Cccsri Sai Ram Engineering College

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cccSri Sai Ram Engineering College

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Subject :cdrinciples of Management Subject Code:MG2351

Branch /Section : Mech / A& B Year/Sem: III/VI

Date /Session : Max Marks : 50

dart ± A 10 x 2 = 20

Answer all the questions

1.Define Span of management.

2.Explain departmentation.

3.What is meant by formal and informal organosation.

4.Define Forecasting.

5.How the soundness of policy can be judged?

6.Define planning premises.

7.What are the functions of top management.

8.Explain the criticism made on scientific management.

9.Make a comparison on Taylor͛s work and Fayol͛s work.

10.What are the types of business organizations ayailable.

Part ʹ B 3 X 10 = 30

Answer any three questions

11.Explain the contribution of Taylor to the theory of management.

12.Explain the forecasting techniques in detail.

13.Explain the method of selection process.

14.Explain the various methods of departmentation with illustrative diagrams.

15.Discuss the factors determining span of control.

cccSri Sai Ram Engineering College
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Subject :cdrinciples of Management Subject Code:MG2351

Branch /Section : Mech / A& B Year/Sem: III/VI

Date /Session : Max Marks : 50

dart ± A 10 x 2 = 20

Answer all the questions

1.Define staffing.

2.Define organizing

3.Differentiate policy and strategy.

4.Define planning.

5.Define objectives.

6.Define MBO.

7.What is the purpose of human recourse management ?

8.Why informal organization is needed?

9.List any four advantages and limitations of decentralization.

10.List some factors affecting span of control.

Part ʹ B 3 X 10 = 30

Answer any three questions

11. Explain the contribution of Henri Fayol to the theory of management.

12.Explain the different type of policies and explain the soundness of policy

13.Explain the process of MBO with a focus on IT industry.

14.Explain the nature and purpose of organisation

15.What is planning?Explain the steps involved in planning.


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