Sap SD Certification Preparation Self Notes

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Please excuse the funny words infront of the determinations

like ex:cat, this was my way of memorizing for the
certification exam.

Master Data

Master Data
Cat---Customer Master
Mouse---Material Master
Chase---Customer M. Info Record
Octopus---Output Master Data
In---Incompletion Log
C---Customer Master in Pricing

Customer Master vary's by the

Sales Organization /distribution channel /division
Company Code

Customer Master groups data into

General Data
General data is relevant to Sales and Accounting. General data is valid for all sales area.
Marketing and Export
Sales Data
Sales Area data is relevant to Sales, Delivery and Billing. Sales Area is valid for Sales Area.
Shipping, Billing, and Partners
Company Code Data
Company data is relevant to Accounting. Company data is valid for company code
Account Management, Payment Transactions

*If you have 3 sales organizations, 2 divisions, and 2 distribution channels and you want to use
each of the divisions and distribution channels, how many customer records do you need to create
for each customer? 1

*If you have 3 sales organizations, 2 divisions, and 2 distribution channels and you want to use
each of the divisions and distribution channels, how many sales area views need to be created for
a customer? 12

* When creating a customer master record through the menu path, the default value in the account
group field depends on the Business Partner

Account Group Controls:

Not---Number Range
If---Internal or External number Assignment
I---Input Screens and filed for partner functions
Fail---Field Selection
One---One Time Account/Customer

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It---It can be automatically proposed

Mandatory in customer master

Sold to Party---Pricing, Incoterms, and Shipping Conditions.
Payer---Terms of Payment and Credit Limit Check.
Ship to Party---Shipping Address, Goods Receiving Hours, and Tax. Billing
Address---Bill to Party.

Partner Types
AP-Contact Person

Partner Determination Procedure

Super---Customer Master Slam---
Sales Doc Header
Seven---Sales Doc Item Basket---
Billing Header
Ball---Billing Item
Contest---Customer Master

Assigning of Partner Procedures

Partner Object Assignment of Partner Procedures
Customer Master > Account Group Sales
Doc. Header>Sales Doc Type
Sales Doc Item> Item Cat in Sales
Delivery>Delivery Type
Shipment>Shipment Type
Billing Header>Billing Type
Billing Item>Billing Type
Sales Activities (CAS)>Sales Activity Type

Outline Agreements
Two Types of Outline Agreements. 1. Scheduling agreements 2. Contracts
Three Types of Scheduling Agreements. 1. SA Scheduling agreement 2. BL Scheduling
Agreement with delivery. 3. Del Scheduling Agreement for external line agent.
*Scheduling Agreements- Between you and customer sold to party. [Valid for a certain period of
time, Fixed Delivery Qty and dates, and Dates are contained in the Schedule Lines.] Difference
between S.A. and sales order is in S.A. you work on the schedule lines and is made manually.
Two Types of Contracts. 1. Quantity Contract 2. Value Contracts
Quantity Contract- Is between you and customer. [Valid for certain period of time, No schedule
lines in contract, No delivery date, and no delivery quantities.]
Value Contract- Is between you and customer. (Like the quantity will be reserved and as you
consumed you will pay on the same price in contract.) Schedule lines are created in the release order
when it is placed.

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Two Types of Value Contract- WK1=General value contract, WK2=Material related value
contract/Contains exactly 1 material.
[In Contract you don't know when you have to delivery/release. In Scheduling Agreement
you do.]

Material Determination
Tool for automatically exchanging materials in the sales document. When you process a
document the system automatically Searches for valid master records. You don't need a
master record for the material number that you are replacing. During order entry the material
ordered by the customer is replaced by the substitute defined in the master record.

Two Types of Material Determination

1. Manual Product Selection-[The system does not automatically replace the product.
Displays a list of all the substitution materials. There is 1 reason for substitution. 1. For
manual product selection=0005.]
2. Automatic product selection-[The system replaces the entered material automatically.
Reruns material determination. Fill the quantity of the order with the first material; if not
enough material it will fill the remaining quantity with the next material. Two reasons for
substitution 0004, 0006.]
*Material Determination is assigned in condition Technique.

Material Type controls

Default Item Category Group
Number Ranges

Determines Material Master Views

Material Type

Material Master varies by

Sales Organization/Distribution Channel
Plant/Storage Location Division is at the Client Level

Material Master Tabs

The Basic data on the material master is valid for all organizational units and relevant to all areas
The Sales: S/org data on the material master is valid for Sales Organization / Distribution
channel and relevant to Sales.
The Sales: General/Plant data and Foreign Trade data on the material master is valid for
delivering plant and relevant to Sales

*Certain fields such as sales units can have multiple sales units depending on the Sales org /
Distribution channels.
*Certain fields such as loading group's can have multiple loading groups depending on the plant. *A
company sells 2 materials out of 10 plants. You need 2 material master records.

Material Types
HAWA---Trading Goods

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FERT---Finished Product
LEIH---Returnable packaging
NLAG---Non Stock Item
*You want to create a material for an externally produced material. The material is kept in stock
and is used in the bill of materials. It is not sold directly. Which material type do you select? ROH.

*Which of the following data is proposed for the sales process from the material master?
Weight and volume
Delivering plant
Text and availability

Customer Material Info Record

Cookies---Customer Material Come---
Customer Description
Slow ---Search Term
Peanut B. ---Plant
Doesn't----Delivery Priority
Monkeys---Minimum Delivery Quantity
Play---Partial Delivery/item
On---Over Delivery Tolerance
Bed---Batch Split Allowed
Money ---Maximum Partial Delivery
In ---Item Usage
UBL---Unlimited Tolerance
Uvault---Under Tolerance

*What is maintained in the customer / material info record?

Information that is specific to when a certain customer orders a certain product.
Customer material number and description. Texts.

*You can set specific shipping information for a customer / material such as: Partial Delivery
Indicators, Default Delivery Plant, and Delivery Priority and delivery tolerances

Output Types
Pizza---Partner Functions
Tacos---Transmission Medium

Output Type Controls

Output Perimeters
Layout Set

*Output determination takes place using the condition technique.

*In the output master data you define the Medium, Time and Partner function per output type.
*Output types can be set up for Inquiries, Quotations, Sale Order documents, Delivery and billing

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*Transmission data include EDI, Printers, Mail and Fax.

Determining incompletion log Sales

Doc Type (Sales Header)
Item Category (Item)
Schedule Line Category (Schedule Line)
Partner Function (Partner Function)
Delivery Type (Delivery Header)
Delivery Item Category (Delivery Item Level)

*The system determines which fields will be displayed in the incompletion log. These fields can
be changed in customizing to suit a customer's unique requirements
*The incompleteness log function is available in the Sales order, Delivery and the Billing

Assign Incompleteness Procedures To

Daniel---Delivery Types
So---Sales Document Types Dumb---
Delivery Item Types
Person---Partner Functions
Sitting---Schedule Line Categories
In---Item Categories
Store---Sales Activities

Condition Master
Subscribe---Surcharge & Deals
For---Freight The---

*You can maintain values in condition records according to a scale and there is no limit to the
number of scale levels.
*You can restrict a price agreement by using validity periods.
*You can have a percentage, Quantity dependent or Amount dependent discount or surcharge,
depending on the condition type.


Sales Order Types Standard

Order OR
Cash Sales BV Rush
Order SO
Free Of Charge Delivery FD
Returns RE
Consignment Fill Up KB Consignment Pickup KA Consignment Issue KE
Credit/Debit Request CR/DR

Sales Order Document Type Control

D---Default Functions Date, Delivery Type, Billing Type, Blocks

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E---Enhancement for Contracts

A---Allowed Item Categories
D---Determining Materials M---
Mandatory Reference
O---Output Types Available P---
Partner Determinations
F---Free Date
N---Number Assignment
C---Checks Division, open quotes/contracts/Info Record

*In Sales Document Type you can block the delivery and billing.

Sales Order Processing

Within a document you can fast change the Delivery date, delivery block, delivery priority,
billing block, reason of rejection, and plant.

In more than 1 document you can mass change the Plant, material, pricing, and currency.

In sales order you can block the delivery at header and schedule line. In
sales order you can block the billing at header and Item line.

During Sales Order Processing, it's Basic Functions

C---Calculating pricing & Taxes
C---Checking Credit limits
A---Availability check
T---Transferring requirements to materials planning (MRP)
D---Delivery Scheduling
S---Sales Information Systems

*When you click the Delivery Block in the order you can BLOCK:
Order, Confirmation, Print Out, Delivery Pull List, Picking, and PGI.

Determine pricing procedure

Soda---Sales Area
So---Sales Document Type
Cold---Customer Master

Pricing Types in Sales Order

A---Copied from REF updated with scale
B---Perform New Pricing
C---Manual elements copied others are redetermined
G---Only tax redetermined
H---Only freight redetermined

Determination of Sales Item Category Auto. Examples of Item Categories

Sales Document Type AFN-Standard Item in Inquiry

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Item Category Group (M.M) AGTX-Text Item in Quotation

Item Usage KMN-Standard Item in Quantity Contract
High Level Item (BOM) TANN, BVNN, KEN, REN, TAN, KLN
Basically from order type n Material

Sales Order Item Category Controls

P---Pricing Relevancy carried or not
B---Billing Relevancy Carried out or not
M---Message if item cannot fully delivered
C---Completion Rule
I---Is difference allowed from header levels
T---Text Determination
I---Incompleteness B---
Billing Block
I---Item level Partner Determination
D---Delivery Relevancy material or text item
S---Schedule lines allowed

*In Item Category you can block the Delivery and Billing.

Copy Control Procedure

Data Transfer Routines---Control how fields are copied from the preceding document.
Copying Requirements---Like incompletion Log if copy from reference is not 100%.
Switches---Set specific controls for each transaction. Ex: Activate or deactivate transfer of item
numbers from pre- docs.

Sources of Information (Document Data)

Maria---Master Data
Enters---Existing Document Data
Hourly---Hard-coded controls

Information Structure is composed of:

Times---Time Units
Key Figures

Determine Availability Check at

Schedule Line Category
Material Master

Availability Checking for

Sales Order
Material Availability Date

Determination of Schedule Line Category Auto.

Item Category

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MRP Type

Schedule Line Category has an effect on

Ant---Availability Check
Goes---Goods Movement Type for GI
Down---Delivery Relevance
Town---They are assigned to Item Categories
Round---Requirements Transfer to MRP
Park---Purchasing (PR auto created)

Controlling Schedule lines in Sales Documents

Quotation Schedule Line--- Not Relevant for delivery, No Req. Transfer BN, No Movement Type
Requirements planning in order---Relevant for delivery, Requirements Transfer CP, Movement
Type 601
Returns Schedule Line---Relevant for delivery, No Requirements Transfer DN, Movement Type
651(Block Stock Return)

Cash Sale (BV)

Pull---Payment made at the time of the order (invoice printed)
Out---Order & delivery created at the same time
Gun---GI posted at a later date to avoid delays
Unit---Uses billing doc type CS sends the invoice to the printer using RD03
Nine---No output determination
Nine---No price determination
Four---FI posting made to cash settlement

Rush Orders (SO) When saved creates Delivery Type LF Auto.

Consignment Processing
CF-Consignment Fill up- Stay in valuated stocks of delivering plant. [Order, Delivery, Picking,
CI-Consignment Issue- When goods are issued both customers stock n stock in delivering Plant
are reduced. [Order, Delivery, PGI, Billing Doc]
CP-Consignment Pick up- Return goods to you so you credit them. [Order, Inbound Delivery,
Goods Receipt]. No billing
CR-Consignment Return- The goods issue puts stock back in customers' special stock and issue a credit
memo. [Order, Inbound Delivery, Goods Receipt, Billing Doc].

Determine Free Goods TANN

Sun---Sales Area
Desert---Document Pricing Procedure
Cold---Customer Pricing Procedure
Frost---Free Goods Procedure

Inclusive Bonus Quantity- Free goods that involve the same material. Quantity units must be the same.
Exclusive Bonus Quantity- Are extra goods delivered free of charge. Not displayed on invoice.

3 calculation rules
1. Prorated
2. Unit Related

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3. Whole Unit

Determination of Tax Rate in a document

Business transaction- domestic or export/import
Tax Liability
Tax Liability of the material

What controls Delivery item scheduling?

Transit Time
Pick/Pack Time
Loading Time
Transportation Lead Time

Determination of Delivering Plant

Customer Material Info Record.
Customer Master from- ship to party
Material Master

How do we handle customer complaints?

Returns request
Credit/Debit memo request
Invoice correction
Invoice Cancellation


Delivery Types
EL---Inbound Delivery
LB---Delivery for subcontract order
LD---Decentralized Shipping
LF---Outbound Delivery
LO---Delivery without Reference
LP---Delivery from Project
LR---Returns Delivery
NL---Replenishment Delivery

The Delivery Type Controls W---

Which Screens to Present
R---Route Re-Determination
D---Delivery Split by Warehouse Number
Puerto---Picking Determination Rule?
Rico---Relevant for Shipment or Transportation Processing
Rico---Reference to Order
Night---Number Assignment

Outbound Delivery Functions

M---Material Substitution
C---Credit & Risk Management

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Donald---Delivery Split by Warehouse Number

Eats---Export Control
Gorditas---Group of Outbound Deliveries
Cookies---Controllable Error Messages
Donuts---Dangerous Goods Check Quarter
Pounder---Quantity Checks

Determination of Delivery Item Category Auto (When not copied from sales doc.)
Delivery Type
Item Category Group (m.m.)
Item Usage (additional Usages)

The Delivery Item Category Controls

P---Picking Relevancy A---
Availability Check
C---Check for OverDelivery
P---Packing Control
C---Check Minimum Delivery Quantity
P---Picking Location Determination
A---Auto Batch Determination
R---Relevant for Proof of Delivery

What Determines the Delivery Schedule?

Oh---Order Date
My---Material Availability Date (Sufficient Goods Available)
Lord---Loading Date (picking/packing completion date)
Great---Goods Issue Date (From Delivery Plant)
Directions---Delivery Date (Arrival Date at Customer)

Determination of Route
Ducks---Departure Zone from customizing for shipping point
Swimming---Shipping Conditions from Sold To Party Customer Master
Thru---Transportation Group from Material Master
Toronto---Transportation Zone from Ship-To Party Customer Master

Route Schedule contains

A Route
A Weekday as departure date along with a depart time
A list of ship-to-parties An
Itinerary (optional)

What we find or see in a route?

Transit Time,
Transportation Planning Time, and Forwarding Agent
Picking Location determined by (MALA rule)
Shipping Point
Storage Condition from MM.

Study guide prepared by Muhammad Ali Lozada


Copy Control in Delivery Specifies

Which Sales Doc Types are to be copied into deliveries
Which Item Categories are copied into deliveries
What conditions data is copied into deliveries Rules
for combining orders into one delivery
Which Data is to be transferred
Whether the referenced doc in recorded in the document flow

Shipment Type Controls No---

Number Assignment
Sea---Shipping type (Truck, Train, Etc)
Lion---Leg Determination
Cause---Copying Rule
Lion---Leg Indicator
Probably---Planning Profile
Seen---Split Profile
Corps---Completion Type

Shipping Processing Functions

Making---Monitoring of Deadlines
Chips---Creation & Processing of outbound deliveries
Making---Monitoring of goods availability
Money---Monitoring of capacity situation in warehouse
Stacking---Support for picking Paper---
Packing of the Delivery
Putting---Printing & Distribution of Shipping Documents
Pocket---Processing goods issue

Shipping Document Functions

Cargo---Combining inbound deliveries to form inbound shipments
Passing---Partner Information
Atlantic---Assigning Service Agents, Modes of Transport, Shipment Types
Shiny---Shipping Stages South---
Shipping Units
Carolina---Combining outbound deliveries to form outbound shipments

Determination of Shipping Point Auto. (Normally determined in sales doc)

Shipping condition field from sales doc type or sold to party C.M. (shipping requirements)
Loading Group from M.M (loading Equipment) (Sales/Plant Data screen)
Delivering Plant from CM, or MM

What do we find in a shipping point?

Loading Lead Time
Pick/Pack Lead time

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Post Good Issue

Updates the quantities in inventory management and delivery requirements in material planning.
Updates the value change in the balance sheet accounts for inventory accounting (cost of
Generates additional documents for accounting.
Generates the billing due list.
Updates the status in all relevant sales docs.

Warehouse consist of the following organizational units

Warehouse Number
Storage Type
Picking & Staging Area

Movement Type Controls

Change in stock quantity
Change in stock type or material number
Goods Issue
Goods Receipt

Transfer order includes the following info.

Material Number
Quantity to be moved
Source & Destination bins


Billing Types
F8---Pro-Forma Invoice
G2---Credit Memo L2---
Debit Memo
S1---Cancellation Invoice
S2---Cancellation Credit Memo
LR---Invoice List
LG---Credit Memo List
IV---Intercompany billing (invoice) &Delivery
IG---Intercompany billing (credit Memo)
BV---Cash Sale

Billing Type Controls

No---Number Assignment
Pay---Partner Functions
Properly---Posting Block
In---Invoice List Type
Company---Cancellation Billing Type
At---Account Determination

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Seven---Special features of the FI interface

Billing Document
Contains item line and header no schedule lines
Header contains info of Billing date, customer number of payer, Net value of entire doc.
Item line contains info on Material and Billing quantity
System shows delivery number and sales order number at item line

Order Item Category determines if it is delivery related or order related billing.

Pricing Types in billing document determined by

Billing Type
Item Category

Pricing Types in Billing Doc

A-Copied from REF updated with scale
B-Pricing redetermined
C-Manual elements copied others are redetermined
D-All Copied with no changes
G-Only tax redetermined
H-Only freight redetermined

Determination of Credit Control Area User

Exit (only header data considered)
Sales Area segment from payer master record
Sales Area
Company Code

Credit Check can be carried out at:

Sales Order (blocked)
Outbound Delivery (blocked) Goods
Issue (error Message)

Data flow from reference docs controlled by

Billing Types
Copying Control
Data Transfer Routines

Business Area
Blue---By Plant/Item Division
Berry---By Sales Area
Boy---By Sales Organization. Distribution Channel, Item Division

Revenue Account Determination use to find the General Ledger Account

Chart of Accounts, Sales Organizations, Account Assignment group of the payer, Account
assignment group for materials, Account Key (assigned to condition types)

*These things can be changed before an accounting document is created.

1. Billing Date 2.Billing Value 3.Account Determination 4.Output Determination

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*Reference field is in the accounting document header. Allocation number is in the customer line item
and is used for sorting.

*The Goods receipt number and Goods Issue number cannot be used as a reference or allocation
number for the accounting document type.

Billing Date
Billing Date can be changed in the billing document.
You maintain the calendar if billing is to be done on specified days in the customer master. It's
proposed auto. But can be overridden.
If using delivery-related billing the billing date is based on goods issue. If
using order-related billing the billing date is based from the order.

Periodic Billing is often used for rental & service contracts for agreements in order to bill the
amount periodically at certain dates.
Milestone Billing is often used in plant engineering & construction in order to spread billing of the
full amount over several dates within the billing plan.

Milestone can be blocked for billing. When created updates the status of the billing plan dates. In
sap milestone is stored in a network along with planned and actual project data. M. are assigned to the
billing plan dates & blocked for billing until the milestone is confirmed as completed.
In Milestone billing you can control whether a billing date is a *fixed date *required to be
updated with the actual date of the m. *Update with the actual date of the milestone, if production is
completed before the planned billing date.

Determining the billing value needs a billing rule, in order to determine the value to be billed on
a particular date or not. Ex: Net Value X (%) of billing plan = Billing value

Determining billing plan type

Document item category
Relevance for billing (relevant for order-related billing-billing plan)
Date categories defined have a control function at billing date level. (They determine which
billing rule is used to settle the date, whether the billing date is a fixed date and whether a billing block
is set for this date.) Date rules are needed in the billing plan in order to define the start date & end date.

To differentiate between milestone and periodic billing you use billing plan type.

Down Payments Request are usually arranged with plant engineering, construction, and
capital good customers.

*Down Payment Agreements in the sales order

When processing down payments the billing plan functionality is utilized.
Control is carried out via the billing rule:
Billing rule 4: Down P. for percentage milestone billing. Billing
rule 5: Down P. for percentage milestone billing.
Down payment agreement can be assigned to an item or for all the items in the orders.
Special Condition Type AZWR is used for down payment items in sales doc. Condition
Category E & Calculation rule B (fixed amount) are assigned to condition type AZWR. When
AZWR is determined all other condition types are set to inactive.

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As soon as the billing date (in the billing plan) for the down p. has been reached, the
system creates a sown payment invoice & sends to the customer. Billing Type FAZ used
for down payment request. This request can be created auto. Via billing due list
processing in a collective run or explicitly by specifying the order # via the transaction create
billing doc.

Installment Plans only 1 billing document is created for all of the installment payments. You
have to define installment payment terms in customizing. And when you define the
payment terms you must specify the number & amount of the installment in percentage &
payment term for each installment payment.

*Sales Account Determination is carried out using the condition technique depending on the billing


Pricing Procedure can contain any number of subtotals between gross & net price.

You can mark a condition type in the pricing procedure as being:

Mandatory condition
Manually entered condition For
statistical purposes only

Pricing Procedure is determined by:

Sales Area Sales Area
Customer pricing procedure field in the customer master. SD Document
Sales Doc Type, Document pricing procedure field Sold to party

*The system reads the condition type of the first step. It determines the assigned access sequence
for the condition type. The system then reads the access sequence. The sequence of condition tables
represents the search strategy for finding the relevant condition record. Each condition
table represents one access which can be made for a condition record with the specified key. The
system searches for valid condition records with the key specified key. The system searches for
valid condition records with the key specified by the condition table (Accesses). If the first access does
not find a valid condition record, then the system searches for the next access using the next
condition table. Once the system finds a valid condition record and copies the value that
corresponds to the scale into the sales order doc. The whole process is repeated for each condition type
until the system has finished the entire pricing procedure.

Group Condition
In customizing you can set a condition type to be a group condition. For group conditions with
varying keys, item quantities are accumulated for scale point determination purposes but the rate for
each item is taken from its individual condition record. Ex: discount if u purchase 10-20lb of ice cream
5% discount, 30-40lb 10% discount.

Control data: Entry for condition type

Group condition: X
Unit of measure for accumulation, e.g. pieces
GrKey Number: 1, 2, or 3 (see explanation below)
1. Complete document:
All quantities with the same condition type are accumulated.

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2. For all condition types:

All quantities are accumulated which belong to condition type routine 2.
3. Material pricing group:
All quantities with the same condition type and material pricing group are accumulated

Condition Exclusion Indicator

In pricing Procedure there can be requirements on the conditions. This requirement can look at the
condition exclusion indicator & ignore the condition if set. Condition types to be compared are first
placed in an exclusion group.
*During pricing the conditions which result in the best price (lowest charge or highest discount)
are selected from this group. All others are deactivated. (19-8)
There are several comparison methods which may be used:
A All conditions found within the first exclusion group are compared and the condition with
the best price is chosen. All others are deactivated.
B All condition records found for one condition are compared. The best price is chosen. All
others are deactivated. This method can be used with condition type PR00, for example.
C The total of condition records found in the first exclusion group is compared to the total
of condition records found in the second exclusion group. The group resulting in the best price
is chosen. The conditions of the other group are deactivated.
D If a condition record is determined for the condition types of the first exclusion group, all
condition records for the second exclusion group are deactivated.
E As for method B, except the worst (highest charge or lowest discount) price is chosen.
F As for method C, except the group with the worst overall price is chosen. The conditions
of the other group are deactivated.

*The condition exclusion indicator can be set in either the condition type or the condition record.

Condition Supplements
*Group several conditions together in a condition supplement procedure if you want these
conditions to be accessed together during pricing.

Hierarchy Access 1
Hierarchy accesses optimize pricing for hierarchy data structures, such as the product hierarchy.
Hierarchy Access 2
To define the condition table key for hierarchies like this, you might have to include partial
quantities for a pre-defined quantity of characteristics.
Without hierarchy accesses, you would need to create a condition table for each combination
and assign all the accesses to these tables in an access sequence.
This requires a lot of maintenance and will reduce system performance. The sequence of the
accesses will also be fixed.
This is particularly disadvantageous for hierarchy data such as product or customer hierarchies.
Hierarchy Access 3
The functions in hierarchy accesses enable you to solve these problems by using a single
access to a condition table.

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In condition record maintenance, when you create the access sequence for using this condition
table at field level, you have to define whether each field is a fixed component of the key or
whether it is an optional field.
Priorities are assigned to the optional fields.
During pricing, the system sorts the records found with this access according to priority and
displays the record with the highest priority.
Hierarchy accesses also provide clearer and easier master data maintenance because the
different condition records for a condition type are created together in the quick entry screen for
maintaining conditions.

Data determination in Access

*For pricing you can determine & use data that isn't contained in the document. These can be
performed in 2 steps: 1. Data Determination 2. Data Use
The two steps for determining and using the data differ in the way that they collect data, which
means that a distinction must be made between three data determination procedures:
Data determination using the communication structure KOMPAZD
Data determination using routines (condition 202, base value calculation formula 202)
Data determination for sales deals (condition class H)
Data determination in Access-Price Book
The term price book refers to a price determination strategy.
Pricing procedure RVAA02 was delivered in the SAP standard system as an example of this
The aim here is to set certain prices for a group of customers.
Special agreements are also to be set for these prices, depending on the material.
This can be achieved using two-step data determination:
Step 1: A sales deal number (condition type PBU) is determined, depending on the customer
group, for example.
Step 2: Using the material group as a basis, for example, special agreements are determined,
which take:
Pricing date
Scale quantity Item
price list
Into account (condition type PBUD).
In the following condition type PBBS, the special agreements determined are used and base
prices therefore read.
On the basis of these prices, the gross price is calculated in the following condition type
PBUP using the percentage value from condition type PBUD.

You can configure the pricing behavior in the pricing type.

Controlling the New Pricing

Update prices on condition screens is available at header & Item level.
To use the new pricing document function for sales or billing document Edit New Pricing
Document, assign a new pricing type to the pricing procedure. If you do not use the entry it will use
(B) carry out new pricing.*these functions are supported for billing & Sales Order.

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Pricing type
A) Copy pricing elements and update scales H) Redetermine freight conditions
B) Carry out new pricing X,Y) Reserved for Customer 1-
C) Copy manual pricing elements 9) Reserved for Customer
G) Redetermine taxes

*Condition record are always created using a specific key.*Use tables for help in defining the
structure of condition record keys.*The key fields of a condition table must appear at the start of the
table, in other words, non-key fields must not appear between any two key fields.*An Access sequence
is composed of one or more condition tables.

Creating Access Sequence (Search Strategy)

You can define prices, discounts, and surcharges at various levels. Each field is defined by a
combination of fields or by a field in a condition table. Access Sequence is assigned to condition type.
*Access Sequence is defined for each n every condition type except for header & Mandatory
Condition Types.
*A.S. is the way the sap system reads the condition records for the condition type.
*In each A.S. you have condition tables. Condition Table is combination of fields which make the
key for a condition record. (Each table represents one access which can be made for a condition
record with a specific key
Condition Types
*Header condition HM00 allows you to enter the order value manually, and this price will be
distributed proportionally across the items based on previous net value.
* Item Condition PN00 allows you to enter a net price per Item. This will deactivate any other
pricing for that item.
*Rounding can be down up or down depending on the setting. Condition DIFF is group condition and is
distributed across all items according to value.
*Condition VPRS is used for cost of sales in the pricing procedure.
*Condition MWST is used for tax.
Special Condition Types
*HM00 and PN00 are also included.
*Condition AMIW allows you to create a minimum value for each order. (If the value in the order
header falls short of this minimum order value in pricing, the system will take this price and
replace the net order value automatically).
*Condition AMIZ Has calculation formula 13 assigned to it in the pricing procedure. This
calculates the minimum value surcharge by subtracting the net item value from the minimum order
value AMIW.
*Condition PR02 (Internal Price) allows you to maintain condition records with interval scales if
the condition type is set to scale type D in customizing. Interval scales can't be used for group
*Condition KP00 (Pallet Discount) grants the customer discount for whole units of measure only. Ex:
Controlled by basic formula 22 in p.p. which takes complete whole pallet into account.
*Condition KP01 (incomplete pallet surcharge) if customer has incomplete pallet they have to pay.
Ex: order 70 but 50=1 pallet. Condition record $50 per pallet. Use formula 24 in p.p.
*Condition KP02 (Mixed Pallet Discount) Adds the quantities of the individual items, and then
calculates the discount for complete pallets only. This is controlled by condition type KP02 (group
condition = X, unit of measure = PAL) and the corresponding condition record.
*Condition KP03 (Surcharge for incomplete mixed pallets) adds the quantities of the individual
items. It then calculates the surcharge on any fractional portion of the total quantity. This is

Study guide prepared by Muhammad Ali Lozada


controlled by condition type KP03 (group condition = X, unit of measure = PAL and scale
formula 23, which calculates the fractional proportion of the total quantity).
*Rounding DIFF You can maintain a rounding unit in Table T001R for each company code and
currency. If the final amount in the order header differs from the rounding unit, the system will round
the amount up or down as specified. Condition DIFF determines the difference amount.
Condition type DIFF is a group condition and is distributed among the different items according to
Statistical Condition Types
When processing a pricing procedure, it is often necessary to determine and make values in the
procedure available for various purposes. These however, do not change the net value of the item. This
can be done by marking a condition type as "statistical".
*Cost (VPRS) is used to retrieve standard cost of the material. This is used for information value
purposes only by the pricing procedure. In the condition category G, of VPRS, accesses the
valuation segment of the material master locating either the standard cost of the moving average
cost. Condition category S Always accesses the moving Average Cost. Condition category T
Always accesses the moving average cost.
*Cash Discount (SKTO) is used to retrieve the cash discount rate. Used for info. Purposes only.
*Customer Expected Prices (EDI1 & EDI2) can be entered manually in the order or retrieved
from the incoming IDOC in an EDI environment. EDI1 is used to compare the net price for each item.
EDI2 is used to compare the overall item value (net price x quantity).

Condition Types are combined in required sequence in pricing procedure

1. Price
2. Material Discount

Customer Hierarchy
Can be used during sales order & Billing for determining pricing. Customer Hierarchy consists of
nodes (A point in a network at which lines cross or branch.)
*To create Customer Hierarchy: 1.Create Master Records per node.
2. Assign nodes to each other.
3. Assign Customer Master to relevant nodes.
*Hierarchy nodes are only valid for a certain period of time. They may also be moved. If node is
moved, system automatically reassigns all related nodes & customer master records. Basically, you
can assign price or rebate agreements to higher level nodes. These agreements will be valid for all
subordinate levels to this node. Each node can also, have pricing condition records which
are relevant for pricing. If one or more node in the hierarchy path of sales orders contains pricing,
info system then takes them into account automatically. Condition HI01 Ex: customer **** is from
Pakistan give 8% discount.

*Condition Table-Define key fields of the condition records.

*Access Sequence-Contains Hierarchy for condition record access.
*Condition Type-Represents properties of the pricing conditions.
*Pricing Procedure-Defines how condition types are linked. *Procedure
Determination-Selects correct pricing procedure.

Determining Condition Records

1. Customer/Material
2. Price List Type/Currency/Material
3. Price List Type/Currency/Material Foreign Currency
4. Material
Creating Condition Records with Reference

Study guide prepared by Muhammad Ali Lozada


New condition Records can be created with reference to existing condition records.*Changes can
be made to the Rate, Validity Period, and additional sales data. <---This is good for efficiently
updating condition records simultaneously.
Changing condition records
*Can be changed using price change function which will allow you to maintain multiple
condition records simultaneously.
Copying Condition Records
*Multiple condition records can be creating copying existing condition records.
If you are copying a Customer-Specific Price condition record the system offers 2 possibilities: 1.
Create the target conditions over a specified range of customer numbers. 2. Create the target
conditions over a specified range of material numbers.
Searching for Condition Records using Condition Indexes
You can create and use condition indexes to search for condition records that were created for a
variety of condition types & condition tables. Ex: Want to see all C.R. for particular cust or prod.
The activation function displays a list of all available condition indexes & indicates which are active.
The system can only use the condition indexes when there active. Note: Before you can use
condition indexes you must first ACTIVATE them. However if you create your own index
the system activates them when you generate them. But you must specify an update requirement for
each index. You can specify if the system updates the cond. Index when you post cond. Records for the
corresponding condition type.

Release Procedure for Conditions

When a condition table is created you can allow a release procedure to be used, by selecting the
with release status checkbox. This then adds 2 functions to the condition table: 1. KFRST-Release status
as last key field. 2. KBSTAT-Processing status as a field of the variable data part (Non Key
Field). The release status is set indirectly by defining a processing status in customizing for
pricing and assigning a release status to it. Also, you can convert old records to new ones. Now you
can choose a calculation type when creating condition records at the same time.

Pricing Condition Tables

Additional Condition tables can be created for specific requirements They
are used to determine the key in the condition records.
You can add fields to the field catalog in order to create new condition records based on different
It is important to list the fields in a condition table in the proper order.

*Long text can be added to Rebate Agreements, Promotions, and Sales Deals.

*Long text in the rebate agreement can be copied into a credit memo request for rebate payments and
then into the credit memo.

*Text is not copied when you create condition records with reference.

*A condition type can be classified as a group condition.

Price Update
Values can be accumulated in condition records to test against those limits.
Condition type must be set for "condition update" in IMG. Condition update can be
set for maximum condition value.


Study guide prepared by Muhammad Ali Lozada


Cumulative values cannot be displayed.

Condition update cannot be set for number of orders.

*Condition supplement do not have their own access sequence but is based on other conditions. They
are found with the underlying condition records.
* Multiple conditions can be grouped together in a group supplement procedure.

* The system will allow you create conditions based on customer or material hierarchy. The
system process however requires a lot of maintenance and reduces system performance and is
considered a disadvantage.

* Without hierarchy accesses you need to create a condition table for each combination and assign
all accesses to these tables in the access sequence.

*You can assign a rule (Blank, A, or B) at the sales organization level to determine sales tax id#
in the order & billing.
For the status 'BLANK', the standard priority rules are as follows:
1. If PY has a sales tax ID and a different SP
- The tax number and tax classification are taken from PY (the SH is then no longer
The tax number is determined according to the 'tax destination country'.
2. If 1. does not apply:
- If the SH has a sales tax ID or the SP has NO sales tax ID, the tax number and tax
classification are taken from the SH.
3. If 2. does not apply:
Tax number and tax classification are transferred from the sold-to party.
With status 'A', the tax number and tax classification are generally transferred from the sold-
to party. The tax number is transferred according to the 'tax destination country'.
With status 'B': Data is transferred from the payer in the same way as rule A.

The following factors play a role in tax determination:

Business transaction - domestic or export/import
Tax liability of the ship-to party/comes from the customer master
Tax liability of the material/comes from the Material Master
The system determines a tax rate in the document (order/billing document) on the basis of
these three criteria.
*Taxes are determined with the normal 5 step condition technique
*Condition type for tax will be part of the normal pricing procedure

Agreements (Promotions & Sales Deals)

*You can define a promotion or general marketing plan for a product line for a certain period of
time. You can then link this promotion with specific sales deals, which are linked to special
condition records. These condition records can be used for promotional pricing or discounts. The
sales deal number and the promotion number will be displayed in the detail of the billing
document item line and will then also update SIS accordingly.

Study guide prepared by Muhammad Ali Lozada


Release Status for Sales Deals

The release status of a sales deal controls where you can find the condition records for a sales
agreement. __=Released, A=Blocked, B=Released for price simulation, C=Released for price
simulation and Planning.
The following must be activated for rebate processing to function:
Sales Organization (If not needed deactivate for better performance)
The Payer Master
Billing Document Type

Rebates are discounts, which are granted subsequently to rebate recipients, based on defined sales
volumes within certain periods of time. To determine the values required for a rebate settlement
within the validity period, you create rebate agreements. The system uses the accumulated
amounts in the rebate agreement to create a rebate settlement.

Rebate Agreement Types

0001--->Material Create
0002--->Customer Rebate
0003--->Customer Hierarchy Rebate
0004--->Material Group Rebate
0005--->Independent of Sales volume

Rebate Agreement is created with a specific Rebate Agreement types. Rebate Agreement types
contain all the rules and control that will influence the behavior / features of a rebate agreement.
Rebate condition records are linked to rebate agreements specifying the Rebate rate & Accrual rate.
You can specify in the agreement type 1) Condition types used with this rebate agreement type. 2)
Validity period proposal.*Rebate agreements can be settled partially.

*The payer must be relevant for rebate processing. Rebate processing begins by creating a rebate
relevant billing document. The valid rebates are determined by the pricing procedure using rebate basis
total. Each rebate condition type has an assigned access sequence. The system then uses the Access
Sequence to look for valid rebate condition records. If found then the accrual rate is read. Requirement
24 in pricing procedure says that the rebate condition are used only in billing doc.
Requirement 25 in p.p. says that rebate conditions be used only in rebate-relevant billing doc. The
rebate accrual amount is calculated using rebate basis in billing doc. The system posts an accrual to FI-
Accounting as soon as the rebate-relevant billing doc. is released to accounting. The system then
updates the rebate basis & accrual amount in the rebate agreement sales volume screen.
Rebate Settlement
The system uses the accumulated amounts in the rebate agreement to create a rebate settlement.
Status A refers to an open rebate agreement. The system generates a rebate credit memo request for
the rebate payment amount specified. You can display the sales volume and drill down in the rebate
You can carry out a final settlement for the rebate agreement either:
*in the background (batch programs: RV15C001 and RV15C002)
Accruals are reversed as soon as the rebate agreement is settled by credit memo.

Retroactive rebate agreements

Study guide prepared by Muhammad Ali Lozada


Retroactive rebate agreements allow you to take into account billing documents created before
the rebate agreement is created. The rebate basis for the billing documents created previously is
accumulated and recorded in the rebate agreement. The accrual amount is not automatically
updated for previously created billing documents. This amount must be entered manually.
Rebate-relevant billing documents created after the rebate agreement has been created, will update
both the rebate basis and accrual fields automatically.
Partial Rebate Settlement
Partial rebate settlements can be limited for each rebate agreement type as follows:
*up to the accumulated accrual amount
*up to the calculated payment amount for the current date
Accruals are cancelled automatically when a credit memo is created, provided that the rebate
agreement type is set accordingly in Customizing
Settlement Material
You may have a rebate that does not refer to a particular material, but rather to a group of
materials or to a customer. In this case, you must refer to a settlement material in order to provide
information at the material level. Maintain the rebate material in the material master in the Sales
and Accounting views. When creating a credit memo, the settlement material is the source for
important material master data. For example, account determination.
Free Goods
You have created an exclusive free goods agreement and you would like the ordered item to
absorb the cost of the free goods. In order to transfer the correct information to CO-PA from SD
billing, you have to deactivate pricing in the item category of the free item, and Set the
cumulative indicator in copying control for the billing item.

Solution Manager

The system landscape does include solution manager.

Solution manager is needed to efficiently and effectively only implement and operate an
enterprise sap solution. False

In implementation soleman covers more than one of the following areas: functional
implementation, technical implementation, and implementation of operations.

Sap soleman is a customer platform that enables representation and documentation of the entire
customer-specific solution, including sap and non-sap components.

Soleman enables process-oriented versus component-orientated configuration & Testing.

Sap roadmap 5 phases: Project preparation, Business Blueprint, Realization, Final Preparation, and
Go live & support.
Phase 2--->Finalizing the project scope, Defining and documenting all business requirements, both
functional and technical.
Phase 3--->Configuring the system, testing the system to ensure that it meets the specified
business requirements, and developing training materials.
*It is an integrated platform that controls both implementation and operation of the live system.
*Supports customers in ALL project phases, from creating a blueprint to configuring business
processes and testing through support of the live environment.

Study guide prepared by Muhammad Ali Lozada


*Accelerators are found in the Knowledge Warehouse in SAP Solution Manager in the form of

Document Management Systems in soleman have these key highlights: *Central Storage of all
project documentation. *Provides functionality for creating, editing, storing, uploading and
downloading documentation. *Reporting features (by assignment->Documentation) allow you to track
and filter all available documents.

Soleman as the technical and operations infrastructure has more than the following
components: Services for operations, Solution monitoring, and Support

Sap Soleman is more than *A Proactive Methodology *Business Process Orientated *Software
Solution landscape Oriented *Configurable

Sap marketplace can be accessed thru Solution Manager whenever needed.

*A new business process procedure can be created from a standard template. *The
Knowledge Warehouse contains numerous accelerators.

Study guide prepared by Muhammad Ali Lozada

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