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High-Speed Low-Power: ECE1352 - Analog Electronics

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ECE1352 - Analog Electronics

Reading Assignment

High-Speed Low-Power

Sense Amplifier Design

Igor Arsovski

971 339 600

November 12,2001

Page 1

Sense amplifiers are one of the most critical circuits in the

periphery of CMOS memories[1]. Their performance strongly

affects both memory access time, and overall memory power

dissipation. As with other ICs today, CMOS memories are required

to increase speed, improve capacity and maintain low power

dissipation. These objectives are somewhat conflicting when it

comes to memory sense-amp design. With increased memory capacity

usually comes increased bit-line parasitic capacitance. This

increased bit-line capacitance in turn slows down voltage

sensing and makes bit-line voltage swings energy expensive

resulting in slower more energy hungry memories

This paper examines the challenges in today’s sense-amp design,

presents the limitations of the most commonly used voltage

sensing amplifier and explains how these limitations are

overcomed with the use of current sensing amplifiers.

Page 2

Due to their great importance in memory performance sense

amplifiers have became a very large class of circuits.[2] Their

main function is to sense or detect stored data from a read-

selected memory cell. Figure 1 shows a typical use of a sense





Memory Cell Parasitic Devices

Figure 1 Typical use of a sense amplifier

The memory cell being read produces a current "IDATA" that

removes some of the charge(dQ) stored on the pre-charged bit-

lines. Since the bit-lines are very long, and are shared by

other similar cells, the parasitic resistance "RBL" and

capacitance "CBL" are large. Thus, the resulting bit-line

voltage swing (dVBL) caused by the removal of "dQ" from the bit-

line is very small dVBL=dQ/CBL. Sense amplifiers are used to

translate this small voltage signal to a full logic signal that

can be further used by digital logic.

Page 3
The need for increased memory capacity, higher speed, and lower

power consumption has defined a new operating environment for

future sense amplifiers. Below are some of the effects of

increased memory capacity and decreased supply voltage:

1) Increase in the number of memory cells per bit-line increases

CBL, while an increase in length of the bit-line increases RBL

2) Decreasing memory-cell area to integrate more memory on a

single chip reduces the current IDATA that is driving the now

heavily loaded bit-line. This coupled with increased CBL causes

an even smaller voltage swing on the bit-line.

3) Decreased supply voltage results in smaller noise margins

which in turn affect sense amplifier reliability.

In the next two sections two types of sense amplifiers will be

presented and their ability to deal with these newly imposed

operating conditions examined.

Page 4
Voltage Sense Amplifiers

Voltage sense amplifiers have been known for a long time, the

simplest voltage sensing amplifier being the differential

couple[2]. Figure 2 shows a schematic diagram of a simple

differential couple with its inputs and outputs labeled. During

a read the input nodes (VIN+ and VIN-) would be pre-charged to

VPRE causing the output nodes (VOUT+ and VOUT-) to stay at the

same level. The read-selected cell would then be asserted and a

small voltage swing would appear on the bit-lines. This small

voltage swing would then be amplified by the differential couple

and later used to drive digital logic.






Figure 2. Differential couple

Another version of a voltage sense amplifier which has enjoyed a

wide usage is the full complementary positive feedback

differential sense amplifier. This voltage sense amplifier has a

Page 5
very large differential gain and the added ability to

automatically rewrite destructively read data[2]. Figure 2 shows

the schematic diagram of the full complementary positive

feedback amplifier.


M3 M4



M1 M2


Figure 3. Positive Feedback Differential Voltage Sense Amplifier

The positive feedback amplifier has two data nodes VIN/OUT1 and

VIN/OUT1 and three control nodes SANEN, SAPEN and PRE. Nodes VIN/

OUT1 and VIN/OUT2 act as both input and output to the sense

amplifier. Its operation is as follows 1) the data nodes are

equalized using PRE 2)the memory cell being read is asserted and

a small voltage difference forms on nodes VIN/OUT1 and VIN/OUT2,

3) while MN1 and MN2 are biased to be operating in the

saturation region MN6 is turned on by SANEN, 4)as both VIN/OUT1

and VIN/OUT2 are decreasing in voltage so is the difference

between them 5) one of them decreases much faster then the other

Page 6
and causes MN(1or2) to enter cutoff while the other starts

operating in triode,6) at this point MP5 is turned on by SAPEN

which pulls the signals rapidly appart, 7) at this point since

VIN/OUT1 and VIN/OUT2 are directly connected to the bit-lines the

data is automatically written to the destructively read memory

cell. Due to its positive feedback this voltage sensing

amplifier achieves a very high differential gain.This high gain

minimizes sensing time by being able to sense small voltage

swings on the bit-line.

However, since the bit-line capacitance is growing along with

memory capacity, the bit-line voltage swing is becoming smaller

and more power expensive to produce. There also exists a

practical limit to this decreasing voltage swing. When the bit-

line voltage swing reaches the same magnitude as bit-line noise

the voltage sense amplifier will become unusable. Therefore, to

achieve the pre-set objectives of large memory capacity, high

speed, and low power, a new type of sense amplifier is needed.

The next section introduces the current-sensing amplifier which

transcends the limitations of voltage sensing and meets the pre-

set objectives for next generation sense amplifiers.

Page 7
Current-Sensing amplifiers

The use of current sensing amplifiers has a number of benefits

over voltage sensing amplifiers. The most important ones are

significant reductions in bit-line voltage swing and major

reductions in sensing delays[3]. These benefits translate to

lower dynamic power consumption and increased sensing speed. The

key to these improvements lies in the low input resistance of

the current sensing amplifier. This becomes evident when

examining the equivalent sensing circuit in Figure 4.



Memory Cell Model RC Bit-line Model Sense Amp Model

Figure 4 Equivalent sensing circuit

From the above model we can derive the delay transfer function

 - + R L
( R T ⋅ C T )  R B + ------ 3  RL 
δt = ------------------------- ⋅  ----------------------------------- + R B C T ⋅  -----------------------------------
2  R B + R T + R L  R B + R T + R L
 

where RT and CT are the total bit-line resistance and

Page 8

Since voltage-sense amplifier has close to infinite input

impedance while the current sense amplifier has a zero input

impedance the above delay equation simplifies to the following

two equations (a) voltage and (b) current sensing delays [2]

 -
( RT ⋅ C T )  2R B ( R t ⋅ C T )  R B + ------ 3 
a ) δt = ------------------------- ⋅  1 + ----------- b) δt = ----------------------- ⋅  ----------------------
2  RT  2  RB + RT 
 

For given parameters:

Rb=2500Ω RT=258Ω CT=400fF

the voltage sensing delay equals to 1ns while the current

sensing delay is 0.048ns. This clearly shows the large speedup

associated with the switch to current sensing amplifiers. The

above current sensing delay equation also shows that the delay

can be brought down to zero by reducing RT. However, this is not

the case and the lower limit becomes wave propagation which is

on the order of pico seconds[3].

The next section examines an actual current sensing amplifier


Page 9
Clamped Bit-line Current Sensing amplifier

A commonly used current mode sensing amplifier is the clamped

bit-line sense amplifier shown in Figure 5. By clamping the

voltage on the bit-line to a stable voltage (VREF) the signal

current produced by the cell can be transferred to an internal

sense amp node without charging/discharging the large bit-line

capacitance. As a result both sensing delay and dynamic power

consumption are significantly decreased.


M3 M4

Cd Cd
M1 M2

Bit-line & memory

VPRE Bit-line & memory
cell equivalent circuit cell equivalent circuit


Figure 5. Clamped bit-line Current-sensing Amplifier

This sense amplifier uses three pre-charge and equalization

transitors(M7,M8 and M9), two current sensing transistors (M5

and M6) and four back to back inverter configuration transistors

for the voltage outputstage(M1, M2, M3, M4). Its operation

Page 10
follows two stages pre-charge/equalization, and sensing. The

following is the timing schedule 1) transistors M7,M8,M9 are

turned on to pre-charge and equalize the sensing nodes, 2)

transistors M7 and M8 are turned off and the memory cell

accessed, 3) the current from the cell starts being sourced by

one of the transistors M1 and M2 and a voltage difference starts

forming on one of the output nodes, 4) this voltage is further

amplified by the positive feedback amplifier until it reaches

the latched state.

It has been shown that the time response of a latch formed by

cross-coupled inverters is directly related to the AC small

signal gain bandwidth (GBW) product of the inverters[3].

Maximizing GBW product maximizes the speed of the sense

amplifier. By examining both small signal models for the

positive feedback cross-coupled voltage sense amplifier and the

clamped bit-line current sensing amplifier we can derive the

following GWBs:(a) voltage sensing and (b) current sensing GWB

gm gm
a ) GBWvs = ----------- b) GBWcs = -------

Since Cd << CBL it can be easily seen that the current mode

sense amplifier enjoys a much higher speed. Another observation

is that this amplifier is bit-line capacitance insensitive

maintaining a constant speed over increased bit-line


Page 11
To recognize the power savings associated with the switch to

current sensing amplifiers we need to examine the dynamic power

dissipation of the voltage sensing amplifier.In voltage sensing,

the bit-line are discharged and charged by dVBL(close to 400mV)

for every read operation. When this dVBL is combined with both

increasingly large bit-line capacitance CBL, and read frequency

"fread" the energy following the below equation becomes

P = C BL ⋅ V BL ⋅ f read

The current sensing amplifier on the other hand has a very

negligible voltage swing, thus nearly eliminating dynamic power

dissipation. Furthermore, this bit-line voltage inactivity

significantly decreases cross talk between bit-lines, and supply

voltage drop associated with bit-line charge up[1].

Page 12

This paper presented the sense amplifier design challenges

imposed by the demand for increased capacity, higher speed,

lower power CMOS memories. The most commonly used voltage

sensing amplifier was analyzed, and its inability to cope with

the future sense amplifier operating conditions exposed. As a

replacement a current-sensing amplifier was introduced, and its

ability to overcome problems associated with voltage sensing


The clamped bit-line current sense amplifier shows large

increase in speed, and significant decrease in dynamic power

dissipation when compared to the positive feedback voltage sense

amplifier. In addition, the current sensing amplifier provides a

bit-line-capacitance-independent performance which is crucial to

future memory capacity increases. By eliminating voltage changes

on the bit-line the current sense amplifier also eliminates

cross talk and voltage supply bounce.

To conclude, the current sensing amplifier outperforms the

voltage sense amplifier and meets the pre-set objectives for

increased capacity, high speed, low power CMOS memories.

Page 13

[1] Y.Tsiatouhas,A.Chrisanthopoulus, et al.”New memory sense amplifier designs in CMOS

technology”, IEEE, 2000,

[2] Tegze P.Haraszti, “CMOS memory circuits", Kluwer Academic Publishers”, 2000, pp 165-

[3] Travis N. Blalock, “A high speed clamped bit-line current mode sense amplifier”, IEEE
JSSC, vol 26, no 4, April 1991, pp 542-548

[4] K.Itoh, K.Sasaki, Y.Nakagome, "Trends in low power RAM circuit technologies",
Proceedings of the IEEE, April 1995, vol 83, no 4,

Page 14

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