Executive Summary: Company Profile
Executive Summary: Company Profile
Executive Summary: Company Profile
This project is based on Balance sheet and profit and loss accounts of theBh ara t
Sanchar Nigam Limited. It is done to find out whether the BSNL are improving our
capital structure or not.
Further, in this Project
Chapter 1 includes the introduction of the company wherein I told about the
Objectives of the study and profile of the Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited.
Chapter 2 includes the Research Methodology wherein I have discussed the Research
Design and Various sources of the Data Collection.
Chapter 3 includes the Data analysis and Findings wherein I have analyze the data
collected from the departmental records, annual reports and web site records.
Chapter 4 represents the conclusion and the suggestions based on the departmental
records and annual report.
Contribute towards:
i. National Plan Target of 250 million subscriber base for the country
by December 2007.
ii.Broadband customers base of 20 million in the country by 2010 as
per Broadband Policy 2004.
iii. Telephone in all villages.
iv Implementation of Triple play as a regular commercial proposition
Pan-India reach
Transparency in billing
Procedural delays
Can make a kill through deep penetration and low cost advantage
Manpower churning
Private operators demand to do away with ADC can seriously effect revenues