2007rundbrief Engl
2007rundbrief Engl
2007rundbrief Engl
Warmest regards,
Anne [email protected]
4 Newsletter 2007
Khordong Board
Monastary in India
Account of the Byangter Initiations by Taklung Tsetul Rinpoche 8
Theme: Byangter
Cover Picture, from the Guru Yoga of the Gompa Zhangtal 18
An Account of the Origin and Development
of the Byang-gter or Northern Treasures Tradition, by Martin Boord 20
The Preliminary Practice of the ‘Zer Nga’ of Byangter, by David Cowey 31
The Heart Nectar of the Saints. A Prayer of Aspiration,
that Condenses the Essence of the Oral Teachings,
by H.H. Dudjom Rinpoche 35
Archives Project 40
Book Project 42
Events/Review 2006
James Low in Berlin, by Liz 44
Tulku Thondup in Berlin, by Ralf 46
Keith Dowman in Berlin, by Andreas 47
Jomo Gudrun in Berlin, by Ralf 49
Martin Boord in Berlin, by Anna A. 50
Practice Groups
Information 56
Membership Form 57
Khordong e.V. 5
Letters to the Sangha
we would like to give you an overview of Following this announcement, the new
the association’s activities. managing committee (Vorstand) was elec-
ted, which now consists of Andreas Ruft
The German Khordong-Association
(1.chairperson), Anne Wanitschek (2.chair-
(Khordong e.V.) was informally founded in
person) and Wolfgang Zimmermann (treasu-
1993. However, in 1996 it was listed in the
rer). Norbert Ohl has once again accepted
Register of Associations (Vereinsregister) of
the accountancy role (Cash auditor).
Frankfurt a.M. In 1998 the office of the asso-
ciation was moved to Tübingen, and in 1999 Next on the agenda of the assembly were
the association got the legal status of an or- the financial reports for 2004/2005, which
ganisation contributing to general welfare. were very detailed and thorough, so a big
thanks to Wolfgang and Norbert. They have
The aim of Khordong e.V. according to
now been eased of this managing committee
§2 of the statute is the cultivation and pro-
task, after having done the 2004/2005 activ-
motion of all schools of the Buddhist religi-
ity reports.
on, particularly the Khordong line of the Ny-
ingma school of Tibetan Buddhism, whilst at The activities of the managing committee
the same time not excluding other lines and were among others:
– Mailing of newsletter and flyers.
This for instance means: finding rooms
– Providing support for the activities of the
where practice can take place, organizing
monastery in India, such as printing and
events with qualified teachers, collecting and
mailing flyers and detailed brochures
maintaining Buddhist art and ritual instru-
about the big 2006 Byangter Cycle of In-
ments, archiving Buddhist scriptures, audio-
itiations, emailing event information as
and videotapes, translating and distributing
well as posting it on the website, in addi-
these, cooperating with other centers and
tion to informing many centres around the
supporting them, sponsoring of certain prac-
world about the event.
titioners, and much more.
– The Polish Khordong-Association was
Since the death of Rinpoche Gudrun
supported in part through donations. In-
Knausenberger is the spiritual head of Khor-
formation about their events was distribu-
dong e.V.
ted via e-mail and the website, and ap-
The last regular assembly of the members peals for donations were forwarded.
took place on October 22nd 2006 in Berlin.
– The archive was extended and older re-
Rolf Haberer, who had been First Chair- cordings were digitalized.
man of Khordong e.V. since 1999, used this
– Buddhist events were organized and
occasion to resign from his position. The
sponsored; five of these took place in
reason for his departure being that he felt he
Berlin in 2006.
would not be able to devote as much time to
the association as he wished, since he is cur- – Publishing
rently very busy in his job. We would like to The following titles have been already
thank him here cordially for everything he
published (some in cooperation with
has done for the association. Having a deep,
other publishing houses)
heartfelt connection with Rinpoche and be-
ing so close to the Sangha, he has shaped the MARTIN J. BOORD, A bolt of Lightning
association in a substantial way. We wish From The Blue, The vast commentary on
him rapid and successful business develop- Vajrakila that clearly defines the essen-
ment so that we can work together in the fu- tial points, edition Khordong, Berlin,
ture. 2002
6 Newsletter 2007
Tulku Thondup
JAMES LOW, Being Right Here, Com- which could not for various reasons be allo-
mentary on The Mirror of Clear Meaning cated to that purpose, such as the collection
by Nuden Dorje, Snow Lion, 2004 of money for Tara´s journey to Tibet, which
did not take place. It was decided that dona-
JAMES LOW, Hier und Jetzt Sein,
tions up to the amount of €50 will be given
Edition Mandarava, Gutenstein, 2005
to other projects; however, donors of larger
JAMES LOW, Being Guru Rinpoche, sums will be contacted.
Commentary on Nuden Dorjes Terma:
Donations, whether meant for a special or
The Vidyadhara Guru Sadhana, Trafford,
general purpose are always very welcome.
If you need a receipt for the donation please
JAMES LOW, Eins mit Guru Rinpoche, let us know so that we can arrange one for
Ein Kommentar zur Vidyadhara Guru you since we don’t automatically provide
Sadhana, edition Khordong, Berlin, 2007 them.
The yearly fees for the membership have
not changed. They are €60 for singles and
The following titles are forthcoming
€90 for couples. A reduction of the fee can
MARTIN J. BOORD, A Bolt of Lightning be granted upon request. Whoever wants to
From The Blue (new edition) join the association is welcome to do so with
JAMES LOW, Commentary to The the attached form in the last pages of this
Butterlamp Prayer, first in English, then newsletter.
in German In case you feel inclined to support our
JAMES LOW, Revised Translation and projects – we can always use some help.
Commentary on Leo Dünma, first in Whether this could be by translating, ty-
English ping, transcribing, archiving, mailing,
editing of recordings, designing websites and
filling them with content, organizing of or
We also discussed the current office si- helping at events… or even by giving finan-
tuation. Ultimately, we would like a space cial support, we are very happy to receive
where the archives and the publishing house any help and time that you may wish to vol-
material can be stored, which could serve as unteer.
office, and where eventually practitioners
could meet, or it could even be the location Best wishes,
for Khordong´s events. Your Managing Committee of the Ger-
Another issue that was discussed was that man Khordong-Association
of donations intended for a specific purpose, Andreas, Anne, Wolfgang
Khordong e.V. 7
Monastary in India
I have just returned from a short visit to Siliguri. Honestly, I was quite afraid to go back
there. I had feared that I would miss our Rinpoche so much and that his absence would over-
whelm me emotionally. Instead of this, the moment I reached there I felt so much at home and
utterly peaceful during my whole stay. There was nothing missing! Many of the people there
had similar experiences; they felt that Rinpoche was totally present there. So I am very grate-
ful, especially to Ugen and Sashi who have devoted their whole lives to looking after the place
and filling it with life. Bringing young monks there for education and encouraging learned
ones to stay, teach and continue practicing at the temple. It was also a wonderful opportunity
to meet many people of our sangha after so many years. I enjoyed the practices together, the
conversations and just spending time together.
Rolf and I reached Siliguri the day before the last ceremony with H.H. Taklung Tsetrul
Rinpoche. So we were not fortunate enough to receive any teachings or initiations from him
but we had the chance to speak to him personally. On a few occasions I invited him to come to
Darnkow, Poland in the summer to give initiations, lungs and teachings there. He assured me
that he would like to come, but he needs to have an eye operation and can only let us know
after Losar if he would actually be able to come. So let’s please pray for the success of his op-
eration and for his good health. It would be really wonderful to receive his teachings on the
Byangter practices that Chhimed Rigdzin Rinpoche gave us. There are the Guru Drakpo,
Vajrakila, Drowa Kundrol (Chenresig), Thukdrub, Dongdrub, Leudunma, Zer Nga which have
already been translated by Rinpoche and James Low into English.
I hope to see many of you again in Darnkow this year and hopefully we have the good luck
to welcome H.H. Taklung Tsetrul Rinpoche there.
But if we don’t meet personally I wish you happiness and good health, joyful and peaceful
practice and I hope that you will accomplish whatever you wish in your life.
8 Newsletter 2007
Byangter Initiation
Khordong e.V. 9
Polish Center Drophang Ling
Account of the Byangter-Initiation
by S.H. Taklung Tsetrul Rinpoche
to see many of Rinpoche’s disciples back come, organize Losar, reinforce the structure
here once again after a gap of several years. of the Society and the organization of the life
here and of course close accounts.
Then one after another, our Dharma
brothers and sisters left to go back home or The transmission has been a great success
continue their journey. We finally matched but it also has its cost. We are very happy to
the number of lamps on Dakini Day, January have been so dearly supported by those who
13th 2007 and the retreat ended on January came here to attend and some of you from
14th with a total of 118, 000 lamps having Europe who could not come but have been
been offered.
Then it all went very fast, most people so generous. We are grateful and fortunate
flew back or went up to the hills. Tulku because such transmissions mean never-en-
Ugen had been invited to Bodhgaya by the ding and unexpected expenses.
organizing committee of the Nyingma Mon-
Thanks to many of you, we could once
lam. So he is there at the moment together
again offer all the lamps as usual. Otherwise,
with Norbu Gyaltsen, it is a great opportuni-
without your support we would have ended
ty for both of them to represent the gompa
the transmission exercise unable to offer the
there and to build new relationships based on
lamps and we would have been empty-han-
the success of the transmission.
ded in the months to come.
Gompalang is now back to its usual quiet
So at the end, all is well…
state. The young lamas went back home for a
Warmest wishes to all,
10 days break and Renate, Jean-Jacques,
Jens, Arnaud, Nathalie and I are staying here
at the moment enjoying a few peaceful days. Sarwa Mangalam.
Soon the time will come to fix things here Alexis
and there, define direction for the year to
Khordong e.V. 11
Polish Center Drophang Ling
12 Newsletter 2007
Summer Retreat in Darnkow
Gudrun gave the Padmasambhava initiati- lumns, painted elements of the ceiling but
on. I am really glad that although Rinpoche white walls with thangkas on them.
passed away, the Padmasambhava initiation • As it is now – all walls are white but
is given every year (by Gudrun or Tulku painted (now we have only plaster) with
Ugen). Thanks to that Rinpoche`s transmis- thangkas on them.
sion is still alive and new people can get be-
We have to choose one solution. Next
nefit from it.
year, during the summer retreat we will hold
All teachings from 2006 (and teachings the General Members Assembly and make a
and retreats from previous years, also recor- decision, but now all of us can express their
dings of retreats with Rinpoche) are availa- opinions and give input. Soon we will pre-
ble on CD or MP3. You can order them di- sent detailed descriptions of all three soluti-
rectly from Jacek Skirucha – email address: ons on the website and you can vote on one
[email protected] of them. Each of us can present his/her opi-
We also held the Association members nion because the gompa belongs to all of us.
assembly where we also discussed the inside I would like to remind you that next year du-
decoration of the gompa. We came up with ring the general assembly we will elect a
three ideas: new Management Board.
Next year is going to be a special one. We
• Traditional – to invite painters from Bhu-
will celebrate the 10th anniversary of the
tan, who painted Siliguri gompa and have
Center, in 1998 we held the retreat up here at
the whole gompa decorated in the tradi-
the wooden gompa (now used as dormitory).
tional way – all walls covered with pain-
Do you remember? We have to celebrate this
anniversary. I request you to send photos
• Middle way – elements of traditional de- from 1998 retreat.
coration – maroon paneling, stylized co-
Khordong e.V. 13
Polish Center Drophang Ling
Also, donations for the gompa in amount of 3 792 PLN were collected.
Tentative plans for 2007: more year and then apply. If we qualify
we can use the money for the canteen
Butterlamps offering as usual. If every-
overhaul repair. With good maintenance
thing goes smoothly we will have a retreat
in winter the gompa can survive one more
with Taklung Tsetrul Rinpoche, who has al-
winter without heating.
ready accepted our invitation. Details will be
known after the retreat in Siliguri where Gu- • Overhaul repair of the kitchen and can-
drun will again invite Rinpoche to visit teen
Darnkow. We also invited Tulku Thondup
Rinpoche, but his schedule for next year has • It is necessary especially if we (and I hope
not been fixed and although he would like to we will) have retreats with Taklung Tse-
come, nothing has been decided. trul Rinpoche.
• Inside doors in the gompa
Finally, the most important plan to be • Window sills and painting of walls on the
realized in 2007: 1st floor
• Gompa heating systemI need to explain • Library – buying of bookcases and arran-
why we decided not to install the heating ging and extending the library
system in 2006 although everything was • Finishing of the gompa facade – balcony
ready to do so. It turns out that there is a banisters
possibility of 75% reimbursement of the
costs from EU development funds. The You can see that we still need funds for
only condition is to apply before we start these investments. I hope that thanks to
installation. This should be no problem sponsors, thanks to support of all of you we
because although we have already prepa- will realize our plans, as in the past. Even
red the project, all materials have been the smallest donations make progress.
gathered but we have not started building
anything. All funds for 2006 have been
already allotted, so to get any money we Best regards,
have to wait till the new reimbursement Sarva Mangalam
program starts. It starts in 2007. While it
is true that we do not know the criteria of Anna Siwecka
application acceptance the Association
board decided to take a chance, wait one
14 Newsletter 2007
Summer Retreat in Darnkow
belonging to the past: literally bucketfuls of Christoph: No, this is not working.
marvellous, sootfree burning palm butter Dagmar: Why not?
was at our disposal. The butterlamps were Christoph: Because the powers are so strong,
beaming and we were beaming, too, murmu- we would disintegrate.
ring mantras or chanting many seven lines
And after we had noticed, it was worth a
prayers in the evening with Christoph or sit-
try to dip the cleaning rags in oil:
ting on buckets and wooden planks in the
Susanne (asking Ralf): How is it running?
sunshine. The distressful time of sticking
Ralf (dead dry): It is running down.
lamps, becoming more and more unsightly
with every burning process was over once Still quite witty in the evening:
and for all. Thought we. Until we learned of Somebody: What is it actually, what we are
the remainders of the year before. Harshly doing here???
being brought back to the reality of cleaning, Ralf: Oil change. Twice a day.
we were deciding instantly a spontanous Not quite as witty in the early morning
campaign for donations for more magnifi- hours:
cent, superb, whitely cooling down palm Susanne: The butterlamp falls to the floor-
butter and were resigning ourselves to the making me gay as a lark once more.
(oh, so terrible!) fate of another – the very Ralf: The butterlamp, the butterlamp
last! – week filled with soybean oil. Aside was burning down the summer camp.
from hushed muttering, cautious grumbling,
and newly flaring up technique debates this The absolute Highlight during the butter-
oil period was giving birth to a rich flouris- lamp time was on account of Compas. Being
hing of unbeatable gallows humour, particu- one evening so obviously occupied with
larly during advanced night hours. mysterious activities, that he was very soon
provoking the most curious questions. Yet
Here are some excerpts:
these were just bouncing against an impenet-
Jacek (the small) was quoting, he had been rable pokerface, being responded by the
reciting so many mantras, he must have had claim for more patience. It was one of those
attained absolute siddhis. periods of long butterlamp nights. Around
Dagmar: In that case, it would really be fine, midnight he was bobbing up again with se-
if you could clean the lamps by virtue of veral utterly stuffed plastic bags in the lamp-
your mental abilities. light of the butterlamp house, where in the
16 Newsletter 2007
Summer Retreat in Darnkow
mild summernight we were cleansing oursel- Olaf we have been owing much in this re-
ves through the remaining butterlamp spect:without the sight of his figure repea-
buckets. And all of a sudden there was a bar- tedly strolling by, in the long run we would
becue standing beside us on the lawn and we not have been able to liberate ourselves at
were having – like christmas in summer – at least from time to time from our own con-
one o'clock in the morning a completely un- stricting tunnelvision (rag-butterlamp-box-
expected grill party with delicious meat, sau- bucket-rag-butterlamp-box and so forth).
sages, roasted bread, and cheese. It was in- The sight of him however – blossomwhite
credibly gorgeous! Wonderful! Magnificent jeans – tanned body – relaxed defocused
and splendid! And so yummy! A further gaze – was leveraging us not only to unex-
highlight, connected with banquet meal and pected visualisation exercises (e.g. Olaf plus
delicacy was the birthday of Ania's and blossomwhite jeans plus tanned body equals
Hondzik's daughter Drolma, to which all at- Olaf plus surfboard plus Darnkow equals
tendants had been invited. We were sitting Olaf plus surfboard plus beach ambiance
all around the fireplace in front of Ania's and equals us all in California on the beach
Hondzik's house, chatting, watching Drolma equals ice in the sunshine... well, and so on),
sitting amongst her presents, taking care, that but also to the recurring recognition, that
the dogs would not steel our tasty polish sau- everything is transient and that also the „age
sages, drinking beer and wine, and roasting of the butterlamps“ will be eventually follo-
slices of zucchini. I was finding the openness wed by other times.
of Ania and Hondzik most beautiful and spe-
The big Jacek being more beautiful than
cial. I am believing, that this event has been
ever, was bringing fresh cleaning rags exact-
an important contribution to the recently ari-
ly in the right moment: an entire sack with
sing feeling of many that especially the po-
super fantastic, stunning winter bed linen!
lish and german sangha is growing together.
As usual Christoph was a rock in the surf
with his enthusiastic endurance, completely But it was gaudy not just around the but-
unswerving. He was bringing us chilling mo- terlamp house, but also in the gompa. Ricar-
ments and refreshing visualisati- da was standing every morning cer-
ons: While we were igniting the tainly at five o'clock in the tsogkit-
lamps at 50°C (or maybe rather chen, which had been relocated and
60°???), we were by virtue of our had outgrown it's provisional com-
spirit enjoying wonderful minutes mencements. She was practising
in fantastic swimming-pools, ti- magic on and on – it was simply
led, and filled with splendid, amazing!!! Raw vegetarian salads
cool, turquoise blue water, till fi- with dressing, yeah!!! Incessantly
nally our concentration was flag- new unimagined creations and com-
ging, and we were surfacing binations were coming into being in
again, bathed in sweat, with the aesthetic variations: stuffed eggs and
notorious grey-black rags and a pancakes, partysnacks, quark dishes
butterlamp in our hands in the ful and so on and on... so much love has
midday-sun. With his sonorous, been flowing through her hands.
at times slightly croaking voice he was mo- Every day. Over and over again. Tirelessly.
reover inducing many a meditative cleansing She has been overwhelming us indeed...
break, pulling us along, often accompanied Whereas Bernhard has been providing us
by Karin radiating real warmness of heart. with another kind of variegation of our daily
Despite the great heat Wenzel was putting practise, through giving a real personal touch
his back admirably into it. With his mean- to the originally rather calm guru-yoga secti-
while legendary humour and unbelievable on of the Big Rigdzin. His biggest hit was
shoves of energy he was ensuring that the his own original modification of the passage
butterlampfraction was enduring even the „...and then he is dissolving from the head
most dark and desertlike periods, defying all UPWARDS and from the feet DOWN-
dead calms and symptoms of fatigue. Also to
Khordong e.V. 17
Cover Picture Gongpa Zangthal
WARDS into a ball of light, which is (mel- Anyway a lot of children have been present,
ting, sinking) through the fontanelle...“etc. which was very much animating the entire
Meanwhile a dictum in our Berlin practise retreat. As far as I can judge this, the mo-
group and unforgettable. Unforgettable, too, thers were supporting each other and taking
the intractable fit of laughter, in which I was regular turns in caring for the kids. And yet
finding myself being catapulted by this inno- it seems to be difficult every now and again,
vative creation. My visualisation was perfect to bring children aand retreat into accor-
and so exhilarating, that I was finally run- dance. Maybe it is making sense to think
ning from the gompa, throwing myself on once about establishing a childcare.
the grass, being shaken still for a long time Looking back the butterlampretreat was a
by fits of laughter. I must have been heard time of small miracles: in times when the
still inside the gompa. cleansing gang was melting and downhear-
And last but not least: Susanne! Susanne, tedness was spreading, many, many hands
whose shoe laces we were knotting from were materializing like out of nowhere and
time to time backhandedly and tacitly, like all of a sudden seventeen human beings were
Ralf who was giving his debut during this re- present and somehow some were finding
treat was formulating impishly. Susanne is again and again the way out of bed, out of
certainly meriting this year's Butterlamp-Su- the sleeping bag to the butterlamphouse, to
pervision-Medal as well as the distinguished ignite the lamps. In the end and to all our
Butterlamp Service Cross. She was not only surprise we could clean and light 2000 lamps
mistress of figures during the last two
and calculations, but days in a completely
also of the fallow relaxed way and fi-
cleaning potential nally have been rea-
and was showing us dy-ready-ready!!!
possibilities, which And were celebrating
many among us were under the pelting
not even thinking of rain, which had been
in their dreams. She setting in several
was encouraging us, days before – a lucul-
consoling, applau- lan festival in the di-
ding, controlling and ning hall with the no-
flourishing during torious sausages,
the terminal phase beer, and wodka from
once again, when she Michael – celebrating
was giving her bles- at the same time
sings to the shining Jaqueline's birthday.
cleaned metal ves- In the dining hall
sels. Hondzik was resi-
ding, flanked by a fri-
Meanwhile Lara
endly, young woman from Kudowa and ac-
(Susanne's daughter) was eating many, many
companied by Ania, who was taking on him
sweet cherries, reading many, many stories
the kitchen during this retreat. There were so
to Yeshe (Anne's daughter), was guarding
few confirmed applications, that the cooking
Yeshe's sleep, undefatigably and extremely
has not been a heavy load for him. On the
responsible. All this to give Anne time for
other hand surely also certain negative re-
her retreat as well as for such swell things as
marks concerning last summerretreat's food
for example carrying me on her back up the
were making this solution advisable. It is li-
whole way from the kitchen to the lamphou-
kely, that the fact, that a sangha member was
se, during a sudden feeling of faintness,
overtaking the cooking, has been the reason
which she was really managing. How beauti-
for the familiar atmosphere prevailing
ful this was!
throughout the whole retreat. Sure, I was
cooking most of the time for myself. But I
18 Newsletter 2007
was tasting often. It was always delicious and powerful place all through the last years,
and dainty. Everybody else was having posi- I am yet appreciating this new quality, which
tive things to tell as well. The tuna-cheese- is slowly but steadily letting us become a
salad has been particularly famous. mutually supporting interwoven community.
Yet not only the butterlamp retreat has Finally some statements concerning the
been a success, but also the polish-german butterlamp retreat:
endeavours for friendship were reaching a
Stanislawa Wojcik-Sulyok:
peak. A profound sensation of growing to-
In the middle of the retreat I was wanting to
gether has been becoming perceptible. A dif-
leave, because I was feeling insulted, but
ferent kind of openness for one another has
now everything is purifying itself. There is
been starting to reign. New connections have
more mutual support among the german mo-
been tied and existing ones intensified. The
thers. I am finding you (germans) more sym-
close frame, being created by the situation,
that though not exactly many of rinpoches
students are still coming every year, yet tho- Ralf:
se are doing so constantly and reliably, is One is recognizing always, who has been
providing a fertile ground for this process. freshly arriving, because the eyes are still
Ever more people are knowing ever more of dull. Later they are shining.
each other, a little bit like in a village. Every- Susanne:
body is becoming more and more transpa- Heaven and hell.
rent. I have been experiencing this in the
way, that the challenge to take a stand and to Ula:
be confronted is increasing. Yet at the same Great sangha. People in our sangha change
time the chance of mutual support honestly every year and become better and better.
interlinked with one another, meaning also They are much more quiet, gentle, sensitive.
truthful confrontation, is increasing as well. First time I am not sad, that I am leaving this
There has been but a little fighting during place, because I can feel: what I feel here, I
this retreat, actually none at all. Which is not can feel everywhere. But I am very happy to
meaning, that there have been no conflicts. come here every year and stay here as long
They have been only dealt with in another as possible.
way. Punchs below the belt or violations out Compas:
of ignorance were staying away. Fairness Phat!
was ruling.
If I am sometimes regretting, that so few
are only taking advantage of this wonder- Dagmar Wielart
Khordong e.V. 19
20 Newsletter 2007
Byang-gter Tradition
T he thanka of Chhimed Rigdzin Rinpoche which we have chosen for the this years cover,
has been painted according to the Guru-Yoga text of Gongpa Zangthal (Dzogchen cycle
of Byangter). Rinpoche himself gave explanations to this thanka (for example the mudra of
Shrishimha). The thanka was painted by Kumbu, a bhutanese artist, who also was responsible
for the artistic decoration of the Khordong Gompa in Siliguri. The colours are natural colours
based on minerals. We scanned the thanka and if you like to download it, you can do it here:
Printed on canvas the thanka looks incredibly beautiful and very similar to the original.
The passage in the text, where the visualization is described, is as follows:
Below is Padmasambhava,
he is pink and stately beautiful.
He holds a five prong dorje and a skull bowl
filled with nectar.
Below, on a lotus, is my kindest Root Lama in the posture and with the attributes of Dorje
Chang. He is directly in my heart centre.
All these Lamas are preciously decorated and are looking at me. On the other branches of the
lotus tree all the Khandros are gathering. I offer to all of them my body and everything which
gives me pleasure. I give fully everything I love and also those things for which I feel greed –
food, my property, my friends... With great devotion I pray to the assembly with the following
Khordong e.V. 21
22 Newsletter 2007
Byang-gter Tradition
Khordong e.V. 23
treat until the signs of success were accom- out the key to the treasures. At the first crack
plished. With the blessings of guru Padma- of dawn on the eighth day of the snake
sambhava, who actually appeared as a yogin month in the year of the fire horse (1366),
and trained him, bZang-po grags-pa unear- there came from the east a beam of white
thed a number of treasure texts, including light “like the trunk of the wish-fulfilling
the famous Seven Chapter Prayer of Padma- kalpalata” that struck the summit of mount
sambhava (Le’u bdun ma) and the Prayer bKra-bzang and a spot beneath that was indi-
Which Clears the Path of all Obstacles (gSol cated by a light fall of snow. Thus, from the
’debs bar chad lam sel). From the temple of vicinity of three obelisks (rdo ring) within
Gram-pa-rgyang, built in the seventh century the cavity of a projecting white rock (’dzeng
by Srong-btsan sgam-po, [5] he took out ri- brag dkar po) beneath the summit of Ri-bo
tuals of both Hayagriva and Maitreya and bkra-bzang, rGod-ldem-can unearthed the
then, in 1364 at rGyang yon-po-lung, he dis- next link in the chain of the Northern Trea-
covered several sadhana of Vajrapani, guides sures in the form of seven paper scrolls
to places of pilgrimage, and keys to the dis- (shog ril). These scrolls were stored in a box
covery of yet more gter ma. Among these of stone, arranged together with others of
texts, eight were related to the bronze and copper so as to ser-
concealed treasures of Zang-zang ve the mountain as its heart,
lha-brag, including the Gab pa mouth and eye. In order to
snying gi lde mig (Key to the compensate for the removal of
Concealed Heart) which specifically mentio- these scrolls, Rig-’dzin rgod-ldem buried
ned the discovery of the naga jewel on the another treasure in their place, sponsored by
eastern slope of mount bKra-bzang, and also the king of Gung-thang, and the resultant ca-
the essential inventory (snying byang) entit- vity known as rLung-gseng (Windy Hollow)
led Man ngag gnas kyi don bdun ma. [6] In is reported to be still in existence today. [10]
the new year (February/ March 1365) bZang- During the new year celebrations on the fol-
po grags-pa entrusted these texts to sTon-pa lowing year, as Rig-’dzin rgod-ldem reached
bsod-nams dbang-phyug [7] and two compa- the age of thirty, a fruit tree spontaneously
nions with instructions to pass them on to “a grew up there which is also thought to have
yogin carrying a statue or rosary in his hand” remained until now.
that supposedly they would encounter to the
Two months later, on the fourth day of
east of the Zang-zang mountain and who
the sheep month 1366, Rig-’dzin rgod-ldem
would begin to engage them in a conversati-
was engaged in the rite of bestowing upon
on concerning bKra-shis-lde, the ruler of
his disciples the abhiseka of Vajrakila. Du-
Gung-thang. [8]
ring the preliminary section of the rite, just
A week or so later, as the three travellers as he was establishing the mandala of deities
were eating their meal on the bank of a within the bodies of his disciples, the guru
stream near Brag-lung monastery in northern arose and led his followers up into the
gYas-ru, rGod-ldem-can arrived there from mountains that look like a heap of poisonous
sNa-mo-lung carrying in his hands a brass snakes (dug sbrul spung ’dra). The texts des-
image of Vajrakila and a rosary. As they cribe the air as sweetly scented and filled
spoke together, Rig-’dzin rgod-ldem lamen- with rainbows as Rig-’dzin rgod-ldem gui-
ted the death of Khri bKra-shis-lde and all ded his disciples to the southwest face of the
the requirements of the prophecy were fulfil- mountain where the atmosphere glowed with
led. Recognizing him as the one they sought, ruby-red light in the splendour of the setting
they handed over the various treasure scrolls sun. They climbed up to a mountain cave
together with a letter of good wishes sealed and, leaving two disciples stationed beneath
by Padmasambhava himself. the entrance, [11] rGod-ldem-can went insi-
de and began to pray. As the sky grew dark
Upon his return to sNa-mo-lung,
following the setting of the sun, the rock
Rig-’dzin rgod-ldem interpreted the rising of
cave began to tremor and shake as a sign that
the planet Jupiter in the eighth lunar mansion
the master of the treasures (gter bdag) had
[9] as a sign that the time had come to take
24 Newsletter 2007
Byang-gter Tradition
arrived. At midnight they lit a number of The front (eastern) compartment of the
butter-lamps and by their light the group was box was fashioned of white conch shell and
able to discern upon the rock the clear image contained texts of the rGyu ’bras la ldog pa
of a visvavajra. When the guru pressed be- cycle, putting an end to cause and effect, as
neath that mark with his paper scroll (the well as the dGongs pa nam mkha’ dang
symbolic key to the treasures) it seemed to mnyam pa’i chos teachings on the similarity
open like a door onto a triangular chamber of the awakened mind to the sky, and the
within which they found a pale blue snake of tantras of the Ka dag rang byung rang shar
liquid copper with a yellow belly, as thick as cycle concerning the natural presence and
a man’s arm. It was lying in a coil with its arising of primordial purity.
face to the southeast upon a square blue sto-
The golden southern chamber of the chest
ne, the top of which was marked in nine sec-
contained the sNyen sgrub rnam pa bzhi’i
tions with silver coloured nails so that it re-
chos teachings on the fourfold practice of
sembled the back of a tortoise. The coils of
deity invocation, and the texts of the gSang
the snake looked like an enormous eight-si-
sgrub guru drag po rtsal and bKa’ brgyad
ded precious stone and upon its heart were
drag po rang byung rang shar. These import-
three gem-like excrescences from which
ant ritual cycles became famous “like the sun
were extracted a roll of paper and a symbolic
and the moon” due to the brightness and cla-
jewel (rin po che’i rtags tsam cig).
rity that they induced within the minds of
Resting upon the blue stone slab, concea- those who practised them. Also in this cham-
led within the serpent’s coils, lay a maroon ber were found texts relating to Vajrakila in
leather casket, the five-fold repository of the his form as Mahottarakila with nine faces
Northern Treasures. and eighteen hands.
From the central compartment of deep red From the western compartment of red
leather, Rig-’dzin rgod-ldem took out the copper, Rig-’dzin rgod-ldem took out the
Kun bzang dgongs pa zang thal cycle in four rTen ’brel khyad par can and the Phyi sgrub
volumes, said to be the distilled essence of ’gro ba kun grol which form part of the rTen
one hundred thousand profound texts of the ’brel chos bdun cycle. He also took out the
Great Perfection. This cycle was subsequent- Tsan dan gyi sdong bu lta bu’i chos and a
ly to become one of the most famous and re- volume in which were found the rTa mgrin
vered of all the expositions of atiyoga doctri- dregs pa dbang sdud, the ’Khor ’das dbang
nes in Tibet. From within this central com- sdud and the Lha chen teachings, as well as a
partment he also took out the teachings of further volume containing the Byang chub
Bla ma rig ’dzin gdung sgrub and other texts sems dpa’i spyod dbang.
related to the sadhana of guru, deva and da-
Within the black northern compartment
kini, [12] together with the atiyoga texts
of iron were found the most violent of
of Vajrakila and three kila wrapped in
all the wrathful ritual texts. Many Va-
maroon silk, all of which had been acti-
jrakila teachings were taken from this
vated by Padmasambhava himself. The
chamber of the box as well as the dGra
first one he had used on the occasion of
bgegs thal bar rlog pa’i chos, a text
attaining siddhi in Yang-le-shod in Ne-
said to be as pernicious as the stem of a
pal, the second he was using when he
poisonous plant (dug gi sdong po lta bu).
saw the face of Vajrakila at dPal chu-bo-ri,
Eight treatises on the compounding of ritual
and the third he used to subjugate the ene-
medicine (sman gyi tshad byas pa) were also
mies and obstructors in sTag-tshang seng-ge
found there, together with further commenta-
bsam-’grub in Bhutan. [13] Also there were
ries (upadesa) and instructions on the ma-
thirty paper scrolls wrapped in blue silk,
king of ‘thread crosses’ (mdos) [14] but not
lockets of hair from the heads of Padma-
all of these texts were transcribed and disse-
sambhava, Khri Srong-lde’u-brtsan, Ye-shes
mtsho-rgyal, sNa-nam rdo-rje bdud-’joms
and others, as well as sundry additional sa- Having discovered these five treasuries of
cred articles (byin rlabs kyi rdzas). teachings (mdzod lnga), Rig-’dzin rgod-
Khordong e.V. 25
ldem is said to have organized each of the Apart from the gter ma which he himself
sections into one hundred and one parts and revealed, Rig-’dzin rgod-ldem held the key
rearranged the folios of yellow paper (shog to other lists of hiding places (them byang,
ser po ti) into pairs like mother and son, kha byang) and was thus instrumental in the
marked with the seed-syllables (bija) of the unearthing of many more texts and powerful
four goddesses of the gates. Building a small cult objects.
monastery at bKra-bzang which was inheri-
In fulfilment of the prophecies that descri-
ted as the residence of his son rNam-rgyal
be the treasures of Zang-zang lha-brag as
mgon-po, Rig-’dzin rgod-ldem then taught
being of particular importance to the dyna-
the doctrines contained within the fivefold
stic descendents of Khri Srong-lde’u-btsan,
treasury to his son, his wife and his chosen
in 1389 at the age of fifty-two, Rig-’dzin
pupils. [15]
rgod-ldem was appointed the role of perso-
These teachings became known as Byang- nal preceptor to the king of Gung-thang,
gter or Northern Treasures in order to distin- mChog-sgrub-lde. [18] The bla ma bestowed
guish them from the Lho-gter (Southern Tre- a large number of instructions and empower-
asures) that had been revealed in previous ments upon the king, as well as giving him
centuries by Nyang-ral nyi-ma ’od-zer Padmasambhava’s own kila called Srid
(1136-1204) and Guru chos-dbang gsum bdud ’dul [19] and other sundry sacred
(1212-1270). These three gter ston are wide- items of great potency. A particular cult ob-
ly renowned in Tibet as the kaya, vac and ject deemed to be endowed with especial
citta emanations of Padmasambhava himself power for the descendents of the royal line is
and thought to be the three greatest gter ston referred to in our texts as ‘the precious Gong
of all. khug ma.’ It remains unclear as to whether
this item is itself a text, or a ritual kila that
Rig-’dzin rgod-ldem is also credited with
was always carried by the siddha of Oddiya-
the discovery of seven ‘hidden lands’ (sbas
na and inherited from him, together with ap-
yul) in which people could live in happiness
propriate oral instructions, by Ye-shes mts-
in the peaceful pursuit of Dharma. [16] Ha-
ho-rgyal. [20] In either case it is reckoned to
ving gone to Sikkim (’Bras-mo gshong) in
represent the power of Vajrakila and embody
the year of the ox, he resided in the area for
the essence of the Vajrakila doctrines.
11 years (1373-84), experiencing many pro-
phetic dreams, working miracles there for It was during his period of residency with
the benefit of all beings, and blessing the king mChog-sgrub-lde that Rig-’dzin rgod-
land (especially the White Rock Cave of ldem opened up the hidden land of sKyid-
bKra-shis-lding) as a powerful place for me- mo-lung. Most of the period, however, he
ditation. [17] The Chronicle of the rulers of spent engaged in meditation in his monastery
Sikkim describes a local cult dedicated to the at Ri-bo dpal-’bar, a gift from the king.
holiest mountain in that vicinity (Gangs-
During summertime in the year of the
chen mdzod-lnga) as contained in the work
iron snake (1401), Rig-’dzin rgod-ldem be-
of a later Byang-gter gter ston, Shes-rab
stowed the extensive transmission of the
me-’bar. Sacred dances in honour of the dei-
dGongs pa zang thal upon Se-ston thugs-rje
ties thought to reside on the five peaks of
rgyal-mtshan and fifteen of his followers.
that mountain are annually performed by
Thus the important branch lineage in Se was
royal command on the full moon day of the
seventh Tibetan month and Rig-’dzin rgod-
ldem himself recovered further gter ma from Rig-’dzin rgod-ldem passed away in Zil-
the central peak. This secondary revelation gnon, Sikkim, at the age of seventy-one in
was in the form of images: one of Padma- 1408, the year of the male earth mouse. The
sambhava in wrathful guise and one of the large number of teachings and special tantric
goddess mThing-kha. Letters announcing precepts that he handed down to posterity
these discoveries were dispatched to Tibet were transmitted through the three lineages
suspended from the necks of vultures. known as the Mother, Son and Disciple li-
nes. The successive holders of these doctri-
26 Newsletter 2007
Byang-gter Tradition
nes are renowned as having attained many elder brother was the famous mNga’-ris pan-
higher and ordinary siddhi. chen. His father was his first teacher, but it
was from his root guru Sakya bzang-po that
he received the transmission of the Northern
Maintaining the continuity Treasures. [22] He also studied with a num-
of the tradition ber of other great masters of both bka’ ma
Having thus established the school of the and gter ma, and became a vital link in the
Northern Treasures in Tibet, Rig-’dzin rgod- transmission of the anuyoga teachings,
ldem remains, to this day, committed by his which he received from his father and subse-
vows as a bodhisattva to propagate these tea- quently entrusted to sKyi-ston Tshe-ring
chings so long as they continue to serve the dbang-po along a lineage that descended to
needs of humanity. Thus, in accordance with Rig-’dzin Padma ’phrin-las. From their pla-
his religious precepts, he is said to have ma- ces of concealement in bSam-yas, ’On-phu
nifested an emanation in the mid-14th centu- stag-tshangs and Lha-ri snying-po in Sikkim,
ry known as the rGod ldem yang sprul, the he revealed three further volumes of tea-
glorious (dpal ldan) ’Jam-dbyangs bla-ma. chings. [23]
Appearing in gTsang at upper Nyang, which
His elder brother, mNga’-ris pan-chen
is west of Yar-’brog lake along the Nyang-
Padma dbang-rgyal (1487-1543), [24] a dis-
chu river in the region of rGyal-rtse, from an
tinguished scholar and adept in the Byang-
early age ’Jam-dbyangs bla-ma made his
gter lineage, established a temporary monas-
home within a community of rNying-ma
tery around his mountainside retreat cave, to
practitioners and he was able to clear away
which he gave the name Evam lcog-sgar.
all their doubts and confusions concerning
[25] Anticipating the future expansion of
the teachings of both sutra and tantra. In up-
this encamped community of monks, he
per Nyang, in a secret Dakini treasure cave,
composed a strict code of conduct to be fol-
he discovered gter ma teachings including
lowed by all who dwelt there. [26] In this
powerful prayers to the guru, deva and daki-
way, the teachings of the vidyadhara house-
ni, through which thousands of individuals
holder rGod-ldem-can came to be the central
attained liberation. Bringing particular bles-
field of study for a community of ordained
sings to the local populations of Shangs,
bhiksu. These teachings were further supple-
rTa-nag and ’U-yug, the teachings revealed
mented by Padma dbang-rgyal’s own gter
by him at that time were later incorporated
ma discovery, the cycle of Rig ’dzin yongs
into the Northern Treasures system and the
’dus. [27] Encouraged by the gter ston Shes-
lineage of these teachings remained unbro-
rab ’od-zer, Padma dbang-rgyal continued to
ken even in the time of Kong-sprul blo-gros
build up both the fabric and the reputation of
mtha’-yas, who included several of these
this religious community and eventually
texts in the Rin chen gter mdzod and compo-
established the monastery of Thub-bstan
sed supplementary explanations to accompa-
gser-mdog-can. He died at the age of fifty-
ny them.
six in the village of ’On-sme-thang.
In 1550 Padma dbang-rgyal was reborn in
upper gYas-ru, northern Tibet, as bKra-shis
stobs-rgyal dbang-po’i-sde (1550-1607), the
son of clan chieftain Nam-mkha’ rin-chen, a
The first of his ‘great’ incarnations, ho- descendent of the kings of Mi-nyag. His mo-
wever, said to have been predicted by Kun- ther was Chos-skyong ’dzom-chen. Furthe-
skyong gling-pa, was in mNga’-ris glo-bo ring the work of his predecessor, bKra-shis
[21] as the gter ston Legs-ldan bdud-’joms stobs-rgyal discovered important gter ma in
rdo-rje (1512-1625). His father at that time the temple of ?rya Palo in bSam-yas, and in
was ’Jam-dbyangs rin-chen rgyal-mtshan, a the golden stupa at Lho-brag ’jod-pa. Flying
renowned scholar and yogin, the final incar- up to a cave of secret practice on top of the
nation of Marpa lo-tsa-ba. His mother was Lhang-lhang rock in gTsang-rong, he unear-
the lady ’Bro-lcam Khrom-pa-rgyan, and his thed three further cycles of teachings [28]
Khordong e.V. 27
28 Newsletter 2007
Byang-gter Tradition
clan. His birth being marked by an unusually powerments of the Kalacakra-tantra and the
high number of auspicious portents, the boy empowerments of mahayoga. Both O-rgyen
was soon recognized as the fourth in the line gter-bdag gling-pa and Lo-chen dharma-sri
of Mahavidyadhara. At the age of six he was were among his disciples. [33]
placed upon the throne of rDo-rje-brag by
his former disciple bsTan-’dzin nor-bu of
Yol-mo. Padma ’phrin-las subsequently be-
came a disciple of the Fifth Dalai Lama from
whom he received both sramanera and bhik-
su vows.
Rig-’dzin chen-po padma ’phrin-las was
Studying intensively under some of the
killed in 1718 when the invading Dzungar
greatest teachers of his day, [32] Padma
Mongols, fanatical protectors of the dGe-
’phrin-las received the empowerments and
lugs-pa, razed the monastery of Thub-bstan
commentaries of a large number of tantric
rdo-rje-brag to the ground. [34]
doctrines from both the old and new schools
which he put into practice during extended The fifth incarnation of Rig-’dzin rgod-
periods of retreat, not only in the monastery ldem was bsKal-bzang padma dbang-phyug
of rDo-rje-brag but also in the power places (1720-1770), born at Nyag-rong lcags-mdud
of sGrags yang-rdzong and Chu-bo-ri, bles- in the district of sPo-’bor-sgang (Bu-bor-
sed by Padmasambhava. As a result of his sgang) in southeastern Tibet, to a family
great erudition and insight, he was able to re- claiming descent from the ancient lHa dy-
vise and greatly extend the teachings of his nasty of Tibetan monarchs. Following his
own incarnation line, the Northern Treasures enthronement as rDo-rje-brag rig-’dzin III he
school of rDo-rje-brag. Gathering together thoroughly repaired all damage to his mo-
all of the teachings that had been handed nastery which, once revitalized, remained a
down in the three streams of transmission major centre for the rNying-ma tradition for
from the original gter ston (the Mother, Son the next two hundred years. His own visio-
and Disciple lineages), he united them into a nary teachings (dag snang) include the bKa’
single line. He composed a number of new ’dus chos kyi rgya mtsho and the Padma
treatises and worked extensively to arrange drag po meditations upon the guru in fero-
the ritual texts of the Byang-gter in proper li- cious aspect. Scenes from these visions are
turgical order, supplementing the original reenacted as sacred dances in the first month
texts with extra parts wherever necessary. of every year, as part of the New Year cele-
Correcting such errors as had arisen in the brations.
transmission, he reinstated earlier traditions After him came Khams-gsum zil-gnon
of ritual activity which had become lost or (Kun-bzang ’gyur-med lhun-grub rdo-rje, the
confused, such as the proper systems of sixth incarnation and rDo-rje-brag rig-’dzin
chanting, laying out of mandala, preparing IV), born at gSer-tog in the region of Dar-
the sacrificial bali and so on, filling thirteen rtse-mdo. [35] He founded a monastery cal-
volumes with his work. led sGar grwa-tshang at Dar-rtse-mdo as a
As well as the great importance attached branch of rDo-rje-brag (rDor-brag-smad),
to his efforts on behalf of the Byang-gter, and this easternmost establishment of the
Kun-mkhyen padma ’phrin-las is renowned Byang-gter tradition became the family mo-
for his role in the transmission lineage of the nastery of the lCags-la rulers of Dar-rtse-
mDo dgongs pa ’dus pa, the preeminent mdo. He also obtained a special longevity
scripture of anuyoga. Urged by the instigati- practice in a pure vision, which was included
ons of his teacher, the great Fifth Dalai in the Rin chen gter mdzod by Kong-sprul
Lama, he composed the ’Dus pa mdo’i blo-gros mtha’-yas.
dbang chog dkyil ’khor rgya mtsho’i ’jug The next incarnation was Ngag-dbang
ngogs and conferred the empowerment of ’jam-dpal mi-’gyur lhun-grub rdo-rje (rDo-
the sutra on numerous occasions. He also rje-brag rig-’dzin V, 1839-1861) who came
transmitted the complete teachings and em-
Khordong e.V. 29
from rNam-sras-gling in Mon-mkhar. Unfor- rje-brag. Five years later he took his final
tunately, dying at the young age of 22 years, vows at Yar-’brog brag-ra from the precep-
little is recorded of his lifetime’s achieve- tor Kun-bzang padma ’gro-’dul rdo-rje. In
ments. 1911 he restored the structure of rDo-rje-
brag monastery and in 1916 he established a
The sixth Mahavidyadhara of rDo-rje-
new retreat centre for the monastery, called
brag was sKal-bzang padma dbang-rgyal
Shel-brag ri-bo lho-nub. Having been invited
bdud-’dul rdo-rje, born in upper La-yag in
by the lCags-la prince to visit Dar-rtse-mdo,
lHo-brag. Famous for his skill in fierce tan-
Thub-bstan mnyam-nyid rdo-rje travelled
tric rites, he is said to have repulsed the in-
extensively in Khams, visiting many of the
vading Gorkha army by means of his occult
Byang-gter monasteries and building a great
power, for which service to his country he
stupa. He passed away in the year of the wa-
was rewarded by the government with the
ter monkey, 1932.
title Hu thug thu. He also died young.
The present incumbent (rDo-rje-brag
Thub-bstan chos-dbang mnyam-nyid rdo-
rig-’dzin VIII) is Thub-bstan ’jig-med rnam-
rje, the ninth incarnation of Rig-’dzin rgod-
grol rgya-mtsho who was born in Lhasa in
ldem, was born at Ra-mo-che rgyal-gdong,
1936. Recognized as the tenth incarnation of
near Lhasa, in the fifth month of the wood
the gter ston, he was ordained as a monk by
monkey year (1884). His father was bSod-
Ra-sgreng rinpoche, the regent after the
nams stobs-rgyal and his mother was Tshe-
Thirteenth Dalai Lama. As well as studying
gcig-sgrol-ma. He received his first vows at
the Byang-gter tradition with ’Go-tsha
the age of two from Dalai Lama XIII, who
mkhan-chen Theg-mchog bstan-’dzin, a dis-
also gave him his name. At the age of three
ciple of his predecessor, he has been taught
he was recognized and taken to rDo-rje-brag
by mKhan rinpoche of sMin-grol-gling and
to be enthroned. Having received the entire
bDud-’joms rinpoche. Despite the overthrow
lineage teachings of the Northern Treasures
of Tibet by the communist Chinese, rNam-
school from the masters ’Jigs-med rgyal-
grol rgya-mtsho has remained in Tibet where
ba’i-myu-gu and Yongs-’dzin skal-bzang ts-
he has lately been active in the rebuilding of
hul-khrims, in the year of the iron rat (1900)
his monastery which was almost completely
he was able to welcome his first preceptor,
devastated during the ‘cultural
the thirteenth Dalai Lama, as a guest to rDo-
revolution.’ [36]
[1] An earlier version of this text was published as the un-mo 'od-'chang-ma, (23) bDe-ba'i 'byung-gnas,
first chapter in The Cult of the Deity Vajrakila, (24) the dakini Gar-gyi dbang-phyug (Nartesvari),
Tring, 1993. (25) the dakini Susati (bDe-'byung II), (26) Ded-
dpon ka-kha-'dzin, and (27) the Nepalese Jinami-
[2] The Fifth Dalai Lama lists the prior incarnations tra.
of the Byang-gter gter ston in India and Nepal as:
(1) Samantabhadra, the dharmakaya, (2) Vajrasatt- [3] Las can dag pa'i 'khor lnga, "the fortunate circle of
va, the sambhogakaya, (3) Vajragarbha, the nir- five", consisted of sNa-nam rdo-rje bdud-'joms,
manakaya who gathered together all the doctrines king Khri Srong-lde'u-btsan, his son prince Mu-
of esoteric Buddhism, (4) Khye'u-chung she-la khri btsan-po, Nam-mkha'i snying-po and the lady
rog-po, (5) rGyal-sras deva bzang-skyong, (6) By- Ye-shes mtsho-rgyal.
ang-sems ye-shes snying-po, (7) bKa'i-sdud-po
Nam-mkha'i mdog-can (also known as Vajragarb- [4] This place is within the myriarchy (khri skor) of
ha II), (8) sKye-rgu'i bdag-mo, (9) mKha-'gro bde- Byang, one of the 13 myriarchies of Central Tibet
ldan-ma, (10) mKha-'gro rig-byed bde-ma, (11) during the Mongolian period (Yuan dynasty). It is
Yid-byin (sbyin) dpal, (12) the Dharma minister part of the area called La-stod (western gTsang),
(chos kyi blon po) Blo-gros-mchog, (13) Byang- the capital of which is Ngam-ring.
sems nam-mkha'i snying-po, (14) Sems-dpa' chen- [5] This is one of the 12 temples built by Srong-btsan
po nor-bu 'dzin-pa, (15) bDe-ba'i rdo-rje, (16) sgam-po to subjugate and hold down the demo-
Drag-po gtum-po, (17) Sakyamitra, (18) the bhik- ness of Tibet. It is said to press upon her left hip.
su Zhi-ba'i snying-po, (19) lha-lcam Mandarava
(Yid-'dzin lha-mo), (20) the beer-seller Vinasa, [6] Other extensive, medium and abbreviated texts
(21) the Dharma minister Ye-shes-gsal, (22) bTs- bore the titles: sNying byang rgyas pa gnad kyi
30 Newsletter 2007
Zer Nga
them bu, ’Bring po thugs rje’i ’od zer, and bsDus among his discoveries unless these are hinted at
pa thugs rje’i lcags kyu. Together with these were here by the words "mDos... and further upadesa".
the Phyir zlog ’khor lo ’bar ba, the Zhal chems Both Ramon Prats and Tulku Thondup, however,
thugs kyi thig pa, the Kha byang gter gyi bang md- say that rGod-ldem-can is revered by the Bon-po
zod, and the Lam byang gsal ba’i sgron me. as a gter ston (Prats naming him dPon-gsas
khyung-thog) but neither specifies the revelations
[7] A vinaya master involved in the ordination of Rin- attributed to him. R.Prats, "Some Preliminary
chen 'byung-gnas. G.Roerich, The Blue Annals Considerations Arising from a Biographical Study
634. of the Early gTer-ston" 259. T.Thondup, Buddha
[8] The kingdom of Gung-thang lies to the southwest Mind 110.
of Byang. Its capital is rDzong-dkar, situated at [15] According to Dalai Lama V, Rig-’dzin rgod-
the end of the Trisul-gandaki river valley. Bet- ldem bestowed 32 of these teachings upon his son
ween here and lake sPa-gu is the famous Gung- rNam-rgyal mgon-po in the form of instructions
thang pass through which Padmasambhava entered and empowerments. He bestowed 15 of them upon
and left Tibet. bKra-shis-lde ruled from rDo-rje mgon-po and four upon his uncle Sangs-
1352-1365. His son, Phun-tshogs-lde, ruled from rgyas bstan-pa (aka bLa-ma do-pa-ba), both of
1365-1370 (see below, note 10). mChog-grub-lde whom had been present when the treasures were
ruled 1370-1396. originally revealed. He gave another four to his
[9] This auspicious configuration marked the birth of uncle Sangs-rgyas byams-bzang, and seven to his
the Buddha. Buddhacarita I.9, II.36. nephew rDo-rje dpal-ba. Nam-mkha’ grags-pa and
bDe-legs rgyal-mtshan each received three. Other
[10] Khri Phun-tshogs-lde, the king of Gung-thang at recipients of the original teachings included Nam-
that time, was not well disposed towards the gter mkha’ bsod-nams, Sangs-rgyas dpon-chen, Don-
ston Rig-’dzin rgod-ldem and the offerings that he grub dpal-bzang, mGon-po bzang-po, and Ye-shes
provided were meagre. Rig-’dzin rgod-ldem there- mkha’-’gro, as well as sGrub-pa-mo (wife of the
fore took out those scrolls that offered protection governor of Lho-’brag), kings Phun-tshogs-lde
to the royal lineage and reconcealed them at Ri-bo and mChog-grub-lde (rulers of Gung-thang),
dpal-’bar. They were later restored to the king’s Thugs-rje rgyal-mtshan (the teacher from Se, whe-
eldest son, mChog-grub-lde, with whom the gter re an important branch of the Byang-gter became
ston had an excellent relationship. Khri Phun-ts- established), Nyi-ma bzang-po (the young author
hogs-lde was assassinated in 1370. of rGod-ldem’s biography who was with the gter
[11] The two left outside the door were rDo-rje mgon- ston for the last ten years of his life) and, of cour-
po and Sangs-rgyas bstan-pa (see note 15, below). se, Rig-’dzin rgod-ldem’s wife, about whom the
The cave has since been known by the name biography is strangely silent.
Lha’i-skyed-tshal, Pleasure Grove of the Gods. sTag-lung-rtse-sprul rinpoche speaks of “eight
[12] Known as "the three roots" of tantric practice. sons, eight ladies and three pupils.”
A Brief History of rDo-rje-brag Monastery” p.5
[13] In the words of Padmasambhava himself: “Con-
tained within this treasure there is a kila the length [16] The biography of Rig-’dzin rgod-ldem mentions
of my handspan, forged of iron by the blacksmith only two sbas yul: ’Bras-mo-gzhong and sKyid-
dPal-rtsegs of Mon. It has been consecrated as a mo-lung. Dalai Lama V, however, shows that the
karmakila and so, merely by brandishing it in the gter ston possessed guides to the following seven
air, all the mischief of enemies and obstructors hidden lands: ’Bras-mo-gzhong, bde-ldan sKyid-
will immediately be averted. The name of that kila mo-lung, sbas-pa Padma’i tshal, rol-pa
is Srid gsum bdud ’dul (Controller of Demons in mKha’-’gro-gling, rgyal-gyi mKhan-pa-lung,
the Three Worlds) and its activity is such as to Lha’i pho-brang-sdings, and Gro-mo-khud, as well
quell all demonic interferences. There is also a as the keys to Yol-mo-gangs, Bu-le-gangs, ’Bras-
kila which has the blessings of Krodha-mañjusri mo-khud, and rTag-so gangs-ra. Johan Reinhard
(Yamantaka) which was carved by Chinese ex- in his article "Khembalung, the hidden valley"
perts from black rosewood. It is eight of my fin- lists the seven hidden lands as: Khumbu, Helam-
ger-widths in length and is for use in meditation. bu, Rongshar, Lapchi, Dolpo, Nubri and Sikkim.
The name of this kila is ’Bar ba mchog (Supreme Unfortunately it is not possible to match these two
Radiance) and whoever continues to hold it will lists exactly. With regard to Helambu, see Appen-
very quickly see the face of the deity Vajrakuma- dix Yol-mo to the present work. With regard to
ra. There is yet another kila in that treasure which Sikkim, see next note.
was made by an Indian expert from five different [17] See my “Pilgrim’s Guide to the Hidden Land of
kinds of iron. It has the length of five of my fin- Sikkim,” Bulletin of Tibetology, 2003.
ger-widths and goes by the name of Sras mchog
nyi ma (Sunshine of the Supreme Son). Its activity [18] See above, note 8.
is such that the family lineage of its owner will run [19] See above, note 13.
for many generations.” A33, 239-240.
[20] Gong khug means either a small pouch worn
[14] None of my sources list any Bon-po doctrines around the neck or the breast pocket of a shirt, etc.
Khordong e.V. 31
In either case, the Gong khug ma is that which was [28] These are the Tshe sgrub sku gsum rig 'dus, the
always kept by Padmasambhava close to his heart. Karma guru'i chos skor and the Ma rgyud khrag
Some indication that the item referred to here is rlung ma (also known as the Ma rgyud snying po
indeed a ritual kila is found in the gSol ’debs bar don gsum).
chad lam sel in which Padmasambhava is descri-
bed as having a kila of bell metal in his right hand [29] The figure given by Rigzin & Russell is 2,000.
(with which the mara and raksasa are subjugated), Both E.Gene Smith (Among Tibetan Texts) and
a kila of khadira wood in his left hand (with which Tarthang Tulku (Crystal Mirror V) gives the figu-
the devoted disciples are protected), and an iron re as 200, whilst Wylie (The Geography of Tibet)
kila worn around his neck which is indivisible and Ferrari & Petech (mKhyen-brtse's Guide) give
from the deity. C.R.Lama, on the other hand, in- 400. Gene Smith and Tarthang Tulku also mention
sists that the Gong khug ma is a condensed ritual that, at this time, the monastery had three incarna-
text. te lamas.
[21] gLo-bo is the kingdom of Mustang in present- [30] Third incarnation of sngags-'chang Sakya bzang-
day Nepal. Up until the 18th century, gLo-bo, po. See Appendix on Yol-mo.
Dol-po and Gung-thang were all regarded as part [31] See Samten Karmay, Secret Visions 66, 74, etc.,
of lower mNga’-ris (mNga’-ris-smad). During the also 34 where it is said that Padmasambhava him-
Mongol period (1240-1368), the three districts of self gives the Fifth Dalai Lama instructions in the
mNga’-ris (mNga’-ris-skor-gsum) may have inclu- Byang-gter.
ded La-dvags in the west, Zhang-zhung in the cen-
tral region, and Gu-ge sPu-hrang in the south. [32] Among whom were Zur-chen chos-dbyings rang-
grol, bKa'-gyur-ba bsod-nams mchog-ldan, Khra-
[22] Concerning Sakya bzang-po, see Appendix on tshang-ba blo-mchog rdo-rje, gTer-chen 'gyur-med
Yol-mo. rdo-rje, lHa-btsun nam-mkha' 'jigs-med and Se-
[23] Thugs rje chen po 'khor ba dbyings grol (1 vol.), ston thugs-mchog 'od-'bar.
Tshe sgrub bdud rtsi 'khyil pa (1 vol.), and Drag [33] Among his disciples, also, was the siddha bLo-
po dbu dgu (1 small vol.). These three volumes in- bzang lha-mchog (1672-1747) who came from
clude teachings on Avalokitesvara, Mañjusri and Lho-brag gro-bo. He is famed as the revealer of
Vajrapani, as well as the longevity practice which four hidden lands: Seng-ge-ri, mKhan-pa-ljongs,
enabled him to live for 113 years. Long-mo lha-steng, and ’Or-mo lha-sa (within
[24] For a potted biography of this lama, said to be which he discovered the palace of Yam-shud
the incarnation of King Khri Srong-lde'u-btsan dmar-po). Following the tragic murder of his tea-
and the ninth incarnation of rGyal-sras lha-rje, cher Rig-’dzin Padma ’phrin-las in 1718, he rejoi-
see: Eva Dargyay, The Rise of Esoteric Buddhism ced at the discovery of his reincarnation sKal-
in Tibet 156-160, NSTB I 805-808, and Masters bzang padma dbang-phyug and, following his re-
of the Nyingma Lineage 207-208. enthronement at rDo-rje-brag, he visited him there
in 1734 and 1735 in order to teach him the rDzogs
[25] According to bDud-'joms rinpoche; "The entire chen thugs rje chen po ’khor ba dbyings grol.
monastic community of their seminary became a
wandering encampment as a result of the deprada- [34] See L.Petech, China and Tibet in the Early Eigh-
tions of Zhing-Shag-pa (Tshe-brtan rdo-rje), the teenth Century; and Snellgrove & Richardson, A
governor of Tsang." NSTB I 783. The troubles Cultural History of Tibet, for details of this troub-
caused by that governor are said to have came to led historical period.
an end, however, when he was killed by the wrath- [35] The town of Dar-rtse-mdo lies deep within a gor-
ful magic rites of Byang-bdag bKra-shis stobs- ge at the confluence of the Cheto-chu and the Ya-
rgyal who earned his title "Byang-bdag" (Protec- kra-chu tributaries which form the Dardo River. It
tor of the Northern Treasures) as a result of this was formerly the capital of the lCags-la kingdom
deed. (one of the five independent kingdoms of Khams)
[26] bsGrigs kyi bka' yig rdo rje 'bar ba gzi byin. He under the hereditary authority of the lCags-la
also composed the renowned sDom gsum rnam rgyal-po. Gyurme Dorje, Tibet Handbook (2nd
nges in which he demonstrated the interrelation- edition), Bath, 1999, p.447
ship of the pratimoksa, bodhisattva and mantra [36] Photographs of the newly restored monastery of
vows. rDo-rje-brag can be seen by clicking on GALLE-
[27] Bla ma bka' brgyad yongs 'dus chos skor. RY at www.tbrc.org
32 Newsletter 2007
Zer Nga
Khordong e.V. 33
that these things were unimportant or unne- of the foremost European scholars in Ny-
cessary. ingma philosophy and knows European
There is much evidence to support this philosophy very well too, so that he can
view: he composed his own text for making translate difficult points in a way that can be
prostrations, which is the first of the ngondro clearly and properly understood.
practices, and for the practice of Dorje Sem- How did this help me? I had the good for-
pa, which is the second (usually). He said tune to help Stephane by translating his first
publicly, on several occasions, that anyone draft from French into English, whilst star-
who did not learn Tibetan would not be able ting to learn Tibetan.
to understand more than half of the meaning Then I was able, by reading Tulku Tshurlo’s
of the texts. He also encouraged and helped text, to get an idea of what would be ne-
several people to my knowledge who had de- cessary to be able to practice the system of
cided to make long periods of retreat which the Gongpa Zangthal.
included ngondro practice. It is also true After some years of work, just before
that, although he gave many many empower- Rinpoche died, he put another text in my
ments, he very seldom gave the samaya, or hand. This was also a manual of Tulku Ts-
committment that goes with them and is the hurlo and this one is a commentary on the
heart of tantric practice. preliminary practices for the Gongpa Zang-
thal. That is, it is a clear and detailed expla-
The Zer Nga and the Gongpa Zangthal nation of the Zer Nga. Stephane and I had al-
Both of these are part of Rigdzin Go- ready agreed that we would translate this text
dem’s Jangter treasures. All the traditions of and now, when H.H. Taklung Tsetrul Rinpo-
Buddhism as practiced in Tibet (and even che is giving the transmission of all the
the Bon tradition too), have a special prepar- Jangter teachings, culminating with the
ation practice which every student must Gongpa Zangthal, in Rinpoche’s gompa near
complete before entering into the exception- Siliguri in India, this is a good and auspi-
al path of Vajrayana. The Zer Nga is the pre- cious time to say that this work has been
liminary practice which is specific to the started. To be able to get the heart-advice of
Gongpa Zangthal cycle of teachings, so any- Tulku Tshurlo will surely be of great benefit
one who wants to practice that part of the to everyone who wants to complete the five
Jangter teachings will need to practice the nails which are the Zer Nga, in order to fol-
Zer Nga first. low the teachings of the Gongpa Zangthal.
When Rinpoche came to Otwock, near
Warsaw in Poland in 1996 he gave the ‘lung’ The Zer Nga and
or reading transmission for the Gongpa Tulku Tshurlo’s manual
Zangthal. At that time, I did not know any- Generally speaking, Vajrayana practice
thing at all about it, but this transmission had begins with the ‘common preliminaries’
such a strong effect on me that I had to find which are the ‘four thoughts which turn the
out more. Not even the slightest effort was mind away from samsara.’ Then, when they
needed, since soon afterwards, in France, have been properly understood, we move on
Rinpoche gave the initiation (dbang) for it. to the preparatory practices specific to the
At that time he also explained to us that his extraordinary and swift path of secret man-
teacher, the great scholar and adept Tulku tra, which are the ngondro as such.
Tshurlo, had composed an explanation text, So, before describing the ngondro, a few
(‘khrid yig’) to systemise and condense all words about the four thoughts:
the teachings of the five large volumes of the We all recite these every time we read
Gongpa Zangthal. through the ‘Big Rigdzin’ and I believe it is
One of his dedicated disciples, Stephane significant that Rinpoche included them and
Arguillere, had been asking him to give the placed them right at the beginning of the
transmission of the Gongpa Zangthal for practice. They are described in six lines
some years and Rinpoche now instructed which appear immediately after two short
him to translate Tulku Tshurlo’s comment- prayers to the Lama. If someone is really in-
ary to it. Stephane is fluent in Tibetan, one telligent, these six lines will be all that is ne-
34 Newsletter 2007
The Heart Nectar Of The Saints
cessary, but I definitely need much much four thoughts from a personal viewpoint.
more detail and explanation in order to grasp What we need to understand is that it is only
some of their vast extent and profound im- genuine Dharma, an authentic understanding
pact. of our actual human situation which is not
So far, about forty pages of Tulku Tshur- based on just hoping or imagining, which
lo’s manual have been translated and they all can provide us with real, reliable protection
concern the urgent need to really grasp the from the inevitable suffering of our conditio-
meaning of the four thoughts. If we could re- ned existence. Whether it is cancer or bank-
ally see our situation accurately, without ruptcy or divorce, all we can do is hope it
being blinded by our habits and hopes, few won’t happen to us. Without Dharma, we
of us would carry on acting as we do. have no reliable method by which we can in-
I know that I do have the strong habit to fluence our future. Whatever we accumulate
take for granted that I have a relatively during our lives, in terms of material or
healthy human body and a relatively trouble- worldly accomplishments, at the end we will
free life, with free time to study and meditate go empty-handed, except for our good and
and so on. This is something rare and pre- bad karma which will accompany us, whe-
cious, which so many do not, yet I forget this ther we wish it to or not.....
and idle my time away or get distracted with
unimportant things – things which do not Now, the ngondro.
lead me to liberation. This is the first As was mentioned earlier, all schools of
thought. Tibetan Buddhism practice ngondro and
Death is definitely going to come and their systems have very much in common. In
when it happens, it cannot be delayed even all schools, the intention of these practices is
for an instant. Am I really ready to die right the same: to clear away obstacles and accu-
now? Have I done all I can to prepare my- mulate helpful conditions which will make
self? Will worldly possessions and so on our progress along the path easy and swift.
help me when it is time to die? This is the In each case there are practices of:
second thought.
1. taking refuge and generating Bodhicitta
Every action I perform will have con-
( the firm committment to reach the goal
sequences for me in the future, both immedi-
of complete Enlightenment)
ately and for many lives to come. It is so
clear that although I try, I cannot really un- 2. Recitation of the mantra of Dorje Sempa
derstand what I can so easily describe. If I 3. Offering a mandala of all the world
really understood, how could I ever again get
angry again, just to take one example? If I 4. Practicing Guru Yoga
could understand how much harm I create And in each tradition, each of these prac-
for myself by anger and negatve thoughts, I tices is to be repeated 100,000 times.
would immediately drop them. This is the The usual Nyingmapa tradition is slightly
third thought. different in that taking refuge and generating
Just now, I don’t have much pain or even Bodhicitta are practiced individually, so that
discomfort, and I like to think things will there are five practices.
continue like this: the world will remain an The Zer Nga practice is again slightly diffe-
enjoyable place for me. Science will provide rent and its constituent parts are as follows:
medecines and I will die in peace with a
clear mind. Yet I know about car accidents, 1. Taking refuge and generating Bodhicitta
for example –( I have even been in one) – (as one).
and I have seen old people dying slowly in 2. Offering of outer, inner and secret
confusion and fear. What can make me so mandala.
sure these things will not come to me, when 3. Visualisation of Dorje Sempa and recitati-
even realised Lamas have to endure the suf- on of his mantra.
fering of sickness and old age? This is the 4. Meditation on impermanence.
fourth thought. 5. Guru Yoga.
That was a brief attempt to describe the
Khordong e.V. 35
So in this case, although there are five conceptuality and so on. But these will
sections, they are not quite the usual five of not remain stably, and then, when they
the Nyingmapa tradition, since the reflection fade away, as they will surely do, we will
on impermanence has been added. We can feel trememdously sad, and long for them
see that all five of these practices are contai- to return. The more efforts we make to
ned, in a condensed form, in the ‘Big Rigd- get them back, the more tense we will be-
zin’ so we have already been preparing our- come and the less likely we are to suc-
selves for this ngondro. ceed.
Someone might ask, “Why should it be
3. The practices of Vajrayana may broadly
necessary to go through these long preparati-
be divided into two: development phase
ons before even beginning on the path of Va-
(sKye rim) and completion phase (rdzogs
jrayana? After all, there are plenty of authen-
rim) and a large part of development
tic teachers who come to the West and give
practice is visualisation When we visual-
teachings directly on Dzogchen. If that is so,
ise Dorje Sempa as we recite his mantra,
why not get on with the actual practice right
we are developing our ability to visualise,
so in that way, by making the preliminary
1. If we decide to go on a journey, we need practice, we are actually at the same time,
some idea of what sort of place we are practicing Kye rim. This is one example
going to. When we hear all the wonderful out of many which could be given of how
qualities of that place described, and the preliminary practices are not separate
especially when they are described by so- from the main practices.
meone who has been to that place, or
4. The great Vajrayana master (and friend of
even lives there, it can inspire us and mo-
Rinpoche) Tulku Urgyen takes this point
tivate us, so that we really strongly desire
further. He has stated, in a book called
to go there. Direct teachings on Dzogchen
“Rainbow Painting”, that the preliminary
and so on can serve that purpose, so they
practices are the same as the advanced
are very helpful.
practices – they are just named different-
Then we could just leave the house, jump
ly. He gives the example of his uncle, a
into our car, start the engine and eagerly
most terrifying man who could read the
set off. But if we are sensible, we will
minds of others and would confront anyo-
prepare ourselves and we will prepare our
ne in Tibet, no matter how high or power-
vehicle before we leave. We will fill the
ful, without the slightest trace of disquiet:
car with petrol, with oil and with water,
he practiced the preliminaries every day
pump up the tyres to the right pressure
of his life and said his powers came from
and so on and we will study the map of
the place we are going to, to make sure
that we don’t lose our path halfway. This is what the ngondro can do for us.
The Zer Nga is itself a profound set of prac-
2. Tulku Tsurlo, in his commentary to the
tices as well as being a method for removing
main text of the Gongpa Zangthal descri-
obstacles to the development and stability of
bes a farmer who wishes to irrigate a field
our meditation and for establishing the ne-
so that he can grow a good crop on it. If
cessary qualities within us for that meditati-
he does not first build a wall around that
on to develop properly.
field, he can channel water onto it, sure
Completing the given number of recitati-
enough, and the field will get wet. But the
ons (as a first step) also establishes us firmly
water will not stay there, it will run off. If
and stably within the correct and authentic
we start advanced practices immediately,
way of practicing the tradition of Khordong,
without protecting our practice with the
of Jangter and of the Nyingma tradition.
wall of the preliminaries, we may get
some experiences of bliss, clarity, non-
David Cowey, [email protected]
36 Newsletter 2007
The Heart Nectar Of The Saints
Khordong e.V. 37
38 Newsletter 2007
The Heart Nectar Of The Saints
Khordong e.V. 39
THE life stories of the great saints, like the essence of nectar,
If I am unacquainted with them, there is no way to awaken faith.
When I recognize the real gains and losses
May I constantly practice the Supreme Teaching.
THE aspiration towards enlightenment, like a fertile field,
If I do not cultivate it, there is no way to attain Buddhahood,
Without becoming indifferent to the accomplishment of this great goal,
May I constantly practice the Supreme Teaching.
THESE thoughts of mine, like a monkey’s antics,
If I do not tame them, there is no way to eliminate my afflictive emotions,
Without falling into all kinds of crazy mimicry
May I constantly practice the Supreme Teaching.
THIS attachment to ego, like an inherent shadow,
If i do not give it up, there is no way to reach a peaceful place.
When I recognize the enemy, without befriending it
May I constantly practice the Supreme Teaching.
THE five poisons, like embers glowing in the ash,
If I do not extinguish them, I cannot abide in mind’s self-nature.
Without breeding venomous baby snakes in my bed,
May I constantly practice the Supreme Teaching.
THIS temperament of mine, like the stiff hide of a butter-bag,
If I do not soften it, the Dharma and my mind will never blend,
Without indulging the child that is born from my self,
May I constantly practice the Supreme Teaching.
THESE ingrained bad habits, like the course of a river,
If I do not eliminate them, I cannot part from the profane.
Without delivering weapons into the hands of the enemy,
May I constantly practice the Supreme Teaching.
THESE distractions, like the ceaseless rippling of water,
If I do not reject them, there is no way to become steadfast.
When I have the freedom of choice, without devoting myself to Samsara,
May I constantly practice the Supreme Teaching.
THE Guru’s blessing, like the warming of earth and water,
If I do not receive it, there is no way to recognize my own true nature.
When I step on the short path, without turning in circles,
May I constantly practice the Supreme Teaching.
THE solitary place, like a summer valley of medicine plants,
If I do not dwell there, there is no way for the good qualities to grow.
When I stay in the mountains, without wandering off to dark cities,
May I constantly practice the Supreme Teaching.
THIS desire for comfort like a greedy ghost lodged at the hearth,
If I do not part from it, painful efforts will never cease.
Without making, as to a god, offerings to a hungry demon,
May I constantly practice the Supreme Teaching.
40 Newsletter 2007
Archives Project
Thus having united the meaning of the diamond words of the past saints, I have written this
as my own prayer.
Jigdral Yeshe Dorje
Khordong e.V. 41
42 Newsletter 2007
Book Project/Using Licence
Big Rigdzin, Small Rigdzin Practice and Teachings, Krakow 1994 4 DVDs
Butterlamp Practice and Teachings engl./pol.
Chhimed Rigdzin Rinpoche
Khordong e.V. 43
Events/Review 2006
Book Project
44 Newsletter 2007
James Low
Using Licence
I hereby allow Khordong Verein Deutschland e.V., within the scope of a right of use
for everyone to copy and spread the following material, made available by myself,
free of charge:
Place, date
Owner of the material
Khordong e.V. 45
Events/Review 2006
James Low
March 10th – 12th 2oo6 in Berlin
„Padmasambhava and Dzogchen Practice“
46 Newsletter 2007
Tulku Thondup/Keith Dowman
strong. Even if the understanding of the the lineage and through empowerment we
concept may be correct, it is not easy to keep may have a new vision of our own lived
it in a 'hot' situation. That is why Buddha experience. Tantric pracises let us participate
Shakyamuni developped tantra. Traditionally in an other view.
there are 84.000 methods and 9 yanas of
proceeding the path. Every path has its view, To avoid that this article becomes too long I
its method, activity and result. The first step want to finish with some sentences about
to take refuge usually starts with the dealing with the awareness of oneself:
understanding that the way I have been You always have to observe yourself. We
living my life cannot go on like this. I have can get trapped into what is happening but
to do something else. It wasn't wrong what I we also can step back and watch what is
did but the way I looked at it, my view was going on through this 'gap'. By doing that we
wrong! The world is not like we assume to can get nearer to what is happening without
be. That is the meaning of the state of being intirely wrapped nor totally outside.
ignorance. One of the qualities of ignorance
is that we think we exactly know what we Often we feel guilty like a caught child. Just
do. When we are trying something new, it accept this feeling, let it arise.
doesn't feel very authentic. Being stupid is We have to stop judging ourselves! It is
comforting. Being aware is more difficult. good to develop a neutral mood or attitude:
There is nothing to do in the outer world, just observe and look what happens.
dzogchen is an inner process. This requires
the highest form of refuge: nondual refuge,
My best wishes to all of you,
to take refuge to one's own nature of mind,
through instantaneous relaxation into the
nature of mind. Liz Messerschmied
Through the practise of tantra, the access to
Khordong e.V. 47
Events/Review 2006
Tulku Thondup
April 8th – 10th 2006 in Berlin
„Journey to the Pure Land of Amitabha, Buddha of Limitless Light”
48 Newsletter 2007
Jomo Gudrun
Maybe he even had called forth this kind of manifest: A peaceful open mind, a loving
painfull experience for the best of the sangha and positive attitude and a warm happy
in the pure goodness of his absolute clear energy in a condition of mental balance and
and waken presence. harmony“. This is not only an instruction for
meditation, but a guideline for our daily
In any case there are no doubts, that Tulku
activities, we continually should strive for,
Thondup is feeling kindly towards us with
no matter how far away it appears for us
loving attention, without ignoring
differences which occure quite naturally.
Naming and focussing on differences is in We are looking back upon Tulku Thondup
general key to a solution. Rinpoche and his wife Lydia in full
All who met Tulku Thondup were touched
deeply by his warm-hearted wisdom. In his May they be blessed with everlasting luck!
instruction for the practice on Amitabha he And may their love be good for us!
writes: „We are able to heal body and mind,
simply by relying on what we really are, and
to allow our own natural healing qualities to Ralf Bartholomäus
Keith Dowman
April 28 th – May 03 rd 2006 in Berlin
„Dzogchen and Tibetan Buddhism“
„Inner Ruzhen and the Purification of the Six Realms"
Khordong e.V. 49
Events/Review 2006
even our common perception is based, that ning home each evening. I was surprised, that
is the intrinsic nature of our mind. such an intensive experience as in Menz is
equally possible in a practise oriented city se-
The meaning of the above becomes clea-
rer during the practice seminar which follo-
wed the weekend. The practices are a Last year the emphasis during the practice
means to awaken and keep awake the abo- seminar had been on the various Ruzhen exer-
ve experience without being an end in cises. They are represent preliminary practi-
itself; that is practising without the need to ces; an approach to the view of the buddhas,
practice, or to achieve anything / result. and a penetration of the object relatedness and
Again and again I have been personally im- thus are a preparation to Dzogchen
pressed, how the texts become present and (non-)practise of the Semsdzins. The Semd-
accesible through Keith’s intrepretation, zins are tracing back to Longchen Rabjampa,
compared to studying alone at home. the great tibetan master from the 14th century,
well known for his extensive Dzogchen treati-
In the end we find ourselves again and
ses, whose biography is in itself a source of
again focusing and practicing on what can
inspiration and veneration (Tulku Dondrup:
not be practised. But this is another story.
Practise of Dzogchen). Keith Dowman's last
This year as last year after the weekend publication is a translation of Longchenpa's
workshop in Berlin, we stayed on for the work about the Four Dzogchen Samayas into
practice seminar. In Menz, years before we English. And these constitute further funda-
engaged in intensive and secluded practice mentals of practice together with the Semsd-
for 24 hours with the master, so I was unsu- zins.
re how it would be in the city environment
of Berlin where evening and morning sessi- Andreas Ruft
ons were missed as a consequence of retur-
50 Newsletter 2007
Martin Boord
Jomo Gudrun
September 22nd – 24th 2006 in Berlin
„Padmasambhava: Empowerment, Instruction and Practice“
Khordong e.V. 51
Comming Events 2007
Martin Boord
November 24th – 26th 2006 in Berlin
„Padmasambhava and his Mandala“
ple to gain the necessary effort. Techniques duction. If this purity does not affect our spi-
like changing the self for others and a deepe- ritual attainments through pride again, the
ned understanding of emptiness of all pheno- disciple is ready to enter the mandala of the
mena help the student to focus. Martin con- guru.
fronted the ideals of wisdom, compassion,
After Martin’s teaching many questions
and turning away from samsara with the
were asked. One of them was about the
worldly features of ignorance, aversion and
much discussed possibility to transform an-
desire. He explained why gathering these
ger. This was Martin's answer on how to do
first qualities are a sufficient preparation for
it: Go on allowing the anger to rise, but don't
the introduction into the mandala. He sho-
turn it against someone or something but
wed the deep meaning of the three jewels
against one's own confused tendency to get
and the effects of this understanding, which
angry about illusionary entities.
also become externally visible. To create an
active commitment to life without the com- On Sunday there was a very detailed ex-
plication of worldly thinking is a challenge planation about guru yoga. After doing the
one can only manage to deal when he or she exercises that he had explained, the next ine-
has developed an inartificial and extensive vitable step is meeting a guru. In tantric
form of compassion. practise the guru is in the middle of a border-
less mandala in which the core and the four
Martin explained the enormous paradox
directions represent beside the other five
of the single one gains happiness through the
transcendent wisdoms. Finally, the guru gi-
endeavour of making other beings happy on
ves the key to be reborn within the mandala.
the background of dedicating the merit.
Based on these profound teachings we prac-
In regard to the preliminary practices, he tised the big Rigdzin Padmasambhava-Puja
spoke about chöd practise, which enables the on Sunday afternoon with a lot of insight
practitioner not only to loosen his/her fixati- into their meaning, which was an invaluable
on on the body but that it can also have a he- enrichment, at least in my opinion.
aling effect on others.
At the end of the teachings the people or-
Vajrasattva meditation has the power to ganizing the weekend closed with good
dissolve even the hardest tendencies of im- news. The costs of the whole weekend had
purity that have endured within our mind been covered from the donations of the parti-
stream through millions of years of repro- cipants.
Kind greetings to all sangha members,
Khordong e.V. 53
CommingEvents 2007
James Low
54 Newsletter 2007
Events Overview
Keith Dowman
25.05. 2007, 7 pm
Introduction to Dzogchen on the basis of the three precepts of Garab Dorje
26.-28.05. 2007, 10 am – 6 pm: Pentecost seminar
Dzogchen and Tantra. Skilful means for opening to spontaneity (synchronicity)
29.-31.05. 2007, 10 am – 6 pm (subject to change)
Rushen pratice seminar
Registration recommended. For experienced disciples only. Minimum requirement: partici-
pants must have attended a weekend seminar with Keith Dowman
Khordong e.V. 55
Practice Groups
Pentecost Retreat,
26. - 28. Mai Dzogchen and Tantra:
2007 Skilful Means in as above as above
10-18h Opening up to
29.-31. May
Keith Ruzhen Praxis
2007 as above as above
Dowman Seminar
56 Newsletter 2007
who when what where contact
Raum der
21. June Public speech :
James Bewohnerinitiative For information Thomas
2007 Similarity and
Low Langenmarckstr. 97 Fon: +49-761-4517008
20:30h Difference
79100 Freiburg i.Br.
Seminar: Direct
Ruth Kürmann
Identification of Haus am Mühlenbach
Im Tannwald 4
James 22.-24. June Buddhahood beyond D-79682 Todtmoos-Au
79736 Rickenbach
Low 2007 classification (Südschwarzwald)
fon +49-7765- 918175
(following Nuden fon +49-7674 –8165
email: [email protected]
Register with Kamalashila
Kamalashila Institut Institut:
27. - 30. Fon: +49-2655-939055 [email protected]
September Dzogchen Fall Retreat Kirchstrasse 22a Info: Eva-Maria Küchler
2007 D-56729 Langenfeld fon +49-(0)-2245-4689
(Eifel), Germany fax +49-(0)-2245-4528
[email protected]
Tulku Ugen Chencho Lama
Byangter Khordong
Tulku December fon. gompa:
Ugen 2007/ +91-353-2585860 fon, fax
18. Butterlamp Retreat India, West Bengal
Chencho Januar residents: +91-353-2581358
Lama Distr. Darjeeling
2008 mobile +91-9832049416
Dhansara Village
[email protected]
We would appreciate, if you send details concerning your own practice-groups to complete the list.
Please copy and mail or fax to the Managing Committee
I want to actively support the Khordong-Association of Germany (Khordong-Verein) and hereby apply
for membership. As a member of the association I will get sent all programmes to events and the latest
information about the activities of the Sangha of Chhimed Rigdzin Rinpoche.
I can terminate my membership in the association at any time by written notice.
I will transfer the yearly fee of 60 € (couples 90 €) within 4 weeks to the account nominated below:
The following form allows us to withdraw the membership fees from your bank-account
I allow hereby the German Khordong-Association (Khordong e.V.) to withdraw the amount of my yearly
membership fees from my bank-account. I can always end this permission by written notice.
1. Chairman: Andreas Ruft, Oppelner Straße 28, 10997 Berlin, phone: ++49-30-28 33 276, email:
[email protected] /// 2.Chairman: Anne Wanitschek, Hagenauer Straße 13, 10435 Berlin, phone
++49-30-44 03 27 72, email: [email protected] /// treasurer: Wolfgang Zimmerman,
Taborstraße 5, 10997 Berlin, phone.: ++49-618 63 93, email: [email protected]
Khordong e.v.
The Khordong e.V. is registered
and has its seat in Tübingen.
The charity was recognized for
–support of religious purpose-
with notification from 09.02.1999.
The commitee
chairman Andreas Ruft
Oppelner Str. 28
10997 Berlin
phone ++49 (0)30 283 32 76
email [email protected]
Deutsche Bank
BLZ 10070024
324 755 800 spiritual field
324 755 801 donations for Poland
324 755 802 edition