Kenya Supplement No 70 Alcohol Bill-Mututho Laws.

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1— Short title and commencement
3—Object and purpose of Act.
4—Functions of the relevant agency.
5—Establishment of the Fund.
6—Administration of the Fund.
7—Control of alcoholic drinks.
8—Establishment of the District Committee.
9—Application for licence.
10—Grant of a licence.
11—Provisional licence.
12—Licence for premises.
13—Persons not eligible for a licence.
14—Validity and renewal of licences.
15—Appeal to High Court.
16—Licences to body corporate.
17—Types of licence
18—Transfer of licence.
19—Removal of licence.
20—Display of licence.
21—Employment for sale of alcoholic drinks.
22—Drunken behaviour.
23—Debt from sale of alcoholic drinks.
24—Access by persons under the age of eighteen years
648 The Alcoholic Drinks Control Bill, 2009

25—Reports by medical officers and police officers.

26—Cancellation of licence.
27—Conformity with requirements.
28—Supply to young persons.
29—Display of signs.
30—Vending machines.
31—Selling in sachets.
32—Information required on packages.
33—Disorderly conduct.
34—Breach of licence.
35—Sale to authorized officer.
36—Non disclosure of conviction.
37—Sale without licence.
38—Sale of adulterated alcoholic drinks.
39—Proof of sale.
40—Burden of Proof.
41—Endorsement of conviction on licence.
42—Forfeiture of licence upon conviction.
43—Prohibition of promotion.
44—False promotion.
45—Promotion by advertisement.
46—Communication media.
47—Display of notices.
48—Authorised officers.
49—Places authorized officers may enter.
50—Powers of officers.
51—Use of records.
52—Entry of dwelling place.
The Alcoholic Drinks Control Bill, 2009 649

53—High Court to issue warrant.

54—Use of force.
55—Certificate of analysis.
56—Assistance of officers.
59—Restoration of seized product or thing.
60—General penalty.
61—Nature of offences.
62—Nature of evidence in proceedings.
63—Government to undertake information, education and
64—Integration of alcohol matters into syllabuses.
65—Integration of alcohol matters into health care.
67—Repeal of Caps 70 and 121
FIRST SCHEDULE—Types of Licences.
SECOND SCHEDULE—Warning Messages.
650 The Alcoholic Drinks Control Bill, 2009


A Bill for
AN ACT of Parliament to provide for the regulation of the
production, sale and consumption of alcoholic drinks, to
repeal the Chang’aa Prohibition Act, the Liquor
Licensing Act and for connected purposes
ENACTED by the Parliament of Kenya, as follows—
1. This Act may be cited as the Alcoholic Drinks Control Short title and
Act, 2009 and shall come into operation on such date as the
Minister may, by notice in the Gazette appoint, which date shall
not exceed ninety days from the date of publication.

2. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires- Interpretation.

“Accounting Officer” means the accounting officer of the

ministry for the time being responsible for matters relating to
provincial administration;

"alcohol" means the product known as ethyl alcohol or

any product obtained by fermentation or distillation of any
fermented alcoholic product, rectified either once or more often,
whatever the origin, and shall include synthetic ethyl alcohol,
but shall not include methyl alcohol and alcohol completely
denatured in accordance with the prescribed formulas ;

"alcoholic drink" includes alcohol, spirit, wine, beer

traditional alcoholic drink, and any one or more of such varieties
containing one-half of one percent or more of alcohol by
volume, including mixed alcoholic drinks, and every liquid or
solid, patented or not, containing alcohol, spirits, wine, or beer
and capable of being consumed by a human being;

“authorised officer” means an authorised officer within the

meaning of section 48 ;

‘cinema’ has the meaning assigned to it in the Films and Cap.222

Stage Plays Act;

“District Committee” means the District Alcoholic Drinks

Regulation Committee established under section 8;

“entity” includes a company, corporation, firm,

partnership, association, society, trust or other organisation,
whether incorporated or not;
The Alcoholic Drinks Control Bill, 2009 651

“Fund” means the Alcoholic Drinks Control Fund

established by section 5;

“harmful constituent” means any constituent of an

alcoholic drink which the Minister may, under section 66

“health institution” means a hospital, nursing home,

convalescent home, maternity home, health centre, dispensary or
other institution where health or other medical services are
rendered free of charge or upon payment of a fee;

“illicit trade” means any practice or conduct prohibited by

law and which relates to production, shipment, receipt,
possession, distribution, sale or purchase of alcohol or its
products, including any practice or conduct intended to facilitate
such activity;

“ingredients” mean substances used during the alcohol

manufacturing process;

“licensee” means a person who holds a licence granted

under this Act;

“magistrate” means a magistrate above the rank of resident


“manager” in relation to—

(a) a cinema or theatre, includes an assistant manager, a

person holding an office analogous to that of a
manager or assistant manager of the cinema or theatre
or any person in charge or in control of the cinema or

(b) a health institution, includes the owner or a person in

charge or in control of the health institution;

(c) a specified building, includes the owner, occupier,

lessee or the person in charge or in control of the
specified building;

“manufacture” means the processing of an alcoholic drink

and includes the packaging, labelling, distribution or importation
of an alcoholic drink for sale in Kenya;

“manufacturer”, in respect of an alcoholic drink, includes

any entity that is involved in its manufacture, including an entity
652 The Alcoholic Drinks Control Bill, 2009

that controls or is controlled by the manufacturer, or that is

controlled by the same entity that controls the manufacturer;

“Minister” means the Minister for the time being

responsible for matters relating to provincial administration;

“package” means the container, receptacle or wrapper in

which an alcoholic drink is sold or distributed and includes the
carton in which multiple packages are stored;

“relevant agency” means the department or other public

body in charge of matters relating to alcoholic drinks within the
ministry for the time being responsible for matters relating to
provincial administration;

“retailer” means a person who is engaged in a business that

includes the sale of any alcoholic drink to consumers;

“sell” includes—

(a) barter or exchange without use of money;

(b) offer or expose for sale, barter or exchange without

use of money;

(c) supply, or offer to supply, in circumstances in which

the supplier derives or would derive, a direct or
indirect pecuniary benefit;

(d) supply or offer to supply, gratuitously but with a view

of gaining or maintaining custom, or otherwise with
a view for commercial gain;

“vending machine” means a machine or device that is

constructed to contain alcoholic drinks and which can
automatically retail any alcoholic drink upon the insertion of a
coin, token or similar object into the machine or device.

3. The object and purpose of this Act is to provide for the Object and purpose
of Act.
control of the production, sale, and use of alcoholic drinks, in
order to—

(a) protect the health of the individual in the light of the

dangers of excessive consumption of alcoholic

(b) protect the consumers of alcoholic drinks from

misleading or deceptive inducements and inform
The Alcoholic Drinks Control Bill, 2009 653

them of the risks of excessive consumption of

alcoholic drinks;

(c) protect the health of persons under the age of eighteen

years by preventing their access to alcoholic drinks;

(d) inform and educate the public on the harmful health,

economic and social consequences of the
consumption of alcoholic drinks;

(e) adopt and implement effective measures to eliminate

illicit trade in alcohol including smuggling, illicit
manufacturing and counterfeiting;

(f) promote and provide for treatment and rehabilitation

programmes for those addicted or dependent on
alcoholic drinks; and

(g) promote research and dissemination of information on

the effects of alcoholic drink consumption, in
particular the health risks that may arise therefrom.


4. The relevant agency shall— Functions of the

relevant agency

(a) keep statistics on the level of alcoholic drinks

consumption and related deaths and carry out
research, documentation and dissemination of all
relevant information on alcoholic drinks;

(b) promote national treatment and rehabilitation


(c) advise the Minister on the national policy to be

adopted with regard to the production, manufacture,
sale, and consumption of alcoholic drinks;

(d) advise the Minister generally on the exercise of his

powers and the performance of his functions under
this Act, and in particular to –

(i) recommend to the Minister the permissible

levels of the constituents of alcoholic drinks
required to be prescribed under section 66 (2)

(ii) advise the Minister on the harmful constituents

654 The Alcoholic Drinks Control Bill, 2009

and ingredients of alcoholic drinks required to

be prohibited under section 66 (2) (b);

(iii) advise the Minister on the test methods to be

used in determining alcoholic drinks in order
to test conformity with the requirements of this
Act and any regulations made thereunder;

(iv) advise the Minister on the information that

manufacturers shall provide, including
information on product composition,
ingredients, hazardous properties and brand
elements required to be provided under
section 66 (2) (c);

(v) advise the Minister on the packaging, sale and

distribution of alcoholic drinks;

(e) recommend to the Minister and to participate in

the formulation of the regulations to be made
under section 66;

(f) carry out such other roles necessary for the

implementation of the objects and purpose of
this Act and perform such other functions as
may, from time to time, be assigned by the

5. (1) There is established a fund to be known as the Establishment of the

Alcoholic Drinks Control Fund.

(2) The Fund shall consist of—

(a) such licence and other fees as may be payable under this

(b) such sums as may be realized from property forfeited to

the Government under this Act;

(c) sums received, including contributions, gifts or grants

from or by way of testamentary bequest by any person;

(d) moneys earned or arising from any investment of the


(e) all other sums which may in any manner become

payable to, or vested in, the Fund.
The Alcoholic Drinks Control Bill, 2009 655

(3) Where, in terms of subsection (2) (b), any immovable

property is assigned to the Fund, the Accounting Officer shall
deal with the property in such manner as he thinks fit and may
sell the property and use the proceeds of sale for the purposes for
which the Fund is established.

(4) The Fund shall be used for meeting the capital and
recurrent expenditure relating to-

(a) research, documentation and dissemination of

information on alcoholic drinks;

(b) promoting national cessation and rehabilitation

programs; and

(c) assisting in the operations of the District Committees

and civil society programmes in accordance with
subsection (5);

(d) any other matter incidental to the matters stated in

paragraphs (a) (b) and (c).

(5) An amount of not less than fifty per cent of the Fund’s
annual income shall be used to equitably finance the District
Committees in their operations and an additional amount of not
less than fifteen per cent shall be used to fund relevant civil
society programmes.
(6) Unless the Treasury otherwise directs, the receipts,
earnings or accruals of the Fund and its balances at the close of
each financial year shall not be paid into the Consolidated Fund,
but shall be retained for the purposes of the Fund.
6. (1) The Fund shall be administered by the Accounting Administration of
the Fund.

(2) The Accounting Officer may, with the approval of

the Minister for the time being responsible for finance, invest or
place on a deposit account any of the moneys of the Fund and
any interest earned on moneys so invested or deposited shall be
placed to the credit of the Fund.

(3) The Accounting Officer shall—

(a) supervise and control the administration of the Fund;

(b) impose conditions on the use of any expenditure

personally authorized and may impose any restriction or
other requirement concerning use of expenditure;
656 The Alcoholic Drinks Control Bill, 2009

(c) cause to be kept proper books of account and other

books and records in relation to the Fund as well as to all
the various activities and undertakings of the Fund;

(d) prepare, sign and transmit to the Controller and Auditor-

General in respect of each financial year and within
three (3) months after the end thereof, a statement of
accounts relating to the Fund in accordance with the
Public Audit Act,2003 and in such details as the No 12 of 2003.

Treasury may from time to time direct;

(e) furnish such additional information as may be required

for examination and audit by the Controller and Auditor-
General or under any law; and

(f) designate such staff as may be necessary to assist in the

management of the Fund.


7. (1) No person shall— Control of alcoholic


(a) manufacture or otherwise produce;

(b) sell, dispose of, or deal with;

(c) import or cause to be imported; or

(d) export or cause to be exported,

any alcoholic drink except under and in accordance with a

licence issued under this Act

(2) For the purposes of subsection (1), an alcoholic drink

shall be deemed to have been exported when it is placed on a
ship, aircraft, train or any other vehicle within Kenya for the
purposes of export.

(3) Subsection (1) shall not apply to—

(a) the bona fide administration or sale for purely

medical purposes, and in accordance with any
written law for the time being in force governing the
administration and sale of medicine, by a medical
practitioner, a veterinary surgeon registered under
the Veterinary Surgeons Act or a pharmacist Cap .366
registered under the Pharmacy and Poisons Act, of a Cap.244.

medicine containing alcoholic drink;

The Alcoholic Drinks Control Bill, 2009 657

(b) the sale of spirituous or distilled perfume, or


(c) the sale of industrial alcohol;

(d) the sale by auction by an auctioneer, licensed under

the Auctioneers Act,1996, of an alcoholic drink in No.5 of 1996
quantities not less than those authorized to be sold
under a wholesale alcoholic drink licence belonging
to a wholesale dealer, on the licensed premises of
the dealer;

(e) the sale by a deceased person's legal personal

representative of an alcoholic drink forming part of
the estate of the deceased person;

(f) the sale by a trustee in bankruptcy of an alcoholic

drink forming part of the bankrupt's estate;

(g) the sale by the liquidator of a company of an

alcoholic drink forming part of the company's

(h) the sale of alcoholic drink at Parliament Buildings,

if sold with the permission of the Speaker of the
National Assembly;

(i) the sale of alcoholic drink to the members only of

any canteen, club, institute, mess or similar
institution of the disciplined forces

Provided that this paragraph shall not apply to any

such canteen, club, institute, mess or similar institution
operated by any person for personal profit.

8. (1) There shall be, for every district, a committee to be Establishment of the
District Committee.
known as the District Alcoholic Drinks Regulation Committee
which shall—

(a) issue licenses in accordance with this Act; and

(b) perform such other functions as may, from time to

time be allocated to it by the Minister.

(2) The District Committee may, in the discharge of its

functions under this Act, make inspection or other visits to
premises at such times as it may deem appropriate.
658 The Alcoholic Drinks Control Bill, 2009

(3) The District Committee shall consist of—

(a) the District Commissioner of the district who shall be

the chairperson;

(b) the District Medical Officer of Health;

(c) Officer Commanding Police Division;

(d) one person nominated by every local authority in the


(e) three residents of the district, appointed by the


(f) one person designated by the relevant agency who

shall be the secretary to the District Committee.

(4) The authorized officers in charge of the district

appointed pursuant to section 48 shall attend the meetings of the
District Committee in an ex-officio capacity.

(5) The conduct of business and affairs of the District

Committee shall be in such manner as may be prescribed.

(6) The relevant agency shall provide secretariat services for

the District Committee

9. (1) A person intending to manufacture or otherwise Application for

produce any alcoholic drink in Kenya or to operate an
establishment for the sale of an alcoholic drink shall make an
application in a prescribed form to the District Committee in the
district where the premise is to be situated and shall pay a
prescribed fee.

(2) The application under subsection (1) shall contain-

(a) a comprehensive proposal on the nature, orientation

and other justification for the establishment of the
alcoholic plant;

(b) a disclosure as to whether the applicant has been

previously convicted of an offence under this Act or
any Act at any time in force relating to the
manufacture, sale or consumption of an alcoholic
drink, giving full particulars of the offence of which
he was convicted, of the court by which he was
convicted, of the date of the conviction;
The Alcoholic Drinks Control Bill, 2009 659

(c) such other matters as may be prescribed.

(3) The District Committee shall, within twenty-one days

after the submission of application for a licence, prepare a notice
setting forth the names of all applicants, the types of licences
applied for, the premises in respect of which the licences are
applied for and the time, date and place of the meeting, and shall
forthwith cause a copy of the notice to be—
(a) published in the Kenya Gazette and at the office of the
District Commissioner for a period of not less than
twenty-one consecutive days;
(b) posted in some conspicuous place at or near the
applicant’s premises;
(c) sent to the Commissioner of Police, or to such police
officer as the Commissioner of Police may have
notified the District Commissioner that he has
appointed to receive it on his behalf;
(d) sent to the medical officer of health of the district in
which the premises in respect of which the licences are
applied for are situated; and
(e) sent to the local authority of the area in which the
premises in respect of which the licences are applied
for are situated.
(4) The Commissioner of Police or, as the case may be, of
the police officer appointed by him for that purpose; the medical
officer of health; and an officer from the local authority shall,
before the hearing of any application under this section, report as
fully as possible to the District Committee on all matters which
may be relevant to the consideration of the application.
(5) Any person may lodge objection to an application.
(6) Every objection to an application shall be made in
writing to the Secretary to the District Committee, and the
objector shall serve notice of the grounds of the objection on the
applicant, personally or by post, at least seven days before the
hearing of the application and the onus of proof of such service
shall be on the objector.
(7) A District Committee may of its own motion take
notice of any matter or thing which, in the opinion of the
Committee, constitutes an objection to an application, whether or
not any objection has been otherwise lodged.
(8) Where in respect of an application a District
Committee acts in pursuance of subsection (7), the Committee
shall inform the applicant of the nature of the objection, and
660 The Alcoholic Drinks Control Bill, 2009

shall, if the applicant so requests, adjourn the hearing for such

period, not being less than seven days, as the District Committee
considers necessary to enable the applicant to reply thereto.
(9) Every person making an application shall, save as
otherwise provided, appear in person or by an advocate before
the District Committee, and shall satisfy the District Committee
that there is need for the grant of a licence of the type applied for
in the particular locality in respect of which the application is

(10) A District Committee may require the personal

appearance before it of the applicant, or of the manager of the
premises to which the application relates, or of both of them and
of any other person whose attendance is considered by the
committee to be necessary.

(11) Any objector may appear personally or by an

advocate at the hearing of the application.

(12) A local authority may authorize, in writing, any

person to appear before any District Committee having
jurisdiction in any part of the area within the jurisdiction of the
local authority for the purpose of representing the inhabitants of
that part in respect of any objection lodged to an application.

(13) Where a District Committee considers it necessary to

take evidence respecting any question to be determined by the
court, such evidence shall be given on oath, and the chairman
shall be empowered to administer oaths.

(14) For the purposes of Chapter XI of the Panel Code Cap.63

(which concerns offences relating to the administration of
justice), all proceedings before a District Committee shall be
deemed to be judicial proceedings.

(15) Every District Committee shall maintain records of

all its proceedings, and, in particular, of the purpose for which an
application was made, and notes of the evidence given and of the
arguments adduced and the decision of the court thereon:

Provided that no decision shall be quashed on appeal

solely by reason of any omission or error in such record, unless
it appears that a substantial miscarriage of justice has thereby
been occasioned.

(16) The District Committee shall, within twenty-one

days of receipt of the application under subsection (1) , record
The Alcoholic Drinks Control Bill, 2009 661

the application and assess the same on the basis of the objections
received if any and the interests of the district, and shall ensure
(a) the available premises are suitable with regard to the
nature of the licence being sought;
(b) the premises conform to the prescribed requirements
of the occupational health and safety regulations;
(c) the applicant possesses the infrastructure and
equipment necessary to carry out the business
applied for; and
(d) the premises has sufficient number of competent staff
in line with such norms as may be prescribed
10. (1) The District Committee shall, after considering the Grant of a licence.

application under section 9, indicate in writing whether it objects

to the grant of the licence applied for.

(2) Where the District Committee has no objection to the .

application under section 9, it shall grant a licence to the

applicant upon payment of the prescribed fee.

(3) The licence issued shall be in such form as may be

prescribed and subject to such conditions as the District
Committee may consider fit.

(4) Where the District Committee is not satisfied with

the application under subsection (1), it may-
(a) reject the application giving reasons and notify the
applicant accordingly within thirty days of the decision
to reject; or
(b) make comments and recommendations thereon and
return it to the applicant within thirty days.
(5) The applicant to whom the application is returned under
subsection (4) (b) may re-submit a revised application within six
months of the date of notification.
(6) On receipt of any revised application under subsection
(5),the District Committee shall, within three months determine
the application in accordance with this Act and upon such
determination, if satisfied, issue a licence.
(8) Where the District Committee grants a licence under this
section it shall, publish the grant in the Gazette.
11. (1) Where premises are about to be constructed or Provisional licence

reconstructed or are in course of construction or reconstruction

662 The Alcoholic Drinks Control Bill, 2009

for the purpose of being used for the sale of alcoholic drinks for
consumption on such premises, any person having an interest in
the premises may apply in the prescribed form to the District
Committee for an assurance that, on the completion of the
construction or reconstruction, a licence of the type to be
specified in the application will be granted in respect of such
(2) The provisions of section 9 and 10 shall apply to such
applications, which shall be accompanied by a signed copy of
the plans of such premises.

(3) The District Committee may, subject to such reasonable

conditions as it may therein include, give to the applicant an
assurance in the prescribed form that, on the completion of the
premises, a licence of the type specified therein will be granted
or it may refuse to give such an assurance.
(4) Where such an assurance has been given under
subsection (3), the District Committee may, on any date, on
being satisfied that the premises have been completed in
accordance with the signed plans submitted under sub section (2)
and that any conditions which may have been imposed in the
assurance have been complied with, issue to the applicant a
licence of the type specified in the assurance in respect of the
(5) Any assurance given under subsection (3) shall
become ineffective and the District Committee shall not issue a
licence if, between the date of the giving thereof and the date of
completion of the premises, the applicant becomes a person to
whom in accordance with section 13, a licence may not be

12. (1) The District Committee shall not grant a new Licence for
licence for the sale of an alcoholic drink to be consumed on the
premises unless the District Committee is satisfied—

(a) that it would be in the public interest for provision to

be made for the sale of alcoholic drink for
consumption on the premises in the particular locality
in respect of which the application is made, and that
the number of such premises in respect of which such
licences have already been granted is insufficient for
the requirement of the locality given the population
density per square kilometre and the permitted
maximum number of such premises as shall be
prescribed by law:
The Alcoholic Drinks Control Bill, 2009 663

Provided that no licence shall be granted to sell

alcoholic drinks in any institution of basic education including
primary and secondary schools and;

(b) that the premises in respect of which the application

is made are in good repair and are in a clean and
wholesome condition, and are provided with
adequate and proper sanitary arrangements.

(c) that the premises in respect of which the application

is made are located at least three hundred metres
from any nursery, primary, secondary or other
learning institutions for persons under the age of
eighteen years.

(2) The District Committee shall not grant a licence for the
sale of an alcoholic drink in a supermarket or such other related
retail chain store unless it is satisfied that the applicant has taken
measures to ensure that the area in which the sale is to take place
is not accessible to persons under the age of eighteen years.

13. (1) The District Committee shall not grant a new Persons not eligible
for a licence.
licence or transfer a licence to any person who—
(a) has failed to satisfy the District Committee, if called
upon to do so, of his good character and standing in
relation to the expectations in this Act; or
(b) has been convicted of selling an alcoholic drink
without a licence or offering or exposing it for sale, or
of any offence against any law for the time being in
force relating to the distillation, manufacture, sale or
use of industrial alcohol; or
(c) has been convicted of an offence and sentenced to
imprisonment without the option of a fine in Kenya or
elsewhere for a period in excess of six months: or
(d) in the case of a retail licence, is not resident in Kenya;
(e) is under eighteen years of age; or
(f) is an undischarged bankrupt.
(2) The District Committee may refuse to renew an existing
licence only when the District Committee is satisfied that—
(a) the licensee is not a fit and proper person to hold the
licence; or
(b) the licensee has been convicted of an offence under
664 The Alcoholic Drinks Control Bill, 2009

this Act or any Act at any time in force regulating the

sale of an alcoholic drink; or
(c) has been convicted of an offence and sentenced to
imprisonment without the option of a fine in Kenya or
elsewhere for a period in excess of six months; or
(d) the business to which the licence relates is conducted
in a manner that is in breach of this Act, or any other
rules and regulations for the time being in effect, or
conditions set by the District Committee ; or
(e) the conditions of the licence have not been
satisfactorily fulfilled; or
(f) the premises to which the licence relates are not in a
proper state of repair, or are not provided with proper
sanitary arrangements, or do not comply with the
reasonable requirements of the medical officer of
health, and the owner of the premises or the licensee
refuses or is unable to give satisfactory guarantees
that the necessary repairs will be carried out, or due
compliance effected, as the case may be, within a
time specified by the District Committee.

14 (1) Except as otherwise provided in this Act, a District Validity and renewal
of licences.
Committee may, subject to this Part, grant, renew, transfer or
remove a licence, and may embody therein such conditions as it
may deem appropriate, or it may refuse to grant, renew, transfer,
withdraw or cancel a licence.

(2) Every licence and every renewal, transfer, withdrawal

or cancellation thereof shall be sufficiently authenticated by the
District Committee.

(3) Every grant of a licence or its every renewal or transfer


(a) be subject to the payment of such fee or fees as may be


(b) expire at the end of twelve months from the date of


(c) specify in the licence the hours within which the sale
of alcohol is permitted.

(4) Where an application for the renewal of a licence has

been made and the District Committee has not by the date of
The Alcoholic Drinks Control Bill, 2009 665

expiration of the licence reached a decision thereon, such licence

shall continue in force until the decision of the District
Committee is made known.

(5) Where an application for a licence has been refused,

or a licence has been cancelled, no subsequent application by the
former applicant or licensee for a licence of the same description
shall be considered by the District Committee during the period
of six months from the date of such refusal or cancellation,
except at the discretion of the District Committee.

15. An applicant whose application for a new licence, to Appeal to Court.

renew or transfer a licence has been refused or cancelled may

within twenty-one days of such refusal appeal against such
refusal to the High Court.

16. (1) A licence issued to a body corporate shall be issued Licences to body
in the name of the body corporate,

Provided that the District Committee may require prior

disclosure of the directorship of the body corporate or refuse to
grant a licence to the body corporate if any of the directors does
not qualify to be granted the licence individually.

(2) No transfer of a licence issued to a body corporate shall be

necessary on any change in the office of secretary, but any
person for the time being holding such office shall be entitled to
the privileges granted by, and shall be subject to the duties and
liabilities imposed upon the holder of, such licence.

17. (1) The several licences which may be granted under Types of licences

this Act shall be those specified in the First Schedule, and the
provisions of that Schedule and of any rules made under this Act
shall have effect in relation to the respective licences therein

(2) Save as otherwise provided in this Act, no licence may

be granted so as to be applicable to more premises than one.

(3) The District Committee shall, when a licence is granted,

renewed, withdrawn or cancelled, include in the licence a
sufficient description of the licensed premises.

(4) A licence may be granted to apply to more than one

premise, subject to such conditions as may be specified in the
licence and to specification of the addresses of all such premises
in the licence.
666 The Alcoholic Drinks Control Bill, 2009

18. (1) Where a licensee sells or leases or otherwise Transfer of licence.

disposes of the premises or business specified in his licence, he

may apply in writing to the District Committee for the transfer
of his licence to the purchaser or lessee or otherwise of such
premises, and the District Committee may, if it thinks fit, grant
a transfer of such licence.
(2) No further fee shall be payable in respect of a licence
granted under subsection (3) if, at the date of the grant, the
licence which was temporarily transferred was valid for a period
of more than six months.
(3) In the event of the death, bankruptcy or unsoundness
of mind of a licensee, or in any similar event to which the
District Committee declares in writing that this section should be
applied, it shall be lawful, for the purposes of this Act for the
executor. administrator, trustee or manager, as the case may be
or any other person approved by the District Committee , to
carry on the business of the licensee without any transfer or
grant of a licence either personally or by an agent approved by
the District Committee .
(4) Every person to whom a licence may have been
transferred under subsection (1), and every person permitted to
carry on a business without a transfer or grant of a licence in
pursuance of subsection (3) , shall possess all the rights and be
liable to all the duties and obligations of the original licensee
19. (1) If the renewal of a licence is refused, the licensee Removal of licence

shall, on payment of the proportionate part of the fee for the

appropriate licence, be entitled to a licence of such description
and for such period, not exceeding three months, as the District
Committee may consider necessary for the purpose of disposing
of the alcoholic drink or apparatus on the premises, such period
to commence on the day after the last sitting of the District
Committee at which the renewal of his licence has been refused,
or on the day after the termination of his existing licence,
whichever day is the later.
(2) If the renewal of a licence is refused and the licensee
appeals against the refusal, the licensee shall, on payment of the
fee for the appropriate licence, be entitled, unless the Minister
directs otherwise, to a renewal of the licence which is the subject
of the appeal to be valid only until the appeal has been
determined, such licence to commence on the day after the
determination of his existing licence.
20. (1) Every licence shall be prominently and Licence to be
conspicuously displayed on the premises to which it relates, and
any licensee who fails or neglects so to display his licence
The Alcoholic Drinks Control Bill, 2009 667

commits an offence.
(2) Where a wholesale alcoholic drink licence is granted
so as to be applicable to more premises than one, it shall be
displayed in the premises first named therein and copies thereof
displayed in the other outlets.
(3) Any person causing or permitting to be on his premises
or on premises under his control any words, letters or sign
falsely importing that he is a licensee commits an offence.
21. (1) Notwithstanding the provisions of any other written Employment for sale
of alcoholic drinks.
law, no licensee shall employ a person under the age or apparent
age of eighteen years, or knowingly employ a person who has
been convicted of an offence under this Act or any other Act at
any time in force regulating the sale of alcoholic drinks, to sell,
control or supervise the sale of alcoholic drinks or to have the
custody or control of alcoholic drinks on licensed premises.
(2) No licensee shall permit any other person to manage,
superintend or conduct the day-to-day business of the premises
in respect of which he is licensed except with the written consent
of the District Committee and every person in respect of whom
such consent is given shall be subject and liable to the same
duties, obligations and penalties under this Act as the licensee.
(3) The provisions of subsection (2) shall not relieve the
licensee of his duties and obligations under this Act.
(4) Any person who contravenes the provisions of this
section commits an offence.
22. (1) A licensee or an agent or employee of a licensee Drunken behaviour.

may refuse to admit to, and shall expel from, the premises to
which his licence relates any person who is drunk and
disorderly, violent, or quarrelsome, or whose presence would
subject the licensee to a fine or penalty under this Act.
(2) Any person referred to in subsection (1) who, on
being requested by the licensee or his agent or employee, or by a
police officer, to quit the licensed premises, refuses to do so,
commits an offence.
(3) On the demand of a licensee or his agent or employee,
a police officer shall expel or assist in expelling from the
licensed premises the person referred to in subsection (1).
(4) A licensee who permits any drunkenness leading to
violent, quarrelsome or riotous conduct to take place on the
premises to which the licence relates commits an offence.
23. No suit shall be maintainable to recover any debt Debt from sale of
alcoholic drinks.
alleged to be due in respect of the sale of any alcoholic drink
668 The Alcoholic Drinks Control Bill, 2009

which was delivered for consumption on the premises where it

was sold unless it was sold for consumption with a meal
supplied at the time of sale or unless the person to whom it was
sold or supplied was at the time of the sale a lodger on such
24. (1) No person holding a licence to manufacture, store or Access by persons
under age of
consume alcoholic drinks under this Act shall allow a person eighteen.
under the age of eighteen years to enter or gain access to the area
in which the alcoholic drink is manufactured, stored or
(2) Any person who contravenes the provisions of
subsection (1) commits an offence.
25. (1) A medical officer of health within whose Reports by medical
officers and police
jurisdiction the premises fall shall report to the District officers.
Committee any licensed premises which are deficient in their
state of sanitary or drainage conditions, or which are in bad
(2) A medical officer of health or any person authorized by
him in writing in that behalf may enter and inspect any licensed
premises for the purpose of ascertaining whether a report under
subsection (1) is required.
(3) A police officer not below the rank of Assistant
Inspector shall report in writing to the chairperson of the
appropriate District Committee every case in which a licensee is
of drunken habits or keeps a disorderly house, or commits any
breach of any of the provisions of this Act or of his licence.
(4) A police officer not below the rank of Assistant
Inspector may without written authority enter and inspect any
licensed premises for the purpose of ascertaining whether a
report under subsection (1) is required.
26. (1) Upon receipt of a report made under section 25 the Cancellation of
District Committee shall—
(a) send, by registered post or other verifiable mode of
dispatch, a copy of the report to the licensee concerned
therewith, informing him that at a meeting of the
District Committee to be held on a date to be
specified, but not less than thirty days there from, the
report will be considered by the District Committee ;
(b) send a copy of the report to every member of the
District Committee and to the Officer Commanding
Police Division ;
(c) inform the medical officer of health or the police
officer, as the case may be, of the date upon which the
The Alcoholic Drinks Control Bill, 2009 669

District Committee will consider the report, and

require him to attend on the date specified.
(2) Any licensee concerning whom a report is to be
considered may appear in person or by advocate before the
District Committee.
(3) The District Committee , having duly considered the
report and having heard the licensee, if he appears, may, if it
thinks fit, cancel the licence of the licensee reported upon, or it
may make such an order in respect of such licence or the
licensed premises specified therein as, in the opinion of the
District Committee, is necessary.

(4) Any person aggrieved by the decision of the District

Committee upon any such report may within twenty-one days
appeal against the decision to the High Court, and the judgment
of the High Court on such appeal shall be final.

(5) Where a licensee whose licence has been cancelled

under subsection (3) appeals to the High Court under subsection
(4), his licence shall not be deemed to be cancelled until the
decision of the High Court is made known.

(6) The High Court, on an appeal under this section, may

confirm or reverse the decision of the District Committee.

(7) If a licence is cancelled and no appeal is filed by the

licensee against the cancellation, or if such appeal is dismissed
by the High Court, the licensee shall be entitled, on payment of
the proportionate part of the fee for the appropriate licence, to a
licence of such description and for such period, not exceeding
three months, as the District Committee may deem necessary
for the purpose of disposing of the alcoholic drink or apparatus
on the premises, such licence to run from the date of the decision
of the District Committee or of the High Court as the case may
27. (1) No person shall- Conformity with
(a) manufacture, import or distribute; or
(b) posses;
an alcoholic drink that does not conform to the requirements of
this Act.
(2) Subsection (1) shall not apply to a person who–
(a) is authorized under this Act to be in possession of the
670 The Alcoholic Drinks Control Bill, 2009

alcoholic drink; or
(b) has possession of the alcoholic drink in a premise
licensed under this Act.
(3) The manufacture or distillation of all spirituous liquor
prior to this Act referred to as Chang’aa shall conform to the
prescribed standards or the requirements of this Act.

(4) A person who contravenes the provisions of this

section commits an offence and shall be liable to a fine not
exceeding two million shillings, or to imprisonment for a term
not exceeding five years, or to both.

28. (1) No person shall sell, supply or provide knowingly an Supply to young
alcoholic drink to a person under the age of eighteen years.

(2) Subject to subsection (3), a person who contravenes the

provisions of subsection (1) commits an offence and shall be
liable to a fine not exceeding one hundred and fifty thousand
shillings, or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year,
or to both.

(3) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (1), it shall

be a defence to an offence under this section if it is established
that the accused person attempted to verify that the young person
was at least eighteen years of age by asking for and being shown
any of the documents specified in subsection (4) for the purpose
of verifying the age of the young person and believed, on
reasonable grounds, that the documentation was authentic.

(4) For the purposes of this section, the following

documentation may be used to verify a person’s age—
(a) a national identity card issued by the Republic of
(b) a passport issued by the Republic of Kenya or any
other country; or
(c) any other documentation as the Minister may
(5) No person shall manufacture or sell objects including
sweets, snacks and toys that resemble or imitate alcoholic drinks.

(6) A person who contravenes the provisions of subsection

(5) commits an offence and shall be liable to a fine not
exceeding five hundred thousand shillings, or to imprisonment
for a term not exceeding three years, or to both.
The Alcoholic Drinks Control Bill, 2009 671

29. (1) Every retailer shall post, in the prescribed place and Display of signs.

manner, signs in the prescribed form and with the prescribed

content, that inform the public that the sale or the availing of an
alcoholic drink to a person under the age of eighteen years is
prohibited by law.

(2) Every sign required to be posted under subsection (1)

(a) be displayed on a surface measuring not less than 12
inches by 8 inches in size;

(b) bear the word “WARNING” in capital letters followed

by the prescribed health warning which shall appear in
conspicuous and legible type and shall be black on a
white background or white on a black background and
shall be enclosed by a rectangular border that is the
same colour as the letters of the statement;

(c) be in English or in Kiswahili.

(3) A retailer who contravenes any of the provisions of this

section commits an offence and shall be liable to a fine not
exceeding fifty thousand shillings, or to imprisonment for a term
not exceeding six months, or to both.

30. (1) No person shall permit an alcoholic drink to be sold Vending machines.

by way of an automatic vending machine.

(2) A person who contravenes this section commits an

offence and shall be liable to a fine not exceeding one hundred
thousand shillings, or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding
twelve months, or to both.

31. (1) No person shall sell an alcoholic drink in sachets or Selling in sachets.

such other form as may be prescribed.

(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (1), no

person shall sell an alcoholic drink in a container of less than
200 mililitre.

(3) A person who contravenes this section commits an

offence and shall be liable to a fine not exceeding fifty thousand
shillings, or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six
months, or to both.

32. (1) Subject to this section, no person shall— Information required

on packages.
672 The Alcoholic Drinks Control Bill, 2009

(a) manufacture;
(b) import;
(c) sell or distribute
an alcoholic drink unless the package containing the alcoholic
drink conforms to the requirements of subsection (2).
(2) Every package containing an alcoholic drink shall—

(a) bear a statement as to its constituents; and

(b) have at least two of the health warning messages

prescribed in the Second Schedule, in English or

(3) The statement and health warning referred to in

subsection (2) shall comprise not less than 30% of the total
surface area of the label.

(4) The importer of an alcoholic drink which does not

conform to the requirements of subsection (2) shall, at the point
of importation, ensure that the imported alcoholic drink bears
such sticker containing the warning messages specified under
subsection (2) as may be prescribed.

(5) The requirements of this section shall not apply to an

alcoholic drink which is manufactured in Kenya for export.

(6) A person who contravenes any of the provisions of this

section commits an offence and shall be liable to a fine not
exceeding one million shillings, or to imprisonment for a term
not exceeding three years, or to both.


33. (1) Any person found by a police officer to be drunk and Disorderly conduct.

incapable or drunk and disorderly in or near a street, road,

licensed premises, shop, hotel or other public place may be
arrested without warrant and brought without unreasonable delay
before a Magistrate.
(2) Any person convicted of being drunk and incapable or
drunk and disorderly in or near a place referred to in subsection
(1) shall be liable to a fine not exceeding five hundred shillings
or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three months or to
(3) Any person convicted under subsection (2) on more than
three occasions in any period of twelve months shall be
The Alcoholic Drinks Control Bill, 2009 673

forthwith reported by the convicting Magistrate to the District

Committee , which shall inform such licensees as he deems
desirable of such convictions, and thereupon, and until a period
of twelve months has passed without any further such conviction
in respect of that person, any licensee so informed who
knowingly sells or supplies alcoholic drinks to or for delivery to
that person commits an offence, and it shall furthermore be an
offence for that person to be in possession of any alcoholic
(4) Any licensee who sells an alcoholic drink to a person
already in a state of intoxication or by any means encourages or
incites him to consume an alcoholic drink commits an offence.

34. Any person who sells an alcoholic drink or offers or Breach of licence.

exposes it for sale or who bottles an alcoholic drink except

under and in accordance with, and on such premises as may be
specified in a licence issued in that behalf under this Act
commits an offence and is liable—

(a) for a first offence, to a fine not exceeding fifty

thousand shillings or to imprisonment for a term not
exceeding nine months, or to both;

(b) for a second or subsequent offence, to a fine not

exceeding one hundred thousand shillings or to
imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year or to

and in addition to any penalty imposed under paragraph (a) or

(b), the court may order, the forfeiture of all alcoholic drinks
found in the possession, custody or control of the person
convicted, together with the vessels containing the alcoholic

35. Any person who knowingly sells, supplies or offers an Sale to authorized
alcoholic drink to an authorized officer or to a police officer in
uniform or who harbours or suffers to remain on licensed
premises any such police officer except for the purpose of
keeping or restoring order or otherwise in the execution of his
duty, commits an offence and is liable to a fine not exceeding
fifty thousand shillings or to imprisonment for a term not
exceeding three months or to both.

36. Any person who is required by any provision of this Non disclosure of
Act to disclose any conviction and fails to do so when making
any application commits an offence.
674 The Alcoholic Drinks Control Bill, 2009

37. (1) If any person purchases any alcoholic drink from a Sale without licence.

licensee whose licence does not cover the sale of that alcoholic
drink for consumption on the premises, and drinks the alcoholic
drink on the premises where it is sold, or in any premises
adjoining or near to those premises, if belonging to the seller of
the alcoholic drink or under his control or used by his
permission, or on any highway adjoining or near any such
premises, and it is proved to the court that the drinking of the
alcoholic drink was with the privity or consent of the licensee
who sold the alcoholic drink, the licensee commits an offence.

(2) If a licensee whose licence does not cover the sale of

alcoholic drink to be consumed on his premises himself takes or
carries, or employs or suffers any other person to take or carry,
any alcoholic drinks out of or from his premises for the purpose
of being sold on his account, or for his benefit or profit, and of
being drunk or consumed in any place (whether enclosed or not,
and whether or not a public thoroughfare) other than the licensed
premises, with intent to evade the conditions of the licence, the
licensee commits an offence, and, if the place is any house, tent,
shed or other building belonging to the licensee or hired, used or
occupied by him, the licensee shall be deemed, unless the
contrary is proved, to have intended to evade the conditions of
the licence.

38. (1) No person shall keep for sale, offer for sale or sell- Sale of adulterated

(a) any alcoholic drink which has been in any way

adulterated, or diluted by any person;

(b) any non alcoholic drink which has been in any way
adulterated with alcohol, or which contains any of the
substances prohibited by the Minister under section

(2) Any person who contravenes the provisions of this

section commits an offence and shall be liable to a fine not
exceeding five million Kenya shillings or to imprisonment for a
term not exceeding five years, or to both.

(3) On the conviction of a licensee of an offence under

subsection (2), the court may, in addition to any other penalty it
may lawfully impose, if it finds that the drink in respect of which
the offence was committed was adulterated by a substance or
substances which rendered the drink unfit for human
consumption, and unless the licensee proves to the satisfaction of
the court that he took all reasonable precautions against such
adulteration and that such adulteration took place without his
The Alcoholic Drinks Control Bill, 2009 675

knowledge or consent, order that his licence be forfeited, and no

licence shall thereafter be granted or transferred to him.

39. (1) In any proceedings under this Act relating to the sale Proof of sale.

or consumption of an alcoholic drink, such sale or consumption

shall be deemed to be proved if the court is satisfied that a
transaction in the nature of a sale took place, whether or not any
money has been shown to have passed, or as the case may be, if
the court is satisfied that any consumption was about to take

(2) Evidence of consumption or intended consumption of

an alcoholic drink, on licensed premises by some person other
than the licensee or a member of his family or his employee or
agent shall be prima facie evidence that the alcoholic drink was
sold by or on behalf of the licensee to the person consuming or
about to consume the alcoholic drink.

40. (1) The onus of proving that a person is licensed under Burden of proof.

this Act shall lie on that person.

(2) The fact that a person not licensed under this Act to sell
alcoholic drinks has a signboard or notice upon or near his
premises fitted with a bar or other place containing bottles, casks
or vessels so displayed as to induce a reasonable belief that
alcoholic drink is sold or served therein, or having alcoholic
drink concealed, or more alcoholic drink than is reasonably
required for the person residing therein, shall be deemed to be
prima facie evidence of the unlawful sale of alcoholic drink by
that person.

(3) In any proceedings under this Act, where a person is

charged with selling alcoholic drink without a licence or without
an appropriate licence, such alcoholic drink being in a bottle and
appearing to be unopened and labelled by its bottler, the contents
of such bottle shall be deemed, unless the contrary is proved, to
be alcoholic drink of the description specified on the label
41. Every licensee who is convicted of an offence under this Endorsement of
conviction on
Act shall produce his licence to the court convicting him, and the licence.
court shall endorse every such conviction on the licence and the
relevant administrative officer of the court shall inform the
relevant District Committee.

42. If in any proceedings before a court it appears that a Forfeiture of licence

upon conviction.

(a) whether he was present in the licensed premises or not,

676 The Alcoholic Drinks Control Bill, 2009

has permitted an unlicensed person to be the owner or

part owner of the business of the licensed premises or
to have a substantial interest in that business, except
with the consent of the District Committee; or

(b) is convicted of an offence under this Act and a

previous conviction within the preceding twelve
months of the same or any other offence under this Act
or three such previous convictions within the preceding
five years is or are proved; or

(c) is twice convicted within twelve months of selling,

offering or keeping for sale any adulterated alcoholic

then the court may, in addition to any other penalty which it may
lawfully impose, order that his licence be forfeited, and that no
licence shall be issued or transferred to him for such period as
the court may order.


43. (1) No person shall promote an alcoholic drink or an Prohibition of

alcohol-related brand element except in accordance with the
provisions of this Act.

(2) A person who contravenes the provisions of this

section commits an offence and shall be liable to a fine not
exceeding five hundred thousand shillings, or to imprisonment
for a term not exceeding three years, or to both.

44. (1) No person shall promote an alcoholic drink by any False promotion.

means, including by means of the packaging, that are false,

misleading or deceptive or that are likely to create an erroneous
impression about the characteristics, health effects, health
hazards or social effects of the alcoholic drink.

(2) A person who contravenes the provisions of this section

commits an offence and shall be liable to a fine not exceeding
five hundred thousand shillings, or to imprisonment for a term
not exceeding three years, or to both.

45. (l) Subject to this Part, no person shall promote an Promotion by

alcoholic drink so as to create a false impression that-

(a) a link exists between consumption of that drink and

social or sexual success;
(b) consumption of that drink is acceptable before or
The Alcoholic Drinks Control Bill, 2009 677

while engaging in driving, operating machinery,

sports or other activities that require concentration in
order to be carried out safely;

(c) that the alcoholic drink has a therapeutic value or

that it has the ability to prevent, treat or cure any
human disease;

(d) it is wrong or foolish to refuse that drink.

(2) A person who contravenes any of the provisions of this

section commits an offence and shall, on conviction, be liable to
a fine not exceeding five hundred thousand shillings, or to
imprisonment for a term not exceeding three years, or to both.

46. (1) No person shall, on behalf of another person, with or Communication

without consideration, publish broadcast or otherwise
disseminate any promotion that is prohibited by this Part.

(2) No person shall, by means of a publication that is

published outside Kenya, or a broadcast that originates outside
Kenya, or any other communication that originates outside
Kenya, promote any product the promotion of which is regulated
under this Part, or disseminate promotional material that
contains an alcohol-related brand element in a manner that is
contrary to the requirements of this Part.

(3) This subsection does not however apply to programmes

or communication thereof which are solely produced and aired
from outside Kenya.

(4) Any person who contravenes the provisions of this

section commits an offence and shall, on conviction, be liable to
a fine not exceeding three million Kenya shillings or to
imprisonment for a term not exceeding three years, or to both.

47. (1) The manager or owner of a place where an alcoholic Display of notices.

drink is sold shall cause to be displayed therein, clear and

prominent notices in English or Kiswahili stating that drinking
of alcoholic drinks is prohibited for persons under the age of
eighteen years and the prescribed penalty thereof.

(2) Every notice under subsection (1) shall be in such form

and of such size, and shall be posted in such place, as may be

(3) A person who contravenes this section commits an

offence and shall be liable to a fine not exceeding fifty thousand
678 The Alcoholic Drinks Control Bill, 2009

shillings, or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six

months, or to both.


48. (1) The Minister shall, upon recommendation by the Authorised officers.

respective District Committee, appoint for each district, any

person or class of persons to be authorised officers for purposes
of this Act.

(2) The Minister shall issue a certificate of appointment to

every person appointed under this section.

(3) Notwithstanding the provisions of this section, the

following officers shall be deemed to be authorised officers for Cap.242
the purposes of this Act—

(a) public health officers appointed under the Public

Health Act ; and

(b) any other person upon whom any written law vests
functions of the maintenance of law and order.

49. (l) For the purposes of ensuring compliance with this Places authorized
officers may enter.
Act, an authorised officer may, at any reasonable time, enter any
place in which the officer believes on reasonable grounds that
any person or persons is in any way contravening the provisions
of this Act.

(2) An authorised officer entering any premises under this

section shall, if so required, produce for inspection by the person
who is or appears to be in charge of the premises the certificate
issued to him under section 48(2).

50. In carrying out an inspection in any place pursuant to Powers of officers.

section 49, an authorised officer may—

(a) examine an alcoholic drink or anything referred to
in that section;
(b) require any person in such place to produce for
inspection, in the manner and form requested by the
officer, the alcoholic drink or thing;
(c) open or require any person in the place to open any
container or package found in the place that the
officer believes on reasonable grounds contains the
alcoholic drink or thing;
(d) conduct any test or analysis or take any
The Alcoholic Drinks Control Bill, 2009 679

measurements; or
(e) require any person found in the place to produce for
inspection or copying, any written or electronic
information that is relevant to the administration or
enforcement of this Act.
51. In carrying out an inspection in a place, an authorised Use of records.

officer may—

(a) use or cause to be used any computer system in the place

to examine data contained in or available to the
computer system that is relevant to the administration or
enforcement of this Act;

(b) reproduce the data in the form of a print-out or other

intelligible output and take it for examination or

(c) use or cause to be used any copying equipment in the

place to make copies of any data, record or document;

(d) scrutinize any other record system in use in that place.

52. An authorised officer may not enter a dwelling place Entry of dwelling
except with the consent of the occupant or under the authority of
a warrant issued under section 53.

53. (1) Upon an ex-parte application, a magistrate or judge Court to issue

of the High Court, may issue a warrant authorising the
authorised officer named in the warrant to enter and inspect a
dwelling place, subject to any conditions specified in the
warrant, if the magistrate or judge is satisfied by information on
oath that—

(a) the dwelling place is a place referred to in section 49;

(b) entry to the dwelling place is necessary for the

administration or enforcement of this Act;

(c) the occupant does not consent to the entry, or that

entry has been refused or there are reasonable grounds
for believing that it will be refused.

(2) The time of such entry shall be between six o’clock in

the forenoon and six o’clock in the afternoon of any day of the

54. An authorised officer executing the warrant issued Use of force.

680 The Alcoholic Drinks Control Bill, 2009

under section 53 shall not use force unless such officer is

accompanied by a police officer and the use of force is
specifically authorised in the warrant.

55. An authorised officer who has analyzed or Certificate of

examined an alcoholic drink or thing under this Act, or a sample
of it, shall issue a certificate or report setting out the results of
the analysis or examination.

56. (1) The owner of a place inspected by an authorised Assistance of

officer under this Act or the person in charge of the place and
every person found in the place shall —

(a) provide all reasonable assistance to enable the

authorised officer to carry out his duties under this Act;

(b) furnish the authorised officer with such information as

the officer reasonably requires for the purpose for
which entry into the place has been made.

(2) The inspecting agent in subsection (1) shall issue

the respective inspection completion and certification certificate
once satisfied with the inspection.

57. No person shall obstruct or hinder, or knowingly make Obstruction.

a false or misleading statement to an authorised officer who is

carrying out duties under this Act.

58. (1) During an inspection under this Act, an authorised Seizure.

officer may seize any alcoholic drink or thing by means of which

or in relation to which the officer believes, on reasonable
grounds, that this Act has been contravened and a full inventory
thereof shall be made at the time of such seizure by the officer.

(2) The authorised officer may direct that any alcoholic

drink or thing seized be kept or stored in the place where it was
seized or that it be removed to another place.

(3) Unless authorised by an officer, no person shall

remove, alter or interfere in any manner with any alcohol,
alcoholic drink or other thing seized.

(4) Any person from whom an alcoholic drink or thing

was seized may, within thirty days after the date of seizure,
apply to the High Court for an order of restoration, and shall
send notice containing the prescribed information to the Minister
within the prescribed time and in the prescribed manner.
59. (1) The High Court may order that the alcoholic drink or Order for
The Alcoholic Drinks Control Bill, 2009 681

thing be restored immediately to the applicant if, on hearing the restoration.

application, the court is satisfied that-

(a) the applicant is entitled to possession of the

alcoholic drink or thing seized; and

(b) the alcoholic drink or thing seized is not and will not
be required as evidence in any proceedings in
respect of an offence under this Act.

(2) Where upon hearing an application made under

subsection (1) the court is satisfied that the applicant is entitled
to possession of the alcoholic drink or thing seized but is not
satisfied with respect to the matters mentioned in paragraph (b)
of subsection (1), the court may order that the alcoholic drink or
thing seized be restored to the applicant on the expiration of one
hundred and eighty days from the date of seizure if no
proceedings in respect of an offence under this Act have been
commenced before that time.

60. Any person convicted of an offence under this Act for General penalty.

which no other penalty is provided shall be liable to a fine not

exceeding five hundred thousand shillings, or to imprisonment
for a term not exceeding three years, or to both.

61. (1) Offences under this Act, other than the offences Nature of offences.

specified under Part VI, shall be cognizable offences.

(2) Where a corporation, registered society or other similar

legal entity commits an offence under this Act, any director or
officer of the corporation, society or legal entity who acquiesced
in the offence commits an offence and shall, on conviction, be
liable to the penalty provided for by this Act in respect of the
offence committed by the corporation, society or legal entity,
whether or not such corporation, society or legal entity has been

(3) In any prosecution for an offence under this Act, it shall

be sufficient proof of the offence to establish that the offence
was committed by an employee or agent of the accused.

(4) Any act done or omitted to be done by an employee in

contravention of any of the provisions of this Act shall be
deemed also to be the act or omission of the employer, and any
proceedings for an offence arising out of such act or omission
may be taken against both the employer and the employee.

62. (1) In any prosecution for an offence under this Act, a Nature of evidence
682 The Alcoholic Drinks Control Bill, 2009

copy of any written or electronic information obtained during an in proceedings.

inspection under this Act and certified to be a true copy thereof

shall be admissible in evidence and shall, in the absence of
evidence to the contrary, be proof of its contents.

(2) Subject to this Part, a certificate or report purporting to

be signed by an officer stating that the officer analyzed anything
to which this Act applies and stating the results of the analysis,
shall be admissible in evidence in any prosecution for an offence
under this Act without proof of the signature or official character
of the person appearing to have signed the certificate or report.

(3) The certificate or report may not be received in evidence

unless the party intending to produce it has, before the trial,
given the party against whom it is intended to be produced
notice of not less than seven days of that intention together with
a copy of the certificate or report.

(4) The party against whom the certificate or report

provided for under subsection (3) is produced may, with leave of
the court, require the attendance of the officer for purposes of
cross examination.

(5) In a prosecution for a contravention of this Act-

(a) information on a package indicating that it contains

an alcoholic drink is, in the absence of evidence to the
contrary, proof that the package contains an alcoholic
drink; and

(b) a name or address on a package purporting to be the

name or address of the person by whom the alcoholic
drink was manufactured is, in the absence of evidence
to the contrary, proof that it was manufactured by that


63. (1) The Government shall promote public awareness Government to

about the health consequences, addictive nature and mortal information,
threat posed by excessive alcoholic drink consumption through education and
a comprehensive nation-wide education and information
campaign conducted by the Government through the relevant
Ministries, departments, authorities and other agencies including
the relevant non governmental organizations and civil society.

(2) The education and information campaign referred to

in subsection (1) shall focus on the family as the basic social unit
The Alcoholic Drinks Control Bill, 2009 683

and shall be carried out in all schools and other institutions of

learning, all prisons, remand homes and other places of
confinement, amongst the disciplined forces, at all places of
work and in all communities in Kenya.

(3) The relevant agency in collaboration with the

Government and the relevant civil society groups shall provide
training, sensitization and awareness programmes on alcoholic
drink control for community workers, social workers, media
professionals, educators, decision makers, administrators and
other concerned persons for proper information, dissemination
and education on alcoholic drinks.

(4) In conducting the education and information

campaign referred to in this section, the relevant agency and
Government shall ensure the involvement and participation of
individuals and groups affected by misuse of alcoholic drinks.

(5) Every local authority in collaboration with the civil

society and the relevant agency, shall conduct education and
information campaigns on alcoholic drink within its area of

64. The relevant agency shall liaise with the Minister Integration of
alcohol matters into
responsible for education, to integrate instruction on the health syllabuses.
consequences, addictive nature and mortal threat posed by
alcoholic drink consumption in subjects taught in public and
private schools at all levels of education, including informal and
non formal and indigenous learning systems.

65. (1) The relevant agency shall liaise with the Ministry Integration of
alcohol matters into
for the time being responsible for health to ensure that alcoholic health care.
drink use education and information dissemination shall form
part of health care services by healthcare providers.

(2) For the purposes of subsection (1), the relevant agency

and the Government shall provide training for the healthcare
providers to acquire skills for proper information dissemination
and education on alcohol consumption.
66. (1) The Minister may, on recommendation of the Regulations.

relevant agency, make Regulations generally for the better

carrying out of the objects of this Act.

(2) Without prejudice to the generality of subsection (1), the

Regulations may—
684 The Alcoholic Drinks Control Bill, 2009

(a) prescribe anything required by this Act to be

prescribed or prohibit anything required by this Act to
be prohibited;

(b) prescribe the recommended levels of alcohol in

alcoholic drinks which levels shall not exceed the
levels set by the World Health Organisation;

(c) prescribe substances as harmful constituents of an

alcoholic drink;

(d) prescribe the hours within which the sale of alcoholic

drinks shall be permitted;

(e) prohibit the addition or use of any harmful constituent

or ingredient in the production of alcoholic drinks;

(c) prescribe the methods to be used in testing alcoholic

(d) prescribe the information that manufacturers shall
provide to the relevant agency including information on
alcoholic drinks, sales and advertising data, and
information on product composition, ingredients,
hazardous properties and brand elements;
(e) subject to this Act, control the labelling, packaging, sale
or distribution of alcoholic drinks, so as to-
(i) ensure that the purchaser or consumer of an
alcoholic drink is not misled as to its quality,
quantity, character, value, composition, effect, merit
or safety;
(ii) prevent injury or harm to the health of the consumer.
(f) prescribe the forms of applications, notices, licences
and other documents for use under this Act;
(g) prescribe the fees payable under this Act.

67. The Chang’aa Prohibition Act and the Liquor Licensing Repeal of Caps 70
and 121.
Act are hereby repealed.

68. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act to the Transitional.

contrary, a person who, immediately before the commencement

of this Act—

(a) was ,in accordance with any law, a manufacturer,

importer, exporter, distributor or retailer of any
The Alcoholic Drinks Control Bill, 2009 685

alcoholic drink shall be deemed to be a manufacturer,

importer, exporter, distributor or retailer of any
alcoholic drink under this Act;

(b) was a manufacturer, importer, exporter, distributor or

retailer of any alcoholic drink or the owner or manager
of any premises contemplated under this Act, shall,
within nine months of such commencement, comply
with the requirements of this Act.



The following licences may be granted under this Act

1. Brewer’s Licence

Subject to the conditions specified in the licence, a brewer’s

licence authorizes the holder to-

(a) brew and store the brewed alcoholic drink in his


(b) sell the product of his brewery by wholesale in

accordance with the conditions that are for the time
being, applicable to a holder of a wholesale licence
or by delivery from depot throughout Kenya; and

(c) bottle the alcoholic drink subject to such conditions

as may be prescribed

For the purposes of this paragraph, “depot” means premises of

whatever description which are occupied by a brewer for of his

1. Wholesale Licence.

A wholesale licence authorizes the licensee to sell an

alcoholic drink at the premises specified in the licensee, subject
to such conditions as may be prescribed.

2. Retail Licence

A retail licence authorizes the licensee to sell an alcoholic

drink on the premises, at the hours and subject to such other
conditions as are specified in the licence.
686 The Alcoholic Drinks Control Bill, 2009



1. The following health messages shall be displayed on every

package containing an alcoholic drink, sign or advertisement
stipulated under the provisions of this Act-

(a) Excessive alcohol consumption is harmful to your


(b) Excessive alcohol consumption can cause liver


(c) Excessive alcohol consumption impairs your judgment;

do not drive or operate machinery;

(d) Not for sale to persons under the age of 18 years.

2. The health messages in paragraph 1 or any pictures or

pictograms prescribed shall be displayed on every package
containing an alcoholic drink in the manner prescribed under
section 32 on such rotational basis as may be prescribed.


The main object and purpose of this Bill is to provide a legal

framework for the control of the production, sale, and
consumption of alcoholic drinks, in order to protect the health of
the individual.

Firstly, the Bill seeks to legalize the production and consumption

of Chang’aa by repealing the Chang’aa Prohibition Act.

Secondly, the Bill seeks to strengthen the licensing regime for

alcoholic drinks by repealing and re-enacting with modifications
the Liquor Licensing Act.

Thirdly, the Bill seeks to protect the purchasers or consumers of

alcoholic drinks from misleading and deceptive inducements to
consume alcoholic drinks and consequent dependence or abuse
on them.

Fourthly, the Bill seeks to protect the health of persons under the
age of eighteen years by preventing their access to alcoholic
The Alcoholic Drinks Control Bill, 2009 687

Fifthly, the Bill seeks to educate the public about the harmful
health, unauthorised ingredients, and environmental, economic
and social consequences of the abuse of alcoholic drinks.

Sixthly, the Bill proposes measures to eliminate illicit trade in

alcoholic drinks including smuggling, illicit manufacturing and

Seventhly, the Bill seeks to promote and provide for treatment

and rehabilitation programmes for those addicted or dependent
on alcoholic drinks.

Lastly, the Bill seeks to promote research and dissemination of

information on the effects of alcoholic drinks use, in particular
the health risks including addictive characteristics of alcohol

Part I of the Bill contains the preliminary provisions

Part II provides for the administration of the Act.

Clause 4 empowers the Minister to designate a relevant agency
to assist him in the administration of the Act. Clause 5
establishes the Alcoholic Drinks Control Fund. Clause 6
provides for the administration of the Fund.
Part III contains provisions relating to the licensing of alcoholic

Clause 8 establishes the District Alcoholic Drinks Committee.

Clause 9 contains provisions relating to application for a licence.
Clause 10 provides for the grant of a licence whereas clause 11
relates to the grant of a provisional licence. Clause 12 relates to
licensing of premises whereas clause 13 specifies the persons not
eligible for a licence. Clause 14 sets out the period of validity
and renewal of licences and clause 15 provides for appeal by an
aggrieved party to High Court. Clause 16 relates to the licensing
of body corporate and clause 17 specifies the types of licences.

Part IV contains provisions relating to general requirements for

alcoholic drinks

Clause 27 requires alcoholic drinks to conform with the statutory

requirements whereas clause 28 prohibits supply and access to
alcoholic drinks by persons under the age of eighteen years.
Clause 30 prohibits sale by vending machines and clause 31
prohibits selling in sachets.

Part V contains provisions relating to sale and consumption of

alcoholic drinks
688 The Alcoholic Drinks Control Bill, 2009

Clause 33 sets out disorderly conduct whereas clause 38

prohibits sale of adulterated alcoholic drinks.

Part VI contains provisions relating to promotion of alcoholic


Clause 43 prohibits generally promotion of alcoholic drinks.

Clause 45 prohibits certain promotions by advertisement. Clause
46 prohibits communication media.

Part VII contains provisions relating to enforcement of the Act.

Clause 48 specifies the authorised officers for purposes of the

Act and clause 49 enumerates the places authorized officers may
enter. Clause 50 details the powers of authorised officers. Clause
54 specifies the circumstances under which an authorised officer
may use force. Clause 58 relates to seizures under the Act.

Part VIII contains provisions relating to education and


Clause 63 imposes a general requirement on the Government to

undertake information, education and communication and clause
63 obligates the Ministry responsible for education to integrate
alcohol abuse matters into syllabuses. Clause 65 requires that
alcoholic drink control education and dissemination be part of
health care.

Part VIII contains miscellaneous provisions

Clause 66 empower the Minster to make regulations for the

purposes of the Act whereas clause 67 provides for the repeal of
the Changaa prohibition Act (Cap 70) and the Liquor Licensing
Act (Cap.121)

The enactment of this Bill shall not occasion additional

expenditure of public funds

Dated the 15th September, 2009.

Member of Parliament.

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