Low Heating Costs: QB Tip 001

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HAP e-Help 005 V4.20a November 1, 2005

QB TIP 001
Low Heating Costs

One of the more common questions from HAP users involves low heating costs. Typically, the questions take this form:

“When I finish the energy analysis, I find little or no heating cost, but I know my building requires substantial heating.
What's wrong?”

This problem is usually due to one of a number of modeling pitfalls or input errors that will be discussed in this article. To help
users correct these problems, this article outlines how to troubleshoot the situation.

First, generate the air system simulation reports for all systems involved in the study, as indicated in Figure 1. Energy analysis
requires a good air system
simulation. This is the start
of the chain of calculations
that determine the amount
of cooling and heating
needed and eventually
yields associated operating
costs. Low or non-existent
heating loads, which may
be the eventual reason for
low heating costs, may be Figure 1 - Air System Simulation Reports for Diagnosing Low Heating Costs
verified from these three
reports “checked” in Figure

The “Monthly Simulation Results” reports the Air

System Simulation Results to indicate the heating
loads for all heating coils in the hydronic system. This
report is shown in Figure 2. Inspect the numbers in all
rows and columns that have heating coils. Do they make

Figure 10 shows this report for a DX cooling and gas

heating system.

If the air system monthly simulation summary printout

shows unusually low or zero heating coil loads, the
problem lies with zoning decisions, schedules, spaces,
or air system inputs.

Figure 2 – Air System Simulation Results - Coil Loads

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HAP e-Help 005 V4.20a November 1, 2005
QB TIP 001
Low Heating Costs

The “Unmet Loads Report” reports the Unmet Load Statistics to indicate how many hours the system is capable of offsetting
the loads, as shown in Figure 3. The right column indicates the total number of hours with equipment loads while the other
columns indicate hours
where the system cannot
meet the loads. A large
number of unmet loads
indicate the possibility of
undersized heating
equipment. If this is the
case, refer to the section
titled, “Use realistic
equipment capacity and
efficiency values.” The
report in Figure 3 shows an
example of a good

Figure 3 - Air System Simulation Report – Unmet Loads

A third report, shown in Figure 4, is the “Zone Temperature Report” identified as the Zone Temperature Statistics. This
indicates the minimum and maximum zone temperatures for both occupied and unoccupied time periods along with the number
of hours the zone is within the desired control range. The presence of a significant number of hours outside the throttling range
indicates the zones are not in control.

Figure 4 - Zone Temperature Statistics

After correcting any equipment capacity values, review the air system inputs for missing heating coils or incorrect inputs for
control settings. One of the common problems is forgetting to input a preheat coil or central heating coil. Setting the proper
leaving air temperature on these coils may also cause modeling problems, such as setting the leaving air temperature on a
preheat coil higher than the discharge air temperature of the downstream cooling coil.

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QB TIP 001
Low Heating Costs

In addition to the previous suggestions, the following four rules should be used to troubleshoot low heating costs:

Use enough detail when modeling building zones to preserve load diversity. Avoid oversimplification when modeling the
zones. When the entire building is lumped into a single zone, interior heat gains offset perimeter heat losses resulting in little or
no net heating load, as shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5 - Entire Building Modeled as Single Zone (Poor Zoning)

If the building is divided into a number of separate zones, the individual loads in each zone will be preserved and heat gains and
losses will not cancel each other. For the best results, every region served by a thermostat should be modeled as a separate
zone. Often this is impractical because of the large number of zones involved. Frequently, highly accurate results can be
obtained by simply grouping rooms on each exposure and the interior into separate zones served by the air system, as shown in
Figure 6.

In this scheme, the unique thermal loads

experienced on each exposure, the interior can be
separately analyzed, and the diversity of loads in the
building can be successfully modeled. As a result,
internal heat gains will not cancel perimeter heat
losses and the more accurate building heating and
cooling loads will be considered.

Figure 6 - Perimeter/Core Separated by Exposure (Good Zoning)

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HAP e-Help 005 V4.20a November 1, 2005
QB TIP 001
Low Heating Costs

Use realistic profiles and profile assignments in the schedules to model the variation of internal loads. Avoid
oversimplifying internal load schedules and
using inappropriate design load profiles. If
you have not added profiles for energy use
or edited the profile day type assignments,
this will be a problem. The default fractional
profiles in the schedules are set to 100%,
meaning all assigned internal load
components are in-use during all operating
hours, 24 hours per day. If internal load
components such as lights, people or other
electric equipment are not actually operated
this way, then excessive heat gains are
being modeled and can offset the heat
losses in a zone. As a rule, it's always best to
use profiles that accurately represent the
hourly variation of internal loads, as shown in
Figure 7.

Figure 7- Typical Lighting Schedules

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QB TIP 001
Low Heating Costs

Four profiles are used: One for design load and three for energy analysis. The design day profile allows for proper peak load
sizing. The weekday profile allows for a typical use for energy analysis as do the Saturday and Sunday/Holiday profiles

Fractional profiles are assigned to each of the

Day Types in HAP. There are eight-day types
used in HAP energy simulation
calculations:Monday through Sunday and a
Holiday. Under the Assignments tab of the
Schedule Properties, insure you have
appropriate profiles assigned each of the day
types, as shown in Figure 8.

Use appropriate values for all space inputs.

Examine all your space inputs and insure they
are appropriate for the building being analyzed.
Pay special attention to default values used in
place of actual values. If a default value used is
different from the actual characteristic of the
building, this will have an effect on simulation
results. For example, if a building weight default
of "medium” is used when the building weight
really qualifies as "light", this can contribute to
low heating loads. Heavier buildings tend to
store heat longer, so afternoon heat gains are Figure 8 - Schedule Profile Assignments for Each Day Type
more likely to be carried over into nighttime
hours where they can offset heat losses. For this
reason, using default values can be risky.

Don’t forget infiltration. Many people assume that buildings today have negligible infiltration due to tight construction and
positive pressure created by the introduction of ventilation air. However, during unoccupied periods, especially during the
heating season, when systems are in night setback and the ventilation fans are off, air pressure gradients created by vapor
pressure differences, wind, stack effects, and opening and closing of doors, create infiltration. Quantifying infiltration rates can
be an arduous task involving many calculations and depending on the number of doors, windows, and penetrations in the
building envelope, as well as building height (stack effect), local wind loads, and other usage factors. Research has indicated
that typical infiltration rates in newer buildings with tighter envelopes range between 0.3 and 0.5 air changes per hour, while
older buildings with poor weather-stripping may leak as much as 1.0 air change per hour during the heating season1.

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QB TIP 001
Low Heating Costs

HAP allows you to define a single infiltration rate for energy analysis simulation calculations and also the ability to limit infiltration
to unoccupied times only when fans are off, or alternatively may be specified for all hours, as shown in Figure 9. This value is
used for all months, in heating and cooling
periods. Therefore, if you want to analyze
infiltration in the heating season only you will
need to adjust the input value to account for
average seasonal infiltration rates.

Figure 9 - Space Infiltration Input Screen

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HAP e-Help 005 V4.20a November 1, 2005
QB TIP 001
Low Heating Costs

Examine the columns of data under heating coil loads. If the coil heating loads on the Monthly Simulation Results seem
correct, but the heating coil equipment load and heating coil input do not correlate, the problem probably lies in the equipment
modeling. Figure 10 illustrates proper load and coil simulation results. The equipment tab of the air system input, shown in
Figure 11 must be edited before running energy analysis simulations.

Figure 10 - DX Cooling Gas Heating System (Package Roof Top)

Figure 11 - Air System Equipment Tab

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HAP e-Help 005 V4.20a November 1, 2005
QB TIP 001
Low Heating Costs

TIP: If you run the design loads first, the estimated maximum loads are displayed for your reference as
shown in Figure 12.

Use realistic equipment capacity and efficiency values. When modeling non-hydronic systems such as packaged rooftop
units with gas heat, DX split systems, WSHPs or DX fan coils, HAP requires definition of the heating plant capacity and input
energy in the Systems Property input screen under the Equipment tab, as indicated in Figure 11. It is easy to overlook these
inputs. This results in little or no heating plant loads for non-hydronic system types since the default value for gross heating
capacity is 1.0 MBH. This would show up as a capacity insufficiency on the report in Figure 3.

For other hydronic systems, with combustion or user-defined

heating plants, plant efficiencies must be specified after creating
a heating plant. Using inappropriate values for heating plant
inputs can also contribute to low heating costs. For example,
some users accidentally enter the full-load efficiency when the
program asks for the average seasonal efficiency. As a result,
the plant energy consumption is much lower than it should be.
Realistic seasonal or part load values, preferably obtained from
manufacturer's literature, should always be used to obtain
accurate simulation results.

TIP: If you have a multiple zone terminal system, make sure

to edit the equipment for every zone.

Finally, if the simulation outputs show heating energy that seems

correct, the problem may lie in the fuel rate inputs. Make sure the
following rule is observed:

Make sure fuel conversion factors and rates are correct. An

incorrectly specified fuel conversion factor or fuel rate can cause
heating costs to "disappear.” HAP simulations produce heating
energy consumption data in kBTU. The user must specify a Figure 12 - System Heating Equipment Input Screen
conversion factor relating kBTU to the fuel units (e.g. 100
kBTU/therm of gas), and a rate factor relating cost to fuel units (e.g., $/therm). If a mistake is made in entering either of these
factors, large errors in operating cost results can occur. Therefore, it is useful to check these inputs, especially if the plant
simulation results show large heating loads, but the cost output shows little or no heating costs.


1. Building Envelope by Keith Elder; Energy User News, BNP Media Publishing, Troy, MI; Web page article. Published

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