Cool D'Fine Brochure

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Aug 2007

to FPSO Aker Smart 1

lui 2008

2007 &.

FPSO Nlngaloo

2007 &.

Neptune Explorer (Drill Ship)

FPSO Cldade Van Gough

r Floating Productio

Turnkey Design, Fabricate, Assemble of HVAC Equipment For Extended Accommodation includes Installation, Hook Up, Terminate and Testing, Commissioning with Supporting Offshore Recognition Engineering Documentation Dossier.

Turnkey Design, Fabricate, Assemble of HVAC Equipment For Extended Accommodation includes Installation, Hook Up, Terminate and Testing, Commissioning with Supporting Offshore Recognition Engineering Documentation Dossier.

Turnkey Design, Fabricate, Assemble of HVAC Equipment For Extended Accommodation Includes installation, Hook Up, Terminate and Testing, Commissioning with Supporting Offshore Recognition Engineering Documentation Dossier.

2007 &.


Upgrade HVAC system, Supply of HVAC Equipment for Accommodation Decks Incl Installation, Hook Up, Terminate of all Pre-Insulated Spiral Ducts, Duct Fittings, Ceiling Attenuation Diffuser Boxes. Testing, Commissioning 8< Balancing of Air Flow

all Accommodation cabins, Stateroom, Con Room, Mess, Ga Iley etc.

FPSO Armada Perkasa


Neptune Marine 011 & Gas

Upgrading, Fabricate, Assemble of HVAC Equipment For Extended Accommodation includes Installation, Hook Up, Terminate and Testing, Commissioning with Supporting Offshore Recognition Engineering Documentation Dossier

FPSO Front Puffin

Buml Armada Berhad

Major conversion of HVAC system, Fabricate, Assemble of HVAC Equipment For Extended Accommodation Includes Installation,

Hook Up, Terminate and Testing, Commissioning with Supporting Offshore Recognition Engineering Documentation Dossier.

to Feb 2007

Songa Mercur Semi-SubmerSible 011 Rig)

Sea Production

Upgrading of HVAC Equipment for Accommodation Decks Includes Instaliatlon, Hook Up, Renew One lot of AIC 8< Ventilation Ductlngs. Testing, Commissioning 8< Bala

of Air Flow across all Accommodation cabins, Stateroom, Control Room, Mess, Galley etc.

Songa Offshore ASA

Blackford Dolphin (011 Rig)

Turnkey Design, Supply of HVAC Equipment for Accommodation Decks Includes

Fred Olsen Energy ASA Installation, Hooks Up, Terminate and Testing, Commissioning.

FPSO Azurite

Prosafe ASA

pment for ACIcornmlod includes Installation, Hook Up, Terminate of ail Pre-Insulated Spirai Ducts, Duct Fittings, Ceiling Attenuation Diffuser Boxes. Testing, Commissioning & Balancing of Air Flow all Accommodation cabins, Stateroom,

Control Room, Mess, Ga etc.

LNG Golar Spirit

Golar LNG Ltd

Turnkey Design, Supply of HVAC Equipment for Accommodation Decks Includes Installation, Hook Up, Terminate of all Pre-Insuiated Spiral Ducts, Duct Fittings, Ceiling Attenuation Diffuser Boxes. Testing, Commissioning & Balancing of Air Flow all Accommodation cabins, Stateroom, Control Room, Mess, Gailey etc

FPSO Vincent

Maersk Contractors

Iy of HVAC Equipment for Accommodatl includes Installation, Hook Up,

of all Pre-Insulated Spiral Ducts, , Ceiling Attenuation Diffuser

, Commissioning &. Balancing ow across all Accommodation cabins, m, Control Room, Mess, Galley etc

Safe Brlstolla (Sem t-su bmerslbl e 011 Rig)

Prosafe ASA

Upgrade: Supply of HVAC Equipment for Accommodation Decks Includes Installation, Hook Up, Terminate of all Pre-Insulated Spiral Ducts, Duct Fittings, Ceiling Attenuation Diffuser Boxes. Testing, Commissioning & Balancing of Air Flow all Accommodation cabins, Stateroom, Control Room, Mess, Gailey etc

FSO Kalamu

Parenco S.A.

Supply fabricate install Accommodation Ventilation Ducts clw dampers and fans.

ermaid Com man (Supply Vessel)

2007 &

Cuu Long (Drilling Rig)

Mermaid Offshore Ltd

Upgrading, Supply of HVAC Equipment for Accommodation Decks Includes Installation, Hook Up. Supply fabricate Instail AIC & Ventilation Duct clw diffuser box.


Renewal of AIC plants equipments, Supply and Install on site Offshore.

000 Sung Semi-Submersible 011 Rig - Knoc )

KNOC (Korean National 011 Corp.)

Renewal: HVAC Equipment for Accommodatl Decks Includes Installation, Hook Up, Terminate of all Pre-Insulated Spira II Ducts, Duct Fittings, Ceiling Attenuation Diffuser Boxes. Testing, Commissioning & Balancing of Air Flow across all Accommodation cabins, Stateroom, Control Room, Mess, Galley etc.

LNG Golar Winter

Keppel Shipyard Ltd

Design, Supply and Install & Commissioning Cold Room System. Intculd Modify and ocate system valve station and electrical trol panel.

Modec (Electrical Power Module)

Siemens Pte Ltd

Pre-commissioning and Commissioning testing of entire A/C system to Include; chilled water systems, AHUs, self-contained units and packaged units, pressure relief dampers, ventilation fans, fire dampers, electric motors and spilt systems.

Hull 301 (Semi-submersible 011 Rig)

Novenco Services Pte Ltd

Turnkey Design, Fabricate, Assemble of

HVAC Equipment for Accommodation I

Engine Room I Machinery Space Includes Installation; Hook Up, Terminate and Testing, Commissioning with Supporting Offshore Recognition Engineering Documentation Dossier.

Derrick Lay Barge

to (Pipe Laying


Buml Armada

Turnkey Design, Fabricate, Assemble of HVAC Equipment for Accommodation I Engine Room I Machinery Space Includes Installation; Hook Up, Terminate and Testing, Commissioning with Supporting Offshore Recognition Engineering Documentation Dossier.

Jan 2009 FPSO Jubilee

to ( Electrical

Current Power Module

FPSO BW Peace Ltd

Oyo (Electrical Power Module)

Hull 335 (Supply Vessel)

Wasco Technologies

Turnkey Design, Fabricate. Assemble of HVAC Equipment for Accommodation I EngIne Room I Machinery Space Includes Installation; Hoo Up. Terminate and Testing, Commissioning with Supporting Offshore Recognition Engineering Documentation Dossier.

Turnkey DeSign, Fabricate, Assemble of

HVAC Equipment for Accommodation I

Engine Room I Machinery Space Includes Installation; Hook Up, Terminate and Testing, Commissioning with Supporting Offshore Recognition Engineering Documentation Dossier.

Turnkey DeSign, Fabricate, Assemble of

HVAC Equipment for Accommodation I

Engine Room I Machinery Space Includes Installation; Hook Up, Terminate and Testing, Commissioning with Supporting Offshore Recognition Engineering Documentation nossrer.

Turnkey Design, Fabricate, Assemble of

HVAC Equipment for Accommodation I

Engine Room I Machinery Space Includes Installation; Hook Up, Terminate and Testing, Commissioning with Supporting Offshore Recognition Engineering Documentation Dossier.

AL-Baraka (Offshore Supply)

AHS125/H126 (Offshore Supply Vessel)

Frontier Duchess (Drill Ship)

BW Offshores

Buml Armada

Keppel Singmarine Shipyard

global tender barges

Boustead Penang Shipyard SON BHD

orvcccks World Shipyard / Frontier Drilling

Turnkey Design, Fabricate, Assemble of

HVAC Equipment for Accommodation I

Engine Room I Machinery Space Includes Installation; Hook Up, Terminate and Testing, Commissioning with Supporting Offshore Recognition Engineering Documentation Dossier.

Turnkey DeSign, Fabricate, Assemble of

HVAC Equipment for Accommodation I

Engine Room I Machinery Space Includes Installation; Hook Up, Terminate and Testing, Commissioning with Supporting Offshore Recognition Engineering Documentation Dossier.

Renewal of vessel cold storage rooms to Include; strip and remove all old wall coverings, replace wood under lying and cover with stainless steel wall coverlngand resurface cold room floors. Modify and relocate system valve station and electrical control panel.

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