Target Market of Dettol Soap

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Target market of Dettol soap

Dettol is one of the best soap markets for Bangladesh. More over this soap
target the market or the audience in a way of sociality. It shows the massages of
being save from dust and insects.

The Advertisement for Dettol

We spoke about two themes on which hand sanitizer advertising could be based
on. These were:

a) Speaking about the 99.99% germs killing attribute

b) Speaking about the anytime/anywhere attribute


The advertising of the Dettol Instant Hand Sanitizer does not focus directly on any
of the above mentioned themes.

It shows a man’s hand and the various things it is put through in the course of a
day. The ad tries to show this without showing any explicit user scenarios or using
any text. The creative is about an outstretched hand, which through its various
projections, each holding an object, represents a particular user activity.

These range from:

• Eating out
• Handling home appliances and gadgets like the remote
• Driving, filling up gas
• Using the phone
• Working, writing, using the computer

All these contexts are possible sources of germs. The bottle of the Dettol Instant
Hand Sanitizer kept besides the outstretched hand is the supposedly the solution
the outstretched hand is looking for as a solution for all the ills the hand has to go
through in the course of the day. The campaign for Dettol Instant Hand Sanitizer
illustrates the fact that germs are everywhere. As explained before, numerous
occasions throughout the course of the day are all possible sources of germs.

The text in small font on the bottle itself, stating the product as the Dettol Instant
Hand Sanitizer is the cue which helps relate the outstretched hand, affected by the
germs causing environment and the bottle, which supposedly is the solution that
the hand is looking for. Apart from that there is no body copy in the print ad which
states the benefits of the product or its usage. What is highlighted though is the
Dettol brand itself, which is easily noticed on the bottle. The strong brand of Dettol
lends credibility to the product and gives an impetus to the target audience to look
at the AD more carefully.

Target audience

The hand shown in the ad and the contexts in which the hand is shown are
typically male. Dettol had in fact made a separate ad for women showing a
woman’s outstretched hand with contexts typical to a female. But, the problem of
germs is not gender specific. So, in that way, the ad targets both men and women.

One segmentation, which the ad talks about is Psychographic Segmentation based

on type of activity. It talks about outdoor activities like driving, eating out and also
things like working on the computer or making calls. These and also the shirt worn
by the outstretched hand, which is a formal shirt, point to a target audience of
office going men or men who are outside for some work or the other.
The relevance of the product is there for such a TG, based by them being involved
in activities, in which an anytime/anywhere product for keeping hands germ free is
needed. Though the fact that the product is anytime/anywhere is never mentioned
is one of the shortcomings of the ad and would be taken up later.

Connection between message and target audience

As has already being explained, the print ad shows various scenarios in which a
man’s hand is exposed to germs. These are typical to the TG of office going men
or men who are involved in outdoor activities. Thus, they can relate and identify
with the situations shown. The bottle kept alongside the hand having the Dettol
brand is the solution to the everyday problem of keeping hands germ free.

Objectivity of the advertisement

The objective of the ad is to illustrate the need for using the hand sanitizer and the
possible benefits obtained through its use. The need for a germ fighter is brought
out by showing the out stretched hand in different everyday contexts, But, the
specific benefits of using a hand sanitizer, namely, it killing 99.99% of the germs
or that it can be used anytime anywhere are not brought out in the hand.

The picture shown is a “fair and accurate representation” of the qualities of a hand

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