Joyce Archtypes Presentation

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The Archetypes in “Eveline”

• Star crossed lovers- “the young couple joined

by love but unexpectedly parted by fate”
• The initiation- “The process by which a
character is brought into another sphere of
influence, usually (in literature) into
• Water- “Water is a symbol of life, cleansing,
and rebirth”
Star Crossed Lovers:
Eveline vs. Romeo and Juliet
• Romeo and Frank are both fickle
• Eveline and Juliet are the “forbidden loves”
• Dubliners- “She set her white face to him,
passive, like a helpless animal”
– Different type of death
– Romeo died when he heard Juliet was dead
• Water- symbol of rebirth, of cleansing
• Frank sails away while Eveline stays in Dublin
• Eveline is faced with a very difficult choice, but
is unable to decide because of Dubliner
• Seen in other Dubliner stories, but here, her
whole life is decided.

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