HKK March 2011

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Healthy Kansas Kids

A Program of Child Care Aware® of Kansas

Volume 3 Issue 3 March 2011

"We have to do
Poison Prevention
Parents know that young the age of 5 are caused dangerous.
everything we children are curious by by medicine. Children
can to give nature. Curiosity is good have faster metabolisms Never leave poisons
for the development of than adults and any- where kids can reach
children a them, even for a sec-
little brains and bodies. thing they ingest will be
healthy and ond.
But curiosity can turn absorbed into the blood-
supportive dangerous if kids are get- stream very quickly.” Buy child-resistant
family environ- ting into cabinets under packages when avail-
the kitchen sink where Each year, emergency
ment." services and poison able.
hazardous chemicals are
- Hillary stored or into the medi- control centers in the Don‟t take medicine or
Rodham cine cabinet where adult United States receive vitamins in front of
over a million calls as a kids. Don‟t call them
Clinton medicines are kept.
result of accidental poi- “candy.”
March 20-26, 2011, is soning of children ages
For more ideas, National Poison Pre- 5 and under. Nearly 90 Keep the poison control
information, vention Week, a week percent of these toxic hotline number, 1-800-
designated by Congress exposures occur in the 222-1222, and local
recipes and emergency numbers by
since 1961 to highlight home. Over half of the
resources to the dangers of poisons accidental poisonings every phone.
keep your chil- and how to prevent them. involve non- Call 911 if a child is
dren happy, Information is available pharmaceutical products choking, can‟t breathe
for parents to help them such as cosmetics, or is having a seizure.
healthy and safe,
understand how to prop- cleansers, personal care Otherwise take the
join the Healthy erly store hazardous ma- products, plants, pesti- product to the phone
Kansas Kids terials – such as cleaning cides, art supplies, alco- and call the poison
Group page on products or medication – hol and toys. control hotline.
out of their children‟s
Facebook. reach. Here are a few safety For more home safety tips,
tips to help make your please visit the website,
Child-resistant packaging home safer: For
is credited with saving information about other
hundreds of children‟s Lock up poisons out
of sight and reach of poison prevention re-
lives since it began in the sources, please visit the
1970s. However, there is kids. This includes
In This Issue: makeup, medicine, website,
no substitute for active
supervision and child- cleaning products,
proofing. pesticides, art sup-
Poison 1 plies, beer, wine and
Prevention “If a product label says liquor. Safety
„keep out of reach of chil- latches come in a
dren,‟ there‟s a reason,” variety of sizes and
Healthy 2 says Alan Korn, director designs and can be
Eating of public policy and gen- found at home im-
Habits eral counsel for Safe Kids provement stores.
USA. “Keep those dan-
gerous things up high and Read labels to find
Seussical 2 in a locked cabinet. Al- out what is poison-
Green Eggs most half of poison expo- ous. Know which
sures for children under plants in and around
your home can be
Page 2
Healthy Eating Habits
Struggling with a picky Older kids can chop fruits parents eating
eater? Is your child in a and vegetables, with su- healthy food. Studies
food rut, asking for the pervision. Thank children show that kids who
same foods week after for their help and re- sit down to eat with
week? Teaching children member to overlook the their families have
healthy eating habits is a less-than-perfect. healthier attitudes
challenge for many par- towards food and eat
ents. Here are some Shop together more nutritious foods
ways that parents can – if the parents are a
help their children ex- In addition to preparing role model for good
pand their food horizons meals, kids should be nutrition and eating
and experience the involved in selecting habits.
enjoyment of new foods. It‟s the best way
and healthy foods. to teach them about Eating together also
healthy foods. Children allows families to dis-
Prepare meals will enjoy the shopping cuss making healthy
together experience if you give food choices. Intro-
them a job to do, such as duce the easy-to-
Kids are more likely finding an item to match remember categories
to eat foods, even a coupon, counting or- of Go and Slow foods.
unusual ones, they anges or yogurts for Go foods can be
helped create. Put each family member, or eaten anytime your
your kids in charge putting twist ties on pro- children are hungry.
of a few things and duce bags. Make a game They should be avail-
everyone‟s enjoy- out of selecting fruits and able for snacks and
ment of the family vegetables by asking be a part of every
meal will increase. your child to create a meal. Go foods are
Look through cook- rainbow in the cart using nutritious! Slow foods
books together or fresh, frozen and canned can be eaten some-
get inspiration from items. This is also a times, but less often
a children‟s book way to encourage trying than Go foods. Slow
like Green Eggs and new foods and introduce foods are higher in
Ham by Dr. Seuss. the concept of shopping fat, added sugar, and
After you‟ve selected for seasonal produce. calories. Often, they
some healthy recipes, don‟t have the nutri-
assign jobs. Toddlers can Eat together ents little bodies need
be given a job, like tear- to grow strong and
ing washed lettuce for a Family meal time is a healthy. At meal
salad or placing napkins great way to socialize time, reinforce the
at each place setting. and share the events of concept by asking
Preschool age children the day. It can also be a kids if the items they
can pour and stir ingredi- time for children to try are eating are Go
ents before baking. new foods and see their foods or Slow foods.

Seussical Green Eggs

On March 2nd, celebrate 4 large eggs about 1-2 min. Transfer
the birthday of Dr. to a food processor and
Seuss by reading Green 2 large egg whites puree until smooth.
Eggs and Ham with your nonstick cooking Whisk eggs, puree, and
child. Follow the book spray salt together. Spray a
with a batch of these skillet with nonstick
healthy eggs and watch pinch of salt spray and set the pan
them disappear! Melt 1 t. of margarine in over medium heat. Add
a nonstick skillet over remaining 1 t. marga-
2 t. margarine rine and heat until
medium heat. Add the
1 lb. baby spinach, spinach and cook until melted. Add egg mix-
washed and drained the spinach wilts, stir- ture, reduce heat to low,
ring often. Add milk and and cook 2-3 minutes,
3 T. low fat milk stirring occasionally.
cook to evaporate,

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