DHR-Succession Planning Template

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State of Vermont Workforce Planning Toolkit

Succession Planning Template

Step 1: Key/Critical Positions

Agency/Dept./Division: ________________ Manager: _______________ Date: _________ Year(s) applicable: ____________

Dept/ Job Class Title Other distinction Supervisor Retirement Reason this is key/critical
Division/ Unit (positions#, Eligibility Date position
description, etc.)

Reasons a position may be key/critical:

 Mission: Position is a key contributor to the organizational mission.
 Critical Function: Position performs task critical to vital functions. Leaving it vacant would hinder or prevent success of mission.
 Specialization: Position provides specialized leadership or skills that are difficult to replace.
 Location: Position fills a unique and important capacity at a particular location that would be difficult for another position, or the
same position in another location, to take over.
 High Turnover: Position is one in a class or occupational group vulnerable to high turnover.
Include additional pages as needed (based on Iowa & other sources)

Vermont Department of Human Resources [email protected] 802-241-1114

Succession Planning Template
Step 2: Position or Position Group Analysis

Agency/Dept./Divison: ________________ Manager: _______________ Date: __________ Years Applicable: ______________

Key/Critical Position/Class: Position Title or Job Class:

Reason position/class is key/critical: Retirement Eligibility Date (if applicable):

External Factors: Internal Factors: How position will be used in the future:

What competencies or skill sets will be required?

Current level of readiness to replace departing staff:

Gaps – competencies or skill sets not possessed by current staff:

Include additional pages as needed for each position or class (based on Iowa & other sources)

Succession Planning Template 2

Succession Planning Template
Step 3: The Succession Plan

Agency/Dept./Division: ________________ Manager: _______________ Date: __________ Years Applicable: ____________

Key Highest Priority Highest Priority Target Person(s) Required Status/Progress
Positions/ Gaps in Strategies to address Gaps Complete Respon- Resources
Classes skills/competencies Date sible

Succession Planning Template 3

Include additional pages as needed (based on Iowa & other sources)

Succession Planning Template 4

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