Balance Sheet As at March 31 of HDFC LTD
Balance Sheet As at March 31 of HDFC LTD
Balance Sheet As at March 31 of HDFC LTD
Cash and balance with RBI 12,553,18 5,075,25 3,306,61 2,650,13 2,541,98
Balance with Banks and money 2,225,16 3971,40 3,612,39 1,823,87 1,115,57
at call and short notice
Interest Earned 10,115,00 81.6 6,647,93 36.6 4,475,34 79.9 3,093,49 82.6 2,548,93
Other income 2,283,15 18.4 11,516,23 63.4 1,123,98 20.1 651,34 17.4 480,03
Total income 12,398,15 100 18,164,16 100 5,599,32 100 3,744,83 100 3,028,96
Interest Expended 4,887,12 45.2 3,179,45 45.3 1,929,50 40.8 1,315,56 42.7 1,211,05
Operating 3,745,62 34.7 2,420,80 34.5 1,691,09 35.8 1,085,40 35.2 810,00
Provisions & 2,175,23 20.1 1,422,46 20.3 1,107,95 23.4 678,31 22.1 498,41
Total 10,807,97 100 7,022,71 100 4,728,54 100 3,079,88 100 2,519,46
Proposed dividend 301,27 8.55 223,57 8.61 172,23 8.8 140,07 13.1 100,05
Tax on dividend 51,20 1.45 38,00 1.46 24,16 1.23 19,64 1.83 12,82
Transfer to 159,02 4.51 114,14 4.4 87,08 4.45 66,56 6.21 50,95
General reserve
Balance carried 2,574,61 73.1 1,932,03 74.4 1,455,02 74.3 602,34 56.3 405,32
over to Balance
Total 3,522,21 100 2,596,47 100 1,957,31 100 1,070,88 100 865,63