Dalda is a brand of hydrogenated vegetable oil popular in South Asia. The
substance was originally imported from the Netherlands in the 1930s by the
trading company Dada Limited. When Hindustan Lever Limited wanted to brand
it, the trader, who still retained a commercial connection with the product, said it
had to be named after his company. HLL wanted to include the letter 'L' in it for
Lever (of the Unilever group), and thus was born one of the longest-living brands
in India.
Dalda, which came to be synonymous with the Vanaspati (hydrogenated
vegetable fat) genre, was recently extended to a range of edible oils. Hindustan
Lever has since sold the brand.
As the new campaign for Dalda is to be launched we must understand the
importance of bringing about a change in the consumers mind that Dalda is not
hydrogenated vegetable fat but an oil, unlike vanaspati.
The target audience in this case should be women from the age group of 25-65,
who are the decision makers in terms of household decision such as the kitchen.
The message should primarily be to highlight the quality and purity of Dalda oil, as
well as the healthy aspects of the product, which helps distinguish it from
Vanaspati, unless the purity and quality of oil is highlighted, Dalda will always be
associated with vegetable fat and not oil.
The medium to be used should be TV commercials, or Print Media. When it
comes to Oil it is extremely important to depict the product through rich visuals
of the products, for eg: A bottle of Dalda oil being slowly poured into a cooking
utensil. Through the use of strong visuals the Brand can invoke positive responses
in the consumers mind towards Dalda being perceived as an oil and not vegetable
fat. The amount of money to be spent on these commercials should be in the
range of Rs. 4 Crore.
The remaining 50 lakh budget should be spent on cross country promotional
events to be held that allow potential consumers a chance to directly interact
with the product as well as trained executives that will increase the goodwill of
the brand.
These advertisements should be rolled out over a longer time frame of 6 months
to 9 months, which can subconsciously take a spot in the consumers mind over a
period of time.