Appendix J Project and Strategy Summary Tables (By Reach)

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Appendix J: Project Tables Lewis Creek Watershed

February 2010 River Corridor Conservation & Management Plan


Project and Strategy Summary Tables

(by reach)
Appendix J: Project Tables Lewis Creek Watershed
February 2010 River Corridor Conservation & Management Plan

The following tables provide a summary, by reach, of moderate- to high-priority recommended

projects and strategies for river corridor conservation and management in the assessed portions of
Lewis Creek watershed.

Since river corridor protection (see Section 6.1) is recommended as a priority for a majority of the
assessed reaches, it has not been included in the following tables. Refer to Table 18 for a relative
ranking of the priority for corridor protection.

Similarly, fluvial erosion hazard planning should be undertaken for a majority of the assessed
reaches/segments. Therefore, it has not been specifically noted in the following tables. Section 7.1
(pp 105-109) of the main report identifies those reaches/segments where a heightened concern for
erosion hazards has been identified (e.g., at points of substantial reduction in slope and valley

Undersized bridge or culvert crossings are present in a majority of the reaches/segments.

Replacement or retrofit of crossing structures has not been specifically identified as projects in the
following tables; instead the reader is referred to Section 6.6.1 and Tables 22-a and 22-b of the main

Finally, buffer plantings are recommended for a majority of the reaches/ segments, where willing
landowners are identified. Section 6.2 (page 90) of the main report identifies those high-priority
segments in need of buffer restoration.
Appendix J. Project and Strategy Summary Tables (by Reach) Lewis Creek Watershed
River Corridor Conservation Management Plan

Ben Socia

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Pro ers -
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Segment Site Description Project Description

1 M22 Starksboro - various properties Potential berm removal. Upstream/ downstream of Hillsboro Rd High Mod ModeraUnknown USDA - CRP, EQIP
along Route 116 crossing (upstream of VT Rt 116). Explore social/financial
to Low USFW - Partners
feasibility of berm removal and/or floodplain & incised channel
Historically incised, entrenched channel has been
restoration to remove constraints to full meander expression with
channelized, bermed, and armored especially in the
a goal of increased flow and sediment load attenuation at this
upstream half. Active lateral adjustments are in conflict
regional transition point of reduced gradient and valley confinement.
with sparse but closely-encroaching road (rt. 116),
residential homes, driveways, undersized crossing River Corridor Protection. Important due to reduced sediment High Exceptional Mod Unknown VTDEC RMS
structures, and agricultural fields. Channel armoring transport capacity, but also given reach position upstream of Landowners
installed in 2005 by NRCS has been outflanked by this altered reaches (M21-B). VT River Conservancy
actively adjusting channel. Could be transformed into a
V High Low Low Unknown VTDEC RMS
key attenuation area with greater floodplain connection Buffer Restoration. With a focus on larger trees marking the river
and meander expression. USFW - Partners
corridor boundary.
Livestock Exclusion. Work with landowners of farm on RB High Very High Low Unknown VT AA
downstream of Meadowlark Lane to ensure compliance with AAPs
re: setbacks from the river for livestock pasture.

Active Restoration of Historically Incised Segment. Town

2 M19-B Starksboro - parcel C21167E Mod Mod Educational High
Town of Starksboro
Southern Riparian Parcel Introduction of large woody debris. Removal of residual rip-rap (pending Recreational VTDEC RMS
armoring. Possible reconnection to adjacent wetlands. for
along Route 116 south of Starksboro Ballfields hydraulic engineering Lewis Creek Assoc
(Parcel is currently conserved through VT Land Trust) analysis) design. USFW - Partners
Past channelization, has resulted in historic incision. Approval VT Land Trust
Active lateral adjustments and deposition are building an for
incipient floodplain at a lower elevation. Potential for key implementa
attenuation function with continued passive restoration. tion
Channel-contiguous wetlands mapped to the west; hydric pending.
soils underlie subject parcel.

3 M17-C Starksboro Tax Parcel: xxxxxxxx High High Mod Unknown Town of Starksboro
Remove old bridge abutments. Determine ownership of /
States Prison Hollow Extension Lewis Creek Assoc
responsibility for old abutments through review of parcel mapping,
grand list and land records. Assess potential consequences of VTDEC RMS
Old bridge abutments for former alignment of States
Prison Hollow Road have a constricting span (less than abutment removal on the sediment transport continuity of the Lewis
bankfull width). Debris jams at this constriction could Creek and local erosion / deposition cycles. Work with
initiate a channel avulsion to the north which could put at landowner(s) and/or Town of Starksboro to develop a plan for
risk residential homes in the area. removal of the abutments.

4 M17-B Starksboro Tax Parcel: C131W Mod Mod Increased flow High Unknown Landowner
Hansen Farm, left bank attenuation. Town of Starksboro
Adjoining Town of Starksboro, Northern Riparian Parcel Restoration of contiguous wetlands. Conduct outreach to the Public access. Lewis Creek Assoc
landowner to determine interest. Review the site for feasibility of Wildlife habitat VTDEC RMS
Past channelization, armoring, and berming have wetland restoration. Work with partners to develop implementation
resulted in historic incision. Hydric soils underlie the plan and determine funding (pending landowner willingness).
area, wetlands in left-bank floodplain have been
historically converted to farmland.

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Appendix J. Project and Strategy Summary Tables (by Reach) Lewis Creek Watershed
River Corridor Conservation Management Plan

Ben Socia

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Segment Site Description Project Description
5 M17-A Starksboro Parcel: B211614W High High
Water Quality
Low Unknown Lewis Creek Assoc
Kelly Exclude Livestock. Provide alternate water source. USDA - CRP, EQIP
Channel has good floodplain connection. Streambank USDA-WHIP
erosion associated with meander translation. Localized VTAA - CREP, BMPs
sedimentation / widening at beaver dams. Livestock are USFW - Partners
pastured with direct access to stream; trampling has
exacerbated streambank erosion.

6 M15-B Starksboro Parcel: B25L5S Evaluate Gully Formation and Stabilize - ephemeral trib. Left- High High Mod Interested Lewis Creek Assoc
Monkton Parcels: 206-10 and 206-20.4 bank ephemeral tributary receiving stormwater runoff from local VTDEC RMS
Padua (tree nursery) residences and the tree nursery has formed an erosional gully near
confluence with Lewis Creek.
Channel has limited floodplain access. Historic incision
related to inferred past channelization. Building incipient
floodplain at lower elevation through localized widening
and planform adjustment facilitated by LWD recruitment
and beaver activity.
Streambank stabilization. Laterally adjusting channel within 50
7 M15-A Hinesburg Tax Parcel: 12-01-38.000 High High Low Unknown Lewis Creek Assoc
feet of residential buildings. Streambank armoring installed by
Lorance landowner in 2006. Enhance buffer with larger tree plantings
Substantial planform adjustment and aggradation related between the top of bank and the house to increase longterm
to upstream and tributary sources of sediment, protection of house in the event of armoring failure.
exacerbated by minimal tree buffers and a downstream
constriction (reach M14) where the channel transitions
into a bedrock-controlled, semi-confined valley setting.
Consider berm removal. As part of an alternatives analysis to
8 M08 Charlotte - various parcels High Very High Willing to Lewis Creek Assoc
include removing berms, road lowering, engineered overtopping of
Spear Street, etc. Consider along with active restoration of High participate VTDEC RMS
Vicinity of Quinlan Covered Bridge
incised channel and reconnecting the incised channel to adjacent in Alt Anal Town of Charlotte
Past encroachments, armoring, and berming have wetlands, Mod USFW
resulted in historic entrenchment of the channel on (pendin
approach to Quinlan Covered Bridge. Site of repeated g hydr.
ice jam flooding that subjects area properties to anal.)
inundation and erosion hazards.
9 M02 Ferrisburgh - dairy farm High High Water Quality Low Unknown Lewis Creek Assoc
M01 Ferrisburgh - dairy farm Exclude Livestock. Provide alternate water source, where USDA - CRP, EQIP
Starksboro - small farm, livestock necessary.
T4.3S6.01 Starksboro - small farm, livestock VTAA - CREP, BMPs
T3.01-B Monkton - livestock USFW - Partners

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Appendix J. Project and Strategy Summary Tables (by Reach) Lewis Creek Watershed
River Corridor Conservation Management Plan

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Segment Site Description Project Description
Potential Dam Removal. Conduct outreach to landowner; Flood hazard
10 T6.06-B 3052 Big Hollow Rd, Starksboro determine ownership/ responsibility for dams. Determine High Mod mitigation. Mod Unknown Lewis Creek Assoc
T4.05-D 2538 Lincoln Hill Rd, Hinesburg construction specifications and relationship to aquatic organism Mod High High Unknown USFW - Partners
T4.05-D 2572 Lincoln Hill Rd, Hinesburg passage and geomorphic compatibility. Evaluate responsible party Mod High High Unknown VTDEC RMS
The above dams limit aquatic organism passage, are of interest in evaluating alternatives to dams. Conduct alternatives Town of Hinesburg
unknown construction, and have undetermined analysis.
inspection frequency. They may represent a local flood

11 T4.05-A Starksboro, Huntington, Hinesburg High High Mod Unknown Lewis Creek Assoc
Vicinity of Lazy Brook MHP Evaluate Gully Formation and Stabilize - ephemeral trib. May (potential VTDEC RMS
involve stormwater runoff along road in Hinesburg and Huntington.
for many Better Back Roads
Ephemeral tributary is significant source of sediment and landowners) Add Cty Comm Trust
stormwater runoff to Hollow Bk. Collapsing trees
suggest incision and widening are active (i.e., gully).
Sediment caused wash out of small bridge, leading to
channelization, dredging, berming of the trib above the
confluence with Hollow Brook.
Restoration of contiguous wetlands. Conduct outreach to the
12 T3.01-B Monkton Tax Parcel: xxxx landowner to determine interest. Review the site for feasibility of
Mod High Increased flow High Unknown Landowner
Russell Farm, both banks wetland restoration. Work with partners to develop implementation attenuation. Lewis Creek Assoc
Stream has been historically channelized and tile plan and determine funding (pending landowner willingness). VTDEC RMS
drainage has been installed to facilitate livestock Restore meandering profile and floodplain connection. Wildlife habitat USDA - WRP
pasturing and adjacent hay fields. Hydric soils underlie USDA - WHIP
the area, nearby wetlands to model restoration. USDA - WHIP

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