(n) counter
(n) little girl
(n) sky
(n) aerial or antenna
(n) aerial net
(n) trapeze
(n) heaven
(adv) well
(n) merit; benefit
(n) blessing
(v) acclaim
(n) welfare
(v) prosper
(n) legacy
(adj) good
(n) honest trade
(adj) good; nice; fine
(v) hold firmly
(v) hold ; carry
(v) handle
(v) throw ; fling
(v) shock ; shake
(v) hold in hand
(n) cultivated land
(n) mutual reliance
(v) graft
(v) bow ; droop
(v) prop
(v) be devout
(n) saw
(v) bend over
(n) business
(n) problems
(v) die
(v) be rib of problems
(v) die
(n) sundry matters
(n) section
(n) euphony
(n) card
(n) scissors
(n) tar ; coaltar
(n) cockatoo
(n) platform scales
(n) subject
(n) velvet
(adv) perversely
(n) sea-going sailing ship
(n) adopted child
(n) cake
(n) coat
(n) lever
(v) tear with claws or nails
(n) coke
(v) scratch
(n) lake
(n) water convolvulus
(n) sweet potato plant
(n) sweet potato
(n) difficult journey
(n) desert climate
(v) pay obeisance
(n) cobtract
(n) bank
(n) small embankment
(v) kick
(adj) controlled
(n) sulphur
(n) note protest
(v) object ; protest
(n) valerian
(adv) contrarily
(n) screen
(adv) obstructively
(v) bolt
(v) act in defiance
(adv) crosswise
(n) diagonal
(v) block
(n) controlled goods
(n) limited war
(n) controlled price
(v) restrict
(adj) blind
(v) be blind
(n) number
(n) whole number
(n) root
(n) be enshrined
(n) constant
(v) dwell in
(n) goods ; merchandise
(n) lorry ; truck
(v) trade
(n) expense
(v) cost
(n) raw material
(n) finished product
(n) groceries
(adv) completely
(n) wholesale centre
(n) trade fair
(n) vegetables
(n) green grocer
(n) general stores
(n) commodity prices
(n) trade mark
(n) department store
(n) stevedore
(n) goods wagon
(n) production
(n) producer's cooperative
(n) capital
(n) department store
(n) invoice
(n) go0ds
(n) surplus goods
(n) hard-ware
(n) goods train
(n) ware house
(n) sundry goods
(n) cargo boat
(n) trader
(n) merchant
(n) trade and commerce
(n) trade
(n) indent
(n) land route
(n) far inland
(adj) desolate
(n) slander
(n) slope
(v) saddle
(n) army
(n) low hill
(v) throw across
(n) deck
(n) plateau
(n) amphibian
(n) road ; land route
(v) bend
(v) wheedle
(v) be afflicted
(n) stingy person
(n) epidemic disease
(n) Negro
(n) human parasite
(n) captain
(n) lay attendant
(n) testicle
(n) scrotum
(v) sponge on
(v) come close
(v) be decorous
(adv) timidly
(n) shoulder pad
(v) droop
(n) inscription
(v) inscribe
(n) orange
(n) world war
(n) enternal enemy
(n) world
(n) globe
(n) hemisphere
(n) world market
(n) meditation
(n) bank ; shore
(n) shore ; coast
(n) coast guard
(n) shore line
(n) landing ship
(n) landing carft
(n) water-front ; strand
(v) collapse
(n) coastal strip
(n) coastline
(adj) off-shore
(v) negotiate
(v) pass ; give
(n) company
(n) maiden
(n) saffron
(n) sufficient
(v) compose
(v) string ; thread
(n) relief fund
(n) saviour
(n) beggar
(v) save
(v) save ; rescue
(n) body
(n) self-interest
(v) sacrifice
(v) be ruined
(v) seek advantage
(n) morals
(n) art of self defence
(n) the body
(n) sympathy
(n) sympathze
(n) body temperature
(adv) on behalf of
(n) delegate
(n) letter of authority
(n) ability
(adv) in person
(adv) personally
(n) autobiography
(n) hemiplegia
(n) bust
(n) paraplegia
(adj) naked
(n) personal experience
(n) true cenfession
(adv) on a self help basis
(adj) self-made
(v) appear
(n) poise
(v) have a fever
(n) one's own
(n) own car
(n) private school
(n) personal library
(n) private property
(adj) private ; personal
(n) self-rule ; sutonomy
(adv) effortedly
(v) become slim
(n) personal affairs
(n) personal history
(adv) whole heartedly
(n) body-guard
(v) stop short
(n) advanced ; pregancy
(n) physical exercise
(v) relieve nature
(n) body structure ; build
(n) physique
(n) almirror
(n) pregnancy
(n) pregnant woman
(v) have a miscarriage
(v) be pregnant
(n) model
(v) commit suicide
(n) self rule
(v) rely on oneself
(adv) properly
(v) bear ; expense
(v) decline
(v) die
(n) afternoon sun
(v) take odd jobs
(v) lose
(v) fail( )
(v) fail( )
(v) fall ; drop
(n) whip
(n) tiger
(adv) leopard cat
(v) buttress ; prop
(n) slipper orchid
(n) conical fish net
(n) tigress
(n) rasp
(n) leopard
(adj) sticky ; slimy
(adv) rolling in wealth
(adj) slimy
(n) granary
(v) tease ; jest
(v) tease affectionately
(n) crow
(n) dawn ; day break
(n) gall ; bulbous growth
(n) mistletoe
(adv) alarmedly
(n) rook
(n) tri-chosanthes
(n) reed matting
(n) basketweave desigh
(n) reed
(n) small Indian shop
(n) war of aggression
(n) illegal tenant
(n) aggressor
(n) illegal area
(v) trespass
(n) violate ; commit
(v) assimilate
(v) be satisfied
(v) be fully
(v) be placated
(n) parrot ; para keet
(n) slaty-headed parakeet
(n) red-breasted parakeet
(n) rose-ringed parakeet
(n) gratitude
(v) be ungrateful
(n) beneficiary
exp please
(v) be beneficial
(n) benefactor
(v) be grateful
(n) blossom-headed parakeet
(n) fendal age
(n) village
(n) village tract
(n) hamlet
(n) folk tales
(n) folk song
(n) folk dance
(adj) watery ; thin
(v) be spare
(n) back ; behind ; rear
(n) back
(v) lie on back
(v) turn back on
(v) rally
(n) support mainstay
(n) haversack
(n) back side
(n) the poor
(n) back-bone
(v) discriminate
(n) noose
(v) set a snare
(v) be snared
(v) catch with noose
(v) become famous
(n) small frog
(v) over take
(v) over come
(v) go over ; cross over
(v) boil ; melt
(v) be submissive
(adv) sparsely
(v) be humble
(v) break
(v) break
(v) graze
(v) recognize ; remember
(n) grace ; glory
(n) pride
(v) learn by heart
(n) jewel ; gem
(n) rock
(n) kidney
(n) agar agar ; gelatine ; jelly
(n) small pox
(n) stone
(n) coral
(n) stone age
(n) drop anchor
(n) alum
(n) pebble
(n) stone inscription
(n) obelisk
(n) stalactite
(n) filter
(n) anchor
(v) weigh anchor
(n) rock
(n) sculpture(stone)
(n) sculptor
(v) sculpt
(n) sculpture
(n) slate pencil
(n) stone
(n) mine
(v) vaccinate
(n) marble
(n) red gem ; ruby
(n) pockmark
(n) seaweed
(n) marrow
(n) chiken pox
(n) fossil
(n) low grade gem
(n) coal
(n) gem
(n) uncut stone
(n) statue
(n) slate ; black-board
(n) sea-urchin
(n) lapidary
(n) collet
(n) faeces
(v) defecate
(n) penis
(n) pan
(n) urine
(v) urinate
(n) moustache
(n) carpenter's square
(n) right angle
(v) feel pain
(v) pan for gold
(n) practice
(n) procedure
(n) moral code
(v) practise ; train
(v) practise
(n) pit ; hole ; trench
(v) celebrate
(n) school
(n) school bus
(n) class attendance
(n) school teacher
(n) graduation ceremony
(v) leave school
(n) hostel
(v) enroll
(n) abbot
(n) school mate ; class mate
(n) school vacation
(v) miss class
(n) student
(n) school girl
( ) (v) look after
(n) school text book
(n) principal
(n) head-master
(n) mace
(n) locust
(n) pigtail
(adj) compact
(n) large ant
(v) tingle
(adj) narrow
(v) cancel out
(n) magazine
(n) pellet ; shot
(n) cartridge ; shell
(n) pestle
(n) bullet
(n) dud shell
(n) bolt
(n) framework
(n) tipcat
(n) kris
(n) silent admirer
(n) clandestine gambling
(v) remain
(v) be left behind
(n) health
(adj) healthy
(n) health certificate
(n) health education
(n) curse
(v) fall under curse
(v) be under curse
(v) take an oath
(v) swear
(v) sleep
(adv) definitely
(adj) definite
(n) soot
(n) brand new
(v) smoke
(adj) full
(adj) tight
(pron) I
(v) treatise ; thesis
(n) references
(n) affidavit
(n) scripture
(n) seminary
(v) write thesis
(n) foreword
(v) sit decorously
(adv) decorously
(v) shrink ; contract
(n) moat
(v) bather up
(v) lure ; entice
(adj) broad
(adj) very loud
(adj) wide
(adj) wide ; broad
(n) bamboo
(n) royal parasol
(n) bamboo for matting
(n) waterlily ; lotus
(v) commit adultery
(n) thick soya-bean sauce
(n) Thursday
(n) Jupiter
(n) interim period
(n) buffer
(v) sandwich
(n) neutral policy
(v) stay neutral
(n) sideline
(v) interpose
(v) intercept
(n) middle
(v) intervene
(v) be informed
(v) hear
(n) verb
(n) adverb
(adj) great ; vast
(v) supervise
(v) administer
(n) aunt
(v) grow ; develop
(v) bully
(n) prosperity
(v) prosper
(adj) big ; large
(adj) noble
(adj) heavy
(adj) large ; big
(v) grieve
(n) announcement
(n) declaration
(v) announce
(v) be crushed
(v) be crumbled
(n) copper
(n) grime ; dirt
(adj) expensive
(n) detergent
(n) professional
(n) triangular brass gong
(v) scrub dirt
(v) be grimy
(n) copper
(n) copper wire
(n) telegraph
(n) mirror
(n) brass
(v) scatter ; cast
(adj) graceful
(n) notice borad
(v) advertise
(v) fry
(v) plan
(v) devise
(n) accomplice
(v) intend
(n) brown slab-sugar
(v) plot
(n) rhinoceros
(n) tapir
(v) welcome
(n) advance ticket
(v) hiccough
(v) belch ; eruct
(v) twist yarn into rope
(n) crane
(n) noose
(v) skip with rope
(v) try ; strive
(n) gallows
(n) suspension
(n) death-house
(n) rope
(n) death sentence
(n) red tape
(n) wireless
(n) forestreserve
(n) ring
(v) rope
(n) fowl
(n) chicken
(n) cross mark
(n) The Red Cross Society
(n) poultry
(v) fight
(n) turkey
(n) whooping cough
(n) parrot
(n) parakeet
(n) shuttle cock
(n) bantam
(v) crow
(n) rubber
(n) cock-fight
(n) cock ; rooster
(n) cockerel
(n) hen
(n) pullet
(n) rambutan
(n) feather
(n) feather duster
(n) poultry farming
(n) pennant
(n) chicken
(n) crimson
(n) onion
(n) garlic
(n) onion tops
(n) bitter gourd
(n) egg
(n) addled egg
(adv) intermittently
(n) hen roost
(v) be frighened
(v) fear ; dread
(v) in terror
(v) like
(v) like
(n) first love
(adj) kind
(n) wife
(n) cat
(n) civet cat
(n) kitten
(n) fishing cat
(n) tom-cat
(n) chaste tree
(n) big tomcat ; wild cat
(n) she-cat ; tabby-cat
(n) butterfly bush
(n) spiral stairs
(n) Indian Trumpet
(n) palm civet
(n) hypocrite
(n) meat safe
(n) anxiety
(v) be anxious
(n) route ; way
(n) synonym
(v) request for marriage
(v) avoid ; shun
(v) respect
(v) be highly pleased
(n) sky blue
(v) be willing
(adj) clear
(v) approve
(n) mirror
(v) lok at
(n) army
(v) jostle
(n) hand mill
(n) eclipta plant
(v) grind
(n) casket
(v) be slow
(n) hot formentation
(v) apply hot formentation
(v) supervise
(n) fate
(v) be ill-fated
(n) floor price
(v) scrub
(n) bed-bug
(n) floor
(adj) rough
(n) cane
(n) goad
(n) flogging punishment
(n) frequency
(adv) many times
(n) cane
(v) declaim
(v) scold
(v) proclaim
(n) star
(v) fall
(n) star fish
(n) comet
(n) morning star
(n) button
(v) differ ; vary
(n) roasted melon seeds
(n) quarter
(v) distant
(n) difference
(v) different
(n) quinine
(adj) crooked
(adv) circuitously ; tortuously
(v) turn curve
(adj) bend ; curved
(v) bend ; curl
(adv) distinctly
(v) differ ; vary
(v) broke
(v) crack
(adv) clearly ; vividly
(adv) irregularly
(n) blank
(v) fill in the blank
(n) loop ; ring
(n) link
(n) slippers
(n) closing ceremony
(n) opening ceremony
(n) noose
(n) net
(n) concrete
(v) trade secret
(n) congress
(n) contour line
(n) compass
(v) cast net
(n) computer
(n) commando
(n) communist
(n) sparkle
(v) embellish
(v) manage
(n) wooden or bamboo bedstead
(v) kill
(n) betel vine
(n) nut craker
(n) betel quid
(n) betel leaf
(n) areca nut
(n) areca palm
(n) betel box
(v) disappear
(v) die
(v) hide ; conseal
pro I
(n) wild yam
(v) feed
(n) water buffalo
(n) pomelo
(n) gum or glue
(n) water chestnut
(n) slave
(v) serve as slave
pro I
(n) colonial education
pro I
(n) island
(n) teak
(n) islet
(n) archipelago
Peninsular g es
(n) technical
(v) somersault
(v) tumble
(n) gymnastics
(v) arrive
(v) rise up
(v) boast ; brag
(n) cowrie ; enamel
(n) art paper
(n) ename paint
(n) be gonia
(n) enamel ware
(v) fall
(n) debt
(n) slogan
(v) proclaim
(n) creditor
(n) easy loan
( ) (n) rat
( ) (n) mouse
(n) shrew
(v) seize with cramps
(n) heavy drinker
(n) mouse trap
(n) wart
(n) muscle
(n) mess
(v) remain
(v) remain
(n) bismuth
(n) callus
(adj) curtly
(adj) crisp ; brittle
(adj) rich ; wealthy
(adv) subserviently
(v) wait upon
(n) a moment
(adv) frequently
(adv) for a while
(adv) flimsily
(n) antimony
(n) bamboo hat
(n) trumpet ; bugle
(v) whistle
(n) journey
(n) arduous journey
(n) travelling expenses
(n) tour ; travel
(n) traveller's cheque
(n) travel guide book
(n) traveller
(n) travel diary
(v) welcome
(n) mollusc
(n) snail
( ) (n) conch shell
(n) leucoderma
(n) star flower
(n) asterisk
(n) fork
(n) barnacle
(n) rough terrain
(n) district
(n) Christmas
(n) Jesus Christ
(n) Christian era
(n) Christian
(n) tomato
(n) purple ; violet
(n) ultraviolet
(n) brinjal
(n) wooden or bamboo bell
(n) switch button
(v) stamble
(v) press the button
(v) switch off
(v) pull trigger
(n) middle ; centre
(n) launderer
(n) fried sweet crisp
(n) red ant
(v) shake off
(n) waist
(v) have backache
(n) hunchback
(n) lumbar joint
(n) pocket army
(n) pick-pocket
(n) belt
(n) girdle ; sash
(adj) distasteful
(adj) bitter
(adj) slightly bitter
(n) now
(v) resist ; oppose
(n) resistance power
(n) AIDS
(n) nowadays
(n) bedstead
(adv) just now
(n) seven
(n) The Great Bear
(n) caterpillar
(n) whitlow
(n) picker
(v) pluck ; pick
( ) (n) lead
(n) type
(n) graphite
(n) pencil
(n) a pencil sharpener
(v) touch up
(n) eraser ; rubber
(n) tin
(n) ammunition
( ) (v) bite ; clip
( ) (v) ( )freeze
(n) brother-in-law
(n) spirit food
(v) offer spirit food
(n) Chittagonian
(v) name ; call
(n) feeling ; experience
(v) suffer ; experience
(n) defensive
(n) fort ; stockade
(v) be embittered
(v) accept ; adopt
(n) pledge ; promise
(n) bail bond
(v) pledge
(adj) grand
(adj) dignified
(adj) helpless
(v) rely ; depend
(v) shirk
(n) asylum
(v) hide
(n) dovecote ; pigeon house
(v) look furtively
(v) copy
(v) elope
(n) theft case
(n) stolen property
(v) elope
(v) sneak
(n) thief
(v) steal
(v) smuggle in
(n) main branch
(n) fork
(n) pitch fork
(adj) difficult
(n) c p-cot
(n) noodle
(n) crease
(n) wood pecker
( ) (v) knock ; strike
(v) shake ; shiver
(v) hurt ; strike
(v) quarrel ; fight
(v) touch ; reach
(n) ridge
(n) brown hawk-owl
(n) husband
(adj) friendly
(v) spread
(v) display
(v) display
( ) (v) fold
(n) top ; pinnacle
(n) roof
(n) Kachin ale
(n) hibiscus
(n) leader
(adj) desolate
(n) coffin
(n) head
(n) head-ache
(n) head pad
(v) ( )sleep ;( )die
(v) discuss
(n) heading ; title
(n) heading ; headline
(n) stocking cap
(n) leader
(n) leadership
(v) lead
(v) nod
(n) chimney
(n) clean shaven head
(n) crew-cut
(n) locomotive engine
(adj) scarce
(n) turban
(adj) bald
(v) comb
(adj) dizzy
(v) shave head
(n) hawker
(n) vendor
(n) bell
(n) bell-bottomed trousers
(n) hair oil
(n) shampoo
(n) pillow
(n) pillow case
(adj) strong
(adj) firm
(adj) sufficient
(adj) firm
(n) draught cattle
(n) factotum
(v) order; ask
(n) rowlock
(n) smilax
(n) land lily
(n) nobility
(n) oar
(n) tholepin
(v) stamp
(n) rowing boat
(v) beat; strike
(v) hack
(v) clear
(v) cut off
(v) drive; operate
(v) cut down; fell
(v) chop
(n) era; age
(n) golden age
(v) be out-of-date
(n) hard times
(n) preliminary period
(adj) popular
(n) bad time
(v) be fashionable
(n) a short time
(v) be out-of-date
(n) modern education
(adj) modern
(v) change
(adj) modern
(v) fade
(n) forerunner
(n) new era
(n) the past
(n) early period of era
(n) patience
(n) body
(n) anatomy
(v) manage
(n) appointment
(n) estimate
(v) appoint
(n) appointment letter
(v) dry up; evaporate
(n) screen
(n) main hall
(n) wedding presents by parents
(v) jump down
(v) gambol
(v) jump high
(v) jump across
(v) jump up
(n) ladle
(adv) stand-offishly
(v) spoon out
(adj) all; every
(adv) without out delay
(n) 1. kind of creeper; 2. seed of used in playing games; sea bean . knee
(v) play a game of pitch with the seeds of
(adv) be fond of sb or sth
(n) bench
(n) wooden sandals; clogs
(v) form a tribunal
(v) be fond of sb or sth
(n) high-hel shoes or slippers
(n) 1. tribunal; judicial body instituted for some special purpose; 2. office of th
(n) bench( )
(n) member of tribunal or a special court
(n) tripod stand or the like for cooking; trivet(s e as )
(n) member of tribunal or a special court(s e as )
(adj) arched; convex
(n) clam; scallop
(n) over-bridge; arched bridge
(n) sister-in-law
(v) 1. put down; bring down; drop; lower; 2. lead a recitation; teach(as in ...
(v) 1. put down; bring down; drop; lower; 2. lead a recitation; teach(as in ...
ike, hit(as in .. ..). fight, clash(as in ...).
s in ...). put down; prescribe(as in ...)
(n) standard definitions used in explaining Pali texts(s e as )
(v) lay down(rules, regulations)
(n) star flower(s e as )
(n) 1. spindle-shaped piece or figure 2. part of pagoda immediately below the fina
n when its shape resembles the fruit of the Indian medlar tree
(n) traditional teching technique
(n) receipt given by bank or treasury for money paid into a government account
(v) turn round abrudy
(adj) very poor
(n) young-ster
(adj) interior
(n) chicory
(v) march
(v) waver
(v) carry
(n) citation
(v) praise
(v) honour
(v) award
(n) jingle bell
(v) be sickly
(n) barking deer
(v) dispel misconception
(v) be civil
(v) cancel annul
(n) written refutation
(n) loan
(v) defecate
(n) dung beetle
(v) lend
(n) che-hti
(v) widen
(v) exaggerate
(v) extend
(v) exaggerate
(adv) safe and sound
(n) dispatch
(n) lubricating oil
(v) requisition
(n) postal parcel
(v) convey official mail
(adj) handsome
(adj) slippery; smooth
(n) chocolate
(v) soothe
(v) coddle; lure
(v) coax
(v) persuade
(n) lava
(n) molten lava
(v) slip and fail
(v) miss
(n) horn; antlers
(n) sweets; candy
(n) sweet and sourdish
(adj) sweetish
(adj) too sweet
(adj) sweet sounding
(adj) sweet
(v) be poor; needy
(v) be missing
( ) (n) dove
( ..) (n) crust
( ..) (v) break
(v) coo
(v) be overcooked
(n) water for bathing
(n) ring dove
(n) spotted dove
( ) (v) wash; clean
(n) shikra
(n) cheque
(n) navel; umbilicus
(n) artificial gem
(n) umbilical cord
(adv) immediatly
(n) evaporated salt
(v) cook
(v) exorcize
(v) cook; distil
(n) distilled liquor
(n) ravine; gully
(v) be badly shaken
(n) hornets nest
(v) calculate
(v) measure
( ..) (n) ginger
( ) (n) Chin(Myanmar national group)
(n) ginger
(n) ginger salad
(n) corner; nook
(v) lie low; shirk
(v) negelect; ignore
(adj) comfortable
(adj) loose
(n) creek; stream
(n) peep; peek
(n) freshet
(v) cough
(v) snipe at
(v) waylay
(v) hem
( ) (n) bucket; pail
(n) depression
(n) valley
(n) arm-pit
(n) crutches
(n) goodwill
(adv) lovingly
(n) chettyar
( ) (n) sweetheart, girlfriend
( ) (n) lover; boyfriend
(v) love
(n) roselle
(n) pickled vegetables
(n) sour soup
(adj) sour; acid
(v) acid
(v) come near; approach
(n) thread
(v) spin
(n) hitching post
(n) cotton cloth
(n) cotton fibre
(n) textile mill
(n) long-staple cotton
(n) spindle
(v) bind; tie
(adj) frailly
(adj) weak; feeble
(n) hook; hanger; safety pin
(n) link
(v) hang; tow
(n) champion
(v) leave out; omit
(n) time bomb
(v) bring into harmony
(n) scales; balance
(v) conider
( ...) (n) pendulum
( ..) (n) plumbbob;
(n) ( ) weight
(v) ( ....)(v)aim
(n) bicycle chain
(n) pre-arranged g bling party
(n) card board
(n) disc
(n) solid cart wheel
(n) armour
(n) sealing wax; lac
(n) seal
(n) lac insect
(v) seal
(v) control
(n) sewing stand
(adj) oppressive
(v) end; cease; die
(n) mordant
(v) restrain
(v) imprison
(n) seam
(n) period of detention
(v) hamper; swe
(adj) serene
(v) rich; wealthy
(adj) cold
(n) strub; bush
(v) ambush
(n) dusky grey heron
(n) clump of bushes
(v) reduce; abridge
(n) push-cart
(n) cherry
(n) termite; white ant
(n) ant-hill
(n) difference
(adj) different
(v) differ
(n) base camp
(n) third toe
(n) instep
(n) anklet
(n) angle
(n) selection match
(n) test match
(n) socks and stockings
(v) thwart
(n) footwear
(n) stirrup
(n) running board
(v) intrigue
(n) heel
(n) sole
(n) the big toe
(n) malleolus
(n) royal messenger
(n) light infantry unit
(n) foot print; track
(v) track; trace
(v) trail
(n) clue; work
(n) foot
(adv) on foot
(n) infantry
(n) step; stride
(n) calf
(n) toe nails
(n) doormat
(n) gesture
(n) stocks; stockings
(n) enclosure
(v) enclose
(n) fence
(n) born and bred on own farm
(n) garden land
(n) market-gardener
(n) six
(adj) boring
(v) evaporate
(n) revolver
(n) threatening words
(v) frighten
(adj) dry
(adj) dull
(adj) bone dry
(n) mosquito
(n) mosquito causing dengue
(n) wall-plate
(n) marrow
(n) mosquito repellent
(n) batten
(v) measure
(n) mosquito net
(n) fly whisk
(n) lion
(n) lion cub
(n) lioness
(n) basket
(v) play cane ball
(n) cane ball
(n) frugally
(v) scrape shred
(n) rays
(v) annoy; bother
( ..) (v) divide
(adv) thunderously
(adv) resoundingly
(v) threaten
(v) browbeat
(n) shawl
(v) cover; wrap
(v) embellish
(v) manipulate
( ..) (v) paint
( ...) (v) decorate
(n) fork; sling
(v) does not fit
(n) odd person
(n) crossroads
(v) be contrary
(v) sit astride
(n) hoof
(n) clematis
(n) foot-and-mouth disease
(n) hoof-mark
(v) stumble
( .... ...) (v) leave
( ...) (v) peel
( ...) (n) tape
(v) totter
( ...) (v) coil
(n) dog
(n) puppy; pup
(n) stool
(n) badger
(n) dregea climber
( ) (n) bulldog
(n) bitch
(n) rabid dog
(n) rabies
(n) stray dog
(n) riffraff
(n) cowhage
(n) greyhound
(n) cogwheel
(n) pinoin
(n) kennel; doghouse
(v) differentiate
(n) surgeon
(n) operation theatre
(v) operate; dissect
(n) quata; share
(v) secede; branch out
( ...) (v) divide
( ....) (v) break
(v) distribute
(v) feed; bribe
( ....) (n) bowl
( ...) (n) cup
(n) closet tippler
(n) permission; leave
(v) ask permission
(v) ask leave
(v) give permission
(n) permission
(n) permit
(v) take leave
(n) long leave
(v) excuse; forgive
(v) go on leave
(v) smash; crush
(v) separate; penetrate
(n) strength
(n) speech
(v) fetort
(n) skill of fighting cook
(v) fight; squabble
(n) economy
(v) be economical
(v) use sparingly
(n) sweat; perspiration
(n) bodice
(n) clammy sweat
(v) begin to sweat
(n) labour gang
(n) sweat pore
(n) daughter-in-law
(n) beads of sweat
(v) suffer congestion in the lungs
(adj) sticky
(v) wheedle
(n) defect
(n) pencil sharpener
(v) sharpen
(n) iron hook; goad
(n) followers; sttendants
(v) pluck; strip; deliver
(n) exception
(v) leave out
(v) omit
(n) number; numeral; arithmetic
(n) calculator
(n) arithmetic
(n) next existence
(n) hooded head wear
(n) forest with shades
(n) orchid or lily
(n) tonic herb
(n) species of orchid
(n) ripples; repercussions
(n) heavy stressed sound
(v) be careful; pay attention
(v) be mindful
(n) fistula
(n) Greenwich mean time
(n) grant-land
(n) grain
(n) graph
(n) graphite
(n) gram
(n) gross
(n) glycerin
(n) literate
(n) solder
(v) joined by solder
(n) mantra
(n) gallon
(v) pay respects
(n) gown
(n) summer
(n) chronic invalid
(n) music
(n) composer and lyricist
(n) music instructor
(n) musician
(n) music notes
(n) guitar
(n) gear
(n) gear box
(n) eave; tomb
(n) hollow vaunted temple
(v) entomb
(n) gazette
(n) house, refugee home
(n) quartz; gypsum
(n) pagoda trustee
(n) spade; shovel
(n) feather in gem
(n) dustpan
(n) cabbage
(n) cauliflower
(n) zircon
(n) garnet tinged with yellow
(n) Gurkha
(n) British soldier
(n) coarse white cloth
(n) marble
(n) creeper orchid
(n) godown; warehouse
(n) goal or goal post
(n) goalkeeper
(n) goal-line; goal-area
(n) goalpost
(n) goal mouth
(v) goalkeeper
(n) golf
(n) golf course
(n) golfball
(n) golfer
(n) style; manner
(v) show off
(n) the Ganges
(n) short and stubby person
(n) gig; high rowing boat
(n) qualities
(v) feel inferior
(v) rise in dignity
(n) honors; distinction
(adj) honorary
(n) Honors class
(n) show of status
(n) certificate of honor
(v) honor
(v) vaunt qualities.
(v) be proud
(n) rank; status
(n) dignity
(n) property
(n) gang; group
(n) head of religious sect
(n) sectarian
(n) police station
(n) police station
(n) railway guard
(n) Hague
(n) gate
(n) toll
(v) line up at the gate
(v) hemp; cannabis
(n) chrysanthemum
(n) classical literature
(n) gay
(n) chamber pot
(n) jute
(n) jute
(n) gunny twine
(n) gunny bag
(n) jute
(n) linen paper
(n) edible herb
(n) jerkin
(n) jersey
(n) journal
(n) judo
(n) juror
(n) Jew(Hebrew)
(n) leck root
(n) georgette
(n) joker
(n) jack
(n) jet plane
(n) job work
(n) toy rattle
(n) jack
(n) German measles
(n) gin
(n) toy top
(n) hamlet
(n) generator
(n) jeep
(adv) perversely
(n) rake; razor blade
(n) blackstrap loom
(n) crab louse
(n) woven tape
(n) wheat
(n) flour mill
(n) wheat flour
(n) cotton wool
(n) quilt
(n) cotton pads
(n) quilted cloth
(n) June
(n) kind of cucumber
(n) purple glue rice
(n) little fellow
(n) fellow
(n) rascal; rogue
(n) Ngapali beach
(n) stupid person
(n) hell
(n) hell fire; strong acid
(n) king of hell
(n) denizen of hell
(n) clerodendron
(n) red peper; chilli
(n) black pepper
(n) pepper com
(n) pestle
(n) peper sauce
(n) mortar
(n) red pepper plant
(n) chilli powder
(n) chilli; pepper
(n) dried chilli
(n) green chilli
(n) earthquake
(n) seismograph
(n) epicentre
(n) seismology
(v) quake
(n) grey heron
(n) selfish nature
(n) egoism
(v) act without regard
(n) personal experience
(n) self-interest
(adv) my ship; my order
(n) fish
(n) five
(n) grilled fish
(n) small catfish
(n) smoked small catfish
(n) smoked fish
(n) fiver
(n) cod-liver oil
(n) ambergris
(n) sturgeon
(n) facets on germs
(n) lever(of watch)
(n) smoked fish
(n) mackerel
(n) catfish
(n) five
(n) barbus fish
(n) pickled fish
(n) dried fish
(n) flat fish
(n) frog fish
(n) small perch
(n) dwarf catfish
(n) isinglass
(n) fish monger
(n) salted fist
(n) minced fish balls
(n) fifty ticals; half a viss
(n) river catfish
(n) river catfish
(n) silvery calfish
(n) bummalo
(n) dried bummalo
(n) small snake-head fish
(n) snapper
(n) five precepts
(n) fish preserve or paste
(n) whole fish preserved in salt
(n) fried shrimp paste
(n) ngapi curry
(n) pounded ngapi
(n) baked ngapi
(n) ngapi sauce
(n) fried nagpi
(adv) packed like sardines
(n) mango fish
(n) globe fish
(n) fish fritters
(n) fish fillets
(n) sheat fish
(n) shredded sheat fish
(n) salted and dried fish
(n) croaker
(n) flying fish
(n) clembing perch
(n) cylindrical fish
(n) garfish
(n) dried garfish
(n) jellyfish
(n) kind of bream
(n) kind of carp
(n) feather back
(n) kind of carp
(n) mud skipper
(n) gourami
(n) silvered barb
(n) half a kyat
(n) pomfret
(n) shark
(n) guitarfish
(n) h mer-headshark
(n) cross-cut saw
(n) sawfish
(n) shark's fin
(n) fish crisps
(n) wart; corn
(n) kind of carp
(n) short headed catfish
(n) variety of carp
(n) dyke
(v) fish larva
(n) spiny eel
(n) fish-hook
(n) fishing rod
(v) fish; angle
(n) banded snake head
(n) sylph-like body
(n) spotted snakehead
(n) spawning fish
(n) kind of catfish
(n) whole saler of fish
(n) eel
(n) dark red
(n) golden pike conger
(n) kind of carp
(n) kind of carp
(n) variety of rays
(n) kakuyan
(n) electric ray
(n) long-finned eel
(n) leaf-fish
(n) loach
(n) hilsa
(n) trout
(n) dwarf catfish
(n) large carp
(n) mily
(n) tinned fish
(n) sardine
(n) fry
(n) spawn; fish roe
(n) Indian Laburnum
(n) laburnum
(n) laburnum
(n) laburnum
(n) pink cassia
( ) (n) green pigeon
(adv) morosely
(v) look absent mindedly
(v) gaze; look vacantly
(v) look sideways
(v) tilt; look sideways
(v) protrude; jut out
(n) sarcastic remarks
(v) be sarcastic
(n) fish sauce
(v) weep loudly
(n) wailing song
(v) cry or weep with art
(n) voice choked with emotion
(v) weep; cry
(v) shout; cry
(v) doze
(v) nod; be drowsy
(v) pull; draw
(n) bird with one leg
(v) be awkward; be alone
(v) mope
(v) starve
(n) famine
(v) starve; be famished
(n) stump; picket
(n) short stump
(n) short stake
(adv) in sitting position
(adj) slightly salty
(adj) salty
(n) delirium of fever
(n) poisonous snake
(n) swan; goose
(n) copperhead rat snake
(n) indigenous medicine for delirium
(n) banded krait
(n) high fever with delirium
(n) person mentally affected by delirium
(v) gape; be wide open
(v) go down under the surface
(v) dive; submerge
(adv) with ardor
(v) desire ardently
(v) grasp; cover
(v) keep in the mouth
(v) endure
(v) hold head down
(n) quail
(adv) bluntly
(n) spear grass
(n) spore point
(n) one feared since childhood
(n) one loved since childhood
(n) old faithful servant
(n) childhood friend
(n) lovers since childhood
(adv) in ascending order
(n) first teacher in life
(n) fontanelle in an infant
(n) childhood name
(n) one who had mastery from youth
(n) childhood friend
(v) behave as in youth
(n) born and bred in household
(n) teenage lovers
(n) looks of youth
(adj) young
(n) husband since youth
(n) follower
(adj) small; little; young
(n) milk tooth
(v) make a rallying cry
(v) get entangled
(v) nauseate
(v) grudge
(n) enemy; foe
(v) bear a grudge
(v) deny
(v) argue
(n) denial
(v) refute
(v) reject; deny
(v) refuse to obey
(n) spike
(n) scaffolding
(n) scaffolding
(v) put up a scaffolding
(v) put up a scaffolding
(v) be still; quiet; calm; peaceful
(n) peace treaty
(n) pacifist
(v) pacify
(n) pacifism
(v) die out; be extinguished
(n) silver, money
(n) cashier
(n) expense; expenditure
(n) waste of money and labour
(n) currency
(n) financier
(v) pay
(n) inflation
(v) make payment
(n) pawnshop
(n) silver cup
(n) accounts
(n) Co-operative credit society
(n) saving bank
(v) save money
(n) currency notes
(v) extort
(n) counter feit money
(n) money-lender
(n) lend money on interest
(n) ernment treasury
(n) money value
(n) deflation
(n) bribe with money
(n) treasurer
(n) famine
(v) recover money from investment
(n) surplus money; spare money
(n) postal money order
(n) capital investment
(n) waxy flower
(n) silversmith
(n) inflation
(v) inflate
(adj) penniless
(n) black money
(v) be tied up
(n) unnecessary expenditure
(n) opportunity to make money
(n) voucher
(n) finance
(n) investment
(v) invest
(v) silverpate
(n) financier
(n) rate of exchange
(v) have money in hand
(v) borrow money
(v) remit
(n) silver coin; cash
(n) spendthrift
(n) coin
(v) lie idle
(v) distribute equally
(v) lend, loan
(v) borrow
( .....) (v) rent
( ......) (v) hire
(v) pour out
(n) bird
(n) nestling
(n) black necked stork
(n) ostrich
(n) Chinese madpie
(n) long sword
(n) adjutant bird
(n) pelican
(n) blue or green jay
(n) blush palm toddy
(n) green imperial pigeon
(n) maw
(n) red-billed blue magpie
(n) leaf bird
(n) roc-like bird
(n) king crow
(n) greater racket-tailed drongon
(n) feather
(n) beak
(n) munia
(n) banana sheath
(n) banaba pith
(n) banana, plantain
(n) banana pith
(n) chestunt-bellied nuthatch
(n) Asian Fairy Blue Bird
(n) night-jar
(n) malaria
(v) contract malaria
(n) fowler
(n) vane
(n) mango bird
(n) edible bird-nest
(n) candy floss
(n) crest; comb
n neither short nor long.
(n) sift.
(n) language; speech; word.
(v) exaggerate.
(v) propoes
(v) be verbose.
(adj) concise
(adj) grandi loquent.
(n) gran style of speech.
(v) commit in speecl.
(v) be eloquent; be fluent.
(v) fish for.
(v) speak with a reservation.
(n) preface.
(n) renthesis.
(v) chat.
(v) broach a subject.
(v) debate.
(n) reference to the context.
(v) incidentally.
(adv) speak overbearingly.
(n) guibbler.
(v) beclever in conversation.
(n) riddle
(n) stam.
(v) stammer.
(v) blame someone in sarcastic terms.
(v) try to get the last word in an argument.
(n) equivocal statement.
(v) equivacate.
(n) proverb.
(n) prose.
(v) write in prose
(n) dialogue.
(n) telephone
(n) chatterbox.
(n) dyslexia.
(v) chat; talk; speak.
(n) tape-recorder.
(n) interpreter.
(v) rectify slips in speech.
(v) renege.
(v) By the way.
(n) argue; quarrel.
(n) debate.
(v) debate.
(n) hint.
(n) spoonerism.
(n) word.
(v) get together for a chat.
(n) pass word.
(v) decipher.
(v) set a riddle.
(v) prime someone in confidence.
(v) decipher.
(n) scale.
(adv) bomboo tray.
(n) a division of Kayin Lan-guage.
(n) skirt.
(n) skate.
(n) alabaster.
(n) toy wind mill.
(n) universe.
(n) camp.
(v) beproud.
(n) encampment.
(v) camp.
(v) come to an end.
(v) move in the company.
(n) steering wheel.
(adj) stereoscopic; stereophonic.
(n) rectangle.
(n) feast given to all comers.
(n) electuary made of oil; molass; honey and, butter.
(n) square.
(n) studio.
(n) beginner.
(v) begin start.
(v) make a temporary stay.
(n) n executive editor.
sar-dee hume gyoke.
(n) strickle.
(v) level grain with a strickel.
(n) fourth.
(n) stunt.
(n) stone.
(n) stunt.
(n) Saturn.
(n) south-west.
(n) with a felling of doubt.
(adv) detonating fuse; instigation.
(n) detonator.
(n) system; plan.
(n) be systematically.
(adv) systematically.
(n) scale model.
(n) auspieious or ominous saying.
(v) enquire.
(n) spring.
(n) paddy.
(n) granary; barn
(n) boa constrictor.
(n) chaff.
(n) paddy purchasing depot.
(v) thresh.
(n) ear of paddy.
(n) lemon grass.
(n) paddy grain.
(v) winnow.
(n) python.
(n) earnest money.
(n) spoke.
(n) spanner
(adv) busconductor.
(n) grapes.
(n) vineyard.
(n) vine; grapevine.
(n) wine.
(n) grapes.
(n) fried stuffed pastry.
(adj) smark.
(n) aniseed.
(n) aniseed oil.
(n) cress.
(n) black sumin.
(n) mdurated
(n) faeces.
(n) dill.
(n) long pepper.
(n) nature; trait.
(n) cost; expense.
(v) bear expense.
Without any charges.
(n) part payment in advance.
(n) tenon; mortise.
(n) tenon.
(n) mortise.
(n) quarz.
(n) shade.
(n) earthen ware lid.
(n) Adam’s apple.
(n) sash.
(v) wear across shoulder.
(v) begin, start
(v) tease
(n) part, etcetra
(n) anus.
(n) letter; language.
(n) sparrow.
(n) copy machine.
(v) copy
(n) text; main body.
(v) study lessons.
(n) literature.
(n) line of words.
(n) library.
(n) library science.
(n) reading glasses.
(v) read silently.
(n) draft.
(v) crib.
(n) opening lines.
(n) fount.
(n) palm leaf.
(n) bond; treaty.
(v) deed of agreement.
(v) notarize.
(v) sign abond.
(n) scarecrow.
(n) pigeonhole for types.
(n) formal diplomatic note.
(n) bookworm.
(n) bookish speak.
(v) compose.
(n) somposition.
(n) monotype.
(n) compositor.
(v) set type.
(n) magazine; journal; periodical.
(v) give a test.
(n) assignment.
(v) compose verses.
(n) poet; composer.
(n) royal poet or composer.
(n) ornate piece of aesthetic writing.
(n) miscellaneous writings.
(adv) post office.
(n) post mark.
(n) mail box.
(n) post box.
(n) editor
(n) line of writing.
(n) theoretical knowledge.
(n) document file.
(n) slot.
(v) mail a letter.
(n) mail bag.
(n) sympathy.
(n) red birth mark.
(n) black birth mark.
(n) newspaper; journal; magazine.
(n) newsagent.
(n) literary micellary.
(n) literature.
(n) anthology.
(n) D.Litt.
(n) world of literature.
(n) writer.
(n) corres- pondence.
(n) corres-pondence.
(v) deliver letters.
(n) mail train; mail boat.
(n) postman.
(v) send letters.
(v) send anonymous letter.
(n) paragraph; passage.
(n) printing press.
(n) press.
(v) teach.
(v) compile.
(n) narrator.
(n) proof-reader.
(n) cari-cature.
(n) waiter.
(n) reading public.
(v) read.
(v) compose; praise.
(n) weaver bird.
(n) golden weaver bird.
(n) illiteracy.
(n) illiterate.
(n) paradise bird.
(n) manuscript.
(n) draft.
(n) fee paid to writer.
(n) examination; test.
(v) fail in examination.
(n) invigilator.
(v) invigilate.
(v) hold examination.
(v) sit for examination.
(n) page.
(n) clerk.
(n) stationery.
(n) writer.
(v) write.
(n) list; inventory.
(v) make a list.
(v) agree; tally.
(n) accountant; book keeper.
(v) balance bookes.
(n) auditor.
(v) audit.
(n) auditor general.
(v) close accounts.
(v) open accounts.
(n) current account.
(v) settle a problem.
(v) be in chaos.
(v) enter in a ledger.
(n) statistics.
(n) statistician.
(n) character.
(v) corrupt.
(n) paper sheet.
(n) character.
(n) letter.
(n) capital.
(n) italics.
(n) spelling.
(v) misspell.
(n) spelling.
(n) orthography.
(n) dead letter.
(n) sergeant.
(n) school.
(n) classroom.
(n) dais.
(v) teach or learn.
(v) recite.
(n) envelope.
(n) postage stamp.
(n) book.
(n) booklet.
(n) bibliophile.
(n) book stall.
(n) publishing house.
(n) publication.
(n) publisher.
(v) publish.
(n) book case.
(n) bookseller.
(n) choice items of food.
(n) divisor.
(n) pasture; grassland.
(v) haunt.
(n) left overs.
(v) belch.
(n) manger; trough.
(v) scramble.
(n) main tenance.
(n) oral medicine.
(n) baking powder.
(n) chef.
(v) take meals.
(v) serve meals.
(v) offer food and drinks to spirits.
(n) garden pea.
(n) seasoned opportunist.
(n) food supplies.
(v) suffer from overeating.
(v) gormandize.
(n) opportunity.
(v) find an easy way to earn.
(v) devise ways o gain.
(v) cut off oppor tunities.
(n) table.
(n) table.
(n) desk.
(n) table-spoon.
(n) table tennis.
(n) waiterss.
(n) coffeetable.
(n) kitchen.
(n) chef; headcook.
(n) food.
(v) snarl off.
(n) cud.
(v) chew the cud.
(n) quotient.
(n) food stuffs.
(n) dinning room
(n) feast.
(v) take food.
(v) eat; consume.
(n) consumer goods.
(n) consumer.
(n) consumer’s co-operative.
(n) best portion of food.
(v) have many mouths to feed.
(n) kichen utensils.
(n) home of inti-mate friend.
(v) scruti-nize;censor.
(v) elaborately.
(adv) compose.
(v) deco-rate.
(v) shrilly.
(n) arrange-ment.
(v) arrange.
(n) plan;project.
(n) management.
(n) man-ager.
(v) plan;manage.
(n) judgement
(n) province.
(n) ruling
(v) pass judgement.
(v) line up;earn.
(n) ciga-rette.
(n) cigarette holder.
(n) cigarette case.
(n) filter tip.
(v) look from above.
(v) joust.
(v) flow.
(n) prosper-ity.
(n) economic depression.
(v) be financially ruined.
(v) prosper.
(n) economy.
(n) economics.
(n) businessman.
(v) find means to earn.
(v) do well in business.
(v) meditate.
(v) prearrange.
(n) ride; wear; attack.
(n) total;sum.
(v) collect;organize.
(v) save.
(n) collection.
(n) collective farm.
(n) together.
(adv) community housing project.
(v) pile up;heap up.
(n) all in a pile.
(adv) toy saving box.
(n) assembly area.
(v) assemble.
(n) finral
(n) steersman or purser.
(n) passion flower.
(v) pout and stamp.
(v) bulge; swell.
(v) pout and sulk.
(n) gimlet.
(v) sting.
(n) brace.
(v) piercingly.
(v) gaze.
(n) concentration.
(adv) concentrete.
(v) investigate.
(v) scream.
(v) be effective.
(v) penetrate.
(v) employ;apply.
(n) good-will.
(n) well wisher.
(n) volunteer.
(n) pagoda; stupa.
(v) small stupa.
(v) send; dispatch.
(v) ask;order;command.
tenon saw.
(v) Mortise.
(v) ponder.
(v) be sufficient.
(v) look carefully.
(n) engagement.
(v) enqage.
(n) negotiation.
(v) negotiate
(v) urge.
(v) be meticulous.
(adj) damp and sticky.
(adj) sticky; greasy.
(adj) miserly.
(adj) very stickly.
(adj) thick and sticky.
(n) coral plant.
(adj) sticky; clammy.
(adv) early.
(adv) very early.
(adv) argument.
(v) argue; dispute; contend.
(n) blame; reproof.
(n) thief.
(v) be early.
(v) insultingly.
(adv) insult.
(n) Kayin chief.
(n) shan chief.
(n) Shan chieftains
(n) standard; criterion.
(n) Cananga tree.
(n) chpak.
(v) come up to standard.
(n) record.
(v) break the record.
(v) set a record.
(v) set a record.
(v) enjoy.
(n) specification.
(v) standard time.
(n) prescribe as a standard.
(v) take as example.
(n) standard; norm.
(n) jasmine.
(n) mole on cheek.
(adv) ideal.
(n) exemplary punishment.
(n) model worker.
(v) come up to standard.
(v) be hard to please.
(adj) clammy.
(adj) luxuriant.
(n) relative humidity
(adj) humid
(adj) damp
(adj) luxuriant.
(adj) drippling wet.
(adj) wet.
(conj) in order to; to
(n) bolt.
(n) half formed rainbow.
(v) become moist.
(n) reign and rule.
(adv) alittle; a whit.
(v) rule; dominate.
(v) anxiously.
(n) anxiety.
(v) be anxious; worry
(v) dread
(v) be afraid of.
(n) machine; mill.
(n) light machine gun.
(n) machinery.
(n) paper.
(n) paper tiger.
(n) stapter.
(n) clip.
(n) bougainvillea.
(n) punch.
(n) carton.
(n) scroll.
(n) hair clipper.
(n) second.
(n) frequent.
heavy machine gun.
(n) pulley string.
(v) shooting target.
(v) engine; locomotive.
(v) drive engine.
(n) sew.
(v) mechanic.
(n) engine oil.
(n) engine oil.
(n) milledrice.
(v) loathe, hate.
(n) September.
(n) gallows.
forming implement.
(n) mechanical clock or watch.
target range.
(n) machine parts.
(n) machine embroidery.
(v) plot behind the scenes.
(n) bonnet.
(n) bicycle.
(n) rim.
(n) pedal
(n) saddle.
(n) bikway.
(n) glider.
(n) piston rod.
(n) piston.
(n) cylinder.
(n) engine driver.
(n) industry.
(n) industrial revolution
mechanical engineering.
(n) technical school.
(n) mechanized farming.
(n) machinery.
(n) robot.
(n) factory; workshop
(n) medium machine gun.
(n) sphere.
(n) escalator.
(n) circle.
(n) semi circular.
(n) circum ference.
(n) pulley.
(n) machine gun.
(n) submachine gun.
(v) be seep.
(n) Stare.
plan station.
(n) froked.
(v) set up.
(v) make fulluse.
(v) agraiculture.
(v) cultivate.
(v) plant; set up.
(n) platform; dais.
(n) cinchona.
(n) platform.
(v) be clean; be pure.
(n) Actually.
(n) royal marionette troupe.
(n) rivals.
(n) parallel government.
(n) dillenia tree.
(n) sea-gull.
(adj) plain and smooth.
(n) perfection.
(n) slope.
(v) straight; plain.
(v) be straight; be true.
(n) blanket.
(v) aid.
(n) fence.
(v) watch.
(v) guard.
(v) look forward.
(v) control.
(v) long for.
(v) Protect.
(v) realize.
(v) wait; await.
(v) observe.
(n) harp.
(n) Myanmar harp.
(v) insinuate.
(n) harp strings.
(adv) coverned passage.
(n) indirectly.
(adv) lyre.
(n) ruff.
(n) carambola.
(v) slain slope.
(n) body of harp.
(n) bantng;wild ox.
(n) Sai, First name of male Shan national
(v) gallop; race.
(v) plan zealously.
(v) ride or drive.
(n) war.
(n) reinforce ment.
(v) ask for suppor/
(n) pre-war days.
(n) column.
(v) fight a battle.
(n) court martial.
(v) march to battle.
(n) statement.
(adj) real; genuine.
(v) meticulously.
(n) question.
(v) examine; inspect.
(n) military operation.
(v) plan a military operation.
(v) retreat; withdraw.
(n) Military Head quarters.
(n) war criminal.
(n) military tribunal.
(n) battle field.
(n) Myanmar chess.
(n) military academy.
(v) wage a war.
(n) military barracks.
(n) the Army.
(n) revenue inquest.
(v) make a critical review.
(n) Quartermaster General.
(v) go to the battle front.
(n) military tactis.
(adj) military.
(n) military training;military science.
(n) post war period.
(v) end the war.
(n) warrefugee.
(v) prepare for war.
(v) enter into battle.
(n) veteran.
(n) war.
(n) be at war.
(adv) military officer.
(n) military strategy.
(n) front.
(n) battle field; battle ground.
(n) serviceman.
(v) serve in armed forces.
(n) ex-serviceman.
(v) decoy.
(n) Military Appointments General.
(n) Adjutant General.
(n) military affairs.
(v) suffer defeat.
(n) military parade.
(v) hold a military parade.
(v) gain the upper hand in battle or war.
(n) military police.
(n) defence.
(n) war cloudes.
(v) lose the war.
(n) ordinance.
(n) war reparations.
(n) militarist.
(n) military uniform.
(n) soldier.
(n) Commander-in-Chief.
(n) Military Attache.
(n) military training.
(n) warship.
(n) other ranks.
(v) be genuine.
(n) prisoner of war [POW].
(n) militant.
(n) military law.
(n) Judge Advocate General.
(n) vanguard.
(n) General Staff.
( ) (n) Chief-of-Staff/(Army).
( ) (n) Chief-of-Staff/(Navy).
( ) (n) Chief-of-Staff/(Air).
(n) cold war.
(n) combat arms.
(n) military administration.
(n) martial law.
(v) line up arrange in order.
(n) glaze.
(n) terracotta plaque.
(n) glazed earthenjar.
(n) steelyard; arrowhead.
(n) minced, fish, prawn.
(v) think deeply.
(v) think; consider.
(n) chopping block.
(n) event, affair.
(v) mince.
(n) edgeon arrowhead.
(n) drum.
(v) be alive with teeming crowd.
(n) royal drum.
(n) song of the royal drum.
(n) short drum.
(n) development committee.
(v) prosper.
(n) tub.
(v) can; tin.
(n) granary; barn.
(n) fence; line.
(n) sand bank.
(n) rules and regulations; discipline.
(v) be rigid.
(v) have no discipline.
(v) has discipline.
(n) linesman.
(v) supervise; levy.
(n) musical timings.
(v) observe rules of conduct.
(v) break rules.
(n) Without discipline.
(v) rules and regulations.
(n) fence; hedge.
(v) organize.
(v) unite.
(v) prearrange.
(v) hold a meeting.
(n) bounds.
(n) cemetery worker.
(n) mind; thought.
(v) flit about; be unstable.
(n) thought; idea.
(n) idea; imagination.
(v) have sudden idea.
(n) fiction.
(adj) fanciful.
(v) indulge in fantasy.
(v) think; imagine.
(v) sulk; be cross.
(v) be good-natured.
(v) be fed up.
(v) be conceited.
(v) be highly-strung.
(n) preference; choice.
(v) be offended.
(n) amphetamine.
(v) resent.
(v) be stoical.
(v) be restassured.
(n) telepathy.
(v) be anxious.
(v) be obsessed.
(v) be angry.
(v) be sustained by with.
(n) eagerness.
(v) be unhappy.
(v) hypnotize; mesmerize.
(n) mental hospital.
(n) insanity.
(n) abstract noun.
(n) abstract painting.
(v) be stricken with grief.
(n) homicidal lunatic.
(n) psychopath.
(v) share the same view.
(v) be short-tempered.
(v) keep up spirit.
(v) like;agree.
(n) attitude.
(v) be eager.
(v) be worried.
(v) suffer mental stress.
(v) be in doubt.
(n) morale, spirit.
(v) be downhearted.
(v) feel hurt.
(n) temperament.
(v) be insane.
(n) pstchology.
(v) be interested.
(v) be worried.
(v) decide.
(v) be disappointed.
(v) lose sense.
(v) analyse.
(v) console.
(v) feel unhappy.
(n) return mathc.
(v) feel weary.
(v) be quick tempered.
(n) memory.
(v) harbour a grievance.
(n) guess.
(n) mental illness.
(n) innate nature.
(n) good nature.
(v) have a mind.
(v) be patient.
(v) be confused.
(v) stray.
(v) haveapremonition.
(v) revert.
(v) relax will.
(n) interest.
(v) be interested.
(n) mind emotion.
(v) become disunited.
(n) nature.
(v) find solace.
(v) feel relieved.
(v) slice.
(v) be eager.
(n) mood.
(n) melancholy.
(v) have peace of mind.
(v) be at wit’s end.
(n) brush.
(n) brush work.
(adj) wizen faced.
(v) execssivelysour.
(adj) tattoo
(adj) battered.
(v) tear; be torn.
(n) sandalwood.
(n) piano.
(n) moon.
(n) bamboo fist trap.
(n) Lying flat.
(v) straighten.
(adv) moon; luck.
(v) praise highly.
(n) heyday.
(v) be lucky.
(v) be popular.
(n) diamond.
(n) quality velvet with a brilliant.
(v) challenge.
(n) small and slender bamboo stick used by sneak-thieves.
(n) pickly lantana.
gold mohur tree.
(n) tag.
(n) diamond bud.
(n) diamond jubilee.
(v) go down stream.
(n) witch.
(v) glow eerily at nights.
(v) bewitch.
(n) toughpea; black sheep.
(n) juncture.
(n) juncture.
(n) intervening space or time.
(v) be inquisitive.
(n) cotton blanket.
(v) compose.
(n) partners.
(n) joint venture.
(v) work in partnership.
(n) hta mein of patch work.
(n) random talk; chit chat.
(v) have sexual relations.
(v) adjoin.
(v) relate.
(n) rosary; prayer beads.
(adj) close; near.
(v) be set closely.
(v) intone.
(n) whirlpool with a vortex.
(v) suck; soad up.
(n) spring.
(n) Vaguely.
(v) feel; grope; try:test.
(adv) consulting room.
(n) experiment.
(n) challenge.
(n) challenger.
(n) challenge.
(n) Leisurely.
(adv) fermented drink.
(v) steep; soak.
(n) marsh; swamp.
(v) permeate.
(v) seep; ooze.
(v) be cold.
(n) shrimp paste.
(n) ice potato.
(adj) verdant.
(adj) In brittle disposition.
(adj) greenish.
(adv) pale green.
(adj) fetid and rank.
(v) be green and lush.
(adj) green; unripe; unfamiliar.
(v) for sake; abandon.
(v) leave ungratefully.
(n) even number.
(v) enquire.
(n) couple; duet.
(n) detective.
(n) detective story.
(v) marry.
(v) like; love.
(n) deep forest.
(v) be complete.
(adv) disappear completely.
(v) Vociferously.
(adv) be impudent.
(v) squint at.
(v) be squint-eyed.
(n) white throated. babbler.
(v) effortlessly.
(adv) nimbly.
(v) attach firmly.
(v) hold firmly.
(v) afflicted with.
(n) charge.
(v) frame a charge.
(v) adhere to.
(v) prosecute legally.
(v) have an obsession for.
(v) be consistent.
(v) keep firmly inmind.
(v) be obsessed by.
(v) be in demand.
(v) interfere.
(v) add; meddle.
(v) be lofty; listen.
(n) sledge.
(adj) wet.
(v) soak; wet.
(v) dragalong.
(n) kite.
(n) redphaseolus.
(n) blue phascolus.
(n) date palm.
(n) kite
(v) fly a kite.
(v) have a styin eye.
(v) swoop.
(v) give away in charity.
(v) leave.
(n) adventure.
(v) take a risk.
(v) throw away.
(v) give up.
(v) discard.
( ) (v) be stained.
( ) (v) be in excess.
(n) vest.
(n) charge.
(v) accuse.
(n) holder.
(n) soup.
(v) put on.
(v) do successfully.
(n) strength.
(v) be able.
(n) power; energy.
(n) fang; tooth; tusk.
(n) full-grown elephant.
(n) encyclopedia.
(n) eyetooth of the Buddha.
(n) canine tooth; eye tooth.
(n) factor.
(n) equal size or weight.
(v) multiple number.
(n) Myanmar pudding.
(v) multiply.
(n) teacher.
(n) teacher’s handbook.
(n) head master
(n) presiding monk.
(n) school mistress.
(v) court patronage.
(n) Bud dhist nun.
(v) order people.
(n) physician or surgeon.
(n) teachers’ training school.
(n) institute for training teacher.
(v) salaam ; salute.
(v) salute.
(n) slide.
(v) project.
(n) serang.
(n) lettuce.
(n) saloon-car.
(v) estimate weight.
(n) circular.
(n) sari.
(n) gunny sack.
(v) be famished.
(adv) limp or be impaired.
(v) be hungry; be thirsty.
(v) be famished.
(v) boll brine to get salt.
(n) preserved damson.
(v) pickle in salt water or brine.
(adj) salted.
(n) lightly salted dried fish.
(v) be lightly salted.
(v) be crusted with salt.
(n) odoriferous salt.
(v) taste food for salt.
(n) brine; saline solution.
(n) oil.
(n) sebaceous gland.
(n) grease.
(v) small rancid.
(n) tortoise.
(n) cooked oil.
(n) noodle with cooked oil.
(n) oliguria.
(n) oil-paper.
(n) pil-colours.
(n) oil press.
(n) glutinous rice cooked in oil.
(v) fry in very little oil.
(n) neat or fish in oil gravy.
(n) rump of brid.
(n) open oil l p.
(n) oil l p.
(n) gloriosa creeper.
(n) oil with mantras.
(v) mutter continuously.
(n) corresponding angle.
(v) be suitable.
(v) add onions and garlic to geated oil.
(n) oil palm.
(n) urine.
(v) meet; welcome.
(n) suprapubic region.
(v) draw of urine.
(v) test urine for sugar.
(v) suffer from retention of urine.
(v) receive with tears.
(v) test urine.
(n) pubic part.
(n) mist, fog.
(n) dewdrop.
(n) gonorrhoea.
(n) gooseberry.
(v) offer oil l p.
(n) plum.
(v) bar; obstruct; block.
(v) urinate.
(n) suffer pain in passing urine.
(n) bladder.
(n) reward.
(n) prize; reward money.
(v) reward.
(n) prize; reward money.
(n) prize medal.
(v) have prayers answered.
(n) pray.
(n) prize giving ceremony.
(v) give blessings.
(n) efferve-cent salts.
(v) be noisy .
(v) be plump; prosper.
(adj) plump; fat.
(v) boil effer vesce.
(n) thorn; spike.
(n) barbedwire.
(n) obstacle.
(n) piercingly.
(v) fin.
(n) safflower.
(n) barleria.
(n) fetid acacia.
(n) thorny climber.
(n) bramble.
(adv) medicine; tobacco.
(n) gum tragacanth.
(v) give or take medical treatment.
(n) kind of creeper.
plant with split leaves.
(v) wash, clean.
(n) potent drug wigh side effects.
(n) bitter tonic and febrifuge.
(v) add poison or love-potion to food or drink.
(n) clinec; dispensary.
(n) tobacco tar.
(n) remedy.
(n) hemp; ganja; marijuana; hashish.
(n) medical leave.
(n) pyrethrum.
(n) medical prescription.
(v) have a medical check up.
v compound medicine.
(v) be addicted to drugs.
(n) practitioner of indigenous medicine.
(n) dyeing and printing.
(v) dye.
(n) pharmacy; drug store.
(n) clirections for dosage.
(n) smoking pipe.
(n) topical medicinal powder for infants.
(v) have therapeutic effect.
(v) give oral medicine.
(n) capsule or short stick of medicine.
(n) Medical Corps.
(v) find the right medicine.
(n) hypodermic syringe.
(v) inject; tattoo.
(n) hypodermic needle.
(n) yellow orpiment.
(n) realgar; red orpiment.
(n) gentian.
(n) attendant for small jobs.
(n) cheroot.
(n) tablet.
(n) cigar.
(v) compound medicine.
(n) medical fees.
(v) have medicinal properties.
(v) be under a spell or charm.
(n) pigment used in tattooing.
(n) tre bearing herbal bark.
(n) folk medicine.
(n) medical officer.
(n) medicinal powder.
(v) become tolerant to drugs.
(n) painting.
(n) chopped tobacco.
(n) liguid medicine.
(n) hospital.
(n) medical superint -endent.
(n) jtobacco leaf.
(n) medical certificate.
(n) pill.
(n) saccharin; glucose.
(v) wash; clean.
(n) bowl of tobacco.
(n) melastoma shrub.
(n) doctor bag.
(v) apply poultice.
(v) vituperate.
(v) use obscene language.
(n) Immediately; at once.
(v) play.
(n) soda.
(v) manage.
(v) strike.
(n) organizer.
(v) summon.
(n) hair (of head).
(n) plait; braid.
(v) shave the head.
(n) strand of hair.
(n) balance wheel axis.
(n) tangled mass of hair.
(n) hairline.
(n) switch of hair.
(n) hair clip.
(n) hair of Buddha.
(n) hairpin.
(n) hair coil; hair knot.
(n) fine short hairs.
(n) soft plaint tresses.
(n) hair clip.
(n) hair.
(n) hair-dye.
(n) barber’s shop; hair dressing salon.
(v) have a hair-cut.
(n) wig; toupee.
(v) comb hair.
(v) turn grey.
(n) tress of loose hair.
(v) hold; have he capacity.
(v) reprove.
(adv) sofa.
(n) socialism.
(n) socialist.
(n) essence.
(v) mean; imply.
(v) say; declare.
(v) be choked.
(v) block stop.
(n) dye.
(v) be vile; evil or wicked.
(n) delinquent.
(v) take advantage of fond ness.
(n) inheritance of liabilities.
(v) be mean; base.
(adj) very bad.
(n) adj bad; wicked; naughty.
(v) dye; colour; stain.
(n) juvenile delinquent.
(v) be unruly.
(v) offer respectfully.
(n) extortion money.
(v) join; communicate.
(n) chisel.
(n) chiseled trim-lines.
(n) gouge.
(n) Without control or restraint.
(v) concentrate; observe.
(n) offer; bestow; give in marriage.
(n) mallet.
(n) facets on ornaments.
(v) build; construct.
(n) posture.
(n) size.
(n) cyclone.
(n) trishaw.
(v) berth; dock.
(v) urge.
(v) arrive at.
(v) come in; arrive.
(n) elephant.
(n) Blindly.
(v) /sin gaunn/stockade.
(n) grampea.
(n) Laundry soap shaped like elephant’s dropping.
(n) excuse.
(n) suburban area.
(n) slop.
(n) elephant grass.
(n) ivory; tusk.
(n) censor.
(n) likeness.
(v) similar.
(n) moonseed vine.
(n) elephant’s fetters.
(n) elephant keeper.
(n) syndicate.
(n) swing-door.
(n) elephant’s trunk.
(n) full grown male elephant.
(n) blind snake.
(n) hogweed.
(n) husky full-grown elephant.
(n) porch; portico.
(n) mahout.
(n) large banana.
(v) summon.
(n) summons.
(v) order; instruct.
(adv) replicating courses.
(n) reproduce.
(v) pile up; stack up.
(n) image of Buddha.
(v) be very poor.
(n) the poor; the needy.
(v) be oor; be miserable.
(adv) land; descend.
(v) go down.
(n) room; chamber; hall.
(v) do; act.
(v) vervain.
(v) send.
(n) motto; slogan.
(n) wooden swing.
(n) roof.
(n) fishing spear.
(n) main hall.
(v) carry; bring.
(v) squat.
(v) arrogantly/
(v) collide; bang.
(v) show dissatisfaction.
(n) conical basket for fishing.
(n) winter; cold season.
(v) hibernate.
(n) additional payment.
(n) article.
(n) autumn.
(n) shop; stall; store.
(v) display gods fore sale.
(n) stall.
(n) set up shop.
(adv) shop in charge.
(v) keep shop.
(v) close shop.
(v) open shop.
(n) authority concerned.
(n) signature.
(v) timing for beat of music.
(n) await.
(n) framework to carry things.
(v) sign.
(n) sign board.
(n) Myanmar orchestra.
(n) hang orsuspend by rope or string.
(n) syphilis.
(v) chop or cut off pieces.
(n) dam.
(n) irrigation canal.
(n) irrigated cultivation.
(n) irrigated field.
(v) dam up; hold back.
(v) take refuge.
(n) twilight.
(v) acquire.
(n) small bells.
(adj) sixth.
(n) hexa gon.
(adj) sixth.
(n) sambur.
(n) Suddenly.
(n) fawn.
(adj) frivolous; flighty.
(v) yellow throated marten.
(n) horn of a young sambar.
(v) say or do inadvertently.
(v) tremble.
(n) barber.
(n) stage.
(n) female sambur.
(n) venison.
(v) be bruttle: be quick-tempered.
(n) goat.
(n) kid.
(n) sheep.
(n) secluded place.
(n) bridelia tree.
(n) clawhammer.
(n) small quantity.
(n) silent zone.
(v) be quiet.
(n) billygoat.
(n) petit biscuits.
(n) nannygoat.
(n) uncastrated male goat.
(v) the/cease to exist.
(v) pinch; peck with a beak.
(n) period in the which the life span has shortened of
(v) retreat.
(n) reteat.
(v) be hesitant.
(v) be demoralized.
(v) decrease.
(v) withdraw; retreat; recede.
(v) tear; rip.
(n) rice.
(n) round bamboo tray.
(n) with a swiveling movement.
(adv) useless person.
(v) mill paddy or rice.
(n) ordinary rice.
(n) broken rice.
(n) sieve.
(v) sift.
(n) best of the lot.
(n) loose embryo of eggs.
(n) rice mill.
(n) desire; opinions.
(n) referendum.
(v) be too eager.
(n) demonstration.
(n) protest.
(v) express wish.
(n) rice flour batter.
(n) rice weevil.
(n) coloured rice grains.
(n) rice grains and popped rice.
(v) toss rice in a tray.
(n) sorghum.
(n) rice gruel.
(n) polish rice by pounking.
(n) riee-flour.
(n) staple grains and crops.
(n) best grade of rice.
(n) unpolished rice.
(v) go upstre .
(v) resemble.
(n) opponent; opposition.
(v) oppose.
(v) Convulsively.
(v) stretch out.
(v) bewounderful.
(v) scrutinize.
(v) be extraordinary.
(adv) be new.
(v) be unusual.
(n) Italina millet.
(n) subcommittee.
(n) circus.
(n) soap.
(n) toilet soap.
(n) soap powder.
(n) soap suds.
(v) repay; pay back.
(n) dried fruit of screw pine.
(n) screw pine.
(n) wharf; dock; jetty.
(n) har boru; port.
(n) port dues.
(n) port; seaport.
(n) jetty; pier.
(n) jasmine like shrub.
(v) pour or sprinkle/(as in ....). massage lightly(as in ... )
(v) grasp; adhere to a belief or hold on to a doctrine
(v) massage lightly
(v) quantity; number; ount; extent; measure; standard
v capacity to achieve or bear; potential; strength; assets; resources./spo
sition; inclination./occurrence; situation; plight./basin; bowl./(such as oil, s
auce, etc on food)
(v) be rinch in taste
(n) meeting place.
(n) pivot; swivel.
(n) swivel chair.
(v) lose; die; pass away.
(v) decide.
(n) written homily.
(v) admonish; punish.
(v) lose; be fruitless.
(v) lose; die; pass away.
(n) ten.
(n) teenager.
(n) salvage vessel.
(v) salvage.
(n) decimal system.
(v) do things meticulously.
(v) save; rescue; salvage.
(n) twelve.
(n) witch or sorcerer of high level mastery.
(n) months of the year.
(v) loosen agitate.
(n) wealthy or prominent family.
(n) genealogy; lineage.
(n) distant relative.
(n) introducing one’s spouse or children to kinsfolk.
(n) /sway myo/relative; kin.
(v) be hopping mad; jump up and down in excitment
(v) claim kinship.
(n) neck.
(v) commit suicide by hanging.
(n) public prosecutor.
(n) food carrier.
(n) spring balance.
(n) shopping basket.
(v) pull; draw.
(v) force or power of attraction; gravity.
(v) entice; persuade; attract.
(n) collapsible door.
(n) drag net.
(v) twead; pinch.
(n) tug boat.
(v) pull; drag; hang.
(v) stammer.
(v) get; win.
(adj) pure white.
(v) be suffused with tender fellings.
(v) sut the/wet.
(v) pick or pluck.
(n) food offered to Buddha or monks.
(v) offer food to Buddha and monks.
(v) offer provisions and articles to monks.
(v) offer meals to one or more monks.
(v) invite monks to visit home daily.
(v) go round to accept offering.
(n) mealing hall in a monastery.
(v) invite monks to meal at one’s home.
(n) rice offered to monks.
(n) provisions for monks.
(v) discard offering’s from altar.
(v) stand to receive offerings.
(v) put food into a monk’s bowl.
(n) ceremony at the end of Buddhist lent.
(v) offer food to monks for a dead person.
(n) dish of meat or vegetables for monks.
(n) large bowl with stand and cover tooffer food to monks.
(v) persuade; canvass.
(n) sweater.
(v) persuade; try.
(n) hamlet; small village.
(n) hamlet; small village.
(n) wife.
(n) married corple.
(n) table; tabular form.
(n) oblong wooden tray.
(v) come up to expectations.
(v) be systematic.
(v) be meticulous.
(v) draw a detailed plan.
(n) Carelessly.
(adv) oldage.
(v) suffer the ills of old age.
(n) aged person.
(n) lasia plant.
(n) hydrology.
(n) wood or b boo batter.
(n) sleeper.
(n) rhododendrons.
(n) basin;bowl.
(n) sal moniac.
(n) lace; netting.
(v) be fussy.
(n) cotton thread for lace work.
(n) tweezers; pincers.
(n) horoscope.
(n) native.
(n) innate nature.
(n) national spirit.
(n) patriotism.
(n) nutmeg.
(n) rapidly; proliferating weed.
(n) execution of acivilcourt’s deeree.
(n) nut.
(v) take by the throat.
(v) squeeze throat.
(n) life.
(n) gardenia.
(v) be fussy.
(n) cumin.
(n) peacock-like bird,
(n) bio-chemistry.
(n) biology.
(n) sparing or saving life.
(v) die.
(v) squeeze throat.
(n) pregnancy of animals.
(v) conceive.
(n) spotted owl.
(v) miscarry.
(n) July.
(n) vaguely.
(v) be intent.
(v) sweat in terror.
(v) be ardent.
(n) pre-eminent person; the best.
(n) kind of witch.
(n) person with supernatural powers.
(n) long-stemmed kaempferia plant; Dracaena fragrans
(v) excel.
(n) carnation dianthus.
(n) purple.
(adv) suddenly.
(adv) nape of the neck.
(v) hold the reins.
(n) Full speed.
(adv) reins.
(v) bridle.
(adv) Daringly.
(adv) pull up to a stop; rein in to a halt
(n) depth.
(n) straight down
(n) Upside down; topsy-turvy
(adv) head first.
(n) denim
(n) moveable property of
(n) the piece of wood which supports the body of a cart over the axle
(n) stable.
(n) glanders.
(v) focus; concentrate efforts on something; give a bias to
(n) zipper.
(n) origin; root.
(adv) pull pu to a stop.
(n) drama; play.
(v) perform a play.
(n) picture; movie.
(n) character.
(v) relate the whole story.
(v) be simple in plot.
(v) be long winded in plot.
(n) retell or recount.
(n) rough and tough story.
(n) plot of play.
(v) stage or present a play.
(v) disband.
(n) stage.
(n) traditional dialogues.
(n) actor or actress.
(n) scenario; script.
(n) script writer.
(v) rehearse; prearrange.
(n) story.
(n) supporting character.
(v) finale.
(v) wind up a story.
(adv) be unnecessarily prolonged.
(n) comedy.
(v) live a secluded life.
(n) complicated state of affairs.
(n) plot or story.
(n) theme song.
(n) January.
(n) poria tree.
(n) rose apple.
(n) luxury.
(n) luxury goods.
(v) enjoy the good things in life.
(v) dawdle.
(n) prostitute.
(n) brothel house.
(n) girl.
(v) play a game with small pips or pebbles.
(n) carom-board.
(v) Continuously.
(v) flick pips in a chain.
(v) flick pips.
(n) perseverance.
(v) be persevering.
(n) reward for perseverance.
(n) zeal and zest.
(adj) forcibly; stubbornly.
(v) go forward recklessly.
(n) June.
(n) small jasmine like flower.
(n) breathe in or inhale deeply
(n) spoon.
(n) table spoon.
(n) coconut with soft kernel.
(n) teaspoon.
(n) spoon full.
(n) half-spoonful.
(n) cremation; funeral.
(n) market; price.
(v) manipulate market prices.
(n) stall tax.
(v) be profitable.
(v) have of high price.
(v) fall in price.
(v) be expensive.
(v) buy goods on the way to the market.
(v) scatter (market-crowd).
(n) market.
(n) charm to promote sales.
(v) quote the price of goods.
(n) market superintendent.
(v) lower or reduce the price.
(v) be cheap.
(v) be cheap.
(n) ready-made clothes.
(n) shopping basket.
(n) gossip.
(v) call a high price.
(n) store; stall; shop.
(v) negotiate a deal.
(v) bargain.
(v) hold back the sale of goods.
(v) rise (in price).
(v) increase or raise prices.
(n) hawker; pedlar.
(v) reach agreement on price.
(v) stay still (of prices).
(n) row of shops or stalls at affair or festival.
(n) practice method of shopkeepers.
(v) slump.
(v) sell things in a market.
(n) market-day.
(n) price of goods.
(n) irresponsible talk; person who eats; indiscriminately.
(n) cheap.
cycle of market-days.
(n) shopping money for daily needs.
(n) day before market-day.
(v) degrade.
(v) appraise.
(n) prevailing price.
(v) be of usual prise.
(n) cost price.
(v) invest money in trade.
(v) sell in market; store.
(v) sell briskly.
(v) be in panic (in market).
(v) create instability in price.
(n) customer; buyer.
(v) go shopping.
(n) shop keeper; seller.
(n) household money.
(n) frist sale of the day.
(v) make the first sale of the day.
(v) be the first buyer of the day.
(v) be stagnant (in -market)
(n) intense concentration of mind.
(v) journey by supernatural powers.
(v) gain supernatural powers.
(v) be in a state of deep concentration.
(n) intellect; wisdom.
(n) mental capacity.
(n) white-collar worker.
(n) relatives.
(n) habit; nature.
(n) intellect; wisdom.
(v) consider in various ways.
(v) devise ways and means.
(adj) clever; brainy.
(n) wise man; great mind.
(n) riddle.
(v) test wisdom or knowledge.
(v) devise; scheme; plot.
(adj) bright or brilliant.
(n) nit-wit.
(n) devious means.
(adj) wise.
(n) honorarium.
(n) bird-brain.
(v) comprehend.
(adj) artful.
(n) trickster.
(n) reorientation course.
(v) reorientate.
(v) be sharp-witted.
(n) invocation at the beginning of a mantra.
(adv) [fig] repeatedly
(v) preface a mantra with the word
(n) word used to soothe children when hurt.
(n) night.
(n) night club.
(n) night school.
(n) dead of the night.
(n) evening.
(n) evening meal.
(v) dine.
(n) dinner.
(n) evening meal.
(n) night watchman.
(v) watch for the night.
(adj) nightly.
(n) night time.
(n) night time.
(n) the same night.
(adv) afternoon.
(n) evening.
(n) late afternoon.
(adj) nocturnal.
(n) queen of the night.
(n) emergencies of the night.
(n) thief; night bird.
(n) the whole night.
(n) deadfall.
(n) night-dress
(adv) night time.
(n) night fall.
(n) early at night.
(n) right.
(n) slyly.
(adv) right hand side.
(n) right-hand man.
(n) bluff.
(n) high note.
(n) cheer leader.
(v) lie; bluff.
(adj) right handed.
(v) be right-handed.
(n) newlyweds.
(v) become man and wife.
(v) catch.
(n) younger brother.
(n) in unison.
(v) be united.
(n) disunion.
(v) disunite.
(n) disunity.
(adv) unity.
(n) equally.
(n) equally.
(adv) brother.
(n) little finger.
(n) younger sister.
(n) equality; equation.
(v) be equal.
(n) conference.
(v) attend a conference.
(v) be even; be level.
(n) sisters.
(n) leveller.
(v) level.
(n) brothers.
(n) dusk; sundown.
(n) vase; pot or jar for offering.
(n) noisily.
(adv) sesbaina tree.
(v) be noisy.
(adj) not up to the standard.
(adj) poor; inferior.
(adj) brownish.
(adv) brown.
(adj) over cast(sky); gloomy/dark; gloomy.
(adv) shin.
(n) (of sky) overcast; (of face) gloomy .
(adj) noisily.
(adj) smooth.
(v) be smooth and delicate.
(v) reduce to power or paste.
(adj) be smooth; be gentle ; be polite.
(adj) soft; gentle.
(n) hybrid cockerel.
(n) kind of banyan.
(n) kind of banyan tree.
(n) banyan.
(n) royal couch.
(v) in a sickly manner.
(n) banyan tree.
(n) kind of fig tree.
(n) Bo tree.
(n) drop roots.
(n) water for blessing.
(v) pour water on the sacred Bo tree.
(n) dwarf banyan tree.
(n) large banyan tree.
(n) gonorrhoea.
(v) be long; be stiff; become weak.
(v) aggressively; meanly.
(adv) be depressed
(n) pollution.
(v) be obscene; pollute.
(adj) filthily.
(adv) soiled; dirty; filthy.
(adj) dingy.
(adj) faded; dingy.
(adj) unclean; dirty ; filthy.
(adj) dull and dark.
(v) play foul.
(n) night.
(v) be late in the night.
(n) midnight.
(n) three phases of night.
(n) nightfall.
(v) overnight.
(n) plaintive song.
(v) groan.
(v) grumblingly.
(adv) moan.
(adv) complain; grumble; grouse.
(v) nod head .
( ) (v) quercus tree.
(v) be wedged in between; be jammed in.
(v) be jammed in a crowd.
(v) droop: fall for.
(v) be considerate.
(n) stalk; pedicel.
(v) be lenient.
(v) co-ordinate.
(v) level; coordinate.
(v) smell of fish or flesh.
(adj) nauseating.
(v) smell rank.
(v) inhale cooking smells.
(v) cause offensive smells by frying: burning.
(v) breathe in acrid fumes.
(v) stay away from acrid fumes.
(v) fry or roast causing strong pungent smells.
(v) be affected by acrid fumes.
(v) smell acrid.
(n) the length between extended thumb and forefinger
(n) circular measurement of round articles with the tips of the two thumbs and th
of the two fore fingers of one s hands touching
(n) harp strings; bowstrings.
(n) fascination.
(v) hypnotize; mesmerize; charm.
(v) be sad.
(v) be languid.
(v) be faded.
(v) fade; wither.
(adj) small; diminutive.
sweat fungi.
(v) cut up into long thin strips.
(adv) rock forward and backwards.
(v) squeeze; milk; blow; wring; throttle extort.
(v) Haggardly.
(v) persecute; torment.
(v) torture; ill treat.
(n) clamp; tongs; forceps; tweezers.
(n) clam.
(v) encircle; blockade.
(v) encircle; blockade.
(n) sandals, slippers.
(n) clavicle; collar bone.
(v) clamp.
(n) reference.
(n) noose; snare.
(v) respect.
(v) bow respectfully.
(v) flex under stress.
(n) marsh; mire.
(n) directive; guidance.
(n) director.
(n) director general.
(adv) direct.
(n) indicator.
(n) indication.
(v) indicate.
(n) anthology.
(n) coalition government.
(v) be the best.
(v) refer.
(n) enlargement, detailment, on explanation
(v) go into details in speech or writing
(n) place, department.
(n) headquarters; central office.
(n) section.
(n) place of birth.
(n) relics enshrined.
(n) repository of relics.
(v) enshrine; put fillings.
(v) be rich; be wealthy.
(v) be correct in stress and intonation.
(v) Out of the way.
(adv) in eagerness or impatience.
(adv) keep trailing.
(n) goglet.
(v) Really; surely.
(adv) case.
(adv) quarrel or bicker.
(v) clamorously.
(adv) together.
(n) bolt.
(adv) giggle.
(adj) pron. some.
(adj) another, other.
(n) separately.
(n) shed.
(v) be tight; be rigid.
( (n) gormorant.
(adv) by lingering emotions.
(adv) cemetery.
(n) persistently.
(adv) Casually.
(n) bribe.
(adv) Askew; aslant.
(adv) Slowly and steadily.
(adv) yeast.
(n) reckless person.
(n) djenkol bean.
(n) desire; lust.
(n) third.
theThird World.
(adv) evergreen magnolia.
(n) repeatedly.
(v) Exactly.
(adv) strongly of.
(adv) definitely.
(adv) moment.
(n) Sunday.
(n) north-east.
(n) Monday.
(n) east.
(n) interminably.
(adv) ascetic; hermit.
(n) elsewhere.
(v) relieve oneself.
(n) eleventh months of the year
(n) twelfth and last month of the year.
(n) pupil; disciple.
(n) follower, servant.
(v) Continuously.
(adv) gently.
(adv) One by one.
(adv) give advice; warning repeatedly.
(n) next existence.
(n) next existence.
(n) neem tree; margosa tree.
(n) for a long time.
(adv) dyke; small dam.
(v) build a dyke.
(n) Purposely.
(adv) courier; messenger.
(n) soil of rice field.
(adv) Continually.
(n) Dripping.
(adv) day before yesterday.
(n) year before last.
(n) violin; fiddle.
(v) play the violin.
(v) forcefully.
(adv) Unceasingly.
(adv) the accused; defendant; culprit.
(n) jury.
(v) be just; be fair.
(v) realize the truth.
(n) defence witness.
(v) dock.
(v) preach.
(n) court of law.
(n) costs.
(n) verdict.
(n) judicial power.
(v) judge.
(n) lawsuit.
(n) lawsuit.
(v) prosecute.
(v) sue.
(v) contest a legal suit.
(n) litigation.
(v) practice meditation.
(v) listen to religious sermon.
(v) break rules of conduct.
(n) contestant in a civil suit.
(n) civil procedure.
(n) civil procedure.
(n) civil suit.
(n) civil case.
(adj) illegitimate.
(n) civil law.
(v) lack fairness or justice.
(v) be just; be fair.
(n) judicial service.
(n) court of law.
(n) High Court.
(n) court manual.
(v) release temporarily.
(n) plaintiff.
(n) persecution witness.
(v) arbirrarily.
(adj) legal.
(adj) legitimate.
(adv) be legal.
(n) Justly;fairly.
(adv) judge; magistrate.
(n) Chief Jstice.
(n) acquittal.
(v) preach.
(n) lingeringly.
(adv) Grewia tree.
(n) In friendly ways.
(adv) Chinese.
(n) shutter.
(n) frangipani.
(n) Chinatown.
(n) celery.
(n) loquat.
(n) abacus.
(n) Venetian blinds: louvers.
(n) joss-house.
(n) Chinese fig.
(v) noisily.
(adv) in a blur.
(n) chive.
(n) litchi.
(adv) drag or trail along.
(n) chronically.
(adv) paddy threshing ground.
(v) thresh.
(n) pome granate.
(v) caulk.
(v) tumble down/
(v) wrongly.
(adv) buzz; whistle.
(v) lingeringly.
(adv) long for; pine for.
(v) constantly.
(v) long for; yearn for; wish for.
(adv) breezily.
(adv) copiously; continuously.
(adv) furiously.
(adv) slowly; gently.
(adv) smoulderingly.
(v) be popular; be in fashion.
(v) get ready.
(v) extremely.
(n) short distance.
(v) sprint.
(n) sprinter.
(adv) start.
(n) tarpaulin.
(n) turpentine.
(n) racetrack.
(n) tyre.
(n) embankment.
(n) long run.
(v) be a long time.
(n) waterproof canvas.
(n) tally.
(v) take tally.
(n) embank ment road.
(v) start a race.
(n) duty: responsibility.
(n) duty officer.
(n) officer in charge.
(n) defection.
(v) defect.
(adj) irresponsibly.
(adv) responsible.
(v) obligate.
(n) good-off.
(n) obligation.
(v) prattle.
(v) be effective.
(v) obstruct; block; prevent.
(v) forbid; prohibit.
(n) veterinary surgeon.
(n) veterinary science.
(n) accuracy.
(v) Accurately.
(v) be explicit.
(adv) accurate.
(v) be exact.
(adj) specifically.
(adv) evenly.
(adv) clean cut.
(n) Openly.
(adv) animal.
(n) paw.
(n) claw.
(n) hoof.
(n) whiskers.
(n) animal husbandry.
(n) zoo.
(n) zoological gardens.
(n) horn.
(v) trim; pare.
(n) earth worm.
(n) worm cast.
(v) Partingly.
(adv) prattle.
(n) red wattled lapwing.
(v) invent.
(n) TB tuberculosis.
(n) percnssion.
(n) percnssion.
(v) whisper.
(v) have a fair knowledge.
(n) tune; melody.
(n) musical troupe.
(n) orchestral.
(n) band leader.
(n) bandsman.
(v) imitate.
(v) compete with.
(n) hummer; chopsticks.
(n) nephew.
(n) uniform.
(n) bopeed.
(n) niece.
(n) musical instrument.
(adj) same; alike.
(v) resemble; be alike.
(v) be burnt; be scorched.
(v) Bitterly.
(adv) excavate.
(n) canalization.
(n) canal.
(v) canalize.
(n) spade; shovel.
(n) grub hoe.
(n) hoe.
(v) dig.
(n) electuary.
(n) might; power.
(n) heat.
(n) person of very few words.
(n) vagrant; vagabond.
(adv) beat or pound repeatedly.
(v) be unruly.
(v) Face to face.
(adv) shoot point bland.
(v) miss narrowly.
(v) place end or edge to edge.
(n) lyric; song.
(n) composer.
(v) compose.
(n) nightingale.
(n) singer; vocalist.
recording studio.
(v) record songs.
(v) make a montal note; jot down.
(n) hut; tent.
(n) small hut.
(n) hutment.
(v) Nearly.
(v) build a hut.
(n) small hut.
(n) make shift tent.
(adv) Straight.
(adv) Directly.
(adv) jungle; forest; country side.
(n) tiger; evil spirits.
(n) rook; raven.
(n) jungle fowl.
(n) wild cat.
(v) go underground.
(n) forest ranger.
(n) clear jugle or under growth.
(n) beater.
(n) wild dog.
(n) staff.
(v) relieve oneself in the wood.
(n) dense forest.
(n) shooting expedition.
(n) out law.
(n) wild duck.
(n) forest fire.
(n) cloister.
(n) hamlet; small village.
(n) hunting dog.
(v) go hunting.
(n) long distance.
(n) wild boar.
(n) country folk.
(n) country liquor.
(n) woods.
(n) grove.
(n) With a toddling gait.
(v) toss or throw up repeatedly.
(v) be just about right.
(v) haphazardly.
(n) wilderness; dense forest.
(adv) be related.
(adj) Moderately.
(n) torpedo.
(n) toffee.
(adv) honest.
(n) tommy gun.
(v) moderately.
(adv) rumble.
(n) revolution; resist ance.
(n) Resistance Day.
(n) revolutionary.
(v) resist; revolt; rebel.
(v) fit for royalty.
(adj) bright; clever.
(v) be suitable.
(v) fit.
(n) back part of the knee joint.
(n) bolt.
(n) door; gate.
(n) knocker.
(v) knock.
(n) door sill; threshold.
(n) gate keeper.
(n) doorway.
(n) hinhe.
(n) bang.
(n) door-frame.
(n) gate keeper.
(n) panel.
(n) door leat.
(n) door-handle.
(n) door knob.
(n) lintel.
(n) banner.
(n) flagstaft.
(n) fisherman.
(n) spit; skewer.
(n) eaves.
(n) sickle.
(n) file.
(n) adze.
(n) spit.
(v) spit.
(n) trade mark.
(n) seal; stamp.
(v) lable.
(n) stamp.
(n) philat.
(n) philatelist.
(n) seal.
(n) bridge.
(n) drawbridge.
(n) elbow.
(n) elbow joint.
(n) wall.
(n) spit.
(v) spit.
(n) horn.
(n) Gutter under eaves.
(adv) token.
(n) a little.
(adv) curtly; briefly.
(adv) Concisely; briefly.
(adv) odds and ends.
(adj) miserly.
(n) Rather short in length.
(adv) that much.
(n) Indian rice pancake.
(n) odds and ends.
(adj) short; stingy.
(n) bean curd.
(n) a little; sparingly.
(adv) Sparingly.
(adv) vegetable eaten with ngapiyay.
(n) little.
(n) powder.
(n) incitement.
(v) touch slightly.
(v) jostle.
(v) extend; expand.
(n) extension; annex.
(adj) measurable.
(n) softly.
(adv) quietly; secretly.
(adv) whisper.
(n) confidant.
(n) Softly.
(adv) progress; improvement.
(v) improve; progress.
(v) prosper.
(v) raise.
(n) Incompletely.
(adv) Tagging along.
(adv) Straight through.
(v) beg forgiveness.
(adv) craw!.
(v) push; increase.
(v) lower.
(n) oar; paddle.
(n) taxi.
(n) logic.
(n) university.
(n) varsity student.
(n) hostel.
(n) university campus.
(n) training corps.
(adj) active.
(n) progressive age.
(n) oarsman.
(n) rising prices.
(v) all together.
(adv) entirely.
(adv) be cleaned out.
(n) rising sun.
(v) step on.
(n) intermittent fever.
(n) rudder.
(n) steer man.
(n) flood tide.
(n) presence.
(n) attendant.
(v) attend.
(n) youth; young generation.
(n) way to progress.
(v) be well versed in.
(adj) rising.
(v) climb up.
(v) have fits.
(n) hurry.
(v) make a clicking sound.
(n) edible ginger like herb.
(n) nonsense.
(n) gecko; tucktoo
(v) keep sticking.
(n) odd jobs.
(n) fried mineed meat.
(v) be ablaze.
(v) be ablaze.
(n) At a stretch; non-stop.
(v) blaze; glow.
(v) flick.
(adv) brick building.
(n) flat-roofed brick building.
(n) fighting patrol.
(n) fighting cock.
(v) feed; nourish.
(n) brick knocking house.
(v) Attack; fight.
(adv) blow.
(n) apartment.
(n) intercontinental ballistic missile.
(v) polish; clean.
(v) wear away.
(n) offensive attack.
(n) coincidence.
(v) coincide.
(n) shop soiled stoke.
(n) ivy.
(n) ivy
(n) Myanmar jacket for men.
(n) battle; combat.
(n) zero hour.
(n) D day.
(n) skirmish.
(v) destroy.
(n) typhoid.
(n) collision.
(v) collide.
(n) loot.
(n) gunboat.
(n) direct hit.
(n) fighter.
(n) war boat.
(n) battle-ship.
(v) dash; bumb; fight; rob.
(adv) buttocks; hips.
(v) prepare.
(n) tinchture of iodine.
(v) use metaphor or simile.
(v) do or say high-handedly.
(v) present.
(v) carry or transport.
(n) buttocks; haunches.
(n) tender.
(n) hips.
(n) buttocks.
(v) send; dispatch.
(v) put up or submit.
(v) appoint or elect.
(n) molasses.
(v) place on.
(v) submit.
(n) tank.
(n) antitank mine.
(n) Propetly; be fittingly.
(adj) proper; befitting.
(n) Tautly; fully.
(adv) Firmlyu; tightly.
(n) measure basket for grains.
(adv) screen; curtain.
(adj) content; satisfied.
(n) screen; curtain.
(n) tennis.
(n) club.
(adj) fully.
(n) tension.
(adv) hard; tense.
(v) make taut.
(n) mountain half yard.
(n) erythrina tree.
(n) hill.
(adj) hilly.
(n) hill top.
(n) down hill.
(adv) Uphill.
(adv) mountain stream.
(n) valley.
(n) mountain pass.
(n) king cobra.
(n) ridge.
(n) hill side.
(n) foot of hill.
(n) puma.
(n) hill station.
(n) hill side.
(n) phrynium shrub.
(n) Incoherently.
(n) chamois.
(adv) length about thirteen inches.
(n) rhododendron.
(n) garcinia tree.
(n) mountaineer.
(n) Ina rumbling way.
(n) fragrant wood.
(n) fragrant wood.
(n) mountain range.
(adv) hill top; mountain peak.
(n) spur.
(n) hillock.
(n) highlander.
(n) highlander.
(adv) wing.
(v) flap.
(n) mound.
(n) edible mushroom.
(n) In abundance.
(n) south west wind.
( (n) hoopoe.
(n) neither here nor there.
(adv) alstonia tree.
(n) hillside cultivation.
(n) cultivator.
(n) peasants.
(v) stand firm; remain steadfast.
(n) craving.
(v) crave; long for.
(adj) stiff; stout.
(v) be stiff; be stout.
(n) basket.
(v) ask for; beg for.
(n) beggar.
(v) beg.
(n) demand; claim.
(n) apology.
(v) apologize.
(v) beg for; ask for.
(v) ask for.
(n) post; pillar.
(n) tank.
(n) wall clock.
(v) report.
(v) file a complaint.
(n) complaint letter.
(v) make a vow.
(v) complain.
(v) consult.
(n) half mast.
(n) cheer-leader.
(n) conj. till; until.
(adv) division; command.
(n) measurement.
(n) tainn pyay/country.
(n) commander.
(n) native.
(adj) well-know.
(n) people.
(n) one.
(n) person with no relative.
(n) egoist.
(n) lonely dweller.
(n) singleness.
(n) In conspiracy with.
(n) entire length.
(n) In one stretch.
(adv) penal settlement.
(n) In a moment.
(adv) Once.
(adv) one time.
(adj) At one time.
(adv) Sometimes.
(adv) at once.
(adv) each.
(n) divorcee.
(n) once.
(adv) once act play.
(adj) of the s e type.
(adj) irrevocable.
(n) exaggerated show.
(n) little by little.
(v) break away in rivalry.
(n) partly.
(adv) unanimously.
(n) pair.
(adv) something.
(n) somebody.
(adv) a fraction.
(n) ghost.
(n) Continuously; non-stop.
(adv) Indirectly.
(adv) hearsay.
(n) information from secondary soruce.
(n) elbow bend.
(n) a little.
(n) just a little.
(v) exaggerate.
(n) Stubbornly.
(adv) Little by little.
(adv) lapwing.
(v) break journey.
(n) At one sitting.
(adv) Whole day long.
(adv) day before yesterday.
(n) one day.
(n) Within one’s capacity.
(adv) some other way.
(conj) in other way.
trickey; good for once only.
(n) totalitarism.
(n) along with.
(adv) lackey.
(adj) solo;single.
(adj) incomplete.
(v) have a strong wish.
(v) repeat.
(adj) second hand.
(v) deceive.
(v) be handicapped.
(v) get the upper hand.
(n) uniformly.
(adv) lots of.
(n) pair.
(adv) equally.
(adv) simultaneously.
(adv) something good for once only.
(v) lose a right or chance.
(v) be an expert; be a master.
(n) onesidedly.
(adv) lopsidedly; unevenly.
(adv) either side.
(n) person blind in one eye.
(n) the other party.
(v) one sidely.
(adv) metamorphose.
(n) short nap; forty winks.
(n) far away.
(adv) extermist.
(adv) in rotation.
(n) discordantly.
(adv) by turns.
(adv) stretch of sleep.
(n) nap.
(v) wake up from stretch of sleep.
(n) stranger.
(n) distant lands.
(n) rashly.
(adv) at one swoop.
(adv) a long time.
(n) recently.
(adv) woman once divorced.
(n) monogamy.
(n) one way traffic.
(n) person heading for hell.
(n) completely.
(adv) the whole; entire.
(n) half.
(n) sustenance for one person.
(n) consistently.
(adv) indivisibly.
(adv) individual.
(adv) exactly.
(adv) for life; lifetime
(n) in a lifetime.
(adv) lifetime.
(n) all in a group.
(n) group; batch.
(adv) million.
(n) new and fresh look.
(n) with might and main.
(adv) a moment.
(n) for a while.
(n) numerator.
(n) decoy.
(v) be steady.
(v) display.
(v) be serene.
(n) builder.
(v) builder.
(v) be stable.
(v) seriously.
(adj) establish.
(n) location.
(n) headword; entry.
(n) place; station.
(n) existence.
(v) be situated.
(n) persimmon.
(v) openly.
(adv) be straightforward.
(v) be straight.
(n) lodging house.
(v) put up at; lodge.
(n) edition.
(n) editor.
(v) edit.
(v) be skilled; be proficient.
(v) have the capability.
(v) can; be able.
(v) complete a course of study.
(n) charlatan.
(v) know; be clever.
(v) to the best of ability.
(n) reel.
(n) silence.
(adj) quietly.
(adv) quiet.
(n) illegitimate child.
(n) heretic; hethan.
(n) tape-recorder.
(n) tape.
(adv) be silent.
(n) stick.
(n) threadworm.
(n) furiously with cudgels and swords.
(adv) sword stick.
(v) eat.
(n) ton.
(n) power; pontency.
(n) mystic power.
(n) potency.
(n) power and glory.
(n) orn ent; implement.
(n) railway freight.
(n) counter-revolution.
(v) counter-attack.
(n) counter-offensive.
(n) counter intelligence.
(n) counter propaganda.
(v) counteract.
(n) value.
(adj) expensive.
(v) appraise.
(adj) valuable
(n) fair price.
(adj) frantic.
(v) tremble.
(v) be worth.
(v) stop short.
(adv) bar; stick; frd; rope; wire.
(n) hurdles.
(n) high jump.
(v) queue up.
(v) dress the ranks.
(v) Equally.
(v) be equal.
(adv) Straight.
(adv) dismiss ranks.
(n) Clinging.
(adv) bar racks.
( ) (n) sapan wood.
(n) sappan wood.
(n) cargo barge.
(v) vibreate.
(v) be weak and shaky.
(n) Shakily.
(adj) horrible.
(n) corporal
(n) sergeant.
(v) encamp.
(n) company.
(n) platoon.
(n) section.
(v) fix; set.
(v) retreat.
(n) mutiny.
(n) quartermaster.
(n) drumming out.
(n) military pokice.
(n) Provost Marshal.
(n) ex-service man.
(n) cantonment area.
(n) deserter.
(v) scige.
(v) scige.
(v) deploy troops.
(n) military unit.
(n) brigade.
(n) army.
(n) Army Day.
(n) division.
(v) be infatuate.
(n) commander.
(n) adjutant.
(n) adjutant general.
(n) battalion.
(n) battalion commander.
(v) put on alert.
(n) private.
(n) recruit.
(adv) fix; attach.
(n) tape.
(n) tape recorder.
(v) Bind; fasten.
(v) sting.
(v) come up to a standard.
(v) long; yearn.
(v) Obsessively.
(n) cloud.
(v) extinct.
(v) be afflicted.
(n) gathering.
(n) soft and fine shrimp.
(n) tein gye|n. lambentwisp of clud.
(v) collide with resultant lightning.
(v) glow with reflected light.
(n) cloud bank.
(n) cumulus.
(adj) cloudy.
(n) dark cloud.
(adj) cloud-capped.
(n) mackerel sky.
(adj) cloudless.
(v) disappear.
(n) cirrus.
(n) instrument for removing cataract from the eye.
(n) stratus.
(n) eye cataract.
(adj) shallow.
(v) tilt; bend; deviate.
(v) be inclined to.
(v) die; deteriorate.
(v) capsize; derail.
(v) evade; avoid.
(v) recoil.
(v) hesitate.
(v) Haltingly.
(n) reaction.
(adv) react.
(v) turn back.
(n) log; block of wood.
(v) sound a signal or alarm.
(n) adjutant bird.
(n) Plainly; bluntly.
(adv) hyphen.
(v) whatever the case may be.
(adv) make a clear-cut decision.
(n) doggedly; on enemy.
(adv) log kept to be dropped on.
(n) lesser adjutant.
(n) dash.
(n) Lying; in nude.
(adv) money for lean days.
(n) Spraling out.
(adj) blunt; dull.
(v) cut, chop.
(adv) telephone.
(v) ring up.
(n) mouth piece.
(n) switch board.
(n) ear piece.
(n) telephone discussion.
(n) telephone directory.
(n) three.
(n) triangle.
(n) owner of an oil-well.
(v) feel stiff.
(n) crawl; creep.
(v) continuously.
(adv) be indecisive.
(v) waver.
(n) any and everyghing.
(n) driveller.
(v) drivel.
(v) come across.
(v) meet.
(n) conference.
(v) touch; come into contact.
(n) rendezvous.
(v) see.
(v) find.
(v) see, meet, come across.
(n) philosopher.
(n) philosophy.
(adj) hare brained.
(v) think.
(v) ponder.
(v) assume.
(v) premeditate; anticipate.
(v) ponder; reflect; consider.
(n) thought.
(v) think, ponder.
(v) coach; wagon/
(v) go out with an opposite sex.
(v) attach to a train.
(v) put into combi-nation.
(v) shunt coaches to a line.
(n) counterpart.
(v) do jointly.
(n) joint secretary.
(n) co-editor.
(n) In a dangling position.
(adj) drooping; hanging.
(v) link, attach.
(adv) flat barge attached to a steamer side.
(n) calculation.
(v) cause mischief on leaving.
(v) turn out as expected.
(v) check; verify.
(v) consider.
(v) nudge.
(v) work out arithmetical sums.
(v) be important.
(n) lathe.
(v) apply cupping device.
(n) Continuously.
(v) be known sa.
(adv) pit; well.
(n) rat.
(n) silt; debris.
(n) excavator.
(v) drill.
(n) mineral resource.
(n) black creeper.
(n) larva of beetle.
(v) hibernate.
(n) grand child of three generations.
(adj) reddish.
(v) sing sweetly.
(v) make a vocal sound; crow.
(v) stop short and draw.
(v) be stingy.
(v) be wrinkled.
(v) be curled up.
(v) be twisted.
(v) wrinkle; shrink.
(v) propel.
(v) push hard; jostle.
(v) repulse; repel.
(n) wheel barrow; push-cart.
(n) tugboat.
(v) push; urge; force.
(n) thrust; propulsion.
(v) prod; exhort.
(n) facet of a cut stone.
(v) cut; nibble.
(v) stick fast; adhere to.
(n) tag.
(n) safety pin.
(v) cling.
(adj) close.
(v) be strongly attached to.
(v) stick to; be attached to; cling to.
(n) pin.
(v) Clumsily; awkwardly.
(adv) become active; rebel.
(n) acacia tree.
(n) woman’s skirt.
(v) live on a woman’s income.
(n) dining table.
(n) delicacy of glutin rice;oil; sesamum;groundnut.
(n) cooked rice.
(n) fried rice.
(n) leftover rice.
(v) spoon out rice.
(n) crust of cooked rice.
(v) cook rice.
(n) tiffin carrier.
(n) sour rice.
(n) dried cooked rice.
(v) eat rice.
(n) reception with meals.
(n) Just enough to get by.
(adv) inn.
(n) rice – ball.
(n) packet of rice and curry.
(n) meal of rice and curry.
(n) Living in comfort.
(adv) plain rice.
(n) lunch box.
(n) gruel.
(adv) ountifully.
(adv) avoid responsibility in a crisis.
(n) paying guest.
(n) morsel of rice.
(v) rest after a meal.
(n) nightmare.
(v) cook.
(n) rice cooker.
(v) be ruined .
(n) short time.
(n) trailer.
(n) bamboo wall.
(n) transister.
(n) truck.
(v) get up;rise;stand;sprout.
(n) alwayas.
(n) the Eternal God.
(adv) eternity.
(adj) immortal; eternal.
(v) put place keep.
(n) insinuatingly.
(adv) sensitive plant.
(n) casualty.
(n) impact.
(v) wound.
(v) injure.
(n) detriment.
(n) collision.
(v) be injured.
(v) be in touch.
(v) encroach.
(v) be effective.
(v) yield result.
(v) touch suffer.
(adv) lottery.
(v) try luck.
(v) jobless person.
(v) win a prize in a lottery.
(v) draw a lottery.
(n) umbrella.
(n) of umbrella.
(n) alone.
(adv) outstandingly.
(adv) kingship; throne.
(n) kingshipthrone.
(v) delthrone.
(n) abdication.
(v) abdicate
(n) courtly manners.
(n) person owing allegiance to a king.
(n) shaft of umbrella.
(n) royal blood.
(n) crown preince.
(n) loss of a nation’s sovereignty.
(adj) used by the royal court.
(n) mass.
(n) letter of explanation.
(v) give anexplanation.
(v) crush.
(v) shell property.
(v) puvlisher.
(v) publish.
(n) thickness; size.
(v) riser (on stairs).
(v) hardened through experience.
(v) strike, beat.
(v) Up and about.
(n) founder.
(v) establish.
(adj) thick; dense.
(n) erect, raise.
(v) feel all hot.
(v) be thickly covered.
(v) be full of.
(n) erect, raise.
(v) be swollen.
(n) fetters.
(adj) outstanding.
(adj) different.
(adj) brilliant.
(adj) strange.
(n) pair of fetters.
(adj) sacred.
(v) reply to a call.
(v) cover the loss.
(n) sarcasm.
(adv) be sarcastic.
(v) caulk with resin.
(n) butter.
(n) butter bean.
(n) avocardo.
(v) praise.
(n) htaw la bat|n. shampoo shrub.
(adv) roll in wealth.
(v) with a limp.
(v) contrarily.
(v) protrude.
ppn to.
(n) music.
prep from.
(adj) that.
this and that.
(n) in the same way.
(adv) apart from that.
(adv) then.
(conj) because; therefore.
(conj) more than that.
(conj) then; after that
(conj) besides that.
(conj) in the same way.
(v) fall steep.
(v) stuff.
(v) blow; beat, box
(v) stuff.
(n) offensive action.
(v) launch an offensive.
(n) injection.
(v) peck.
(v) pierce; provoke.
(n) fictitious drama.
(v) spicily.
(adv) inject; tattoo.
(n) blow; attack.
(v) attack with force.
(v) penetrate.
(n) pudding of glutin rice, sugar, coconut and oil.
(n) signature.
(adv) precisely.
(n) barge pole.
(n) boatman.
(v) poke; jab; stab.
(v) knock down.
(v) swoop and snatch.
(v) jab.
(v) surrender.
(adv) closely.
(adv) in halves.
(adv) up to.
(n) in halves.
(n) keen.
(n) half.
(v) divide into halves.
(adj) all directions.
(adj) sharp.
(adv) eager.
(n) terminalia tree.
(n) weak point.
(n) testimonial; credential.
(v) support; second.
(v) consider.
(v) be sympathetic.
(n) allowance stipend.
(v) help; support.
(v) point out.
(n) chaste tree.
(n) intelligence.
(v) investigate; enquire.
(v) prop; support.
(adj) wcrthy; deserving.
(v) worthily; deservedly.
(adv) appropriate
(adv) appropriately.
(n) opinion.
(v) give opinion.
(v) expect; hope; think.
(v) be famous.
(n) opinion.
(v) believe; think.
(v) believe: think.
(v) be misled.
(v) do as one please.
(n) anything which comes to mind.
(n) popularity.
(n) elucidation.
(n) elucidator.
(v) prove.
(v) obviously.
(v) think; opine.
(adv) doubt.
(n) fire wood.
(n) partially burnt wood.
(n) sundry household chores.
(v) gather firewood.
(n) fagot.
(v) use as firewood.
(v) split firewood.
(n) wood pile.
(n) wood fire.
(n) charcoal.
(n) conifer; pine; fir.
(n) turpentine.
(n) prison; jail.
(v) be imprisoned.
(n) convict overseer.
(n) remand.
(n) warder.
(n) jail bird.
(v) set free prisoners in groups.
(v) send to prison.
(n) corner.
(n) trap.
(adj) tall and atrapping.
(n) ex-convict.
(n) imprisonment.
(n) life imprisonment.
(n) thousand.
(n) jail warden.
(n) escaped convict.
(v) entrap; ensnare.
(n) wicket gate.
(n) jailer.
(n) chief jailer.
(n) jail alarm.
(v) be arrogant.
(v) ask permission to see a prisoner.
(n) prisoner.
(n) warder.
(n) corner; angle.
(n) acute angle.
(n) obtuse angle.
(n) curve; bend.
(v) be thorough going.
(n) set-from hemiplegia.
(v) Diagonally.
(adv) suffer, from hemiplegia.
(n) diagonal.
(n) right angle.
(n) rectangle.
(adj) indiscipline.
(v) be tortuous.
(n) anthrax.
(v) be fuming
(v) pound.
(n) seat.
(v) be unemployed.
(n) lady’s jacket worn by dancers.
(n) sit-in.
(v) sit; settle: set.
(n) Thai.
(adj) gloomy; dull.
(v) be damp; be moist; be dull.
(v) at the least provocation.
(adv) let off a loud explosive noise.
(v) make a nick or notch.
(v) st mer; stutter.
(v) emit a loud noise; sound
(n) spare clothes.
(adv) grandly; magnificently.
(adv) change of clothing.
(v) be grand.
(adv) begrand; be proud.
(v) put in; insert.
(v) inscribe.
(n) shackles; fetters.
(v) put in stocks.
(n) stocks.
(adj) best; highest; supreme.
(v) agitatedky.
(v) be alarmed.
(n) products; exports/
(adv) Straight through.
(v) extract.
(v) issue; give out; disburse.
(v) remove.
(v) proclaim.
(v) reveal.
(v) take out; extract.
(n) production.
(n) producer.
(v) take out; extract.
(adj) stormy; violent stern.
(n) toddy paim.
(n) basket of toddy fronds with cover.
(v) climb a todd; palm.
(n) height of a toddy-palm.
(n) spadix of a male toddy-palm.
(n) stub of toddy-palm branch.
(n) toddy palm shoot.
(n) toddy palm bud.
(n) toddy palm sap.
(n) fermented drink made from toddy sap.
(n) toddy palm leaf or frond.
(n) large black stingless ant.
(n) twine from toddy fibres.
(n) toddy-palm climber.
(n) toddy fruit.
(n) toddy fruit cake.
(v) be very bright.
(v) shine glow.
(v) herd.
(v) control.
(v) look after; control.
(n) detention.
(v) preserve; detain.
(n) power.
(n) index.
(n) root.
(v) repeat.
(n) mezzanine.
(n) repeatedly.
(adv) Identically.
(adv) In the same way.
(adv) marigold; indain pancake.
(v) talk back.
(n) continuously.
(adv) In addition.
(v) stack, pile, repeat.
(adv) destroyer.
(adv) destroy; ruin.
(v) abolish; dissolve.
(v) eradicate; execute.
(v) make disappear; get rid of.
(n) cloth.
(n) coarse cloth.
(v) cut up; separate.
(adj) dull; stupid.
(v) persuade; coax.
(adv) girmly; elentlessly.
(v) squeeze.
(v) separate.
(n) pot; oedema; dropsy; ascitis.
(v) suffer from dropsy.
(n) large glazed jar.
(adj) suddenly.
(adv) active.
(v) reconcile.
(v) sprinkle.
(v) writhe with pain; be extremely eager.
(v) spread out; radiate.
(v) mislead; deceive.
(v) dress up.
(n) bluff.
(adv) comb; brush; bluff; pretend.
(n) porcupine.
(v) be penniless.
(v) without a penny.
(adv) be extremely poor.
(n) quill.
(adj) multicoloured.
(v) in a pallid condition.
(adv) turn pale or wan.
(adj) milk white.
(adj) white; pure.
(v) smoothly.
(adj) unimpeded.
(v) sprinkle.
(n) antidote.
(v) console.
(v) forget.
explanation; solution.
(n) explain; solve.
(v) untie; answer;eply.
(v) console.
(v) frighten by exaggeration.
(v) tear widen.
(adv) profusely.
(v) profuse.
(v) blanch with boiling water.
(v) destroy.
(adv) demolisn; destroy.
(adj) abundant.
(v) sparsely.
(adj) plump; buxom.
(adv) abundant; overflowing.
(v) with-hold in giving evidence.
(adj) beat up; murder; steal.
(n) confession.
(v) confess.
(adj) straight.
(adj) straight and clear.
(adj) hones; truthful.
(adj) straighten; straight forward.
(v) straighten.
(adj) continuously and abundantly.
(n) carelessly; slovenly.
(adv) the past.
(n) as it would happen.
(adv) process.
(v) thrive.
(v) arise.
(n) how it happens.
(v) happen.
(v) occur.
(n) matter of course.
(v) succed; accomplish.
exp what a pity.
happening; event.
(adv) be-come; make; happen; occur.
(v) strive.
(n) filler.
(v) add;make up.
(v) fulfil.
(v) provide.
(v) fulfil; supplement.
(v) add; fill.
(v) softly.
(adv) slowly.
(adv) leisurely.
(adv) gently; softly.
(n) strip; shred.
(n) divorce papers.
(n) unlawful act.
(n) guillotine.
(v) cut off.
(n) ready wit.
(n) ruling.
(n) rate.
(n) cutting; receipt; voucher.
(n) cross-section.
(n) short-cut.
(v) take a short cut.
(n) cross-cut saw.
(adv) cut; stop.
(v) pass; go across.
(n) sandfly fever.
(n) sand-fly.
(v) suddenly.
(v) depose; dislodge; remove.
(n) greenfly.
(v) take off; dismiss.
(v) stretch out.
(v) distribute.
(v) distribute.
(adv) spread out; distribute.
(v) flush.
(v) feel a flush.
(v) bluff; flush.
(v) bluff.
(n) unqualified gemstone.
(n) gem bearing vein.
(v) suddenly.
(v) waste; squander.
(v) be scared.
(v) ruffle; fluff; mess up.
(v) be in a mess.
(v) loudly.
(adv) puff.
(v) fray; spray.
(n) birth register.
(n) Buddhist nun.
(n) vital statistics.
(v) be shaggy.
(v) give birth; be born.
(adv) seek; search; look for.
(v) be
(adj) white.
(n) bran
(n) paddy husk.
(n) bran.
(n) burnt.
(n) fire fuelled by paddy.
(v) inconsolably.
(n) constitution.
(v) form.
(v) compose.
(v) use ornate language.
(v) elaborately.
(adv) make; form; compose.
(adj) big for the age.
(adj) prosperous; developed.
(adj) plump.
(v) expose; disclose; reveal.
(v) explain; define.
(v) speak out.
(v) open; inaugurate.
(v) open; inaugurate.
(n) monitor lizard; iguana.
(n) pied monitor lizard.
(n) poor soil.
(n) Sinusitis.
(v) become poor or destitute.
(v) be shattered.
(n) monitor crocodile.
(v) braid; plait.
(n) braid or plait.
(n) high land iguana.
(v) wash; pound.
(adj) in great variety.
(adv) decent.
(adj) insipid; tasteless; vapid.
(n) Bakri Id: Muslim holy day.
(n) gram pea fritter.
(v) restlessly.
(adv) shabbily.
(v) be in rags.
(n) all over.
(adv) with a profusion.
(adv) disorderly.
(adv) in a jumble.
(adv) swarming with.
(adv) rowdy person.
(v) be rowdy.
(n) in confusion.
(adv) in a muddle.
(adv) in a turmoil.
(adv) absurdly.
(adj) strong; many.
(adv) strength.
(adj) plain.
(n) blank; nothing.
(v) be naked; empty.
(n) exercise book.
(n) vacuum.
(n) open show.
(n) blank.
(n) gift;offering.
(n) offertory for nats.
(n) mosque.
(n) indecent assault on a woman.
(v) be extremely distressed.
(n) chopping and changing.
(adv) unceasingly.
(adv) blindly.
(adv) in confusion.
(adv) bubble.
(v) bubble.
(n) confusedly.
(adv) polygon.
(n) pural number.
(n) general knowledge.
(adj) central.
(n) centre.
(n) epicentre.
(n) outside; exterior.
(n) pyrites.
(n) Virginia tobacco.
(n) prison employee.
(n) fool; foolish person.
(n) odd jobs.
(n) varnish.
(n) stately building.
(n) architects.
(n) seed; geneology.
(n) seed; geneology.
(n) viza.
(n) vitamin.
(n) vitamin.
(n) veto.
(n) video.
(n) V:P.P.
(n) bureau.
(n) linseed plant;flax.
(n) titbits; odds and ends.
(v) burble.
(n) spleen enlargement.
(n) water hyacinth.
(n) astrology.
(v) consult an astrologer.
(v) tell fortunes; foretell.
(n) enlarged spleen.
(n) Buddha-to-be.
(n) kind of reed.
(n) buoy.
(n) voltage.
(n) vaseline.
(n) bacteria.
(n) dandruff.
(n) country mallow.
(n) wild goose berry.
(n) black night shade.
(n) stomach; belly; pregnancy.
(v) be pregnant.
(v) have thick far in belly.
(adj) paunchy.
(n) ever flar belly.
(n) toy b boo pop-gun.
(n) fillet or turban.
(n) turban.
(n) cotton.
(v) with decorum.
(adv) fall with a thud.
(n) spin.
(n) harlot.
(v) collapse.
(v) spindle.
(v) Buddha.
(n) Buddha’s day.
(n) Buddhism.
(n) Buddhist thought.
(n) Buddhist.
(n) life of Buddha.
(n) canna plant.
(n) teachings of Buddha.
(n) Wednesday.
(n) south.
(n) armless self-defence.
(n) armed self-defence.
(n) tray.
(n) bamboo tray with concave bottom.
(n) slang; jargon.
(v) praise.
(v) show off.
(n) herbal medicine.
(v) be on last legs.
(n) double headed drum.
(n) medium sized long drum.
(n) folk song with long drum and cymbals.
(n) short drum.
(n) small drum played with drum sticks.
exp neither fish or fowl.
long drum carried round the neck.
(n) bomb.
(n) bomber.
(v) drop bomb.
(n) bomb shelter.
(n) bomb splinter.
(v) extravagantly.
(v) explode.
(n) missile.
(adv) detonate.
(n) cropped hair.
(n) pea; black-eyed pea.
(v) bully.
(n) capatain.
(n) major general.
(n) general.
(n) senior general.
(n) armed forces.
(n) French bean; kidney bean.
(v) be a champion.
(n) circuir house.
(n) public gathering.
(n) major.
(n) colonel.
(n) brigadier general.
(n) grand military review.
(n) final match.
(n) officer cadet.
(v) boss around.
(v) recruit troops.
(n) officer training.
(n) officer training school.
(n) illness; infirmity.
(n) ill will.
(v) be full of worries.
(adv) bureau.
(n) bureaucracy.
(n) bureaucrat.
(n) military science.
(v) go to war.
(n) marshland shrubs.
(n) thickets of bushes and shrubs.
(n) little egret.
(n) medicinal herb.
(n) great egret.
(n) Indian pond heron.
(n) beer.
(n) querulously.
(n) hops.
(n) consonant.
(n) courage in action.
(n) circular tray of b boo and lacquer.
(n) kind of lute.
(n) bitter luffa.
(n) mangrove.
(n) kind of long drum.
(n) width; breadth.
(adv) fire cracker; revolver; pistol.
(v) Openly; frankly; candidly.
(adv) open; frank; candid.
(v) deny brazenly.
(v) be vare faced.
(v) be topsy-turvy.
(n) odds and ends.
(n) odds and ends.
(n) untidily.
(adv) suddenly.
(adv) immediately; suddenly.
(adv) in turmoil.
(adv) suddenly.
(n) thyme-leaved gratiola.
(n) Brahma.
(n) P.P.
(n) centre; whirl; cowlick.
(n) first turn in a g e.
(n) centre.
(v) spin; revolve.
(adj) first and foremost.
(v) be erratic.
(v) take offence.
(v) decide for the first turn.
(v) arrange things in a spiral.
(n) mud;mire;bog.
(v) be muddy; be boggy.
(n) red-whiskered bulbul.
(n) Eurasian jay.
(n) grey-eyed bulbul.
(n) olive bulbul.
(n) red-vented bulbul.
(n) elder uncle.
(n) bleeding piles.
(n) bazooka.
(n) alternately in a hot fight.
(adv) younger uncle.
(n) danger; fear.
(n) necklace.
(n) pendant on a necklace.
(n) brassiere.
(n) brocade.
(n) Roman Catholic.
(n) fistula.
(n) Bren-gun.
(n) brake.
(v) slow down by braking.
(n) brandy.
(n) block(printing/housing).
(n) life.
(v) die; pass away.
(v) lead different lives.
(n) persons in the same condition.
(v) die.
(v) be at a dead end.
(v) experience the ups and downs of life.
(v) die.
(n) life story.
(v) ignore one’s past.
(n) new life.
(n) the past.
(n) octopus.
(n) heart; mind; sub-consciousness.
(v) be proud.
(v) be satisfied.
(v) be delighted.
(v) paplitate.
(v) feel satisfied.
(v) be excited.
(v) feel conceited.
(n) young man.
(pron) what.
(n) mouth organ; harmonica.
(n) accordion door.
(n) barter system.
(n) bamboo.
(n) coarse cotton blanket.
(n) daredevil.
(n) barley.
(n) nature.
(n) meditation.
(v) pratise meditation.
(n) physical features.
(n) language; religion.
(n) foreign language.
(n) language.
(n) religion.
(n) custom.
(v) translate.
(n) linguistics.
(n) naturally.
(adv) subject.
(n) bar.
(n) gymnastics.
(n) bar.
(n) presser.
(n) beef-steak.
(n) billiards.
(n) billiards.
(n) billiard table.
(n) bailiff.
(n) Britain.
(n) cement.
(n) aerated water.
(n) consecration.
(n) sweet sultan.
(v) consecrate.
(n) bill.
(n) great great grand-father.
(n) pheasant; tailed jacana.
(n) biscuit.
(n) B.C (Before Christ.)
(n) B.C.G.vaccine.
(n) beading.
(n) small thin cheroot.
(n) beer.
(n) orge.
(v) threaten fiercely.
(v) have a nightmare.
(n) orgess.
(n) oriental sky-lark.
(n) comb.
(n) wheel.
(n) head-dress comb.
(n) wheel tax.
(n) fine tooth comb.
(n) transmission belt.
(n) ivory comb.
(n) sandal wood comb.
(n) bobbin; spool.
(n) knob; lump; node.
(v) be brusque.
(v) stare rudely.
(n) species of birch.
(v) speak disagreeably.
(n) in total ignorance.
1 the Buddha, image of Buddha, Pagoda, stupa
(n) cure of illness by having recourse to or praying to the Three Gems (Buddha, Dha
and Sangha)
(n) the Nine Deities represented by the Buddha and the eight Arhats, namely,
(n) Buddha who attained enlightenment but did not preach; lesser Buddha
(adv) suffer retribution for going back on one s vows to the Buddha.
adj (adv) be punished for having wronged the Buddha/(as in ~ )
(n) altar.
(v) / name only/phayarr tin the/make offerings to the Buddha.
(n) trustee of a pagoda.
(n) the God
(n) monarch; king.
(n) governor.
(n) governor general.
(n) queen regnant.
(n) protu berance; knob;lump; nodule.
(n) bourgeois.
(n) railway station.
(n) bulldozer.
(n) auspicious ground.
(n) geology.
(n) bushido.
(n) container; jar; tin; bottle; box.
(v) deny.
(n) bottle gourd; bitter gourd.
(v) deny stoutly.
(n) bamboo trestle for gourd.
(n) stopper; cork.
(n) calabash;dried gourd bottle.
(n) tendril of gourd.
(n) gourd; calabash.
(n) gourd fritter.
(n) bale.
(n) side; danger; harm; great-grandfather.
(v) safely.
(adv) in a tight corner.
(v) side-by-side.
(adv) shoulder aside.
(adv) put aside.
(n) sideways.
(adv) disaster.
(v) egg on.
(n) side-by-side.
(v) meet with danger.
(adv) sidecar.
(n) gastritis; colic.
(n) by-product.
(n) side door; side line.
(v) discard; keep out.
(n) great grandmother.
(v) give sanctuary.
(n) danger.
(n) bystander.
(v) be harmed.
(n) danger;calamity.
(n) duck.
(n) goose.
(n) break even.
(adv) duck bill.
(n) crew-cut.
(n) ballet;dance drama.
(n) manta ray.
(n) egg shape;oval.
(n) steel ball in ball-bearings.
(n) foot-ball ground.
(n) wealth;riches.
(n) conomics.
(n) lead tree.
(n) food;eatables.
(n) foot-ball.
(n) silver of the finest quality.
(n) sequin;spangle.
(n) boarder.
(n) boarding house.
(v) board.
(n) bodice.
(n) volley ball.
(v) pass the buck.
(n) hump.
(n) grand father.
(n) traditionally.
(n) heir loom.
(n) grandfather.
(n) direction.
(v) turn against.
(adj) all round.
(adj) even; comp-atible.
(v) supporter.
(n) bat;racket.
(adv) be incomplete;be odd.
(v) change sides.
(v) turn against.
(n) non-aligned policy.
(v) be partial;be biased.
(v) be rude and contradictory.
(n) suddenly.
(adv) voucher.
(n) cargobat;row boat.
(v) slosh;splash.
(n) band;drum.
(n) tin metal.
(n) drum and bugle corps.
(n) magnesium sulphate.
(n) Bengal;Bengali language.
(n) banjo.
(n) bubonic disease.
(n) ganja; cannabis; Indian hemp; hashish marijuana.
(n) frame; limit.
(v) be exact.
(v) frame; set limits.
(v) be restless; be agitated.
(v) swell.
(v) be admissible.
(v) regularize.
(v) picture
(n) trousers; pants.
(n) ever broke fellow.
(v) be broke.
(n) bioscope; film; cinema.
(n) bicycle.
(n) bank.
(n) property; finances.
(n) treasury.
(n) treasurer.
(n) finance.
(n) financial. Year.
(n) bank interest.
(n) bank building.
(n) budget.
(n) Thai currency
(n) bus.
(n) basket ball.
(n) battery.
(n) electric.
(n) the last.
( (n) greater coucal.
(n) prison employee.
(n) plump and dumpy girl.
(n) stodgy person; stupid person.
(n) untidily dressed person.
(n) board.
(n) book.
(n) bunker.
(n) silk fabric from Bangkok.
(n) hempcord.
(n) bumper.
(n) slang.
(n) bun.
(n) opium; opium poppy.
(v) smuggle opium.
(n) opium residue.
(n) poium eater; addict; smoker.
(n) poppy seed.
(n) raw opium.
(v) be addicted to opium.
(n) heroin.
(n) pancake with peanuts and poppy seeds.
(n) power; glory; influence.
(n) monk.
(n) monastery.
(v) become a monk.
(v) be very powerful.
(n) power and glory.
(n) prowess.
(n) balm.
(adv) rauwolfia.
(n) Chinese communal temple.
(n) common slave.
(n) community fund.
(n) communism.
(n) common faetor.
(n) common multiple.
(n) grog shop.
(n) common market.
(n) public property.
(n) water tap; hydrant.
(n) communal property.
(n) pony cart.
(n) commune.
(n) mattress.
(n) left.
(pron) where.
(pron) where.
(n) left handed person.
(pron) when.
(pron) when.
(adv) on both sides.
(adv) bearings.
(adv) how.
(adv) how much; how many.
(pron) who.
(pron) how.
(n) how.
(n) grandmother.
(adv) suddenly.
(adv) granny; grandma.
(v) be obvious.
(n) title; award.
(n) under graduate class.
(n) convocation.
(n) university graduate.
(n) post-graduate class.
(n) frankly ; openly.
(adv) candidly; fair and above board.
(adv) boiler.
(n) boots; shoes.
(n) odd number.
(n) more than.
(adv) mutual interest.
(n) evilspirits.
(n) unavoidably.
(adv) evil deed.
(n) often; frequently.
(adv) soon.
(adv) foul.
(n) irksomely.
(adv) indomitable spirit.
(v) become intolerable.
(v) demurely.
(adv) disrespectfully.
(adv) insolently.
(n) inconsolably.
(adv) beyond endurance.
(adv) be unbearable.
(adv) with a wry face.
(v) impishly.
(adv) with suppressed feelings.
(adv) tonic herb.
(adv) help: support.
(n) hardly enough.
(adv) faeces; stool; excrement.
(v) defecate.
(n) curry powder.
(n) with no relation.
(adv) excessively.
(adv) beyond capacity.
(adv) trifle.
(n) with unsatisfied feelings.
(adv) persistently.
(adv) unjustly; unfairly.
with only a little knowledge.
(adv) accidentally.
(adv) indcently.
(adv) unjustly.
(adv) inordinate greed.
(conj) if.
(adv) in limbo.
(adv) capitalize.
(v) beyond limit.
(adv) about the same.
(adv) in a subtle way.
(adv) disrespectfully.
(v) be negligible.
(n) stolidly.
(adv) in a dilemma.
(n) mangrove tree.
(n) hip roof.
(n) hip-roofed house.
(v) be jealous.
(n) non-stop.
(n) mind; heart.
(adv) mind; mentality.
(n) morning.
(n) morning and night.
(n) tomorrow.
(n) neophytes; ledgling.
(adv) last year.
(n) with a pleasing lisp.
(adv) with child.
(adv) without fail.
(adv) always.
(adv) vaguely.
(adv) quick lime.
(n) meagre amount.
(adv) indecorous speech or action.
(adj) sickly; pregnant.
(v) just beyond reach.
(adv) unseeingly.
(adv) do not care.
(n) steadfastly.
(adv) wife.
(n) first wife.
(n) brothers by marriage.
(n) stepson.
(adv) moderately.
(adv) doubt; suspicion.
(n) death.
(n) by hook or by crook.
(adv) persistently.
(adv) sister-in-law.
(adv) disrespectfully.
(v) be excited.
(n) marian tree.
(adv) closely.
(adv) not a little.
(n) without result.
(n) lesser wife.
(n) covertly.
(n) mauve.
(n) contiouously.
(adv) the poor; the destitute; the have-nots.
(n) being fairly well-off.
(n) what little one has.
(n) awfully.
(adv) at about the same time.
(adv) plant of antidote for poison.
(n) impudently.
(adv) ill will.
(n) with envy and hatred.
(adv) in case it is needed.
(n) insignificant person.
(n) naively.
(adv) hot Indian soup.
(adv) artless youngster.
(n) artfully.
(adv) with a guilty conscience.
(n) advpositively.
(n) unavoidably.
(adv) certainly.
(adv) wicket gate.
(n) short distance.
(adv) meagre sustenance.
(v) timidly.
(adv) feel revulsion.
(adj) evil; unjust; unfair.
(n) funeral.
(v) attend a funeral.
(n) subconscious mind.
(n) / Imperceptibly.
(adv) More dead than alive.
(adj) unclean.
(adj) Queasily
(n) case under enquiry.
(v) suspect.
(v) lift; support; help; guide.
(adj) great; noble.
(n) strategy.
(n) close friend; ally.
(n) chief queen.
(n) mahogany.
(n) nonsense.
(n) testicles.
(n) Ill at ease.
(adv) Stupidly.
(adv) mother.
(n) mercury vapour lamp.
(adj) hard; rigid; tough.
(adj) healthy.
(n) mercerized cotton.
(n) contents.
(n) powerful.
(n) pride; vanity.
(adj) haughty; arrogant.
(n) haughty person.
(n) muffler.
(n) guile; artifice.
(n) marathon.
(n) guava tree.
(n) flower; garland.
(n) aromatic herb.
(n) gardener.
(n) marine navigator.
(adv) of respe-ctable.
(n) crocodile; alligator.
(n) hygrophila.
(n) crawl.
(n) derris.
(n) toothed clamps.
(n) mother.
(n) expectant mother.
(n) motherless child.
(n) step mother.
(n) minute.
(n) parents.
(n) orphan
(n) queen.
(n) bastard.
(adj) effectively.
(n) in the nude.
̉adv tradition.
(n) Own parents.
(n) inherited traits.
(adv) family; household.
(v) catch.
(n) meter.
(v) singe; scorch.
(n) milligram.
(n) millimeter.
(n) fire; light.
(n) fire watch.
(n) with might and main.
(adv) live coal.
(n) rocket.
(n) very pistol.
(n) firebreak.
(n) electric cord.
(v) be left unburnt.
(n) electric light switch.
(n) ember; live coal.
(adj) potential; latent.
(adj) fire-proof.
(n) safe.
(n) fire brick.
(n) smoke.
(n) in a chain.
(adv) endlessly.
(n) grey.
(n) electric socket.
(n) flint.
(n) match lighter.
(n) flint.
(n) match stick.
(n) match box.
(n) lamp.
(n) burning fag got.
(n) lamp shade.
(n) wick.
(n) at wits end.
(n) steam engine; generator.
(n) phosphorus.
(v) catch fire; ignite.
(n) tongue of flame.
(v) use wood for fire.
(v) light.
(n) coal tongs.
(n) crest of flame.
(v) burst into flames.
(v) set fire.
(n) cook-house.
(n) volcano.
(n) torch lamp-post.
(n) flambo; torch.
(v) soke a fire.
(n) dusk.
(n) lighting festival.
(v) light a lamp.
(n) chandelier.
(n) iron.
(v) iron.
(n) fire insurance.
(n) steam pressure.
(n) fire works.
(n) bon fire.
(n) camp fire festivity.
(n) paper lantern.
(n) hot air balloon.
(n) beacon.
(n) light house.
(n) blow pipe.
(n) spark.
(n) kitchen.
(n) lamp lit floats.
(n) maternity leave.
(v) give birth to a child.
(v) switch on the light.
(n) fire hazard.
(n) searchlight.
(v) highlight.
(v) kindle.
(n) menses.
(n) gynaecology.
(adv) menstrual disorders.
(n) post-natal diarrhoea.
(n) rail way; train.
(n) railway engine; locomotive.
(n) railway line; track.
(n) dainn. fl ing torch.
(v) set fire to.
(n) open fire place.
(n) charred stump.
(n) blister.
(n) incendiary bomb.
(v) fan the flame.
(v) be on fire.
(n) revolving lantern;zoetrope.
(v) be alarmed of fire.
(n) fire ball; electric bulb.
(v) warm at a fire.
(n) tongue of flame.
(v) cremate.
(v) die out; cool down.
(n) steamer.
(n) igneous rock.
(v) catch fire.
(n) fire engine.
(n) fire hose.
(n) fire extinguisher.
(v) extinguish a fire.
(n) charcoal.
(n) fire insurance.
(v) cool down.
(n) fire cracker.
(n) lamp shade.
(n) lantern.
(v) roast in embers.
(adv) definitely.
(adv) hunter.
(v) gain by experience.
(v) sit down on one knee.
(n) wid ower.
(n) widow.
(n) rape.
(n) saint; holy person.
(n) barley.
(n) Spanish jasmine.
(n) lie.
(n) false witness.
(n) May.
(n) May Day.
(n) mummy; mother.
(n) aster.
(v) forget to bring or take.
(n) carotid artery.
(n) anaesthetic.
(v) fade from memory.
(v) without keeping a memory alive.
(adv) be in a coma.
(v) make a mistake absent mindedly.
(v) be forgetful.
(v) forget; faint; lose consciousness.
(n) lower jaw.
(n) lockjaw; tetanus.
(v) be at death’s door.
(n) question; query.
(n) question paper.
(v) censure.
(n) chin.
(v) sound out.
(n) taciturnity.
(v) just on nodding terms.
(adv) jerk convulsively.
(v) ask; enquire; question.
(n) mandible.
(n) chin strap.
(v) ask; question; enquire.
(n) vote; ballot; lot.
(v) elect by ballot.
(v) be chosen by lot.
(v) decide by drawing lots.
(v) put to the vote.
(n) constituency.
(n) constituency.
(n) voter.
(v) canvass for votes.
(n) Cassia tree.
(v) canvass for votes.
(n) indigo.
(n) indigo blue.
(v) draw lots.
(v) cast vote.
(n) indigo plant.
(n) ballot box.
(n) monotonous things.
(n) ballot.
(n) polling booth.
(n) lot.
(n) wry smile.
(v) grimace; make a wry face.
(v) be tired out.
(v) feel tired.
(n) ignorance.
(v) look up; rise.
(n) record of significant events.
(n) archives.
(v) record.
(v) inscribe records.
(n) registrar.
(v) show off.
(n) stockings.
(n) mortar.
(n) motor.
(n) motorcar.
(n) motorcycle.
(n) mortor boat.
(n) motor vehicle.
(n) mumps.
(n) morphia.
(n) moulvi.
(n) molecule.
(v) look up; take pride.
(v) cover with plaster.
(v) cover with plaster.
(adv) cream.
(adj) heaped.
(adj) plump and puffy.
(n) sky; rain/
(n) tarpaulin.
(n) rain coat.
(n) dollar bird.
(n) horizon.
(v) rain cas and dogs.
(n) thunder; thunderbolt.
(n) area of lightning.
(v) strike.
(v) go along. with the crowd.
(v) take shelter from rain.
(n) tenderloin.
(v) take shelter from rain.
(v) suffer from drought.
(v) thunder roll.
(n) sunset time.
(n) humid air.
(n) raindrop.
(v) be past dawn.
(v) rain incessantly.
(n) sky lark.
(n) rain cloud; nimubus.
(n) rainy season.
(v) be very tall; very high.
(n) sleet.
(n) later part of rainy season.
(n) gust of rain.
(n) large bell-mouthed pan.
(n) droplets of rain.
(n) drizzle.
(n) willow.
(v) end lessly.
(adv) get caught in the rain.
(v) raise hell.
(v) look skywards.
(n) sky; heavens.
(n) rain water; distilled water.
(n) rainfall.
(n) rain guage.
(n) sign of rain.
(v) rain.
(n) monsoon month.
(n) boastfully.
(adv) meteorological conditions.
(n) day break.
(adj) weather-proof.
(n) midmoonsoon.
(n) rain cloud.
(n) hail stone.
(n) drizzle.
(n) rainstorm.
(n) dawn.
(n) morning star.
(n) rainy season.
(n) early monsoon.
(v) be cloudy.
(n) fever due to suppurating sore in the anus.
(n) thrush.
(n) matriculation.
(n) metric.
(v) have a passion.
(n) damson .
(n) peach.
(n) garcinia tree.
(n) incentive; enticement.
(v) be fond of.
(n) comb-duck.
(adj) haughty.
(adj) heaped; proud.
(v) devil-may-care.
(adj) crass.
(adv) pan gold from earth.
(v) extort.
(n) devil may-care person.
(n) microphone.
(adj) very foolish.
(v) do wrong.
(n) daredevil.
(adj) rede; impudent.
(v) be thick headed.
(adj) dark; stupid; foolish.
(n) gateway; archway.
(n) magazine.
(n) ink.
(n) impression.
(n) tattoo.
(n) marriage ceremony.
(v) marry.
(n) auspicious day.
(adj) auspicious; being blest.
(n) honey moon period.
(n) ink inscription on stucco.
(n) blotting paper.
(n) ink roller.
(v) like; love; be fond of.
(n) monarch; king; ruler; government.
(pron) you.
(n) king; high officer; commissioner.
(n) mangosteen.
(n) high ranking official.
(n) dynasty.
(n) bar or bolt.
(n) caryota palm tree.
(n) high official circle.
(n) young prince.
(n) contemporary kings.
(n) penalty imposed by the monarch.
(n) state occasion.
(n) country in anarchy.
(n) anarchism.
(n) official decree.
(n) royal lineage.
(n) His/Her majesty’s Service.
servant of the king or State.
(v) lord over.
(n) coronation regalia.
(n) sychophant.
(n) king-to-be.
(n) central aisle.
(n) crown prince.
(n) mist.
(n) princess; leading female performer.
(n) prince; leading male performer.
(n) senior prince; senior sup porting actor.
(n) apprentice performer.
(n) authoritative tone.
(n) brother; title holder.
(n) brother and sister.
(n) husband and wife; couple.
(n) brother.
(n) lab-lab bean.
(v) flatter or coax.
(n) couple.
(n) spear grass; love grass.
(n) novice monk.
(n) novice monk to be.
(n) gong.
(n) upper arm; lever; trigger.
(n) pestle.
(v) spread news by word of mouth.
(n) penknife.
(n) mortar.
(n) shoulder joint.
(v) boom; driving lever.
(v) cock.
(v) strike a gong.
(n) lacquer vessel.
(n) unmilled rice.
(v) pound rice to polish.
(n) safety catch.
(n) automatic fire arm.
(v) pull the trigger.
(n) lesser wife; female attendant.
(adj) dark red.
(v) drive; goad.
(n) deltoid.
(n) mile.
(n) mile post.
(n) mile.
(v) set a mine bomb.
(n) mine bomb.
(v) sweep mines.
(n) ency.
(n) middle.
(n) the middle path.
(n) moderate.
wrong; heretical.
(n) false belief; heresy.
(n) four o’clock flower.
(n) something in name only.
(adj) positively.
(n) anything defi -ite
(adv) how may; how much.
(pron) who.
(pron) whoever
(pron) how.
(pron) what.
(adj) glossy black; ebony.
(adj) dusky; inky.
(adj) coal black.
(adj) swarthy and dinghy.
(adj) jet black.
(adj) black; dark.
(n) centre; focal point; pillar.
(n) pavilion.
(v) show off.
(n) younger brother of husband; younger sister’s husband.
(n) mug.
(n) mark.
(n) coin for 25 % of 1 kyat.
(adj) steep.
(adv) in an upright position.
(n) subsistence for able period.
(n) vertical stripe.
(n) toddling age.
(n) green gram.
(n) up-right.
(adv) March.
(n) friend; mate; pricky heat.
(n) make-up.
(n) letter of introduction.
(n) social gathering.
(n) fan mail.
(v) introduce.
(n) get-together.
(n) friend.
(v) become friends.
(n) copy; duplicate.
(n) copier; duplicate.
(v) befriend.
(v) mate.
(n) friends.
(n) friends and acqaintances.
(n) animal urine; hydrocele.
(n) pearl.
(n) pearloyster.
(n) aloe vera.
(n) mother-of-pearl.
(n) beard.
(v) have a wind-fall.
(n) oyster shell mecklace.
(n) monsoon.
(n) love; be-nevolence.
(v) wishwell.
(v) pray for others.
(v) lose feeling.
(v) request; ask earnestly.
(n) complimentary gift.
(n) ripe tamarind fruit.
(n) red tamarind tree.
(n) tamarind tree.
(n) mantra.
(n) /man dar le/muscovy duck.
(n) /man nay gyar/manager.
(n) puffed
(v) become inflamed and sepic.
(v) recite.
(n) pride.
(v) become mellowed.
(v) vie with each other.
(v) take pride.
(v) be haughty.
(v) be forceful.
(v) growl.
(v) be intoxicated.
(v) scold.
(n) early summer.
(n) barnwon.
(adv) give a speech.
(n) speech; address.
(n) girl.
(n) vagina.
(n) woman.
(n) granny knot.
(n) womanly artifice.
(n) brothel keeper.
(n) woman of loose moral character.
(n) prostitute.
(n) chaperon.
narrow mindedly.
(n) sissy; pansy.
(n) gentle sex.
(v) be unconscious.
(n) must; musth.
(n) mustard oil.
(n) mustard.
(n) ferpalm.
(n) storm.
(v) be on musth.
(v) be in musth.
(n) radish plant.
(n) radish.
(n) sugar beet.
(n) beet root.
(n) carrot.
(n) snack.
(n) rusk.
(n) steamed rice cake.
(n) glutin rice flakes.
(n) puffed glutin rice with palm sugar.
(n) dough.
(n) rice noodles.
(n) batter.
(n) snacks.
(n) steamed rice cake.
(n) pocket.
(n) rice noodle.
(n) into powder.
(n) rice flour.
(n) thin glutin rice crispies.
(n) glutin rice doughnuts.
(n) fried dumpling of glutin rice.
(n) boiled.
(adv) tinned biscuits.
(n) rice noodles with gravy.
(v) hate intensely.
(v) hate; dislike.
(n) Indian purple moorhen.
(n) mandolin.
(adv) dusky colour; filth; excrement.
(n) bed pan; ch ber pot/
(n) ginger like herb.
(n) ruling line.
(n) curved line.
(v) be abundant.
(n) before long.
(adv) many; much.
(adv) generally.
(v) be many; be much; be plenty.
(n) moonstone; feldspar.
(n) mangrove stem.
(n) myaw dwinn/feldspar mine.
(n) plankton.
(adj) myaw thaw/long; lengthy.
(v) float; drift; faint.
(n) species.
(v) swallow; gobble; envelop.
(v) keep suppressed.
(n) kind; type; category; class.
(v) be no longer productive.
(v) conceive.
(n) sow.
different breed.
(v) sow.
(n) patriot.
(n) patriotism.
(n) for eigtner.
(n) taxonomy.
(n) genus.
(n) seed.
(v) sow seed.
(n) order.
(n) hybried.
(adj) various.
(n) generation.
(v) keep sed for the next.
(v) come to an end.
(v) reproduce; breed.
(v) hatch; culture.
(n) one who tarnishes race or nation.
(v) tarnish the race or nation.
(n) heredity.
(v) be hereditary.
(n) family.
(n) pure stock paddy seed.
(n) seed farm; nursery.
(v) be fecund.
(n) frantically.
(adv) blind person.
(v) hate the sight of.
(v) lose sight of.
(v) have ptosis.
(n) cornea.
(n) enmity.
(n) eyering.
(v) turn a blind eye to.
(n) eye socket.
(n) edge of eyelid.
(n) trachoma.
(n) eye brow.
(n) eyepus.
(n) Lose sight of.
(n) eyelid.
(v) raise eyebrow.
(n) eye.
(v) make eyes.
(adj) well-informed.
(v) have insomnia.
(v) be sharp-eyed.
(v) have a sty on eyelid.
(v) have sore eyes.
(v) be blurred.
(v) be tired-eyed.
(v) lose facial composure.
(v) have poor eyesight.
(v) mistake for another.
(v) wink.
(v) close eyes; blink.
(v) get used to seeing.
(v) be well experienced.
(v) feel embarrassed by sight.
(v) be quick eyed.
(v) find confusing.
(v) overlook.
(n) downcast look; forlorn look.
(v) in peace and tranquility.
(adv) cast a side glance.
(n) eyedrops.
(n) jasper stone.
(n) eye ball.
(n) eyelash.
(v) have sunken eyes.
(n) eyelash.
(n) iris.
(n) face; direction.
(v) gain favour.
(n) person of position or influence.
(v) be snobbish.
(v) have a stern main.
(n) ceiling.
(v) put on a fawning look.
(v) face; confront.
(n) small fry.
(n) façade; frontage.
(n) stanger.
(v) be familiar.
(n) face; countenance.
(n) stern.
(v) feel embarrassed.
(n) facial expression.
(v) have a sober look.
(n) features.
(v) scowl.
(v) lose face.
(v) show one’s face.
(n) surface.
(v) brazenly.
(adv) be have brazenly.
(n) love potion.
(v) be popular.
(n) mask; cover.
(v) flirt.
(v) give birth to a child.
(v) face.
(n) unabashed look.
(n) fawningly.
(adv) acquaintance.
(v) ignore.
(v) favour.
(n) acquaintance.
(v) wash face.
(n) face towel.
(v) look unhappy; displeased.
(n) slit of eye.
(n) pouch under the eyes.
(n) sclera.
(v) be in a serious condition.
(n) the blind.
(v) loath the sight of some body.
(n) asitis.
(n) as personally witnessed.
(adv) eye witness.
(v) become patible.
(n) narrow-eyed person.
(n) space between eyebrows.
(n) spectacles; eyeglasses.
(v) scowl; frown.
(n) spectacles; eyeglasses.
(n) estimation by sight.
(v) recognize.
(n) conjunctivz.
(n) crease in eyelid.
(n) tear.
(v) beseech in tears.
(n) mole in the bear path.
(v) tearfully.
(adv) continually in tears.
(adv) weep and wail in grief.
(n) tear gas bomb.
(v) tearfully.
(adv) easily moved to tears.
(n) facial expression or sign.
(n) eye-ball; orb.
(n) eyeshape and eyeset.
(n) orbit.
(n) magic.
(n) magician; comjuror.
(n) eye-lid.
(n) vividly.
(adv) iris.
(n) white of eye.
(v) sprain; be angry.
(n) monkey; head of coin.
(n) medicinal creeper.
(n) mucuna creeper.
(n) tall firewood tree.
(n) kind of elm.
(n) Indian ebony.
(n) bird lime.
(v) flip or toss up a coin.
(v) keep a paramour.
(adv) restlessly.
(adv) nap.
(n) hasp.
(n) monkey jack.
(n) flowering climber.
(n) gibbon.
(n) ape.
(n) capuchin monkey.
(n) white yam.
(n) line.
(n) zebra crossing.
(v) draw lines.
(n) oblique line.
(n) straight ruler.
(n) parallel lines.
(n) vertical line.
(n) horizontal line.
(n) cylindrical ruler.
(n) crossed cheque.
(v) draw a line.
(adj) emerald green.
(n) emerald cut.
(n) emerald green colour.
(n) microcosm tree.
(n) arrow; purlin.
(n) quiver.
(n) upas.
(n) bow shot.
(v) indicate direct –ion with an arrow.
(n) reed for weaving mats.
(n) feather; vane.
(n) arrow head design.
(v) head for; go for.
(n) debt.
(v) lend money; give loans.
(n) debtor.
(n) creditor.
(n) tail.
(n) teenager.
(n) tail feather.
(n) tail of fowls lor birds.
(n) coccyx.
(n) white faced wagtail.
(n) earwing.
(n) sacrum.
(n) tail.
(n) rice noodles with meat and beans.
(n) collared scope-owl.
(n) mist; haze; fog.
(n) fog bank.
(n) thin wheat noodles.
(n) long necked pot.
(n) municipal corporation.
(n) goose foot.
(v) lure; entice; tempt; persuade.
(n) earthen pot for toddy sap.
(v) make merry.
(v) be in high spirit.
(n) earth; ground land.
(n) earth bunker.
(n) earth; ground; land; soil.
(n) surely; definitely.
(adv) plot of land.
(v) mark land into plots.
(n) serf.
(n) bandicoot;field rat.
(v) bury the dead.
(n) scraper.
(n) fox; mole cricket.
(v) plough the land.
(n) land tax.
(n) hooded pitta.
(n) earth vapour.
(v) lease a land.
(n) innocent victim.
(n) Bermuda grass.
(n) earth wire.
(n) clod.
(v) try out a venture.
(n) virgin soil.
(n) fertility.
(n) top soil.
(n) ochre.
(n) humus.
(n) ground floor.
(n) grader.
(v) add fertilizer.
(n) land-surveying.
(n) land mass.
(n) bulldozer.
(n) earthern ware.
(n) mineral products.
(n) red ochre.
(n) alluvial land.
(v) illreat the hapless.
(n) ground nut; peanut.
(n) peanut brittle.
(n) peanut candy.
(n) roasted peanut.
(adj) above ground.
(n) landowner.
(n) purslane.
(n) mound; map;sand model.
(n) prickly eggplant.
(n) cartography.
(n) map reading.
(v) read a map.
(n) tomato.
(n) ground.
(n) flat land; plain.
(n) chalk.
(n) dust.
(n) system of landowning.
(n) land – lord.
(n) thrush.
(n) whip-snake.
(n) mid-land.
(n) vacant land.
(n) scorched earth policy.
(v) raze.
(n) earth stratum.
(n) Indian night jar
(n) chuck of burnt earth.
(n) aroma of burnt earth.
(n) uncharted land.
(n) fertilizer; manure.
(adj) underground.
(n) grand child.
(v) be stead fast.
(v) be firm; fast.
(v) be in a coma.
(v) feel limp and wobbly.
(v) perceive.
(v) see;look.
(adv) city; town.
(n) metropolis.
(n) urbane person.
(n) garrison.
(n) capital.
(n) mayor.
(n) city dwellers.
(n) township.
(n) boundary road; circular road.
(n) civil.
(n) city proper.
(n) city elders.
(n) satellite town.
(n) city wall.
(n) siege unit.
(n) piquantly.
(n) grass.
(n) sedge.
(n) lawns turf.
(n) grassland.
(n) lawn mower.
(n) scythe.
(n) grass fodder.
(n) hay.
(n) grass broom.
(n) grass bundle.
(n) crab grass.
(n) tuft of grass.
(n) grass mat.
(n) sedge.
(n) grass snake.
(n) grass seeds.
(n) barnyard grass.
(v) be sharp; strong.
(n) north.
(adj) numerous.
(v) be high.
(v) instantly.
(v) be scorched.
(n) scope.
(n) panorama; Cinerama; cinemascope.
(v) hate the sigh of.
(n) any and every –thing.
(n) in full view.
(n) male bamboo.
(v) see; perceive.
(adj) lofty; tall.
(adj) heaped; elevated.
(adj) noble.
(adj) high; tall.
(n) horse; pony.
(n) foal.
(n) horse power.
(n) even the best can err.
(n) zebra.
(n) horse shoe.
( (n) Hydrocotyle asiatica
(n) oats.
(n) stable.
(n) horse-race.
(n) angioma; wen.
(n) mare.
(n) filly.
(n) horse tail; catgut.
(n) ghari; horse-coah.
(n) stallion.
(v) bet on a horse race.
(n) bridle path; cattle path.
(n) pony cart.
(n) collared scops-wol.
(n) pile; haemorr-hoids
(n) realgar; red orpi -ment.
(n) ravine.
(n) ditch; gutter; drain.
(n) clear a clogged drain.
(adv) main drain.
(n) quartz crystal.
(v) mate; rut.
(n) reverberation of sound in a forest.
(v) be rich in variety.
(n) river.
(n) place beyond rivers and streams.
(n) river bank.
(n) defile of a river.
(n) river bank.
(n) river bend.
(n) single-dose remedy.
(n) branches of a river in the delta.
(n) wharf.
(n) confluence of a river.
(n) root stock.
(n) river term.
(n) expanse of a river.
(v) originate.
(n) chronic cure remedy.
(n) main root.
(n) river which flows directly into the sea.
(n) river level.
(n) tributary.
(n) cancer.
(n) delta.
(n) river basin.
(v) cry.
(v) lament; bewail.
(v) nag; scold.
(v) sound.
(v) sound loudly.
(v) be tender;be razor sharp.
(v) ass; donkey.
(v) sample; nibble.
(n) the exalted Buddha.
(v) adore.
(n) red jasmine.
(n) sta ipomea.
(adj) noble.
(v) gain profit.
(n) fringe; tassel.
(v) be quick; be speedy; be prompt.
(n) the people of Myanmar.
(n) Myanmar.
(n) Myanmar translation.
(n) Myanmar culture.
(adj) quick; swift; fast; rapid.
(v) engage.
(v) with relish.
(v) relish; enjoy.
(v) sink; be submerged.
(n) blood;nest.
(v) remain silent.
(v) sterile;be barren.
(v) chew slowly with relish;munch.
(v) be spongy;be flaky.
(n) relics of Buddha or a arahats.
(n) mattress.
(v) enjoy.
(v) enjoy;take delight.
(n) newly born.
(n) gratitude toward parents.
(n) furuncle.
(n) sibiling.
(v) adopt.
(n) terry-cloth towel.
(n) soft body hair.
(n) follicle.
(n) birth-day.
(n) birthday.
(n) culturedpearl.
(v) be born; give birth to a child.
(n) animal husbandry.
(v) breed; rear; raise.
(n) date of birth.
(n) birth place.
(n) birth month.
(n) patient in maternity.
(n) birth certificate.
(n) father.
(n) mother.
(adv) date of birth.
(n) infancy.
(v) give birth;be born;keep.
(adj) dull and faded.
(v) invite poverty.
(v) become a pauper.
(n) matt-blugrey.
(adj) dull;poor;destitute.
(n) Muslim.
(adj) smooth.
(v) be famished.
(v) be famished;be hungry.
(adj) noble; orthy.
(adj) polite;courteous;refined.
(n) one national group of Myanmar.
(adj) noble.
(n) midday;noon.
(n) midday;high noon.
(n) meridian.
(n) early afternoon.
(n) refresher course;up grading course.
(v) raise;upgrade.
(n) afternoon.
(v) be smothered;be suffocated.
(v) be suffocated.
(n) love letter.
(v) send word;leave word.
(n) case closed as mistake.
(adj) wrong;incorrect.
(v) do wrong;go wrong.
(n) dependant.
(v) depend.
(v) make reference.
(v) take refuge in;reside.
(v) live on.
(v) lean against.
(n) back cushion.
(v) base on;adapt.
(n) draft.
(n) version.
(n) criminal act;legal case.
(v) lay down basic principles.
(n) copy right.
(v) lose composure.
(v) change policy.
(v) be abnormal.
(n) norm; standard.
(n) wiles.
(n) original.
(n) basic pay.
(n) origin.
(n) primary class.
(n) nursery school.
(n) root cause.
(n) bolt.
(n) secondary or subsidiary.
(n) nut.
(v) fasten with bolt.
(v) regard.
(n) small stream.
(v) skimp and save.
(n) niggardly; miserly.
(v) niggardly.
(adv) feel dizzy and sick.
narcotic drugs.
(v) Be intoxicated.
(v) be giddy; dizzy; drunk.
, (adv) commit adultery.
(v) fade;lose luster.
(v) be slit-eyed;catnap.
(n) mole.
(n) mole changing position or appear once.
(v) overturn;capsize.
(n) alga;duck-weed;pondscum.
(n) Indian sorrel.
(n) jade mine.
(n) sorcery;spell.
(n) gloomy forest.
(n) mushroom;funfus;;mould;mildew.
(n) bed of mushrooms.
(n) scathingly.
(n) pickled mushroom.
(n) dired fungi.
(v) become moulded.
(n) water clover.
(n) down from dried let pan fruits.
(n) gnat.
(n) thrush.
(v) in prone position.
(n) composure;poise.
(n) goblin.
(n) goblin.
(n) be dazed.
(v) be composed.
(n) pitch dark.
(n) shadows.
(n) black market trade.
(n) black market.
(v) hide in the dark;trade illegally.
(v) blackout.
(adj) dark;pitch dark.
(n) pitch dark.
(n) shadow;dark place.
(adj) dark.
(v) disturb;trouble;annoy.
(v) mope: bedown cast.
(n) fumes.
(v) smoke; inhale fumes.
(v) fumigate.
(v) help; aid.
(v) be captivated.
(n) richly patterned carpet.
(adj) dull.
(v) death a ripe old age.
(adj) ripe
(v) be ripe.
(n) touchstone.
(v) put to test.
(n) notes; remarks.
(v) observe; remark.
(n) notes.
(v) rub on a touchstone.
(n) bus stop; boundary pillar.
(n) record; register.
(v) record.
(v) bear in mind.
(n) registration card.