is still a good idea that will save the hassle of cope fall-outs, especially if your sand
has poor bond.
One common way to give the inside of the flask some grip is to add some ribs, which are
easily nailed into a wooden flask. The problem with ribs is that they take up space inside
the flask that could be used for patterns, and they make ramming the edges more difficult.
Welded steel flasks often have lips or flanges on the edges to hold the sand in, and cast or
wooden flasks can use grooves instead of ribs. For wooden flasks, especially smaller ones,
my favorite technique is to drill a number of large, shallow holes in the inner face of the
flask. This is quicker and easier to do than routing grooves or attaching ribs, and it is quite
Very large flasks (typically 16”x16” or larger), especially large shallow flasks, may need
supporting ribs running across the flask to give the sand more area to hold to. These can
have grooves or holes of their own to give them more grip. Too many supporting ribs
makes the flask hard to ram and reduces the available space for patterns, but large expanses
of sand will need the support.
A useful addition to any flask, but particularly big flasks, is a way to clamp it together at
the parting face, both for rolling over and during pouring to avoid a gap run-out due to
hydrostatic pressure. If there is no way to clamp the flask, it will need to be weighted for
Flasks need to be big enough to accommodate the patterns that will be molded. Generally,
at least 2” of sand is needed at the top and bottom of the pattern, and 1” around the edges.
Large or unusually-shaped patterns may require a custom flask. An 8” by 8” and 12” by
12” snap flask, both with 4” deep cope and drag, will accommodate most hobbyists'
castings, and custom flasks can be made as they are required.
A snap flask is a flask that can be taken off the finished mold and reused, so multiple molds
can be made at one time with only one flask. Commercial snap flasks have hinges in one
corner and a latch at the opposite corner, allowing them to be quickly and easily removed
from a mold. This design can be duplicated, or for a simpler but less effective snap flask,
the flask can be assembled out of wood with opposite corners held together by a single
large wood screw. This design has a limited lifetime and lower accuracy than a hinged
flask, but it is cheap and quick to make.
Even with an air rammer, you will also need a hand rammer like the one in Figure III-4 to
get into small places and ram sand around delicate areas of patterns. An air rammer is only
good for ramming large flat expanses of sand; it is far from a precise instrument.
Other Tools
Molding boards are used to support the patterns during ramming, and they can be as simple
as squares of plywood cut to size. I would recommend keeping them this simple, so they
can be modified as needed for protruding patterns and so forth without any large associated
cost. If the alignment pins of your flasks are long enough and of the appropriate shape
(usually cylindrical so they can mate with drilled holes), it will be easy enough to modify a
molding board to interface with these pins and attach patterns to it for a quickly-assembled
Of the other tools needed, a surprising number of them can be made from old, discarded
silverware. A few old butter knives and spoons can be used as is or bent into shapes to cut
gates and runners, scoop out pouring cups and sprue wells, smooth down lifted edges, cope
down to the parting line, and so forth. If silverware is not up to the task, a piece of
sheetmetal usually will be.
Sprue and riser patterns can be made from PVC pipe, which even though it has no draft,
makes an adequate pattern. Larger risers can be made from disposable cups filled with
concrete or plaster of Paris, or even molding sand for temporary usage. Sprue cutters can
be made from thin-walled electrical (EMT) conduit or copper plumbing pipe.
Any stiff wire can be used for a vent wire. For best results, the end of the wire should be
tapered slightly into a dull point, which will narrow the vent's connection with the pattern
and make it easier to break off at the surface. A sharp point on the wire will make dents in
the pattern.
Parting dust can be applied by pouring it in an old sock or small bag, and shaking the bag
to let the dust fall onto the pattern. A shaker bottle, like the ones baby powder comes in, is
also effective. Once the parting is applied, it can be spread around, and any excess dusted
off, with a dry paintbrush. A compressed-air blowgun is a convenient tool to have for
removing dust and debris from the bottom of a mold cavity, but the same work can be done
with a paintbrush and a sheet of paper or metal to sweep debris onto. Any method of
applying parting dust will be dusty, so take suitable respiratory precautions.
Mold Design
Now that we have sand and tools, we need to put them to use. Extremely simple molds can
be made by simply ramming sand around a flat-backed pattern, creating an open depression
to accept metal. This kind of mold is good for making ingots, but most usable castings
cannot tolerate the irregular top surface created by an open-face mold. To eliminate that
surface, the mold needs to be enclosed.
The casting is given a positive draft of five degrees, which is fairly generous and will make
for easy molding. Skilled molders can use patterns with only one or two degrees of draft in
most places, especially for such a simple casting. The gate, runner, sprue, and sprue well
can be molded with patterns as well, or carved into the sand after the mold is pulled apart.
If patterns are used, these non-critical pieces should be given very generous draft for easy
Note how the top corners of the casting are rounded, while the bottom corners as the
casting meets the parting line are not rounded. Any edges cast in the mold itself must be
rounded if an outside edge or filleted if an inside edge, to avoid fragile corners that will
break off and wash away. As with draft, more rounding and filleting makes for easier
or two will do unless there are far-separated parts of thick section that need separate
In general, risers need to be placed adjacent to the thickest part of a casting, which will
itself act as a riser for the thin parts of the casting. These risers need to be considerably
larger than the section thickness in that area, but more importantly, the riser needs to be
gated to the casting with a gate no smaller than the section thickness, otherwise the gate
will freeze and prevent the riser from functioning. Risers may be attached directly to the
casting, which leaves no narrowed channel to freeze. Blind risers will generally stay hot
longer, because they are insulated within the hot sand, but an open riser will act as a vent
for gases and provide a handy indicator of when the mold is full. Small “vent risers” are
often used for this purpose, and they are usually made small enough as to have no effect on
the casting's shrinkage. Note that risers can also be placed in the drag, but they must be
blind, or the mold will not hold metal!
Large risers are often difficult to cut off a finished casting and leave large areas in need of
finish work, so there are obvious advantages to keeping risering small or nonexistent. In
industry, there are types of riser sleeves to place into the mold, allowing risers to be made
smaller. Insulating riser sleeves are formed shapes in an insulating material that help risers
retain heat. Homemade insulating riser sleeves can be made with scraps of ceramic fiber
blanket pinned to the inside of the riser cavity in the mold. Exothermic riser sleeves are
designed to burn away upon contact with the molten metal, actively heating the riser and
thus keeping it liquid longer. Risers fed directly from the sprue (“hot risers”) also generally
contain hotter metal than risers fed through the casting (“cold risers”), so do not need to be
as large for the same effect.
Figure III-7 also has an extra detail: part of the casting is in the cope and part is in the drag.
Most castings will require construction like this. In this case, the easiest way to make this
feature is to split the pattern along the parting line. Another way to make the feature is to
make one side of the mold normally (whether it's the cope or drag depends on whether the
mold will be double roll or single roll), carve down to the correct parting line (“coping
out”), and mold the other side normally. A temporary cope or drag (“odd side”) can also be
molded up to support the pattern at the parting line while the other side of the mold is
made, then the temporary mold is shaken out and remade permanently. Small protrusions
can often be tamped into a blank mold section (usually the drag) up to the parting line, or a
molding board can be modified to accommodate the protrusion.
Figure III-8 shows another way to get around the problem of thick sections. Most castings
do not need to be solid, and in fact much is gained in terms of labor and material savings
when castings are made as near finished shape as possible.
Note that the core has more draft and larger fillets than the outside of the mold. This is
particularly important if the core is molded as part of the cope or drag: an easy release will
prevent it from breaking off when the pattern is pulled. With a separate core box, less draft
and smaller fillets can usually be tolerated.
It is usually advisable to “key” a loose core to the mold with some sort of protrusion, which
will keep the core from shifting and aid in placing it correctly.
to be made of cured bonded sand. This type of sand also generally creates less mold gas, so
it can reduce gas problems that would otherwise occur with a nearly-enclosed core. The
sand can be bonded with a commercial resin, sodium silicate, or a baked organic binder
such as sugar. In all cases, a curing process is necessary and the core sand is not reusable
without adding more binder. Unless the volume of cores is great, the used core sand can
usually be mulled into the greensand without consequence.
Cores of this style sit in special protrusions in the mold, called “core prints.” The core
prints have to be sufficient to support the core and prevent it shifting. In cases where the
core needs more support than prints can provide in the spaces available for them, small
pieces of metal can be used to support the core. These are called “chaplets” and are
designed to fuse with the incoming metal, so they must be of the same or a compatible
alloy and thin enough to melt when the casting is poured.
Cores cannot be too strong or they will cause hot tearing as the metal in the casting
contracts around the core. Certain alloys of aluminum are particularly susceptible to this,
because aluminum suffers from hot shortness. Therefore, the core material must be strong
in its dry state at room temperature, but must crumble relatively easily once exposed to hot
metal. This crumbling is also useful for extracting the core: a core that stays solid can be
very difficult to extract from tight spaces, and the abrasive sand will damage machine tools
if not removed.
In order to make horn gating, it is necessary to have a horn, with constant curvature and
sufficient draft along its length to be pulled out of the mold along the curved channel it
forms. The complexity horn gating adds to a mold means that it is generally not used unless
The thin sections require the use of a fluid alloy and multiple gating points. In this
example, a circular runner rings the saucer, with perhaps six evenly spaced gates filling the
saucer from all sides. A vent riser in the center of the saucer reduces backpressure and
allows the mold to fill more readily.
The outside of the cup is molded with two loose greensand cores, labeled (3) and (4) on the
diagram, that are split at the vertical parting line of the handle and diametrically opposite
on the other side. A third small core may be necessary if the handle does not have simple
draft in this direction. The spoon is supported on the outside of the cup by another core (5)
that rests on the teacup cores. To form the inside of the cup, there is a small core (6) under
the spoon, and the rest of the cup is formed as part of the drag (2). Again, more cores may
be needed if the cup does not have simple draft. Sometimes, a cube of sugar is added onto
the spoon, which would require yet another core.
In usual molding practice, this mold would be started with the cope (1), perhaps with some
sand to support the underside of the saucer. A full fledged odd side is not necessary. Then,
the cope would be rolled over and the parting face cleaned up. A small amount of coping
down may be necessary to free the rim of the saucer. If the sprue is formed by a molded pin
instead of cut, the sprue pin would be left in the cope. Then, cores (3) and (4) would be
formed freehand, making sure they have correct draft. Core (6) would come next, then (5).
Finally, the drag (2) would be formed and the mold rolled a second time, then opened. At
this point, the gating, sprue, and vent riser would be cut, and the mold vented. The saucer
would be lifted out, followed by cores (3) and (4) and the cup, as one unit. The cup could
then be extracted from the cores. (5) and (6) would follow separately, then the spoon would
be extracted. The cores would be reassembled in reverse order in the mold, the cope put on,
and it would be ready to pour.
Molding Practice
There are a great number of ways to
mold different patterns in sand, and
choosing the correct sprues, runners,
risers, and gates, and the correct
orientation of a complex pattern is part
science and part art form. Even
experienced molders are sometimes
unsure how to sprue a complex mold; the
standard procedure in those cases is to
pour a test piece, examining the casting
afterward to see how the metal flowed
and how the flow can be improved. Most
of the knowledge necessary to do this is
gained from experience, but the basics Figure III-12: Patterns in the cope
can be taught.
The series of photos accompanying this section are of a fairly simple mold of a pair of
pulleys. In molding parlance, they are both molded in the drag, for an easy single-roll mold
and less chance of a failed casting in the case of a gap run-out. This is particularly
important in this case, since the flask is just a little bit too small for these patterns, and the
patterns are dangerously close to the edge, and to each other. Those narrow gaps between
the patterns and the edge are hard to ram properly, and they can easily spring a leak and
pour molten metal out the side of the mold.
(A note about parting dust: I use silica flour, which works well but is a significant
respiratory hazard—wear a respirator! Other materials, such as talcum powder, chalk, or
graphite dust, may work to greater or lesser degrees and present greater or lesser
respiratory hazards. Commercial parting dust is a high-temperature plastic flour that is
biologically inert, but it may also be expensive or hard to get. Any parting dust that absorbs
water is unlikely to work well, and may cause casting defects.)
Then, the flask is opened and the patterns are pulled out. Gates (and, if necessary, runners)
are carved, as is a well below the sprue to trap sand washed into the mold. This well should
extend below the level of the gate so
debris does not get washed into the mold.
out (either with an air compressor and nozzle or with a hand-powered air pump or bellows
—blowing dust out by mouth is a good way to inhale it) and the mold is closed up. It will
be weighted before being poured, to prevent hydrostatic pressure from pushing the cope up
and forcing metal out the gap. If the casting was formed in the cope, such a gap run-out
would ruin it; this casting in the drag could conceivably turn out anyway. Casting in the
cope, however, washes less sand into the mold and provides a smoother fill because the
metal is rising up from below instead of pouring in from the side.
Section IV
Furnaces, regardless of their type, need a few attributes to function properly. The first is
refractoriness, or the ability to withstand heat. The second is insulative ability. While the
first two are arguably the most important attributes of a successful furnace, attributes such
as mechanical strength and flux resistance become important in some designs. Thermal
mass is also an important consideration in furnaces that undergo a lot of cycling between
room temperature and operating temperature.
Refractory is, after all, named after its defining attribute: its resistance to heat. Some
homebrew refractories, however, aren't very refractory. Commercial refractories are rated
by the temperature at which they incur damage, most pure clays such as fireclay, ball clay,
and kaolin are suitable for well over 3000°F, and common homebrew ingredients like
perlite often start melting over a wide range, anywhere from 1600°F to 2200°F, depending
on the properties of the individual batch. Non-refractory ingredients like Portland cement
melt considerably lower, and worse, they can flux the entire mixture, turning your furnace
into a puddle of goo.
Since puddles of goo don't generally make good furnaces, it is important that the heat
resistance of your chosen refractory is adequate to survive all conditions in the furnace
without being damaged. The maximum temperature present in your furnace is not the
temperature of whatever you're melting; it's usually wherever a burner (or other heat
source) impinges on the furnace wall, and it can reach temperatures several hundred
degrees higher than the melt, depending on the power of the heat source and the ability of
the melt to carry heat away from that area. Generally speaking, if the furnace heats up
slowly, and the heat source is evenly distributed, the peak temperature in the furnace will
be very close to the average temperature. A pottery kiln, for example, should be able to fire
pottery to very near the limits of the refractory without damage around the burners or
heating elements. Conversely, if the furnace heats up quickly, and the heat source is
concentrated, then peak temperatures could reach as much as twice the average
Insulative Ability
Refractoriness is only part of the equation for a good furnace. Tungsten, for example, is
highly refractory, but it doesn't make a great furnace because it acts as a heat sink, wasting
large amounts of energy. A good furnace should keep the heat in, and that's where
insulation comes in.
Air is a great insulator, but not if it can move around, forming convection currents. Most
successful insulation, therefore, traps air in tiny pockets. The material that the insulation is
made of should also be fairly insulative, but it won't be nearly as effective as the air it's
keeping trapped. Therefore, the best insulators are light, fluffy materials with lots of air in
them, such as the commercial insulating wool sold for kiln insulation (think fiberglass
insulation, only it's designed to take high temperatures). A similar effect can be achieved
by adding something burnable (like sawdust or finely shredded polystyrene foam) to your
clay-based or castable refractory. When fired, the bits of material burn out, creating little
air pockets. Commercial foaming agents essentially do the same thing, trapping lots of little
gas bubbles.
Thermal Mass
Thermal mass isn't a big consideration in commercial furnaces that run continuously for
long periods of time, but it's very important in homemade furnaces that get cycled up and
down a lot. The problem is simple: Before your furnace can heat anything else up, it has to
heat itself up first. If your furnace has a lot of material to absorb the heat, it's going to take
a lot of time and energy to get hot, even if relatively little heat escapes outside of it. When
it's done melting whatever it's supposed to melt, all that energy put in to getting it hot gets
lost as the hot furnace cools off.
Minimizing thermal mass is relatively easy to do. Materials that have lots of air in them
have very little thermal mass, as well as being good insulators. Heavy, dense materials
have lots of thermal mass and are best avoided under most circumstances. A rough rule of
thumb is the material's density: Light furnaces are much better than heavy ones, as far as
thermal mass goes.
So far, I've only talked about furnaces made with a single material. Unfortunately,
materials that are light and fluffy (good insulators with low thermal mass) aren't usually
very durable. Materials that are hard, strong, and temperature-resistant are usually heavy
and dense, with mediocre insulative abilities. A hotface is the easy way to get the best of
both worlds, and is typically used for two reasons: to protect a highly insulative but weak
material from mechanical abuse or chemical attack (e.g. fluxes), or to protect a highly
insulative but not-terribly-refractory material from the hottest parts of the furnace's interior,
such as the burner's flame. Hotfaces can also be used to stretch the budget, by protecting
cheap insulation (like perlite) with a more temperature-tolerant but expensive material.
Whatever you do, DO NOT make a hotface three inches thick, unless your furnace is thirty
feet tall and you drop tons of scrap into it on a regular basis. Hotfaces should be as thin as
you can make them and still have them fulfill their function. This goes back to the previous
discussion of thermal mass. Your insulation is behind your hotface, so the hotface has to
heat up and cool down with every furnace cycling. If the hotface is thick enough that the
back side of it is still relatively cool by the time you're done melting, the insulation isn't
doing anything.
Crucible Furnaces
Crucible furnaces are the most common type for hobby metalcasters. The only special
design qualification for a crucible furnace is that it needs to fit a crucible. Instead of first
building the furnace, then trying to find or make a crucible to fit it, I strongly recommend
that you have a functional crucible on hand when you start designing your furnace. You
should also be able to easily buy or make more crucibles of the same size. This will save a
lot of trouble down the road, and since the furnace is designed to fit the crucible, it will run
more efficiently and take less material than one that is too big. (One that is too small won't
fit the crucible at all, and trying to enlarge a furnace after construction is more or less a
gesture of futility.) This seems obvious, but many beginners try to build the furnace first,
then have a hard time getting a crucible to fit it.
Also make sure to consider how you're going to get the crucible in and out of the furnace.
Whatever lifting apparatus the crucible is designed to use should be able to lift the crucible
out of the furnace without scraping against the walls or running into obstructions. Again,
this is something you should think about before you build.
Furnace Shape
Crucible furnaces are usually shaped in a rough cylinder, with the lid being a flat disk that
rests on top. Alternatively, the lid can have a recess to allow the crucible to extend above
the sides of the furnace (for easier lifting), or the furnace can be built in three parts, with
the walls lifted off the base to grab the crucible from the side. Furnaces should not
generally be built in a “top hat” configuration, with the top and sides lifted as one piece off
the base. The reason for this is that removing the side walls from around the crucible will
cause it to cool quickly, so this should not be done for charging the crucible or skimming
dross. The additional lid in the three-part design allows access to the top of the crucible
without lifting the walls.
Lid Lifting
Lid lifting mechanisms can vary from the extremely simple (a pair of handles, suitable only
if the lid is light enough to move easily) to the very complex (a system of slides and
winches, usually used for very large and heavy three-piece furnaces). In between these two
extremes, there are various types of pivots used for lids of moderate weight. Whatever the
design, it should be easy to operate, robust enough not to wobble, and the hot side of the lid
should not point toward a person operating the lid lifting mechanism, or in front of the
furnace toward a person skimming dross. The lid can radiate a fair amount of heat
(especially if it is large), and can make moving around the furnace uncomfortable or
dangerous. It should also never point at fuel lines or electrical connections.
The most primitive solid-fuel furnace is simply a wood or charcoal fire on the ground or in
a fire pit, and such a fire can melt white metals and aluminum with ease. Fuel consumption
is greatly reduced, however, if the fuel is contained within a proper furnace and forced air
provided for a hotter burn.
Tuyere Placement
Solid fuel gets hottest when it is provided with adequate air for combustion. This will
happen near the tuyere, where air enters the furnace. A tangential tuyere, as in a furnace
designed to use a burner, will not provide an even heat; the wall that the air blast is directed
toward will heat up, and the rest of the furnace (including the crucible) will stay cold. The
best tuyere placement for an even heat is directly below the crucible, pointing up, but this
creates problems in the event of a crucible failure, as metal will drain down into the tuyere.
A solution might be to put a drain hole in the pipe leading to the blower, covered by a
meltable or burnable plug such as aluminum foil or duct tape. A tuyere pointing directly at
the side of the crucible may also provide a sufficiently even heat. A grate can be used to
distribute the air evenly, but such a grate will be prone to oxidation.
Fuel Placement
Unlike in other crucible furnaces, solid-fuel furnaces do not use plinths. Instead, the
crucible sits directly on a bed of fuel. This bed should be at least half the crucible diameter
thick around the outside of the crucible, and somewhat thicker below the crucible. The
crucible should be buried up to its rim in fuel. (Nestling the crucible back into a burning
fuel bed after a pour is somewhat difficult; the undertaking is aided by thick gloves and
long-handled pliers.) For maximum temperature, the entire fuel bed should be burning
evenly. Fresh fuel should be added evenly around the top, no more than one layer thick at
once. Fuel pieces should be big enough to allow free passage of air, but small enough to
provide good contact with the crucible.
Air Blast
Hair driers, vacuum cleaners, and leaf blowers are often conscripted to provide the
necessary air blast to run a solid-fuel furnace. The first of these may not provide enough
air, while the latter two often provide too much. A shutter of some kind, either to vent
excess air or to restrict the blower's intake, should be used to control the air blast.
Excessive air can rapidly oxidize the bottoms of steel crucibles, creating failures often
mistaken for melting. Too much air also wastes fuel.
Solid fuel tends to self-insulate, so good furnace insulation is less important with these
furnaces than with other types of furnaces. Fuel usage can be greatly reduced, however, by
a furnace that is the proper size and shape. Using extra fuel in place of a proper container is
relatively costly, as the fuel burns whether it's melting metal or not. A well-built furnace
with a proper lid can also save a good deal of fuel, as compared to one with little or no
insulation. Well-built furnaces also tend to last longer, as well. Keep in mind that the
refractory must be mechanically strong and relatively resistant to fluxing (ash is a flux) to
handle solid fuel over a long lifespan.
A good deal of fuel can also be saved if combustion is halted at the end of a melt. The
easiest way to do this is to cut off the air supply, which may not be effective if the furnace
leaks. An alternative is to shovel out the hot coals and quench them, but this is a hot and
messy job. Water should never be sprayed into the furnace unless the intent is to crack the
refractory into small pieces. Regardless of the method, ash should be removed before the
next firing. Coals will burn better if the ash isn't plugging the tuyere and taking up space,
and there's less of a respiratory hazard when the blower is turned on.
Rules of Thumb
Since gaseous fuels are among the most expensive fuel sources, furnaces using these fuels
should be as efficient as possible. One of the most important ways to increase efficiency is
to size the furnace correctly.
● For every cubic foot of enclosed space inside the furnace, the burner should output
approximately 100,000 to 200,000 BTU/hr.
● The vent hole diameter should be from 1/3 to 1/4 the inside diameter of your furnace,
or 2 to 3 times the inside diameter of the tuyere.
● The walls of the furnace should be as close as possible to the crucible (with adequate
room to operate the crucible lifting mechanism, of course), but the gap between the
crucible and furnace walls should never be narrower than 3/4 the burner tube
● The gap between the top of the crucible and the furnace lid should have
approximately the same area as the vent hole for maximum efficiency. If the lid and
crucible lip are flat parallel surfaces, a gap of the correct area will be 1/4 the vent
hole diameter.
● The plinth should be no taller than twice the tuyere diameter.
● The tuyere diameter should be about 1.4 times the burner tube inside diameter. If the
burner has a working flare, use the largest inside diameter of the flare.
● The furnace wall thickness should be about a quarter the furnace's inside diameter
for adequate insulation.
Again, standard furnace rules of thumb apply with electric furnaces. The major differences
are the absence of a tuyere and vent hole, and the presence of grooves or other supports for
electrical elements. Not all ceramics are electrical insulators at high temperatures; high-
alumina ceramics generally perform well, whereas high-silica ceramics may lead to leakage
currents through the refractory. The addition of a removable plug in the furnace lid for
charging and skimming dross is advisable and will increase efficiency compared to
removing the entire lid for these operations. Finally, the generally slower melting of
electrical furnaces means that adequate insulation is vital. Insulation is generally thicker on
electric furnaces than on other varieties.
Making Crucibles
Because crucibles are commonly quite expensive when bought commercially, many
hobbyists make their own, at least when starting out. Crucibles can create a very dangerous
situation when they fail, so it is worth taking some time to explore how to make crucibles
that can safely hold molten metal without failing.
Steel Crucibles
Steel crucibles are adequate for the melting of aluminum and white metals, and more
foolproof for the beginner to use than commercial ceramic crucibles. A good size of
crucible for the beginner is about 4" diameter and 6" tall, which will hold about five
pounds of aluminum. I use disposable 1-lb propane canisters as a convenient size of
crucible. (Safety note–the propane must be completely bled out of the nearly-empty tank by
depressing the valve until no audible hiss is heard. For extra safety, it’s recommended that
you also unscrew the valve and fill the tank with water to displace the propane before
cutting the tank.) These crucibles generally last about 10-20 melts apiece. For a longer-
lasting crucible, you can screw a pipe cap onto a pipe nipple, or weld a piece of plate onto a
steel pipe. The heavier the crucible, though, the more fuel it will waste and the longer it
will take to heat up.
Steel crucibles are fairly simple to make from scratch if you have a welder and the skill to
use it, and not difficult to make if you don't have a welder. One simple crucible is a black
iron pipe nipple with a pipe cap screwed to the bottom. This is not an ideal crucible,
because the heavy pipe cap takes a lot of energy to heat up, and large-diameter pipe nipples
and caps tend to be expensive. The crucible is functional, however, and can be moved with
a large pair of slip-joint pliers (if the weight of crucible and metal is less than five pounds,
for safety reasons), or bolts can be put in the top to make lifting pegs.
A better crucible design is a steel pipe with a round piece of steel sheet welded on the
bottom, and lifting and pouring lugs welded on. The pipe and sheet do not need to be
exceptionally thick for most uses; 16 gauge metal is adequate for crucibles holding up to 5
pounds of aluminum, and 10 gauge metal is adequate for up to a 40-lb capacity crucible.
The exception to that rule is a steel crucible designed for high-temperature use. Generally,
aluminum temperatures are the hottest that steel crucibles should be used for, but a thick-
walled crucible (schedule 40 pipe, at least) can be used for melting small amounts of brass
or bronze (under 10 lbs). Obviously, for these crucibles to work at all, the weld has to be
sound. It does not have to be completely water-tight; molten metals have a very high
surface tension. However, any leaks larger than pinholes must be fixed, and the weld must
be of sound enough bond that it will not catastrophically fail.
All steel crucibles, and any other tools that will contact the melt, should be preheated to a
red heat before coming in contact with the melt. This will build up a layer of iron oxide that
will keep the steel of the crucible from dissolving in the melt. Iron is quite soluble in
aluminum and zinc (an uncoated crucible will dissolve through in a melt or two), and the
contaminated metal will generally have poorer physical properties. Fluxes will interfere
with this oxide layer and shorten crucible life somewhat, especially powerful fluxes at high
temperatures. Salt fluxes generally do not have severe effects on the protective oxide layer,
but if left on the crucible and stored in humid air, they will rust the crucible severely. It is a
good idea to store all foundry tools in a dry area.
Ceramic Crucibles
Anyone can buy ceramic crucibles from a foundry supplier, and for the dedicated or
professional caster, it makes sense to purchase commercial crucibles. Commercial ceramic
crucibles are made from precisely-engineered materials and fired to a very high
temperature for a very long time—a firing schedule that it would be impractical to
duplicate on a hobby scale. The result is a product that is expensive, but of higher and more
consistent quality than anything the hobbyist can practically reproduce. Making your own
crucibles is possible, but the time and effort invested, and the lower performance of the
completed materials, makes the process only worthwhile for the dedicated experimenter or
the caster that needs unusual shapes or unusual material properties. Crucible-making is also
a valuable learning experience, in which the final product may be secondary to the
knowledge and experience gained.
Commercial crucibles are generally made from graphite and clay, or silicon carbide. In the
case of clay-graphite crucibles, a long soak at extremely high temperature allows silicon
carbide crystals to form in concentrations of approximately 20% of the crucible's mass,
strengthening the crucible and allowing it to survive more severe thermal shock. The fuel
requirements for such a firing are well out of the practical range of possibility for
hobbyists, so other methods are required. Many of the strongest and densest refractories
make good crucibles as well, possibly with the addition of thermally conductive grog to
speed equalization of temperature. It is extremely important to thoroughly test homemade
crucibles before relying on them to hold molten metal, as crucible failures can be very
Good clay-based crucibles can be made using ceramic recipes and working techniques
similar to those used to build a furnace hotface, as detailed in Section V. Still, crucibles
have different requirements than furnaces and some parts of the process must be modified.
Slip casting is a good choice for making crucibles, as it produces a dense homogeneous
product with a uniform repeatable cross-section and wall thickness. Plastic formed
crucibles are also acceptable if great care is taken to de-air the plastic clay. Rammed
crucibles are less dense than other varieties and have a greater likelihood of defects if
rammed by hand, so I do not recommend using ramming mixes when making crucibles.
When making furnace linings, cracks are acceptable and to some degree even expected.
Crucible making must have much more stringent quality control. Any crucible that cracks
during any point in the process should never be used to hold metal, regardless of whether
or not it was patched. The reason for this is that patching clay creates a moisture gradient,
which creates stress concentrations and weak spots in the dried and fired product.
Furthermore, if some of your crucibles are being lost to drying cracks with no obvious
cause, it is likely that some other crucibles are being stressed but not cracking, which
means these crucibles are weak and ready to fail. It is possible to fix this by creating an
environment (known as a “damp box”) to store the crucibles in where they can be dried
slowly and evenly without setting up stresses that could cause later failure.
Propane is a very common fuel to use for melting, as it is extremely convenient and easy to
use. It is expensive and cannot reach the temperatures of some other fuels, but it does not
produce ash or smoke, requires only a simple burner design, and is easy to precisely meter
and adjust fuel mixture. For this reason, propane is one of the best fuels to use for firing
ceramics, something that any hobbyist who builds a furnace or makes crucibles out of clay-
based ceramic will need to do.
Most hobbyists get their propane from 20-lb refillable propane “barbecue” tanks or similar
portable tanks. Some may have a large stationary propane tank available. This tank ensures
plentiful supply, but it may also have a low-pressure regulator permanently plumbed in.
Naturally-aspirated burners require high-pressure variable regulators. A minimum of 10
pounds per square inch (PSI) is needed for foundry use, and 30 to 60 PSI is preferable.
Such regulators can be obtained from various specialty propane suppliers, but they are very
different from the low-pressure, typically non-adjustable regulators that come with
barbecue grills and in most propane hookup kits found in hardware stores.
Most regulators also have a flow-limiting device (a small orifice, not unlike the orifice of a
foundry burner). This is a valuable safety feature, especially at the high pressures that
naturally-aspirated foundry burners use, but if your burner is especially large, it may
exceed the capacity of the flow limiter at high pressure. The solution, if the flow limiter is
removable, is to increase the size of the orifice to a value that will produce somewhat
above the maximum required propane flow. Do not remove the limiter entirely or disable it
by drilling it out to a very large size. If the limiter is integral to the regulator, the regulator
will have to be replaced with a higher-capacity version.
When dealing with very large propane flows, the capacity of the tank to supply enough
propane without icing over becomes an issue. The higher the required pressure, the warmer
the tank must stay to maintain it, and the higher the flow, the more prone the tank is to
cooling off. Tanks can be immersed in room-temperature or warm water (never use water
above 120°F, nor any type of flame heating or other heat source that exceeds 120°F or
provides a means of ignition) to increase their temperatures, but there is still a practical
limit on capacity. A propane flow that will empty the tank in two hours is the maximum
practical flow on that size of tank, even with a water bath. For a 20-lb barbecue tank, that
flow equates to approximately 350,000 BTU per hour, which is large by most hobby
standards. For a 1-lb disposable tank, this value is approximately 21,000 BTU/hr, which
equates to a small burner in the 3/8” to 1/2” range at moderate pressure.
Tanks that have been used heavily enough to create condensation, or that have been
submerged in a water bath, should be dried off immediately to prevent rust. Not only will
suppliers refuse to fill a heavily rusted tank, many will also refuse to fill a tank that has
been repainted (in case the paint is hiding structural damage to the tank), so any chips or
scrapes in the paint must stay and be protected from rust manually. Tanks obtained at
exchange stations are generally in poor shape compared to those that have been purchased
new and taken care of, and tank exchanges are generally more pricey than fill stations, so
endeavor to find a local fill station if you plan on using a lot of propane.
Most foundry burners are connected to their tanks by a standard propane fitting (POL
fitting) that adapts the tank to the regulator, then the regulator with optional pressure gauge
(highly recommended for kiln firing and other low-pressure applications), and then a
flexible propane hose that connects to the burner-side plumbing with a 3/8” flare fitting.
The POL fitting-to-tank connection does not need thread sealant, nor should the flare fitting
if properly tightened, but the pipe thread fittings on the regulator and gauge, and any pipe-
thread plumbing on the burner, require a thread sealant. Either use PTFE tape or PTFE-
containing pipe dope, never non-PTFE imitation pipe tape. Pipe dope tends to seal more
readily than tape, but is messier to remove and replace if disassembly is necessary. Always
check for leaks with soapy water every time a connection is assembled. Burner-side valves
are of limited utility when there is only one burner per system, but are necessary when
multiple burners are manifolded onto a single regulator.
The flexible propane hose is easy to burn through with a droplet of metal or a hot tool, so
keep the section near the furnace shielded with sheet metal, and keep hot objects away
from it. Permanent installations (such as a bench supply of propane or a supply line run
from a stationary tank) should be assembled out of soldered copper, leak-tested galvanized
steel pipe, or soft copper line with flare fittings. Never run liquid propane or propane that is
at tank pressure or not protected by a flow limiter through a soft line. Hard lines are far
more resistant to damage from hot objects or puncture, and these high-volume propane
applications have the potential to be extremely dangerous in the event of a line breach.
Also, do not connect copper or brass fittings to iron in a permanent application without an
electrical isolator—otherwise galvanic corrosion will cause the joint to leak over time.
The burner detailed later in this section is a naturally-aspirated venturi burner, based on the
Reil family of burners. Burners of this same general design display remarkable stability
over a broad range of pressures, outclassing other simple burner designs, and unlike forced-
air burners, they need no blower or separate power supply, making them simple,
inexpensive, and portable. Of course, there are many designs for gas-fueled burners, but a
detailed description of their construction is beyond the scope of this tutorial. Of note are
forced-air burners, which can burn low-pressure natural gas and other fuels delivered at
much less than 1 PSI, something naturally-aspirated burners cannot practically or
efficiently do.
Naturally aspirated
propane burners are
simple devices with
no moving parts, but
it still helps to know Figure IV-1: Diagram of propane burner parts
some terminology.
Starting from the rear of the burner in Figure IV-1, the fuel gas supply (1) enters the
burner, where it terminates in a small hole known as the orifice. The pressurized gas blows
into the venturi (2), drawing in combustion air with it. On some burners, a choke (not
pictured) is added to the inlet of the venturi to control the amount of air mixing with the
fuel. The fuel and air mix and stabilize in the burner tube (3), and burn inside the flare (4),
which has a pressure step between it and the burner tube to hold the flame. In a furnace, the
inside of the tuyere is commonly made to act as a burner's flare, as a steel flare would melt
or oxidize over time, damaging the refractory from the fluxing action of the oxide. When
the burner is being used in free air, a steel or iron flare is needed to hold the flame.
The burner detailed here has a bore of 1/2” (nominal), and a practical output between
approximately 7,000 and 74,000 BTU/hr. This design can be scaled up or down as needed,
as long as the proportions between the various parts are kept roughly the same. Here are
some rough ratios in the sizes of the components:
The venturi inside diameter (ID) should be from 1.4 to 1.7 times the burner ID.
The burner ID should be 20 to 30 times the orifice diameter.
The burner tube should be roughly 10 times as long as its ID.
The flare length should be about 1.5 times as long as the ID.
Start by laying out an accurate center line on the 3/4” side of the pipe reducer. Then
measure 3/16” on each side of that center line to create a bar 3/8” across. Cut, grind, or mill
out the material inside this bar 3/8” deep, so the 3/8” square stock fits snugly and flush with
the surface of the reducer. Cut the stock to length and braze or weld it in place. (Brazing is
preferred because welding cast iron to mild steel makes for a poor joint; however, this joint
will not be under severe mechanical stress.) Epoxy can also be used if care is taken not to
expose the joint to excessive heat. Next, accurately lay out and drill a 1/4” hole through the
center of the bar so that it points down the burner tube when the burner is assembled. (You
may need a different size hole if your MIG contact tip is not 1/4” diameter.) The accuracy
of this step is critical—if the jet is misaligned, the burner will not burn correctly. A drill
press (or, better yet, a lathe) is the recommended tool, but you can hand-drill the hole if you
pay meticulous attention to detail. Figure IV-2 shows how the burner parts fit together
when correctly assembled.
After the hole is drilled, insert the MIG contact tip so the threaded end is pointing away
from the burner, and the smooth end is flush with the far side of the 3/8” square stock. If
the fit is reasonably loose, braze it in (be careful to keep the brass and flux well away from
the orifice hole; if the hole becomes clogged with copper oxides, a few drops of muriatic
acid will clean it out). Again, epoxy can be used in low-heat applications. The stronger
joint made by brazing will make the burner more mechanically durable. If the fit is tight
enough to preclude assembly by hand, an interference fit achieved by heating up the bar
stock until the hole expands to fit the tip, then cooling to shrink the hole around the tip, will
be adequate. If your tip is not within a few thousandths of an inch of 1/4”, you will have to
drill a different size hole in the crossbar. Now, drill a 1/4” hole in the plug end of the flare
plug, slide it on the threaded end of the tip, and soft solder or epoxy it in position. It's a
good idea to leave about a 1/4” gap between the crossbar and flare plug so you can make a
swiveling choke later if you want.
If you have elected to make a flare out of the cast iron pipe reducer, grind or machine the
threads out of one end. The object here is to make a smooth, round, straight-walled inner
surface that is concentric with but bigger than the burner tube. You may want to screw the
burner tube into the flare for reference—the flare should be ground or machined all the way
back to the end of the burner tube.
If you have elected to make a flare out of the sheet metal, just wrap it smoothly around the
pipe. You can hold it on with a pipe clamp or tighten up the wraps so spring pressure holds
it still. You can experiment with the overhang over the end of the pipe, but start at about
A side note on tapered flares: The taper, as far as I'm aware, produces no discernible
benefit, and probably actually hurts burner performance compared to the sharp pressure
“step” at the end of the burner tube. Why? Because when propane (or anything, for that
matter) burns, the flame front travels at a specific speed. The design objective for a burner
is to make sure that the gas within the mixing tube is traveling faster than the flame front
(otherwise it'll burn in the tube), and the gas within the flare is traveling slower than the
flame front (otherwise the flame front is outside of the burner, which doesn't work very
well since once that gas starts mixing with ambient air, the fuel mixture shifts toward the
lean end of the spectrum and the flame goes out).
A smooth taper between too fast and too slow means that if the speed of gas going through
the burner changes (with an operating pressure or choke adjustment), then the flame front
moves around. At the ends of the pressure range, the front is very close to either the end of
the flare or the end of the burner tube, and a bit of turbulence could "bump" it over the line.
A sharp step creates lots of turbulence (which means an easier time burning in that
particular spot) instead of the smooth laminar flow of a tapered design, and holds the flame
front still, so it's less susceptible to this kind of instability.
Now, screw the burner together, hook up the propane, and test it for leaks. If you built it
well, it should fire right up and burn neutrally. If you have to choke the flame slightly, you
can do it with a bit of masking tape or build an adjustable choke (good for kiln burners) out
of sheet metal.
Adjustable Choke
The layout pictured in Figure IV-3 gives a choke for 3/4” pipe size burners using a 1” pipe
size venturi opening, and Figure IV-2 shows the operation of the installed choke. It can be
scaled up or down based on the same principle.
Construction is simple: cut the choke out of sheet metal, drill a hole for the pivot, and mark
and drill a similar hole on the venturi. Tap this hole for a screw to act as a pivot, snug the
screw down so the choke can turn but is held in its setting by friction, and apply a chemical
threadlocker to the screw's threads so it doesn't unscrew when the choke is moved. This
adjustable choke is generally not necessary for a foundry burner, because the choke only
needs to be adjusted below approximately 5 PSI, but it is very nice for a kiln burner, which
will often need to be choked off at a range of mixtures for very low heat settings.
Most burners made to the dimensions specified should burn neutrally, but very small
burners may tend to run slightly rich because the crossbar takes up too much room in the
venturi (unfortunately, the fix for this is to make the crossbar smaller, which is difficult to
do after the burner is built), and larger burners may tend to run lean because the crossbar
takes up less room in the venturi. This is easily fixed by choking the burner. Very large
burners may need to be choked a bit to light easily.
A burner running neutrally produces a flame much like that of a blowtorch, with a bright
blue inner cone and a fainter blue outer cone. As air is reduced and the flame gets richer,
the flame will shift color from blue to blue-green, then green, and will eventually start to
curve upwards and burn with less noise. The inner cone will also lengthen and blend with
the outer cone. A very rich flame is bright yellow, leaves soot on surfaces, and rises almost
straight up. This is termed a “lazy flame.”
As air is increased from a neutral flame, the inner cone gets shorter and brighter, and the
outer cone gets fainter and shifts from blue to a purplish color. Too lean, and the burner
blows out or refuses to light. If a propane burner is proving difficult to light, the first thing
to do is choke it and make sure the problem is not caused by a lean mixture.
Because it is generally easier for the beginner to tell a rich flame from a neutral flame than
a lean flame from a neutral flame, the best way to find a burner's neutral setting is to start
with an obviously rich flame and open the choke gradually until the last tinge of blue-green
disappears from the flame and it becomes entirely blue. This is a neutral flame. Bear in
mind that backpressure, such as that caused by a furnace, tends to make the mixture
slightly richer, so the choke may need to be opened some for furnace use. The burner will
also get leaner at high pressures, as the efficiency of the venturi increases, and richer at low
pressures. At very low pressures (less than 1 PSI, generally), the burner may need to be
choked down to produce a very rich flame in order to prevent burning in the tube. Kiln
firings are often started with a small lazy flame that looks like a candle flame—the term for
this is “candling.”
Generally, a neutral flame should be maintained for melting and other operations. It heats
the most efficiently and can achieve the highest furnace temperatures. A slightly lean flame
will produce extra dross and can damage steel and clay-graphite crucibles and certain
refractories over time, but will prevent or reduce hydrogen gas dissolving in the melt. A
slightly rich flame will protect steel crucibles and certain refractories, but will damage
others (silicon carbide and various nichrome materials prefer a lean atmosphere), and will
reduce dross at the expense of dissolving more hydrogen gas in the melt. The flame should
not be allowed to become very rich (except for producing certain effects on pottery) or very
lean; such activities waste fuel and can damage refractories severely.
Section V
In order to be able to melt metal, it is necessary to have furnaces and crucibles that can
tolerate the heat. Refractory comes in many different forms, each with different
applications, benefits, and drawbacks.
Castable Refractories
Dense Castables
Dense castables are designed to line the insides of large industrial furnaces and ladles,
where tons of scrap are dumped in at a time, the walls may see direct metal contact and
corrosive fluxes, and the furnaces are designed to run eight to ten hours a day for years
without repair or patching. A large industrial scrap melter might have a three to four inch
thick hotface of dense castable in front of a foot or more of insulating castable or insulating
firebrick. If you're thinking this is a bit excessive for the average hobbyist, you're
absolutely right. Dense castables have very little utility in a large majority of homemade
furnaces, because their high density and low insulating value wastes enormous amounts of
fuel and slows melts considerably.
Most refractories, once fired, are made of aluminosilicates that have very similar density
and thermal properties to each other, so as a crude estimate, one could say that the
insulative value of a refractory is directly proportional to the amount of air trapped within
the ceramic, or inversely proportional to the refractory's bulk density. In other words, less
dense refractories insulate better than more dense refractories, and they also heat up faster,
so they make furnaces more efficient. Dense castables range between 120 and 180 lbs/ft 3,
some of the most dense refractories available. For a reference, most fired clay ceramics
range between 100 and 160 lbs/ft3, unless insulative material has been added.
Dense castables do have limited use in the hobby world, as a super-duty hotface for direct-
melting reverberatory furnaces and large-volume scrap melters. They are nearly immune to
fluxes and mechanical abuse, so they should be used only where this type of treatment
makes them most practical. A hotface of 1/2” is sufficient for a furnace of 12” to 16” bore,
which makes an exceptional hybrid crucible furnace and scrap melter. The hotface can also
be made freestanding and the area behind it backfilled with loose insulation, such as perlite,
diatomaceous earth, or bulk ceramic fiber, which has the potential to lower construction
Dense castables can be made much more attractive to the hobby caster by adding air
pockets in the form of a foaming agent or burnable materials. They are typically made with
a low percentage of binder to other ingredients, so they will be able to accept less additives
than clay-based refractories, but the trade-off is the lack of shrinkage and favorable firing
schedule that clay-based products lack. Since different brands and types of castable have
different formulations, it may take some experimenting to determine the maximum
allowable amount of additives before strength becomes unacceptably low. The coarse grog
may also be screened out of the castable to increase the amount of additives the mix can
hold, or to create a brushable coating for ceramic fiber or steel crucibles. Some mixes will
work better for this than others.
Insulating Castables
Insulating castables are quite sturdy compared to the fragile matrix left behind when a
clay/foam refractory is fired, but not as strong as dense castables or dense fired ceramics.
They have a density of 50 to 80 lbs/ft3, so insulation is good enough to build a monolithic
furnace with the roles of both insulation and hotface taken up by an insulating castable, but
a furnace built this way will still be markedly less efficient than what can be achieved with
a dedicated hotface and insulation layer. They are strong enough to use as a hotface in front
of a more fragile insulation, though they are less durable and flux resistant than dense
castables. Burnable materials may also be added to increase insulation at the cost of
strength. Again, different formulations will accept different amounts of material.
In industrial applications, insulating castables are generally used solely as a backing layer,
never in contact with direct flame or furnace contents. They are, however, suitable for
molten metal contact and direct flame contact on the timescales that most hobbyists
require. Life will be shorter than that desired in industry, but not a concern for hobbyists.
Castables are generally considerably more forgiving to fire than clay, and do not shrink
significantly on drying or firing, so they can usually be used to patch cracks with
reasonable success, and shrinkage does not have to be compensated for in furnace design.
For castable refractories that use phosphate binders or other formulations, the mixing and
installation instructions will vary depending on the manufacturer, and should be stated in
product literature available from the manufacturer. It is worthwhile obtaining any available
product literature for your specific castable, because such literature will contain mixing,
firing, and usage instructions more suitable for that product than any generic instructions
found here. That being said, the product literature will necessarily specify conservative
drying and firing schedules to ensure the success of large, thick-section industrial
refractory pieces, and it is usually possible to considerably exceed the recommended drying
and firing rates for smaller hobby applications without any catastrophic failure.
Working with mixed castable is much like working with concrete, in that it is poured and
vibrated into place instead of being rammed or formed in a plastic state like clay. Like
concrete, molds having small section thickness will be difficult to fill. This poses a problem
for small efficient furnaces: a 1/4” section thickness is extremely hard to cast in a single
piece. There are possible workarounds to this, such as making a mold in two pieces that is
filled with castable and then closed to force the material into the proper thickness. In any
case, be diligent to avoid trapping air bubbles, which can cause cracks and spalling during
Wet castable can usually be cast or bonded onto cured castable (fired or unfired) if the
surface it is bonding to is rough enough for good mechanical contact and dampened
beforehand to ensure that the curing castable does not lose water too quickly to the porous
surface of the cured castable. If the mechanical contact between the surfaces is intimate
enough (on the order of the space between individual particles of the unfired castable), the
surfaces will sinter together on firing. Because such a joint may only partially sinter, it is
advisable to avoid designs that require such joints to take large shear or tensile loads. If a
stronger bond is necessary, there exist commercial mortars designed to securely bond fired
ceramic surfaces together.
Like concrete, calcium aluminate castables cure through a chemical hydration process,
gaining strength over time. Unlike concrete, castable in the cured but unfired state is
generally not very strong, and because the castable needs to be dry before firing, wetting
the curing castable surface, as commonly done for concrete, will significantly lengthen the
drying and curing process with no benefit. Castables rely on the sintering process for their
final strength, therefore the curing process does not have to proceed to completion to yield
a mechanically sound product.
Once fired, castables are typically very strong and very tough. Insulating castables will
have lower strength due to the presence of insulating grog, but dense castables are
commonly much stronger than common concrete. Cutting or chiseling castable after firing
is possible, but it will be a very difficult and very labor-intensive process, and is not
Suitable forms for castable include anything that will not hinder curing by absorbing water,
and can be removed from the cured castable. My preference is polystyrene foam sheet,
which is cheaply available in various thicknesses (as insulation for houses), easy to shape,
and can readily be burnt out before or during firing. Nonporous forms on all sides of the
castable will retard drying, so if the castable is damp but cured, remove the forms and
allow to dry before firing.
Care is needed when casting a castable product against other refractory surfaces. The
binder of castable may absorb into insulating firebrick or ceramic wool if cast directly onto
the surface, leaving the grog in the castable inadequately bound. For insulating firebrick,
unless the brick is extremely porous, wetting the surface of the brick before casting should
be enough to ensure bonding between the two without adversely affecting the castable. If
the brick is intended to stay separate from the castable (which will make replacing the
hotface without damaging the insulation much easier), or when working with ceramic
wool, place a thin sheet of plastic between the two. This will burn out during firing, and in
the meantime, it will keep the castable from absorbing into the insulating layer.
Castable can be fired much faster than clay-based ceramics, but it should still be fired
relatively slowly. As a general rule, wait until the castable is bone dry before firing, and if
you notice water or steam exiting the castable during firing, slow down or stop the heating
until the water disappears. Make an attempt to fire near the maximum operating
temperature (without exceeding it!) for approximately thirty minutes to ensure maximum
strength. If the castable is underfired, this can typically be fixed with a second firing and no
adverse effects, unlike clay-based ceramics which will often be weak enough to crack or
disintegrate if handled when severely underfired.
Do not apply any coating to the castable surface before firing. Rigidizers and reflective
coatings tend to seal the refractory surface, which will cause spalling during firing as the
water in the unfired castable cannot escape.
Firebricks are composed of pre-fired ceramics, commonly clay-based, in a selection of
standard shapes and sizes. Because the bricks are fired by the manufacturer, they cost
significantly more than commercial products that have not been fired, but they are also a
simple and quick way to make a furnace or kiln. Insulating firebricks can easily be carved
to shape, and firebrick furnaces can be disassembled or rearranged easily without damaging
the components.
Dense Firebrick
Dense firebrick is used in industrial applications similarly to dense castable, and is not
terribly useful for hobbyist furnaces. It can be used to make plinth blocks, to support the
bottom of a furnace under the crucible, and similar applications, but it should not be used in
a furnace lining unless the furnace is a very large direct-melter that would benefit from the
square shape of the bricks. The bricks are typically between 100 and 160 lbs/ft3.
Insulating Firebrick
Insulating firebrick is quite expensive, but tends to be a better insulator than insulating
castables, with typical density of 20-30 lbs/ft 3. The bricks are very soft and easy to carve,
so a furnace can be made out of bricks carved to shape and clamped together with no need
for any mortar or firing stage. This is good for small furnaces, and the unmodified bricks
can be rearranged to make impromptu furnaces and forges for heating oddly-shaped items.
Flux resistance is low but higher than that of ceramic fiber. A coating of a reflective
rigidizer or a thin hotface will improve flux resistance. Like insulating castable, it is
typically only a backing material in industry.
Industrial applications of ceramic fiber materials (pressed boards, rope for door seals, fiber
batts, and bulk fiber fill) are generally limited to kilns and ovens instead of furnaces, or if
used in furnaces, protected by dense and insulating castables. The materials are quite
fragile compared to castable refractories, and have almost zero flux resistance, but are far
more insulating than other industrial products. With proper protection, they are invaluable
materials to hobbyists.
Ceramic fiber products are sold in varying densities, but the most common is 8 lbs/ft 3. For
comparison, ceramic/foam refractory with a ratio of 1 part ceramic to 4 parts foam has a
density of approximately 15-30 lbs/ft3.
Due to the fibers' fragility, and the respiratory hazard they present, they should be coated
with something for any furnace operation. A commercial rigidizer, or a thin brushed-on
coating of clay slip, will mitigate the respiratory hazard and offer some measure of flux
resistance. A thin hotface made of clay-based ceramic or insulating castable will further
protect the fibers, particularly from mechanical damage. Furnaces made in this manner
represent the pinnacle of hobbyist furnace efficiency, and ceramic fiber materials are much
easier to work than clay-based products. They do present a significant respiratory hazard
when being installed, similar to that of fiberglass house insulation. The fibers cannot
support more than their own weight, so some support structure will be needed to support a
crucible, and additional supports will be needed for a hotface of any substantial thickness.
Ceramic fiber products are somewhat expensive as a raw material compared to clay and
foam, but once firing costs and labor are figured in, they become attractive to the hobbyist
with limited time. They are also flexible instead of brittle, so they are more resistant to
mechanical damage than fragile fired clay/foam insulation.
The primary purpose of rigidizers is to form a stiff coating on ceramic wool, preventing
stray fibers from becoming airborne and increasing the wool's durability. Many rigidizers
serve a dual purpose as highly reflective coatings, which can improve furnace efficiency
25-30% by minimizing radiant heat loss. (At high temperatures, radiation, not convection,
is the primary means of heat transfer.)
ITC-100, made by International Technical Ceramics, is the most well-known rigidizer and
reflective coating for ceramic wool. The product is very expensive, but will pay for itself in
saved fuel with heavy use. It also reduces the operating temperature of the refractory
somewhat by reflecting a large portion of radiant heat, allowing the furnace to run at higher
temperatures without damage.
Refractory clay slip is suitable for a rigidizer, but does not possess any better reflective
properties than the raw ceramic fiber, so efficiency gains will be minimal or nonexistent.
On the other hand, clay slip is much cheaper than an ITC product. Other brands of
rigidizers may offer performance similar to that of ITC-100 at an intermediate cost.
Castable with the grog sieved out, mixed to a paintable consistency, is also suitable for a
rigidizer and performs similarly to clay slip.
In order to be able to design and formulate a ceramic recipe for a specific application, a
basic knowledge of the chemistry at work is required. Ceramic chemistry is a very complex
subject, but even a basic understanding can be helpful to the hobbyist.
Phase diagrams typically display the phase-change (change between solid and liquid, and
sometimes gas) behavior of a single substance over varying pressures and temperatures, or
the behavior of two or more substances over either varying pressure or varying
temperature. In ceramics and casting-related work, the most common type of phase
diagram is the binary diagram with varying temperature. Phase diagrams of ternary and
higher-order systems can be found (and can be quite useful for complex ceramic
interactions), but can be quite difficult to interpret. Also, phase diagrams are typically made
directly from experimental, not theoretical, data, so finding a diagram of a particular
complex system may be difficult or impossible.
crystal phase—some materials have quite a few, and the formation of those crystals often
depends on time as well as temperature.)
The solid line indicates the solidus of the material, the temperature below which none of
the material is melted. Since the crystalline form C is favored, as much C forms as
possible, and the rest of the material is substance A or substance B, depending on what is
“left over,” so to speak. Keep in mind that except in circumstances of carefully controlled
crystal growth, crystals of C will be evenly distributed within the material down to the
microscopic level.
The dashed line indicates the liquidus of the material. Below the liquidus line, the material
is in a “slushy state” with solid crystals of C distributed in a liquid matrix of either A or B
(depending on which one is in excess). Above the line, all of the material is molten. Where
the liquidus and solidus lines touch is termed an eutectic point, which will represent the
lowest liquidus temperature of a given composition. Note also that where the composition
forms only C, the solidus is about 100 degrees higher than at any other point on the
diagram. If making a refractory with materials A and B, this concentration would yield the
highest solidus, and thus the most temperature-tolerant refractory. If attempting to flux
refractory material B by adding A, the eutectic at 80% A and 20% B would yield the lowest
liquidus point, but would use a relatively high concentration of flux. The eutectic at 20% A
and 80% B uses less of material A, but also requires a higher temperature to reach the
melting point.
If attempting to make and fire a sintered ceramic, eutectic points are generally avoided. The
gap between solidus and liquidus is where liquid-phase sintering takes place, and if the
liquidus is reached during firing, ware will collapse. Rapid changes between solid and
liquid are rarely desirable in firing ceramics. Note that particle size and material
composition plays a part in the sintering of ceramics in addition to the properties gathered
from chemistry alone. For example, in liquid phase sintering, no melting will take place
below the lowest eutectic consisting of no more than two materials in the ceramic
composition, even if there are more complex eutectics that have lower melting points.
(“Material” here is distinct from the actual content of the substance—each separate bag of
powder, be it a clay, a pure oxide, or a complex pre-melted blend of fluxes, is one
material.) The reason for this is simple: no more than two different types of particles will
touch each other at the exact same point, so no higher-order liquid phases can form without
first having an initial liquid phase to dissolve the materials together. Thus, in ceramics
applications, the material source of an oxide (or other compound) is as important in the
initial firing as its concentration. Also, particle size plays a role: larger particles take more
time at temperature to dissolve, which equates to firing at a higher cone.
Fluxes are of great importance to both the metalcaster and the ceramist. In casting metal,
the primary use of a flux is to remove oxides from the melt, thus allowing the metal to flow
easier and preventing those oxides from finding their way into a casting. In conventional
ceramics, fluxes are used to reduce the melting point of clay bodies and glazes, allowing
them to be fired more easily. In the kind of high-temperature ceramics that refractory-
making falls under, an understanding of where fluxes are found is important, so those
materials can be avoided in the recipe. Generally, for a refractory, the flux content should
be as low as possible.
Even among refractory materials, there are circumstances where a material can act as a
flux. For example, silica and magnesia both have extremely high melting points, but a
combination of the two will melt at a much lower temperature. The reason has to do with
the refractory's pH.
Silica, along with siliceous clays and zirconia, is an acidic refractory. Magnesia, calcia, and
dolomite are basic refractories. Alumina, mullite, silicon carbide, and carbon are neutral.
More generally, any metal oxide of the form RO2 is acidic, any of the form R2O3 is neutral,
and any of the form RO or R2O is basic. Mixing acidic and basic refractories will cause
them to flux one another; mixing basic and neutral refractories or acidic and neutral
refractories will do the same to a lesser extent. A refractory containing only elements of
one group is likely to have a melting point no less than the lowest-melting member of that
group. (Generally, aluminosilicates that are neutral or slightly acidic are used in most
refractories, since many of the basic refractories react with water, atmospheric carbon
dioxide, or other common substances at room temperature, and some of them can be quite
Classification of Fluxes
Fluxes can be sorted into three broad categories: organic fluxes, salt fluxes, and glassy
Organic fluxes, such as rosin and beeswax, melt and boil at low temperatures and are
suitable only for the fluxing of white metals. Because these fluxes have very low melting
points, they can be used to flux lower-temperature metals where many inorganic fluxes
would stay solid and do no good.
Common salt fluxes are the chlorides and fluorides of sodium, potassium, magnesium, and
calcium. Of these, the chloride fluxes (either singly or in an eutectic blend) are mostly
suitable for the melting of aluminum and magnesium. (Magnesium is a very light metal and
floats on most fluxes; therefore a cover of inert gas, or gas-producing slag like sulfur, is
needed to keep the metal from burning in air.) Certain eutectic mixtures of the chloride
salts melt at low enough temperatures to flux the higher-melting white metals, such as zinc.
Also, certain transition metal chlorides, such as zinc chloride, can be used for the fluxing
of white metals. Chloride salts have high vapor pressures when molten, and thus evaporate
too quickly to be useful in fluxing bronze and higher-melting materials.
Fluoride fluxes (the principal one being fluorite, CaF 2) have higher melting points and
vapor pressures, and are primarily useful for the fluxing of high-melting point materials
such as iron and silicon. They have a somewhat more viscous nature, as compared to the
extremely fluid chloride salts, and can be used successfully as semi-glassy fluxes with the
addition of silica. They attack aluminosilicate refractories and crucibles vigorously,
especially at high temperatures.
Glassy fluxes are composed of oxides, mostly the basic oxides from groups I and II
(lithium, sodium, potassium, magnesium, and calcium), which can form low-melting
eutectics with each other and silica. A notable exception is boron oxide, B 2O3, a powerful
and relatively low-temperature flux as well as a glass former. Silica and alumina are used
as glass formers in these fluxes, both forming eutectics with the fluxing oxides and
producing a viscous, molten glass structure for the fluxes to cover the melt with. Glassy
fluxes are the go-to fluxes for copper and its alloys, both because the melting ranges can be
adjusted to a suitable temperature and because the viscous glass cover dramatically reduces
the boiling out of zinc from the alloy. Glassy fluxes can be re-used for multiple melts,
unlike the other fluxes which tend to get discarded with the dross. They are also the fluxes
that play roles in the firing of ceramics. Glassy fluxes attack aluminosilicate materials
vigorously, and over-use of these fluxes dramatically shortens the life of ceramic crucibles.
(Note that B2O3 reacts with aluminum and several other metals, and is thus unsuitable for
use with them despite its low melting point.)
Reliance on clay as a refractory binder presents a problem: clay shrinks, once as it dries
and then again as it is fired. Not only does this shrinkage present problems with the
dimensional tolerances of fired refractory pieces, it also provides a mechanism through
which cracks can form. If the ceramic piece is dried or heated unevenly, different parts will
shrink at different rates, creating stresses which either weaken the material or crack it.
Much of the difficulty in formulating and working with a homemade refractory ceramic
lies in overcoming the problem of shrinkage.
Causes of Shrinkage
Clays are composed of microscopic (on the order of 1 micrometer in diameter) particles
that suspend in water. This interaction between the clay and water is what gives clay its
plasticity, and also what causes it to shrink when dried. As water leaves the clay body, the
particles move closer to fill the space taken up by the water, causing a macroscopic effect
of uniform shrinkage. Non-clay materials (sand, shredded foam beads, grog) are not bound
by the water: they are held in place by the clay matrix around them and follow the
movement of the clay. Therefore, only clay contributes to the drying shrinkage of a clay
body, and adding non-clay materials will reduce the aggregate shrinkage proportionally.
(Be warned that some materials which expand upon absorbing water, such as sawdust, can
create unpredictable, undesirable effects on drying. That's one reason why I prefer foam: it
absorbs a minimal amount of water and does not swell.)
The mechanism by which shrinkage occurs on firing is different. When a ceramic (whether
clay-based or not) is fired, the high temperature corresponds to a higher average movement
of the atoms that make up the individual particles. If the temperature is high enough and
the particles small enough, the atoms start to move into adjacent particles where they touch.
This is termed diffusion bonding, or solid-phase sintering. As the particles move into each
other, center-to-center distance decreases and macroscopic shrinkage is observed. Note that
this effect occurs where particles touch: the larger the particles, the fewer points of contact
there are. Therefore, under the same firing conditions, identical materials will shrink less,
bond less firmly, and have higher fired porosity if the particle size is larger. Clays typically
have very small particles compared to other materials (200 mesh corresponds to a particle
diameter of roughly 120 micrometers), so while non-clay materials do contribute to firing
shrinkage, clay materials contribute to a much greater degree in the vast majority of cases.
Also note that the particles must be in contact for diffusion bonding to occur. Particles
simply poured into a container as powder will only form the occasional inter-particle bond.
Instead, the contact must be facilitated by using plastic clay to surround the particles with
clay particles, or using very high pressure to press the powder into a cohesive shape.
There is also a second mechanism by which particles can sinter together. When fluxing
materials diffuse into the refractory particles around them, an eutectic is often formed
which is liquid at the firing temperature. This fluxing liquid will start to dissolve more
refractory and flux as long as the firing temperature is kept hot enough for it to remain
liquid, until either all flux is exhausted and the composition of the liquid phase contains
enough refractory that it becomes a solid again at the firing temperature, or until enough
refractory is dissolved that the piece collapses under its own weight and starts behaving
like a liquid. It is worth bearing in mind that this second approach constitutes failure of the
refractory, and that the liquid phase typically speeds up diffusion considerably over solid-
phase processes. Even with large particles of flux, if the total flux composition is too high,
the refractory will fail over time as the liquid phase re-melts with every use and dissolves
more and more of the solid refractory structure.
This potential for failure, however, does not mean that fluxes are necessarily bad. Liquid-
phase sintered ceramics tend to be stronger and denser, and fire faster, than equivalent (or
as equivalent as possible for purposes of comparison) diffusion-bonded materials. The flip
side of this coin is that the vitreous solidified liquid phase tends to make the ceramic more
brittle, and thus more susceptible to thermal shock (not to mention the fact that many fluxes
have high coefficients of thermal expansion) than diffusion bonded materials. For high
temperature metal-melting applications, flux content needs to be kept very low and
individual fluxes need to be chosen carefully.
Reducing Shrinkage
Shrinkage should be minimized in refractory ceramics for two reasons: one, because high
shrinkage requires a much more even, and therefore slow, drying and firing in order to
avoid cracking or warping of ware; and two, because high shrinkage will change the final
dimensions of the piece, often unpredictably with the low-tolerance firing procedures
common in the hobby world.
The first step towards minimizing shrinkage is to minimize clay content. Clay blends for
pottery-making commonly contain 50% raw clay or more. This gives these blends high
plasticity for wheel throwing and other forming methods, but also requires difficult drying
and firing methods, and even so, it would be extremely difficult to produce a furnace wall
of 2” to 3” section thickness with one of these clays and have it dry without cracking. Thin
pieces are more easily dried evenly, and most pottery is 1/2” thick or less.
For refractory use, low plasticity is usually acceptable, depending on the forming method
used. In particular, ramming clay into a form requires almost no plasticity at all. Therefore,
clay content can be as low as 5% or less (with highly plastic clays like bentonite), or
between 15% and 35% for lower-plasticity clays like kaolins. Note that the plasticity of a
clay is usually directly proportional to its contribution to shrinkage: bentonite has the
smallest particle size, and typically shrinks enormously, but it is also highly plastic. Ball
clays are also highly plastic, though much less so than bentonite, and their shrinkage is
correspondingly less. Fireclays typically have intermediate shrinkage and plasticity, and
kaolins have the lowest shrinkage and lowest plasticity of all.
The second step toward minimizing shrinkage is to include a wide variation of different
particle sizes. A good selection might include 25-50 mesh grog, 100 mesh kyanite, 200
mesh calcined alumina, kaolin (approx. 5000 mesh), and bentonite (approx. 50,000 mesh).
This increases porosity, allowing for more even drying and reduced chances of spalling or
steam explosions during firing, as well as providing a matrix of non-clay particles that is
more resistant to size changes than a single non-clay particle size would be. In particular,
the inclusion of fine (smaller than 200 mesh) non-clay particles drastically reduces the
amount of clay required to bond large particles securely, by filling voids between the large
particles that do not then have to be filled with clay for a secure bond.
Shredded foam is somewhat of a unique particle: its mesh size is enormous compared to
many other ceramic ingredients (typically as coarse as 10 mesh), and it acts as a hard
particle during drying but not during firing. Mixes that contain large amounts of foam will
also require large amounts of clay to keep the mix plastic enough to be workable, but the
addition of non-clay hard particles in various sizes will pay big dividends in preventing
firing shrinkage, which would be extremely high with clay alone.
Shrinkage can be minimized, but in the case of clay-based refractories, never completely
eliminated. Therefore, what shrinkage remains must be dealt with.
The first step in dealing with shrinkage is to measure it. Firing a bar of your refractory
composition in circumstances as close as possible to the conditions you will use to fire the
actual piece is a standard way to measure shrinkage. For accuracy, make marks in the wet
clay as far apart from each other as possible. The lines should be thin for accuracy but
visible enough not to disappear during drying and firing. Then, measure the marks after
complete drying and again after complete firing, and calculate the shrinkage.
You can then scale your ware to a size that will, when fired, end up correct. There will be
some inaccuracy in measurement and some variation in shrinkage between firings, and
even in the same firing, and as a result it is very difficult to make precise sintered ceramic
parts with the relatively low level of process control typical of a hobby setup. The less total
shrinkage there is, the less this variation matters.
If you are firing a furnace in situ, it will inevitably shrink away from its shell. There is little
that can be done about this, even if shrinkage is known, because there is no way to
compensate for it short of firing in a larger kiln and adding a correctly-sized shell later. My
recommendation is to backfill with something like sand to hold the fired furnace stationary
in its shell and support the fragile unfired outside, if this effect cannot be avoided through
use of a different furnace design.
If you are using forms, they must be designed in a way so as to allow the clay to shrink
naturally, else it will crack during drying. This means that all interior forms must be
removable while the clay is still in its plastic state. A layer of newspaper can act as a
release from forms to which the clay would otherwise adhere. Exterior forms can also
cause problems if the clay sticks to them strongly, or if they inhibit drying, so it is best to
avoid leaving any forms in place. Forms made of plaster are porous enough to allow clay to
dry with the form in place, and the clay will not stick if the plaster is dry when used, so
plaster exterior forms can be left in place.
Drying the clay slowly is critical to allow it to shrink without cracking, particularly with
recipes that have high shrinkage and low porosity. Whereas some heavily-grogged
refractory clay mixtures can be dried in open air or even force dried at elevated
temperature, denser clay with higher shrinkage needs to be protected from open air.
Moisture gradients tend to remain present once introduced, so keeping the clay from drying
out in thin areas is critical. To do this, enclose the clay in plastic so it retains its natural
moisture. Use a cloth draped over the clay to protect it from drips of condensation. Once
the clay has had a chance to even out its moisture levels, it can be exposed to lower and
lower levels of humidity until it is completely dry. Correctly drying large thick pieces of
high-shrinkage materials can take weeks or months, which is why keeping shrinkage down
is so critical.
If cracks do form, they can be patched. For clay that is still somewhat plastic, an
application of clay slip will be sufficient to re-wet the surface of the crack so that new clay
will adhere. Patching cracks with clay that is drier than normal will reduce the moisture
gradient that you are introducing, but even so, the patch has a higher likelihood of splitting
than its surroundings. Do not re-wet the crack with plain water, which can make the crack
worse by re-hydrating the clay too quickly and too unevenly.
For clay which is bone dry, small cracks can be patched by wetting them with vinegar and
rubbing dry clay (not pure clay, but the same mix as the rest of the body) into the crack.
Large cracks will be very difficult to patch successfully, and will likely need several stages
of patching with plastic clay as the patch shrinks away and reopens the crack.
Cracks that do not compromise the structural integrity of a furnace are not necessarily
harmful: they can provide a path for heat to escape, but the furnace will still be functional
with some cracking. In contrast, a crucible that is cracked, or has cracked during drying or
firing, should never be used. Even if the crack is repaired, there still could be a weak point
where the crack was, and the consequences of catastrophic failure are too dangerous to take
the risk.
This expansion behavior allows kyanite to be added to mixes to counteract firing shrinkage,
or even to create mixes that expand slightly on firing, for use in patching cracks in already-
fired materials. Note that kyanite-bearing clay-bonded ceramics formulated to end up with
zero shrinkage are not zero-shrinkage mixes. They are zero-net-shrinkage mixes, which
means that shrinkage does still occur. This is important to remember because the greater
the volume change, the slower the firing has to be to minimize stress. Kyanite has a
particular crystalline shape that helps it combat drying shrinkage as well, and it is a
relatively cheap source of alumina, so it can also be used to great advantage in many mixes
that are not required to have zero net shrinkage.
Thermal Expansion
After shrinkage, thermal expansion is the second critical issue to deal with when
formulating clay-based ceramics. Ceramics, by nature, are brittle, so the larger the volume
change they experience when heated, the more likely they are to crack due to fast, uneven
heating. Unlike shrinkage, which is a one-time change, thermal expansion happens every
time the ceramic changes temperature. The changes are small compared to shrinkage
changes, but they can still be significant enough to crack ceramics containing high-
expansion materials.
Certain materials have high coefficients of thermal expansion and others have low
coefficients of thermal expansion. For good thermal shock resistance, thermal expansion
must be kept low. The table in Appendix 6 lists coefficients of linear expansion (COLE) for
a selection of common fluxes and refractory materials. Over the broad temperature range
that refractory ceramics experience, this COLE is not necessarily constant or even a linear
function of temperature, but the table values can be used in a relative sense to compare the
behaviors of different materials, and for approximate calculations with accuracy suitable
for most hobbyists.
Silica deserves a special mention here. When amorphous (glassy), silica has an incredibly
low COLE. Combined with its relatively high temperature tolerance, this makes it a good
candidate for all sorts of exotic applications, and indeed “fused quartz” (not actually quartz
at all!) glassware is the standard for many demanding refractory applications.
Unfortunately, silica likes to crystallize, and the high purity and high temperatures needed
to make amorphous silica ware make it very expensive.
As a crystal, silica takes many forms. At ordinary pressures, the common ones are α-quartz,
β-quartz, tridymite, and cristobalite. (At higher pressures, many more types of crystal can
form.) There are temperatures, dubbed transition points or inversion points, where one
crystal form abruptly converts to the other. Since the different forms have different
densities (see Appendix 6), this conversion creates an abrupt volume change. Different
forms may be metastable outside their temperature range (for example, it's entirely possible
to have cristobalite in room-temperature ware), and different crystals take different
amounts of time to form (and may be promoted or inhibited by various impurities), so
predicting the exact behavior of crystalline silica is extraordinarily complicated.
Fortunately, it is not necessary.
The most important thing the hobbyist needs to know about crystalline silica is that it
creates abrupt volume changes and therefore significantly decreases thermal shock
resistance. Unfortunately, it is also by far the cheapest (in the form of sand) refractory
ingredient that is readily available, and is a component of a great many other materials,
such as clays.
One way to get rid of excess silica is to add fluxes and make it amorphous instead of
crystalline. However, this presents two problems: one, that in order to make silica
amorphous, it must be melted, and that melting temperature will set an upper bound on the
operating temperature of the ware if the silica is present in any quantity; and two, that
many common fluxes are quite high-expansion themselves. Furthermore, large amounts of
silica may decide to crystallize on cooling anyway if the cooling is slow enough for
crystals to re-form.
Another way to get rid of excess silica is to add alumina, forming mullite. Mullite has an
excellent COLE (not as good as amorphous silica, but far better than many other ceramics)
and is highly refractory to boot. This approach is expensive, but worthwhile. Calcined
alumina is expensive, and mullite has a high proportion of alumina, so the pure form must
be added; and to form mullite and leave no silica behind, the ware must be fired to a very
high cone. Large crystals of silica (sand grains and the like) will never form mullite, not
with any reasonable firing schedule, so they cannot be added.
A third approach combines the two. The ware is formulated to create mullite (with some
excess alumina to ensure complete conversion), with a small amount of low-expansion
fluxes added to hold any residual silica in its glassy state. The fluxes will also speed the
firing process by allowing a liquid phase to form, and the high amount of alumina will
ensure the fluxes do not significantly lower the operating temperature of the ware.
If any glazes are used, they must match the thermal expansion of the ware as closely as
possible over all temperatures. The glaze should expand slightly less than the ware to keep
it under compression in the cooled state, where it will be stronger than if it was under
tension. Refractory glazes will be very different in terms of composition than traditional
pottery glazes, but the same rules apply. Note that glaze fit can have a substantial impact on
the strength of the ware.
Shrinkage and thermal expansion may be the two biggest issues when dealing with clay-
based ceramics, but there are a host of other issues—plasticity, green strength, fired
strength, refractoriness, and so forth.
Almost every application is unique, and different people will prefer a different balance of
trade-offs that will make their mixture easier for them to work. That being said, here are
some recipes which I have used before with success:
The first recipe is a simple one containing 30% calcined alumina, 65% kyanite, and 5%
bentonite by mass. This has quite good plasticity, and the alumina content is quite high at
slightly over 72% by mass (25% by mass being silica, and somewhat under 3% combined
flux and LOI), just right for the slightly under 72% alumina content by mass needed for
mullite. This recipe is suited for hard, strong ware, and is formed easily enough despite
containing only a small amount of clay. It is plastic enough to accept up to twice its dry
volume in foam. The result will be ware of moderate strength and moderate insulative
ability, suitable for plinths and other such applications.
For an insulating layer containing more foam, a recipe with much more clay is needed.
This recipe contains 37% alumina, 10% kyanite, 39% kaolin, and 14% bentonite by mass.
(Note that two clays are used for a wider distribution in particle sizes; also, adding too
much bentonite raises flux levels dangerously high. Fortunately, most of the flux in
bentonite is of the low-expansion variety, so adding a little bit extra isn't terribly harmful
with these flux-resistant high-alumina recipes.) This recipe accepts up to four times its dry
volume in foam, which is close to the practical limit of clay/foam insulation.
Alumina content is lower, at around 62% by mass. (30% silica, 1.5% fluxes, and 6.5%
LOI). This is below the threshold needed to form pure mullite, but adding more alumina
would either dilute the clay and lower green strength, or if the clay was increased to match,
dilute the kyanite grog such that the mix would have poor drying properties. Enough
mullite will form to consume up to 24% of the 30% silica, and of the 6% remaining silica,
it is not unreasonable to expect that the 1.5% fluxes (20% fluxes from the viewpoint of the
free silica) will keep the silica in the amorphous phase. Of course, the fluxes will not act
only on the silica; the real world is rarely that convenient. Still, the amount of crystalline
silica formed should be kept small enough that this recipe will still tolerate substantial
thermal shock.
With so much foam, this recipe will have low plasticity and low fired strength, but that is
the price to be paid for good insulative capacity. Mixes high in foam are best rammed
instead of plastic formed, because the ramming process is more forgiving of low plasticity.
Preparing Clay
In order to turn ceramic ingredients into usable ware, they must first be properly mixed.
Making clay is not as simple as adding water to the dry ingredients and stirring; doing so
will produce a lumpy heterogeneous mixture with entrained air and poor working
The first step in preparing a clay mixture is to weigh out the dry ingredients. With the
exception of light insulating materials like foam, ceramic ingredients are always measured
by weight. The ingredients need to be measured accurately; a 0-2000g postal scale with at
least 1g resolution works well for small to medium-sized batches. Always wear suitable
(P100 particulate) respiratory protection when working with dry ceramic ingredients,
particularly ingredients which contain fine silica or toxic oxides like chromia, and do the
measuring and mixing in an area that can be easily cleaned of any spills of dry ingredients
and ventilated of any dust produced during the mixing process.
After the ingredients are weighed, they must be mixed dry. This process produces a lot of
dust when done in the open; I prefer to do it inside a sealed plastic bag. Pay special
attention to any lumps in the dry mixes, and attempt to break those up as well as you can. If
you have a fine mesh sieve, you can run the mixed dry ingredients through the sieve to
break up any remaining lumps. If not, thorough dry mixing and later kneading and wedging
will usually break them up. Make an effort to keep ceramic materials stored such that they
cannot absorb atmospheric moisture, and they will not form lumps as readily.
After the dry mix is thoroughly blended, now is the time to add any shredded foam if the
recipe calls for it, or dry paper pulp or reinforcing fibers. These should be blended dry
before the water is added.
I prefer to add the correct amount of water to the sealed bag and mix everything together
by kneading the bag from the outside. The alternative to this approach is to dump the dry
ingredients into a mixing tub and add the water slowly while mixing it in. The bag contains
the mess created by the wet clay, but it also makes the mixing more difficult. Either method
will work, as long as the water is mixed in to the correct level of plasticity and evenly
distributed throughout the clay.
Water used for making clay should be clean and clear at the very least. If your tap water
has a high concentration of minerals, use distilled or deionized water instead. Particularly
for slip casting, but also with other methods of forming, minerals and other foreign matter
in the water can interfere with the clay's chemistry and produce undesirable effects ranging
from cosmetic stains to increasing the fluxes in the clay or preventing a casting slip from
deflocculating correctly.
Once the clay has been mixed with water, allowing it to sit and absorb the water will
improve its working properties considerably. As little as an hour of aging will help, though
a day or two will do more to ensure the clay has absorbed the water evenly. Working
properties will continue to improve for several weeks of aging, though the increases
become significantly less as time goes on. Keep clay sealed while aging, otherwise it will
dry out.
After the clay is mixed and aged, it still must be homogenized and de-aired before it can be
used for plastic forming. (Ramming mixes will need to be mulled like greensand, as their
plasticity is too low to work normally.) Wedging is one process used to de-air and fully
mix clay. The clay is worked on a sheet of heavy canvas to prevent sticking; as the canvas
gets wet, clay will start to stick to it and the canvas will have to be dried before continuing.
The basic wedging process is as follows: First, cut the lump of clay in half. Pictured in
Figure V-2 is a lump made from 4 kg of dry clay with approximately 1 kg of water added,
which is a good amount to work at one time. Then, take one half and slam it down onto the
table, and slam the other lump down on top, forcefully enough that it sticks. Keep repeating
this process—the repeated impacts will force air to the surface, and the cutting and re-
combining will homogenize the clay.
Kneading is another process that accomplishes much the same thing as wedging. The
kneading process is similar to kneading bread dough, but clay is much stiffer and more
resilient than dough. As pictured in Figure V-3, first pull up on a lump of clay, placing it on
its side. Then compress it downward while twisting it around. The object is not to fold it
over on itself, which can trap air, but to repeatedly change its shape. The twisting motion
ensures that the entire mass of clay is worked evenly.
Kneading requires more strength and skill than wedging, but it can also produce a better
result. I prefer to combine both processes to ensure that the clay is well-worked and
Forming Methods
Slip Casting
Slip casting is a difficult method of forming, and comprehensive instruction is well beyond
the scope of this tutorial, but this section will attempt to provide a basic understanding of
the process. Slip casting provides excellent dimensional control and the densest possible
product if done correctly, so its difficulty is well worthwhile for any hobbyist wishing to
make many high-quality crucibles or similar ware. It is generally not a practical process for
making something as large as an entire furnace or furnace hotface, though small hotfaces
could be assembled from several slip-cast parts.
Simply adding water to a typical plastic ceramic composition until it makes a slip will
result in a 60-70% water content, and extremely high shrinkage. For comparison, plastic-
formed bodies contain 20-35% water. Therefore, a deflocculant must be added to prevent
the clay from settling out of the slurry. Water content of as low as 30-35% can be achieved
with this method. Sodium silicate is a common deflocculant—typically, about 0.2% of the
mass of the dry clay is added to the appropriate amount of water, along with 0.2% to 0.3%
soda ash, and the dry clay is slowly mixed into the water.
Casting slips cannot be mixed by hand or with a power drill; the slip, after being initially
mixed, will require mixing for hours to stabilize its properties. The slip also becomes
extremely viscous and heavy, so a powerful mixer is needed. A commercial mixer may sell
new for $600 or more, but they are relatively easy to make. Variable speed is a must; a
dimmer-style router control can be used to control a universal motor out of a vacuum
cleaner, circular saw, or router, or a variac can be used to control a much quieter induction
motor. A 5-gallon bucket of slip will need at least 1/2 HP of mixing power, and the motor
must be continuous duty. The business end of the mixer is a simple propeller assembly;
they are available from ceramics suppliers, or they can be fabricated relatively easily.
To properly regulate a casting slip, it is necessary to test the slip's properties. Specific
gravity can be measured with an accurate graduated cylinder and an accurate balance;
acceptable values are between 1.7 and 1.9 g/cc. Viscosity can be measured in a relative
manner by noting the setting of the speed control on the mixer compared to the amount of
slip in the mixer, but these values will mean nothing until you gain experience working
with the slip. A viscometer can be bought or made for the same purpose, and it will provide
a much more consistent measurement.
An ideal casting slip will never settle out or separate, and will gel (thicken up and become
pseudo-solid) after about an hour. If it settles out or gels in the mold, the casting will be
Slip casting molds are generally made from plaster, and must have slight draft. They can be
made in one or more parts, just like greensand molds. For casting, the mold is filled with a
suitable casting slip and left to stand for several minutes (fifteen minutes is reasonable, but
the time will depend on thickness and dampness of the mold, and the properties of the slip),
then the excess slip is poured out to leave a solid coating on the inside of the mold. Once
this dries to a plastic state (after about an hour for most items), it can be de-molded and the
mold left to dry. The mold will dry in a half hour to an hour in a 170°F drying oven, or
overnight in still air, depending of course on humidity level and the amount of moisture
that needs to be removed.
The sodium silicate will eventually clog the pores in the plaster mold and ruin it; the mold
should last for 20 to 100 casts.
Plastic Forming
Any ceramic recipe plastic enough to form can be used with plastic forming methods. Ware
can be thrown on a potter's wheel (with some skill; the typical refractory recipes are
difficult at best to throw) or constructed by hand like one would shape any ordinary clay.
To learn about these methods, it would be wise to visit a local art ceramics studio or the art
department of a local high school. Plastic forming methods are best taught in person, with
Plastic forming will produce a product with low dimensional control and moderate density,
and the product can easily crack if done incorrectly.
Ramming recipes are mixed somewhat differently than plastic forming or slip casting
recipes. A lower percentage of clay is allowable, and the amount of water can be lower
than for plastic forming (except for mixes high in foam, which generally need all the
plasticity they can get, and should be mixed with enough water to achieve peak plasticity),
with a consistency much like greensand. The material is rammed, again much like
greensand, between a pair of plaster or cement molds, and pressed out of the mold
immediately. This produces a highly porous product with low density, which will be more
resistant to thermal shock but less durable, and it will also conduct heat poorly. The
porosity and low water content allows a fast drying cycle with low shrinkage, but failure to
ram tightly enough will create weak spots that can easily lead to failure. Dimensional
control is reasonable, and this procedure can potentially also be used to ram highly
refractory materials with organic binders instead of clay to bind the material together. In
this case, a hydraulic press may need to be used to ram tightly enough.
Firing is the operation that transforms a pile of fancy dirt into a usable ceramic product. It
is also likely to be the limiting factor in production: fuel and equipment costs will generally
be higher here than in other steps of the process, and it also consumes a significant amount
of time and labor.
To fire any ceramic, you need a kiln. Commercial pottery kilns typically have a maximum
temperature of cone 6 to cone 10, which is adequate for decorative ware but unsuitable for
refractory ceramics. A foundry furnace, built with commercial or homemade refractory that
can tolerate at least 3000°F, can be used as an impromptu kiln, but a dedicated kiln should
be made for any large operation. A properly-designed kiln will achieve a much more even
and controllable temperature than a furnace designed for melting metal. The kiln should be
able to fire to at least cone 18 in order to properly sinter un-fluxed refractories.
Certain furnace lining mixtures (those with good thermal shock resistance, low shrinkage,
and high porosity, because firing in situ will never be as even as in a kiln) can be fired in
place using the furnace's own burner. This has the advantage of drastically reducing fuel
consumption compared to a kiln large enough to fire the entire furnace evenly, and also not
requiring a large, expensive kiln to be constructed. On the other hand, it is impossible to
fire more than a thin layer of the inside shell of the furnace in this manner. Ceramic near
the outer walls will be unfired and perpetually fragile. If the insulation is of another variety
(such as ceramic wool, for example), a hotface can be fully fired in this manner.
Ordinary firing practices apply for in-situ firing, with the additional note that extra effort
should be made to protect the area where the burner flame impinges on the unfired wall of
the furnace. Placing a piece of fired ceramic to block the direct flame will in most cases
keep this area from heating so fast it crumbles. Clay/foam recipes are particularly
susceptible to this crumbling effect, because the foam vaporizes at a relatively low
temperature, and if placed in the direct flame path, the foam will vaporize vigorously and
destroy the structure of the ceramic around it.
The key to any successful firing is firing slowly. Temperature should stay at or below
200°F until all water has left the ware, and from there, should rise no faster than 1000°F
per hour. Half that rate is still considered a “fast” firing in the ceramic world. A
controllable burner or set of burners is necessary to fire this slowly—the initial burner
flame should be about the size of a candle flame, and from there, fuel pressure should be
increased in increments of less than 1 PSI until the kiln reaches red heat, and any change
should be given at least a half hour to take effect. At no point should the burner flame point
directly at unfired ware, nor should ware sit directly on the bottom of a poorly-insulated
kiln or furnace. There should be no visible gradation of heat across any individual piece of
ware, and all the ware in the kiln should be fired to approximately the same temperature.
Blocking the vent hole, especially when the burner is very low, will help the heat stay even
—any gaps or holes in the refractory will create cool spots.
Once temperature is reached—a blinding white heat if you are firing without
commercially-made pyrometric cones—it should be held for at least a half hour.
Because the now-fired ware is fairly resistant to thermal shock, turning the burner off and
blocking all exits to the kiln will be adequate for cooling. Decorative ware would generally
be cooled more slowly, with the aid of the burner.
Section VI
Furnace Construction
There are many valid ways to build a furnace. Furnace design, like all design, is a set of
trade-offs between desirable characteristics. The furnace detailed in this section is small in
size, with low thermal mass and good insulation for quick, efficient melting, and
constructed of highly refractory materials for the ability to withstand repeated melts of
high-melting-point metals like iron. This is not the easiest, nor the cheapest furnace to
build, but I have found that a furnace of this size and construction is capable of melting the
metal for the vast majority of my casting work, and as is suitable for a furnace designed to
be used often, it is also very economical to run.
In my opinion, while raw beginners can usually better be served by something low-tech
and fairly inexpensive while they hone their skills and decide if this new hobby is worth a
larger financial outlay, a furnace with capabilities comparable to this one ought to be what
every experienced hobby caster uses. (Keep in mind, though, that the caster makes the
tools, not the other way around! Having the best furnace in the world won't allow you to
produce excellent or even passable work if you lack the essential skills to do so, and
building those essential skills takes time and hard work.)
This particular furnace, detailed in Figure VI-1, is designed to best fit commercial A4 and
A6 crucibles, as well as steel crucibles made from disposable 1-lb propane tanks, for an
approximate capacity of 5 lbs of aluminum or 15 lbs of iron. The design is fairly easily
scaled up or down to accommodate different volumes of metal, though large increases in
size will also require some design changes (for example, an additional support directly
under the plinth to bear the weight of a much heavier crucible).
The basic furnace design is a light, thin-but-strong hotface of any suitable high-alumina
ceramic backed by a generous insulating layer of high-temperature commercial ceramic
fiber blanket, and all this wrapped by a metal shell of some sort.
This furnace has an 8” bore with 2” of ceramic fiber insulation on all sides. The hotface is
1/4” thick on the side wall, 1/2” thick on the bottom to support the weight of the crucible,
and nonexistent on the lid, which only needs a coating of rigidizer or clay slip to seal the
ceramic fiber. Ceramic fiber blanket is commonly sold in 1” and 2” thicknesses, and the
rolls are typically 24” wide. A piece 40” long will suffice for the 2” material (if, for the
sake of conserving material, a 1/2” sliver is cut out of the main 12” tall wrap of fiber for the
12 1/2” diameter lid; this missing sliver can be filled with a piece of scrap fiber and placed
at the bottom of the furnace with no noticeable performance loss), and with considerably
less scrap, a piece 60” long of the 1” material will be adequate.
With a 12” tall outside (14” including the lid), 2” of insulation under the floor, and a 1/2”
hotface on the floor, chamber height is 9 1/2”, which with a 2” plinth leaves 1” of space
between the lid and the top of the crucible. A 2 1/2” diameter vent hole, correctly sized for
the furnace's intended burner, only needs 5/8” between the lid and the top of the crucible,
but the extra space allows for scrap to extend above the top of the crucible rim without
impeding exhaust flow or damaging the lid.
The tuyere should be positioned vertically such that its center line is even with the top of
the plinth, and horizontally on a tangential path such that the center line of the burner aims
directly between the wall and the edge of the crucible. A 1/2” (nominal) pipe size propane
Reil burner will be adequate for this furnace size at 20-60 PSI, or a 3/4” pipe size burner
can be used for lower pressure propane supplies. An oilburner, depending on type, will
probably need a tuyere that accepts at least 1” pipe.
In either case, furnace design and construction is simpler if the furnace is designed to
correctly fit only one size of burner. That way, a single flare can be molded directly into
the clay lining the tuyere. To fit the tuyere to multiple sizes of burner, mold a ceramic flare
having inner dimensions to fit the smaller burner size and outer dimensions to fit smoothly
into the tuyere, and fire it with the furnace. This adds complexity to the design, and the gap
between the tuyere and ceramic flare will inevitably leak some heat, but the added
flexibility of a design that accepts multiple burner sizes (usually to switch between a
propane burner and an oilburner) may be worthwhile. The furnace in Figure VI-1 accepts
1/2” pipe and 1” pipe sizes.
The furnace floor is supported by a strip of ceramic cemented to the bottom of the hotface
wall, approximately 1/4” thick, which extends down with the rest of the hotface through the
bottom insulation to the steel shell surrounding the furnace. This approach minimizes heat
dissipation through the plinth and the bottom of the crucible, but also forces the bottom of
the furnace to carry the entire weight of the crucible as a bending load, which is not ideal
from a structural perspective. For heavier expected loads (e.g. if planning to melt lead) or
larger furnaces, it would be better to add a central pillar of hotface material directly below
the crucible, and compensate for the inevitable cold spot with a more insulating plinth.
Some castable refractories may also have trouble with the bending loads that the edge-
supported floor design places on the structure, though any properly-fired clay-based
ceramic should have no trouble with the load at this scale.
Either way, it is critical to ensure that the floor is evenly supported over all its support
points and secured in place with refractory mortar (if fired separately) or clay slip (while
plastic), and that any vertical member supporting the floor is in turn evenly supported by
the metal shell of the furnace (which needs to be stiff enough not to flex during movement
and normal operation of the furnace). Concentrating loads at a single point or allowing the
parts to wobble and scrape past one another is a sure-fire recipe for breakage.
The drainage hole is 3/4” in diameter (the smallest size I have found that will reliably stay
open in the event of crucible failure), placed near the edge of the floor and roughly
opposite the tuyere. Placing the hole right below the tuyere will cause a large amount of
radiant heat loss, and placing it behind the tuyere (near, but in the direction opposite that of
the flame swirl) may cause it to freeze up, because that part of the furnace will always be
one of the coldest areas. Hence, a compromise.
The wool under the hole is cut somewhat larger and protected with a thin layer of clay
plastered into the hole. All the same, it would be wise to avoid intentionally direct-melting
in this furnace to keep from making a mess of the wool around the drain hole. Furnaces
designed for direct-melting in addition to crucible operations will have thicker hotfaces and
different locations of the burner and drain hole in order to be able to handle the molten
metal without damage from accidents or undue wear.
Figure VI-1 presents the dimensions used for the furnace built during the writing of this
section, but these dimensions need not be exactly followed. Working with clay is not
generally a precise process, and the furnace can of course be adapted to the size needed for
a particular application and the dimensions of raw materials on hand.
This furnace was built using 2” thick 2600°F rated Kaowool ceramic fiber blanket with a
density of 8 lbs/ft3 for the insulation; plastic clay-based ceramic composed of 30% calcined
alumina, 65% kyanite, and 5% bentonite by mass for the hotface, tuyere, and flare; a slip of
the same ceramic painted over all exposed ceramic wool surfaces; and a rammed plinth of
the same ceramic mixed with twice its dry volume in shredded foam beads.
The A6 crucible in Figure VI-1 is provided for scale purposes to demonstrate how a
crucible should fit in a furnace. Less space can be left around the sides of the crucible
without affecting the burner, but I prefer enough space to operate tongs without constantly
scraping against the hotface and causing damage.
The lid lifting mechanism (a pair of handles is more than sufficient for a light ceramic wool
lid of this size), legs for the furnace body, internal structure of the burner, and burner
support pipe are not shown.
Once a furnace has been designed, the first step in construction is usually to build the
furnace shell. A pre-made shell, like an empty 20lb or 30lb propane tank, or a metal 5-
gallon bucket, will save some time, and in the case of the propane tanks, will provide a
shell that is stiffer and more durable than what most people can easily fabricate.
Furnace Shell
The shell, needless to say, needs to not be flammable. A steel shell is ideal. The shell will
get hot, so if you want it painted, high-temperature paint must be used. If the metal you use
already has ordinary paint on it, be mindful that it will probably produce hazardous fumes
on the first few uses, until the paint burns off. Galvanized metal is safe to use; the zinc
coating may discolor or oxidize from the heat, but it should not get hot enough to burn off
except for some small areas directly exposed to exhaust gases around the vent hole and the
lid seal. Getting any kind of paint, even high-temperature paint, to stay on these areas will
be difficult or impossible as well.
For furnaces much larger than the one detailed here, the shell needs to be strong enough to
support the furnace's weight, and mobile as well; typically large furnaces are mounted on
wheeled carts of some sort, and the shells are made of 30-gallon or 55-gallon drums.
Smaller furnaces can get by with thinner shells; even common 26-gauge or 28-gauge
sheetmetal sold for duct work will be adequate if the sheet is further supported with a
framework of light structural steel. Thicker sheetmetal, in the neighborhood of 18 to 20
gauge, or thin metal with reinforcing corrugations rolled into it, will be self-supporting for
these light furnaces. The objective is to provide a container that will not flex significantly
when the furnace is moved, because if the container flexes, the refractory inside will be
stressed, and may crack or weaken prematurely. Ceramic fiber blankets can also create
hazardous dust when flexed.
Even in small shells, a particular point of importance is the burner support pipe, which
must be sturdy enough that the weight of the burner and associated paraphernalia does not
cause the shell to flex at the attachment point or cause the tip of the burner to put pressure
on the refractory of the tuyere. This is easy to do for propane burners, which are relatively
light, but an oilburner with an integrated blower may need a more elaborate support
The furnace shell in larger furnaces will also have to support and provide attachment points
for the lid-lifting mechanism. This is one reason to build lids out of rigidized ceramic fiber
blanket: even for fairly large lids, it keeps the weight low enough so that the lid can be
safely lifted by hand, and avoids the construction issues associated with suspending a
heavy slab of refractory in the lid shell. Still, with larger lids, the ceramic fiber will have to
be supported in some way. One approach is to hang it from the top of the lid with Kanthal
wire or similar; fired ceramic buttons can be formed to support the fiber over a wider
surface area and to protect the wire from the worst of the furnace atmosphere.
Installing the insulation for this furnace is a very simple matter of cutting it to size and
sliding it into the shell. That is one of the advantages of working with ceramic fiber
blanket. Still, there are a few tricks to working with it successfully.
Working with ceramic fiber blanket is much like working with fiberglass house insulation,
only the former is denser and, of course, much more temperature-tolerant. The same
handling precautions apply, however: Wear a respirator with a P100 particulate filter, long
sleeves, and gloves. Make sure that the area you are working in can be ventilated to the
outside easily: the hazardous microscopic particles of fiber that are produced during
handling cannot be removed by sweeping, vacuuming, or ordinary air filtration (except
with a HEPA filter); these operations simply cause them to become airborne. Exchanging
that air will carry them outside where they can dissipate into the atmosphere or settle out
and be trapped by water or wet surfaces. Also make sure your working surface is clean, so
as to avoid contaminating the fiber with fluxes.
The fiber blanket can be cut easily with multiple passes from a sharp utility knife, as long
as care is taken not to tear the material. However, transferring measurements from the
furnace to the blanket is not as straightforward as it might seem. Rolling the blanket in a
cylinder shape to form the lining of the furnace will stretch the outside and compress the
inside, so neither the circumference of the furnace shell nor the circumference of the
outside of the hotface will be the correct length to cut it. The easiest way to determine this
length is to roll the uncut blanket up to the correct diameter and mark it, then cut a little
long and trim to an exact fit. If your cut ends up too short, you can patch the mistake with
a small sliver of scrap fiber.
Cutting circles is somewhat trickier, but all it requires is patience. For the large circles of
the lid and furnace bottom, proceed as normal. For the small circles of the vent hole, drain
hole, and tuyere, you may find it necessary to pluck out the partially cut center of the circle
as the cut proceeds. Either way, be patient and avoid getting these holes too large, which
will be difficult to fix later.
Ceramic fiber insulates best at its intended density, so compressing it only until it is its
nominal thickness is ideal. The fiber is usually slightly thicker than nominal when new, and
will compress easily to nominal thickness. Fluffing it or leaving gaps between the fiber and
the hotface will allow convection currents to form in the airspace thus created, and
compressing it into a space smaller than its nominal thickness will increase the
conductivity through the ceramic itself.
If using a castable hotface that is to be cast into place, put a barrier of some sort between
the fiber and the hotface. Otherwise, water and the binder from the castable can wick into
the fiber, which will lower its insulative value, make salvaging the fiber very difficult if the
hotface is ever badly damaged, and can cause the castable not to cure correctly. Plastic
wrap is ideal for this barrier, as it is thin, leaves no ash, and is waterproof. For hotfaces that
are plastic-formed into place, no barrier is necessary, though dampening the wool slightly
will retard drying and reduce the likelihood of cracks. (Dampening more than the surface
of the wool will retard drying too much, and the furnace will take a very long time before it
is ready to fire.)
Building and installing the hotface is by far the most difficult part of building a furnace like
this one. There are several valid approaches, depending on what the hotface will be made
of and how it will be fired. The furnace detailed here has a hotface of clay-bonded plastic-
formed ceramic (specifically, using the first recipe presented in Section V), and it will be
fired in place. I chose to roll out the hotface using slab-forming techniques that will be
familiar to students of art ceramics, press it onto a stiff paper backing, and install it into the
furnace while still plastic. This allows the joints between hotface sections to be as strong
and uniform as possible, though it also allows the hotface pieces to deform during
installation, and the result is not as dimensionally accurate as other methods.
Other possible ways to install the hotface would be to support it on an inner form that could
be extracted after it was in place, or to build the hotface in a self-standing manner (using
coil-building techniques, perhaps) and construct the rest of the furnace around it.
Constructing the completed hotface outside of the furnace also allows for the possibility of
firing it separately. This takes much more fuel and requires access to a large kiln capable of
high-temperature firing, but it will also produce a product that is much less stressed by the
firing process, and can be fired faster and more completely. Still another option is to
separately fire the hotface in sections and assemble the sections with refractory mortar,
which will make the unfired pieces less delicate to construct and easier to fire evenly. If the
hotface is cast or rammed from commercial products, it will most likely have to be made
and cured in sections before assembly, because the forms would be too intricate to fill
completely with such thin walls if made in a single piece.
Slab Rolling
There are three major pieces of clay to form for this furnace, and all of them can be easily
made by rolling slabs. The three pieces are the furnace sidewall, which is 12” tall, roughly
26” long (it can be trimmed to fit during assembly), and 1/4” thick; the floor support strip,
which is 2” tall to accommodate the 2” of insulation under the floor, the same length as the
hotface sidewall, and also 1/4” thick; and the furnace floor, which is an 8” diameter circle
1/2” thick. The floor support strip is bonded to the bottom 2” of the hotface sidewall to
create a 1/4” wide ledge to support the furnace floor. See Figure VI-1 for a visual
representation of this layout.
In order to successfully roll slabs of clay, it is necessary to have sheets of heavy canvas or a
similar heavy fabric that the slabs will not stick to, otherwise it will be impossible to
manipulate the finished slabs once they are formed. The material must be dry or the clay
will stick; as it is used, it will absorb water from the clay, eventually needing to be dried
out before it can be used further. It is also important to watch for wrinkles in the material,
which if not pulled taut will embed into the clay and make undesirable lines.
One sheet of canvas should be laid out on a suitable working surface. I prefer to clamp or
weight it in a stretched condition to avoid wrinkles and ensure that the sheet does not move
during the rolling process. On this sheet,
a lump of clay sufficient to form the
desired size of slab is placed, and
pounded flat. The rolling process will
expand the clay in the direction of
rolling, but very little expansion will
occur perpendicular to the direction of
rolling, so the raw slab must be of the
correct width and shape to start. Figure
VI-2 shows a raw slab of clay ready for
rolling. Spacers are used to roll the slab
to a uniform thickness; here, the spacers
are 1/4” round steel rod. Anything
smooth and of the correct height will Figure VI-2: Clay ready for rolling
Once the slab is rolled, it can easily be cut to size with a knife, and the unused edges can be
recycled by kneading or wedging. For this build, I made a final roller pass to press a piece
of stiff posterboard into the clay, and then cut around its edges as a template, as shown in
Figure VI-4. The posterboard supports the clay slab during assembly of the furnace and
will harmlessly burn out when the furnace is fired, but it also encourages cracks later by
sticking to the clay and not allowing it to shrink as easily. Furthermore, the posterboard
will eventually absorb water from the clay and lose strength, so slabs with this type of
backing need to be used soon after they are made.
After all the pieces are rolled, it is time to assemble them. The first step is to attach the
floor support strip to the base of the hotface sidewall. The hotface sidewall is generously
coated with clay slip (formed by adding water to the same clay-based mixture used for the
rest of the furnace and stirring until the slip reaches the consistency of heavy cream), and
the floor support strip is laid in place. Err on the side of too much slip rather than too little;
too much will ooze out and can be wiped off, but too little slip will prevent a secure bond
from forming and can trap air bubbles,
leading to cracking later. If slip does not
ooze from the joint, you have added too
little. Gently but firmly press the floor
support strip onto the hotface sidewall,
working from the center to the edges to
force out any air bubbles that may be
trapped, and adjusting the position as you
progress to keep the top edge of the strip
straight and parallel with the top of the
am using a commercial clay-working tool in Figure VI-5, but a suitable tool can be quickly
made from an old knife or scrap of wood or metal. Once the clay is blended, smooth the
joint. Take this opportunity to adhere a paper strip to the bottom of the completed furnace
sidewall; otherwise, it will stick to the metal furnace shell later in the assembly process and
greatly complicate the correct positioning of the furnace wall.
Of more concern is the method used to bond the edges of the hotface sidewall together.
However the hotface is installed, the posterboard (if any) must be stripped off these edges,
the clay trimmed to fit with a slight amount of overlap, and slip generously applied to make
a good joint. Then, the edges can be pressed together and blended thoroughly, and after the
joint is smoothed, it will be strong.
After the sidewall is in, it is time to install the insulation for the bottom. In Figure VI-6, I
have already placed the insulation in the furnace and lined the drain hole with clay of
approximately 1/4” thickness. I did this freehand, checking for correct size with a 3/4”
dowel, but a form can be used for a neater appearance.
Next, cut the opening for the tuyere. This can be precut before installing the hotface
sidewall, but lining it up correctly with the shell may be a tricky process. I chose to cut it
after the wall was installed. Make sure, if you are using the posterboard backing, that the
paper does not interfere with the joint between the hotface sidewall and the tuyere lining.
Again, I freehanded the tuyere lining, using a pipe of suitable size as a gauge, but this can
also be done with a form. Use standard clay-working practice (slip and thorough blending)
to join the tuyere lining with the sidewall.
Then, it is time to install the furnace floor. Measure the approximate location of the drain
hole and precut the bottom to fit. Thoroughly coat the rim of the floor support strip and the
top edge of the drain hole coating with slip, and then drop the bottom in, ensuring that the
orientation is correct. I did this step while the bottom was still plastic, which makes it easy
to blend together with the sidewall and the top of the drain hole, but also allows it to bend
The last step is to paint the exposed ceramic wool on the top of the furnace body and on the
lid with clay slip, and the furnace is ready to dry. Figure VI-7 shows the completed furnace
body before drying. The lid was coated with clay slip in the same way.
As with all clay-based materials, drying slowly and evenly is the key to drying without
cracks. In particular, the top edges of the furnace, which are exposed to the atmosphere,
will tend to dry out faster than the thicker, more protected bottom. For the initial stages of
drying, it may be best to cover the furnace completely with plastic (use a towel or rag
between the plastic and clay to keep condensed water from dripping on the clay and
creating spots of uneven dampness) and allow the moisture levels to equalize. The furnace
will dry slowly or not at all during this stage, but once the moisture levels are equalized, it
can be dried faster without danger of cracking. If the furnace was put together with clay
that initially had a homogeneous distribution of moisture, and did not dry too much during
assembly, this step may not be necessary.
The difficulty of drying ware without cracks increases exponentially as the ware gets
larger, so large furnaces may have to be made in sections for the drying process to be
completed in a reasonable amount of time. However, fortunately, a crack in a furnace
lining is not a fatal flaw, and can safely be patched. (Crucibles, on the other hand, must
never be used once cracked, even if the crack is repaired before the crucible is fired. The
danger of residual stresses causing the crack to re-open at the worst possible moment is too
If cracks appear in the furnace lining while it is still plastic, they can be easily patched by
the addition of more plastic clay, possibly with slip to exclude air and improve the bond.
Cracks which appear during later stages of drying can also be patched this way, but as the
newly added plastic clay will shrink away from the already-dried clay, the crack will tend
to reopen. Patching a crack multiple times using this method will eventually either fix it
permanently, or reduce it in width to a hairline crack that refuses to close. These hairline
cracks can sometimes be filled by spreading vinegar on the crack and rubbing dry clay dust
into it, but a stubborn crack will only be superficially concealed using this method, and will
often reopen during firing.
Fortunately, even these cracks, and other cracks caused by firing shrinkage or thermal
shock, can be patched. Unfortunately, the use of a heterogeneous crack-patching mixture
will not restore the full strength and thermal shock resistance of the clay, so it is always
better to patch cracks as soon as possible in the drying process.
I have had little success devising a clay-based crack-patching compound for fired ceramics.
However, there are several commercial products that are designed to patch cracks, bond
firebricks together, and so forth, that will work well.
The final stage of drying, if possible, should be conducted at higher than room temperature.
There are many methods of accomplishing this, from leaving an incandescent light inside
the closed furnace to using a hair dryer or heat gun to putting the entire furnace in an oven.
Starting this stage of drying before initial room-temperature drying is complete, however,
will almost always cause cracks. This final stage of drying can also be performed as the
first stage of firing, but usually these alternative methods are more controllable than a
foundry burner, and controllability matters most during the initial stages of firing when
water vapor is leaving.
Firing a furnace from the inside out is a bit different from firing ceramics in a kiln. The
principles are the same, in that slow even heat is needed to prevent firing shrinkage or
thermal shock from destroying the piece, but actually applying this even heating is much
more difficult. On the other hand, firing a furnace from the inside out has significant cost
savings in that it requires no additional equipment and takes far less fuel than conventional
firing methods.
The conventional tangential burner placement in a foundry furnace is not optimal for even
heating of the furnace itself, so a special effort must be made to deal with the hot spot
created by the burner. Placing a shard of fired refractory ceramic in front of the burner such
that the flame impinges on the fired ceramic instead of the unfired furnace wall will help
After firing is over and the burner is shut off, it is a good idea to remove the burner and
plug up the tuyere. This will allow the furnace to cool slower, decreasing the likelihood of
cooling cracks, and will also prevent hot air from moving through the burner or heat from
the furnace interior from conducting along the burner tube, both of which can damage
burners built with soft solder, epoxy, or other temperature-sensitive materials. Likewise, it
keeps heat away from the propane supply hose.
Section VII
Air belt
A hollow "belt" around the outside of a cupola furnace which distributes the air draft
amongst the cupola's multiple tuyeres.
An alloy is a solid solution of two or more metals that have been melted together. Not all
metals will alloy with each other: some react chemically (forming intermetallics), and others
are mutually immiscible. Alloys are typically stronger, less ductile, melt at a lower
temperature, and are less electrically conductive than the pure metals they are composed of.
Alumina, Al2O3, is the highly refractory oxide of aluminum metal. It is a common ingredient
in refractory materials. Sapphires and rubies are primarily composed of alumina with various
other impurities of metal oxides that give them their characteristic colors.
Annealing a metal removes residual stresses caused by cold working, as well as allowing the
grains (individual crystals) of the metal to realign themselves and grow larger. Annealing is
done to make a metal that has been cold worked less brittle and more ductile, usually so
more cold working can be done without causing cracks.
Baked sand
Any molding sand formulation using a binder that has little or no green strength and must be
baked or fired before casting. In these formulations, the binders are not reusable. There are
some commercial binding resins that require a heating or activation step, but the most
important binder for hobbyists is molasses, or a similar sugar mixture, which can be mixed
with sand and baked in a household oven before casting. This formulation makes an
excellent core, because the product has excellent strength after baking, but the high
temperature of the molten metal destroys the bond and allows the core to collapse as the
metal shrinks around it.
Ball clay
Ball clays are typically of high plasticity and reasonable purity. They are relatively high in
silica, so they may be more sensitive to quartz inversions, but they are nearly as refractory as
A chemically-modified bentonite, it bonds with oil instead of water. Used in oil-bonded
molding sands.
A clay, not used in large amounts in refractory formulations because it contains fluxes, but
used in greensand since little is needed to give a high green strength. For most bentonites,
about 10% by weight (the remainder being clean sharp sand) is suitable for greensand,
whereas other clays may require 20-25%. There are two major types of bentonites, sodium
(or western) bentonite, and calcium (or southern) bentonite, which is also called fuller's
earth. There are also specialty white bentonites, which are specialty products and should not
be used for greensand. Sodium bentonite is slightly more plastic than calcium, but both are
suitable for greensand use.
A term used to describe the initial stages of firing a ceramic containing combustible
materials, which are literally burned out of the ceramic matrix. This stage must be
undertaken very slowly to prevent combustion gases causing spalling or cracks.
Calcination is the act of calcining, or heating a substance to drive off chemically-bound
water. Many substances, such as plaster of Paris and Portland cement, store water chemically
as hydrates, and must be heated well above the boiling point of liquid water to break these
chemical bonds and create the anhydrous, or water-free, version of the compound. See
Short for “castable refractory,” it’s a commercial ready-made refractory material that is
mixed and poured much like concrete.
A small piece of metal that is designed to support a core in a mold. The chaplet is placed in
an area that will be filled with molten metal, and when the mold is poured, it fuses to the rest
of the casting.
Not always used, it is an extra flask piece inserted between the cope and drag of a sand mold
to mold complex shapes. Many cheeks can be stacked if necessary.
A piece of metal inserted in a mold to produce faster localized cooling. Chills can be used on
heavy sections to reduce the need for risering, or to alter the mechanical properties of the
material in certain areas.
A material used to make commercial crucibles, typically made by mixing a high-quality clay
with 30-40% of its weight in graphite. Organic binders, such as tar or pitch, may also be
used. The crucibles are fired for a very long time at a very high temperature to promote
formation of silicon carbide (SiC) crystals, which increase thermal shock resistance and
strength. This firing schedule isn't feasible to duplicate on a small scale, so homemade clay-
graphite crucibles will have no greater strength than their clay/grog cousins.
Essentially pure carbon, coke is to coal as charcoal is to wood. Used in iron melting and
forge work, where the sulfur in coal would make the iron brittle. Coke produces a very hot
fire and is denser than charcoal, so less refueling is needed.
An acronym for “coefficient of linear expansion,” this is a measure of how much a material
changes size with changing temperature. COLE is usually approximated as a constant for a
given material, even though it may change with temperature (which corresponds to nonlinear
10−6 m
material expansion with temperature). Typical units are .
m° C
See pyrometric cone.
The top half of a greensand mold.
Coping down
When a pattern with an irregular parting line is molded, part of the line will be buried in
sand. Coping down is the practice of carving out sand until the line is reached, creating a
parting face that is not flat. When this is done, a large amount of draft should be used on the
parting face so that the mold halves can separate easily.
A piece of the mold that forms a cavity in the casting. Cores can be part of the mold, or they
can be separate pieces that are placed in the mold. When cores are made separately, they are
usually made with a stronger binder than the clay in greensand, so as to survive the extra
handling required.
Core print
An indentation in a mold meant to receive the end of a separate core, so as to hold it in place
when the metal is poured into the mold.
The pot that holds molten metal. Common homemade crucibles are made of steel or various
clay-based ceramics; commercially made ones are usually clay-bonded graphite or carbon-
bonded silicon carbide.
Crucible furnace
A furnace which uses a crucible to hold the metal and can be fueled in many different ways.
It works by heating up the crucible within the refractory-lined furnace and adding metal until
the required amount is molten in the crucible. The crucible is then usually removed to pour,
but some crucible furnaces are designed so the entire furnace tilts to pour metal, and the
crucible is a permanent part of the furnace.
A direct melting furnace designed to process large volumes of metal in many smaller
batches. The basic operating principle of a cupola is a refractory tube with multiple tuyeres
and a bed of fuel, typically coke. As charges of metal and coke are added, the metal melts,
drips through the bed of fuel, and causes the fuel to float up higher. The metal is drained
from the well by opening a plugged tap hole at the bottom of the furnace; typically, a cupola
can melt a batch of metal every five to fifteen minutes. Cupolas take skill and a great deal of
work to operate, but they melt very large amounts of metal. A 10” bore cupola can produce
300 to 500 pounds of cast iron per hour, requiring several tons of molding sand and an army
of molders and attendants to keep up with the flow of metal.
A deflocculant is a chemical that prevents a suspension or colloid from clumping together or
settling out. For example, sodium silicate deflocculates clay particles by binding to them and
making them repel each other, keeping them suspended in water at much lower water levels
than would otherwise be required. See flocculant.
Certain metals dissolve gas in their liquid state, such as aluminum, which dissolves
hydrogen. If the gas is not removed, it will come out of solution upon solidification and
create gas bubbles in the casting. There are two primary methods of removing gas:
mechanical agitation and chemical reaction. Mechanical methods generally bubble an inert
gas through the melt, releasing the dissolved gas much like shaking a soda would release
carbon dioxide. Simply stirring the melt can remove some gas (often noticeable on heavily
fluxed aluminum melts as little pops of flame when the melt is agitated—because salt fluxes
dissolve steam readily, they promote hydrogen dissolution into the melt), but stirring alone
rarely removes all of it, and can introduce other contaminants like iron. The other method,
chemical reaction, adds a material to the melt with which the dissolved gas will react. In the
case of aluminum, bubbling chlorine gas through the melt will remove hydrogen as HCl gas.
In the case of copper, the additions of reactive lithium, zinc, phosphorous copper, or other
deoxidizers will remove dissolved oxygen as a solid oxide.
Diatomaceous earth
Formed from the fossils of microscopic diatoms, diatomaceous earth is a highly porous
silica-based material, and thus valuable as an insulating refractory. It is typically available as
cat litter in pea-sized pieces. It can be somewhat more heat-tolerant than perlite, but does
contain fluxes. Diatomaceous earth is also available in ground form (sold for pool filters) and
can be used as a parting dust, but it carries with it an extreme risk of silicosis and should
never be used without respiratory protection.
A die is a block of durable material with a surface designed to form the shape of a part.
Usually, dies are made so that two or more fit together, similar to the way a sand mold fits
together, to create a mold for die casting or other processes such as die stamping or die
forging. Dies are usually very expensive to make and only practical for production runs of
thousands of parts.
The slope of a pattern away from the parting face of a mold, so as to allow the pattern to be
removed without damage to the sides of the mold.
The bottom half of a greensand mold.
Draw plate
A plate used when molding patterns with intricate edge details or no draft (e.g. a gear that
would be cast with a finished tooth form). It has a cutout in the shape of the pattern to be
pulled, and the pattern is pulled through the plate, keeping the sand at the edges of the
pattern from breaking off.
The temperature rise between the measured temperature before pulling a melt and the
maximum equilibrium temperature of the melt. The temperature rise is caused by the
crucible being hotter than the part of the melt that is being measured. This is only an issue
when temperature can be measured precisely in the first place, and occurs more with ceramic
crucibles than metal ones due to their lower thermal conductivity.
Solid metal oxides and impurities within a melt (usually present as powder), which float to
the surface and must be removed by skimming. See slag.
When two or more materials are melted together, the combined melting point of the two
materials is often lower than that of either material by itself. The ratio of the different
materials that yields the lowest melting point is known as an eutectic composition. Eutectics
generally do not take effect until the materials have been melted together. When heating
finely-powdered materials, such as when sintering ceramics, no melting will occur below the
melting temperature of the lowest-melting binary eutectic. Once a liquid phase is present in
the material, ternary and higher-order eutectics can form.
A rounding-over of an inside corner on a part, usually accomplished in pattern work with a
bead of wood putty or auto body putty. Fillets keep molds from having sharp, easily
damaged edges and improve the strength of finished parts by avoiding the stress
concentration created by a sharp corner. Pronounced “fill-it,” not “fih-lay.”
Fireclays tend to be coarser, less pure clays than kaolins or ball clays, and have earned a bad
name in the art ceramics world because of it. (Certain impurities, such as chunks of
limestone, can spall in the kiln and destroy ware.) Commercial firebricks are typically made
with a fireclay base. Fireclays are highly refractory, as are kaolins and ball clays.
A casting defect which forms as thin, foil-like metal at the parting line of the casting. It is
formed as excess metal forces itself into any small gaps between the parts of the mold.
The box (usually made of wood) that supports the greensand during molding. Flasks have at
least two parts: the cope and drag, possibly with one or more cheeks as well.
A flocculant does exactly the opposite of what a deflocculant does—encourages suspended
particles to clump together into agglomerates called flocs. See deflocculant.
A material added to the crucible that usually melts at a lower temperature than the metal and
floats on top of the liquid metal, for the purpose of separating metal oxides from the melt.
Fluxes can be used to protect the metal from reacting with the outside air. Flux can also
mean a material that melts at a fairly low temperature and helps melt things that normally
melt at a higher temperature. For instance, fluxes are bad in refractories, because they tend to
make the refractories melt at a lower temperature. A refractory material is said to be flux
resistant if a large quantity of flux lowers the melting point of the material by only a small
amount, or dissolves only a small portion of the refractory.
A channel carved between the sprue and casting.
Contrary to its name, greensand is not green. The “green” part refers to the fact that it has not
been fired. A typical homemade greensand would contain 90% by mass fine silica sand (such
as “play sand” available at most hardware stores), 10% by mass bentonite clay, and just
enough water to stick the sand together.
Green strength
This refers to a material's strength in the green, or unfired, state.
A clay additive, usually bits of crushed fired clay, that adds abrasion resistance and thermal
shock resistance, as well as reducing shrinkage on firing.
Heat capacity
Heat capacity is the measure of how much energy it takes to raise the temperature of a
substance one degree. Specific heat capacity is heat capacity on a per mass basis—usually
for one gram or one kilogram of the substance. Specific heat capacities are often listed as
constants for a given material, though they in fact vary with temperature and pressure (and
with the crystalline phase of a substance), and those variations cannot be neglected when the
changes in temperature or pressure are very large. Commonly, reference values are taken at
standard conditions of 25°C and 1 atmosphere, or similar conditions that approximate “room
temperature.” In contrast, much of the interesting behavior of molten metals and refractory
ceramics happens at over 1000°C, where the “room temperature” values are far from
accurate. Typical units are .
g ° C
Heat of fusion
Denoted as Hf, heat of fusion is a measure of how much energy it takes to turn a solid
substance at its melting point into a liquid without raising its temperature. Typical units are
A small amount of molten metal in the bottom of the crucible, serving two primary purposes.
First, it allows for lower losses in melting thin scrap because the scrap can be pushed under
the melt surface before it has a chance to oxidize. A heel also improves thermal conduction
from the crucible to the scrap, causing it to melt faster. Adding too much scrap to the heel at
one time will freeze the heel and potentially crack a ceramic crucible.
A hotface is a layer of comparatively strong, flux-resistant, highly refractory material used to
line the inside of a furnace. Hotface materials are usually poor insulators by themselves, and
are used to protect a more-fragile insulation layer from mechanical damage, fluxing, or
extreme temperatures.
Hot shortness
At a certain temperature, some metals become hot short, where the metal crumbles and
breaks up without actually melting. Different metals have different points of hot shortness. A
dramatic example is aluminum, which loses its strength and crumbles at a temperature
several hundred degrees cooler than its melting point. Other metals, like steel, instead
become progressively more malleable until they melt.
Hot tearing
Hot tearing occurs during cooling of a casting, where the mold is strong enough to keep the
casting from shrinking naturally, and the metal cracks or tears apart instead. This is most
commonly seen with hot short metals and large, rigid coring, but it can happen in other
molds as well. Generally a symptom of a mold or core material that retains too much
strength after the casting is poured, it can be fixed in part by choosing an alloy with less
shrinkage or higher hot strength, but if the underlying problem of the mold material is not
fixed, the casting will still have residual stresses built up during cooling.
A chemical element or compound with water chemically bound to the compound. This water
will exit the hydrate as steam upon calcining at a temperature that varies depending on the
material, but is greater than the normal boiling point of water. Materials can have several
different hydrates. For example, “alumina hydrate” could indicate Al 2O3x3H2O (gibbsite),
Al2O3x2H2O (bauxite), or Al2O3xH2O (diaspore). Most water-setting materials, such as
Portland cement and plaster of Paris, use a calcined compound that combines with water to
form a hydrate. This is important to casters because these materials can release that bound
water, sometimes violently, if heated by contact with hot metal. See calcination.
Materials that are hygroscopic spontaneously absorb water from atmospheric moisture. Some
materials, like calcium chloride, are so strongly hygroscopic that if left exposed to the
atmosphere, will absorb enough water to turn from a dry material into a liquid solution.
An ingot is a bar or block of a metal, usually of a specific alloy and of a standard size, that
has been cast into a mold for future casting purposes. Ingots are made in order to consolidate
scrap that is difficult to store or to use directly for casting, as an intermediate stage between
processing impure scrap and using it for casting, and as overflow to deal with leftover metal
from a casting session.
A plaster-like ceramic which is used to surround a wax pattern in lost wax investment
A pure, refractory clay with high alumina content but low plasticity.
A container used to hold molten metal, sometimes made of metal lined with refractory
instead of a solid piece of ceramic as is typical with commercial crucibles. Steel ladles are
also used, mostly for white metals. The main difference from a crucible is that the metal isn’t
melted within the ladle; it is simply transferred to it from where the metal was melted, such
as a cupola or reverberatory furnace, or a large crucible, for better control of a more
manageable amount of metal.
LOI is an acronym that stands for “loss on ignition,” or the sum total of volatiles and
burnables in a ceramic material. Typically, the majority of LOI is chemically-bound water,
with organic impurities and carbon dioxide from decomposing carbonates also contributing.
Absorbed liquid water in plastic materials is not part of LOI, which is measured from the
“bone dry” state of the material.
A pattern or patterns mounted on a molding board, usually with gates and runners, and
sometimes with risers and sprue, attached. Used to align the two halves of complex patterns,
and in production situations to simplify the molding process. A matchplate can be cast by
spacing apart the two halves of an ordinary mold with steel bars or similar.
Melt (noun)
A crucible of melted metal is often referred to collectively as a melt.
Melt (verb)
When a substance changes from solid to liquid due to the addition of heat, it is said to melt.
The physical process of melting is the same for metals as it is for substances like ice; the
only difference is the temperature. Contrast smelt.
Mesh size
Mesh size is a method of classifying powdered or granular materials. A material that is 100
mesh, for example, would just barely pass through a sieve with 100 holes per inch. Mesh size
numbers are identical to the numbered grits on sandpaper, which can be used as a reference
for comparison.
Molding board
A board used under a flask, which supports the sand and pattern and creates the parting face
of a mold. If the board is cut to accommodate a pattern, it is termed a follow board. If the
board is used to support the sand in a flask that is already rammed, it is termed a bottom
A machine designed to properly mix greensand; it has a kneading action to remove lumps
and even out the clay and water content. Mulling can be performed by hand, but it is
laborious and the results are somewhat poorer than when done with a machine.
An aluminosilicate that is hard, strong, and resistant to thermal shock. It has a very high
melting point, and is a prime material for crucibles, hotfaces, and other high-temperature
furnace apparatus. It can be made by firing a mixture of clay and calcined alumina such that
the molar ratio is 3 parts alumina (Al 2O3) to 2 parts silica (SiO2).
Conditions that are neutral are exactly balanced between oxidizing and reducing. Ideally,
there would be neither free oxygen nor free fuel to react with anything. In practice, there will
be a small amount of both. Neutral flames are blue in color and heat more efficiently than
either oxidizing or reducing flames.
An oxide is the compound produced when an elemental substance reacts with oxygen. Metal
oxides are denoted by appending an -a suffix. For example, alumina is aluminum oxide
(Al2O3), and silica is silicon dioxide (SiO2). Most metals form oxides when exposed to air at
high temperatures; in some cases, the oxides form a layer that protects the metal from further
chemical attack.
Conditions that are oxidizing contain an excess of oxygen and a lack of fuel. Materials that
react with oxygen (such as graphite and many metals when molten) will oxidize in this
environment. In the case of a melt, this forms undesirable dross. Materials such as nichrome,
which rely on a protective outer skin of oxide to survive the furnace atmosphere, benefit
from oxidizing conditions. An oxidizing flame reaches a higher color temperature than a
neutral flame (becoming purple instead of blue), but the additional unused air or oxygen
mixed in with the flame causes it to heat less effectively than a neutral flame. Very oxidizing
flames will “blow out” and refuse to burn at all.
Parting dust
A material that is dusted on the parting face of a mold (and sometimes the pattern) to prevent
Parting face
The face where two parts of a mold separate. This is usually a flat plane, but does not have to
Parting line
The line on a pattern where the parting face is designed to go. All parts of the pattern should
slope away from the parting line. The line is usually straight, but does not have to be.
A piece, usually made of wood, that is in the shape of the final casting. The greensand (or
other mold-making material) is rammed in place around it to create the mold.
A volcanic material used in gardening, it can be added to refractory for insulative purposes.
However, it lowers the refractory's melting point, as it contains fluxes. Shredded polystyrene
foam is a superior alternative, providing the same or greater insulative benefit without the
added fluxes.
A brand of oil bonded molding sand.
A material that is capable of deforming and holding its new shape without losing strength.
The more plastic a material is, the more it can be deformed without losing strength (tearing
or cracking) during the move. Silly Putty, for instance, is a very plastic material.
A brick or block that the crucible sits on. It holds the crucible off the furnace floor, allowing
the burner’s flame to circulate beneath it and reducing heat loss through the floor of the
Pouring basin
An area at the top of a sprue, into which the metal is poured. It is usually tapered downward
toward the sprue, and a volume of metal can accumulate in the basin to supply the casting as
it shrinks on cooling. Risers may have a similar "basin" on top to supply the cooling casting.
Large pouring basins can be molded in a separate small flask half to act as a funnel. This is
helpful for pouring with large crucibles or other scenarios where pouring accurately is
difficult, but metal should be poured directly down the sprue when possible to minimize the
amount of sand that washes into the mold.
A type of instrument used to measure high temperatures. Optical and infrared pyrometers use
visible or infrared radiation to measure temperature, whereas thermocouples use a junction
of dissimilar metals to measure temperature with a type of thermoelectric effect.
Pyrometric cone
A device used in ceramics to determine the amount of heat work that has occurred in a
particular environment. Cones themselves usually consist of slanted cone-shaped wedges
(though some can be bars or rods) of fluxed ceramic materials with a known softening point.
When the cone is heated such that it bends until the top portion is horizontal, that cone
number is said to be reached.
A crystalline form of silica, it is a hard and strong mineral, but undergoes dramatic changes
in volume at specific temperatures (dubbed “quartz inversions”). Refractory containing
quartz is more susceptible to thermal shock than refractory containing only mullite crystals
and alumina. See silica.
The act of compacting a material with a hard, blunt object. Greensand is rammed into molds,
and the amount of compaction used is critical to the integrity and surface detail of the mold.
Likewise, some refractories are rammed into place in furnace bodies.
Conditions that are reducing contain a lack of oxygen and a surplus of fuel. Reducing
conditions inhibit oxidation of a melt, but the presence of hydrogen from unburned fuel can
create problems with dissolved gas in a melt. Reducing flames are cooler than neutral
flames, burning green instead of blue. An extremely reducing flame (typically one with no
air or oxygen added to the stream of fuel) is characterized by a smoky yellow flame that rises
almost straight up from its source instead of blowing forward. This is termed a lazy flame.
Refractory materials are characterized by extreme resistance to heat. While many materials
are refractory, those most useful to the hobbyist must also be relatively cheap, relatively
insulative (for furnaces), and relatively chemically inert, among other requirements.
Reil burner
Possibly the most common type of naturally aspirated propane foundry burner, this burner
uses a venturi to draw in air from the back of the burner, and is an excellent performer over a
wide range of pressures. It will operate at a minimum pressure of around 1/4 PSI, and a
maximum of greater than 60 PSI. The design was pioneered by Ron Reil, and many other
metalcasters have made variations or modifications to the same general operating principle.
Most commercial naturally-aspirated burners (including the gas injectors on barbecue grills)
operate using the same venturi principle and basic construction.
Reverberatory furnace
A type of direct melting furnace, which can be powered directly with gas or liquid fuel, or
the hot combustion gases from solid fuel. It is lined with refractory and has a depression in
the refractory to hold the metal in place of a crucible.
A coarse sieve which can be used to break up lumps in molding sand when making molds.
A mass of metal connected to the casting, designed to supply it with extra molten metal as it
shrinks. Risers can be connected through gates, similarly to sprues, or they can lead directly
into the casting. If a riser is between the sprue and casting, it is referred to as a hot riser; if on
the other side of the casting, it is a cold riser. Risers are often open to the air to help vent
gases from the mold; a riser specifically for this purpose is sometimes called a vent riser or
chimney riser. A riser that is not open to the air is a blind riser or shrink bob.
The act of turning a flask over to ram the other half, roll-overs are usually performed with
top and bottom boards securely in place so as not to stress the sand.
The inverse of a fillet, rounds are rounded-over outside corners. Like fillets, they are used on
patterns to improve molding and in finished parts to avoid the stress concentrations created
by a sharp corner.
A channel, generally longer and wider than a gate, that is designed to feed metal to multiple
castings, or into different areas of the same casting simultaneously.
Everybody knows what sand is, but there is a lot of information about sand that the hobby
caster needs to know. Suitable refractory sands contain mostly silica (quartz) or olivine.
Clean silica sand is very white (red or brown colors indicate iron contamination), and olivine
is green to black. Coral sand, or the sand produced by the weathering of shells, is largely
composed of limestone and is not suitable for any foundry uses. This sand is also very white.
Good foundry sand is relatively fine (90 mesh is ideal for molding sand; 75 mesh is suitable),
and sharp. “Sharp” in the context of sand means that the grains are angular instead of
rounded, giving the sand better green strength and higher porosity.
Involves the use of oil or water bonded molding sands to create a mold into which metal is
then poured.
The amount that a material shrinks when it is cooled. This usually refers to how much the
cast part shrinks upon solidifying and cooling.
Shrink bob
Also referred to as a blind riser, this is a mass of metal connected to the casting, designed to
supply it with extra molten metal as it shrinks. See riser.
Silica (SiO2) is a common refractory mineral and the oxide of silicon metal. Its crystalline
form is called quartz, and is what most types of sand are made of. Amorphous or fused silica
lacks the inversions characteristic of the crystalline quartz, and is extremely resistant to
thermal shock, but also unlikely to be available to the hobbyist. See quartz.
Silicon carbide
Silicon carbide (SiC) is a highly refractory material used for crucibles. It has high thermal
and electrical conductivity for a nonmetal, making it suitable for resistance heating elements
and high-temperature items like crucibles, but not for furnace linings. It is extremely thermal
shock resistant, but is unsuitable for iron melting because the metal dissolves it.
Sintering happens when unfired ceramics are heated to near their melting point. The fine
particles of clay bond to each other, filling in gaps and creating a strong but porous structure.
If the ceramic particles melt, the material is fused instead of sintered, and the resulting
product is glassy.
Slag is the liquid (usually fluxed) impurities and oxides from a melt. The term has a meaning
very similar to dross, which refers to solid impurities. When melting certain metals (brasses
in particular), fluxes and glass-forming ingredients are often added to intentionally produce a
thick slag layer on top of the melt, protecting it from oxidation and keeping volatile metals
(namely zinc) from boiling off, as well as fluxing the melt. This layer can also be referred to
as a cover flux. See dross.
Slip is a clay-based slurry, used to aid in the bonding of clay pieces by excluding air and
wetting the surfaces. It can also be used to seal the fibers of ceramic wool. Specially
formulated slips can be cast in water-absorbing molds, in a process known as slip casting.
To smelt a metal means to refine it from ore. Contrary to popular use, it is not a synonym for
“melt” as applied to metal. Contrast melt (verb).
Snap flask
A flask built with a hinge at one corner and a latch at the opposite corner, so that at the end
of the molding process, the flask can be removed and reused on another mold.
Sodium silicate
Sodium silicates are a group of compounds, often collectively referred to as “water glass,”
that are used to bind some refractories and molding sands, and as deflocculants in clay slips.
When sodium silicate reacts with CO2, either in the air or supplied from a gas cylinder, it
produces silica and soda ash by the reactions Na 2SiO3 + CO2 → SiO2 + Na2CO3 and Na4SiO4
+ 2CO2 → SiO2 + 2Na2CO3. When the bonded product is heated, the Na 2CO3 decomposes
into Na2O (soda ash, a flux) and CO 2, which is released. Thus, the result is a refractory
bonded by a fluxed glass mixture. Depending on the composition of the refractory and the
ratio of binder to filler, the entire mix can liquid-phase sinter into a highly refractory material
in which the flux content is of little significance. Bound molding sands do not need to be
pre-fired before use (the silica is present as a binder before firing, and the evolved CO 2 is of
little consequence in porous bonded sand). When the sodium silicate is used as a
deflocculant, its creation of a flux in the mix is again of little consequence; however, the
reaction between sodium silicate and CO 2 in air means that the slip should be stored in a
sealed container and air not mixed in during the stirring process. Adding dry slip-cast pieces
to a batch of slip will require some extra sodium silicate for similar reasons.
Spalls are chips or flakes of material. Trapped or chemically bound water in concrete,
plaster, house bricks, clay and uncured commercial refractory will turn to steam when
sufficiently heated. If heated too quickly this will result in immense increases in localized
stress within the material, which may result in material failure and spalls breaking away with
explosive force.
This is the inlet through which metal is poured into the mold. Sprues can be formed with a
pattern, or cut with a hollow sprue cutter. A piece of thin-walled pipe makes a very
serviceable sprue cutter.
Stripper plate
See draw plate.
Sweep molding
A sand mold making process whereby, instead of a conventional positive pattern being made
and molded in the normal manner, a sectional profile of the pattern is made and swept along
the sand to form the contours of the mold. Commonly used for large surfaces of revolution
where a conventional pattern would require large amounts of time and material to make, but
the technique can also be used to make any shape consisting of one or more regular profiles
that can be repeatedly swept out using a guide. Because the sweep mold-making process
requires additional time and skill for each mold, this process is only appropriate in special
circumstances for production runs of any significant volume.
Tap hole
The "spout" of a cupola; it is below the lowest level of metal in the cupola well, so that when
opened (by breaking the bod plug used to seal it) all the metal inside flows out into the
waiting ladle. It may be resealed with a fresh bod while there is metal still inside if the ladle
becomes full. The drain hole of a crucible furnace can be moved to the side to act as a tap
hole for direct-melting scrap.
Thermal conductivity
As the name indicates, thermal conductivity is a measure of how easily heat can pass through
materials. Good insulators need very low thermal conductivity. Typical units are .
Thermal shock
This phenomenon happens when a material changes temperature rapidly. Thermal shock can
easily shatter brittle glassy materials, but more loosely bound sintered ceramics are resistant
to it. Metals are generally malleable enough to be virtually immune to thermal shock.
The entry point for the burner flame on furnaces with burners, or the air draft on solid-fuel
furnaces. It is pronounced “tweer.”
A style of naturally-aspirated propane burner, this burner relies on air holes between the gas
jet and flame to draw in combustion air. The turbulence created by this method of air
delivery makes the burner unstable at low pressures, though it may be more stable at very
high pressures (greater than 50 PSI) due to the better mixing provided by that turbulence.
The burner generally does not burn well below 15 PSI. Designed by Lionel Oliver.
A waste oil burner consisting of a metal shell lined with refractory to provide a combustion
chamber, with an outlet for the hot burning gases to enter the furnace. Also known as a "hot
box" style burner. Because primary combustion happens in a separate, smaller chamber,
efficiency is lower, but the burner heats up more quickly than a burner that relies on a hot
furnace chamber to maintain combustion. Pioneered by Lionel Oliver.
This involves providing holes in something so that gases such as water vapor can exit freely
without building up and causing cracking. Sand molds are vented by thrusting a wire into the
sand around the mold cavity; lost wax molds can be vented by attaching thin sticks of wax to
the wax pattern, which also melt out to leave a "chimney" that allows gases to escape.
Rammable and plastic refractories can be vented similarly to sand molds by thrusting a wire
into them. This makes it easier for water vapor to exit the refractory on firing, reducing the
likelihood of cracking.
A venturi is a device consisting of two tubes of differing sizes, connected by a smooth taper
(ideally a bell curve). As a fluid flows through the tubes, a pressure difference is set up (the
small tube has a lower pressure and the large tube has a higher pressure) due to the effects of
Bernoulli's principle. This is used to practical effect in naturally aspirated foundry burners,
where the flow of fuel gas sets up a pressure differential and draws in combustion air from
the atmosphere.
Vitreous substances are glassy and fully fused. Refractories should be sintered instead of
vitreous; the loose sintered structure is more resistant to thermal shock than a vitreous
structure. If refractory vitrifies in use, it has gotten too hot.
Waste oil
A foundry fuel that is usually free but difficult to burn, waste oil (WO) comes from two main
sources. The first, waste vegetable oil (WVO), comes from fast food restaurants and your
last fish fry. The second, waste motor oil (WMO), comes from the local mechanic and your
last oil change. Be careful about burning used brake fluid, transmission fluid, etc., as it may
have chlorinated oils that release toxic fumes. WMO may also potentially contain trace
amounts of heavy metals (lead especially, from bearings in engines) that vaporize when
White metal
Any of a class of metals with melting points below the temperature required to emit visible
light. Lead, tin, and zinc are common examples.
Woodgas is the volatile vapor formed as wood is heated. This consists of water vapor and
various organic fractions, including hydrogen, methane, and carbon monoxide. Woodgas can
be produced and burned, using special apparatus, to fire a foundry in much the same way as
Wrought parts are cast into billets and hot or cold worked (extruded, rolled, forged, drawn,
etc.) into final shape, instead of being cast to near final shape. Alloys intended to be wrought
instead of cast typically have poor casting properties but higher malleability and ductility to
enable processing. Virtually all stock shapes are wrought, not cast.
Melting points given for alloys are approximations only and depend on the composition of
the alloy. Pouring temperatures are given as guidelines and can be varied to vary casting
Melting points for some entries are approximate, depending on exact composition.
Alloy Number: 6061 2024 7075 3004 356 443 4032 2618 A535
Composition (%)
Aluminum (Al) 97.90 95.90 93.37 97.80 91.13 94.20 85.00 93.70 92.82
Magnesium (Mg) 1.00 1.50 2.50 1.00 0.32 - 1.00 1.60 7.00
Copper (Cu) 0.28 4.35 1.60 - 0.25 0.60 0.90 2.30 -
Silicon (Si) 0.60 0.50 - - 7.00 5.20 12.20 0.18 -
Iron (Fe) - 0.50 0.50 - 0.60 - - 1.10 -
Manganese (Mn) - 0.60 0.30 1.20 - - - - 0.18
Zinc (Zn) - 0.25 5.60 - 0.35 - - - -
Chromium (Cr) 0.20 0.10 0.23 - - - - - -
Nickel (Ni) - - - - - - 0.90 1.00 -
Titanium (Ti) - 0.15 - - - - - 0.07 -
When two values are listed, the first value is for the material at room temperature (approx.
20°C) and the second value is for the material at high temperature (approx. 1100°C). If
only one value is listed, it will be most accurate near room temperature. While the
coefficients of linear expansion and specific heat capacities of various materials are often
not even close to linear, a linear interpolation between the high and low values provided
should yield results accurate enough for the average hobbyist.
For some of the more obscure thermodynamic data in this table, different sources reported
wildly inconsistent values. This table is an assemblage of the best data I could find;
however, it may have errors. Use the data below as a guideline only. (In particular, the
expansion behavior of crystalline silica is extremely complex, and depends on heating rates
and many other factors. A simple number cannot accurately describe its behavior.)
Material Density (g/cc) COLE (10-6/°C) SHC (J/g°C) Hf (J/g) TC (W/m K) Transition Temp (°C)
Al2O3 3.96 5.5/10.1 0.753/1.247 1092.6 46.0 --
B2O3 2.55 2.5 ??? 352.8 ??? --
CaO 3.34 11.7 ??? 1426.6 ??? --
Fe2O3 5.25 9.2/10.4 ??? ??? ??? --
K2O 2.35 26.2 ??? ??? ??? --
Li2O 2.01 5.4 ??? ??? ??? --
MgO 3.58 12.8 ??? 1910.5 ??? --
Na2O 2.27 30.7 ??? 774.5 ??? --
SiO2 (amorphous) 2.20 0.40/0.45 0.670/0.750 159.8 1.7 --
SiO2 (α-quartz) 2.65 8.1/18.9 0.742/1.381 159.8 1.7 573 (to β-quartz)
SiO2 (β-quartz) 2.53 8.1/18.9 0.742/1.381 159.8 1.7 867 (to tridymite)
SiO2 (tridymite) 2.30 8.1/18.9 1.123/1.181 159.8 1.7 1470 (to cristobalite)
SiO2 (cristobalite) 2.33 8.1/18.9 1.185/1.211 159.8 1.7 stable above 1470
Mullite 2.80 5.0/5.3 0.950 ??? 3.5 --
SiC 3.10 4.0 0.670 ??? 125.6/77.5 --
Graphite 2.25 4.3 0.708 ??? 24.0 --
Aluminum 2.70 22.1/27.4 0.900 386.9 210.0 --
Copper 8.93 16.7/24.8 0.385 204.8 398/357 --
Zinc 7.10 29.7 0.390 110.0 112.2 --
Tin 5.77 23.8/40.3 0.213 59.5 62.8/32.6 --
Lead 11.34 29.2 0.129/0.139 24.1 33.0 --
Brass 8.47 20.3 0.380 160.0 116.0 --
Firing cost is computed using propane at $1/lb, and is for a furnace lining that is fired in
place. Firing in a kiln will cost roughly three times as much, depending on the form factor
of the ware and the design of the kiln.
Many of these properties are approximations or typical values: commercial products come
in a wide range of densities, temperature tolerances, etc., and there is unavoidably some
variation in the properties of homemade ceramics, even when made from the same recipe.
In particular, costs will vary widely depending on the source of the ingredients, and will
change over time.
Densities given are bulk density for a fired product, not homogeneous material density.
Pyrometric cones read slightly differently between different brands and types of cone, and
many of the values on this table are extrapolated because cones in that particular heat range
are not commonly tested for those heating rates. This table is accurate enough for general
reference, but a data sheet from the manufacturer of the cones you plan to use will be much
more accurate.
Patternmakers' rulers are special rulers with the shrinkage of the metal already taken into
account. These rulers are somewhat of a relic nowadays, as computers make it easy to
calculate shrinkage and apply it manually. Still, they may come in handy for simple layout
tasks, and are generally easier to deal with for whole-number measurements (which end up
as odd decimal values on an ordinary ruler). The shrinkage values used here are for typical
alloys; aluminum in particular has a large variance in shrinkage between cast and wrought
alloys. Computer graphics programs make it relatively easy to make a custom ruler for a
particular alloy by scaling a ruler graphic to the desired size.