Face Reading For Sales
Face Reading For Sales
Face Reading For Sales
There are numerous ideas and the battle is half won. The challenge acknowledging and responding to
theories on the art of sales, in- is that we all have developed social the other’s true but unspoken feel-
cluding many guaranteed sales ap- armor in part to hide our true feel- ings a deep rapport develops. Your
proaches from Dale Carnegie to ings and in part to feel less vulner- client will soon feel that you under-
nuro-linguistic programming. The
bottom line is that in sales we are
trying to convince a stranger to shift
their position from, “Why would I
want that? “ to “I really want that
and I am willing to pay money to
have it.”
The problem with a fixed sales
approach is that “one size does
not fit all”. Humans are too unique
to stereotype or be able to predict
their behavior from a formula. Face
reading puts an end to stereotyp-
ing. Instead of judging a person
based on a few external facts and
then placing them in their appro- able as we confront the world. In stand them better than their own
priate box, face reading describes sales, the true test is to see and get friends and as a result a connection
the person in the same manner you past the person’s natural armor. is made.
would describe a snowflake. Since The use of face reading in sales is Face reading goes far beyond
all snowflakes are unique, the only really about developing a relation- learning a few sales gimmicks or
way to describe one is by explaining ship. We all know it is much easier tricks. It actually allows you to con-
its parts. With face reading, instead to sell something to a friend than a nect on a deep level with every per-
of a judgment of the person you stranger because a friend is willing son you meet and will change the
develop an accurate description of to let down their defensive armor way you see everyone. Face reading
their personality and you will be- and at least be receptive to what we provides the opportunity to devel-
gin to see others as they see them- have to say. What makes a person op your own most effective self by
selves. our friend is their ability to see us, creating present moment, unguard-
The art of sales has less to do understand us, and in some ways ed, authentic interactions. In these
with how smart you are, how good validate who we know we are. Face moments of connection friendships
you look, or even the qualities of reading is a tool that gives you the are forged that will change your re-
your product and more to do with ability to truly see, understand, and lationship with your clients. Face
your ability to connect with the validate every person you meet. reading will not only help you de-
other person. If you can stand in his Face reading allows you to see velop business opportunities but
or her shoes and see how they see the hidden clues and cues that slip will also open the door to your own
the world and what motivates them past a person’s defensive armor. By personal growth and effectiveness.
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