Technical Data 37 Flared

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Flared Tube Fitti 37° - a HOSE RIGID TUBE \ SLEEVE 37° NUT a FITTING BODY ——}- : With O-Ring seal (Option) This type of assembly ensures very high dependability. ( » The assembly is achieved by connecting the two parts together by means of a nut and a sleeve. MAIN CHARACTERISTICS - The assembly performs extremely well even under severe vibrations, pressure bursts, and thermal shocks. = On tightening, the sleeve ensures tube alignment with fitting axis, reduces mechanical strain on tube and ‘decreases vibrations. - Fitting can be equally coupled to metric or inch-tubes. = The tube doesn't undergo distortion, remains constant and fluid pressure losses are negligible. - The system efficiency remains equally guaranteed after several disassemblies and assembly operations and individual replacement of any component. MATERIAL AND SURFACE PROTECTION Fitings are normally made of steel and obtained from controlled bar-stock machining (straight ftings, nuts) or by hot or cold forming (shaped ftings, sleeves). Alternative materials such as brass, aluminium, stainless steel available upon request. All carbon stee! fittings but those to be brazed or welded-on tubes, are yellow zinc plated to a Min, thickness of 0.008 mm to comply with ASTM-B-117, UNI 5687 hot salt spray test method. All threads are shock protected with plastic caps or plugs. SEALS All fittings requiring seals are supplied with O-Ring seals and washers. oe et 37° Flared Tube Fitti FLARING OPERATION ‘Tube flaring is carried out in two differente ways ; single wall flare on thick wall tubes and double wall flare on thin wall tubes to reinforce same, Refer to table | and Il for recommended values. Sy ars Ped | oem LL ee - erates + 1 ; * bros ~ROS TABLE I - Metric tubes. TABLE I - inch tubes r > os om st i > os mst Tube R Tube R OP ax.) Min. Max. Max. Min. Max. 8 ax | Min. Max. Max. Min Max. 6 92 84 15 92, 84 088 08 e981 86 16 91 88 08 OB 8 | i08/ 401 15 108) 101 088| 08 sng 109 102/16 109 | 102 08 08 5/215 125/120, 12 | 10 8124 M6 16 24 HE 12 10 “195 18 20 195 188 12 | 18 15 200 194 20 200 194 12 15 18 200 194 25 200 194 12 15 5 200 193 24 m0 193 12 15 18 2403525 240 255 12 | 20 3 AA 233 27 41 733_:12-—20 2/245) 240) 25 | 205 | 200) 19 | 20 2272 262-30 272/22 15 | 20 7 271 284 27 274 264 16 20 2202 205/30 202/295 15 | 23 "304/297 30 | m04 297 18 22 30380 374 30 300 374 15 | 23 32 983 576 30 303 378 15 | 23 Ti (383 975 30 983 375 18 22 3845435 40 445 435 15 | 28 TH 44 431 40 Ms 491 16 27 a3 3 CMI ermal CONDITION FOR A CORRECT FLARING j ti 1.0 Sawaing process 4.1 Saw the tube at light angle. An angular offset of 0.5" in relation to the tube axis is permissible. 41.2 Do not use a tube cutter because this would case formation of considerable burrs and an angular cut. Use sawing machine or device instead, 2.0 Deburring process 2.1 After clean the tube, lightly deburr tube ends at the inside and outside edge. 3.0 Flaring process 3:1 Set the pressure in accordance with table. 3.2 Oilthe flaring cone. 3.3 Insert the clamping grips corresponding to each outside diameter of the tube to the flaring device. 3.4 Slide the nut and sleeve onto the tube. 3.5 Insert the tube through the clamping grips up to the stopper and press against it. 3.6 Start withthe flaring process. 3.7 Remove the flared tube including the clamping grips from the flaring device. ATTENTION The flare collar has to be square and concentric to the tube as well as to the flared body of 37° Unequal flarings point to either defect tools or to manual operating mistakes. The inside cone of the tube has to be clean, in case the surface is faulty, it has to be polished with a polishing mandrel 4 oe et 37° Flared Tube Fitti aE ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS. On the table below are shown the basic dimensions to calculate the overall length of tube assemblies, the actual dimension of fittings when assembled, the recommended assembly torques and working pressures, — | | | Technical Data we B x om Aesembiy |___ Siders Worn Pressures ae Tube thread Torque SAE 514 130 8434-2 ree mm |_ in si | mm | mm | Nm esi | bar | Mpa | tar | Moa | bar 6 | | 7620 | 20 100 | 1345 | 5000 | 350 | 315 | ats | 600 | 600 | ste | 220 | 20 to | 1825 | 5.000 380 | sts ats | 6.0 | 00 to | 38 | onets | 20 115 | 2431 | 5.000 | 360 | 250 | 250 | 60.0 | 600 12 | 12 ‘aai6 | 30130 | 4582 | 4500 | a5 | 250 | 250 | 500 | 500 4 ‘6 vai | as 158 | 9572 | 3600 | 20 | 200 | 200 | 800 | 600 16 | 58 wy | mete | as | 175 2400 | soo | 240 | 200 | 200 | soo | soo 2 | 7 35 | 180 | 116130 | 3000 | 20 | 180 | 160 | 500 | 500 a 35/785 12-45 | 3000 | 210 160 | 160 | 420 | ~-a0 of 80 208 | 15190 | 2800 | 170 | 125 | 125 | 420 | 420 a2 | rv serie | rete | 50 | 20 | 21620 | 200 | mo | 100 | 10 | 420 | 420 Note = 1. Material: AISI 316 and Carbon steel 2.1 bar=0.1 Mpa = 14.5 psi EP MSS 5 SAE J514 Vac elem ae | SAE J475 STRAIGHT THREAD PORTS ‘O-Ring sealing. Ds diameter must be concentric to thread. Max. allowed error 0.13 mm. ‘Spot-faced surface must be square to thread in port. Machining operations such as A and Ds not required when port surface complies with requirements. Table of Dimensions leo OD Nom. tut 1270 | 4201905 2223690 s0.16 | sage a2 | 762 10 min, 905 1150 1295 1750 2045 2485 27.90 | 3190 30.10 | 4550 A Max. 10150 150 250 2500 250 250 | 300 300 | 3.00 B ts 200 #200 1300 | 1500 | 17.00 2000 | 2000 | 2000 | 2000 | 2000 Bi Mi 1400 1400 1600 1800 | 2000 2400 2400 | 2400 2400 | 2400 © Min 440) son aan ion | 130 1@00 | 1900 | 2200 | 2200 | s400 > i650 1860 2080 2600 2960 3650 4080 | 4450 55.00 | 200 Dr Mi 2100 25300 2500 30.00 3400 4100 4500 | 4900 5800 | 500 etn, tow wo wu zzw zou suv sou | soo ay | 9eu0 De ‘2401400 1560 080 2390 2920 32.30 | 3550 4350 | 4980 e 240 240-260 250280 350330 | 330 330 | 330 Ket ww est tat 50 950 1080 1200 1350 1550 1860 | 1550 1650 | 1560 x (OR3-904 | ORS-905 | ORS-G08 | ORS-805 ORSFI0 ORD9I2 | ORS9T4 [ORT OR3-920 | ORSH24 ‘Assompiyyoraue | 21 7 0 78 0 180 290 | 285 320, 400 Stondord O Ringo “NBR SHORE 85 % (Max. tm. rang. 20° +120°C), Additonal compound avaiable on request. For special applications, plese contact our echnical department. 8 AS 7° Flared Tube Fitti F Fy F pr ‘Da- x | A ® é C- METRIC PARALLEL THREAD PORTS (iSO 6149) (O-Ring sealing. De diameter must be concentric to thread. Max. allowed error 0.13 mm, Spot-faced surface must be square to thread in port Machining operations such as A and D1 not required when port surface complies with requirements. = Saas 1000 1200 | 1400 +600 | 1800 | 2000 2200 27.00 3300 4200 4800 890 1080 | 1230 1430 | 1630 | 1830 2030 2480 3080 9080 4580 100 150 | 150 150 | 200 | 200 | 200 | 200 | 1260 250 260 700 i150) 7150 7300 [1450 | 150 | 1550 | 1900 | 1900 | 1950 | 2200 1150 1400 | 1400 1580 | 1650 | 1650 1800 2200 2200 22502500 400600 | 700 900 | 11.00 | 1200 1400 1600 2200 30.00 3600 jes 1750 1950 2260 | 2450 | 2750 2750 3250 4160 5050 5560 20.00 2200 2500 28.00 | 29.00 | 3200 34.00 40.00 49.00 60.00 68.00 tad 1580 17.80 | 1960 | 2180 2380 2840 3540 48.40 5040 2a 240 240 | 240 | 240 240 310-340 3403.10 6S |) tS L 900 900 1050 1200 | 1380 | 1360 1400 1700 17.00 17.80 2000 O-Ring KP-B-PD_RP-B-PI0|RP-S-PI2 KP-B-P | RP-BPIO]KP-B-P 10 RP-B-P20 KP-B-P24 KP-E-P30 KP-O-PIONP-O-PAG| Assombytorwe 29 as | as as | os | aot 10st ‘Standard O-Rings. NBR GHORE:A 6 3 (Man. tony tany.-00°C +120°C),Aditnal vanpounds avable on voxquest For special appications lease contact out echnical deparrent LEZ roe azior 7 7° Flared Tube Fitti BSPP THREAD PORTS 4 L rH F F D D- Ud O-Ring and retainer ring sealing. 90 De : ‘Spot-taced surtace must be square to thread in por. A Be 8 Machining operations such as A and Ds not requi ‘when port surface complies with requirements. Table of Dimensions Fathead) | . . neicing | RR AT Bert ate en vine (00 Nom. 7s 1318 16882096 | 284d 83.25 aot. 80 1D Min. ae 145 08s | 242 ada A Max 10 180 | 200260 | 280 | 250 280 | 280 B Min 300 | 1200 | 1200 + 1400 | 1600 | 1800 | 2000 | 2200 Bi Min 1300 | 1880 | te50 2200 | 2400 | 2700 | 2000 | 31.00 . 1550 1980 2400 aso | 3500 4300280 58.50 6 Min wes 2140 | 550 000 | 680 4.00500 «61.00 o7 a7 | 1320 1680 == 2100 | 240390 aa. 80 L 65 900 = 950160 | 1550 150016001800 Ring KP5P8 KPEPI KPBPIA KP-BP24 KPSP20 KPBPSS KPBP AL ‘Assembiytoreve 20 38 10 too | 190 300 330 400 ‘Standard O-Ringe :BR SHORE: A 85° (Max. tmp. rang 90°C +120"C).Adional compound aaabe on roquet Fr special applications, please contact our echnical department 8 oe et 7° Flared Tube Fitti METRIC PARALLEL \ ' THREAD SEAL PORTS rH F F D D- 20" i (©-Ring and retainer ring sealing. Ds a Spot-faced surface must be square to thread in port. By B U Machining operations such as A and Ds not required ‘when port surface complies with requirements. Table of Dimensions F (Thread) owes i010 rR nS MNex nS MIBK LS| BAS MINS Ma2xHS MaSxIS MaTH20 ISX 20 ME2X2.0 NAB x20 ODNom. 10.00 1200 14.00 1600 | 1800 2000 2200 2500 27.00 33.00 4200 48.00 Min. | oan | 10 | 1430 | aan ian onan 24an 248 | AAD aMAN ASO AMox | 100 150 150 | 150| 200 200 250 250 250 | 250 250 250 B Mn 800 | 1200 1200 | 1200 | 1400 1400 1400 16.00 1600 | 1800 | 20.00 2200 BiMn | 1350 | 1850 1850 | 18.50 | 2050 2060 2060 2250 2250 | 2600 | 2800 3000 . 1550 1850 1960 | 2300 | 2000 2800 2000 35.00 35.00 43.00 53.00 69.00 DeMn. 16.50 2000 24.80 24.60 | 90.00 3000 3180 96.50 3650 4500 56.00 6250 sooo 1200 1400 | 1600 | 2000 2000 2200 2600 2600 3300 4200 48.00 L 800 900 900 1050 | 1200 1200 1280 1350 1450 1480 15.00 17.80 O-Ring KP-B-P9_KP-EPIO KP-B-PI2 KP-EPIA|KP-A-PIG KP-B-P16 KPS-P20 KP-8-P24 KP-BP2¢KP-S-PSD KP-BPLOKP.S-PA| ee 2 2 2 2 | mm ww ‘Standard ©-Ringe :MBR SHORE: A 852 (Max. tmp. rang, 90°C 120°C). Aion compound aaabe on requet Fr special applications, please contact our echnical department SEY mS AEOH 3 37° Flared Tube Fitting NPTF THREAD SEAL ‘The sealing action being achieved by the male and female tapered threads is therefore suitable to withstand high pressures. If required, the sealing action can be enhanced with auxiliary ‘compounds or tapes. > 1024 1361 s705 | 222 20.56 mz 41984905, 4 4.0 520 eto ato 260 1020 1070 10.70 L serie ow wou rune 13.00 ra0 veo 1.00 1.00 BSPT THREAD SEALS ‘The sealing is achieved by matching a male tapered and female parallel threads. This type of seal is not recomended under high pressures. Bein. 5.00 0.0 0.60 40.00 49.00 14.50 17.00 17.00 > 972 13.18 16.68 20.95 2844 324 or 4780 4 4.00 600 640 820 9.50 1040 12.70 1270 L wo 650 970 10.10 1320 1450 1450 19.10 19.10 10 Se et Flared Tube Fitti ASSEMBLY PROCEDURE FOR RADIALLY ADIUSTABLE FITTINGS. ON SAE, METRIC ISO 6149 “d LOCKNUT ____— BACK-UP WASHER. O-RING For adjustable positioning, O-Ring and back-up washer should be in proper position on non-threaded section nearest to locknut. Lubrication of O-Ring is recomended, ‘Screw fitting by hand into straight thread port until back-up washer contacts face of port. ‘To position fiting, unscrew up to one full turn then hold fitting in desired position and tighten locknut until back-up washer contacts, face of port and force O-Ring within port cavity. a3 ae 1 A= Flared Tube Fitting ASSEMBLY PROCEDURE FOR RADIALLY ADJUSTABLE FITTINGS. ON SAE, METRIC ISO 6149 LOCKNUT BACK-UP WASHER CHECK WASHER ‘O-RING For adjustable positioning, O-Ring and back-up washer should be in proper position on non-threaded section nearest to locknut. Lubrication of O-Ring is recomended, ‘Screw fitting by hand into straight thread port until check washer contacts face of port. ‘To position fiting, unscrew up to one full turn then hold fitting in desired position and tighten locknut until check washer is in contact with face of port. 12 EE woWmazior Flared Tube Fitti SNCS SPECIAL FITTINGS. CODING PROCEDURE Fittings having thread combinations other than those listed in our catalogue can be ordered provided the following conditions are met ~The geometric shape of any new fting meets with those in the table below. = The nominal dimension of the new fiting's ends are shown in our catalogue. - The new fiting envelope dimensions will be those originated by the biggest thread. ei Wwe : ‘Should you wish a fiting in page 16 with following threads: FUR (9/16 18) (2/4 16) thie will bo by for oncoded ag : FUR 6T 8T. Example 1. Tube to Tube Connection | Option (O-Ring Seal) FUR 6T-8T- $316 FOUR 6T- 8T- S316 one-18 109205 1 2° 5 From page 37 you may order FOLMB (7/16-20) (9/4-16) by for encoded as FOLMB 4T - 08U. Example 2. Tube to Tube Connection FOLMB 4T -08U - $316 123° °5 Option (O-Ring Seal) FOOLMB 4T -08U - S316 1 23°65 From page 39 you may order Bem. FORTM - (18-14) (1"1/16-12)(1"1/16+12) by for encoded as FORTM 10T 127 - 12U. P Example 3. Tube to Tube Connection | Option (O-Ring Seal) cir © FORTM 10T12T-12U-S316 | FOORTM 10T12T- 12U-s316 snet2t 1 2 3° «5 1 2 3 «5 S. 7. Name ofFiings = "Refer to index" (Complete fiting) rior —_|2 TubeO.D : See Tubing Designator 3. Thread Connection: See Thread Designator 4. Elastomer Seal: O-Ring 5. Material + See Material Designator a3 ae 3 Flared Tube Fitti SNCS Tube Designator Inch Tube Tube 0.0 18 sie" 1 ss sae Fa Identier aT or or zat aor Metric Tube Tube 0.0 4mm 6mm 8mm 38mm 42mm au om om son aan Thread Designator Pipe Thread Nomial Sie 18" 48H" at | ter ttre Identiter ot 02 03 os 06 08 10 2 Unified Thred Size 76 96 aia 78 186 18GB 1-518 Identier o4 06 08 10 12 16 20 Thread Symbol size symbol Specification R Be 21 (BEPT), 180 7/1 Taper Thread N ASME / ANSI B1, 20. 1 (NPT) 6 BS 2779 (BSPP), ISO 228/1 Pail Thread u ASME B1.1 (Unified) Material designator Material Stainless Stee! Carbon Steel Brass Identifier 8316/8316. Stel Bras 4 Se et

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