T Preventative Maintenance For Feed Processing Facilities and Equipment
T Preventative Maintenance For Feed Processing Facilities and Equipment
T Preventative Maintenance For Feed Processing Facilities and Equipment
T he goal of on-
farm feed manufactur- For Feed Buildings and grounds
shall be constructed and
ing is to produce feed maintained in a manner
that meets the intended
specifications, both in
nutritional composition
Processing to minimize vermin and
pest infestation.”
Grain bins, hatches,
and desired medication
level, and is free of
contaminants. The pro-
Facilities and lids, augers, and terrain
around the bin should
all prevent moisture
duction of quality feed
will enhance animal
performance and im-
Equipment from entering the grain
and feed components.
Feed ingredients must
prove the profitability Fred Fairchild be protected from ex-
of the livestock Extension Specialist, Feed Manufacturing cess moisture to avoid
Grain Science and Industry
enterprise. contamination by mold
A set of guidelines Department of Grain Science and Industry that can possibly pro-
for processing feed, duce harmful toxins and
referred to as Good reduce palatability.
Manufacturing Practices (GMPs), are designed to Rodents, birds, and insects can potentially spread
prevent feed contamination and provide reasonable disease through feces, urine, and body parts such as
assurance that the feed is manufactured accurately. feathers or hair. They can cause grain to become
These guidelines serve as Food and Drug Administra- sample grade or another type of grade reduction, and
tion (FDA) regulations. Everyone involved in produc- they can consume significant amounts of feed ingre-
ing medicated or nonmedicated feed, whether at a dients. Roofs, walls, doors, and floors of feed manu-
commercial off-farm plant or at an on-farm mill or facturing and storage facilities should be designed
grinder/mixer, must comply with the GMPs. and maintained to prevent entry of these pests.
The objective of this bulletin is to provide the on- For further information pertaining to the design of
farm feed processor or nonregistered commercial mill bulk and bagged storage facilities for feed and feed
operator with useful information pertaining to the ingredients, refer to Kansas State University Exten-
maintenance of facilities and equipment. Correct ap- sion Bulletins MF-2039 and MF-2040.
plication of these technologies will improve feed
quality and operation efficiency, reduce the likelihood Equipment
of feed contamination, and help ensure safe meat, Feed processing equipment must be designed,
milk, and eggs destined for human consumption. maintained, and operated in such a manner to ensure
accuracy in ingredient proportioning and adequate
Buildings and Grounds processing. The CFRs (Part 225.130) for feed manu-
Buildings and grounds must be constructed and facturing equipment state, “equipment shall be ca-
maintained to prevent the contamination of feed by pable of producing medicated feed of intended
rodents, insects, birds, nonfeed additives (chemicals, potency and purity and shall be maintained in a rea-
lubricants, dangerous foreign material such as glass), sonably clean and orderly manner. Scales and liquid
and moisture. metering devices shall be accurate and of suitable
The Code of Federal Regulations (CFR’s Title 21 size, design, construction, precision, and accuracy for
Part 225.120) states that “buildings used for produc- their intended purposes. All equipment shall be de-
tion of medicated feed shall provide adequate space signed, constructed, installed, and maintained so as to
for equipment, processing, and orderly receipt and facilitate inspection and use of clean-out
storage of medicated feed. Areas shall include access procedure(s).”
for routine maintenance and cleaning of equipment.
Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service
29 40
11 41
53 42
39 56
30 43 44
23 24
10 9 61
17 4 25
26 62
46 58
21 31
13 59
19 32 33
27 63
52 64
14 20 48 65
15 66
36 60
1 49
3 50
38 51
I.D. I.D.
# Description # Description
Rail Receiving Conveyor
1. _______________________________________ Grain Screener (with Aspiration)
25. _______________________________________
3. _______________________________________ Grain Crimper
27. _______________________________________
Receiving Elevator
4. _______________________________________ Crimped Grain Elevator
28. _______________________________________
Two-Way Valve
5. _______________________________________ Transfer Conveyor
29. _______________________________________
Transfer Conveyor
6. _______________________________________ Two-Way Valve
30. _______________________________________
Turnhead Distributor
7. _______________________________________ Ingredient Bin Screw Feeders
31. _______________________________________
Receiving Distributor
12. _______________________________________ Batch Mixer
36. _______________________________________
Two-Way Valve
16. _______________________________________ Magnet
40. _______________________________________
Hammermill Feeder
18. _______________________________________ Overs Regrinder
42. _______________________________________
19. _______________________________________ Mash Distributor
43. _______________________________________
Grinding Elevator
22. _______________________________________ Slide Gates
46. _______________________________________
Grinding Distributor
23. _______________________________________ Surge Bin
47. _______________________________________
Pneumatic Receiving Pipes
24. _______________________________________ Pellet Mill
48. _______________________________________
Equipment ID# ______________________________ Receiving
Description _________________________________
Date Installed _______________________________ Goodwell Construction
Installer ____________________________________
Motors (Supplier Code ______________________ ) ___________________________________________
Brand _____________________________________ Frame _____________________________________
HP ________________________________________ Serial ______________________________________
RPM ______________________________________ Shaft ______________________________________
Volts ______________________________________ Sleeve _____________________________________
Amps ______________________________________ Design _____________________________________
Input RPM _________________________________ Code ______________________________________
Output RPM ________________________________ Tongue ____________________________________
Bearings (Fan) ______________________________ Misc. ______________________________________
Gearbox (Supplier Code _____________________ )
Brand _____________________________________ Input Shaft _________________________________
TXT 525
Model _____________________________________ Input Sheave ________________________________
Serial ______________________________________ Output Shaft ________________________________
Ratio ______________________________________ Misc. ______________________________________
V-Belts ____________________________________ Leg Belt ___________________________________
Chain______________________________________ Leg Cups ___________________________________
Couplings __________________________________ Augers_____________________________________
Misc. ______________________________________
Driven Equipment (Supplier Code _____________ ) Bearings (Supplier Code _____________________ )
Driven Shaft ________________________________ Leg (top)_____________ (bottom) ______________
Driven Sheave Sprocket _______________________ Auger (tail shaft)__________ (hangers) __________
Jackshaft Input Shaft _________________________ Shafts _____________________________________
Input Sheave, Sprocket ______________________ Shafts _____________________________________
Output Shaft ______________________________ Misc. Bearings ______________________________
Output Sheave, Sprocket ____________________ Misc. Bearings ______________________________
Final Shaft _________________________________ Misc. Bearings ______________________________
Final Sheave, Sprocket ________________________ Misc. Bearings ______________________________
Belt/Chain (Supplier Code ___________________ ) Cups/Paddles (Supplier Code _________________ )
Brand _____________________________________ Brand _____________________________________
Type ______________________________________ Style ______________________________________
Width _____________________________________ Size _______________________________________
Ply/Size ____________________________________ Spacing ____________________________________
Length _____________________________________ Bolts ______________________________________
Splice _____________________________________ Punching ___________________________________
Fastener____________________________________ Quantity ___________________________________
Other Information Supplier Code
____________________________________________________________________________ (____________ )
____________________________________________________________________________ (____________ )
____________________________________________________________________________ (____________ )
____________________________________________________________________________ (____________ )
Code ______________________________________ Code ______________________________________
Acme Electric Co.
Name: _____________________________________ Name: _____________________________________
201 S. Green
Address: ___________________________________ Address: ___________________________________
Jones, Kan. 66000
__________________________________ __________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________
Day Phone: _________________________________ Day Phone: _________________________________
FAX: ______________________________________ FAX: ______________________________________
Other Phone: ________________________________ Other Phone: ________________________________
Bill Smith
Contact: ____________________________________ Contact: ____________________________________
Code ______________________________________ Code ______________________________________
Adams Supply
Name: _____________________________________ Name: _____________________________________
1613 Highway 1
Address: ___________________________________ Address: ___________________________________
Southtown, Kan. 60006
__________________________________ __________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________
Day Phone: _________________________________ Day Phone: _________________________________
FAX: ______________________________________ FAX: ______________________________________
Other Phone: ________________________________ Other Phone: ________________________________
John Adams
Contact: ____________________________________ Contact: ____________________________________
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Pellet Mills Auger Air Compressors Pellet Cooler Chemical Pump Rollers 1-2 Legs 43-33 References
Pellet Cooler 60, 102, 61 Fork Lifts Fan Bins 11 thru 22 Hammermill Augers 41 thru
Oil Mixer 96, 96-A, 100, Milo Cooler 28A-2708B&C Bins Hammermill-Fines 106 Hamil, J.R., 1994. Maintenance pro-
Milo Cooler
Fan 27-27A-28-Augers Fan
Bin 99 Bins 29
grams. In: R.R. McEllhiney, ed., Feed
Boiler Thru 46 Manufacturing Technology IV, American
Feed Industry Association, Arlington, VA.
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Pellet Mill’s Air Bins 29 thru 36 Balance Scales Air Lifts Tractors Hammermill Legs 53-54
Heintzelman, J.E., 1976. The Com-
Conditioner Boiler Three Ton Mixer Pellet Cooler Bobcat Fat Filter Hammermill- plete Handbook of Maintenance Manage-
Air Compressors Mol. Filter Leg Pellet
Fork Lifts Cooler Leg ment, Prentice Hall, Inc., Englewood
Cliffs, NJ.
MF-2039. 1995. Bulk Ingredient
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Bins 1 thru 10 Man Lift Air Compressors Rolls 1-2 Bagging Scales Hammermill 10 & 20 Hole
Storage. KSU Cooperative Exten-
Pellet Mills Boiler Fork Lifts 10 Shots no more Pellet Cooler Distributors
sion Service. Manhattan, KS.
MF-2040. 1995. Bagged Ingredient
Storage. KSU Cooperative Exten-
22 23 24 25 26 27 28 sion Service. Manhattan, KS.
Pellet Mills Boiler Air Compressors Hydraulic Pump Tractors Hammermill Leg
Molasses & Fat Bobcat
Pumps Pellet Cooler
29 30 31
Pellet Mills Boiler Air Compressors
Fork Lifts
Equipment ID: ____________ Receiving Elevator
Description: ____________________________
I.D. I.D.
# Description # Description
Rail Receiving Conveyor
1. _______________________________________ Grain Screener (with Aspiration)
25. _______________________________________
3. _______________________________________ Grain Crimper
27. _______________________________________
Receiving Elevator
4. _______________________________________ Crimped Grain Elevator
28. _______________________________________
Two-Way Valve
5. _______________________________________ Transfer Conveyor
29. _______________________________________
Transfer Conveyor
6. _______________________________________ Two-Way Valve
30. _______________________________________
Turnhead Distributor
7. _______________________________________ Ingredient Bin Screw Feeders
31. _______________________________________
Receiving Scalper
11. _______________________________________ Scale Air Gate
35. _______________________________________
Receiving Distributor
12. _______________________________________ Batch Mixer
36. _______________________________________
Two-Way Valve
16. _______________________________________ Magnet
40. _______________________________________
Hammermill Feeder
18. _______________________________________ Overs Regrinder
42. _______________________________________
19. _______________________________________ Mash Distributor
43. _______________________________________
Grinding Elevator
22. _______________________________________ Slide Gates
46. _______________________________________
Grinding Distributor
23. _______________________________________ Surge Bin
47. _______________________________________
Code ______________________________________ Code ______________________________________
Acme Electric Co.
Name: _____________________________________ Name: _____________________________________
201 S. Green
Address: ___________________________________ Address: ___________________________________
Jones, Kan. 66000
__________________________________ __________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________
Day Phone: _________________________________ Day Phone: _________________________________
FAX: ______________________________________ FAX: ______________________________________
Other Phone: ________________________________ Other Phone: ________________________________
Bill Smith
Contact: ____________________________________ Contact: ____________________________________
Code ______________________________________ Code ______________________________________
Adams Supply
Name: _____________________________________ Name: _____________________________________
1613 Highway 1
Address: ___________________________________ Address: ___________________________________
Southtown, Kan. 60006
__________________________________ __________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________
Day Phone: _________________________________ Day Phone: _________________________________
FAX: ______________________________________ FAX: ______________________________________
Other Phone: ________________________________ Other Phone: ________________________________
John Adams
Contact: ____________________________________ Contact: ____________________________________
5. Check V-Belts
6. Oil Chains
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Pellet Mills Auger Air Compressors Pellet Cooler Chemical Pump Rollers 1-2 Legs 43-33
Pellet Cooler 60, 102, 61 Fork Lifts Fan Bins 11 thru 22 Hammermill Augers 41 thru
Oil Mixer 96, 96-A, 100, Milo Cooler 28A-2708B&C Bins Hammermill-Fines 106
101 Fan 27-27A-28-Augers Fan Scalper
Milo Cooler Bin 99 Bins 29
Boiler Thru 46
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Pellet Mill’s Air Bins 29 thru 36 Balance Scales Air Lifts Tractors Hammermill Legs 53-54
Conditioner Boiler Three Ton Mixer Pellet Cooler Bobcat Fat Filter Hammermill-
Air Compressors Mol. Filter Leg Pellet
Fork Lifts Cooler Leg
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Bins 1 thru 10 Man Lift Air Compressors Rolls 1-2 Bagging Scales Hammermill 10 & 20 Hole
Pellet Mills Boiler Fork Lifts 10 Shots no more Pellet Cooler Distributors
22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Pellet Mills Boiler Air Compressors Hydraulic Pump Tractors Hammermill Leg
Molasses & Fat Bobcat
Pumps Pellet Cooler
29 30 31
Pellet Mills Boiler Air Compressors
Fork Lifts