The document lists 13 references used in a paper about cervical cancer. The references include books on obstetrics, gynecology, pathology, and cervical cancer prevention and treatment. Websites on cervical cancer detection, follow-up, and causes are also referenced. The references were published between 1998-2011 and cover topics such as the history of cervical cancer, screening methods, diagnosis, and management.
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The document lists 13 references used in a paper about cervical cancer. The references include books on obstetrics, gynecology, pathology, and cervical cancer prevention and treatment. Websites on cervical cancer detection, follow-up, and causes are also referenced. The references were published between 1998-2011 and cover topics such as the history of cervical cancer, screening methods, diagnosis, and management.
The document lists 13 references used in a paper about cervical cancer. The references include books on obstetrics, gynecology, pathology, and cervical cancer prevention and treatment. Websites on cervical cancer detection, follow-up, and causes are also referenced. The references were published between 1998-2011 and cover topics such as the history of cervical cancer, screening methods, diagnosis, and management.
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The document lists 13 references used in a paper about cervical cancer. The references include books on obstetrics, gynecology, pathology, and cervical cancer prevention and treatment. Websites on cervical cancer detection, follow-up, and causes are also referenced. The references were published between 1998-2011 and cover topics such as the history of cervical cancer, screening methods, diagnosis, and management.
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1. Wiknyosastro.H.2009. Ilmu kandungan. Jakarta: Yayasan Bina Pustaka Sarwono
Prawirohardjo. 2. Priyanto, H., Nuranna, L., 2006. Buku Acuan Program Pencegahan Kanker Serviks. Yayasan Bina Pustaka Sarwono Prawirohardjo, Jakarta. 3. Robins, S.,Kumar, Vinay.,2002, Buku Ajar Patologi. EGC. Jakarta 4. Ilmu KandunganEditor Prof. dr Abdul Bary Saifuddin,Sp.OG,dr. Trijatmo Rachimhadhi, Sp.OG. edisi ke II. Yayasan Bina Pustaka Sarwono Prawirohardjo, Jakarta,2006. Hal : 280-390. 5. Ilmu KebidananEditor Prof. dr. Hanifa Wiknjosastro,Sp.OG, Prof. dr Abdul Bary Saifuddin,Sp.OG,dr. Trijatmo Rachimhadhi, Sp.OG. edisi ke II. Yayasan Bina Pustaka Sarwono Prawirohardjo, Jakarta,2006. Hal : 36-37. 6. Buku Acuan Nasional Onkologi Ginekologi Edisi pertama Cetakan Pertama Editor Prof. DR. dr. M Farid Aziz, Sp.OG(K), dr. adnrijono, Sp.OG (K), Prof. dr. Abdul Bari Saifuddin, Sp.OG (K), MPH. Yayasan Bina Pustaka Sarwono Prawirohardjo, Jakarta,2006. Hal : 443-455. 7. Panduan Penatalaksanaan Kanker Ginekologi Berdasarkan Evidence Base Editor dr.Imam Rasjidi, Sp.OG (K) Onk. EGC, Jakarta, 2007. Hal: 6-31. 8. Andreas Hermawan, Mengapa Kolposkopi untuk Deteksi Kanker Serviks?. untuk-deteksi-kanker-serviks/. Di akses tanggal 18 november 2010 9. Dolinsky, Christopher. Cervical cancer. Pennsylvania. Abramson Cancer Center of the University of Pennsylvania. 2006. http: //www.OncoLink.htm. Accesed July 2010. 10. Garcia, Agustin A. Cervical Cancer. California. University of Southern California Keck School of Medicine. 2007. Http:// Accesed July 2010. 11. Agustin A Garcia. Cervical Cancer: Follow-up. Available at Acessed at January 8, 2011. 12. Norwitz,E.,Schorge, J. 2008. At Glance Obstetri dan Ginekologi. Edisi 2. Jakarta: Erlangga. 13. Andrijono, Nurannal, Sianuri M.H.R, Soepardiman M, Farid Asis.M, Kampono N, Sjamsuddin S. Kanker Serviks Uterus. Yayasan Kanker Indonesia Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia ; 1998.