Civil Technology PAT 2010 Eng
Civil Technology PAT 2010 Eng
Civil Technology PAT 2010 Eng
3. ASSESSMENT TOOLS………………………………………………… 16
Practical Assessment Tasks are designed to develop and demonstrate a learner’s ability
to integrate a variety of skills in order to solve a problem. The PAT also makes use of the
technological process outlined in Learning Outcome 2, to guide the learner on which steps
need to be followed to arrive at a solution for the problem at hand.
The PAT is based on investigations, simulations and the application of skills, knowledge
and principles acquired by the learners that will cover the technological process in the
building environment.
The Practical Assessment Task consists of two components: the design portfolio which
makes up 25% of the PAT and the product or model which makes up 75% of the PAT.
The design portfolio of the PAT should include evidence of how the development of the
product or model was approached, namely:
vi. Upon deciding the best possible solution, the learner needs to refine the
research done and now prepare a final design. This should include the
1. The planning process
2. The knowledge and skills accumulated in the process
3. The technological process followed
4. The safety and environmental aspects considered
5. The calculations used – if applicable, sketches or diagrams
6. The starting time and ending time – how long it took to complete
from start to finish
7. The investigations or research undertaken
8. Any other information that is relevant to the project
vii. The learner must list the materials and tools needed for the completion
of the PAT (as if in a real-life situation). Again it is emphasized that the
teacher must guide and ensure that learners do not embark on a
process that is not viable on a Grade 12-level.
i. During this phase the teacher will supply learners with scenarios and
ability tasks that will give learners the opportunity to gain the skills
needed for the completion of the PAT. These Scenarios and ability tasks
will include:
1. Scenarios on: Topics relevant to the specific scenarios as given in
the 2010 PAT.
2. Ability tasks such as simulations, drawing skill exercises, correct
use of tools and instruments relevant to the PAT.
ii. The skills of learners are paramount to the completion of a PAT and it is
imperative that learners have MULTIPLE opportunities from the first
week of school at the beginning of the year, thus enabling learners to
exhibit the maximum skills levels possible for a Grade 12 Learner.
iii. Teachers will assess only the Ability tasks, which are chosen for formal
assessment purposes. Self, group and peer assessment will form the
basis of the developmental assessment.
iii. It should be noted that learners might have to make use of extra-
curricular time in the Civil Technology workshop for the hand skills
needed to manufacture the artefact, although this should still be done
under supervision of the teacher.
iv. The PAT should commence from the first term, as this is a lengthy and
drawn out process and CANNOT be left to the last minute.
• Presentation
i. All the components of the PAT (design portfolio, building plans and
model) should be completed and presented for assessment by the time
the preparatory exam starts at the end of the third term to allow sufficient
time for the external moderation.
ii. At this phase the teacher will do any final assessments, which are
outstanding, and all learner portfolios and models are kept safely until
the moderation process is completed (both Provincial and National
iii. It is imperative that the criteria are adhered to from the beginning, as this
will form the basis for assessment.
iv. Teachers cannot penalize learners on points, which are not included in
the initial criteria.
v. Upon selection, learners may be required to showcase skills and
knowledge during moderation (face moderation).
Table 1 on page 9 can be used as checklist of the stages that should be followed for the
development of the PAT. This table also gives a guideline in terms of which tasks could be
formally assessed and which ones could be informally assessed, and the possible
assessment tool(s) for the different tasks.
Every teacher must design a pacesetter to indicate the completion dates for the different
stages of the PAT, and manage this process in order to avoid crisis management and
unnecessary stress nearer to the completion date of the PAT.
The submission dates for the different parts of the PAT as indicated in the pacesetter
should be given to learners in writing.
The PAT should be completed in the first three terms and handed in towards the end of the
third term, before the commencement of the preparatory examination. The PAT should be
based on real-life situations and completed under controlled conditions. (Refer to the SAG
Jan 2008.)
Teachers must set dates for the different phases of the PAT in Table 1 on page 9. In this
manner learners can assess their progress. Instances where formal assessment tasks
take place, it is the responsibility of the teacher to administer assessment tasks.
After studying the section on guidelines to the teacher, teachers must explain in full the
requirements of the different stages of the PAT as well as the criteria as indicated in the
rubrics and mark schedules. This will ensure that learners and teachers have a common
understanding of the assessment tools and what is expected of the learners.
Teachers are requested to make copies of Section 2 (Instructions for the learner) and give
it to the learners at the beginning of the year. Learners should receive the assessment
criteria of the PAT when the PAT is handed out.
The PAT should not leave the classroom/workshop and must be kept in a safe place at all
times when learners are not working on it.
The Practical Assessment Task for Grade 12 is externally set and moderated, but
internally assessed.
1.4.1 Assessment
Frequent developmental feedback is needed to guide and give support to the learner in
ensuring that the learner is on the right track.
Both formal and informal assessment should be conducted on the different tasks that
constitute the PAT. Informal assessment can be conducted by the learner himself or
herself, by a peer group, or by the teacher. Formal assessment should always be
conducted by the teacher and will be recorded.
Learners submit the product or model for assessment by the end of the third term, before
the commencement of the preparatory examination. The design portfolio must accompany
the model or product.
The teacher must take into account the requirements of the assessment of all the
components of the PAT and therefore plan the assessment programme for the PAT
During moderation of the PAT the design portfolio and the model will be presented to the
Where required the moderator should be able to call on the learner to explain the function,
principles of operation and also request the learner to exhibit the skills acquired through
the capability tasks for moderation purposes. The sequence of events according to the
technological process may also be requested from the learner.
Department of Education
Grade 12 National Senior Certificate 2010
Practical Assessment Task
Time Allowed: 1st – 3rd Term 2010
Learner Name:
Examination Number:
• This practical assessment task counts 25% of your final promotion mark.
• All work produced by you must be your own effort.
• All sources used must be acknowledged.
• Calculations should be clear and include units.
• Calculations should be rounded off to TWO digits.
• Drawings can be hand-drawn (Use drawing instruments) or drawn on CAD. No
photocopies or scanned files of drawings are allowed.
• Photos are allowed and can be in colour or greyscale. Scanned photos are allowed.
• SI units should be used.
• You are encouraged to use recycled materials.
• This document must be placed inside the design portfolio.
The final scale drawings as indicated in the marking memorandum will be assessed
as part of the final product/model. These marks form part of the final product and
count 25 marks.
NOTE: This years PAT consists of THREE scenarios. Choose any ONE of the
scenarios below to develop your PAT.
Due to accidents that take place around your area when people cross the freeway, a flyover
walkway crossing is needed to provide a safe way of crossing for pedestrians.
As a Grade 12 Civil Technology learner, you are tasked by your community to solve the problem.
Design a walkway to provide access between the two settlements on either side of the road.
1.1 The walkway crossing must be supported by means of reinforced concrete columns.
1.5 The maximum pedestrian mass that the bridge must be able to carry is
20 000kg
Freehand sketches of the designs and all other information listed in (1 & 2) are part
of the design portfolio and shall be assessed as that.
The final scale drawings of the Top view, elevations, section, and formwork shall be
assessed under the final product or model. The drawings will make up 25 of the 75
marks while the model or project will make up 50 of the 75 marks.
2.1 Use the technological process to design the solution and compile a design portfolio.
2.2 Do an investigation on the suitable means of access between the two points also
taking into consideration people with disabilities.
2.3 Draw different freehand sketches of the draft design showing progress in the design.
2.5 Make a scale model of the flyover walkway according to the design specifications.
Show a part of the formwork in place for the walkway as part of the scale model.
NOTE: See the attached table (TABLE 2 page 15) that indicates the steps that you should
follow when you develop your PAT.
During 2010, South Africa will be hosting the Soccer World Cup. Participating countries will
be hosted all over our country. In your neighbourhood one of these countries might need to
practice on the local school grounds. The team also needs to use the change rooms and
toilet facilities before and after practice.
Most schools do not have a pavilion where spectators can watch the team’s practice. Money
has been made available for the building of these pavilions. As a Grade 12 Civil Technology
learner you are requested to design a pavilion that will meet the requirements as indicated
Choose any one of the three options below in which you can develop your PAT.
1.2 Townships
1.3 Suburban
2.1 The pavilion must seat 1 500 spectators. (Each level should not exceed 300
2.2 The run out to the fields, from the cloakrooms, must be in front and in the centre of
the pavilion.
2.9 All materials used should be environmentally friendly (Greenhouse effect) where
Freehand sketches of the designs and all other information listed in 2 and 3 are part
of the design portfolio and shall be assessed as that.
The final scale drawings of the floor plan (Including the drainage plan), two elevations,
sectional view and site plan shall be assessed under the final product or model. The
drawings will make up 25 of the 75 marks while the model or project will make up 50
of the 75 marks.
3.1 Use the technological process to design the solution and compile a design portfolio.
3.2 Do an investigation on suitable options for a pavilion, also taking into consideration
people with disabilities.
3.3 Draw different freehand sketches of the draft design showing progress in the design.
• The site plan (Indicate the building boundaries and restrictions on the site plans)
• The floor plan (Layout drawing) to show the ablution facilities, change rooms, seating
arrangements and the drainage plan.
• Two different elevations of the building.
• A vertical section through the pavilion.
3.5 Make a scale model of the pavilion according to the design specifications.
3.6 Make a separate scale model to illustrate how the roof covering will be fixed to the
roof structure.
Use the correct colour coding on all drawings as required by the South African National standards.
NOTE: See the attached table (TABLE 2 page 15) that indicates the steps that you should
follow when you develop your PAT.
Your parents have bought a plot of land that is situated above road level on a slope. Sloping areas
can create problems when building houses. The land situated at the back will be at a higher level
and sliding of soil can occur. As a Civil Technology learner you are requested by your parents to
design a house to be erected on the plot.
Due to high excavation costs in levelling the surface the house must be built on the slope.
Determine the needs and preferences in relation to the type of house that your parents would want
to build. The house has to be a single storey house not bigger than 140 m².
Choose any one of the three options below in which you can develop your PAT.
1.2 Township
1.3 Suburban
2.3 Due to the high cost involved in excavations, a stepped foundation or piled
foundation is recommended.
2.4 A retaining wall is needed behind the house to prevent soil erosion.
2.5 Describe the soil type and possible challenges that it may present in the
construction process of the building.
2.6 All materials used should be environmentally friendly (Greenhouse effect) where
Freehand sketches of the designs and all other information listed in 2 and 3 are part of the
design portfolio and shall be assessed as that.
The final scale drawings of the floor plan (Including the drainage plan), elevations, section and
site plan shall be assessed under the final product or model. The drawings will make up 25
of the 75 marks while the model or project will make up 50 of the 75 marks.
3.2 Do an investigation on suitable options for the house, also taking into consideration
people with disabilities.
3.3 Draw different freehand sketches of the draft design showing progress in the design.
• The site plan (Indicate the building boundaries and restrictions on the site plans)
• The floor plan (Layout drawing) including the drainage plan.
• Two different elevations of the building (Clearly show a 30º slope of the natural ground
• A vertical section through the building showing part of the foundation used.
3.5 Make a scale model of the house according to the design specifications.
3.6 Make a separate scale model to illustrate the foundation used for the structure e.g.
stepped or piled foundation.
Use the correct colour coding on all drawings as required by the South African National
NOTE: See the attached table (TABLE 2 page 15) that indicates the steps that you should
follow when you develop your PAT.
9 Building regulations
9 Building specifications
Step 1: 9 Textbooks
9 Materials
9 Internet
9 Construction processes 4 weeks
¾ Do research 9 Magazines
9 Roof construction (where
¾ Compile research 9 Site visits
report 9 Interviews
9 Civil services
Assessment Tools
The assessment tool(s) below will be used to assess the different sections of your PAT. Use these to assist you in making your
product or model.
CRITERIA 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
80 –100% 70 - 79% 60 - 69% 50 - 59% 40 - 49% 30 - 39% 0 - 29%
Exceeded the Required information Adequate information Necessary information Limited information Lack of essential Only name and
required information, extremely neat: from list below, neatly from list below, neatly from list below, neatly information, not very register class untidily
extremely neat: Name presented: presented: presented: neatly presented presented
Name Register class Name Name Name
Register class Year 20… Register class, Register class Register class
Year 20… Appropriate cover Year 20… Year 20… Appropriate Year 20… Appropriate
Appropriate cover illustration Appropriate Appropriate cover cover illustration cover illustration
illustration title illustration Appropriate Appropriate title Appropriate title Index
Appropriate title Index title Index All sections
Index All sections Index All sections Page numbers
All sections Page numbers All sections Page numbers
Page numbers Page numbers
The design brief is The design brief is The design brief is well The design brief The design brief The simple design The design brief is
extremely well very well constructed constructed and defines the need or defines the need or brief makes little vague and lists no
Development of a formulated and and defines the need defines the need or opportunity and opportunity and reference to the need specifications or
design brief defines the need or or opportunity. opportunity. provides a list of provides limited or problem. constraints.
opportunity. It lists detailed It lists detailed specifications and specifications.
It lists detailed specifications and specifications and constraints.
specifications and constraints. constraints.
Shows evidence of a Uses a wide range*(5) Uses a range of Uses adequate Uses relevant research Uses less than Collects very little
variety of strategies of appropriate information sources *(3) to collect *(2) to address the adequate sources* (1) relevant information
*(6) of investigation information sources to sources*(4) which relevant information to problem or need and collects less than *(0).
Investigation and used to obtain all develop innovative shows understanding assist with design identified in the design adequate information.
analyses information relevant information design options. of the problem or ideas. brief.
to assist in need.
developing innovative
design ideas.
Generates an Shows evidence of a Shows evidence of a Uses a good variety of Considers alternatives Offers some Shows little or no
excellent variety of wide range of range of alternatives exploring but lacks in originality alternatives but tends exploration of
alternative and communication communication different approaches. and flair. to be a collection of alternatives.
innovative ideas with methods used to methods used to Well-reasoned choice Indicates final design existing products with
Generation of design different approaches develop original and develop original and of final design. choice. limited reasoning of
ideas to address the creative design creative design options choice.
problem or need. options. including modelling Shows limited links
Justifies the preferred Substantiates well- design ideas. with research done.
option with clear links reasoned choice of Explains well-reasoned
to the design brief. final design. choice of final design.
Develops a very Develops a very Develops an Reasons well for The solution lacks The solution lacks The solution lacks
interesting solution interesting solution and interesting solution and choice of solution. creativity with limited creativity with detail, making
and communicates it communicates it very communicates it Uses good overall communication inappropriate interpretation difficult.
exceptionally well well using appropriate effectively using communication techniques used. communication Scant attention is
Communication of using appropriate techniques and appropriate techniques. techniques used. given to
ideas techniques and methods. techniques. communication
methods. Uses techniques.
modelling ideas to
test and explore
design thinking.
Comprehensively Evaluates the product Evaluates the product Evaluates the product Superficially evaluates Very superficially Shows little or no
evaluates the product against the design against the design against the design the product against the evaluates with limited evidence of an
against the design brief taking account of brief. Presents brief. design brief. recommendations. evaluation of the
brief taking account the user and cost- suggestions to improve Evaluates the Makes project.
of the user and cost- effectiveness. on function. appropriateness of the recommendations to
effectiveness. Evaluates procedures, Evaluates the materials used. improve its
Evaluates techniques and appropriateness of the functionality.
Evaluation of product procedures, processes and materials used with
or model techniques and indicates possible limited suggestions for
processes and improvements. improvement.
indicates possible Evaluates the
improvements. appropriateness of the
Evaluates the materials used.
appropriateness of
the materials used.
Examination Number:
Marking memorandum for the drawings of the flyover (Assess the top view, elevations,
section, and formwork)
TOP VIEW Line work 5
Appropriateness (Design) 10
Accuracy (measurements, sizes) 10
Correctness (Position of pillars and walkway) 5
Neatness 5
Scale 5
Labelling 10
Indication of reinforcement (beams, walkway) 10
and minimum concrete cover
ELEVATIONS Correctness 10
Neatness and line work 5
Accuracy 5
Scale 5
SUBTOTAL 25 x 2 = 50
SECTION Correctness 10
Accuracy (position of steelwork, concrete and 10
formwork in general)
Labelling 5
Scale 5
FORMWORK FOR Line work 5
Correctness 5
Neatness 5
Scale 5
Labelling 5
57.5 14
4 = 25
Learner Name:
Examination Number:
Marking memorandum for the drawings of the pavilion (Assess the site plan, floor plan
(Including drainage plan), elevations and sectional view.
SITE PLAN Clear layout in relation to adjacent sites 5
Boundaries and building restrictions 5
North direction and labelling 5
Neatness 5
Scale 5
FLOOR PLAN Line work 5
Appropriateness (Design, change rooms, 10
toilets, doors, windows sizes, and wall
Accuracy (measurements, sizes) 5
Correctness (Position and correct indication 20
of windows, doors, colouring, wall sizes,
and exit to field)
Neatness 5
Scale 5
Labelling and measurements 10
ELEVATIONS Correctness (size, openings, roof/slope) 10
Neatness 5
Accuracy 5
Scale 5
SUBTOTAL 25 x 2 = 50
SECTION Correctness (substructure, superstructure, 10
Accuracy (positions of DPC, relation 10
between walls in the substructure and those
in the superstructure, height and roofing in
Neatness and labelling 5
Scale 5
DRAINAGE LAYOUT Main sewer line (Correct line type) 1
Slope 1
Description of pipes (Diameter, type of 3
material, type of pipe e.g. SP or WP)
Correct placement of RE, IE, VP and G 10
67 17
4 = 25
Learner Name:
Examination Number:
Marking memorandum for the drawings of the house on a slope (Assess the site plan,
floor plan, elevations, section, drainage layout, step foundation, retaining wall, and
electrical supply)
SITE PLAN Clear layout in relation to adjacent sites 5
Boundaries and building restrictions 5
North direction and labelling 5
Neatness 5
Scale 5
FLOOR PLAN Line work 5
Appropriateness (Design, change rooms, 10
toilets, doors, windows sizes, and wall sizes)
Accuracy (measurements, sizes) 5
Correctness (Position and correct indication 20
of windows, doors, colouring, wall sizes, and
exit to field)
Neatness 5
Scale 5
Labelling and measurements 10
ELEVATIONS Correctness (size, openings, roof/slope) 10
Neatness 5
Accuracy 5
Scale 5
SUBTOTAL 25 x 2 =
SECTION Correctness (substructure, superstructure, 10
Accuracy (positions of DPC, relation between 10
walls in the substructure and those in the
superstructure, height and roofing in general
Neatness and labelling 5
Scale 5
DRAINAGE LAYOUT Main sewer line (Correct line type) 1
Slope 1
Description of pipes (Diameter, type of 3
material, type of pipe e.g. SP or WP)
Correct placement of RE, IE, VP and G 10
67 17
4 = 25
7 6 5 4 3 2 1
80 -100% 70 – 79% 60 - 69% 50 - 59% 40 - 49% 30 - 39% 0 - 29%
This product has an The product The product The product The product fulfils its The product barely The project is
outstanding level of demonstrates a high adequately fulfils the satisfactorily fulfils functional fulfils functional incomplete and does
functionality. It shows level of functionality. purpose for which it the purpose for requirements. The requirements but not fulfil the identified
a very high level of It shows a high level was designed. It which it was solution shows no lacks any refinement need or problem.
innovation that is of innovation that is shows some designed. It shows innovation for the or innovation.
appropriate to the appropriate to the innovation that is limited innovation for identified need or
design brief. design brief. appropriate to the the identified need or problem.
design brief. problem.
Demonstrates an Demonstrates a very Demonstrates a high Demonstrates a Demonstrates an Demonstrates some Demonstrates a lack
outstanding level of high level of skill and level of skill and satisfactory level of acceptable level of regard for accuracy of skill or
skill and competence competence to competence to skill and competence skill and competence and safety in the use competence in the
to correctly and correctly and safely correctly and safely to correctly and to correctly and of materials, tools, use of appropriate
MANUFACTURING safely use a wide use a wide range of use a range of safely use safely use equipment and materials, tools,
COMPETENCY range of materials, materials, tools, materials, tools, appropriate appropriate machines under equipment and
tools, equipment and equipment and equipment and materials, tools, materials, tools, supervision. machines under
machines under machines under machines under equipment and equipment and supervision. Pays
supervision. supervision. supervision. machines under machines under little attention to
supervision. supervision. safety.
Demonstrates Reviews design Shows ability to Applies knowledge of Shows evidence of Shows little evidence Makes no attempt to
continual review of during the making adapt and modify the materials and adopting alternative of alternative ways of overcome making
the making process. process. design when processes to ways of proceeding proceeding when problems. Shows no
Shows outstanding Demonstrates difficulties arise. Plan overcome problems when difficulty is difficulty is proper planning
ability to adapt and resourcefulness and adequate to minimise in the making experienced. experienced. resulting in no regard
MANAGEMENT OF modify the design adaptability in waste. Manages time process. Seeks assistance Does not seek for time and material
PROCESS when difficulties making modifications well. Demonstrates some from teacher to assistance from management.
arise. to ensure a high- sense of material proceed. teacher.
Adopts procedures to quality product. and time Demonstrates some Proceeds regardless
minimise waste. Manages waste and management. sense of material of time and material
Manages time time excellently. and time management.
outstandingly well. management.
Exceptionally Specialist modelling Product is effectively Product is Product is modelled Model barely The model shows no
modelled to illustrate, techniques used to modelled to illustrate adequately modelled to illustrate the illustrates the clarity as to how the
realistically the demonstrate, the function for which to illustrate the function for which it function for which the product is to function.
function for which it realistically, the it was developed. function for which it was developed. product was
was developed. function for which it was developed. developed.
was developed.
I hereby declare that the project submitted for assessment is my own, original work
and has not been previously submitted for moderation.
___________________________________ ____________
As far as I know, the above declaration by the candidate is true and I accept that the
work offered is his or her own.
___________________________________ ____________
Communication of
Development of a
Investigation and
TOTAL: 42 (6 x 7)
product or model
TOTAL: 100 %
Generation of
Evaluation of
design ideas
design brief
7 7 7 7 7 7 42
TOTAL: 28 (4 x 7)
TOTAL: 100 %
7 7 7 7 28
Signature (Teacher) Date
_________________ ________________
Signature (Teacher) Date
_____ __________________
Signature (Moderator) Date
Copyright reserved