Tramadol The For moderate Tramadol is generally well tolerated, and side Hypersensitivity, Acute - Assess
recommended to severe effects are usually transient. Commonly reported intoxication with
dose of
patient’s pain
Class: tramadol is pain. side effects alcohol, hypnotics, before
Analgesics 50-100 mg include nausea, constipation, dizziness,headache, centrally acting therapy and
(immediate drowsiness, and vomiting. Less commonly analgesics, opioids or regularly
Brand release reported side effects include itching, sweating, dry psychotropic agents thereafter to
tablets) every
name: 4-6 hours as
mouth, diarrhea, rash, visual disturbances, monitor drug
TDL, needed for and vertigo. Some patients who received tramadol effectiveness
Siverol, pain. The have reported seizures. Abrupt withdrawal of - Assess for
Dolotral, maximum tramadol may result in anxiety, hypersensitiv
Tramal, dose is 400 sweating, insomnia, rigors, pain,
mg/day. To
ity reactions
Zydol, improve nausea, diarrhea, tremors, and hallucinations. - Advice
Peptrad, tolerance patient to
Ultram patients avoid alcohol
should be
started at 25
and OTC
mg/day, and meds without
doses may be medical
increased by advice
25 mg every 3
- Instruct
days to reach
100 mg/day patient to
(25 mg 4 monitor for
times daily). and report
Thereafter, occurrence
doses can be
increased by of drug
50 mg every 3 induced
days to reach adverse
200 mg day reactions
(50 mg 4
times daily).
Tramadol may
be taken with
or without