Tufts Pharmacology
Tufts Pharmacology
Tufts Pharmacology
Pharmacology Board v ~ ~ ~ a i l y a t l e a ~ t ~ n e q ~ e ~ t i ~ n ~ ~ m e ~ ~ a
calculate how many mg of local anestRetic a atient has
Review 1997 received,
solution? 2% lidocaine
how many
mg/l ml, so 36 in 1.8 ml.
is a r r nin/ 1i.tPml
mg of lidocaine
--V '
a 2%
0 0 mlofor 20
This list of questions and topics is the result of going through 1. Which of the following is a local anesthetic subject to
about 10 years worth of old Board Exams in inactivation by plasma esterases?
Pharmacology, cutting out all the questions, cate orizing a. Procaine
them into topic areas (e.g. antibiotics, local anesketics. b. Lidocaine
etc.), and then further grouping them into the r p of c. Prilocaine
information about a cat ory of drugs that was being d. Mepivacaine
asked for. When you d o x s , you see that many exams e. Bupivacaine
repeat questions (sometimes they reword them a little bit to
make them look different!), but in actuality it is possible to (n) ~ r o c c i i ~ is
r e tlre ollly ester listed -- nll the rest nre
e t a feel for the various facts that you are expected to nntides
&now,and that there arent that man of them. As you go
through this handout, you will see t L t I point out to you
the major facts that tend to get asked aver and over again 2. Procaine differs from lidocaine in that
for the various ma' r drug categories, and I also give you
actual examples o questions (and the reworded versions),
as well as the correct answer. In some cases, I have
a. Procaine is a p-aminobenzoic acid ester and lidocaine
is not
b. Lidocaine is a meta-aminobenzoic acid ester and
written out a detailed explanation of the answer, just to rocaine is not
enlighten you further. So good luck and enjoy. c. r h e duration of action of procaine is longer than that of
an equal total dose of lidocaine
The 2nd part of this handout rovides some clinical scenarios d. Procaine hydrochloride is metabolized into
that may help you regarling Part B. diethylaminoethanol and benzoic acid.
13. Which of the following is contraindicated for a patient who 17. A patient has been given a large volume of a certain local
had an allcr ic reaction to procaine six months ago? anesthetic solution and subsequently develops cyanosis
a. Nerve Aock with lidocaine with methemoglobinemia. Which of the following drugs most
b. Topical application of lidocaine like1 was administered?
c. To ical application of tetracaine a. Locaine
d. 1ntf;tration with an antihistamine b. Prilocaine
c. Dibucaine
(c) agnitl, just anotller qriestiot~tllnt requires yo14 to be d. Lidocaine
nble to pick out an ester or all nnride from n list. Si~rce e. Mepivacaine
procairre is all ester, oirly nnotller ester L A worrM be
cross-nllerge~ric.111 tlris list tlre o ~ l l yestcr listed is (b) strictly rnemorizat ion
tet racaine.
20. High lasma levels of local anesthetics may cause ( n ) see explntrntiotr nborle
a. 1nRibition of eristalsis
b. stimulation oPbaroeceptors resulting in severe
c. 16fiibition of the vagus nenle to the heart Questions regarditig mechanisnz of actiotz:
d. Depression of inhibitory neurons in the CNS
(dl itr itinlly LAs irrlribit cetrtrnl itrlribitory rtertrotrs, 25. Local anesthetics block nerve conduction by
wlriclt resrtlts in C N S stinrrtlntioir, wlliclr cntt :,roceed to a. Depolarizing the nerve membrane to neutrality
corrr~rrlsio~rs.At lriglter doses, t l q itrlribit bar!; i~rlribitory b. Increasing membrane permeability to K+
nitd excitntoy ~rertrotrs,lendirrg to n geirernlized stnte of c. Increasing membrane permeability to Na+
C N S depressiott zulriclr cn~rres~tIt itt respirnto y d. Preventing an increase in membrane permeability to K+
depresstort ntrd denth. e. Preventing an increase in membrane permeability to Na+
(n) zulrile sonre o tlle otlrer n1terirntiz)es solrild plnrrsible, 34. Which of the followin statements are true regarding onset,
tlibik nborrt tlre /Rctoids you were tnlrglrt "bout lourl degree and duration ok action of local anesthetics?
a. The reater the dru concentration, the faster the onset
niiestlletics nild twrinbles thnt n cct tlreir nctioir. Air
inrportniit oire runs tlle role of p nird ioirizntioir fnctors.
Remeniber, tlle free bnse or rrotrioirized fornr is the fornr
and k e greater the %e of effect
b. Local anesthetics b l o c ! n l y myelinated nerve fibers at
tlrnt passes throiiglr nrenibmircs, yet oirce iiiside tlle the nodes of Ranvier
c. The lar er the diameter of the nerve fiber, the faster the
neuron oirly tlte roirized form is e ective. lnflnnrnred
tissue Ims a lower pH tlrnil irornrn tissrre niid will slrift
the equilibriunr of the L A solirtion srrclr t h t niost of it
onset of effect
d. The faster the penetrance of the drug, the faster the onset
remains i o n i d and thus rlirnz~nilnbleto perretrnte of effect
i. (a), (b), and (c)
ii. (a), @) and (dl
32. The penetration of a local anesthetic into nervous tissue is iii. (a) and (c) only
a function of the iv. @I, (c) and (d)
a. Length of the central alkyl chain
b. Lipid solubility of the ionized form
c. Lipid solubility of the unioniztd form
d. Ester linkage between the aromatic nucleus and the
alkyi chain
(ii) if you knew the act above about small nerves, then
this uestion basica ly becomes a true false t pe thin ,
nild rc) is thefalse statement. (a) and ( d ) m a h lo .caf
e. Amide linkage between the aromatic nucleus and the sense so you are stuck picking between fb) and (cf You
alkyl chain h u e your ick of ntemorizirrg tlre smnll irerve thing or tlre
myelrirata!nerue nodes of rairoier thiiig.
(c) oirly optioirs (b) nird (c) nre relez~nirtlrere - the otlrers
lmzv ilotlriirg to do ruitlr L A peiretrntioir iirto nrenrbrni~es.
prepared b}' M.L.Thompson, Ph. D., Dept. Of Pharnlacology, Tufts Medical School
A >I" b .f
35. A dentist administers 1.8 ml of a 2% solution of lidocaine.
HOW* many mg of lidocaine did the patient receive?
a. 3.6
b. 9
c. 1 8
d. 36
e. 180 Antibiotics
1. The most frequently asked type of question rquires you to be
able to compare various penicillin antibiotics m terms of
potency against certain bugs, allergenicity, drug of choice
against certain conditions, etc. For example:
36. Three ml of a local anesthetic solution consisting of 2%
lidocaine with 1:100,000 epinephrine contains how many a. Penicillin V vs. enicillin G: the latter is more
milli ams of each? sensitive to acicfdegradation and thus is usually
a. Fmg. lidmine, 0.3 mg. epinephrine injected rather than taken orally
b. 6 mg. lidocaine, 0.03 mg. epinephrine
c. 60 mg. lidocaine 0.3 mg. epinephrine b. Which nicillin has the best gram-negative spectrum:
d. 60 mg. lidocaine 0.03 mg epinephrine ampiciKn
e. 600 mg lidocaine, 0.3 mg. epinephrine c. Which dru s from a list are or are not cross-allergenic
f. 600 mg. lidocaine, 0.03 mg. epinephrine with penic!hin: most usually asked about ones are:
cephalosporins and ampicillin are, erythromycin isn't
( d ) 2% lidocniltc = 20 nrglnrl x 3 = 60 nrg lidocni~le d. Which penicillin is useful against penicillinase-
1:100,000 epi = 0.01 nrg/n~lx 3 = 0.03 nrg cpi producing bugs such as staphylococcus: dicloxacillin
e. Which is specific for Pseudomonas infections: an
extended spectrum such as carbenicillin
37. The maximum allo~\.ableadult dose of mepivacainc is 300
mg. How many milliliters of 2% mepivacaine should be f. Which combination of agents should be used
injected to atta~nthe maximal dosage in an adult patient? prophylactically for atient with heart valve to
a. 5 prevent bacterial enxmarditis: ampicillin and
b. 10 gentamycin (1988- according to latest recommendation
c. 15 of AHA and ADA, although use the latest guidelines
d. 20 that you have heard about))
e. 25
2. The 2nd lar est category expects you to know the mechanism
of action o h h e various antibiotics:
a. Bactericidal a ents such as penicillin kill rapidity
growing cells%y inhibiting cell wall synthesis
38. A recently introduced local anesthetic agent is claimed by
the manufacturer to be several times as potent as procaine. b. Bacteriostatic agents such as tetracycline limit
The roduct is available in 0.05% buffered aqueous solution population growth, but do not kill bu s by interfering
in I.&. cartridge. The madmum amount recommended for %
with protein synthesis on bacterial ri osomes
dental anesthesia over a Chour period is 30 mg. The amount c. Antifungals such as nystatin bind to ergosterol in
is contained in approximately how many cartridges? fungal cell walls to weaken the wall
a. 1-9
b. 10-18 d. Bacteriostatic a ents such as the sulfonamides compete
C. 19-27 with PABA in klic acid synthesis, thus resulting in
d. 28-36 folic acid deficiency
e. Greater than 36
b. Cycloserines c. Methicillin
c. C e halosporins d. Penicillin V
d. ~ h r o r a m ~ h e n i c o l s e. Phenethicillin
13. For the dentist, the most reliable method of detecting a 18. Which of the following antibiotics should b e considered the
patient's allergy to nicillin is by
a. Injecting penic~lin intradermally
b. Taking a thorou h medical history
drug of choice in the treatment of infection caused by a
penicillinase-producing staphylococcus?
a. Neomycin
c. Placing a drop of penicillin on the e e b. Ampicillin
d. Having the patient inhale a penicilin aerosol c. Tetrac cline
e. Injecting a small amount of penicillin intravenously d. ~ e n i c i i i nV
e. Dicloxacillin
(b) all of the other metlrods itrz~olr)etrrtncceptnbk risk.
Orlce setrsitized, evert a snrnll anrotort cnrr cnrtse arr
nllergic resporlse. Renrenrber, it is riot n dose-relnted
respotrse t h t worl't be problenrntic if yorr only irlject ti
little bit. 19. Oral infections caused by organisms that produce
penicillinase should be treated with
a. Am icillin
14. Which of the following antibiotics is the substitute of b. ~ i c K x a c i l l i n
choice for penicillin in the penicillin-sensitive patient? c. Erythromycin
a. Bacitracin d . Any of theabove
b. Erythromycin e. Only (a) o r (c) above
c. Tetracycline
d. Chloramphenicol ( b ) of those listed orrly ( b ) is yetricillitrnse resistnrlt.
Anrprcillirr is nri extertded spectrtrnr poricilliil, nrrd is trot
pet~icillirlnse resistntrt .
27. Tetracycline reduces the effectiveness of cencemitantly 32. Sym toms that may be characterized as allergic
administered penicillin by manirestations during penicillin therapy are
a. Reducingabso tionof a. Deafness, dizziness and acute anemia
b. Increasing meta'golism openicillin
penicillin b. Crystalluria, nausea, vomiting and anaphylactic shock
c. Increasing renal excretion of penicillin c. 0 1 1 uria, hematuria, bronchoconstriction and
d. Increasin binding of penicillin to serum proteins carsiovascular collapse
e. Nenc ef t f e s k v e d. Dermatitis, stomatitis, bronchoconstriction and
cardiovascular collapse
(e) tetrn clirre is bnderiostntic ntlii would slow tlre rpiii
owth o F h r nlicrobinl populntiott tlmt n bnctericidal
%trg rtrclr ns petticillitt t t d s to be effectirr
Arttiartgirla Drugs
17. Nitroblycerin dilates the coronary arteries in angina Mecltanisnr of Actiort
pectoris by
a. Decreasing the heart rate reflexly
b. Increasins the metabolic work of the myocardium Diuretics
c. Direct action on smooth muscle in the vessel walls
d. Increasin the effective refractory period in the atrium
e. lock in^ fet a-adrenergic
receptors 22. Which of the following is NOT characteristic of the
thiazide diuretics?
a. Increase renal excretion of sodium and chloride
b. Increase renal excretion of potassium
c. Increase the toxicity of digitalis
18. Propranolol is of value in treating angina pectoris because d. Exacerbate existing diabetes
it e. Cause hypoMemia
a. Has a direct action on vascular smooth muscle f. Cause hypoglycemia
b. Blocks autoregulatory mechanisms in the heart
c. Inhibits oxygen metabolism in cardiac cells
d. Provides relief within seconds of an acute anginal
e. Prevents chronotropic re nses to endogenous 23. The most useful diuretic drugs act by
epinephrine emotions an exercise a. Increasing the glomerular filtration rate
b. Decreasing the renal reabsorption of sodium
c. Decreasing the renal excretion of chloride
d. Increasing the renal reabsorption of potassium
e. Increasing the secretion of antidiuretic hormone
ACE Inhibitors
19. Administration of angiotensin results in
a. Anti-inflammato effects 24. Which of the following drugs act by inhibiting renal
b. Antihistaminic ezects reabsorption of scdium?
c. Increased blood pressure a. Urea
d. Increased heart rate b. Chlorothiazide
e. A sedative effect c. Theophylline
d. digitalis glycosides
e. Procainamide
d. Anti-inflammatory action
e. Antirheumatic action
11. A nonsteroidal, anti-inflammatory a ent that appears to
produce fewer gastrointestinal disturtances than high does i. (a), (b) and (c)
of as irin is ii. (a), (c) and (d)
a. Ku rofen iii.(a), (d) and (e)
b. ~ r o k n e c i d iv. (b), (c) and (d)
c. Pentazocine v. (b), (d) and (e)
d. Acetaminophen
e. Phenylbutazone
(n) yoti mi 111 be tenrpterl to nttszoer ncetnnri~roplrerr,
berxrrse it &estrlt cntrse GI rrpset, k i t renrenrher it is nlso 17. All of the followin are pharmacoIo ic or toxicoIogic
not artti-inflnntnrntoy. Tlle alrszoer is ibriprofeit. properties of acetykalicylic acid
a. Tinnitus
b. Analgesia
12. Prolonged use of which of the followin6 drugs does NOT c. Antipyresis
cause a predisposition to gastric irritation and bIeeding? d. Methemoglobinemia
a. Phenytoin e. Inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis
b. Ibuprofen
c. Indomethacin
d. Phenylbutazone
e. Acetylsalicylic acid
18. All of the following are possible effects of aspirin EXCEPT
(n) Arrszoer is (a)- n t i s is n strniglrt dr~r iderttyicntion a. Reduction of fever
qrrestiolt. Artsz~~ers 2-5 nre nll ~~orr-steroi&l b. Shortening of bleeding time
nrttiirt nntntntory drtr s zolliclt cnrrse gnstric irritntiotr
nltd h redilrg due to tfeir el ects or1 prostnglnrtdirr
sytthcsis ill tlte nrricosnl zon 101tlre gtrt. # 3 is nrr nltti-
c. Suppression of inflammatory response
d. Bleeding from the gastronintestinal tract
e. Increase in the renal excretion of uric acid at high doses
cotr z~ulsnltt-its ntnjor side ellect t llnt oflerr n p e n r s ns n
riestiolr olr bonrds is tlw prodlrctior~ ojgiirgtz~nl
Ilyperplns in.
19. Of the followin aspirin does NOT cause
a. Occult blf&ng
13. Each of the followin a ents has been associated with b. Nausea and vomiting
gastric irritation E X ~ E ~ T c. Acid-base disturbance
a. Aspirin d. Suppression of the cou h reflex
b. Alcohol e. Decreased tubular realsorption of uric acid
c. Ibuprofen
d. Indomethacin ( d ) Atrswer is (d)- (n) & (b) are tlre nznjor side effects oj
e. Acetaminophen aspirilr (restrltiltg Jrom tlre irthibitiott oj prostngln~rdirt
syrrtltesis) lor the nrajority 01people, and orte rensort lor
the poptrlnrity 01nspirilr nlterrrntives suclr ns
ncetnntillopltert nrld ibtrprolert, wlriclt produm tllese
elects to n lesser extertt. # 3 & 5 nt nlso be seen
Lllowilr lnrger doses 01nspirin. ( Z i s not see11 with
of acetyIsalicylic acid. Y
14. Which of the followin is NOT produccd by excessive doses
nspirin.$ut rs n nmjor tlrernpelitic use o/ narcotic opiates
a. Delirium slrclr as codeirte. I guess t l q nre hopin tlmt you will get
b. Tinnitus tlre elects 01codeitre nlrd nspirilr nlixeif u ,srrrce the t w
c. Hypothermia are ole11 compnred and coetrastd ns nrograte pnirt
d. H perventilation re1iezpers.
e. d t a b o l i c acidosis
22. The most prominent acute toxic effect associated with Frequently asked questiorzs on morphine:
acetaminophen use is
a. Hemorrhage
b. Renal necrosis
c. Hepatic necrosis
5. Occurence of which of the followin is LEAST
characteristic of narcotic ingestion.8
d. Gastric ulceration
e. Respiratory alkalosis
a. Vomiting
( c ) Renlentber, ncetnnrirto hert (tylerrol) is nrt aspirirt b. Diarrhea
1: 1
alternntioc. Alterrtntiz~es 4, 5 nre side e ects of aspirirr-
type dru s. Tlle populnrity of acetantittop l e r r as nrt
c. Urinary retention
d. Bronchiolar constriction
aspirin a$ferrlntive is becnrrse the irtcidertt of srcch effects e. Increase in intracranial pressure
wrtli tliis drug is z)ery low. However, becnrtse
ncetnnrirtoplmr cnrt rtrrdergo biotrartsfornlntiort to n toxic (b) Atrswer is (b)- Agnitz, the key word is l e e Nnrcotics,
irrternredinte, hepatic nrrd rertnl rrecrosis llnve beerr in tlle form of pnregoric (tirrctrrre of opium), and Lontotil
reported, especinlly nfter very ltiglr doses. (c), lrepntic (lopernmide) are over the cortrlter ornl preparatiorts for
necrosis is tlre nrost prontirrertt. tlle trentnlertt of diarrllen. Opintcs act ort receptors irt tlle
grit to prodrrce corrstipntiorr. Tltrts (b) is obzjiorlsly wrorrg.
All of tlle other nrrszuers nre side effects of opinte
23. LYhich of the follois- in^ anti-inflammator agents does NOT
act primaril by inhibiting the activity o?cyclooxygenase?
a. Ibu ro en
b. ~ifkunisal
6. Therapeutic doses of mor hine administered
intramuscularly may p r J u c e
c. kednisone a. Constipation
d. Indomethacin b. Euphoria
e. Phenylbutazone c. D sphoria
d. d n t a l clouding
( c ) Arrszuer is (c)- (n), 2, 4 , nruf 5 nre NSAIDS tltnf red~tce e. Decreased response to pain
i. (a) and (b) only
ii. (a), (b) and (d)
iii .(a), (d) and (e)
iv. (c), (dl and (e)
v. All of the above
b. Nalorphine organophosphate toxicity
c. Cyclazocine f. succinylcholine is a depolarizing neuromuscular
d. Levallor han junction blocker, subject to rapid inactivation by
e. None of &e above plasma pseudocholinestease: it is used to prevent
g. d-tubocurarine is a nondepolarizing neuromuscular
junction blocker
h. mecarnylamine and hexamethonium are ganglionic
20. Methadone is used in detoxification (drug withdrawal) of blockers that produce orthostatic hypotension
patients physically dependent on morphine because
methadone 2. The 2nd type of question has to do with physiological effects
a. Precipitates withdrawal reactions of choliner ic stimulation, blockade, or overdose toxicity
b. Antagonizes the depressant actions of morphine situations &nd what drug you would give to reverse the
c. Will not in itself produce physical dependence toxicity).
d. Withdrawal reactions are less intense and stressful a. cholinergic crisis symptoms: bradycardia, lacrimation,
than those of morphine salivation, voluntary muscle weakness, diarrhea,
bronchoconstriction-treat by giving atropine
( d ) This is nrt exantple of t l kirrd
~ of qrcestiotl tllnt b. sco olamine overdose: disorientation, confusion,
reqltires tlz17t V O I ~llnzte nlenlonied n fact nbotrt n pnrticltlnr Ra~lucinations,burning dry mouth, hyperthennia: treat
drug, irl tltis knse tlte fnct is (d). Metlrdotre yorr will with physostigmine
renxnrber is trot ntl atltngotrist like rlnloxorlc- it is n f~rll c. An additional fact that often gets asked about atropine has to
a ortist with nrlnlgesic propertks, jrst like nto . do with the fact that it blocks va a1 reflexive control of
fillctl tnkert ornlly it is ,rot elrpllorlc it1 addicts, 11t ncts heart rate, resulting in tachycarbja.
just like nlo llitle to prodltce tolerntlce arrd pllysicnl
dePetldettce.%tldrnrunl is less severe tllntl rurtlr
nlorpltitle becnlrse ntetlmdotre Irns n nlllcll lotrger lmlf life.
Fncts 1, 2, nrld 3 zootrM be met by ntl nrltngotrtst stlclt ns
t~nloxorle,or perllnys ezwl n nlixed ngotrist-nrttngottist Frequentlg asked questions about
slrcll ns perltnzocitle.
Clr o linergics:
21. Which of the followin drugs is currently \\.idely used in
treating opioid-depenfent individuals? Identification and mechanism of action
a. Codeine
b. Methadone questions:
c. Alphaprodine
d. Pentazocine
e. Meperidine
1. Atropine and propantheline exert their effects on peripheral
structures by
a. preventing release of acetylcholine
b. preventing synthesis of acetylcholine
c. enhancing destruction of acetylcholine
d. com eteing with acetylcholine for receptor sites
e. p J u c i n g physiologic effects opposite to those of
Autonornics: acetylcholine
(d) - (a) is wrorlg- botltlitrrrnt toxirl does this. (b) is
wrortg-lrenricllolinr~rnl works this w n ~ (. c ) is wrotlg- ACIl
Clr o l inergics is broker1 dowrt alnrost instatltntreolrsly, so it is alnrost
inrpossible to enllnnce its destruction. (e) is wrong-these
1. Drug identification type questions that involve mechanism of drugs dotr't have a n y actiotrs of their owtt, t l q just
action. You need to know the following types of facts: prevent ACh effects by blockilrg receptors: atropirie attd
a. atropine, scopolamine, propantheline are competitive ropntttheline are postgarlglionic rnuscarinic receptor
muscarinic receptor blockers which sometimes are used [lockers-thas ib answer is (d).
to control salivary secretions. An additional fact that
often ets asked about atropine has to do with the fact
that it%locks vagal reflexive control of heart rate,
resulting in tachycardia. 2. Neostigmineproduces its effst by
b. physosti ine and neosti ine are reversible a. de ressing acetylcholinesterase release
antichocesterases that %er in that physostigmine b. in&biting acetylcholinesterase activity
acts both centrally and peripheral1 neostigmine on1 c. increasing the rate of acetylcholine synthesis
ripherally, but neostigmine also t a s some direct Azh
E e activity at the neuromuscular junction, in addition
to prolonpng the activity of endogenous ACh. They
d. acting like acetylcholine at gan lionic sites
e. increasing the amount of acetylc oline released from
nerve terminals
sometimes see use in treating xerostomia.
c. pilocarpine, methacholine, etc. are direct acting
cholinergic a onists. May be used for xerostomia.
d. organophospkates and insecticides irreversibly inhibit
cholinesterase 3. Organo hosphate insecticides and nerve ares inhibit the
e. pralidoxime is an enzyme regenerator used in action of which of the following enzymes?
a. adenylate cyclase
Prepared by M.L.Thontpson, Ph. D., Dept. Of Pharn~acology,Tufts Medical School
4. Drugs which are addictive with or potentiate the effects of 10. Which of the following is used to prevent laryngospasm?
acetylcholine include a. atropine
b. epinephrine
(a) metacholine c. diazepam (Valium)
d, neoshgmine ( b t i g m i n e )
(c) pra idoxime e. succinylcholine (Anectine)
(d) n e o s t i p h e
(e) pilocarpine ( e ) W l a t is needed is a skeletnl muscle relaxant. This
re uires a dru wiricir acts at the neuromusculnr junctio~r.
I.(a), Co), and (c) 07 those listetf only succin icholine ( e ) is it1 this
2. (a), (c), and (dl category. (a) atropba is a ciolitrergic receptor blocker, (h)
3. (a), (dl and (el epi~lephrincis an adrettergic ngonrst, and (c) dinzepnnr is
4.(b),(d1, and (el n benzodinzepirre, nrld (dl is nrr nnticlrolirlesterase.
5. (c), (dl and (el
(3 1 11. In treating xerostomia, which of the following might be
a. atropine
5. \Yhich of the follor\.ing drugs is k s t to administer after b. ephedrine
poisoning by an organophosphate cholinesterase inhibitor? c. neosti mine
a. atropine d. scopo!amine
b. phen toin e. mecarnylamine
c. pralidoxime
d. propan teline (c)
e. phenobarbital
(c) 12.Which of the following drugs is most likely to dry secretions
in the oral cavity?
a. diazepam
6. Which of the following compounds is a ganglionic blocking b. prometazine
a. curarine
b. edrophonium
d. physostir
c. ropant ehne
e. c!iphenhydrarnine
C. mecamylarnine
d. succinylcholine (d)
e. gallamine tricthodide
(c) 13.The most useful drug to induce salivation is one which has
properties that are
a. adrenergic
7. Which of the following acts by antagonizing cholinesterase? b. cholinergic
a. atropine c. ganglionic blocking
b. muscarine d .adrenergic blocking
c. neostigmine e. cholinergic blocking
d. p i l o c a ~ i n e
e. acetylc oline (b)
.4. Disorientation, confusion and hallucinations resulting from mediated vasodilation predominates
an overdose of scopolamie are most efficaciuosly treated by b. vagal reflex: injection of a pressor dose of NE ma
administering result in decreased heart rate d u e to activation o r
a. atropine baroreceptors which stimulate va a1 reflex to reduce
b. levodo a heart rate. Vagal reflex is b l o c k d b y atropine
c. acety~c~o1ine
d. phsostigmine
Thus you must be familiar with the effects of alpha or beta
receptor stimulation or block. The most important ones to
remember are:
23. The immediate cause of death from irreversible
cholinesterase inhibitors is
a. shock a. Alpha-1 receptor stimulation: vasoconstriction, urinary
b. convulsion retention, mydriasis
c. cardiac arrhythmia b. beta rece tor stimulation: increased heart rate (Bl),
d. respiratory aralysis bronchochation (BZ), vasodilation (B2)
e. dehydration ! o m vomiting and diarrhea
c. Alpha-1 block: vasodilation
( d ) Arrswer is (d)- rolrile sonle 01 tllese nre irldeed d. beta block: decreasd heart rate (Bl),
associnted wit11 orgnrr oplrospllnte toxicity, tlle inln~edinfe bronchoconstriction (B2)
cartsc oJ deotll is drte to ( d ) , wlricll results Jronr the
sfinrrtbtio~roJ ?licofirric recqttors nf the rrelironr~lscrllnr
jrlrrctio?r resrlltirlg i ~ tpnrnlysis oJ skeletnl nrllscles. 3. They usually throw in a question regarding the use of
levodopa in the treatment of Parkinson's: remember,
Parkinson's is DA deficiencv in brain. Remedv is to
increase DA in brain. 1njeAed DA doesn't crdss BBB, but
26. Each of the follo~\.ingis a symptom of cholinergic crisis levodopa, a precursor to DA does cross BBB. Carbidopa
exce t is given with levodopa to block dopa decarboxylase
a. gradycardia activity in periphery, which in the absence of carbidopa,
b. lacrimation converts the levodo a to DA in the periphery, decreasin
c. vasoconstriction the amount of l e v o ~ o p athat ends u p in the brain. You ayso
d. extreme salivation need to remember that levodopa is sympathornimetic, and
e. weakness of voluntary muscles will produce sym athetic stimulation in the peripher)..
Development of agnormal facial movement, nausea and
vomiting, cardiac arrthymias, and mental disturbances are
all associated with levodopa therapy.
7. The mechanism of action of reserpine is to 12. Pretreatment with reserpine prevents a response to which
a. Inhibit monoamine oxidase of the following agents?
b. Inhibit catechol-O-methyltransferase a. Amphetamine
c. Block the assage of the nerve action potential in the b. E ine hrine
ost angEonic nerve fibers c. PRen$ePhrine
d. Etabfiize the axon terminal membrane thus preventing d. Isoproterenol
release of norepinephrine d. Norepinephrine
(a) reserpitte causes depletion of NE front storage sites,
tlttrs it cattttot be r e l e n d by an1 letantine. All of t l e
others listed act postsyttnptical~.
8. Am hetamineactsby
a. gromoting storage of the mediator
b. Causing a rapid release of the mediator
c. Causing a slobvdepletion of the mediator 13. Each of the followin dru s is considered to be a direct-
d. Combining with a receptor substance on the effector cell acting c a t e c h o l a m i n e % ~ ~ f ~ ~
e. Interfering with the response of the receptor to the a. Epinephrine
mediator b. Amphetamine
c. Isoproterenol
(b) d. Norepinephrine
a. Increases liver 61 cogeno ysisT e. Anta onize the vasodilating effects of the local
aneshet ic
b. Causes bronchi0 ar constriction
c. Produces a rise in b l o d pressure
d. Evokes extrasystoles in the heart i. (a), (b) and (c)
e. P r d u c e s restlessness and anxiety ii. (b), (c) and (d)
iii . (b), (d) and (e)
iv. (c), (d) and (e)
v. (d) and (e) only
(iii) Anstuer is (c)- Alplra-adretrergic ngotlists srtclr ns
"Epinephrine reversal" of blood ressure can best ke epirreplrrine produce vnsocotrstrictron, which worrld
demonstrated by injecting epinepRrine intravenously afier acconrplislt botlr "b" atrd "en. # 3 is the otrly altentntive
pretreatment with tllat itrcllides both b ntrd e tlrlis yotr dotr't Itnve to know
a. Prazosin ntrythitlg else. "a" atid "c" nre'fnlse. Vnsocotrstrictors nre
b. Atropine itrclride r r r locnl ntrestltetic repnrntiotrs to ( I ) prolottg nrrd
c. Propranolol
d. Neostigmine
e. Isoproterenol
brcrense tlw d 111 of nttestf,&in
(3 retabrhl tlre
ntrestlletic irt t E nren i t r j e c t ~ , reduce t i e toxic efect
of tlle drlig b y delnyitrg its absorptiott itrto tlre getrernl
circlilntiotr attd (3) to retlder tlte nren of ittjectiotr less
(n) epitleplrritre is n poteltt stinrlrlntor of botlr nlplln ntrd henrorrlrngic.
bctn receptors. Itlject ro11 of epi risltnlly cnrtses n rise it1
blood presslrre dric to I ) nryocnrdinl stinllthtiotr tlmt
illcreases vetttricrtlnr cotttrnctiott, 2 ) ntr itlcrense it1 llenrt 21. Administration of an otherwise effective pressor dose of
rate, atrd most inrportnrlt, 3 ) z~nsocotlstrictiotl dlre to nlplm epinephrine could cause an "e inephrine reversal" in a
receptor stin~lihtioti.However, blood flotu to skeletnl patient taking which of the foKowlng drugs?
ntrtscles is itlcrensed drie to ozclerflil betn-2 receptor a. Reserpine
vnsodibtor actiott tltnt is or16 pnrtinlly colitlterbnlntlced b. Propranolol
b n z~nsocottstrictornctiott ott tlre nlplln receptors tlmt nre c. Am hetamine
ayso presettt it1 tlre z~nsclrlnrbed. Wlretl gizwtl 61 tile d. ~ h L r ~ r o m a z i n e
presetlce of nlr nlpltn blocker, betn-reccptor n d i n t e d e. Lithium carbonate
zmsodihtiott is more prottoritrced, tlle totnl pcriplternl
resistatrce is decrensed ntrd tlle n m t t blood pressrire fnlls. ( d ) CPZ is n potnrt alplla blocker like prnzositt.
This decrense it1 blood pressttre is cnlled 'epitreplrrrtle
reversnl". Tlle otrly nlplla-blocker listed is prnzositt,
atlszuer (n). Atroprrle ts n cllolittergic nr~tscnritticreccptor
blocker, proprnttolol is n betn-blocker, treostipritte is n 22. Of the following sympathomimetic agents, the most potent
cl~olitresternse itrllibitor, ntrd isoyroteretrol 1s n bronchodilator is
predonritrntely betn receptor ngottist. a. Amphetamine
b. Norepinephrine
c. Phenylephnne
d. Iso roterenol
18. Each of the following is a predictable adverse effect of e. h4eLoxamine
drugs that block the sym athetic nervous system EXCEPT
a. Gastrointestinal Jsturbance ( d ) Atls~ueris (d)- W l a t is tteded for brottclrodilatiotr is
b. Postural hypotension relaxntiott of brottdtial smootli nrrtscles. This is
c. Nasal congestion accontplislud with beta2 receptor stimulatiotr.
d. Urinary retention Isoproterenol is the on1 drug listed with poterrt betn2
e. Miosis nctiorr. (a) stimulates a$hn receptors in the C N S , (b) NE
stimrtlates alphn and beta1 receptors ntore than beta2, (c)
pherryleplrrine is a n alplm receptor agonist, while (e)
methoxnmine is a vasocotrstrictor that stinrulates alpha
19. In ion of a pressor dose of norepinephrine may result in a receptors preferentially.
g r e a s e d heart rate because of
a. Activation of barorece tor reflexes
b. Direct stimulation of a&ha receptors
c. Direct stimulation of beta-1 receptors Administration of which of the following d r u s would
d. Direct stimulation of beta-2receptors produce vasomnst riction of the gingival vessef s?
e. Direct stimulation of muscarinic receptors a. Levonordefrin
b. Phentolarnine
(n) Atrswer is (n)- alterttntives 2-4 nll itrcrense lrenrf mte, c. Epinephrine
while N E ltns 110 e f i c t at ntuscnrinic receptors ((e)), d. Propranolol
wlliclr nre specific for clrolitrergic drrtgs. e. Phenylephrine
i. (a) and (b)
ii. (a) and (c) only seer1 iir or11 a snlnll perccrrtnge of pntie~rts.lrrcrensed
iii. (a), (c) and (el irr cideirce o/Ynrrllythnrhs is also a problenr. Letjodopn nlso
iv. (b), (dl and (el serrsitizes the iteart to epitteplrrirre irrdrtced arrltytiznrins.
v. (b) and (dl only
Of the followin one of the most effective treatments I . A pharmacologic agonist is a chemical substance that
currently availagle in the US.for most patients suffering a. Binds to a specific receptor and produces a response
from parkinsonism involves oral administration of b. Elicits a pharmacologic response without binding to a
a. Dopamine receptor
b. Amantadine c. Possesses the property of affinity but not of intrinsic
c. Benztropine activity
d. Levcdopa alone d. Exhibits no activity except to oppose the effect of an
e. Levodopa plus carbidopa antagonist
26. Levcdo a therap for Parkinson disease may result in each 2. When comparing drugs with respect to intensit&of r e s r n s e ,
of the foiowing eiects EXCEPT: the drug that produces the greatest maximum e ect is t e one
a. Development of abnormal, involuntary movements, with the highest
especially in the face a. Affinity
b. Extreme sensitivity to sympathomimetic drugs b. Potency
c. Exacerbation of an acute psychosis c. Efficacy
d. Nausea and vomiting d . Therapeutic index
e. Extreme sedation
Antipsychotics questions are usually about 3. The antipsychotic effects of phenothiazines result from
phenothiazines and usually about chlorpromazine. They a. Release of serotonin in the brain
ask for: b. Release of norepinephrine in the brain
c. Blockade of do aminergic sites in the brain
a. Mechanism of antipsychotic action: blockade of d. An increase in tRe doparnine content of the cerebral
dopaminergic sites in the brain cortex
b. Major side effects: i) anticholinergic effects, ii) e. Prevention of the release of norepinephrine from brain
extrapyramidal stimulation resulting in tardive neuron terminals
b. Photosensitivity
c. Excessive salivation
d. Anticholinergic effects
6 . Tardive dyskinesia is a neurolo ica1 sideeffect of which of e. Antiadrenergic effects
the following classes of drugs. 9
a. Alcohols
b. Tricyclic antidepressants
c. Barbiturate antiepileptics AIZtidepressants
d. Phenothiazine antipsychotics
e. Monoamine oxidase inhibitors
10. The drug most commonly 4 to treat severe mental
( d ) Tardizw dyski~tesinis atr irrezjersible cotrditiolr tlrnt d e ression is
consists of irtzjolurrtn nrovenrerrt of skeletnl nrttscles, n a. L i u m
cottditiort whiclr mny?e u e t t followbrg prolorrged use of b. Imi rarnine
drugs. This is typicnlly n dopnnriirergic nledinted effect. c. ~ h P o rromazine
Tlle llerzothinztrre ant;psyclrotics nre tlle ottly drrigs d. ~ r a n ~ b r o m i n e
1 i s t J w h i c h nct vin dopantine. T l u otlrers, s u c l ~ns~ e. Dextroamphetamine
tricyclics nrtd M A 0 itrlribitors nffect ndretter
tra~tsntissiott,bnrbittimtes act zjin GABA, ns oes nlcollol. ( b ) this qrlestiott is obviorisl ront tlle enrly 80's; you
would see a different list o#u s todny, so review your
sylbbris otr antidepressnnts. ~ 0 you % wotrld
~ probnhly
see sonrethirrg like prozac. Trnrt Icypromirte is tlle ottly
7. \Yhich of the following drugs are most likely to cause o t h r nntidepressnttt listed (~li%rpronmzitreis nrr
extrapyramidal stimulation? nttti sycltotic used to trent scltizoplrrettin), brrt is ntt M A 0
a. Antibiotics inhtkitor. n ~ s are e 2nd cltoice dnigs drce to side effects.
b. Salicylates
c. Barbiturates
d. Phenothiazines 11. Which of the following drugs is most effective as an
e. Benzodiazepines antidepressant?
a. Diazepam
( d ) - Extmpymntidnl side effects nre the nrnjor side b. Reserpine
e fects of n~rtipsyclloticnredicntiott nttd itrclude c. Amitriptyline
darkirtsotr-like effects ns rue11 ns tnrdiis dyskit~esin(from d. Chlorpromazine
dez~elopnlerrtof sripersettsitirjity reslr lt itlg front clt rot1ic e. Hydroxyzine
blocknde of doynnrtr~ereceptors in bnsnl gnrrglinl-
nbtrornrnl mpid nltertrntittg ntoz~enrerrtsof totrglre nrtd
perioral areas, fncinl grinrncitt , etc. Pllettotlrlnrirlcs nre
the ortly ntttipsyc,totrc nrlrgs i s t e n .
Meclzanisnr of action
8. Phenothiazine derivatives d o NOT produce
a. Jaundice Which of the following is most likely to be the major
b. Xerostomia mechanism of action of the tricyclic antidepressants?
c. Gingival hyperplasia a. Enhanced release of acetylcholine
d. Postural hypotension b. Inhibition of neuronal synthesis of norepinephrine
e. Symptoms of parkinsonism c. Potentiation of serotonin synthesis in nervous tissue
d . Stimulation of reuptake of norepinephrine from the
( c ) A~rsweris (c)- # 3 sltouM stntrd orrt irtrnrulintel~ s naptic cleft
beulise this is alnrost nlwnvs nletttiotted ns n side elect of e. dockade of the reuptake of amine neurotransmitters
dilarrtitt, wlticlr is )rot n plle;rothinrirle, but ntr nrlti- released into the synaptic cleft
co~tvtilsnnt.Pllettothinzitte deriz)ntiz~esnre nrrtipsyclrotic
dru s sudr as hnloperidol (Hnlcyort) or clrlo ronmzttte
u s d i n the treatment o disorders such as sc%zo lrrenia.
Yolr slrould rentenrber t rnt t l u ntost troublirtg sic! cffect
o these drugs is t l prodtidiort
~ of tnrdive dyskinesra a t d
Side Effects
* +
t1* arkinsotlian-like extrapyramufal disorders. Thus t 5
is e k i n a t d . A s rr rule tltese drugs k v e anticltoliner ic
and anti-a1 lta adretter ic side effects, wluc t wou 13. Tricyclic antidepressants have a rominent side effect that
eliminate xerostonrtn, an postural hypotension (due to an most nearly resembles the usuafpharmacological action of
an ti-ad renergic depressant elfect on both vasomotor a. Codeine
centers and the autonomic rtervotis systent) as possible b. Atropine
answers. Iaundice is a less fre tient side e ect than tlte
e x t r a ~ r a m i d n lsyn~ptoms,am! ofterl rese ts from art
allergrc readiotr to tllese drrigs. n t u s the arlswer is (c).
c. Ephedrine
d. Pro ranolol
e. ~ e K a c h o l i n e
2. Which of the follohin conditions contraindicate use of
corticosteroids in a ental patient?
Prepared by M.L. Thompson, Ph. D.,Dept. Of Pharmacology, Tufts Medical School
5. The behavior of patients under general anesthesia suggests H2 antihistamines such as cimetidine are used to reduce gastric
acid secretion (ex. cimetidine)
(n) Renlenlber tllnt Parkirrsorrisnr is
oj D A i l l tlle brairl, nrld is clrrrerrtly
.. Which of the followin d r u ~ iss useful in treating arrd mrbidopn. However, prior to tllese, ntrt
dermatologic mani estations of an allergic response?
a. Diazepam
drugs ruere tkeftrst drrigs folrrrd to be
jor trentnletrt o this disense, in tllat clroliner 'c ntl
b. Atropine dopanritrergic lrncts b,teracf itr tlze braitt, a n f t h u s
c. Hexylresorcinol reducing cholinergic activity vin anticl~olitlergicdrugs
d. Chlorpheniramine inrproves or enhatrces dopnminergic fxr nctiotr, sug estitrg
e. Phenoxybenzamine otre is inhibitory to f l u otlzer. Drugs witlr atrticltoitrergic
actizjity are often still tlle first drug tried. Atltilristanrine
( d ) Anstuer is (e)- Tlze inrplid drug clnss is drugs suclr ns diphetlhydramine oftett h z j e strottg
atrtihistnnrirres. 0 tlle drugs gizpetl orrly 2, (c), ntrd (e) nre
nnt ilristnnritres. here nre two chsses o ant ilristnnrirres,
HI and H2. H2, represetrted by cinreti itle, nre used to
atrtrclrolitrergic act izpity, wlliclr nccounts for their
eflectivetress in drying nasnl secretiotls associated with a
cold. Therejore, the answer is (a). (e) is there to confxtse
treat ulcers not skirr conditions. HI atrt ilristnntirres nre you, but don't be. Diphenlrydranritle does not stinrlrlate
used to trent nllergic renctiotrs, ntrd chlorplrerrirnnritre is dopanrinergic nerves in the bnsal ganglia. Ad retrergic
nrr HI drrig. Thlrs tlle atrswer is ( e l blockers ((c))do see sonre use in tlle treatntent of
Pnrkitrson's, but d i lletllr drnnlitre has no adretrergic
blockitrg act izjit . &pherl~yirnnritre does llaw t l u act iorrs
2. Cimetidine is used therapeutically to git~etritr (b) atrX(d), but tllese nre 11ot respotrsible jor its
a. Stimulate respiration ejFcacy itr Parkitlson's..
b. Protect against anaphylaxis
c. Decrease gastric acld secretion
d. Hasten excretion of barbiturates 41. The mechanism of action of HI antihistamines is
e. Dilate smooth muscles of the bronchioles a. M A 0 enzyme inhibition
b. competitive antagonism
c. physiologic antagonism
d. noncom~titiveantagonism
e. inhibition of release of bound histamine
3. Gastric acid secretion has been shown to be most effectively
reduced with the use of (b) Atrszoer is (b)- nlenrorizntiotr - HI ntltillistnnlitres are
a. Adrenal steroids conrpetitizpe histanlitre receptor blockers. Mnny stlrdetlts
b. Anticholinergic drugs nrrswer (e), brtt this is tlle nrecltnrrisnr ojnctiotr oj
c. Serotonin antagonists cronrol 11. (c) nlso dratus sonle arrswers, birt is wrorrg-
d. HI-histamine receptor antagonists epitrepfritle is tlle pl~ysiological ntltngotrist oj histnnritre.
Answer is (b)- uslinlly biotraits ornlatiort results it1 a
ntore wnter soluble, ntore readi y excreted form of tlze
pareilt drug. lit ntost ca.se.5 tltis rnactivates tlre drug, but
tlrere are some except ioits whiclt inzjolue tlre formation of
ntetabolites with activir ( d i n ~ a n ror ) wllot an innctive
prodrug is given (levo opa) w tch becontes active after
the first step in tlle biotraitsformatiorr pathway (DOPA)
52. In Fig. 1, three different doses of drug A are tested for sonletimes are asked in questions of tilts form.
activity. In Fig. 2, three doses of drug B are tested for
activit in the same test system. In Fi .3, three doses of
drug Kare tested in the presence of t t e high dose of drug B. 61. In which of the following groups of drugs is there the most
Based upon the responses seen, which of the follotving consistency in chemical structure?
statements best describe drugs A and B? a. diuretics
a. drug A is a partial agonist; dru B is an antagonist b. antiepileptics
b. drug A is an antagonist; drug #is a partial agonist c. local anesthetics
c. drug A is an agonlst; drug B is an antagonist d. general anesthetics
d. drug A is a agonist; drug B an partial agonist e. nonbarbiturate sedatives
e. drug A is an agonist; drug B is neither an agonist or an
antagonist Artswer is (c)- Rentenlber that lour1 ntresthetics nre eitller
esters or nntides. A11 of tlw other nlterilntizjes dizjerge
(5) sorry cnlr't reproduce the f i lire. Brit 1 tllillk t l q give widely i r l tlleir structures.
yoli n copy of this exnnt, dotl't t$?lf ,lot, look this u trl
yotir course syllabtis. You still lmz~eyorir colirse syl nbtis,
dort't you?Artstuer is (e)- drug A depicts n dose respottse 64. Cimetidine is administered to
curzje for a bill ngorlist- tlte typicnl signtoidnl dose a. aid in slee ing
resporlse curz)e goiitg front 0-100% resporlse, tlllis (b) is b.relieve a s t h a
elintinnted fronl furtller cortsideratiort. Tlle dose res orlse c. inhibit gastric secretion
ctirve or drug B is Ft-iro resportre nt nll. Drtig B t i i s
catt 't e a pnrtinl ngoitist, tulticit nrenrts (d) is wrottg. It
ntrist eitller be nn arttngortist or iteitller nrt ngorrist or
d. relieve cold and flu symptoms
Artswer is (c)- Rentember, cinletidirte or "Taganret" is ait
nrrtngortist in tlris systent. Tlte fact tlrnt it doesrl't secnt to HZ nrttiltistnmine nre used tllera euticnlly to irlhibit
alter tlre dose respottse c1irz)efor Drtig A irl Fig. 3 gnstric secretioit ((c)) iit cases o$pTtic ulcer. This is its
iirdiurtes it cnrt't be ntt atttn ortist- t:le clirzJewotiM be otlly clirtical rise. Yori migltt see it trt a questiotr regardin
sintilnr Lt slmpe except shlffld to the right. Tlre nrtsiuer is drug nutabolisnr- it is also a poteitt iitlttbitor of tlle m i x d
tlrtis (el. fr!nctiorr oxidase drug metabolirirtg ettzynte systent in the
Itver. The other alterrtntives are to coirfuse you because
YOU probably at least renrentber tlmt it is ail antiltistamirte,
56. In an addisonian crisis (hypoaldosteronism) resulting from but ori don't kitow tlre differerrce betweert HI artd H2
stress from a minor dental procedure, the patient should be nrtt Xistantines.
treated immediate1 with
a. 0.5 ml norepineplrine
b. 5 mg. prednisolone acetate 65. Which of the following anticancer drugs can be classified as
c. 1% triamcinolone acetonide an antimetabolite?
d. 0.5 ml, 1:1000 epinephrine a. cisplatin
e. 2 ml(100 mg) hydrocortisone hemisuccinate b. lomustine
c. vincristine
Answer is (el- Addison's disuse resrrlts from ailure of
tile adrennl cortices to roduce adrertocortical tormortes
sucit as aldosterone. ~Pdosteroneis a mirteralocorticoid
d. methotrexate
Aitswer is (d)- I would guess ( d ) because its the only one
that controls sodiunr retention aitd potassiunl excretion. I've e w r heard of, aird since this wasn't covered in class
Lack of aldosterone results it1 electrolyte imbalnnces, with you mi ht be one to guess it also. Wow, we ot it ri ht!
tlre major problem being hyponat remta (sodium loss).
Similar sym toms may also be seen when a patient is
Actual y, ifyou look the others up, (a) b. (bfare al&latirtg
agents, (c) ts an alkaloid derived from plants. (d) is a
withdrawn ;om chronic adrenal steroid therapy. Due to folate antagonist, which acts as an antimetabolite. Just for
depressed adreital function, patients cart 't respottd to your future edification, most cancer chemotherapy dru s
stressful situatiotts (such as dental procedures)
adequately, artd art adrertal crisis ntay occur. Tile
recommertded treatment is (el, I00 nlg of ltydrocortisotte
cause cell death by p ecting the abilit of cells to divid.
The drugs thus rnhr rt oite or more pLses of the cell
cycle or prevent a cell in Go (the nortdividing phase)
ilemisuccirlnte. Of the other corticostero~dsgiuelt, ire dose from entering into the cycle of cell division.
giver1 for rdnisoloite ((b)) is too low, while Arttimetabolttes may act iit 2 ways ( I ) by incorporntion .
triamcirtoEne lncb arty e ects ort soditrnt reterttion. NE into a nletabolic pathwny and formation of a false
nnd Epi would not be us!J irr titis situntiotr- t l q ntigitt be
Prepared by M.L. Thompson, Ph. D., Dept. Of Pharmacology, Tufts Medical School
nrdnbolite wlriclr is 1rotr c~rctiolrnlor ( 2 ) by irrlribitiolr of
tlte cntnlytic jlrirctiorr o nn e~rzynreor elizynte systent.
Metltotrexnte is nrr exnnrple of n cell cvcle spectfic
2. b only
3. b, c, and d
4. b and d
nltfinretnbolite ttrnt i~lfribrtsD N A sy~rt)resisdlrrrlrg tlre S 5. all of the above
phnse. Viircristitle ncts d~rrirlgthe nritotic plmse
Alrszcler is (c)- "n" cn11't be rigllt becnrtse exercise irtcrenses blood
flow throrrglr nnlscles nlrd tlrrcs intproves nbsorption. Thus #
66. Which of the following hormones acts to elevate blood
concentration of iomc calcium? worrld also resrtlt i ~ reduced
t Bd
I is wroltg. "b" is obviolrsly ri ltt or tlre sante rensotr. "c"
b oo flow so slower nbso
worrld also be a problenr. "d" is oftell used for prolovge andTion
b. gluca%?
a. parat yroid steady drug release so it also is true. Tlre attswer nittst thus
c. aldosterone be (c).
d. thyrotropin
e. thyrocalcitonin
78. Salicylism includes which of the following?
Answer is (b)- maintaining the concentration of Ca++ in a. nausea
extracellular fluid by re ulating the deposition and b. tinnitus
mobiliza Son of calcium from bone, absorption from the c. vomiting
GI tract, excretion etc. is the main function of d. gastrointestinal bleeding
arathyroid hormone. Thyrocalcitonin is another name
k r calcitonin. They hope to confuse you because there l.a,b,andc
is a correlation between calcitonin and calcium, except 2. a, b, and d
that calcium concentrations regulate the synthesis and 3. a and c only
release of calcitonin. Gluca on is a pancreatic hormone 4. b, c, and d
that stimulates glucose prJuction, thyrotropin is there 5. all of the above
to confuse you with parath oid hormone, and
aldosterone regulates Na+ cvels not Ca++. A11szc)eris (e)- "Snlict/lisnr" is n niild toxic renctiolr to
nspiri~r (ncetylsnlicy~cncid), rrsunlly occrlrrbtg nfter
prololt~ed trentnze~rttoit11 hrpe doses. Nnrrsen, fililrittrs,
67. Disorientation, confusion, and hallucinations resulting from i~onrithgaird GI bleeding ar; nll synrptonrs of snlicyli.snr.
an overdose of scopolamine are most efficaciously treated Other ~rotnbleside eJIects of nspiri~ttulriclt res~lltfrom
by administering ingestiorr of n si~rglelnrge dose nre disturbnnces of ncid-
a. atropine base imbalance (acidosis or nlhlosis), fever,
b. levodo a h po lycenrin. Remember, aspirin, is iorr traindicnted i~r
c. acetylcRoline cirlJen srifieri~rgfront irrJluenut or chicken pox: aspirirr
d. physostipine lms been in~plicaterlitr tlte dezlelopntelrt of Renee's
A~rstveris (d)- scopolnnr i~reis n nrriscnririic receptor
blocker sinrilnr to ntropi~re,tlrrls (n) is wrolrg. Lmodopn
llns nothi~rgto do zvith tlris qrtestiolr. To corirrternct n 82. Which of the following are important criteria for the
conrpdititle nrrlscnrirric receptor block, yo11 Ired to adequate clinical evaluation of a new drug?
ilrcrense tlte 1ez)els of ngorr is!, ill tlris cnse acet lclioli~re. a. comparison with a lacebo
However, yo11 cn~l't gitr AClt becnrise it is brorerr down b. evaluation of side e k t s
nlntost i~rstnrrtnneorrslyby ncet lclro1irresternse. The c. utilization of control groups
mrswer is to gitr R drrl wllicb Locks out the
ncet lcholi~resternse,a lowirrg endoge?rousl relensed
A c X t o nccrrnrelate to ozrrconv tlle nctiolr o/scopobnrbre.
d. comparison with a standard drug
e. double blind experimental design
Tlre drug wlriclr will do tlris is plrysostignri~re. 1. a, b, c, and d
2. a, b, d, and e
3. a, c, dl and e
69. Developed hyporeactivity to a drug is 4. b, c, and e
a. tolerance 5. b, d and eonly
b. antagonism 6 . all of the above
c. detoxification
d. desensitization Atistver is #6- A ginrnte-this is just conrrnon sense.
A~rsweris (a)- your clroices are betwee11 toleralrce and
desensitiuttion, (n) and (d). T l v latter re/ers to sonte 84. Each of the following a ents has a lon duration of action
alteration oj receptors that lends to dintrnished respoltse to due to the presence of h e r g e n e r a t d a d h e metabolites
tlre d r ~ t,and is really a meclmltisnl whereby tolera~lcentay EXCEPT
occur. ?hus the Gods of the Board questio,o have decreed a. diazepam
tlut tlre atrswer slull be (a). b. oxazepam
c. flurazepam
d. chlordiazepoxide
77. Absorption of a drug from the intramuscular site of
administration may be slowed by Answer is (b)- This is a pure memorization questiotl. All
a. exercise
b. vasoconstriction
c. the presence of con estive heart failure
of these drugs are benzodiazepines, which typicall have
a long duratron of action baause !hey a!e convert to K
pharmacologically active metabolttes wrth long half-lives.
d. administering the drug as an insoluble complex Oxazeprn, midazolnrn, and lorazepam are exceptions that
are not converted to active metabolites. The altswer is
exceptiori- it will rrot precipitnte witldrawnl becarise it is
orrly n zucnk niir aritngoriist .
86. Each of the following statements relates to the general
aspects of toxicology EXCEPT 99. All of the followin methods of drug biotransformation are
a. most drugs exert a single action %
classified as synt etic except:
b. toxicity is both time and dose dependent a. N-alkylation
c. toxicity can be due to overdosage of a drug b. Odealkylation
d. symptoms of toxicity can be anything rangng from c. sulfate con'ugation
nausea to death d. g~ucuronideconjugation
e. for some drugs, even a minimal concentration can be
harmful Arrswer is (b)- Norrsyrrthetic renctiorrs (plmse I reactiorrsl
include the various trarisformatioris of molecular
Ariswer is (a)- If yoir learned airythirrg froni structure: oxidation, reduction, and hydrolysis; tl
plmrmacology, you should iristaiitly be nble to idortib (0) represerif the first stage of biotransforniatiorr. S rizetic
s /
as tlle correct answer. Tlle coristnrit uest o pltarnmcology
as a science is to design or iderrfib rirgs t mt lmzpe as
narrow or specific rarige of actiorr as possible, but rrot to
(phase II) rolctions consist of the con -u ation ofdrugs or
their nretabolites with nctional *.!he
nlturrntives, (c) nrid ( ) are corijugat~orireactions, arid
many sirigle action drirgs hnve been i d e r i t i w . flirts are wrott because tliey are synthetic reactiorrs.
Alterriatives (c) arrd (b) sliould reniirid yorr of plirases Altenvtive (a? is tricky. It is nude to sound like N -
sudr as dose-resporlse curves arid tlteraperrtic index (the dealkylatiorr, which is a nonsyritlletic or llnse I oxidatizle
ratio o a toxic or letlml dose to a thernperrtic dose, reaction. Tltere is no reaction urlled N-a$htiori. Tliirs
B d
LD50/ED50). A toxic e fect cnrl be brondly defirred ns nriy
irrrdesired e ect of tlw rlrg, thrrs # 4 cnri't be tlle
exceptiorr. o rirle orrt # 5, tlririk of nerzle gns.
(b), art oxkhtive plmse I rendioii is left ns tlle riglit
92. The central actions of eth 1 alcohol are not synergistic with
which of the following. 2'
a. diazepam
b. meperidine
c. pentobarbital
d. chlorpromazine
e. methylphenidate
Answer is (el- Tlte cerrtrnl nctioirs of nlcolrol nre
depressnrlt. nirrs tlre clioice of correct nrrswer conres
dowri to fnrowirig wlliclr of tlte dru s listed is trot n CNS
!epressnrit. Ditzepnnr is a berlzo$nzepirle, perrtobnrbitnl
is n barbitrrrate. Both nre sedatirig. Meperidirle is nrr
opiate, wltile chlorprontnziile is n plrerrotlrinzirre
nritips chotic. Both o tllese clnsses of drir s nre also
typicn$ saintbig. Ale correct nrtsluer is fe),
niethylplleriidnte (Ritnliir). Ritnlirr is nrr itrdirect act irrg
s nr ntkoniinretic, arm ncts sinrilnr to nnrplletnnlirre irr tlre
2' 4-
N it is a stinirrlnrrt.
1993 Board Exam Review 36. Each of the following side effects can occur as
a result of systemic absorption of lidocaine
Addendum - EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION?
a. increased gastric motility
b. tonic-clonic convulsions
c. decreased cardiac output
1. The therapeutic index (T.I.) of a drug is defined d. respiratory depression
( A ) tlre sytemic effects of lidoairre that are
problematic are its effects on the
cardiovnsculnr system and tlre C N S (irritnl
excitatiorr stich as cont)ulsiorrs followed by
C N S depressior~involz~ingcollapse of the
respiratory artd carioz~sacularsystenrs)
(E) And yori worrderd wlry 1 nude yoti
nreniorize c m like this! Renrenrber, TI is art
indicator of t L safety of a dnig, with safety 39. A 43 year old patient who has mitral stenosis,
nefirrd ns n ratio of tlre dose tltnt ruorild h secondary to rheumatic fever, requests
letltnl to 5070 of tlre extraction of two eriodontally involved
dose tltnt is e ectizie
the grenter t te differcrtce
mandibular teeth.%utially, the dentist should
a. premedicate the patient with cephalos
doses, tlre snfer t l dnig.
~ b. premedicate the patient with amoxicil in in
c. premedicate the patient with ampicillin and
11. Which of the follow in^ classes of dru sf when d. consult with the patient's physician to
combined with a narcotic anal esic, is t%e determine the ant~bioticof choice.
MOST like1 to produce a fataf drug
interaction. Y ( B ) pnticrrt's corzditiorr cnlls for errdocnrditis
a. cardiac glycosides ro ltylnxis reginrerr, of whiclr anroxicillirr
b. oral anticoagulants rst clzoice, ~irrlcsspntierrt is PCN
c. tricyclic antidepressants nl ergic.
d. oral antidiabetic agents
e. monoamine oxidase inhibitors
44. Which of the followin is a nonsteroidal anti-
( E ) Tlris is just n reworded runv of nski~rgtlre inflammatory agent wit! a tendency to produce
nrepeririinc (Denrerol) - M A O ~ blood dyscrasias?
(trartylcypronrirre or plrerrylzirre) drrs-drrrg a. indomethacin (Indocin)
irrternctrorr qriestiorr- tlre roblent is excessrzie
respirntory d ressiorr. CLS excitntio,r,
colt zpri lsiorrs, typerpyrexin, etc.
b. Ibuprofen (Motrin)
c. Ketorolac (Toradol)
d. Acetaminophen
e. Aspirin
19. Aspirin is CONTRAINDICATED with which (n) tlre lnst two nreb't N S A I D S , so tltey carr't be
of the followin drugs? right. Of tlre N S A I D S listed, I less ori are
a. ~ o u m a r i fcournadin)
b. Triazolam (Halcyon)
)list supposed to hatie nrr irrcrex? ible a ility to
nrenrorize arid renrenrber tllat irrdonrethaci1~
c. Barbiturates (Phenobarbital) is tlie orrl orre tllat does tlris, nrost likely
d. Pentobarbital (Nembutal) becarise t L otlier have rezrrsible effects orr
c. Methylprednisolone (Medrol) prostnglnrrdin synt llesis, wltile t h t of
r lrdontet llacirr is irreversible.
( A ) aspirirt irtterferes witlt plntelet
aggregnt iotr, incrensirrg bleedirrg t inre, wlrile
countnrirr is nrt arrticongrilnrrt d n i 52. Which of the followin drugs is often
irrteractior~would be excessitr b i s i F g administered to treat lik-threatening
a. quinidine
27. Which of the followin barbiturates MOST b. lidocaine
readil penetrates the hmd-brain barrier? c. verapa.mil
a. d r b i t a l d. propranolol
b. Phenobarbital
c. Secobarbital
d. ThiopentaI
e. Pentobarbital
58. A male patient who is receiving Coumadin
(D)tltnts w h y tlrioperrtnl is l ns ari IV
i d
thera y presents for an elective extraction. His
irrdtictiorr agent. It is the nrost lipid soluble of protrRombin time (m) is prolonged. Which of
tlrose listed arid eriters nrrd leaz~estlre brairr the following methods is preferred for reducing
rnpiiily, qtiickly rerrderirrg tlre patierrt the PT to an acceptable level?
irrrcortsciotrs. Methollexital (Brevitnl), riot a. administering vitamin K (Aqua Mephyton)
listed, is sin~ilnr. b. Withdrawing Coumadin for two days
c. reducing Coumadin to one half the usual
Prepared by M. L. Thompson, Ph.D., Dept. Of General Dentistry, Tufts Dental School
dose for two days (a) erlteral ntearts zpin GI tmct-only rorrte listed
d. administering a Coumadin antagonist, such tlrat goes directly itrto GI tract ;s (a) ornl.
as heparin
e. administerin a latelet transfusion to
enhance coaguf;ab&ty 93. Propranolol (Lnderal) exerts its major
antian inal effect by
a. dfating coronary arteries
b. dilating systemic blood vessels
62. Each of the following drugs has a significant c. increasing cardiac contractility
anti-inflammatory prperty except one. Which d. stimulating vagal slowing of the heart
one is t h exception?
~ e. blocking beta-adrenergic receptors of the
a. aspinn heart
b. cortisol
c. acetaminophen (e) my god, if you don't renzenlber pro ratrolol
d. ibuprofen as the protot pe nonspecific beta a L n e r g i c
e. indomethacin receptor blocrrr, ou shouldn't be taking this
test. h angina, t& goal is to reduce the
(c) eer, they keep repentbtg this questiott year oxygen denrands oj the heart, since it urtr't
n h r yenr after year - if yori do11 t get etrou It. (a) and (b) are usefir1 actiotts in
intnzedintely brow t l s t the nilswer is an na, fut are the wa that ttitro lyceritr
ncetnntitroplzerr, I loill cnll Mr. Flenrittg attd a n f u k i u n , clumtrel bcckers w o r l not
clwtr e yottr grnde in Plmrnlncology to 011 propmrr 0101, whiclt ncts to decrease urrdiac
"F".B orrtput ntld coittrnctility (so (c) is obviotisly
wrotlg- this is at1 nct iott that is needed itt
72. A patient has a history of significant lrmrt jnilure patietrts, tlot aitgitra)
cardiovascular impairment. The maximum safe
dose of epinephrine that can be administered to
this patient is: 99. Bradycardia is MOST commonly treated with
a. 1 cc, 1: 50,000 which of the following drugs?
b. 2 cc, 1:50,000 a. atropine
c. 1 cc, 1: 100,000 b. epinephrine
d. 2 cc, 1: 100,000 c. a diuretic
d. a potent vasodilator
(b) tlre rule is ..04 nrg oj epi nrnx it1 CV
pntietlts. TIE ensiest wny to ji lire this oitc (n) bradycnrdin is n reflexive slowed lzenrt mte,
out is to renrenrber oti sltortl il't 'z~enrore
thntt 2.2 carpriles oyxylocnbre wity
coittrolled by z q n l ~irprrtto tlre llenrt, nltd is
cholitrergicnlly nredinted, whiclt nzeaits you
1:100,000 i - yotrr ristinl cltoicc ns n locnl t t d a clrolirrer 'c receptor blocker to
nttesthetic.?wo cn riles is 3.6 cc. Tlris reduce the va a f $ f e c t . Atropitre is tlze ot1ly
elinrirmtes o lions ?i!) nrrd (d), sbrce t l q
would be snJ h i t ttot nsxinml. Sitrce
drug listed w f ich is a cholinergic agent.
T l q tlrrew it1 epinephritte as a tease,
1:50,000 is twice ns concet~trntedns because if you brew bradycardin was cnrdinc
1:I 00,000, 1 cc of 1:50,000 (optiotr (n)) is tlre slowitrg, you nliglrt be tent ted to think epi,
snnre ns 2 cc oj 1:100,000 so still trot close to which usually speeds up t R hmrt, would be
nlnx, so (b) hns to be tlze right nttswer. 0 tlre right answer- but you've got to block tlre
course, ou corrld htpe first renanr berel zrngal ittprrt, epi wotl't work.
( b )ever1 I you didn't blow tltnt tritroris cart
alter t patie~rt'ssense of renlity (tltnt's
wlry yotr dorr't give it nlorre irr yorrr office,
153. Which of the following effects are common to
pentobarbital, diazepam, and meperidine?
a. anticonvulsant and hypnotic
tlley nriglrt Jnntnsize tllnt yorr lrad olrr way b. analgesia and relief of anxiety
witlt t k n r wlwn you didn't!) by elntinntion c. sedat~onand ability to produce dependence
( b ) llns to be tlte right nriswer sirrce (a) aird d. amnesia and skeletal muscle relaxation
(c) nre irrdicatiorrs for t l u rtse of nitrous
(c) tlte only definition which covers all three
dru s. (a) applies orrly to pentobarbital, (b)
137. The correct total liter flow of nitrous oxide- nppf'es only to meperidinr, arrd ( d ) epplics
oxygen is determined by orrly to dinteparn.
a. a standard 6 liter er minute flow
b. the patient's metagolic oxygen
requirements 154. The onset of action of drug is primarily
c. the amount necessary to keep the reservoir determined by the rate of
bag 113 to 2/3 full a. excretion
Prepared by M. L. Thompson. Ph.D.. Dept. Of General Dentistry, Tufts Dental School
176. A 4 yr old child is shy, timid, and fearful. 42. Local anesthetics aid in reducing the flow of
Which of the following will be MOST saliva during operative procedures by
appropriate for the restorative appointments a. blocking the cholinergic nerve endings
for this child? b. blockins innervation to major salivary
a. Naloxone glands
b. Nitrous oxide/oxygen c. blocking efferent parasympathetic nerve
c. Promethazine pathways
d. Hydroxyzine hydrochloride (atarax) or d. reducing sensitivity and anxiety during
hydroxyzine pamoate (Vistaril) in divided t w t h preparation
e. Meperidine (Demerol), promethazine ( d ) locnls don't have actiorls (a), (b), or
(Phenergan) and chlorpromazine (c)!Nerz~ouspnt iertts, however, do salivnte
(Thoraz~ne)combined niore.
b. 1.0 gram enicillin V oral1 one hour 118. Which of the following antibiotics is found
before g e dental proce ure and 500
mg orally 6 hours later
at much higher concentrations in crevicular
fluid than in serum?
c. 1.0 gram amoxicillin orally one hour a. clindamycin
before the dental procedure and 500 b. penicillin
mg orally 6 hours later c. metronidazole
d. 3.0 gram amoxicillin orall one hour- d. tetracycline
before the dental p r o c d ~ r and
e 1.J
grams orally 6 hours later
c. antihistamines b. urination
d . benzod iazepines c. mydriasis
e. anticholinergics d. bradycardia
e. copious serous saliva
flmt dolr't lmtle tlris nctiotr - tlrey jrrsf ntrtips~cltc~ic,petrtnzocitre art opioirl,
block sodirrnr itrflrcx info flre lrerrrotr. ntrd p~re~:;rlpro~nnolnnrilre is n
decorrgestattf irrqd itr cold nredicntiorrs.
155. Corticosteroid therapy for arthritis is - % *
contraindicated for a patient who also has
which of the following conditions?
a. anemia
b. nephritis
c. alcoholism
d. peptic ulcer
e. rheumatic heart disease
( d ) patielrf s usirrg corf icosferoids for
arthritis oftelr dct)elop jr lcers becartse
these drug block prosfnglnlrdilr nctiorr irr
the stomaclr, thereby itrcrensing acid
secret ioti wlrile dccrensilrg tlre
protect itle nrrrcosnl bnrrier of tlre