Contracts Outline - CONSOLIDATED
Contracts Outline - CONSOLIDATED
Contracts Outline - CONSOLIDATED
Contract Questions: 1) Is there a contract? (agreement in fact) 2) Is there an enforceable obligation? (agreement as
written) 3)What are the terms? (rights and duties created by 1 and 2).
Offer and Acceptance-can be called a concurrence of wills or ad idem (meeting of the minds)…the obvious objection is
that a court cannot read minds. Mutual Assent-legal doctrine in every contract each party must agree to the same thing,
must know what the other party or parties intended, and must mutually assent to be in agreement
A bilateral contract - formed when the parties exchange promises of performance to take place in the future: Each
party is both a promisor and a promise
A unilateral contract-only one party (the offeror) would be a promisor, and the offeree’s rendering of performance
would also constitute her acceptance of the offer.
*This affords maximum protection to the offeror
Implied in fact - the circumstances imply that parties have reached an agreement, but it’s not expressly said.
For example, by going to a doctor for a checkup, a patient agrees that he will pay a fair price for the service
Implied in law (quasi-contract) the courts remedy situations in which one party would be unjustly enriched were he or she
not required to compensate the other.
In 1677 The English Parliament enacted what is commonly referred to as the “statute of frauds”-requires writing
The Restatement (2nd) §17 -a bargain in which there is a manifestation (expression) of mutual assent (agreement) to the
exchange and a consideration; *K doesn’t require bargaining i.e. internet agreements in which you check a box
What promises ought to be enforced? (1) Formality (and the seal—in the old days it had to be written, signed, sealed,
and delivered…over time the seal got watered down); (2) Consideration; (3) Foreseeable, justifiable reliance (in the
absence of consideration); or (4) Charitable subscriptions
What promises aren’t enforced? Promises made (1) under duress; (2) by children or by people who are not mentally
competent; (3) that are unjust or that shock the conscience; or (4) as gifts.
Contracts: Roy
Contracts: Roy
a. OFFER- must create a reasonable expectation in the offeree that the offeror is willing to enter into a K on the basis of
the offered terms; there must be intent. Ct looks to language (definite and certain terms capable of being enforced),
surrounding circumstances, and prior practice and relationship of parties
The broader the communicating media, the more likely it is that the cts will view the communication as merely
a solicitation of an offer. It must be communicated to offeree so that offeree has knowledge of the offer
The following are important: (1) identity of offeree; (2) the subject matter; (3) the price
The fact that one or more terms are left open does not prevent the formation of a K if intent is clear and there is
a reasonably certain basis for giving a remedy. The majority of jurisdictions and Art 2 hold that the ct can
supply reasonable terms (presumption cannot be made if the parties have included a term that makes K too
vague to be enforced)
i. INTENTION TO BE BOUND: Objective Theory of Contract
1. Ray v. Eurice Bros. –P wants to build home; selected Eurices who signed contract with a clause stating
specifications. D then claimed he could not build the house. Trial ct. found a miscommunication: no K bc
no meeting of the minds. Ct has to determine intent objectively; “absent fraud, duress, or mutual mistake,
a party who signs a written contract with or without reading it is bound by his signature.” Duty to read-it
doesn’t even matter if the specifications were attached bc it’s their duty to figure out what the
specifications mentioned are. *Holmes-the law must go by externals.
ii. TERMINATION OF OFFER- Methods of communication: direct communication (or comparable means that
the offer was made i.e. publication) or indirect communication if offeree receives correct information from a
reliable source of acts that would indicate to an RPP that the offeror no longer wishes to make the offer
a. Lonergan v. Scolnick: Mail correspondence about sale of land (ad placed in the paper). Ct found
only an invitation for offer. D told him to decide quickly because he expected to have a buyer
within a week. D sold the property four days later, without knowing this, P responded that he
accepted. Ct looks at words used-D’s language indicated no definite offer just a “first-come-first-
serve” statement (even K that uses “offer” may not be held out legally as an offer). **here the ct
was more inclined to rule for D bc of P’s lack of timely acceptance
o R. § 26- Preliminary negotiations are not an offer until promisor has made a further
manifestation of assent. Must be mutual assent- meeting of the minds, reasonable.
Series of communications –you use the offer where it crystallized and you reference
everything that has happened up to that point
o R. § 25 - claiming that in order for the letter to be a final offer there had to be no
ambiguity. It would have full force and single-mindedness on intent.
o §63 The “Mailbox Rule” - applies to post and probably faxes, not e-mail. Acceptance is
valid when dispatched/sent, unless the offer provides otherwise. It must be properly
addressed w correct postage.
If the mailbox rule is negated bc the method of acceptance used was not invited
then the acceptance is effective on receipt
§65- medium of acceptance must be reasonable and thus invited by the offer.
o §42 -revocation (act of recall or annulment-eliminates the power of acceptance) is valid
when received- it would be unfair to the offeree to have it effective before the offeree
receives it; §40 – rejections and counteroffers are also effective upon receipt
o The modern trend discards mailbox rule and focuses on need of offeree to have a firm
basis for action in reliance on the effectiveness of her acceptance once it had been
a. Normile v Miller: Seller rejects first offer with a counteroffer (mirror image rule-if acceptance
doesn’t mirror original then it’s a counter offer). Purchaser doesn’t accept or reject. 2 nd purchaser
then made an offer which was accepted. 1st purchaser (already being told “you snooze you lose,”)
then accepts the counter-offer. After counter-offer the power of acceptance was then on 1st
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purchaser, who waited, thinking they had an ‘option’, which they didn’t. A contract is not an
option unless there is a time attached to it.
a. Petterson v Pattberg: Offeror revokes offer when Offeree attempts to pay off mortgage.
Any offer to enter into a unilateral K may be w/drawn before the act requested has
been performed. If offeror can say “I revoke” before offeree accepts, however brief,
offer is terminated (seen in §42). Classical Doctrine.
o Minority Modern View: D made performance impossible. If promisor is the
cause of the failure of performance, he cannot take advantage of the failure.
o § 32 – When in doubt, cts should conclude the offeror intended to allow the
offeree to accept either by making a return promise or by rendering the
performance requested by the offeror (Try to interpret every K as if bilateral if
possible.) Exception: when offeror clearly only sought an act in exchange for the
o § 45– If there’s consideration then it’s an option K as soon as offeree begins or
tenders performance. Offeror’s duty only exists on the completion, but revoking
right is gone. (Petterson might think that his quarterly payment was consideration
for the promise to hold the offer open. That’s wrong. Making that quarterly
payment was a preexisting legal duty).
o § 43— If I get an indirect communication of a revocation, and the information I
get is reliable, then I can’t accept anymore.
o Objection to Unilateral Contract: It’s hard upon B that he should walk half
way across the bridge and not get compensation, but hard cases should not make
bad law. B is not bound to continue to cross the bridge, so if B is free-willed,
why should A not be
4. LIMITATIONS ON OFFEROR’S POWER TO REVOKE: (1) Option K-distinct K in which offeree
gives consideration for a promise by the offeror not to revoke; (2) Merchant’s firm offer: merchant in
writing w assurance to hold offer open for stated time or reasonable time; (3) Detrimental reliance-if
offeror could reasonably expect offeree to rely K is open for reasonable time; (4) Part performance-
unilateral Ks aren’t solidified until complete performance, but once performance has begun, offeree is
given reasonable time to complete performance
i. Izadi v. Ford - Deceptive Ford ad attempted to “bait and switch” customers. Deceptive ads will
be viewed as binding offers. Objective- RPP’s interpretation of ad. Normally, ads are held to be
not offers, but merely solicitations/ invitations for offers…decision made on policy grounds.
ii. Cook v Coldwell Banker-Er offers bonus program to be paid at the end of the year if ees sell
certain amount. Changes pay date to March. P left before March, but after the end of the bonus
year. D tries to revoke claiming P did not accept. § 45- can’t revoke after part performance
b/c option K is created. Remedies: Relief of expectation interest, restitution or reliance (extent
to which D has been enriched), specific performance (simplest)
iii. James Baird v Gimbel Bros-D sent sub-contractor offer to P to supply linoleum for construction
project; P used offer in his general bid. D later revoked realizing mistake, but bid was placed and
the general bid was accepted shortly after. Promissory estoppel cannot be asserted to compel
an offeror to perform where the offer is not meant to become a binding contract until
consideration has been received. PE is used to avoid harsh results allowing promissor to
repudiate when promisee has acted in reliance. D offered in exchange for P’s acceptance, not in
exchange for P’s bid on the general contract.
**This case has since been overturned by Drennan v. Star Paving.
iv. Drennan v Star Paving Co-P was awarded the contract for a job; next day went to D & said he
couldn’t do the price quoted ($7K changed to $15K). P looked for another K (lowest he could
find was $11K). Judgment required D to pay the difference. Subcontractor’s bid to General
used in reliance in preparing a big bid is enforced under PE. It must be “reasonably
foreseeable” that General will use subs bid in his offer. If P would have known mistake it
wouldn’t be enforceable. Modern **applying PE to an offer is known as the Drennan rule.
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v. Berryman v Knoch-P filed claim to make option contract bw him and D void. D approached to
buy P’s land. Option K drafted for 960 acres for $10 consideration (never paid tho). Then P sold
to a third party. D decides to exercise option. For Option K, consideration may be nominal
(amount is irrelevant, formality is not), but it must be paid. Thus it was an offer to sale,
subject to withdrawal and no PE because no requirement to do anything; under non-option K if
optionee gains reliable notice the land is sold, then K is void (power of acceptance terminated
when offeror takes definite action inconsistent with proposed contract §43). **Often, in regular
K, you need more than nominal consideration, but in Option K it’s okay to be nominal.
vi. Pop’s Cones v Resorts Int’l Hotel-during preliminary negotiations; repeated assurances and
promises to Pop’s. Ct. grants PE bc reliance was foreseeable. A promise that foreseeably
induces action or forbearance and does produce that action or forbearance is binding if injustice
can be avoided only be enforcement of the promise. Relaxed the strict requirement for a “clear
and definite promise” in order to establish PE (modern). Whether P’s reliance was reasonable is
for the jury.
**Every business man faces risk that the substantial transaction costs necessary to bring about a
mutually beneficial contract will be lost if the negotiations fail to yield a satisfactory agreement.
It is difficult to find the degree of injustice necessary for recovery.
Express rejection
Counteroffer-same subject matter, but different terms serves as a rejection of original offer as
well as a new offer *distinguish mere inquiry
Lapse of time- must accept within specified or reasonable time
By death or insanity of either party
By destruction of subject matter
By supervening legal prohibition of proposed contract
Only the offeree can accept- power of acceptance cannot be assigned
Acceptance of offer for unilateral K: (a) completion of performance (starting performance make create an
option K so offer is irrevocable); (b) notice-not required to tell offeror he has begun, but must provide notice
within a reasonable time of performance completion
Acceptance of offer for bilateral K: generally acceptance must be communicated (unless acceptance is
waived in offer)
o Silence as acceptance §69 –highly limited circumstances
Previous dealings can create a duty to speak thus if party doesn’t comment, inaction will be
treated as acceptance bc it’s reasonable under the circumstances
If you take benefit of services offered when you had a chance to reject them
Method of acceptance-unless provided an offer invites acceptance in any reasonable manner
Common Law rule-any different or additional terms turn acceptance into a counter-offer
o Distinguish between statements that make implicit terms explicit
o Grumbling acceptance
o Request for clarification
Contracts: Roy
i. BATTLE OF THE FORMS- 2-207 (1) we view the seller’s acknowledgment of buyer’s purchase order as
acceptance when it looks, acts, and quacks like an acceptance, even if it states an additional term; (2)
additional term shall be a proposal for an addition.
1. Harlow and Jones v Advance Steel - Advance Steel wants to buy steel. Harlow sends sales form and
places order with third party. Advance Steel mailed purchase order to Harlow w/ some minor revisions.
(neither party signed or returned either form). Discrepancy on shipping dates. Ct finds K formed orally
and subsequent events were fine-tuning. The Rule: moment of offer and acceptance is difficult to
pinpoint, but full performance indicates they agreed to “something” thus it’s reasonable to assume they
had an agreement. This is not necessarily a problem of mutual assent but a problem of agreement to
terms. The Knock-Out Rule—we eliminate the dispute and focus on agreed provisions. Ct finds no
material delay. (looks at “usage of trade”—seller says shipment between by Sept-Oct but that means Oct-
Nov in trade terms). *If looking at this under classical doctrine-buyer’s purchase order that came back
would be a counter-offer (a new offer) which would have been accepted by performance. **A signature
on either form would have been manifestation of assent
ii. THE FIRM OFFER: 2-205: An offer by a merchant; the fact that there is no consideration will not make it
revocable focus on time stated ….reasonable time (three months) not to EXCEED three months, not
automatically three months
Has to be signed some manifestation of assent
*If there’s no authority there’s no promise if pop’s would have claimed that they guy making the promise
wasn’t authorized they could have won on that
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contract by cannery; c.) Clause reserving to the seller the power to cancel upon the buyer’s
failure to meet any invoice when due; d.) Clause requiring that complaints be made in a time
materially shorter than customary or reasonable
o Knock out rule-if there’s a conflict the conflicted terms are knocked out (majority) and terms
are replaced with generic terms
2-207(3): If parties thought, but didn’t have, a K- the terms are those in writings which agree-
knock out rule
Why did UCC want to change CL rule that a deviant acceptance is a counteroffer?
1. The business people think they’ve got a deal when the acknowledgement is sent off as a response to
the purchase order. When the law comes along and tells them something else, it goes against their
ordinary understanding.
2. The common law defers contract formation for a couple of months and allows the parties to walk
away from the contract scot-free long after it would commonly be understood to be binding.
3. What are the terms of the contract? Common law analysis would have the seller, as the counter-
offeror, dictate the terms to the buyer. The buyer would thus implicitly accept the seller’s terms when
the buyer accepts the goods. This used to be referred to as the “last shot” principle: whichever side
sends the last form gets its preferred terms. This was criticized as being as arbitrary as can be. We
need to find a rational way to figure out whose terms control rather than just picking the terms of the
party that fires the last shot.
1. Hamer v. Sidway- Uncle promises (in front of a big party) some cash if his nephew won’t do “bad stuff”
like smoking, drinking, swearing, and gambling. Classical consideration- Benefit/Detriment Test= benefit
to promisor or detriment to promise. Legal Detriment- someone forbears from doing something that they
are legally entitled to do. In this case, boy refrained from drinking, smoking, swearing till 21 and here a
promise without benefit to promisor is an enforceable contract. Consideration for a promise may
consist of the abandonment of a legal right. If there is a smidgeon of trade the promise will be
enforced, §81 even if consideration itself was the thing that induced the promise.
§ 81 - it doesn’t matter if the consideration itself was the thing that induced the promise. It’s still good
§ 71 -Consideration is bargained for. Old rule: “benefit to the promisor/detriment to
promisee=enforceable;” don’t need that anymore. New rule: as long as there is consideration, adequacy is
Consider the §§ 71 and 81 together: If a transaction is 99% gift and 1% bargain, the “smidgeon” of
exchange is consideration.
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The door is shut on dealing only with legal rights as a public policy; the law expects you not to
engage in these activities anyways, so a contract to follow the law is not enforceable.
o General rule-promise to perform or the performance of an existing legal duty is not
sufficient consideration
However, even though it is illegal a lot of people still engage in it, thus there is still a promise
The same policy consideration is valid when offering additional incentive to someone already
obligated to do something (i.e. a teacher teaching a course)
2. Pennsy Supply v. American Ash Recycling –Pennsy subcontracted to do paving, original contractor
suggested free AggRite for project. It was used. It cracked. Pennsy had to redo it and dispose of AggRite.
Sued original contractor for disposal costs. Consideration is essential, it must actually be bargained
for as the exchange for a promise. It wasn't a gift because American Ash received a benefit from the
arrangement, which was the reason they were offering it free in the first place. "Complaint alleges facts
which, if proven, would show the promise induced the detriment and the detriment induced the promise.
This would be consideration." No requirement of bargain for exchange.
i. “Consideration requires bargaining. However, “bargain” does not mean an exchange of things of
equivalent, or any, value, it means a negotiation resulting in the voluntary assumption of an
obligation by one party under condition of an act or forbearance by the other. Consideration thus
insures that the promise enforced as a contract is not accidental.
Dougherty compared with Hamer-both promises to a younger relative-the promise in Dougherty was
made more formally than the one in Hamer, but the latter was enforced and the former was not. Why? No
consideration. If there was a promise in the note would that be enforceable? “if you are a good boy”
There would be a bargain, but the terms are difficult to prove. If the terms are specific, they are either met
or they are not
2. Batsakis v Demotsis – Greek woman needed $. Took out and signed for a loan. Cts will not inquire into
the adequacy of consideration, only the sufficiency. Fairness isn’t always relevant; not the court’s
place; Court doesn’t value what she received only that she received it. Doesn’t have to be an equivalent
exchange. “Mere inadequacy of consideration will not void a contract” Restatement §75: no
requirement of equivalence in the values exchanged. §79(e) gross inadequacy may be taken into account.
o Illusory promise- promise that makes performance entirely optional w/ promisor no matter
what promise does- not an enforceable promise, obligation must be imposed on promisor.
(Restatement §77a)
o Mutuality of Obligation- both parties must be bound, or neither is bound. Not really needed in
K so long as bargained for exchange exists. If consideration is met, that is enough
(Restatement §79c)
3. Plowman v Indian Refining Co- Ps argue there was valid consideration in an offer for company’s
retirement plan. Neither past-Consideration nor Moral Consideration are valid. Condition of the
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promise- is not consideration, simply a requirement in order to receive benefit. No benefit to employer
when they went to pick up checks. However, strongly a man may be bound in conscience to fulfill his
engagements, the law does not recognize their sanctity or supply any means to compel their performance,
except when founded upon a sufficient consideration.
ii. CHARITABLE SUBSCRIPTIONS--Modern Theory- cts used PE to legally enforce “gifts” to charitable
institutions. To enforce a charitable subscription, you needed to est. that there was a promise to give some
property to a charitable institution and that promise was supported by consideration or reliance.
***§90(2) A charitable subscription or a marriage settlement is binding under subsection (1) without proof that
the promise induced action or forbearance
1. King v Trustees of Boston University- Ct. finds consideration in MLK’s promise to transfer title of papers
and to give BU property when he died. There was a bargain for exchange (not necessary, the action has to
be foreseeable and detrimental though) b/c King wanted papers to be kept w/ scrupulous care at BU. BU
did this and organized them as well. So there is a promise and there is consideration (charitable exchange).
Court found for BU.
***PolicyComment b to §90 suggests that whether a promise should be enforced may depend in part on
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“the extent to which the evidentiary, cautionary, deterrent, and channeling functions of form are
met.”Urges charities to adhere to prudent business methods, the court noted that informality exposes
donors to the risk of unforeseen tax problems. The court observed charities that are successful in obtaining
court enforcement of casually made pledges my suffer harm. Potential donors could become more reticent
about making gifts. In connection with the court’s admonition about the dangers of informal practices by
b. RESTITUTION-no promise, but one party has been unjustly enriched/benefited, look for restitution.
i. Credit Bureau Enterprises v. Pelo- Pelo was hospitalized against his will for mental illness. Under duress signed
approval. Ct finds even w out an express/implied K he has to pay for involuntary services bc he was unjustly
enriched. Generally, restitution doesn’t have to be paid when service is forced, exception: if services are deemed
necessary and if it was impossible to gain assent (i.e. youth or mental impairment).
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§116: Elements for restitution (modern doctrine): (1) Act unofficiously w/ intent to charge; (2)
Services were necessary to prevent other from suffering serious bodily harm or pain; (3) Supplier of
services had no reason to know receiver would not consent (if mentally competent); (4) It was
possible for other to give consent
**the classical approach held no bargain then no recovery
ii. Commerce v Equity- Equity (sub-contractor for World, general contractor) hired subcontractor Commerce for
stucco work. Upon completion, World gave Equity a list of remedial work; refused partial payment. Equity
stopped work and filed suit. World filed for bankruptcy. Equity then sued Commerce. Owner is not liable under an
implied in law claim even when subcontractor wasn’t paid by a bankrupt general contractor bc they have to
account for where all payments went to define an unjust enrichment for the implied in law contract. To impose a
quasi-contract action (restitution) against owner, subcontractor must (a) exhaust remedies against General (b)
prove owner’s receipt of benefit conferred w/out paying consideration to anyone.
Implied in Fact requires interaction between the parties; receiver knows a benefit is being conferred. (look for
offer, acceptance and consideration). Implied in Law requires no interaction; windfall benefit on the part of the
receiver. (look for unjust enrichment)
Quasi-K Elements: (1) P has conferred benefit on D; (2) D has knowledge of benefit; (3) D has accepted
or retained benefit conferred; (4) Unfair to allow D to keep benefit w/out paying. **Restitution rests on
idea of promoting justice
iii. Watts v Watts-unmarried cohabitants; (she took his name, filed tax together, took out life insurance policies, and
his wealth greatly increased); they split, she got nothing. She files for restitution asserting her right to half
property/wealth gained during relationship. P basically claims she filled the role of “domestic engineer,” (but in
the words of Beyonce “if you like it you should put a ring on it”.) Ct. finds unjust enrichment b/c she did a lot of
things during years that allowed him to work and build business. Ct also finds K implied in fact b/c actions of
parties imply agreement to share. The court held that marriage was not necessary to provide relief for both parties
and that if not, ones side would be unjustly enriched and the other impoverished.
1. Is K w/in statute of frauds? If not then P is free to prove her K by any combination of relevant
evidence, written or oral, direct or circumstantial
2. If yes, is there sufficient memo/writing? If yes, then there is no bar to enforcement and the case
may proceed in normal fashion. **It’s not the case that it has to be in writing…all you need is a sufficient
memoranda, some sort of writing amounting to the evidentiary purpose.
3. If not, any exceptions applicable?
Yes, there is still hope bc of exceptions such as performance or reliance by P
i. Crabtree v. Elizabeth Arden- employment at Arden Co (D) K based on 2yrs and specific salary increases. Pay-
roll change card prepared, initialed, and forwarded to payroll department. P’s second salary increase wasn’t
approved. SOF writing requirement is satisfied by parol linking several documents, some signed and others
unsigned together. Affirmed for P bc the writings taken together combined all the essential terms of the K.
*SOF requires a signature to authenticate information, but it doesn’t require a single document.
Analysis: (1) Is K under SOF? Yes b/c it can’t be performed w/in 1 year: for 2 yrs. Just b/c a K
can be breached w/in 1 year doesn’t take it out of SOF. (2) Sufficient Writing? 3 writings w 1
unsigned that contains essential terms. R. 132- Memo can consist of several writings if one is
signed and others clearly indicate that they relate. *memo must be signed by party being enforced
against, memo can be anything. Cts are LENIENT and want to enforce agreements.
iii. Winternitz v. Summit Hills Joint Venture- Oral agreement to renew lease for 2 years. P claimed that D orally
agreed to renew the lease and permitted him to assign it, provided the assignee was financially sound. P began
payment of new rent agreed upon. No problem was foreseen then D later refused to allow it. P was forced to
renegotiate his sales contract in light of new terms. P sued for breach of oral agreement. Ct found for P on
malicious interference argument. No signed writing exists thus it’s under SOF. An oral K unenforceable under
SOF may be enforced w respect to doctrine of part performance K for transfer of an interest in land will be
enforced if party seeking enforcement reasonably relied, and changed his position so that injustice can only
be avoided by specific enforcement; isn’t applicable in a suit for damages, only for specific performance.
R (2nd) §766(A): “One who intentionally and improperly interferes with K performance bw
another and 3rd party is subject to liability.”
R (2nd) §767: Intentional interference evaluates is met by considering the following factors: (a)
nature of conduct, (b) motivation, (c) interests of the other with which the actor’s conduct
interferes, (d) interests sought to be advanced by actor, (e) social interests in protecting the
freedom of action of the actor and the contractual interests of the other, (f) direct cause of
interference (g) relations between the parties.”
iv. Alaska Dem. Party v. Rice- P asked to return to former position as exec director for 2 years. P later informed she
would not get the job. PE used as exception to SOF if existence of promise is clear and convincing; also
forbearance must be reasonable and foreseeable, and enforcement must be the only way to avoid injustice.
What is different about §139 (than §90): Easer to get “benefit of bargain” damages, more detailed- gives cts
more guidance, applied when K conflicts w/ SOF, applied when not sufficient writing. *Perhaps easier to enforce
b/c agreement already exists.
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c. THE SALE OF GOODS: new text of §2-201 added subsection (4) clarifying relationship bw article 2 SOF and
traditional 1yr general SOF and increased threshold amount for coverage from $500 to $5,000.
i. Buffalo v. Hart- oral agreement for Buffalo to buy 5 tobacco barns by 4 installments. Buffalo made 1 st $5,000
payment and check was given to D and accepted. Later it was mailed back, torn up and called a “revoked” offer,
(attempted repudiation), but there was already an agreement. Analysis: is K under SOF: Yes, over $500. Is there
a sufficient writing: NO, check was not signed by Hart, only Buffalo. (SOF requires a signature of party
against whom enforcement is sought).
Ct finds there’s enough evidence to uphold SOF part performance exception. **Buffalo only paid a portion
of full payment, so he will not get all 5 barns b/c they are divisible. If asserted K is for one unit, part payment is
sufficient to enforce entire K.
Merchant-a person who deals in goods, holds himself out as having knowledge or skill peculiar to the practices or
goods involved…may be attributed by his employment
For UCC 2-201 to apply, one of the merchants must send a “confirmation of K” in writing w/in a reasonable
period of time after K was formed. Confirmation must be received by the other party (person w reason to know
about it). If confirmation meets requirements, it’s treated as sufficient to comply with SOF against recipient
merchant even though the recipient has not signed any writing showing the existence of K. Rationale is that the
practice of objecting to an improper confirmation ought to be familiar to any person in business. §2-201(2)
comment 4- if receiving merchant fails to object, there is sufficient evidence to conclude that a real transaction
may have occurred bw the parties.
By reducing the required contents of the writing to a bare minimum, §2-201 (1) makes enforcement
possible on the basis of very fragmentary notations of terms, authenticated perhaps by only initials or
even a printed letterhead. “A term agreed upon” may be omitted from memorandum, thereby
implicitly allowing enforcement even in the absence of a writing stating the price term., sometimes
based on published price list or market price.
o This is problematic where obviously the parties at the outset cannot set a fixed quantity
(although they may set a maximum or minimum), but the courts have generally permitted
enforcement so long as the term “Requirements” or “output” or some functional equivalent
appears in the writing.
**Revised Article 2 uses the term “record” rather than “writing,” but otherwise only
makes minor changes
Cts have generally taken the view that where the asserted contract is for one unit of the goods in
question, even a payment of only part of the price will be sufficient under §2-201 (3) (c) to validate
the entire K (since the goods cannot be apportioned).
In the early days of SOF, it appears that D wasn’t permitted to assert the statutory defense if in fact he
admitted making the agreement, the rule developed that even oral admissions in ct wouldn’t preclude
D’s raising the statutory bar. Fundamentally, it was felt that D shouldn’t be deprived of his statutory
right by anything but a voluntary admission. A question raised in §2-201(3)(b) is the issue of what
constitutes admission:
The majority view is that PE can operate as an exception to §2-201 by virtue of §1-103. However a
substantial minority of decisions have concluded that the exceptions specifically listed in §2-201
displace any common law exceptions including estoppel
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V. INTERPRETATION AND PAROL EVIDENCE RULE -need to know terms to determine if a breach has occurred; if
the final writing was intended to be a full and final agreement, evidence of prior oral or written agreements cannot be
introduced. Williston- conservative-reluctant to admit evidence outside of the four corners of the writing by applying the
plain meaning rule; Corbin-liberal- the writing is not given a magic, unique, compelling force, the court should focus on
the intent of the parties.
Oral agreement can modify if it (1) is collateral or (2) doesn’t contradict any express or implied provisions of written K.
Justifications- witness testimony is messy and expensive; provides certainty w writing; efficiency reasons
Under the subjectivist view, if the parties attributed materially different meanings to contractual language, no
contract was formed. Cts reasoned that the formation of a K required a “meeting of the minds.”
Williston presented a systematic, objective theory of contractual interpretation-words and conduct should be
interpreted in accordance w the standard of a reasonable person familiar w the circumstances rather than in
accordance w the subjective intention of either of the parties.
1. Joyner v Adams- Property owner Ks w/ builder “to develop” lots. Both parties thought “develop” had different
meaning. A party is bound by the other party’s meaning if the first party either knew or had reason to
know of the second party’s meaning while the second party did not know or have reason to know of the
first party’s interpretation. When two sides have opposing intentions, it is up to the finder of fact to determine
which one had reason to know the other side’s position. Ct ruled against the party w more knowledge. Parties
must present evidence showing other party had reason to know of meaning. E.g. usage of trade. Very fact
*The only situation where the ambiguity falls in favor of the non-drafter is in cases of unequal bargaining power
or an adhesion contract. The parties here are of equal bargaining power.
If there is failure of mutual assent to a term, K may still be valid if that term wasn’t essential
If one party has more information, then that party is held to higher standard. E.g. A knows of B’s
meaning, and B has reason to know of A’s meaning.
In a case where the court finds that neither party knew or had reason to know of the other parties
intent, the contract would be void as there was no meeting of the minds. This policy keeps one side
from misleading the other. Court eventually held for defendant.
Interpretation to aid them in giving meaning to expressions of contractual agreement:
o Meaning of a word in a series is affected by others in same series
o General term joined w specific one will be deemed to include only things that are like the
specific one
o If one or more specific items are listed w out any more general or inclusive terms, other items
although similar in kind are excluded
o Interpretation that makes the K valid is preferred to one that makes it invalid
o Written K contains a word or phrase which is capable of two reasonable meaning,
interpretation will be preferred which is less favorable to the one by whom the K was drafted
(favors party w less bargaining power)
o Handwritten or typed provisions control printed provisions
o **This battery of maxims is never fired all together, just intended to help make prudent
choices, useful guides for reasoning and justification for his conclusion.
After all that it may be appropriate for a ct to conclude that the parties did not make an enforceable
agreement. (“ct should not strain to apply principles of interpretation to fill the gap, but should instead
strive to achieve a just outcome”)
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b) That party had reason to know of any different meaning attached by the other, and the other had reason to
know of the meaning attached by the first
R. 201(3): IF the parties attached different meanings to a material term of the K, but 201(2) doesn’t’ apply, then no K
exists b/c there is no mutual assent.
**Has reason to know- modified objective standard- RPP- doesn’t mean they knew, only that a RPP would have
222: Usage of Trade: usage having such regularity of observance in a place, vocation, or trade. May include system
of rules regularly observed. Usage of trade should be used to give meaning or supplement or qualifies a parties
agreement, unless they agreed otherwise.
223: Course of Dealing: a sequence of previous conduct b/t parties to an agreement which is fairly to be regarded as
establishing a common basis of understanding for interpreting their expressions and other conduct.
Holding- A party who seeks to interpret a contract’s ordinary terms in a narrower sense than is used
in everyday trade has the burden of proof to establish that meaning. And parol evidence is admissible
to show the meaning of an ambiguous term and its usage in a contract. K depends.
Plain Meaning Rule- must stick to four corners of document in interpretation unless term is ambiguous,
and then may look at extrinsic evidence. The Restatement prefers, reasonable, lawful, and effective
meanings. In interpreting, ct prefers(in this order of importance): Express terms, Course of
Performance, Course of Dealing, and Usage of Trade. Also, negotiated terms are given greater weight
than standardized terms.
Contract scholars have consistently rejected the idea that words can have only one precise meaning
Cts have often held that where a written K is facially clear a court should not look for its meaning
beyond its “four corners.” Ct is permitted to receive extrinsic evidence to determine whether there
may be in the agreement a latent ambiguity, but cts should not seek to impose on the writing a
meaning beyond any reasonable understanding of its terms.
Usage of Trade (what’s done in the industry normally if both parties are aware); Course of dealing
(what’s been done in the past); Course of performance (the way that the parties perform in this K).
o How do we prioritize? What is most probative of the issue of meaning? (1) What they
actually do is indicative of what the mean, course of performance (what they actually do
should be distinguished from what other people do); (2) course of dealing –these parties
interacted before –history is bound to be repeated, human nature (we would really like it if past
dealings are directly related to current dealings i.e. same goods/ same process); (3) Usage of
trade- more general
Reasonable Expectations Doctrine- a party is not bound to non-dickered boilerplate terms where party
making terms had reason to believe that adhering party would not have agreed to terms, had he known of
the terms. In this case, P could reasonably have expected the burglary policy to cover this burglary where
the police, as well as the trial court, found that it was an outside job
This is a contradiction of duty to read rule.
3 things to look for to determine if term violates R.E.D.: (1) Bizarre/Oppressive; (2) eliminates
dominant purpose of transaction; (3) Boilerplate overrides dickered term.
Adhesion K: must have this to apply RED
o Standard Form
o Inequality of Bargaining Power
o Consumer Must Accept or Reject (i.e. no bargain- take it or leave it)
Unconscionability: Gross inequality of bargaining power, together with terms unreasonably favorable to
the stronger party, may confirm indications that the transaction involved elements of deception or
compulsion, or may show that the weaker party had no meaningful choice, no real alternative, or did not
Contracts: Roy
in fact assent or appear to assent to the unfair terms. The court held that in this case the plaintiff’s
evidence demonstrated that definitional provision was unconscionable.
The doctrine of reasonable expectations as applied to insurance policies has been adopted by more
than half the states.
o Many jurisdictions have substantially limited the reasonable expectations doctrine by requiring
a presence of ambiguity.
An ambiguous policy should be construed against the insurer and in favor of the insured.
o Noted three variations on applying the doctrine: when there is ambiguity, when the “fine print”
undermines more prominent expectations, and when overall circumstances or premium charged
suggest reasonable expectations are negated.
§211 Restatement is narrower than a full-fledged version of doctrine of reasonable expectations: “The
black letter formulation reflects a conservative approach in its recognition of an exception to the rule
that standardized agreements will be enforced as written. It is narrowly drawn to assess the situation
from the drafter’s perspective where the other party has reason to believe that the party manifesting
such assent would not do so if he knew that the writing contained a particular term, not part of the
The doctrine of reasonable expectations appears to apply to adhesion contracts generally. The
Restatement formulation, although it narrows the doctrine by focusing on expectations of the drafter,
broadens the principle to cover all standardized contracts, not just insurance agreements
o Contract of adhesion is a combination of the use of standard form documents, presentation of
demands on a take-it-or-leave-it basis. Involves the following: (1) printed form containing
many terms (2) purported as a K, (3) drafted by one party, that party commonly enters into this
type of transaction, (4) form is presented to adhering party w representation that terms must be
accepted, (5) parties have dickered over whatever terms are open to bargaining and doc is
signed, (6) adhering party enters into few transactions of the type, (7) principle obligation of
adhering party is the payment of money
c. PAROL EVIDENCE RULE –involves the admissibility of evidence of oral agreements; parol evidence is not
admissible to contradict or vary terms of written agreement (gives parties certainty)
3 ways evidence may come in: (1) Interpret; (2) Supplement; (3) Contradict
Adherents to the “four corners” approach argue that to permit consideration of extrinsic evidence on the
threshold question of integration is to do exactly what the parol evidence rule is designed to avoid;
proponents of the other view argue that one cannot know the intent of the parties simply by looking at the
Parole Evidence Exceptions: (parole evidence rule can only be fully understood in light of its
exceptions)-exceptions are allowed bc the allegation is the contract itself is voidable regardless of writing
To explain/ interpret agreement- classical cts first require ambiguity from 4 corners b/f
interpreting. Modern cts don’t; they allow all evidence in.
Oral or written agreements made after the execution of the writing
To evidence offered to show that the effectiveness of the agreement is subject to an
oral condition preceding
To show agreement is invalid: fraud duress, mistake, undue influence, incapacity,
o Fraud in the execution- lying to get a signature, i.e. they don’t know they’re
signing a K (always an exception)
o Fraud in the inducement- entered into agreement b/c misrepresentation of facts
were made (not usually an exception)
To establish a “collateral” agreement- agreement outside scope of integrated
o Classical: must be completely different subject matter
o Modern: not as strict
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Promissory Estoppel
Integration-completeness and finality, determined from the “four corners” approach (look at the
document on its face); all prior understandings are deemed to have been merged into or superseded
by the final writing.
Partial Integration – intended to be final, but incomplete.
**Classical court is less likely to distinguish bw full integration and partial integration, they just ask if it
is integrated at all.
Concurrence: The concurring opinion is concerned that the majority opinion does not provide enough guidance
for subsequent cases dealing with this same issue. Every agreement will have to be presented to the court.
Bargain for Exchange- State Farm is getting security in terms of peace of mind and Taylor is getting $15,000
Is language ambiguous?
Ambiguity – “all contractual rights, claims, and causes of action…” “contractual” applies
to all and bad faith is a tort claim
*parallels SOF concern one party could admitting the parol brings the question repeatedly,
subsequently alter contract by coming up with what’s the interpretation of the agreement.
something later
**(goal is to honor intent from K’s creation)
Integration: Classical likely to say “it is what it Integration: Modern will consider parol; considers
is”…this is the entire agreement of the parties. if it is partially integrated (this is it for the writing
but it’s incomplete)
The differences between the views only have a shade of difference: reasonably susceptible (possibility
of second meaning) v ambiguous. The important difference is under the modern view, in the first step
the court considers parol evidence. So under the modern view whether parol evidence is entered you look
at everything.
Integration and Interpretation are separate terms: integration is trying to figure out, is this
everything. Thus, integration is a preliminary question. Whereas interpretation is analyzing parties’ intent.
Interpretation and Supplementation are sometimes used interchangeably: analyzing interpretation used
integration framework/analyzing supplementation use ambiguity/susceptible framework
Thompson dealt w what is sometimes referred to as “supplementation” of the written agreement.
Taylor involves a case of interpretation. Extrinsic evidence offered in Taylor did not show a separate
agreement, but rather conduct and other background circumstances. The two cases illustrated the
ongoing tension between two opposing views of the parol evidence rule.
**Some jurisdictions still use the classical view, thus the tension is one that still exists today. The
four corners approach and the Plain meaning approach –all courts will allow extrinsic evidence to
interpret a K w a patent or facial ambiguity, the point of the difference is that “plain meaning”
adherents will not allow use of extrinsic evidence to uncover latent ambiguity
o California Supreme Ct: “If words had absolute and constant referents, it might be possible to
discover contractual intention in the words themselves and in the manner in which they were
arranged. Words however, do not have absolute and constant referents.” This rule chips away
at the foundation of our legal system by giving credence to the idea that words are inadequate
to express concepts.
o Some scholars want a return to the traditional approach bc it gives parties the incentive to
negotiate written agreements carefully. Other writers defend the modern approach bc the
intention of the parties can only be determined in context, not from the words of a document.
Some authors conclude that evaluation of the benefits depends on the level of transaction. A
number of scholars have even called for complete abolition of the rule
**The Court recognizes that there is an exception to the parol evidence for fraud. However, the Court
determines that the exception does not apply under these facts because the fraud directly relates to the
subject of the contract. Because the alleged fraud contradicts the terms of the written contract, it is
inadmissible under the parol evidence rule.
Fraud in inducement -false statement of fact that induces the party to enter into the agreement. Ex-a party
lies about the instrument itself, thinks they’re signing a receipt and are really signing a contract. Fraud in
the execution-manifest assent to something, but they’re really not giving any sort of assent. (p. 392).
Dissent: Fairness is not met. Fraud should be applied bc it rewards the fraudulent party creating injustice
Consistent w the dissent in Sherrodd, a number of cts take the view that not even the combination
of a merger clause and a specific disclaimer can shield a party from a claim of fraud
At a deeper level the opinions reflect a fundamental disagreement about values. Fraud generally
is an exception. Some courts make the distinction between fraud in the inducement and fraud in
the execution. Fraud in the inducement is not an exception in this case.
Professor Knapp: the stricter view of the parol evidence rule represented by Sherrodd embodies a
flawed world: “At the most basic level, it’s the difference between a world that runs on paper, and
a world that runs on face-to-face communication-between a world that says ‘I don’t believe it
unless I see it in writing, and I won’t do it unless a writing tells me to,’ and a world that says, ‘if
you assure me this is so, I will take you at your word and rely on that, as you well know’.”
Professor Mooney laments on the “new conceptualism” –judicial tilt away from the underdogs,
back toward the privileged beneficiaries of classical contract law, is, of course, the new
conceptualisms ‘most troubling feature of all.
Based on your studies, does it seem to you that Sherrodd might have had more success if he had
attempted to proceed on either a mistake or a duress theory?
Concurring: This case shouldn’t be extended to deal with unfair dealings, only allowing uncontradicted custom
and usage as a necessary predicate for interpreting the contract based on the course of performance or for a
finding based on good faith that the seller was required to price protect.
Note: If K is fully integrated, may not offer 3 things to contradict, but may to supplement or interpret.
Evidence that contradicts will NEVER be admitted @ common law or UCC.
a. Supplement
i. Complete integration
ii. Partial integration
b. Contradict
c. Interpret
i. Classical- ambiguous- 4 corners
ii. Modern- reasonably susceptible
II. Exceptions to PER- even if you determine evidence will come in, say that it could still come in
under an exception.
1) Agreements made after execution of writing
2) Oral condition preceding
3) Invalid: fraud, duress, etc.
4) Promissory Estoppel
5) Collateral Agreements- parts of K w/ separate consideration
6) Reformation-mistake
III. Conclusion: Note that just b/c evidence comes in, doesn’t mean they win---jury will decide.
**Also: If hypo has mixed goods and services, do analyze under both UCC and CL.
b. ELECTRONIC CONTRACTING: classical contract formation is based equal bargaining power and a bargaining
process, but that changes with electronic contracts
1. Shrinkwrap Terms-package informs the purchaser that the product contains the seller’s contract terms and that
use of the product constitutes the purchaser’s agreement with those terms
2. Clickwarp (clickthrough Terms)
3. Browsewrap Terms
i. Brower v Gateway –P is not happy with computer because customer support isn’t 24/7 like promised; the
arbitration clause in the shrink-wrap is at dispute here. P doesn’t have to abide by shrink-wrap agreement when
arbitration clause is obscure or expensive. Ct finds agreement when P kept the comp past the 30 day warranty
period. P argues it was a “take it or leave it arrangement,” but ct explains this is the benefit from online purchases
and P had the option to send it back within the 30 days and buy it elsewhere. Also, the fact that the buyer didn’t
read or understand the terms is irrelevant and doesn’t invalidate the contract. Duty to Read.
Contracts: Roy
Rolling Contract- at some point there’s a contract amidst negotiation doesn’t result in offer or
acceptance, no stopping point until form is submitted; court focuses on the form; “rolling” refers
to what happens before and once form is sent that is the offer and what happens after is either
acceptance or rejection
Language of material alteration: if it does fall under 2-207; the court could apply subsection 2
then court would conclude the terms do materially alter; however subsection 2 applies only to
merchants, not to consumer-merchant; only one form thus no battle of the forms. Merchant-
consumer requires expressed assent (action or inaction)
Policy: Cashiers/Phone operators cannot be expected to read legal documents to customers before
ringing up sales…droning voice would anesthetize rather than enlighten many potential buyers
and oral recitation would not avoid customers assertions (whether true or feigned) that the clerk
did not read terms X to them, or that they did not remember or understand it. Writing provides
benefits from both sides of commercial transactions; Customers are better off and so our
Vendors. Argument in line with Brower: there may be times when the consumer wants to be
bound later; they would want the opportunity to send the computer back and be able to rescind on
their end.
Two lines of reasoning: (1) these contracts take place on a rolling place; vendor is master of
offer; (2) traditional way, contract takes place when customer makes offer
1. Wood v. Lady Duff Gordon- Lady made exclusive agreement w Wood to acquire half of Wood’s profits
from his endorsement of Lady. Wood says Lady broke K by doing her own promotions and withholding
profits. A promise may be lacking and yet the whole writing may be instinct with an obligation
imperfectly expresses so as to make a contract. Unless D gave his efforts she wouldn’t get anything. She
wouldn’t want half of nothing; without the court’s implied terms this agreement would lack business
efficacy. The court implied, as a matter of fact, the term reasonable efforts because of parties’
intentions. ** Remember Wright v. Newman- promise to pay child support- there ct implied term as a
matter of fairness, not intention. It’s not uncommon to have a contract that is one sided (i.e. Nanukuli –
presumably they could use someone else, but in actual K it was one-sided; historically courts have issue
w one-sided Ks). Ct finds Lady liable for breach of K.
Professor Eisenberg takes the position that agreements in which one party makes only a
nonbinding illusory promise frequently reflect a rational bargain and ought to be enforceable
according to their terms. The party making the nonillusory promise, he asserts, has in effect
bargained for a chance to show that his performance is attractive (analogy of “money back”
guarantee-seen in UCC §2-326 sale on approval)
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What if the situation were reversed? The implied obligation would go both ways (implied
obligation of reasonable efforts)…trouble in trying to prove what “Best Efforts” look like…a
little/a lot…it would be hard to make standard certain.
This case applies Implied in Fact
2. Leibel v. Raynor Manufacturing- verbal agreement for exclusive dealer distributorship for garage doors:
D was to provide product and P was to sell it. P borrowed money and began business; 2 years later D
terminated relationship. Under UCC (predominance test) ct finds P was entitled to reasonable notice.
Appeals ct rejects the summary judgment finding and sends it to trial. UCC 2-309 requires reasonable
notice (based on the circumstances) to terminate if no termination privilege is in K. This is an implied
in law term- all about fairness, implied the way it should be.
Gap-filling provisions of Article 2: §2-308 (place of delivery); §2-310 (time of payment); §2-509
(risk of loss); §2-513 (buyer’s right of inspection)—supported on the basis that terms are “fair”
and “just.”
Some of the implied by law obligations are imposed by the UCC are mandatory and may not be
varied even if the parties expressly agree otherwise, but for the most part rules are gap-fillers-
subject to preemption by parties’ express agreement.
Code also justifies implied terms on grounds of economic efficiency-most parties would
voluntarily choose them for themselves, thus fewer terms to bargain out
In gauging reasonable notice comment 8 to UCC §2-309 refers to a related factor: whether there
has been sufficient or reasonable time to find a substitute arrangement
Written K allowed termination immediately if sales decline (no notice required)…would such a
provision give in effect. Ct would honor this explicit intense. “Except on the happening of agreed
d. Implied Obligation of Good Faith: One party to a K claims to be acting in ways either expressly permitted or at
least not forbidden and the other party complains such conduct is improper and actionable.
**Restatement (2nd) §205 echoes UCC by extending duty of good faith and fair dealing to every K--Cts are
unanimous that once a K is concluded terms will be deemed to include an obligation of good faith that is binding
on both parties (honesty in fact and observance of reasonable commercial standards of fair dealing in the trade).
Implied obligation of Good Faith (§2-306)- no definition, must determine on a case by case basis. **Common
theme in bad faith is willfulness- people doing things purposefully. Not needed to show a specific term is violated on
its face, you are showing the a party tried to deprive the other party of the fruit of the term.
1) Seller concealing a defect in what he is selling Fully disclosing material facts
2) builder willfully failing to perform in full, Substantially performing w/out knowingly
though otherwise substantially performing deviating from specifications
3) contractor openly abusing bargaining power to Refraining from abuse of bargaining power
coerce an increase in the K price
4) hiring a broker and then deliberately Acting cooperatively
preventing him from consummating the deal
5) conscious lack of diligence in mitigating the Acting diligently
other party’s damages
6) arbitrarily and capriciously exercising a power Acting w/ some reason
to terminate a K
7) adopting an overreaching interpretation of K Interpreting K language fairly
8) harassing the other party for repeated Accepting adequate assurances
assurances of performance
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1. Seidenberg v Summit Bank- Ps sold business to D including joint obligation to work together. D
terminated Ps employment. P claimed D failed to honor its obligations (which P alleges gives rise to an
inference of bad faith). Parol evidence is permissible to evaluate a breach of good faith. Good faith isn’t
limited to situations where on party exploits a weaker party, but it is a factor. P’s bad faith allegations
survive dismissal. Ct says the presence of bad faith is found in the eye of the beholder (“I KNOW IT
WHEN I SEE IT”)—not really an answer bc it was a half-answer in the first place and it should go to the
jury. To determine good faith performance, ct must consider expectations of the parties. It would be
difficult, if not impossible, to make that determination without considering evidence outside the written
contract. Therefore, in determining whether a breach of the covenant has occurred, a court must allow for
parol evidence. **Generally obligation of good faith is implied in law (implied in every K) mandates
that neither party do anything which will have the effect of destroying or injuring the right of the other
party to receive the fruits of the contract, but it does turn on the parties’ intent
Allowing Parol Evidence- performance of parties helps evaluate intent (four corners).Con- allowing
something completely outside the specifically written K
Applied to prohibit (1) variations to integrated written instrument; (2) contradictions to express
PER cannot inhibit the application of the implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing because
that covenant is contained in all contracts made by operation of law. (General Rule- good faith
can’t override an express K term)
**Covenant has been applied: (1) covenant permits the inclusion of terms and conditions which
haven’t been set forth (i.e. terms the parties must have intended along the lines of business
efficiency); (2) allow redress for the bad faith performance of an agreement even when the
defendant has not breached any express term; (3) covenant has been held to permit inquiry into a
party’s exercise of discretion expressly granted by a contract’s terms
**important to note in what types of cases this obligation of good faith applies
Ways in which the doctrine of good faith may come into play: (1) court may be persuaded that in
order for K bw parties to have business efficacy, it is necessary to imply terms; (2) covenant of
good faith may permit a finding of breach even where no express term has been violated; (3)
notion of good faith has often been applied to judge the appropriateness of a party’s exercise of
some type of discretion expressly granted to it by the terms of a K.
Seidenberg courts treatment of PER- bc the obligation of good faith is an implied term rather than
an express one, the PER will ordinarily be irrelevant to the issue of its existence and application
(I’m confused on the application of this rule to the obligation of good faith)
2. Morin Building Products Co v Baystone Construction- GM, third party, hires Baystone (D) to build an
addition. D hired Morin Building (P) to supply and erect the aluminum walls. K said: “aluminum siding;
all work subject to approval of architect; acceptability rests strictly with GM; custom shall not be
relevant.” GM rejected P’s work, so D hired another subcontractor to replace it and refused to pay P. P
sued for the balance and won and D appealed.
Here K was for factory, not usually a thing of beauty, but K specifically refers to “artistic effect.” Ct says
there’s more than a suspicion that the artistic-effect and quality-fitness clauses were not intended to cover
the aesthetics. Jury considered the RPP standard and it’s unlikely P intended to bind himself to a higher
and perhaps unattainable standard since it seems impossible to achieve a uniform finish with mill-finish
aluminum. **If a uniform finish was important GM could have gotten such a finish by specifying painted
K is ambiguous and qualifications are hedged around circumstances that seem to suggest the parties did
not intend to subject Morin’s rights to aesthetic whims. (it seems to me they kind of side with D, but since
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facts and K are vague and inconclusive they defer to lower court’s opinion).
One of the tricky situations: there are situations with functional purpose with an aesthetic aspect (i.e.
painting a house)
**there is a lot of Code and Restatement overlap (for testing purposes you must differentiate, but
recognize you can borrow from one or the other as seen by the judge in this case)
Ks frequently contain express terms that obligate one party to perform to the “satisfaction of the
other.” Indeed if pure discretion were the test, the party whose performance was conditioned
might be held to have made only an illusory promise, defeating K as a whole. One of two
approaches (described in Morin): either the obligor’s declaration of dissatisfaction will be judged
by a standard of reasonableness or at minimum held to standard of honest dissatisfaction
o Comment a to §228 indicates that the subjective standard should be used only where the
agreement leaves no doubt that it is only honest dissatisfaction that is meant and no more
§228 indicates a preference for the objective test may be justified in part by the desire to avoid
forfeiture as the denial of compensation that results when the oblige loses his right to the agreed
exchange after he as relied substantially as by preparation or performance on the expectation of
that exchange
P’s burden of establishing D was honestly dissatisfied may be difficult, but it’s not impossible
VII. Warranties
i. Bayliner Marine Corp v Crow- P bought boat, had problems because wasn’t satisfied with performance (speed of the
boat). He was given documents “prop matrixes” (described capacity to travel 30 mph) and a brochure (advertised “the
kind of performance you need to get to the prime offshore fishing grounds”). The ct held mere opinions of a product
aren’t express warranties (docs here referred to a slightly different boat and the brochure was simply an opinion)..
Despite P’s allegations he couldn’t use the boat, the ct found no evidence showing the trade standard of merchantability
or that the boat was unfit for offshore fishing to conclude that the boat violated the warrant of merchantability.
Express Warranty- §2-313created when seller makes an affirmation of fact or a promise to the buyer that
becomes part of the bargain basis
Warranty of Merchantability - §2-314 all goods are sold containing an implied warranty that such goods are
merchantable (trade standard fit for ordinary purposes) **must have a merchant involved selling the god
Warranty of Fitness - §2-315 – provides when a seller has reason to know any particular purpose for which
the goods are required and that the buyer is relying on the seller’s skill or judgment to select or furnish
suitable goods, there is…an implied warranty that the goods shall be fit for such purpose
o As a threshold matter the buyer must prove as a threshold matter that he made known to the seller the
particular purpose for which the goods were required
Cell phone service restricted to Oxford MS—breaches warranty of fitness bc it’s not the purpose of a phone
Contracts: Roy
Go shopping and employee gives you a particular shoe-white, bright neon tennis shoes “everyone uses this shoe for
job interviews,” you take the person’s advice and go to your interviews---assuming you don’t get a job (resolve the
ambiguity that surrounds “why they didn’t choose me”-someone gives you a tip, it was the shoes); does the
implied warranty of fitness “reason to know” –you relied on the sales person’s skill and judgment to get a job. The
shoes otherwise work, but not in the context you were seeking them for (comment §2-315)
o It’s really unreasonable to rely on the seller’s advice
o Would be different if the seller claimed to have special knowledge (i.e. used to work in that field or has
lots of those employees in the store) –really talking about specialized skill and judgment, without this
added knowledge the seller’s skills would only be applicable to the shoe’s standard function
Validity of disclaimers of warranties (§2-316) –disclaimer is inperative if it cannot be construed as consistent
with the terms in K that would create the express warranty... if an oral warranty the application may depend on the
application of the parol evidence rule
o To use boilerplate language to overcome a specific provision in the code, it needs to be specific and
conspicuous (especially if we are talking about the warranty of merchantability).
o Most common is the “as is” disclaimer
Bayliner distinguishes between a type of factual representation about the quality of goods that may give rise to an
express warranty and “mere puffery” or sales talk that will not serve as a basis for a binding commitment
To be considered a basis of the bargain §2-313(3) –the agreement requires clear affirmative proof
Implied warranty of fitness is different from implied warranty of merchantability bc it is not limited to
merchants and it is created only when the buyer relies on the seller’s skill or judgment to select suitable goods for
the buyer’s particular purpose and the seller has reason to know of this reliance; also the breach of warranty
doesn’t require a showing that the goods are defective in any way—merely that the goods aren’t fit for the buyer’s
particular purpose
ii. Caceci v Di Canio Constr Co- Ps brought suit against builder of their home five years after the home was constructed
alleging Ds violated the implied warranty of merchantability by building on an unstable foundation. NY courts
recognize the Housing Merchant warranty, which imposes a contractual liability to build new homes with skillful
performance and quality. Thus, CL rule of Caveat Emptor may not be invoked. Ct held, in regards to new houses,
construction must be done in a skillful manner free from any material defects (it’s immaterial whether builders had
actual knowledge of the defect bc the builders are in a much better position than buyers to ensure the proper quality of
the home. An implied warranty of merchantability will be read into all construction contracts for new homes.
A clear majority of jurisdictions have recognized an implied warranty of quality in the sale of a new home by
a builder-vendor; “clearly every builder-vendor holds himself out, expressly or impliedly, as having the
expertise necessary to construct a livable dwelling.
Caceci ct states that the builder-vendor must construct a house “Free from material defect and in a skillful
manner;” may have two separable components-a warranty of habitability and a warranty of skillful or sound
construction; different bw implied warranty of skillful construction and the implied warranty of habitability is
that the former warranty focuses on the manner in which the work is performed while the latter reflects the
“end result” expectation that the home will not have any major defects which render it unsuitable for
habitation; implied warranty of skillful or workmanlike performance may include defects that do not render
the house uninhabitable
Some states have enacted legislation providing for implied warranties of quality in the sale of new homes
Most courts view disclaimers with suspicion and will refuse to enforce a disclaimer unless it is conspicuous,
specific, and the result of a mutual agreement
o A disclaimer is considered void against public policy if it attempts to disclaim compliance with
applicable building codes or if it permits the home to be unsafe
Add to list of implied terms: common law warranty of home
o A home would only be a good if it is movable (a modular home)
Summary of Warranties
Express Warranty UCC § 2-313
Any affirmation of fact or performance
Contracts: Roy
Implied Warranty of Fitness for a Particular Purpose- UCC § 2-315 individual’s expectations must be communicated
Seller must have knowledge of particular purpose
Buyer must have relied on seller’s skill and judgment
Not required that merchant involved
Not that goods are defective, just not what buyer needed
Applying the Parole Evidence Rule to warranties- may present a problem when trying to introduce express warranty.
Determine if there is complete integration and warranty will vary terms, so can’t come in. Then use fraud exception.
Classical courts will not allow because it’s fraud in the inducement. But some modern courts will allow. If it was partial
integration, much less problem getting express warranty in.
Implied warranties have no problem with the Parol Evidence Rule
Implied warranties can be disclaimed or modified if expressly contracted so. Courts view this with suspicion, so
boilerplate won’t cut it- need dickering.
Implied warranties exist in contract to construct a house.
Contracts: Roy
Promissory estoppel serves as a “consideration substitute” in contract law that renders certain promises otherwise lacking
in consideration binding and enforceable. In such cases, the promisee’s reliance is treated as an independent and sufficient
basis for enforcing the promise. Promissory estoppel can be viewed as a legal device that prohibits the promissor from
denying the existence of a contract for lack of consideration.
Legal Principles
Restatement (Second) of Contracts §90 – Promise Reasonably Inducing Action or Forbearance
(1) A promise which the promisor should reasonably expect to induce action or forbearance on the part of the promisee or
a third person and which does induce such action or forbearance is binding if injustice can be avoided only by
enforcement of the promise. The remedy granted for breach may be limited as justice requires.
(2) A charitable subscription or a marriage settlement is binding under Subsection (1) without proof that the promise
induced action or forbearance.
In general, the elements of promissory estoppel are:
1) a promise reasonably expected by the promissor to induce action or forbearance,
2) action or forbearance by the promisee in justifiable reliance on the promise (i.e. “detrimental reliance”), and
3) injustice can be avoided only through enforcement of the promise.
The available remedy is usually limited to only that which is necessary to avoid injustice.
§ 90 applies to contracts without consideration when: (1) A promise was made that the promisor should reasonably expect
to induce reliance on the part of the promisee, (2) the promisee actually did rely on the promise, and (3) injustice can only
be avoided if the promise is enforced.
Limitations on the application of § 90: (1) We’ll only make the promise binding when justice requires it. (2) We may
limit the remedy as justice requires: promises enforced under § 90 are without consideration and can lead to a partial
enforcement as opposed to a promise with consideration which will lead to full enforcement. When there is no reliance, §
90 and promissory estoppel do not apply. Often in § 90 situations, it’s enough to protect the reliance interest and not the
expectation interest.