Adobe Written Test On 5th April 2009there Were 4 Sections DS 10 Ds Quesions Java/J2EE 15 Java Questions+ 5 J2ee Analytical Quanta
Adobe Written Test On 5th April 2009there Were 4 Sections DS 10 Ds Quesions Java/J2EE 15 Java Questions+ 5 J2ee Analytical Quanta
Adobe Written Test On 5th April 2009there Were 4 Sections DS 10 Ds Quesions Java/J2EE 15 Java Questions+ 5 J2ee Analytical Quanta
1)transiant variable
2) difference between wait() notify() and notifyall()
3)2 questions on output
5) choose the correct variable declaration
6)what is a thin client
7)j2ee componenets
8)diffenece between entity bean and session bean
question on macro
#define SUM(A,B) (A * B)
#define MUL(A,B) (A) + (B)
value = SUM( SUM(a-b , b) + MUL (a,b) ) - SUM( MUL (b,a) + SUM(a, b-a) )
To find smallest common Ancestor of two given nodes of BST. ?? Really tough one.
To print 2's compliment of binary no. given in string. output should also be in string only.
11. to find missing no. from unsorted array without using another array.
3. Adobe Puzzles
Most of the problems in adobe are solved here, though it is not mentioned that they are from
Adobe, so this means he has to go through them as many as possible
The C/Java/quant are from
The questions are mostly (99%) theoretical, or algo type
If he is fresher then there will aloso be an apti n quant paper. Otherwiser only two papers
Enginerring - based on college courses
C/Java - whatever opt for - this too is theoretical
Questions like
what is transient variable
what is finally
what is the significance of package
wree asked.
You have N computers and [Ca, Cb] means a is connected to b and this connectivity is
symmetric and transitive. then write a program which checks that all computers are
interconnected and talk two each other
Some code in assembly was given and given five options. What is being calculated?
Ans (XY) 2 + Y + Z
Some commands in the assembly language were given. Then need to convert this code in
Add- Adds top 2 elemnrts from stack and pushes the result back in to it
and others
The code is
RE: how will you find the number of leaf nodes in a tr...
FindLeafNodes(Tree *root)
I have given the test on 25 February for the Developer. This was for the experienced
Both of the paper has 10 questions and 10 marks for each test. And each test is for 45
C Paper:
2. What is wrong with the code? The code was for conversion from Celsius to
degF =5/9*(c+32)
In code this line was wrong as we want 5/9 and that to be multiplied with bracket
3. What are Data breakpoints? Give two scenarios where we make the use of this
5. Write the function for changing a number from hexadecimal to integer htoi(s
7. You have N computers and [Ca, Cb] means a is connected to b and this
connectivity is symmetric and transitive. then write a program which checks that
8. WAP to find Depth of tree program. We were given the structure of the node
using that we need to write the code.
9. In binary search we have two comparisons one for greater than and other for less
than the mid value. Optimize so that we need to check only once
10. Question was some what like we need to write the function so that we get the two
remember the question exactly. But this was the only question in proper language
Engineering Paper:
2. Some code in assembly was given and given five options. What is being calculated?
Ans (XY) 2 + Y + Z
4. Expression was given. Draw tree and then find the postfix
Some commands in the assembly language were given. Then need to convert this code in
The engineering paper was totally based on the Data Structure, simple assembly
So read Arrays, Linked list, postfix prefixes inorder post order etc.
Hai guys,
C. Computers: data structires (linklist and graph.. a question on quad-a tree with max 4
nodes), algorithms (writing a few), compilers (make a dfa of a given expression), output
[1 hour]
eg .. arraA[1 2 3 4 5]
4. check for divisibility by 3 without using /,*,% when you have itoa() available
2) Given two integers A & B. Determine how many bits required to convert
3) Write an algorithm to insert a node into sorted linked list. After inserting,
6) Write a funcn int round (float x) to round off a floating point num to int.
7) write an ALP to find sum of First n natural numbers using the following Instructions
1. 15 min Logical Ability test: Simple syllogism based questions, sequence related
questions, etc
number system
17. there was one set of questions on the DI question on 20 -25 were on this graph
It was about the total mass of human body is 70,000 gms
Muscles 30000
Bones 10000
Blood 5000
And the second one tells the which parts ,,something like that
Ans 2.4%
3. 45 min Testing concept test: 20 objective multiple choice qustions like binary form of
numbers, virtual memory, lossy compression, while loop, if-then-else, error codes.
1. Winzip is a
a. lossy compression
b. lossless Compression
d image
a. memory leagkage
6. If the time is very limited for the testing then what would u test in the application.
c.go to the test plan and run the test based on the priority
I would suggest to go thru all the definition like what is regretion testing .what is unit
1 Test Case Writing questions: 10 test cases for entering 3 values representing sides of a
triangle and the program giving output as scalene, isosceles or eqilauteral (10 Marks)
1 Output of a calculator and finding the error in the output, write the defect log for the
bug (5 Marks)
1 Ques on weather Dev should do the testing or not. Give 3 reason on favour and 2
1 Question diff between priority of a bug and severity of a bug. Give example of one case
where priority is high but severity is low and one case where severity is high bur priority
is low.
1 Question on a program that calculates P=R/I where R, I are integer inputs and P a
1. Software test: One hour Software test. U will be placed on a system with an application
opened that is containing bugs in it. A reference doc will be provided where u will find
the description of six modules of the application. U have to find maximum number of
bugs in those six modules given in the reference doc in one hour. Each module contains
at least one bug. U will have to keep writing the bug in a paper provided to u as u keep
1st will be by a Senior Team member level guy, focusing on everything from simple
codes to find errors in them, writing simple algos, giving very simple puzzles, test cases
for a marker, ur projects, about urself, etc. The guy will keep giving hints and help u to
2nd will be by a Manager level guy, based on ur technical skills, puzzles to be solved on
the whiteboard in front of him, algo to reverse a string using array, questions on ur
projects, test cases of a duster, the projects u have mentioned in ur CV. More of a
3rd will be by a senior HR on why Adobe, what keeps u going, where r u placed in ur
4th will be by a Senior Team member level guy, focusing only on puzzles, lots of puzzles
and scenario based test cases, like how to test an imaging application that removes the red
eye affect from an image, test cases of an VOIP phone. The guy will keep giving hints
5th will be by a Senior Team member level guy, focusing on problem solving approach,
particular system, what all can be the reasons. The guy will sort of discuss with u the
problem and will try to find out the solution at the same time assessing ur problem
solving skill. Then he will play a logical game, then some general questions, test cases for