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Syllabus for
M.B.A. (H.R.D.)

Organization Behaviour and Human Resource Development

Paper - I Management of Industrial Relations

Paper - II Management Training and Development

Paper - III Organizational Change and Intervention Strategies

Paper - IV Human Resource Planning and Development

Group - III
Organisation Behaviour and Human Resource Development

Paper - I
Management of Industrial Relations

Unit - I. Dimensions of the Problems of Industrial Relations and the law

Contextual Frame-work, Community Prescription, Constitutional Frame work and
Industrial relations, Plans and Industrial Relations.
Trade Unionism
Need to form trade unions, History of the Trade Union Movement in India, Closed
Shop/Union Shop
Judicial Delineation of Statutory Definintion of Trade Union
Definition, members of Trade Unions, Trade or Industry, Objectives of Trade Union
Unit - II. Registration of Trade Unions
Legal Status of Registered Trade Union, Compulsory versus Voluntary Registration,
Appointment of Registrar, Mode of Rigistration, Power of Registrar, Power of
Registrar to verify membership of Trade Unions, Duties of Registrar, Certificate of
Registration, cancellation and Deregistration of Registered Trade Union, Appeal,
Result of Deregistration, re-registration, Registered Office, Change of Name,
Structure and Dissolution, Submission of returns, Penalties and Procedure.

Unit - III. Recognition of Trade Unions

Need for Recognition of Trade Unions, Recognition of Trade Unions in Retrospect,
Law and Practice Relating to Recognition.
Collective Bargaining
Perspective Concept and Meaning of Collective Baraining. Prerequisites for
collective Bargaining
Workers Participation in Management
Introduction, Constitutional Commitment. Concept and Scope, 1975 Scheme, 1983
Scheme, Making workers' shareholder, Representation of workers on Board of
Directors, workers participation in winding up Operation, workers Right to Run Sick
Industries, Participation of workers in Management Bill, 1990

Unit - IV. Unfair Labour practice and Victimisation

Unfair Labour Practices on the part of Employers, Unfair Labour Practices on the
part of Trade Union, Judicial Deleniation of "Unfair Labour Practice", Code of
Discipline in Industry, Response of the National Commission on Labour, Unfair
Labour Practices on the Part of Employers and Trade Unions of Employers and
Trade Unions of Employers. Unfair Labour Practices on the part of workmen and
Trade Unions of Workmen and Trade Unions of Workmen. Victimization, Scope
of Interferance by Industrial Tribunal,
Industrial disputes Act, 1947
Contextual Frame-work, Object, Scheme, Industrial Disputes (Amendment) Act,
1982 and 1984, Trade Unions and Industrial Disputes (Amendment) Bill, 1988,
Scope of the Act, Interpretation of Industrial Relations Law
Arena of Interaction and Participants in Industrial Dispute
Industry, Workman, Employer.
Unit - V. Settlement of Industrial Disputes
Works Committee, Grievance Settlement Authorities, Conciliation, Court of Enquiry,
Voluntary Arbitration, Process Involved in Reference of Dispute to Voluntary labour
Arbitrator, Adjudication, Award
Power of the Government under the Industrial Disputes Act.
Government Power of Reference, Power of Government to withdraw and Transfer
Certain Proceedings, Government's Power to Refer any question for Interpretation
of Award, Power to make Rules, Delegation of Power, Power to Amend Schedules,
Power of the Government to Exempt
Instruments of Economic Coercion
Strike, Picketing, Gherao, Bandh, Lock-Out, Right to strike, Right to lock-out,
Regulation of strikes and Lock-outs Illegal Strikes and Lock -Out Dismissal of Strike
and Lock-Out, Dismissal of Strikers, Wages for Strike and Lock-Out Period


Paper - II
Management Training and Development

Unit - I. National Training Interventions : Training as an economic instrument,

achievements and challenges, National initiatives : 1964 to the present day, the
European scene,which way forward.
Attitudes Towards Education and training : Education, training and work,
changes in attitudes to training adn development, Philosophies of traning.
Learinig and Training : What do we understand by learning, Reinforcement
theories, cybernetic adn information theories, cognitive theories adn problem
solving, experimental learning, Learning to learn and self-development, Mental
process, other horizons.
Unit - II. The Learner and the Organisation : The learner, the orgainsation as a learning
environment, the learning organisation.
Approaches to Training Interventions : Organisation learning systems, Gen
eralised approaches, Planned training interventions, the costs adn benefits of
training interventions.
Unit - III The Training Function in Organisations : The training function, Management's
responsibility for training, Creating and appropriate structure, The training fo training
staff, Ethical standards
Assessing Organisational Training Needs : The levels of organisational needs,
types of orgainsational reviews, before starting the review, reasons for an
organisational review, carrying out an organisation-wide review.
Unit - IV Training Policy, Plans and Resourses : Training policy, policy development,
annual training plan, training resourses,from policy to training plan and budget.
Assessing Training Needs-the job and the indicidual: Job training analysis, Analyti
cal techniques,Carrying out an individual training needs analysis, assessing
UNIT - V Determining and evaluating training interventions : Training interventions, determi
nation of training objectives, determination of the appropriate training strategy,planning
and implementation of the training, eveluation of the programme.


Paper - III
Organizational Change and Development Intervention Strategies
Unit - I. The Field of Organization Development
Overview of the Field of Organization Development.
Definition of Organization Development
A History of Organization Development
The Laboratory Training Stem, The Survey Research and Feedback stem, The
Action Research Stem, The Sociotechnical and socioclinical stem, The changing
context, Second Generation OD, Extent of Application.

Unit - II. Values, Assumption, And Beliefs in OD

Chronology of Events in Management and Organization Thourght, early Statement
of OD values and assumptions, A Values Study.
Foundation of Organization Development
Models and Theories of Planned Change, systems Theory, Participation and
Empwerment, Teams and Teamwork, Parallel Learning Structures, A Normative-
Reeducative Strategy of Changing Applied Behavioral Science.
OD Interventions
Thinking about OD Interventions, Classifying OD Interventions.

Unit - III. Team Interventions

Teams and Work Groups : Strategic Units of Organization, Broad Team-Building
Interventions, The Formal Group Diagnostic Meeting, The Formal Group Team-
Building Meeting ,Process consultion Interventions, A Gestalt Approach to Team
Intergroup and Third-Party Peacemaking Interventions
Intergroup Team-Building Interventions, Third party Peacemaking Interventions ,
organization Mirror Interventions, Partnering.

Unit - IV. Comprehensive OD Interventions

Search conference and Future conference Meeting, Strategic Management Activi-
ties, Real Time Strategic Change Stream Analysis, Survey Feedback, System 1-
4T, Grid Organization Development, Schein's Cultural Analysis, Large- Scale
change and High- performance Systems, Transorganization Development.
Structural Interventions and the Applicability of OD
Sociotechnical System, Self-Managed Teams : Problems in Implementation, Work
Redesign, MBO and Appraisal, Quality Circles, Quality of work life projects. Parallel
Learning Structures Physical setting and OD, Total Quality Management,
Reengineering, The Self-Design Strategy, High-Involvement and High-Performance
Work Systems. Large-Scale Systems change and Organizational Transformation,
Unit - V. Training Experiences
T- Groups, Behavioral Modeling, Life and Career Planning, Coaching and Mentoring,
Instrumented Training.
Issues in Consultant- Clent Relationships
Entry and Contracting, Defining the Client system, The Trust Issue, The Nature of
the consultant's Expertises, Diagnosis and Appropriate Interventions, Depth of
Intervention, On being Absorbed by the Culture, The consultant as a Model, The
consultant Team as a Microcosm, Action Research and the OD Process, The
Dependency Issue and Terminating the Relationshiip, Ethical Standards in OD for
the Client.

Paper - IV
Human Resources Planning and Development

Unit - I. Overview of Human Resources, Historical Evolution, Integrated HR-Function, HR-

Issues, Corporate and HR-Environment, Strategy Environment, Strategic Manage-
Unit - II. HR Instruments, HRM and Diversity Issues, HR Planning at Enterprise Level, Need
for Systematic planning, Planning Process, Operating Environment- Internal and
External, The manpoer plan, Job Description
Unit - III. Recruitment and Selection, Strategic selection, Interpretation and Evaluation of
Interview data, Employee Induction Programme.
Unit - IV. Performence Appraisal, Measures of Appraisal, System Components Appraisal
Methods, Ethics of Appraisal, problems and Issues.
Unit - V. Employee Training, Training Needs and objective setting, Methods of Training,
Development, Development, Needs, Human Resource Development, Develop-
ment Process, Change Management.


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