Ultrasonic Production of Nano-Size Dispersions and Emulsions
Ultrasonic Production of Nano-Size Dispersions and Emulsions
Ultrasonic Production of Nano-Size Dispersions and Emulsions
industrial processes. Solid nanomaterials fall into three cavitation. Investigations at different materials, such as
broad categories: metal oxides, nanoclays, and carbon aqueous solutions of nanoparticulate siliciumdioxid
nanotubes. Metal-oxide nanoparticles include nanoscale powder and spray frozen agglomerates with a variable
zinc oxide, titanium oxide, iron oxide, cerium oxide and solid content have demonstrated the considerable
zirconium oxide, as well as mixed-metal compounds such advantage of ultrasound when compared with other
as indium-tin. In general, nanomaterials are defined as technologies, such as rotor-stator mixers (e.g. turrax) or
materials of less than 100nm in size. When matter is colloid mills. In particular for small matter from several
reduced in size it changes its characteristics, such as color nanometers to couple of microns, ultrasonic cavitation is
and interaction with other matter such as chemical very effective in breaking agglomerates, aggregates and
reactivity. The change in the characteristics is caused by even primaries. When ultrasound is being used for the
the change of the electronic properties. By the particle milling of high concentration batches, the liquid jets
size reduction, the surface area of the material is streams resulting from ultrasonic cavitation, make the
increased. Due to this, a higher percentage of the atoms particles collide with each other at velocities of up to
can interact with other matter, e.g. with the matrix of 1000km/h. This breaks van der Waals forces in
resins. Surface activity is a key aspect of nanomaterials. agglomerates and even primary particles. Large particles
Agglomeration and aggregation blocks surface area from are subject to surface erosion (via cavitation collapse in
contact with other matter. Only well-dispersed or single- the surrounding liquid) or particle size reduction (due to
dispersed particles allow to utilize the full beneficial fission through interparticle collision or the collapse of
potential of the matter. In result good dispersing reduces cavitation bubbles formed on the surface).
the quantity of nanomaterials needed to achieve the same
effects. As most nanomaterials are still fairly expensive, 4.2 Emulsifying
this aspect is of high importance for the
commercialization of product formulations containing If a cavitation bubble implodes near the phase boundary
nanomaterials. Today, many nanomaterials are produced of two immiscible liquids the resultant shock wave can
in a dry process. As a result, the particles need to be provide a very efficient mixing. Stable emulsions
mixed into liquid formulations. This is where most produced by sonication can be used in the textile,
nanoparticles form agglomerates during the wetting. cosmetic, pharmaceutical, food, and petrochemical
Especially carbon nanotubes are very cohesive making it industry. Ultrasonically generated emulsions are often
difficult to disperse them into liquids, such as water, more stable and require less, if any surfactant than those
ethanol, oil, polymer or epoxy resin. Therefore effective produced conventionally. Since ultrasound is fully
means of deagglomerating and dispersing are required to controllable and adaptable by the choice of amplitude,
overcome the bonding forces after wettening the micron- pressure and temperature, sonication is an effective
powder or nano-powder. instrument to obtain emulsions with smaller droplet sizes
within a narrow size distribution.
4.3 Sonochemistry
Ultrasound is used in a wide range of physical, chemical
and biological processes. Homogenizing, emulsifying, Recent studies on the effect of sonication on suspended
and dispersing are examples for physical processes. Most powders have shown that the particles can be forced into
of the applications of high-intensity ultrasound are based violent collision that, in the case of metals, fusion can
on cavitational effects. The physical effects of cavitation occur. In some cases the colliding particles undergo
are being used in a top-down generation of nano-particles. chemical reactions. Thus, when copper and sulphur are
Here, particles are reduced in size by the forces of sonicated together in hexane for 1 hour, 65% Cu2S is
cavitation. This includes the breaking of agglomerates generated [1]. The chemical effects include the formation
and aggregates. The physical effects are used in of OH- and H+ species and hydrogen peroxide. The
combination with the chemical effects (sonochemistry) in ultrasonic effects to chemical reactions – sonochemistry –
the bottom-up production of nano-particles and crystals, include hydrolysis, oxidation, and depolymerization
i.e. during precipitation or crystallization. Here, processes, too.
ultrasound serves a number of roles in the initiation of
seeding and subsequent crystal formation and growth. 5. PROCESSING
4.1 Dispersing and Deagglomeration Ultrasound describes a wide range technology. From
cleaning tanks to sensors, from submersible transducers to
Dispersion by ultrasound is a consequence of nebulizers, from dental tools to baby images. These
microturbulences caused by fluctuation of pressure and applications differ from each other because the
Thomas Hielscher
Ultrasonic Production of Nano-Size Dispersions and Emulsions
parameters of the ultrasound differ a lot. For each specific 5.1.3 Pressure
application and process there is a specific optimal Elevated pressure allows cavitation at temperatures close
parameter configuration. For new processes and to or above the boiling point. It also increases the
formulations this configuration has to be identified. In the intensity of the implosion, which is related to the
following the parameters important to the liquid difference between the static pressure and the vapor
processing are examined. pressure inside the bubble [5]. Since the ultrasonic power
and intensity changes quickly with changes in pressure, a
5.1 Parameters constant-pressure pump is preferable. When supplying
liquid to a flow-cell the pump should be capable of
Ultrasonic liquid processing is described by a number of handling the specific liquid flow at suitable pressures.
parameters. Most important are amplitude, pressure, Diaphragm or membrane pumps; flexible-tube, hose or
temperature, viscosity, and concentration. The process squeeze pumps; peristaltic pumps; or piston or plunger
result, such as particle size, for a given parameter pump will create alternating pressure fluctuations.
configuration is a function of the energy per processed Centrifugal pumps, gear pumps, spiral pumps, and
volume. The function changes with alterations in progressive cavity pumps that supply the liquid to be
individual parameters. Furthermore, the actual power sonicated at a continuously stable pressure are preferred.
output per surface area of the sonotrode of an ultrasonic
unit depends on the parameters. 5.1.4 Power and Intensity vs. Energy
Surface intensity and total power do only describe the
5.1.1 Surface intensity intensity of processing. The sonicated sample volume and
The power output per surface area of the sonotrode is the the time of exposure at a certain intensity have to be
surface intensity (I). The surface intensity depends on the considered to describe a sonication process in order to
amplitude (A), pressure (p), the reactor volume (VR), the make it scalable and reproducible. For a given parameter
temperature (T), viscosity (η) and others. configuration the process result, e.g. particle size or
chemical conversion, will depend on the energy per
I [W / mm²] = f ( A[ µm], p[bar],VR. [ ml ], T [°C ],η[ cP],...) volume (E/V).
+ + − − +
The impact of the generated cavitation depends on the Result = f ( E / V )
surface intensity. So does the process result. The total
power output of an ultrasonic unit is the product of Where the energy (E) is the product of the power output
surface intensity (I) and surface area (S): (P) and the time of exposure (t).
6.2 Optimization