Darling Dancer Feb Newsletter

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Darling Dancer/Cheer Newsletter

There will be no class on Presidents Day. Enjoy your day off!!

Please remember that tuition is due BEFORE the 10th of the month. After the 10th,
a $10 late fee will be added to your account. Please let us know if you would like
to be on our NEW auto pay system.

Parent Observation day will be February 2nd and 3rd. Please come and see what
your dancer has been working on.

A $30.00 costume deposit will be due on February 1st for their Spring Recital.
Our Spring Concert will be held on May 11th at Bingham High School. We will
also have Dress Rehearsal on May 10th. Tickets for the concert will be $8.00 per
ticket and will go on sale on April 11th at 9:00am. DVDs for our concert will be
$20.00, and can be paid for when you purchase your tickets.
Please make sure this is on your calendar.

Auditions for Competitive teams will be

held May 23-26.
MOMS!!! We will be having a circuit work out class the whole month of February on Tuesdays from 8-9pm.
We will be adding Thursday nights for those interested. Cost for the class is $3.00 per class.

Please make a note of Spring Break on your calendar, it is April 21-25.

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