Honda Accord 1987 Manual

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General Info INTRODUCTION Special Tools (— How to Use This Manual This supplement contains information specifically applicable tothe : 1987 ACCORD. Refer to the Base Shop Manual (No.62SE300) as, Specifications the general source for service procedures applicable to this model ‘The frst page of each section is marked with a black tab thet lines ‘up with one of the thumb index tabs on tis page. You can quickly find the flit page of each section without looking through @ ful : table of contents. The symbols printed st the top comer of each Maintenance page can also be used aa a quick reference system Each setion includes: 1. A table of contents, or an exploded view index showing + Parts disassembly sequence + Gott torques and thread sizes: Engine + Page references to descriptions in text. 2. Disassembly/assembly procedures and tools. 3. Inspection. 4. Testingitroubleshootin : 5. Ropar. : Cooling 6. Adjustments, [— Special Information ——__________—— | Fuel and Indicates a strong possibility of severe personal injury Emission Controls oF loss of life if instructions are not followed. CAUTION: Indicates » possibilty of personel injury or equipment damage if instructions ave not followed Transaxle NOTE: Gives helpful information, CAUTION: Detaled descriptions of stenderd workshop proc dures, safety principles and service operations are not included Pieaco note that this mancal dows contain waringe and cautions fgeinst some specitic service methods which coud cause PERSON [AL INJURY, or could damage a vehicle or make It unsafe. Please Understand that these warnings cannot cover all concavable ways - in which service, whether or not recommended by Honda moter, Suspension imignt be done, or ofthe possible hazardous consequences of each Conceivable way, nor could Honda motor Investigate all such ways ‘Anyone using service procedures oF tools, whether or not recom mmonded by Honda moter, must saisty himself thoroughly that Me ther personal safety nor vehicle safety will be jeopardized. Brakes All information contained in this manual is based on the latest prod: uct information available at the time of printing. We reserve the Fight to make changes at any time without notice. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in retrieval system, or trans- ‘mitted, in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photo. copying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permis: sion of the publisher. This includes text, figures and tables, [ LC For these chapters, this supplement contains no new information; refer to the Base Shop Manual First ition 9/86 HONDA MOTOR CO.., LTD. Electrical Second Print 2/90 300 pages Service Publication Office Al Rights Reserved Out ine of Model Changes ITEM = DESCRIPTION Rer- KE | KF | kG | ka | kw | kx ‘SECTION Corbraed Engine Model eaioped & | New Rleae Good OX modo wae = wah A20a1 Eng leased in 1986) {AZOAG Engine O| [Oo | newness 2 fates cone none 3 ose i aaa waved | B20AZ Engine | O | O | O New Release - core gh new Type 2082 seo AZOA1 Engine ° © | © | tate contrat System does not spply - Fuel and Emission | A20A3 Engine ° O | O | New System — Control Syste oa engine a Evaprave Enieion Canto! Sytem aa B20AZ Engine | O | O | O New System g12 hutch New Tee a3 Manual Transmission New Type (82) ga Drvoshats Intermediate Shaft ae 07 Front Bakes Uses lage Font Caper and ise 20 —— otolo] [ola [met eam wae | Henaigte ° caupped wih Din-Db Ushine Satom | 828 vem wwooe.s bescriprion eon Front Bak ada eae with 4W=ALB | sa eg Fon alper and Die 20 iam Specitcavon va Fre Seaton nara Sisatn | ya ontinaton Hew nt fe, coran fomwomwrcememsgoees | gas General Information Chassis and Engine Numbers .. Identification Number Locations . Label Locations .. Lift and Support Points Towing ... Preparation of Work ..

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