Natural History Note: Parasite-Induced Fruit Mimicry in A Tropical Canopy Ant
Natural History Note: Parasite-Induced Fruit Mimicry in A Tropical Canopy Ant
Natural History Note: Parasite-Induced Fruit Mimicry in A Tropical Canopy Ant
1. Florida Medical Entomology Laboratory, Vero Beach, Florida Parasites can modify characteristics of arthropod hosts in
32962; diverse ways to facilitate their transmission to subsequent
2. Department of Zoology, University of Oklahoma, Norman,
hosts (Holmes and Bethel 1972; Hurd 1990; Schmid-
Oklahoma 73019;
3. Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Apartado 2072, Balboa, Hempel 1998; Moore 2002). These modifications often are
Panama; behavioral, with infected individuals presenting no other
4. Department of Integrative Biology, University of California, obvious phenotypic differences from uninfected conspe-
Berkeley, California 94720; cifics (Sheiman et al. 2006; reviewed by Moore [2002]).
5. Department of Zoology, Oregon State University, Corvallis, However, frequently the altered behaviors are accompa-
Oregon 97331
nied by physical changes that make the host more con-
Submitted July 16, 2007; Accepted October 23, 2007; spicuous, such as an increase in contrast or size. In such
Electronically published February 15, 2008 cases, the modifications may not be directly involved in
facilitation of transmission (Moore 2002) but will be fa-
vored by selection when the terminal host is a visual pred-
ator prone to consume rare morphs (i.e., oddity selection,
novelty selection, or antiapostatic foraging; Curio 1976;
abstract: Some parasites modify characteristics of intermediate hosts
to facilitate their consumption by subsequent hosts, but examples of Lindström et al. 2001). Many suggestive examples of this
parasite-mediated mimicry are rare. Here we report dramatic changes increased conspicuousness strategy exist, but most are not
in the appearance and behavior of nematode-parasitized ants such that supported by field data (Holmes and Bethel 1972; Hurd
they resemble ripe fruits in the tropical rain forest canopy. Unlike 1990; Moore 2002).
healthy ants, which are completely black, infected ants have bright red, Whereas increasing the conspicuousness of familiar pal-
berry-like gasters full of parasite eggs. The infected gasters are held in
atable prey may be a common and effective parasite trans-
a conspicuous elevated position as the ants are walking, and they are
easily detached from living ants, which also exhibit reduced defensive mission strategy, there are few cases of parasite-induced
responses. This combination of changes presumably makes the infected mimicry, whereby the appearance of an intermediate host
ants attractive to frugivorous birds, which ingest the red gasters and is transformed to the extent that it resembles a completely
pass the parasite eggs in their feces. The feces are collected by ants and different organism. The only terrestrial invertebrate ex-
fed to the developing brood, thus completing the cycle. This is the first ample is the trematode Leucochloridium, which causes the
documentation of parasites causing apparent fruit mimicry in an an-
antennae of infected snails to resemble caterpillars (Moore
imal host to complete their life cycle.
2002). When the intermediate host (i.e., the mimic) has
Keywords: behavior, color, frugivory, interaction, nematode, parasit- a sting or otherwise is distasteful to the subsequent host,
ism, Cephalotes, Myrmeconema. such a transformation should be accompanied by a re-
duction in its defenses. Nematode parasites can have this
effect on Lasius ants, causing them to lack normal defen-
sive responses and venom production (Gösswald 1930),
* Corresponding author. Present address: Department of Biology, University
of Arkansas at Little Rock, 2801 South University Avenue, Little Rock, Ar-
although mimicry is not involved in this example. To our
kansas 72204; e-mail: [email protected]. knowledge, there are no reports of parasites causing ar-
E-mail: [email protected]. thropods to resemble plant parts or of extreme mimicry
E-mail: [email protected]. combined with a change in host defenses. Here we describe
E-mail: [email protected].
what appears to be such a case in the tropical arboreal ant
Am. Nat. 2008. Vol. 171, pp. 536–544. 䉷 2008 by The University of Chicago.
Cephalotes atratus (Formicidae: Myrmicinae).
0003-0147/2008/17104-42731$15.00. All rights reserved. Parasite-induced physical changes (e.g., distended gas-
DOI: 10.1086/528968 ter, intercaste morphology) are fairly common in ants, and
Parasite-Induced Fruit Mimicry 537
a Wilcoxon two-sample test (SAS Institute 2002) using the serting one insect pin on either side of the postpetiole.
count data described above. We similarly tested the relative The pins crossed to create an opening too small for the
frequency of gaster flagging in infected ants versus normal gaster to pass, but large enough to avoid contact with the
ants that were observed during counts. Proportional data postpetiole. The thorax of each ant was grasped in the
were arcsine square-root transformed before analysis (So- terminal clip of a 300-g spring scale, and tension was
kal and Rohlf 1995). Other statistical tests are identified gradually increased along the longitudinal axis of the ant
in the results. until the gaster broke free. Ants were paired a priori by
body size based on HW. We used a similar technique to
measure leg removal forces from seven infected and seven
Effects on Ants
normal ants paired by HW. Ants were secured to the card-
To quantify general physical differences between infected board sheet with pins crossing over the thorax. One midleg
and normal ants, we weighed freshly collected workers to was grasped midfemur in the spring scale clip, and the
the nearest 0.1 mg on an analytical balance and estimated force at breakage of the trochanter-femur joint was re-
body size by measuring head width (HW) behind the eyes corded as described above.
(between the vertex spines) to the nearest 0.01 mm with To put the results of these experiments into a more
digital calipers. We used HW as a surrogate for body size natural context (i.e., to determine whether the red gaster
because it is often correlated with other measures (Corn could easily be plucked from an infected foraging ant), we
1980; Trabalon et al. 2000; but see Kaspari and Weiser measured the force required to dislodge nine normal ants
1999). We dissected the gasters of 10 infected workers to from their typical foraging substrate. A thread was secured
assess general changes in internal anatomy caused by the to the dorsal surface of each ant’s gaster with cyanoacrylate
nematodes. We also collected nematode eggs from three adhesive. A spring scale was connected to the loose end
of the ants and mounted them on microscope slides with of the thread, and the ant was allowed to walk freely on
Euparal following dehydration in an ethanol series. a twig ca. 50 cm long and 1 cm in diameter. The thread
To quantify the change in color of parasitized ants, we was then pulled taut and the tension gradually increased
measured the percentage reflectance of the gasters of 11 until the ant lost its grip on the substrate. We recorded
infected and 11 normal C. atratus workers from 380 to the force at the time of release and measured the HW of
700 nm at 10-nm intervals with a spectroradiometer the ant as described above.
(GretagMacbeth Eye-One, Grandville, MI). We also mea-
sured the reflectance of 11 ripe Hyeronima alchorneoides
Predation by Birds
(Euphorbiaceae) fruits present in the general area of in-
fected colonies for comparison with the red gasters (fig. We conducted three experiments to estimate relative pre-
2). Each gaster or fruit was measured more than five times dation rates on red gasters and to implicate the potential
and repositioned between recordings. To condense the predators. In the first experiment, two similar-sized C.
large amount of information thus obtained, we used the atratus workers, one infected and one normal, were se-
median reflectance value at each wavelength across the cured to a twig ca. 1 cm in diameter and 30 cm long. The
spectrum to generate a representative profile for each in- ants were spaced 110 cm apart, and each was held in place
dividual ant or fruit. The averages of these individual pro- by a loop of fishing line passed around the twig and trans-
files were plotted for comparison. versely over the thorax between the pronotal and pro-
We observed that infected foragers tend to hold their podeal spines. Thirteen replicates of experimental twigs
gasters in an elevated position (i.e., gaster flag) almost were tied to vines in tree fall gaps or to branches in the
continuously (see “Results”). We hypothesized that this forest canopy on BCI, and a green plastic colander was
behavioral change is simply biomechanical compensation suspended beneath each replicate to collect any fallen ant
for the mass added by the parasite load. To test this, we parts. Each colander was preloaded with a gaster removed
monitored the gait of seven normal workers after increas- from a normal C. atratus to ensure that fallen ant parts
ing the weight of their gasters by adhering fine sand to were not being scavenged by other ants. The experiment
fingernail polish freshly painted on the gaster dorsum. The was checked at least once a day until an ant was missing
ants were weighed before and after this treatment as de- its gaster or had died. Six of the 13 replicate pairs ulti-
scribed above. mately were excluded from the analysis: gasters were miss-
When handled and manipulated in the lab, the gasters ing from both experimental ants in two replicates, both
of infected individuals appeared to readily detach from the ants died before being depredated in three replicates, and
body at the postpetiole junction. To quantify the breaking the red gaster was found in the subtending colander in
strength of this junction, we secured seven normal and one replicate.
seven infected ants to a small sheet of cardboard by in- In the second experiment, we placed various colors of
Parasite-Induced Fruit Mimicry 539
clay balls (red, black, pink, yellow, orange, gray, white, Effects on Ants
blue, green, and brown; Polyform Products, Elk Grove
Village, IL) on the ends of pins (fig. 4). The clay balls were The parasite has multiple physical and behavioral effects
ca. 5 mm in diameter (similar to the gaster diameter of a on the ants (table 1). The most conspicuous of these is
medium-sized C. atratus worker) and were serially ar- the change in color from black to red (figs. 1, 2). Although
ranged along vines or tree branches at the BCI, ACTS, and the greatest degree of color change is restricted to the
CICRA field sites (n p 27 replicate series, all sites com- gaster, many individuals also show some reddening of the
bined). The pins in a given linear series were separated by femora (fig. 1). Dissection of normal and infected workers
ca. 10 cm and inserted at an acute angle such that each revealed that the mechanism for the color change does
clay ball was elevated 1–2 cm above the bark surface. The not involve production of red pigmentation. Instead, the
order of the 10 colors in each series was haphazard. The exoskeletal structure or pigment density of the gaster is
clay balls were examined for damage once per day after altered in infected ants such that it becomes translucent
placement. amber, which, in combination with the yellowish nema-
In the final experiment, we fed one infected and one tode eggs held inside, causes a bright red appearance. Gas-
normal C. atratus worker to a free-range chicken housed ter reddening is not uniform among infected workers, and
at CICRA for use in an unrelated research project. We the extent of discoloration is correlated with certain be-
collected feces deposited by the chicken immediately havioral changes, as described below. Reflectance profiles
before and 1.5, 2.5, and 13 h after feeding it the ants. for the gasters of infected ants were similar in shape and
The feces were preserved in 70% ethanol and examined intensity to those for mature Hyeronima alchorneoides
for the presence of ant parts and nematode eggs under fruits (fig. 2).
40# magnification. Apart from the change in color, parasitized ants con-
To quantify the proportion of bird feces gathered by the sistently exhibit two other external anatomical differences
ants, we collected 1300 large particulate food items from from normal ants. First, infected workers are 10% smaller
C. atratus foragers returning to the nest of an infected but 40% heavier than similar-sized uninfected ants (Poinar
colony on BCI in May 2007. Collections were made be- and Yanoviak 2008; fig. 3). This incongruous weight gain
tween 0900 and 1730 hours for 0.5–2 h per day over 5 is due to the parasite load. The rate of mass increase was
days. All bird feces encountered in these samples were similar between infected and normal ants (t-test for dif-
dissected in 1% saline solution under 40# magnification. ference in slopes; t p 1.41, df p 1, P p .16; fig. 3). Sec-
ond, the parasite causes significant weakening of the post-
petiole-gaster junction. The average (ⳲSE) tensile force
required to remove the gaster from an infected ant is one-
fourteenth (18 Ⳳ 3.9 g) that for a healthy ant (254 Ⳳ
Results 28.2 g; paired t p 9.66, df p 6, P ! .0001). The ants ad-
here to twig surfaces with 15 Ⳳ 1.2 g of force; thus, the
Four of the 101 Cephalotes atratus colonies examined (all parasite-laden gaster may be plucked from a forager with-
sites pooled) were infected: three in Panama (two on BCI out removing the ant from its natural substrate (t p
and one near Camino de Cruces) and one at CICRA in 0.81, df p 14, P p .43). This is not true for healthy ants.
Peru. Infection rates (based on red-gastered workers ob-
served outside the nests) averaged 3.5% for the two par- Table 1: Principal effects of tetradonematid infection
asitized colonies on BCI (range p 1.5%–10.0% of workers on Cephalotes atratus workers
per count). In contrast, only three red-gastered foragers Target characteristic Appearance
were found out of several thousand workers encountered
Physical effect:
in the CICRA colony, but dissection of that colony’s brood Gaster Red, full of eggs
showed the actual infection rate to be ca. 6% (Poinar and Body size (HW) 10% smaller
Yanoviak 2008). The infection rate was not determined for Mass 40% heavier
the colony at Camino de Cruces. Gaster-postpetiole junction 93% weaker
Infected ants did not accumulate disproportionately at Internal organs Nerve cord damage
stationary patches of food resources, as we had hypoth- Behavioral effect:
esized. The average relative abundance of infected workers Gaster flagging Virtually constant
foraging at tuna baits (3.0%, n p 10 counts, range p Gait Erect and unstable
1.2%–5.0%) was similar to their abundance among work- Alarm/defensive pheromone
ers running along vines (3.3%, range p 1.3%–5.0%, production Little or none
General activity Sluggish
z p 0.49, P p .62).
540 The American Naturalist
Figure 1: Normal (A) and infected (B) Cephalotes atratus workers. Scale bar ≈ 2 mm.
This exoskeletal weakening is restricted to the postpetiole- bite when handled) and produce no detectable alarm
gaster junction; there was no difference in the force re- pheromones when intentionally disturbed. (Like many
quired to remove legs from normal (159 Ⳳ 10.6 g) and Cephalotes species, C. atratus produces alarm chemicals
infected (143 Ⳳ 13.0 g) workers (paired t p 1.44, df p that are distasteful and have a strong odor readily detected
6, P p .23). by humans.) They also are the most sluggish and the most
Dissection of infected and uninfected ants revealed that unstable among infected ants. In contrast, ants with in-
the physical effects of the parasite extend to their internal complete reddening of the gaster occasionally release alarm
anatomy. The gastrointestinal tract and Malpighian tubules pheromones when disturbed, show typical levels of ag-
of infected ants were completely intact, but the portion of gression and defense, and have a normal gait apart from
the ventral nerve cord located in the gasters of infected continuous gaster flagging. The extent and intensity of
ants consistently appeared atrophied and dark in color. In redness increases as the nematode embryos develop into
most cases, it was clearly visible as a dark semicircle or first-instar worms (see Poinar and Yanoviak 2008).
coil under the translucent gastral sternites. Further dis-
section showed that the parasites are not found in other
Predation by Birds
regions of the ant apart from the gaster.
Nematode infection has several behavioral effects on the Gaster removal rates were higher for infected than for
ants in addition to the physical effects described above normal ants when they were presented in tethered pairs
(table 1). Most conspicuous among these is nearly constant in the field on BCI (binomial test, P p .055). The missing
gaster flagging (frequency among infected workers p gasters in these replicates were not found in the respective
94.5%, range p 86%–100%, n p 10 counts) relative to colanders, nor were the “seed” gasters removed from the
normal workers (3.9%, range p 2.7%–5.8%; Wilcoxon colanders. In the second predation experiment, red and
two-sample test, z p 3.77, P p .0002). Adding sand to pink clay balls (combined) either were attacked by birds
the gasters of normal workers increased their mass by an or were missing more often than the other colors com-
average of 47% (range p 7%–120%) and caused minor bined (G-test; G p 4.61, df p 1, P p .036). Bird attacks
instability when walking, but did not stimulate continuous were distinguishable from damage caused by other animals
gaster flagging or otherwise alter their behaviors in ways because of the V-shaped impressions left in the clay (fig.
resembling infected workers. 4). Finally, hundreds of intact tetradonematid eggs ap-
Changes in the appearance and behavior of the ants are peared in the chicken feces between 2.5 and 13 h after the
associated with each other and linked to development of chicken was fed an infected ant.
the nematodes. Specifically, individuals with the greatest The majority of the solid material carried by foraging
amount of red coloration are less aggressive (they do not C. atratus consisted of bird feces (68%), followed by dead
Parasite-Induced Fruit Mimicry 541
Figure 2: A, Reflectance profiles of gasters of normal and infected Cephalotes atratus workers and of ripe Hyeronima alchorneoides fruits. For each
series, n p 11 ants or fruits, and each point is the average (Ⳳ95% confidence interval) of the median values obtained from multiple recordings
per ant or fruit. B, An infected ant is shown on an infructescence of H. alchorneoides for comparison. Scale bar ≈ 1 cm.
insects and insect parts (24%), brood (eggs and larvae; worms migrate to the pupal gaster and mate within the
8%), and unidentifiable material (!1%). We found one callow worker (Poinar and Yanoviak 2008). Shortly after
nematode egg containing a live worm (although not con- eclosion, the parasitized adult ant has a black gaster and
firmed to be a tetradonematid) and several other living mainly tends brood, rarely leaving the nest (Corn 1980).
microscopic worms and parasite eggs in the bird feces Hundreds of developing nematode embryos within the
carried by the ants. gravid female worms cause increased reddening and mod-
ified behavior, probably by sequestering food and exo-
skeletal compounds from the adult ant. Just as a fruit
Discussion reaches peak color when its seeds are ready for dispersal,
the gaster reaches peak redness as the nematode eggs are
Here we show that a parasitic tetradonematid nematode
has multiple physical and behavioral effects on its terminal
host, the common Neotropical arboreal ant Cephalotes
atratus, that likely facilitate its transmission to the same
colony and to new colonies via frugivorous birds. Most
conspicuous among these effects is the striking change in
gaster color from black to red, which earned infected work-
ers separate taxonomic status in the late nineteenth cen-
tury (var. rufiventris Emery; de Andrade and Baroni Urbani
1999; Poinar and Yanoviak 2008).
Our results suggest the following hypothesized and pos-
sibly unique life cycle for this new nematode species. A
frugivorous bird mistakenly consumes an infected gaster
and deposits nematode eggs in its feces while perched in
a tree crown. The feces are collected by a foraging C. atratus
(Corn 1980; this study), but the filter-like proventriculus
of the ant’s gastrointestinal tract prevents passage of nem-
atodes to its midgut (Baroni Urbani and de Andrade 1997;
Roche and Wheeler 1997). Instead, transmission to new
Figure 3: Head width (HW) versus mass regressions for normal (n p
ants occurs when the nematode-laden feces are fed to lar- 84) and infected (n p 49) Cephalotes atratus workers. The slopes of the
vae by workers inside the nest. The nematodes develop two regressions do not differ. Infected equation: mass p 2.19HW2.59; nor-
within the ant larvae, partly stunting their growth. Adult mal equation: mass p 1.51HW2.68.
542 The American Naturalist
mission to new colonies. If this is accomplished by a ver- gest that these behavioral effects are partly caused by dam-
tebrate paratenic host, birds and their feces are the most age to the ventral nerve cord in the gaster, perhaps via
efficient vehicles, given the natural history of C. atratus. mechanical pressure imposed by the parasite mass. An-
It is unlikely that lizards would disperse over great dis- terior progression of this damage as the parasites develop
tances or with sufficient frequency to infect new C. atratus in the adult ant may explain the increased sluggishness
colonies. Moreover, unlike bird feces, feces of anteaters and unstable stance of workers during the latter stages of
and arboreal lizards are relatively dry and fall to the infection.
ground, where they are likely to be consumed by litter Two-host cycles like the one described here are known
ants (Kaspari 1993) long before their discovery by C. atra- for other nematodes, and this strategy is effective for par-
tus foragers. Finally, regardless of the predator, red col- asites of sedentary, central-place foragers such as ants be-
oration (especially in combination with black) is generally cause the nematode can complete its entire life cycle near
aposematic in insects (Chapman 1998); thus, we would the nest (Schmid-Hempel 1998). Other nematode parasites
expect lower predation by generalist insectivores on in- of ants have effects somewhat similar to those described
fected C. atratus. here, including reduced defensive behaviors combined
Physiological mechanisms underlying the coordinated with lethargy (e.g., Gösswald 1930). However, we know of
physical and behavioral effects of the tetradonematid on none that combines a change in defense-based palatability
C. atratus are unknown and deserve further investigation. with fruit mimicry, nor do we know of similarly spectac-
Parasite-induced changes in appearance occur in other ant ular cases in which an insect mimic and its model occupy
taxa, although none suggests fruit mimicry. When such separate biological kingdoms (but see Roy 1993 for a strik-
color changes occur, they generally affect the whole body, ing plant-fungus relationship). Although it is likely that
not specific parts as in C. atratus (Schmid-Hempel 1998). the extensive collection of bird feces by C. atratus played
In the few examples in which pale coloration is restricted a significant role in the evolution of this association, un-
to the gaster, the effect is a by-product of gaster distention, derstanding the interplay of coordinated effects on the ant
not altered pigmentation (e.g., Carney 1969). No color awaits further study of their mechanisms. We hope that
change was observed in other ants infected with tetra- this discovery promotes additional research into other po-
donematids (Nickle and Jouvenaz 1987) or in a Cephalotes tential examples of facilitation of parasite transmission via
minutus infected by a mermithid nematode (de Andrade mimicry.
and Baroni Urbani 1999). The color change in C. atratus
may result in part from cuticular thinning (Crosland Acknowledgments
1988). This is supported by the fact that thinner areas of
exoskeleton on the frontal carinae of C. atratus are trans- We thank N. Ayana, F. Azorsa, M. Knörnschild, S. Price,
lucent orange and that another exoskeletal structure—the M. Reiskind, D. Robinson, A. Roddy, M. U. Valdez, J.
gaster-postpetiole junction—is significantly weakened by Wilson, and N. Zegarra for useful discussions, field and
the infection. Alternatively, the developing nematodes may lab assistance, and/or comments on the manuscript. O.
specifically sequester pigment compounds from the ad- Acevedo, P. Bucur, P. Jensen, L. P. Lounibos, S. Madigosky,
jacent exoskeleton without significantly compromising its and A. Morrison provided logistical support. The Smith-
structural integrity. sonian Tropical Research Institute, the Panamanian Au-
The 10% size reduction we observed in C. atratus is toridad Nacional del Ambiente (ANAM), and the Peruvian
comparable to measured HW changes in other ants that Instituto Nacional de Recursos Naturales (INRENA) pro-
are parasitized by cestodes and nematodes during larval vided permits. The Amazon Conservatory for Tropical
development (Passera 1976; Trabalon et al. 2000). Cepha- Studies, Amazon Explorama Lodges, and numerous pri-
lotes atratus workers show considerable within-colony size vate landowners facilitated access to field sites in Peru.
variation that is essentially continuous (Corn 1980). Given This research was supported in part by the National Geo-
the substantial overlap in the size distribution of infected graphic Society, the Amazon Conservation Association,
and normal workers (fig. 3), the ecological consequences and the BBC Natural History Unit.
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