Max Growth

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Are You
Ready To
Your Muscle
4-Week Muscle Size and Strength Program
An important letter from Stephen Adelé, the author of MAXIMUM GROWTH

“An Amazing New Breakthrough Program

Blasted My Muscles to Never Before
Imagined Growth (on My Entire Body)!”
That’s what you’ll be screaming to all your friends in the gym after you’ve com-
pleted my 4-Week Muscle Size & Strength Program when they urge you to tell
them what you did to gain so much new rock-hard muscle! I promise.

Welcome to the world of “MAXIMUM GROWTH”!

Dear Friend,

What if I told you an amazing new breakthrough could make your body explode with new, dense, rock-
hard muscle... faster than you ever thought possible?

What if I told you that you could accomplish this by working out as little as 30 to 45 minutes per day, no more
than four times per week?

And what would you say if I told you that you could have a more powerful-looking chest, arms that impress
nearly everyone, and confidence that makes you feel like you're “on top of the world”?

...all this, despite any rotten genetics, sloppy proportions, or measly budget?

And to top it off, all in just 28 days?

You’d probably be skeptical, to say the least. Well, my friend, the fact is it's absolutely, positively true. In fact, I
guarantee it!

That’s right. If you’re tired of banging your head against the wall—spending countless hours in the gym, with
little or no success, I guarantee you’ll get a leaner, stronger, more muscular body than you ever imagined.

If fact, if you want to pack on new muscle, despite not being “genetically gifted”—even if you're considered a
“hard gainer”—I guarantee you’ll be able to build the kind of body you never thought was possible.

If you already regularly work out at the gym (which I’m sure you do), I guarantee you’ll be able to break
through any plateau and instantly move to the next level... where you’ll accelerate your muscle size and
strength so fast your head will spin with disbelief.

I guarantee that this program is unlike any you’ve ever seen before and that you’ll get far better results in a
shorter period of time, without working harder or longer... and with much less hassle. (Results that some guys
spend year after agonizing year floundering to try and achieve!)

This program will work for you whether you’re fresh out of high school, in your mid 20’s or 30’s or 40's or
even over 60, out of shape, on the thin side, a husband, father, or single guy (or gal!).

In the first 10 days alone, you’ll notice dramatic differences in your physique... And, after just 28 days, you’ll be
able to look in the mirror and actually be excited about what you see.

Listen, if a guy like me, who’s not genetically gifted at all, can pack on impressive size—adding two inches to
my chest and an inch on my arms—in less than a month, SO CAN YOU!!

(next page, please)

15000 West 6th Avenue, Suite #202, Golden, CO 80401 USA

Hey, I know I’m not a huge, blown-out-of-proportion professional bodybuilder. And I’m not a world-class ath-
lete either. But you know what, I know I look better than 98% of the other guys at my gym or by the pool
(with my shirt off).

Make no mistake about it, my friend, I don’t say this to brag. Rather, I know you and I are a lot alike. We both
don’t want to wear baggy shirts to hide our guts. We don’t want to have to puff up our chests whenever
we’re trying to impress someone walking by. And, we both want increased self-confidence, more popularity,
and a greater sense of strength and power.

That’s why I wrote this book—MAXIMUM GROWTH—to show you exactly how to do it... to provide the
answers you need to gain unsurpassed muscle size and strength, in the shortest amount of time!

As the Editor-in-Chief of the fastest growing, most talked about fitness and physique development magazine
in the world, Real SOLUTIONS, I’ve been able to access my “inside connections” to the leading minds in the
industry, uncover the most accurate, up-to-date information on physique enhancement, and combine that with
my personal 15 plus years of weight training to put together a step-by-step, proven system that spells out
exactly how to eat, train, and take supplements for MAXIMUM GROWTH!

Here’s a “preview” of what you’ll find in this breakthrough program:

1. Introduction: Overcoming the Most Disastrous Muscle-Building Challenge (Find out why most
fitness advice is dead wrong!)
2. The 10 Secrets Laws to Gain Strength and Build Muscle (I’ll uncover the real, scientifically proven
truths to smarter, faster muscle growth!)
3. A 25-page, day-by-day, 4-Week Blitz Weight-Training Program (This one-of-a-kind program has
been personally designed by renowned fitness authority, and best-selling author of ABSolution,
Shawn Phillips!!)
4. Pre- and Post-Body Measurement and Strength Tests (Record and track your staggering results
with these easy-to-follow journaling sheets!)

And that’s it. That’s all I’m going to teach you, because...

That’s all you need to know!

See, I decided when I wrote this book that it would be the way I had always wanted someone else to write
something like this for me. Personally, I’ve always hated trying to read those big, heavy, fancy hard-covered
books, filled with hundreds of pages of complicated, hard-to-understand nonsense. Instead, I knew the infor-
mation you want and need to know about building a more muscular body can be explained without going
into long, tedious chapters about biochemistry and other complicated stuff.

So, I didn’t complicate this book with a bunch of “filler.” I provided real, practical answers... explained in a
simple, honest, straightforward way. That’s why I’ve written this book just like I’d write a personal letter to a
friend who was struggling to find the truth about which program or system to follow for making new
gains in strength and muscle.

And you know what? I have a hunch (and hope), after you finish reading this book, you and I will
become friends going forward too.

(next page, please)

15000 West 6th Avenue, Suite #202, Golden, CO 80401 USA

Now, take out a calendar… Count 28 days from today… Circle that date. Why? Because on the date,
there’s a good chance you will be incredibly stronger, much more confident, and significantly more muscular!
It will not be magic, nor will it be your imagination. It will be the hard work you put into following
MAXIMUM GROWTH! So let’s get started.

Good luck, and I wish you continued success in your training endeavors.

With Respect,

Stephen Adelé

P.S. I encourage you to come visit me and my expert staff anytime you’d like… whether you have questions
about the 4-Week Muscle Size and Strength Program, are stuck at a roadblock, or need additional information,
simply go online to (or drop us an email at [email protected]). I’ve even
provided a special forum for you to talk to other people who are following Maximum Growth—where you’ll
find tons of useful tips, strategies, and even information not found in this book (like what you can expect each
day as you follow the program—this alone is worth the visit.) There, you’ll also have instant access to a free
report where I uncover the five biggest hidden secrets to smarter, faster muscle growth! And please, don’t for-
get to share your (impressive) results with me. I can’t wait to hear from you!

15000 West 6th Avenue, Suite #202, Golden, CO 80401 USA

Part 1 | 10 Secret Laws

Why Almost Everyone Is Dead
Wrong in How They Train, Eat, and
Take Supplements If They Want to Gain
Unsurpassed Size, Strength, and Power!

WEARING, RIGHT? You want a body you can be proud of,
correct? Quite simply, you want a body that demands respect!
Hey, I don’t blame you. Make no mistake about it, nothing
builds more confidence, respect, and power than a strong,
healthy, muscular physique. Nothing.

Unfortunately, 98% of all guys totally “miss the boat” when it

comes to understanding how to pack on dense, rock-hard
muscle. It’s very likely that outdated fitness advice may be the
culprit which is killing your progress in the gym and holding
back your potential. Make no mistake, if you want to build a
more muscular, well-defined body, to follow what was once
thought of as conventional wisdom, these days is dead wrong!
Much of the advice given out is based on half-truths,
humanly possible? Sound impossible? It’s not. Actually, it’s
quite easy to learn how. And, I’ve got the answers you need.
Although it’s not going to be easy to accomplish, I know you
wouldn’t still be reading this right now if it wasn’t worth it.
That’s why I want to show you how to do it.

Maybe you’re a little skeptical about now... Perhaps you’ve

been here before: you purchased your gym membership and
got your gym bag ready to go. (Or built a great home gym.)
You’re psyched. You’re ready to start packing on pounds of
rock-solid, head-turning muscle. When suddenly, the ques-
tions arise:

When should I work out to get the best results?
What type of workouts should I do for maximum muscle gains?
Which exercises should I perform?
What type of foods should I eat?
unproven myths, and completely outdated information. • What foods should I avoid?
• What’s the best time to eat for the greatest muscle gains?
So what if I showed you how you can easily manipulate your • How important are supplements, and which ones should I use?
physiology to get serious growth, without limits, as fast as


Quickly, your questions turn to doubts. With all of the con- success when it comes to packing on new rock-hard muscle
flicting messages from so many different sources out there, mass, fast.
you’re left more confused than ever before.
While there are a lot of things about building muscle size and
Sure, you could go ahead and spend countless hours in the strength that remain unknown, there are a number of funda-
gym, each and every day, maybe following this so-called mentals we know for sure. Over the last two to three years,
expert’s training approach or that latest “muscle-bound” diet several advancements have been made in nutrition and mus-
fad... Unfortunately, you’d see little, if any, real results from cular performance, and they are also incorporated into this
your efforts. (Maybe you’ve already tried this approach?!) program. Still, many of the steps shown may seem too sim-
Because, sadly, if you don’t have all of the answers to these plistic. But oftentimes, to be successful, you’ve got to go back
questions, you’re just wasting your time in the gym. to the “basics.”
What matters most are results, and the 10 laws provided here
And trial and error? That’s certainly not the answer either. It’s are the surefire secrets to packing on more solid muscle and
sure to only frustrate you. (Heck, you might even give up size in the coming months than most guys build in five or six
altogether!) I certainly don’t want that. agonizing years. In fact, you’ll see faster and better results in
only four short weeks if you follow this plan exactly how I
Or... you can pay close attention to the 4-Week Program spell it out! You’ll be the kind of “naturally built” guy that
you’ve got in your hands and learn the right way to build demands respect and attention everywhere you go.
unsurpassed muscle size and strength! You see, after years of
training side by side with some of the industry’s leading So pay attention, because here’s all you need to know to
physiques, remaining close friends with more than a dozen build rock-hard muscle and reach your maximum potential,
professional bodybuilders, and continually engaging in as fast as humanly possible.
lengthy discussions with noted researchers in muscular per-
formance, I’ve carefully assimilated the “do and don’ts” from By the way, remember to always seek the advice of your doc-
each of them. You could say I’ve learned from their mistakes tor before starting any exercise or nutrition program or taking
and taken away “what works.” any supplement. Although we’ve made every attempt to
ensure the accuracy of the words and facts in this program, we
What’s more, on top of my 15 plus years of weight training, cannot be made liable for any errors if they exist. This pro-
I’ve poured countless hours into understanding the most gram is for informational purposes only and should not sub-
recent scientific research in the areas of exercise physiology stitute for medical advice.
and performance enhancement—as well as results from
people in the gym (real-world results). All to provide you with There. Now that we’ve got that out of the way… let’s get on to
a scientifically proven, tried and tested guide to serious mus- uncovering the 10 secret laws that will make your body
cle-building success. The “core essentials” needed to achieve “explode” with new rock-hard muscle!

“” …to be successful,
you’ve got to go back to the


Chapter 1

Law 1

SENSE THINGS,” RIGHT? Maybe you think I’m being a
smart ass. Wait. Keep reading. We all know that weight train-
ing works, but how exactly do our muscles grow, and what’s
the “best” way to blast their growth? You’re in luck, because
I’m here to share the answers...

Resistance training (as in with weights) causes tiny (micro)

tears in the muscle fibers. As muscle fibers heal, they come
back bigger and stronger than before. There are basically two
ways a muscle can grow. One way is through a physiological
process called muscle hypertrophy. This occurs after the mus-
cle fiber has been broken down, as a result of resistance train-
ing, and an environment is created where the fiber works to
rebuild itself. During this time (given that adequate rest and
nutrition are present), the muscle cells within the fibers will
continue to expand, and expand some more, as it approaches
its maximum size.

Another way, although still in its beginning stage of accept-

ance in the scientific community (because studies have been
performed only on rodents so far), is called hyperplasia. This
is where a muscle cell reaches a certain size and splits, increas-
ing the number of muscle fibers you have available, which,
according to theory, makes room for more muscle growth.

Either way a muscle grows, only through resistance training

can you achieve maximum gains. And the most favorable
form of resistance exercise comes from using weights. Period.
The only question left then…what’s the optimal amount of
sets and reps to do to induce the most muscle stress and to cre-
ate the greatest muscular growth? Don’t let this answer set
you back; I’ll explain it in greater detail in just a moment. The
continue to expand, synthesizing amino acids and proteins, to answer to this perplexing question is determined by the
prepare themselves for the next time you train. In essence, the amount of weight used and the type of muscle being trained.
greater the muscle fiber breakdown during a workout, the
bigger the muscle will be when it heals after your rest period. See, we are all born with different amounts of muscle fibers.
With repeated weight-training sessions, the muscle cell will Some of us have more fibers, and others have less. However,


one thing that’s not different about us is that we are all stronger, faster. Just as important, don’t let yourself get sucked
born with two types of muscle fibers: slow-twitch (type I) and into the common myth that you always need to train with
fast-twitch (type II). I’m not going to venture into any bio- extremely low reps (in the three- to five-rep range) for muscles
chemical details about each of the muscle types. Let’s just say, to grow. Nope, not unless you’re getting ready to compete in
the key to trigger new muscle growth is to work both types of your local power-lifting competition should you risk training
muscle fibers hard enough to cause them both to break down in this rep range. See, this type of training induces neuromus-
and rebuild. Here’s how you can accomplish this… cular pathways (in other words, a stronger mind-muscle con-
nection is created), rather than inducing muscular develop-
Using a higher rep scheme with lighter weights (in the 12- to ment. This is why a bodybuilder typically looks so much more
20-rep range), you will break down the type 1 fibers, so they physically appealing than a power lifter.
grow larger. Work out with fewer reps (in the 6- to 10-rep
range), with a near maximum amount of weight, and plenty By the way, just in case someone who sees you training one
of fast-twitch (type II) muscle fibers will get the stimulus day with higher repetition sets thinks it’s a workout for sissies,
they need to respond. simply show him a copy of this report and let him review the
multiple scientific references at the end that refer to the
So, it’s safe to say you should alter your workouts to include amount of natural testosterone and growth hormone (hor-
high-rep days (anywhere from 12 to 20 reps for no more mones in the body that build muscle) released, which surge
than three to four sets) and low-rep days (six to 12 reps for through your body as a result of high-rep workouts. He might
no more than four to five sets). For maximum growth, it’s start training with you, after he settles down.
been shown that you should work out with lower reps for
three to four weeks, and then alter your workouts for three
to four weeks, using higher rep days. And make no mistake
about it, regardless of what you’ve heard, or read, a recent
study in the Journal of Strength & Conditioning found that a
one-rep maximum, all-out set won’t do it. The study
showed that incorporating increased levels of sets and reps
into your training program will lead to improved strength.
But just as disastrous, a whole body workout, consisting of
multiple high-rep sets, won’t do it either.

That’s exactly why we included specific numbers of repeti-

tions in each of the daily workouts found in the 4-Week Blitz
Weight-Training Program (see Part III). Altering workouts,
yet staying within the six- to 20-rep range, will continually
recruit both types of muscle fibers and help you get bigger,

“” …the key to trigger

new muscle growth is to
work both types of muscle


Chapter 2

Law 2

APPROACH TO EATING—gulping down foods whenever
you feel like it or eating the typical three square meals a day and
snacking on sugary and/or high-fat foods in between—you’re
likely to look like over 70% of Americans. Overweight and out-
right fat! If you want a body that loudly advertises your com-
mitment to yourself, then you have to go above normal.

Here’s the lowdown on foods for “maximum growth”…

While food won’t make your muscles grow, it will provide the
essential elements necessary for muscle recovery. See, when
we eat foods, our bodies break them down to obtain the nec-
essary fuel to sustain life and perform our daily activities,
including working out. There are three possible fates for the
foods you consume: 1) it can be used up or burned, 2) it can be
stored in the muscles for use, and 3) it can be stored as body-
daily caloric intake by taking your bodyweight and multiply-
ing it by 15 (if your goal is to gain bodyweight, that is). (So, for
example, a 175-lb man would eat approximately 2,625 calo-
ries). It’s not a perfect science, and it’s not any more compli-
cated than that, but it works. Believe me. Still, I’m not saying
you have to run around all day counting every calorie you con-
sume. Just be aware of how many calories—how much fuel—
your body needs every day to build muscle.

Whenever you’re considering what types of foods should

make up those calories, remember this: all calories are not cre-
ated equal. Think of it this way… fat requires only two percent
of your body’s energy to use it, carbohydrates require roughly
10% of that energy, whereas protein requires an astonishing
20% of your body’s energy to burn it… that means, by con-
suming more protein, you’re actually burning more calories
each time you eat. (Yes, 20% of the calories in the protein are
fat. Of course, the later is not what we want. Instead, we’ll being burned just by eating it.)
choose #2: stored in the muscles for use.
Plus, protein’s primary purpose is to provide the muscles with
First off, it’s a good idea to know how many calories you ample supplies of essential and nonessential amino acids to
should be shooting for per day. You can easily figure out your rebuild the tiny tears in the muscle fibers. This process is


known as protein synthesis. And amino acids, derived from absorption of carbohydrates into the blood. And more good
proteins, are the building blocks for this process. Got it? news... eating protein also kicks up another hormone called
glucagon (think of it as insulin’s opposing hormone), which
So to increase the body’s metabolic rate and amino acid/pro- can offset the fat-storing ability of insulin by helping dispose of
tein turnover in the muscle cells, it’s imperative that you it before it stores more fat. And, new studies offer evidence that
consume more protein. Research from leading authorities on glucagon’s release in the body may further stimulate the fat-
protein shows us that right around one gram of protein per burning cycle by encouraging fat to be freed up and more eas-
pound of bodyweight (that is, the weight you want to weigh) ily used as energy. Using our previous example, 2,625 calories
or 30 to 35% of your daily caloric intake is adequate. This per day x 50% carbohydrates = roughly 1,312 carb calories / 4
amount of protein is safe for supporting the metabolism and (calories per gram of carb) = 328 grams of carbs per day.
helping the body grow and maintain new muscle tissue.
These proteins can be in the form of lean red meats, turkey, Fat, on the other hand, has the greatest propensity to be stored
salmon, egg whites, protein powders, or nutrition shakes that as fat. For that reason alone, it’s smart not take in more than 15
contain whey and/or casein. So, in the example of our 175-lb to 20% dietary fat in any given day. However, when you’re
man above, he would consume approximately 2,625 calories attempting to build muscle, you also don’t want your fat levels
per day x 30% protein = 787 protein calories / 4 (calories per too low. As science has revealed, this can cause testosterone and
gram of protein) = 197 grams of protein per day. growth hormone levels to drop. For this reason, it’s fine to eat
foods low in fat. It’s also a good idea to add some good fats to
Carbohydrates should be consumed in the range your diet. Fats known as essential fats. These can be found in the
of no more than 55% of your daily intake, avoiding form of fish oils, flax, hemp, safflower, olive, or borage oil. Rest
simple carbs like jams, fruit juices, most breads and cereals, assured, these fats will help rev up your ability to pack on mus-
etc., and completely limiting sugary or refined carbs like cle. But be careful. Fat is still easier to store as fat. Be cautious
donuts, cakes, sodas, candies, ice creams, most sugar- about how much of these oils you consume on a daily basis.
containing drinks/beverages, etc., and incorporating plenty of
fibrous carbs like broccoli, corn, brown rice, various fruits, etc. So, when it comes to fats, our 175-lb man would consume 2,625
calories per day x 15% fats = roughly 394 fat calories / 9 (calo-
Scientific evidence has also shown that if we consume too ries per gram of fat) = 44 grams of fat per day.
many carbs (especially at one sitting), our bodies respond by
causing a surge of insulin to be released. Insulin, a hormone, Keep this in mind: Missing your required proteins, carbs, and
encourages muscle cells to take up more nutrients for storage, fats by a few grams here and there won’t hurt your chances of
but unfortunately, it may also “transport” these excess carbs muscle-building success. So don’t stress over being exact. But
and fat to be stored. skipping meals and following a haphazard approach to eating
will instantly stop your muscle gains.
The good news is, by adding more protein to each meal, you’ll
“buffer” this insulin secretion, actually slowing the rate of

“ …one gram of protein per pound

of bodyweight (that is, the weight you
want to weigh) or 30 to 35% of your daily
caloric intake is adequate.


Chapter 3

Law 3

AGAINST IT. To eat smart and more, not careless and less. If
you eat the “right” type of foods, in the “right” amounts, at
various times throughout the day, science has indicated your
body will absorb and assimilate more of the foods you eat,
and your body’s biochemical processes will become more
efficient, which includes the ability to turn over more pro-
tein/amino acids to help rebuild muscle tissue faster. This is
precisely what you want!

To do this, you need to spread your meals more evenly

throughout the day, in five or six smaller meals, rather than
two or three large meals (or an overindulgence in high-
sugar/high-fat snacks whenever you’re hungry). See, science
has shown that you can maximize the food’s absorption (so
your body can use more of it); supply your body with a more
sounds—it’s about timing your meals. Here are the rules:
never go more than a few hours (two to three, while you’re
awake) without eating a meal. This includes starting the day
with a well-balanced, moderately low-fat, protein- and carb-
containing meal. That’s why skipping breakfast, or any meal
for that matter, is so damaging to our muscle-building
efforts… because along with you, your muscles have just
fasted for eight hours or so (depending on how many hours
you’ve slept), and they’re literally starving for nutrients. And,
if your muscles aren’t fed soon enough, they will begin to
enter a stage known as catabolism, which is the breakdown of
muscle tissue. (This is the absolute worst possible state to be
in! You want to avoid this at all costs!)

Yet, by feeding the body more regularly, you help convince

it there is no deprivation, no famine around the corner…
and as long as protein is present, you’ll remain in an
stable (non-spiking) level of insulin—levels your body can anabolic (or muscle-building) state and continually rebuild
adequately manage—and increase the amount of available muscle cells.
amino acids that will steadily increase your body’s ability to
build muscle throughout the day. On the following page is an example of what a typical day
might look like, as far as your daily food intake (based on an
Meal frequency, or meal patterning, is really as simple as it average 175-lb man).


Here’s an example of what a day might look like as far as your daily food intake (again, based on an average 175-lb man) :
For more sample daily meal plans for Maximum Growth, please visit and click on “Meal Plans.”

Sample Daily Food Intake Protein (g) Carbs (g) Fat (g) Calories
Meal #1 (7:00 a.m.)
1 cup cooked oatmeal 6 25 2 142
6 egg whites (one whole egg) 24 6 6 180
1 cup of black coffee 0 0 0 5
(sweetened with Splenda®)
1 protein shake (e.g., Designer Protein) 21 31 3 225
mixed with one banana and 10 oz of water
Meal Total 51 62 11 552
Meal #2 (10:00 a.m.)
1 meal-replacement shake 38 22 5 300
(e.g., Eat-Smart)
mixed with water or skim milk
1 medium-sized apple 0 21 0 80
Meal Total 38 43 5 380
Meal #3 (12:30 p.m.)
Two 4-oz chicken breasts 54 0 6 284
1 cup of brown rice 5 46 2 218
20 oz of water 0 0 0 0
Meal Total 59 46 8 502
Meal #4 (4:00 p.m.)
1 cup low-fat (1%) cottage cheese 28 6 2 163
1 large orange 1 17 0 69
10 oz of water 0 0 0 0
Meal Total 29 23 2 232
Pre-Workout (5:00 p.m.)—1 serving of H-BlockerTM 0 12.5 0 50
——Workout——(5:30 to 6:30 p.m.)——
Post-Workout (6:45 p.m.)—1 serving of 3-XLTM 0 10 0 40
Meal #5 (7:30 p.m.)—[Post-Workout Meal]
10 oz pasta, cooked (egg enriched) 15 70 5 375
3.5 oz lean ground beef (with tomato/pasta sauce) 27 12 19 330
Mixed green salad 0 0 14 119
(with one Tbs olive oil/vinegar dressing)
1 large apple 0 32 1 125
20 oz of water 0 0 0 0
Meal Total 42 114 39 949
Meal #6 (10:00 p.m.)
1 protein shake (e.g., Designer Protein) 28 41 3 320
or 8-oz Eat-Smart shake mixed with 8 oz of
low-fat/sugar-free frozen yogurt and water
Meal Total 28 41 3 320
Daily Total 247 g 351.5 g 68 g 3,025

Daily Caloric % Total (approximate) 34% 46% 20%


Chapter 4

Law 4

This is one of the most overlooked secrets to building a more
muscular body. If you don’t rest, you won’t grow. Only
through enough rest (which includes proper sleep) and an
adequate number of days away from the gym (in between
training) will the body be able to recover and rebuild itself. In
fact, too much training can actually hurt your body and keep
you from growing at all.

So how do you know if you are resting enough? Tough ques-

tion, since everyone is different, and everyone has unique
recovery times. But here’s a shot at it, based on the latest sci-
ence and some good ol’ common sense.

For adequate recovery times between your rigorous work-

outs (of the same muscle group), consider this: the more
In general, most exercise physiology experts agree that you
should not train a muscle group/body part if it’s still sore, and
then once the soreness subsides, I say give it another day on
top of that to fully recover. (Remember, we want our muscles
completely recovered so we can flame-baste them the next
time we hit the gym—this way, we’re sure they’ll grow back
bigger and stronger!)

One of the most common (and fatal) errors I see with weight
trainers, both beginner and advanced alike, is over-training.
Trapped by their “more is better” mentality, many of them
seem to think if you train longer, harder, more often, you’ll
multiply your results. Nothing could be further from the
truth. And, nothing could be more detrimental to your efforts
to pack on muscle and gain strength than training muscle
groups too frequently. In fact, over-training can significantly
impede the body’s ability to properly recover and rebuild
intense your workout (speed of workout), and/or the heav- itself. It also sets you up for fatigue, lethargy, deep
ier the load (weight), the longer the recovery; and the higher tissue/muscle soreness, insomnia, and makes you more prone
the volume (i.e., the number of reps), and/or the smaller the to injuries. (If you sense any of these symptoms coming on, try
muscle group, the faster the recovery (often within 48 taking off a day or two more in between training sessions and
hours), and vice versa of course. see how you feel.)


And make no mistake about it, nothing is more important

than a good night’s sleep… especially if you’re trying to build
a muscular body! It’s best, if you can, to get anywhere from
six to seven hours of sleep per night… and you might even
try to catch a few “extra” hours of sleep on the weekends
from time to time. Though not the required therapeutic dose
of eight hours, you’ll likely find this is the optimal amount
needed for your body to recover from the strenuous, exciting,
hectic days of work and exercise. Any less, you might be a
grouch. And, you’ve got to be smart enough to know (and
feel) if your body has not fully recovered from the previous
day. Remember, it is during the time when you’re not train-
ing, while recuperation and repair are taking place, that your
muscles are actually growing stronger and larger.

Studies have repeatedly shown that your body’s biological

recovery processes—muscle repair and immune function-
ing—occur during nighttime sleep. But more importantly,
these processes occur only during our deepest hours of
sleep, which will be impeded or stop altogether if we
shorten our resting hours.

So, if you want to put your body in the “maximum growth”

zone, and make your muscles grow, then you absolutely, pos-
itively must get adequate rest between your weight-training
days… and get plenty of zzz’s at night.

“ …over-training can significantly

impede the body’s ability to properly
recover and rebuild itself.


Chapter 5

Law 5

MON, COMMONSENSE” THINGS, or, what’s this guy
talking about, “fill my muscles!”? Am I right? Well, let me

See, you’d be surprised by just how many muscle-bound

guys (and gals) claim they drink “plenty” of water, but if you
followed them around throughout the day, you’d find they
take in less water than a dried-up Death Valley cactus. Any
chance this sounds like you?

Sure, we all “know” we should drink plenty of water, but do

you? Really? Pay careful attention for a day and see how
much you drink. It’s probably safe to say you could use a
drinking fountain close to your desk or you need a crash
course on why water is so vitally important to your muscles,
making a total 32 oz) are exhaled as water vapor during
breathing. Together, the intestines and kidneys use about six
cups a day. That brings our total daily water usage to a whop-
ping 10 cups or 80 oz just to live—not including the added
water loss resulting from perspiration during any heavy
weight training or cardiovascular exercise.

Think water isn’t important? Think again!

As science has revealed (and you’ve probably heard this

plenty of times already), our muscles are made up of 70 to 75%
water. So it’s imperative that your muscles stay completely
hydrated. Stay hydrated, and your muscles are sure to look
fuller. Plus, get better pumps in the gym and, if your bodyfat
is low enough, may appear more vascular. What’s more, water
initiates a cascade of biochemical processes within the body
that are essential for everything from digestion to enhanced
just to reignite your awareness. energy levels.

Here are the facts (the amount of H20 your body requires, But we’re not talking about drinking water when you’re
daily, just to “live”): the average person loses two cups (16 oz) thirsty. As you may know, thirst is a sign your body is already
of fluid through normal perspiration. Another two cups (now slightly dehydrated! Not staying fully hydrated is a common


mistake made by many weight trainers and athletes. The

importance of being properly hydrated for maximum muscle
growth cannot be overlooked. Why? Even a slightly dehy-
drated muscle can lead to significant deficits in muscular out-
put, performance decrements, not to mention the risk of sick-
ness and, in severe cases, even death. Even a three to four per-
cent drop in body water levels (signaled by thirst and muscle
fatigue) can decrease your muscular contractions by 10 to
20%. Put your body through this sort of dehydration consis-
tently and you can forget about gaining muscle!

Once again, a recent study presented at The Experimental

Biology Conference confirmed that to combat dehydration,
active people (those of us who engage in regular exercise)
should drink at least 10 to 12 glasses (eight ounces each) of
water (this doesn’t include tea, coffee, sodas, or juice)
daily—always including during and after workouts or
whenever your body is perspiring.

Keeping your muscles hydrated and full will keep them

recovering faster and keep your muscle-bound results on
track in the gym.

“” …our muscles are made up of

70 to 75% water. So it’s imperative that
your muscles stay completely hydrated.


Chapter 6

Law 6

BREAKFAST, LUNCH, DINNER (and all your meals in
between), each and every day. Or, what if you had to listen to
the same Barry Manilow song over and over and over again
while driving in your car? B-o-r-i-n-g! Well, weight training is
much the same. Keep doing the same workout over and over
again, and your muscles are sure to get bored too. And when
your muscles get bored, they don’t grow. Period.

You need variety to continually stimulate your muscles. Ever

wonder why when you start a new program, after about four
to six weeks, you “hit a wall” a sticking point where you just
don’t seem to be making gains any more? Undoubtedly, lack
of variety in the gym is one of the most common (and deadly)
mistakes made by beginner and advanced weight trainers
alike. And make no mistake, it will keep literally anyone from
ever attaining their true potential for maximum muscle
the stress of lifting weights—where the body finally adapts,
hits a point of staleness, and stops responding to the stimulus
(or responds in a very limited way at most). Basically, in the
last phase, the body has completely adapted to the exercises
and ceases to improve. This is oftentimes referred to as a
plateau or sticking point.

Take the bench press, for example. When you first start doing
bench presses, you’re likely to make significant gains quickly.
Yet you’ll notice that after routinely performing this exercise
for a month or so, your gains will be smaller than they were
originally, despite your best efforts to work out harder or
longer. Soon, you’ll find yourself hitting a plateau. Why?

Your muscles work in tandem with the nervous system. Each

time you lift a weight, you generate a stimulus within your
central nervous system. Your muscle fibers then receive nerve
growth. impulses, and the muscle contracts. Repeat the same lift over
and over, and eventually the nervous system/muscle connec-
See, as explained by stress expert Hans Selye’s general adap- tion begins to adapt until the impulses recruit less and less
tation syndrome, the body goes through three distinct phases muscle fibers. Thus, your body basically goes into “sleep”
when confronted with a stress—which in our case includes mode while you perform that exercise. (Not literally, but you


get the point.) This is why you need to mix things up—add
variety—which stimulates the muscles and nervous system.
When this happens, the muscles are kept alert, in a constant
state of shock, which keeps the muscles paying attention and
in a never-ending grow, grow, grow phase!

So how do you add variety to your workouts? Simple. As

Harley Pasternak, MSc., ACSM exercise physiologist,
explains in his now famous Multi-Variable Training (MVT)
program… “to keep your gains continual, and bust through
plateaus, you need to constantly change it up: add more
weight (the most common way), change the number of rep-
etitions or sets, mix up your exercises, the order you do
them in, and the days you work out, the time (rest) between
sets, concentrating on the negative (eccentric) versus the
positive (concentric) part of the lift, change the sequence of
exercises, or change the exercise itself, such as performing
chest exercises with dumbbells instead of a barbell or
incline bench instead of a flat bench. There are so many
variables (new stimulus) to choose from. The key is, after
you feel you’ve hit a plateau, to just pick one variable and
change it for a workout, then another the next workout, and
so on.”

The bottom line, once you “hit the wall” (usually after four to
six weeks of following the same routine) and your muscles
aren’t getting any stronger, break away from the same old,
same old routine and try something new on your next work-
out. You’ll keep your workouts interesting and build muscle
much faster. Isn’t that what you want from your training pro-

“” …when your muscles get

bored, they don’t grow. Period. You
need variety to continually stimulate
your muscles.


Chapter 7

Law 7

know it isn’t going to happen if you follow some lame train-
ing routine out of a popular “fitness” magazine. Only a
proven method of training will work. So why would you take
a chance with your supplements?

Sure, you could try one of those highly touted supplements

like HMB, CLA, DHEA, or one of those new fad supplements
like myostatin, methylated pro-steroids, AAKG nitric oxide
boosters, or whatever else. The truth is, some of these might
work; there is some evidence a couple of them may help you
increase lean body mass. But, for the majority, there’s not a
single shred of scientific evidence they could grow a new hair
on a mouse’s back (let alone new muscle.) As a result, the con-
sensus for these supplements is hardly unanimous.

Wouldn’t you rather use a supplement that’s been proven

nutrition researchers, and renowned exercise physiologists,
because it’s been shown to effectively enhance muscle size
and strength in over 500 clinical studies. Combined with
intense weight training and a diet full of high-quality nutri-
ents, this supplement may help you finally blast your muscle
growth through the roof by limiting the time it takes your
muscles to recover and re-grow—a process known as protein

Creatine’s been shown in the lab and the real world to produce
measurable results in lean body mass size and strength. You
may be thinking, “Creatine? That stuff’s been around since the
early 1990’s… What’s so special about it now?” Well, remember
in the beginning of this book, I mentioned that sometimes you
have to go back to the “basics” to be successful? Creatine is just
such a fundamental part of your Program for gaining mass. In
fact, ask 10 guys in the gym with any amount of muscle mass
by the scientific community to produce the type of results on their bodies, and more than three-quarters of them will tell
you’re after? (Of course you would!) you they’re using some form of creatine daily.

One supplement, creatine, has been almost universally But wait. A lot of advancements have been made in supple-
accepted by doctors, scientists, leading performance- mentation when it comes to creatine. First, there were different


forms of creatine… citrate, titrate, etc. Unfortunately, there Creatine ethyl ester (or CEE as it’s commonly called) is basi-
was never any real, solid research that showed any of them cally creatine monohydrate with an ester attached. In essence,
were superior to the most well-researched form, monohy- esters are organic compounds that are formed by esterifica-
drate. Then there were novel delivery methods, like efferves- tion, which is the reaction of carboxylic acid and alcohols. If
cent, but these tasted like battery acid and made your gut rot. this sounds a little technical, just hang in there. This is where
Then came the high-sugar (typically dextrose) creatine cock- it gets exciting…
tails. Just what the body needs—tons of empty calories that
are more likely to build up fat than muscle. No thanks! See, we all know that regular creatine monohydrate has been
shown to effectively increase lean body mass; strength; and
This brings me to the most exciting part of Law Number 7… athletic, anaerobic performance. But what you may not know
if there’s one thing I love about the business I’m in (besides is a new study has shown esterfied creatine can exert its posi-
helping people achieve their goals), it’s that every time you tive effects above and beyond regular creatine monohydrate.
develop a new product and release it to the marketplace, it’s The really exciting news is that with CEE, you can experience
essentially a version .9. And version 1.0 is chomping at its positive effects with lower dosages because it penetrates tar-
heels, eagerly awaiting its introduction. get cells more efficiently via a different transporter than the
monohydrate form. So, apparently, no “loading” or “cycling”
This has been the case with Meta-CELTM. Our trademark cre- is required—just a single dose a day (normally one to three
atine monohydrate/Inzitol® formula, co-developed with “Mr. grams) does the trick. And, there seems to be two other impor-
Creatine” himself, Anthony Alamda, after our initial clinical tant benefits: CEE appears to work relatively well for most
study, which was released back in May of 2003. Make no mis- creatine “non-responders” (about three or four out of every
take: when we develop a new supplement at iSatori, we use ten people do not respond to creatine monohydrate), and
every shred of evidence we can find to create the most inno- there doesn’t appear to be any extra-cellular water retention
vative, research-driven product possible. But scientific with CEE, which causes the infamous “creatine bloat.” Pretty
research is revealing new information every day on supple- cool stuff, isn’t it?!
ments, their specific forms, byproducts, metabolites, applica-
tions, delivery systems, and alternative uses. This research is This new form of creatine appears to produce far superior
at the epic-center of the performance enhancement and body- results than regular creatine monohydrate. True, this informa-
building industry. It is what drives companies like ours to tion is mostly from anecdotal reports… But, I’ve tried it and
continually experiment, tinker with, guinea pig, and explore am a firm believer that it works faster, better, and more easily
all of these new possibilities. Knowing full well that some will than any other form of creatine or sugar-loaded formula I’ve
work out, while most will not. Thankfully, with trial and ever tried… leading to fuller, larger, harder-looking muscles… in
exploration, you sometimes do stumble on newly designed less time!
supplements that are worthy of further experimentation. One
such supplement has become a new form of creatine called As I mentioned before, when we release a new product, it’s
creatine ethyl ester. always version .9, and on its heels comes new information and

“” Think of 3-XL as
Meta-CEL with a new, updated
engine and turbochargers.


new research, which can advance the product even further...

Well, using this latest research on CEE and working with
two of the leading creatine researchers, we developed a new
supplement called 3-XLTM. 3-XL is our 1.0—our newest gen-
eration of post-workout creatine supplementation, building
on the strength of Meta-CEL.

If you liked Meta-CEL, in my humble opinion, you’re going

to think 3-XL kicks serious butt. Think of 3-XL as Meta-CEL
with a new, updated engine and turbochargers. It’s that
much more powerful! Plus, we’ve even made 3-XL taste better
than Meta-CEL! If you’ve had the pleasure of experiencing
Meta-CEL already, then I’m sure you can appreciate these
two statements. Now, with that said, if you are currently
happy with the results you are getting from using
Meta-CEL, then stick with it. But, if you would like to see
what new science has to offer in the way of creatine supple-
mentation for muscular size, strength, and hardness, then
I’d strongly encourage you to consider adding 3-XL to the
nutrition and workout regimen I’ve outlined in this guide.
You won’t be disappointed!

“” ...see what new science has to

offer in the way of creatine supplementa-
tion for muscular size, strength, and hard-


Chapter 8

Law 8

THREE TIMES THE PROGRESS (from your current work-
outs) with half the time in your gym? Sound impossible? It’s
not! It’s called “intensity.” Either you’ve got it, or you don’t.
That doesn’t mean you can’t, however, learn how to be much
more intense and turn your routines into gut-busting, electri-
fying, results-producing workouts. In fact, once you apply
intensity to your workouts, you’ll trigger more muscle
growth in the first four weeks than you probably ever have
before… with only four workouts a week (at just 30 to 45 min-
utes each)!

Here’s how…

First, spend less time chit-chatting. Idle gym gossiping

between sets is a big no-no. To keep your intensity high, you
should be resting no more than 45 to 120 seconds between
check out the women, or sitting on a bench wrapping their
knees, getting themselves psyched up for their next set? Heck,
on many occasions, I’ve walked in the gym, performed my
entire workout, and left while some guy is still sitting
on the same bench press on his eighth or ninth set. Look, the
fact is, about 90% of all weight trainers (this might include you
right now) spend their entire lives struggling like this in the

Second, remember when I said you can’t build new, stronger

muscle fibers unless you damage these fibers… well, damage
doesn’t come in the form of wimping out at the end of your
sets. You want to “push” yourself beyond your limits to cause
serious damage to those muscle fibers. And you can do this on
each and every set by simply following this rule: “When you
can’t do any more repetitions, do two more!” Push yourself to
exhaustion on every set. Say you’re shooting for ten reps, and
sets (depending on the size of the body part of course—legs you hit it… what are you stopping for? Push through your
would require a little more time, whereas biceps might pain barrier and crank out a couple more reps. Even if you
require only 30 to 45 seconds). But notice I said “a little more don’t have a person spotting you, just do partial reps.
time.” How many times have you seen guys sitting around Anything. Just get two more. During these “extra” reps, you
between sets talking, walking by the cardio machines to will separate yourself from all others and pass them all up in


record time! You’ll grow so fast, you’ll begin to scare your

workout partner.

Last, the shortest route to massive, unlimited muscle

growth is to stick to the basic, “hard-core” exercises. Like
barbell rows or deadlifts for that v-shaped back; barbell
squats for those massive, sweeping thighs; bench presses
for a thick, powerful-looking chest. And that goes for the
smaller muscle groups too. Don’t be afraid to do heavy bar-
bell curls for your biceps or heavy military presses for your

Most guys never discover a routine that will give them the
constant, sustained growth they desire. That’s because any
program that simply skips out on the basic, fundamental
“maximum growth” exercises is horribly incomplete—it
ignores all of the lifts (like squats and deadlifts) that signal
the body to send surges of growth-boosting hormones and
cause you to grow—to gain both size and muscle.

You know, in your heart, this is true. Yet, most of the time you
might want to skip over these “hardcore” lifts because they
seem too difficult. Some guys will flounder like this for years.
Don’t be one of them.

For the most brutally intense physical workouts you’ve ever

felt in your life, give the high-intensity method a try… it will
instantly trigger new muscle growth—guaranteed!

“” …’push’ yourself
beyond your limits to cause
serious damage to those muscle


Chapter 9

Law 9

That’s a fact. Unfortunately, too many of us think nutrition is
some sort of “exact science” and that it’s complex. It’s really
not. In fact, it’s quite simple… I already informed you in
Laws #2 and #3 to eat more calories more often. Now just
remember this one additional “secret,” and you can’t go
wrong. Are you ready? Here it goes…

Go straight home to your kitchen following your workout

and eat yourself a high-carbohydrate, moderately high pro-
tein meal or meal-replacement shake.

Now I’m sure that doesn’t seem like “magic” or a true

“secret,” but make no mistake about it, my friend, if you miss
this vitally important meal, you might as well toss aside your
muscle-building dreams and forget about increasing your
ing for nutrients. They’re ready to suck up literally anything
you put into them, and then some. This timeframe is called
your “open window,” and it lasts only about 30 to 60 minutes
after you train. After that, you can pretty much forget about it.

My theory on this controversial subject goes well beyond

“post-workout recovery,” as the medical community refers
to it, though. We are talking about slamming an over-
abundance of muscle-building nutrients right into your
muscle cells and keeping them there for full muscle-volu-
mizer effects and speedier muscle-tissue repair and recov-
ery. I’ll explain more on this in a minute. But for starters, we
can achieve this by consuming a meal or a meal-replacement
shake that contains a 3:1 ratio of carbs to protein.

Now, this is where some “experts” are probably going to

argue with me here (suggesting it should be more like 4:1),
strength. Let me explain. but I’ll concur with the latest scientific theory, which clearly
shows the 3:1 ratio is most optimal for post-workout recovery.
There’s strong scientific evidence to suggest that right after In fact, a recent study at the Exercise Physiology and
you get done training, your body (and muscle cells) are starv- Metabolism Laboratory at the University of Texas at


Austin clearly proved that a 3:1 ratio of carbs to protein opt for a protein drink or meal-replacement shake instead,
significantly raised muscle glycogen levels immediately after look for one that contains a good high-quality protein blend of
intense exercise. milk proteins, caseinates, and whey concentrate and/or
Now, here’s where most guys would just slam down a “recov-
ery drink” or gorge on a giant bowl of pasta and consider that Here’s what a good post-workout meal should look like:
“good enough.” But, since you’re reading this report and
because you want a body that loudly advertises the commit- • Around 75 to 90 grams of carbohydrates (an even mixture of
ment you’ve made to yourself (and you’re not going to settle high and low glycemic).
for “good enough”), I’ll let you in on another little secret: that
type of thinking is dead wrong! See, you’ve got to pay careful • Anywhere from 25 to 30 grams of protein.
attention to the type of carbs and type of protein you con-
sume (within this 3:1 ratio). This is extremely important. That’s it! That’s all you need to take advantage of the all-
important, “open-window” for maximum growth.
Let’s look at carbs first. Half of your carbs should come in the
form of what’s called low-glycemic and the other half in
higher glycemic carbs. Typically, this means you’d try and
consume a starchy carb, something like brown rice, a yam, or
oatmeal (low-glycemic) combined with a sugary-carb, such as
a piece of fruit, like a banana or apple. So why the half-half
carb? Well, I won’t bore you with all the details, but here’s the
down and dirty… too many high-glycemic carbs can cause a
sudden, uncontrollable rush of insulin in the body (whereas
low-glycemic carbs do not cause such an unstable rush of
insulin). Too much insulin, while semi-anabolic, and you
quickly create an environment to store all of those “extra”
calories as bodyfat. Clearly, this is not what we want. It’s for
this reason I recommend not eating more than half high-
glycemic carbs. You especially want to avoid those dreaded
fat-storing carbs like sugar and dextrose.

Next, let’s take a close look at the types of protein you want
to consume. I’d stick to the purest forms of whole-food, low-
fat proteins you can find. This might include chicken breasts,
very lean red meat, tuna, salmon, or egg whites. Or, if you

“” …consume a meal or a meal-

replacement shake that contains a 3:1
ratio of carbs to protein…following
your workout.


Chapter 10

Law 10

FOR, RIGHT? But, if it’s been a while since someone has
complimented you on your “muscular size”… And you’re
still anxiously trying to build an impressive chest... head-
turning arms... or at least the type of muscular size that
“shows,” so people can definitely tell you work out…

Then today’s your lucky day. Because I got my hands on an

all-new science in muscular performance. It’s been tested in
small pilot studies with a select group of weight trainers.
And it’s recently been rigorously tested in two clinical stud-
ies, using well-trained bodybuilders, and it faired extraor-
dinarily well. It’s called H-Blocker™.

Formulated with a patent-pending hydrogen-binder/pH-

stabilizing nutrient matrix, H-Blocker is already helping a
growing number of serious bodybuilders and weight train-
ers like you get harder, tighter, and stronger looking
physiques due to its extraordinary actions—that take effect
almost immediately.
muscle fibers in humans. Basically, fast-twitch fibers are the
muscle fibers that have the potential to make you “super-

They’re the muscle fibers athletes need to set world records in

track and field events like sprinting and powerlifting... they’re
the fibers that have the capacity to grow beyond your wildest
imagination... they’re the fibers every athlete (especially those of
us who are serious about training with weights) wish we had
lots more of.

The good new is fast-twitch muscle fibers have a much greater

potential for muscle growth than Type I fibers or slow-twitch
fibers. The bad news, though, is most of us have more slow-
twitch than fast-twitch muscle fibers. And unfortunately, only
a very small percentage of us who take up weight lifting to
build muscle mass are born with lots of these fibers. Enough
of them to matter, anyway. Sadly, there’s nothing you and I
can do to alter our ratio of slow- and fast-twitch fibers.

But, here’s some incredible news... while H-Blocker cannot

Technically known as carnosine... and synthesized in our “alter” your genetics, it can “enhance” your genetics... making
bodies from beta-alanine and L-histidine... The newly formu- you a member of the “elite few” in a sense: the small group at
lated H-Blocker features a brand new class of agents (carno- your gym (or pro bodybuilders) who stand above everybody
sine synthesizers) that are designed to drastically affect the else in terms of size, muscularity, and power. Here’s why...
muscular contraction, fullness, workload capacity, and
growth of fast-twitch muscle fibers. In fact, a recent study With the patent-pending nutrient matrix found only in
published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning indicated H-Blocker, we can “blast” the heck out of the existing fast-
that carnosine is preferentially found in fast-twitch (Type IIx) twitch fibers we do have... In other words, by supplying our


bodies with the nutrients to synthesize carnosine, we can faster recovery (both after sets and between workouts). And
preferentially direct the intracellular actions toward the that, my friend, means more muscular growth and more
muscles that have the greatest capacity for greater contrac- strength, at the cellular and plasma level.
tions, fullness, workload capacity, and growth! Because of
this revolutionary my humble opinion, Something else equally exciting is that you will feel the
H-Blocker will quickly become the standard by which all muscle-intensifying effects of H-Blocker from the very first
physique development supplements are held. time you take it. It’s easy to use too! Simply mix, drink, and
get ready to explode! Seriously. Before you even walk into the
Let’s take a look at how H-Blocker, and its ability to synthe- gym, you will immediately start to experience greater muscu-
size carnosine, works... Technically speaking, it binds hydro- lar contractions.
gen ions and stabilizes pH levels in the muscle plasma by
increasing carnosine stores. Basically, the higher the carno- Now, don’t get overly anxious here... even though you will
sine stores, the better the muscular performance. certainly feel the effects of H-Blocker after the first time you
take it... keep in mind, significant carnosine storage in your
Yes, it’s a little complicated… so let’s back up for a minute. muscle cells—enough to impart its full positive benefits—
It is well known that increased muscle mass, strength, and can (and will) only be achieved after at least three weeks of
extended muscular performance occur in the most effective continuous use. So, don’t expect miracle gains of 20 lbs
manner when exercise routines are done to complete overnight... But do get ready for the absolute best, most
exhaustion. Unfortunately, during intense exercise, the intense, skin-splitting workouts of your life... guaranteed.
release of hydrogen ions are accelerated, followed by a And, if you use it consistently for at least three to four weeks,
decrease in pH levels—a process called “muscular acido- work out hard, and eat plenty of protein, there’s no reason
sis”—which is directly associated with muscle fatigue, you can’t gain 5, 10, or 15 lbs of solid muscular bodyweight
weakness, and ultimately exhaustion. Commonly referred ...and add more strength to your max lifts than you ever
to as “muscle failure.” imagined!

New research indicates, however, that taking a serving of The best news yet: studies show that, unlike other supple-
H-Blocker before you work out (approximately 20 to 30 min- ments (like creatine monohydrate for instance), as long as
utes before you hit the gym) rapidly aids in the synthesis of you keep using the H-Blocker, you will continue to make
carnosine, which binds to hydrogen ions and stabilizes pH gains. Now that, my friend, is worth the investment alone.
levels in skeletal muscles… thereby delaying muscular
fatigue. As a result, the total amount of actual workload and Are you ready to get in on the “ground floor” of something
intensity you normally train at now dramatically increases. truly exciting—a revolutionary new supplement that’s
expected to eclipse the phenomenon of creatine? Then you
In other words, H-Blocker provides you with more work need to add this exciting, new pre-workout carnosine synthe-
capacity... which equals more reps and more sets in every sizer, H-Blocker, to your Program. Believe me, once you do,
workout. More sets at a higher intensity with less fatigue and you will never train again without it.

“ …as long as you keep using H-Blocker,

you will continue to make gains.


Chapter 11


CLE SIZE AND STRENGTH, but the tips described in this
book constitute a unified set of “core essentials” needed to
achieve success when it comes to packing on rock-hard
muscle mass, fast. Ask any expert in the field of muscular
performance or nutritional sciences, and they’ll likely agree
with at least nine of the ten items laid out in this guide. So
now you can stop imagining what life would be like with a
bigger, stronger, more powerful-looking physique and start
achieving it. (Believe me, if you follow these guidelines for at
least 30 days, you’re sure to get noticed!) So what are you
waiting for? Don’t be left behind.

To recap, here are the 10 secret laws to gain strength and build
the most solid muscle (despite any rotten genetics, sloppy
proportions, or measly budget):



M A X I M U M G R O W T H | Q & A’ S

Part II


Q: What is 3-XL? the first five days. More notably, though, unlike conventional
creatine monohydrate alone, which has to be "loaded" and
then "cycled," 3-XL can be used continuously, thereby allow-

A: 3-XL is an advanced Tri-STRENGTH Creatine

Complex™, developed by the researchers at iSatori
ing users to continue to experience results for as long as they
use the supplement.

Technologies, to help increase muscular size, strength, and

hardness. Q: What's inside 3-XL?
Q: How does 3-XL work? A: The combination of active compounds, found only in
3-XL, is called the Tri-STRENGTH Creatine Complex™. This

A: 3-XL is engineered to improve the absorption and

retention of creatine, using a combination of three different
is an exclusive blend of creatine ethyl ester, creatine monohy-
drate, and di-creatine malate, which are the most superior
forms of creatine substances available. To that, di-arginine
creatines, including a novel form of creatine ethyl ester malate was added as a natural biological precursor for nitric
hydrochloride. Creatine ethyl ester, in combination with its oxide, to aid in the delivery of creatine and improve blood
bioactive agents, and a unique delivery method called flow. 3-XL also contains a precise blend of histidine, carbohy-
Accelerated Plasma Shuttle Technology™, found only in 3-XL, drates, sodium, and chloride to aid in the rapid transport of
will dramatically improve total muscular output and increase the nutrients into the muscular plasma and enhance creatine
muscle mass, strength, and hardness. For those seeking the absorption and storage even higher.
most advanced results possible with 3-XL, iSatori's
researchers also recommend using H-Blocker™, the new beta-
alanine/carnosine synthesizer, to maximize gains. Q: Why is 3-XL better than regular creatine

Q: What kind of results can I expect from 3-XL?

Although it's impossible to say exactly how much muscle size
A: Keep in mind, 3-XL contains some creatine monohy-
drate, along with di-creatine malate. However, using only the
and strength each person will gain from using 3-XL—obvi- purest esterfied form of creatine (creatine ethyl ester
ously, as individuals differ, so will results—it is not unheard hydrochloride), combined with these two other forms of crea-
of for individuals to experience immediate strength gains, tine in the Tri-STRENGTH Creatine Complex™, 3-XL is engi-
muscle fullness, and noticeable lean body mass gains within neered to improve the effects of creatine and eliminate all of

M A X I M U M G R O W T H | Q & A’ S

the unwanted, common "side effects" of conventional creatine

forms. In other words, with 3-XL, you can expect: Q: Are there any known side effects?
• Creatines to transport faster and more efficiently (up to 10
times faster), because of their lipopholic abilities, which A: There are no known negative side effects. In fact, the
active compounds in 3-XL are produced in the body, are natu-
allows them to use fat more efficiently to permeate the cell
wall and exert its effects upon cellular function. rally found in small amounts within meats such as beef, and
• No "loading" is required because more of the creatine is have been tested in animals and humans quite extensively
absorbed, and the optimal dose needs to be taken only with no adverse effects. Remember, it's always a good idea to
once daily. check with your doctor first before starting any new diet or
• Typically, creatine ethyl ester works for most creatine "non- exercise plan. And please read the label carefully before you
responders." begin use.
• Virtually no water retention occurs outside of the target mus-
cle cells, thereby eliminating the infamous "creatine bloat."

Q: What is H-Blocker?
Q: How do I take 3-XL for optimal results?
A: The main active compound, found only in H-Blocker,
A: As the label recommends, consume one serving (a sin-
gle scoop) of 3-XL—Fruit Punch flavored—mixed with eight
is an exclusive bonded form of beta-alanine and L-histidine
with aspartic acid called beta-alanyl-l-aspartyl-l-histidine.
ounces of water, about 30 minutes immediately following
intense exercise or physical activity. On non-training days, These nutrients are the natural biological precursors for carno-
consume one serving following your morning or afternoon sine. When you take H-Blocker, beta-alanyl-l-aspartyl-l-
meal. Remember, as with all supplements, "more is better" is histidine ride a metabolic express lane all the way to your
not always a good idea. 3-XL is engineered to work with a sin- muscles, where they are used to increase the muscle carnosine
gle dose taken each day. stores in your muscles.

This results in enhanced high-intensity workout performance,

Q: Do I need to "load" or "cycle" 3-XL? increased strength and muscle mass, and faster recovery,
when combined with intense weight training and a good,
healthy diet.
A: Loading is not necessary. Relative to cycling, although
there is no need to "cycle" 3-XL, as we recommend with all H-Blocker also contains citrulline malate, which stimulates
supplements, it's suggested that users follow an eight- to 12- nitric oxide production to enhance nutrient delivery and
week "on" period followed by a two- to four-week "off" increase blood flow to the muscles during and after workouts.
period. It's always a good practice to cleanse the body and In addition, a small amount of caffeine has been added to fur-
help it respond more optimally to supplement usage again, ther increase the uptake of carnosine and its proven ability to
once it's resumed. enhance workout performance. The final active ingredients in
H-Blocker are a precise blend of carbohydrates, sodium, and
chloride to aid in the rapid transport of nutrients through the
Q: Can I take 3-XL with a creatine product? gut and into the muscles to improve the absorption and stor-
age of carnosine. Basically, you can think of these other impor-
A: No. It's not necessary. However, for those seeking the
most advanced results possible with 3-XL, iSatori's
tant ingredients as the "keys" used to "unlock" the doors and
let the carnosine into the muscles, so you can maximize your
researchers also recommend using H-Blocker™, the new carnosine stores and take full advantage of its exciting, break-
beta-alanine/carnosine synthesizer, to maximize gains. through benefits.

M A X I M U M G R O W T H | Q & A’ S

Q: How does H-Blocker work? I fibers. This, in theory, might be why it could be easier for
them to build faster, larger, and more muscular bodies than
the rest of us.

A: Simply put, H-Blocker increases the concentration of

carnosine in your muscles. Carnosine is a natural compound
the muscles use to delay fatigue and increase the intensity
Q: If I'm trying to increase my muscle carnosine
levels, why doesn't H-Blocker contain carnosine?
and duration of muscular contractions during high-intensity
exercise. See, when you're lifting heavy weights or doing
high-intensity cardio intervals, your muscles produce hydro-
gen ions. These hydrogen ions are sort of like the exhaust that
A: Carnosine is made up of the amino acids beta-alanine
and L-histidine. H-Blocker contains these carnosine precur-
a car's engine creates—a byproduct that is created when fuel sors in a special bond with aspartic acid (beta-alanyl-laspartyl-
is broken down to release energy. And like a car's exhaust, l-histidine) that represents the absolute most efficient way to
these hydrogen ions need to be gotten rid of or they will have supplement for carnosine loading. A carnosine-boosting sup-
a negative effect on your muscle's performance. As hydrogen plement containing actual carnosine would cost a heck of a lot
ions accumulate in your muscles, they lower the pH level of more, without being any more effective (simply because your
the muscles, causing the onset of muscular weakness, fatigue, gut destroys most of the carnosine before it ever reaches the
and even exhaustion. This phenomenon is known as muscu- muscles, rendering it literally useless).
lar acidosis because what's happening is your muscles are lit-
erally becoming increasingly acidic, which interferes with the
muscle's ability to contract. Therefore, if these hydrogen ions
are not interfered with (i.e., prevented from building up),
Q: How do I take H-Blocker for optimal results?
they quickly become the primary cause of complete "muscle
failure." This is where carnosine comes in. Carnosine is able
to neutralize the hydrogen ions produced during intense
A: As the label recommends, consume one serving (a sin-
gle scoop) of H-Blocker, mixed with eight ounces of water,
muscle work. As Tallon and Harris' studies have shown us, about 20 to 30 minutes prior to intense exercise. On non-
the more carnosine you have in your muscles, the longer and training days, consume one serving immediately following
harder they can work before muscular acidosis, weakness, your morning meal. If you're over 200 lbs in bodyweight or
and complete exhaustion set in. want to magnify your workout intensity, however, we suggest
you consume two scoops before exercise.
So H-Blocker sets up an environment for the muscles to con-
tinue to contract, and as a result, provides immediate, explo-
sive strength gains, more intense muscular contractions, and
an overall boost in muscular performance, allowing you to
Q: What kind of results can I expect from using
train harder and more intensely, which translates into greater
long-term gains in muscle strength and size.
A: One thing I can assure you is that you will feel the

Q: What does the research say about carnosine

muscle-stimulating effects of H-Blocker from the very first
dose. You will immediately experience stronger muscle con-
synthesis and muscular performance? tractions, greater muscle fullness, and a noticeable delay in the
onset of muscular fatigue, allowing you to train harder, longer,

A: Two recent clinical studies have indicated that carno-

sine is preferentially concentrated in the Type II muscle fibers.
with less recovery time between reps, sets, and workouts.
These benefits will become rapidly more pronounced for three
to four weeks, but, according to the latest research, will likely
This is even more apparent in the Type IIx fibers, which pro- continue to accumulate for many more weeks.
vide the fast-twitch muscle characteristics needed to propel
world-class sprinters like Maurice Greene. Or, better stated to Even more exciting, research involving the active ingredients
those who lift weights, Type II muscle fibers are what most of in H-Blocker shows that benefits are still on an upward slope
the top professional bodybuilders have more of, versus Type for as long as you continue to supplement with it. It's for this

M A X I M U M G R O W T H | Q & A’ S

reason I think H-Blocker is the most exciting muscle-building Research has shown that cycling prevents creatine users from
performance enhancer to come along since the arrival of crea- developing a high tolerance for creatine supplementation that
tine in 1993. makes it less effective in the long term.

Q: How do I take H-Blocker for optimal results? We need to do more research before we know whether cycling
is necessary with carnosine-boosting supplementation, and if
so, what sort of schedule works best. Until these questions are

A: As the label recommends, you should consume one

serving (a single, heaping scoop) of H-Blocker, mixed with
answered, cycling should be considered optional with

eight ounces of water, about 20 to 30 minutes prior to any form You can either wait until you reach a strength or performance
of intense exercise. On non-training days, take one serving fol- plateau and then cease H-Blocker supplementation for two or
lowing your morning or early afternoon meal. four weeks, or follow a traditional eight- to 12-week "on"
period followed by a two- to four-week "off" period.
Something to consider, if you're over 200 lbs in bodyweight or
want to magnify your workout intensity, you may want to However, as far I've been able to tell, taking H-Blocker for any
consume two scoops before working out. extended period of time, well beyond eight weeks, should con-
tinue to produce results that are consistent and keep you satis-
Remember, although the effects of H-Blocker can be felt imme- fied and wanting to continue taking it. The way I see it, as long
diately, significant carnosine storage in muscle cells—enough to as you keep getting greater and greater benefits from
impart its full, positive benefits—will only truly be achieved H-Blocker, I'd suggest you keep supplementing with it.
after at least three to four weeks of continuous use. But, as we
discovered earlier, as long as you keep taking H-Blocker, you
can count on continually experiencing benefits. Q: Are there any known side effects?
Q: Do I need to "load" or "cycle" H-Blocker? A: There are no known negative health effects associated
with carnosine-boosting supplementation. In fact, in studies,

A: If you have taken a creatine supplement, chances are

the product label has instructed you to start with a higher
using beta-alanine supplementation of up to five grams per
day has revealed no negative effects on a variety of health
markers. Short-term supplementation lasting one month
dosage (usually 20 grams per day) for several days and then showed no impact on liver, kidney, or heart function or on
ease back to a lower dosage (usually five grams per day) for blood chemistry.
continued supplementation.
As with most supplements, more research is needed to deter-
Taking a higher initial dosage of a supplement such as creatine mine the effects of long-term supplementation, but based on
is called "loading." Research has shown that the fastest and the known effects of these amino acids in the body, and con-
most efficient way to increase muscle creatine stores is to sidering they are naturally found in certain foods, like turkey,
divide supplementation into separate loading and long-term there is no reason to anticipate that any problems would ever
supplementation phases. be discovered.

However, when it comes to carnosine-boosting supplementa-

tion, loading is not necessary. The same dosage of H-Blocker
recommended for initial loading, a single serving taken daily,
Q: What is that tingling sensation I experience after
taking H-Blocker?
is also recommended for long-term supplementation.

Most creatine users are also familiar with the practice of

"cycling." This refers to the strategy of taking the supplement
A: In my experience, approximately half of H-Blocker users
notice a tingling sensation. It's technically called parathesia. It
daily for many weeks and then discontinuing supplementation usually starts during the workout following H-Blocker supple-
for a shorter period before resuming daily supplementation. mentation and goes away after a few minutes.

M A X I M U M G R O W T H | Q & A’ S

Most people feel it in the upper extremities—especially the H-Blocker each morning before I leave for the gym. I'll admit,
face, chest, shoulders, and upper arms and hands. This harm- it did take me a few days to "adjust" to the flavor of it, but I've
less side effect of H-Blocker is due in part to beta-alanine's certainly tasted much worse. (And, just between you and me,
actions as a neurotransmitter. In non-scientific terms, beta- we're currently developing a reformulated H-Blocker, with
alanine basically "tickles" your brain cells, producing that tin- improved flavor.)
gling sensation in the most extreme nerve endings throughout
the body. Those who do experience parathesia at first gener-
ally report that it diminishes or disappears altogether after
two or three weeks of consistent supplementation.
Q: Can I take H-Blocker with a creatine product?
It's important to understand that parathesia is totally inde-
pendent of H-Blocker's effects on muscle carnosine. The tin-
A: Yes. In fact, supplements such as creatine, consumed
post-workout, may actually increase the overall effectiveness
gling sensation that some H-Blocker users experience is not a of H-Blocker. If you are going to use a creatine supplement, I
sign that the product is working. Likewise, the absence of recommend 3-XL™.
parathesia in other H-Blocker users is not a sign that the prod-
uct is not working. Nor is the disappearance of parathesia Developed by my company, iSatori, it is, by far, the most
after several weeks of supplementation a sign that H-Blocker advanced creatine formula on the market. 3-XL is a powdered
has stopped working. drink mix, engineered to improve the absorption and reten-
tion of creatine using a novel form of creatine hydrochloride.

Q: I weigh more than 200 lbs. Do I need to adjust

What's great about creatine ester is that it requires a lower
dosage than monohydrate, and there's no "cycling" or "load-
the dosage for my size? ing" required… and best of all, it doesn't cause the famous cre-
atine "water bloat" either.

A: Yes. If you're over 200 lbs in bodyweight, or want to

magnify your workout intensity, I'd suggest you consume two
You can use H-Blocker before your workouts and 3-XL imme-
diately following your workouts, and you'll find they work
scoops before exercise, which would allow you to get 6.4 marvelously well together. To date, I've heard of nothing less
grams in total of the active components in H-Blocker. than spectacular results from people who have used these two
Remember, though, as with all supplements, more is not nec- research-based supplements together. And, as for me, when I
essarily always better. use them together-watch out… I go into hyper-growth and lit-
erally blow up like a balloon!
H-Blocker is engineered to work optimally with a single usage
each day. Taking any more than two scoops a day is unlikely
to produce better results.

Q: I heard the taste of H-Blocker has a bit of a

"kick"; can you explain that?

A: Well, I have to admit. Most amino acids are hard to

work with from a flavor standpoint, but beta-alanine is per-
haps the most pungent and bitter amino acid of all. We
worked really hard to create a drink mix that people will find
palatable, and we made a lot of progress, but I will be honest:
H-Blocker's "Spiked Fruit Punch" flavor is an acquired taste.
It's not something the average person would drink on the
front porch for refreshment on a hot summer day. That said,
most users find that the taste does grow on them over time.
Call me crazy, but I actually look forward to drinking


Part III

4-Week Blitz
(personally designed by Shawn Phillips)

Shawn Phillips

THERE IS AN ALMOST 100% CHANCE that the weight- 2) They under-train you or under work your muscles—they
training program you are following right now is not optimal! don’t “push” you hard enough to make any significant
(That is, at least, to grow muscle, of course.) progress in your workouts.

I bet it’s safe to say you’re either utterly frustrated or bored 3) They’re too simplistic—they keep you from working the
with the routine you’ve been following for months or even most basic muscle groups by avoiding the very “core,”
years. Or, you’ve “hit the wall.” And no matter how much fundamental exercises necessary for maximum growth.
longer or harder you work out, you’re still not able to break
through it… and as a result, your gains in strength and Thankfully, I’ve discovered a powerful weight-training
muscle size have come to a screeching halt. program… one of the best I’ve ever come across.

Reason is, conventional bodybuilding workouts are very inef- Designed by renowned fitness authority, best-selling author
ficient. Standard, run-of-the-mill programs (like those you of ABSolution, Shawn Phillips, this 4-Week Blitz Weight-
read about in “muscle” magazines or the ones you find free of Training Program is hands down the best way to train for
charge at your local gym) either commit one, two, or all three greater muscle size and strength. In fact, it’s the exact same
of the most disastrous mistakes there are… program used by Shawn himself to pack on plenty of muscle
mass, quickly! And it’s the same “template” Shawn used
1) They over-train you or over work your muscles— to personally design numerous programs for world-class
preventing full recovery and, as a result, keep you from athletes as well as some of Hollywood’s most fit and
ever making the gains you’re after. muscular “A-list” superstars.


Now, he’s sharing it with you—in “Maximum Growth”! I’ve even provided a “sample workout page,” so can you see,
firsthand, how to use the daily workout sheets. Read this care-
It’s not too simplistic. Nor is it technically advanced and hard fully, please. There are specific instructions that need to be fol-
to follow. It doesn’t over-work your muscles—you’ll work lowed to get the most out of your workouts (e.g., rest times, #
out no more than four days per week, with plenty of rest in of reps, failure sets, etc.). It’s really quite simple to understand,
between workouts. And, it certainly doesn’t under-train you once you read through it.
either—using advanced techniques such as “failures” gives
you the ultimate “pump” and “burn” for maximum growth. By the way, one thing to consider... If you would like to per-
form any cardiovascular exercise, it’s best to keep it to no
To achieve 100% success with this program, you need to com- more than three days per week for 20 to 25 minutes per ses-
bine the right exercises with the right number of reps and sets sion. A specific type of cardio Shawn follows, and the latest
in just the right order, with an exact number of days of rest in science supports, high-intensity, short intervals (sometimes
between workouts, just as it has been spelled out for you! called High-Intensity Interval Training or HIIT) is optimal for
(This is vitally important!!) burning off excess bodyfat while preserving muscle mass.

You start by taking your body measurements, bodyweight, Try and do your cardiovascular exercise on non-weight train-
and bodyfat (which is optional)—see Appendix I. On day one ing days if you can. This way, you can “preserve” your energy
of your workout program is a “strength test.” I suggest you reserves for those brutally intense weight-training sessions! If
do this first, before you start your program, on the same day you don’t have time on your non-training days and would
you take your bodypart measurements. See, at the end of the rather do cardio exercise on your workout days, then please
four weeks, you’re going to measure your body parts again do it after your weight-training session, not before (like so
and take another strength test… only this time, you’ll be many people do!)
impressed with the solid, noticeable results from the hard
work you put in the gym! Next, you begin your weight train- Performing your cardio exercise before you workout will only
ing, full speed, as outlined in the following four-week, day- deplete your body of the essential glycogen (energy) reserves
by-day workout schedule. it needs to train intensely. Basically, you’ll be exhausted before
you train, and you don’t want that to happen.
To make it simple for you, I’ve created a full-page “calendar
schedule” that tells you exactly what days and which muscle Now, before we go on, I need to clarify something. When I say
groups to train. All you do is check off your daily scheduled this weight-training program needs to be followed in just
workout after you train. It’s that simple! (The calendar is the right way—I mean it. You can’t expect maximum results
included on the next page). I suggest you hang it up on your with a “hit or miss” system. So, let’s get started… Turn the
refrigerator or some place you’ll see it often. This way, you page if you’re ready and willing to start the 4-Week Blitz
won’t forget when to get yourself to the gym and do the right Weight-Training Program.
workouts (at the right times).

“ …this 4-Week Blitz Weight-Training

Program is hands down the best way to train
for greater muscle size and strength.




Name: 4-Week Blitz Maximum Growth

Month:________________________ Start Date:________________________ Completion Date:________________________



Strength Chest Back No Legs No

Test/ Shoulders Biceps Training Calves Training
Body Triceps Abs
Workout #1 Workout #2 Workout #3 Workout #4


Chest Back No Legs No Chest Back

Shoulders Biceps Training Calves Training Shoulders Biceps
Triceps Abs Triceps Abs

Workout #5 Workout #6 Workout #7 Workout #8 Workout #9


No Legs No Chest Back No Legs

Training Calves Training Shoulders Biceps Training Calves
Triceps Abs

Workout #10 Workout #11 Workout #12 Workout #13


No Chest Back No Legs No Chest

Training Shoulders Biceps Training Calves Training Shoulders
Triceps Abs Triceps

Workout #14 Workout #15 Workout #16 Workout #17


Back No Legs No No Strength

Biceps Training Calves Training Training Test/
Abs Body
Workout #18 Workout #19 Workout #20



The workout page layout is very simple and easy to follow. It reads just like any book—left
to right, top to bottom. This explanation is provided to make you aware of some of the more
advanced techniques, like failure sets. On these sets, you shoot for the target reps as a mini-
mum. Keep lifting until you can’t do another rep, but never at the expense of your form!

Workout Header: This contains information about the workout, including

your name, the date of the workout (simply fill this in each day), the workout
# (of total workouts), and the time it should take you to complete the work-
out. The last column to the right is used to record the time you start and
stop your workout as well as the total time your workout takes.

The Program Name
Name: Shawn B. Phillips Date: 5/05/03 Start Time:
4-Week Blitz Workout # 1 of 20 Stop Time:
Maximum Growth Est. Time: 45 min. Total Time:

Group Exercise Goal F Rest Actual Rest Interval: The

amount of time to rest
1st muscle group to train. Chest Bench Press 195 x 8 75 sec. x
before doing the next set!
235 x 8 120 sec. x
1st exercise for muscle 290 x 6 150 sec. x
group (e.g., chest)
290 x 6 150 sec. x
Failure Set: Take this set
Weight x Reps: 290 x 6 F 150 sec. x to failure—do as many
Sets 1-5 for bench press. I suggest Flat Dumbbell Flye 65 x 6 0 sec. x reps as you can! (Drop
doing a couple warm-up sets. Don’t 55 x 8 60 sec. x the amount of weight
limit yourself to these for warm-ups— used, if needed, after
65 x 6 0 sec. x completing the planned
do what you need to do to get your
muscles loose! This is your GOAL 55 x 8 60 sec. x number of reps).
weight—you should reach it 98% of 65 x 6 0 sec. x
the time. 55 x 8 60 sec x
Shoulders Seated Dumbbell Press 50 x 8 90 sec. x
65 x 8 120 sec. x
65 x 8 120 sec. x
55 x 8 F 120 sec x
Triceps Triceps Pushdown 70 x 15 0 sec. x
Biceps Preacher Barbell Curl 65 x 15 75 sec x
Triceps Triceps Pushdown 100 x 12 0 sec. x
Biceps Preacher Barbell Curl 90 x 12 90 sec. x
Triceps Triceps Pushdown 100 x 12 0 sec. x
Biceps Preacher Barbell Curl 90 x 12 90 sec. x
Calves Standing Calf Raise 350 x 10 120 sec. x
385 x 8 120 sec. x
400 x 8 120 sec. x
400 x 8 - 400 x 8
Journal: Use these
spaces to record your
goal workout weights and
actual weights used as
you go along. This great
tool gives you important
data to monitor your
progress and refer to
The 5 Simple Steps to Journal Your Workouts:
1. Record the date and start time.
2. Begin on the top left of the page. (The first muscle group in this example is
the chest; the first exercise is the bench press; first set is 195 lbs x 8 reps.)
3. Complete each set from top down. Note failure sets and rest intervals (the
advanced techniques).
4. Finish the final set for the last exercise (at the bottom of each page), and
record the stop time.
5. Calculate the total time and compare to the estimated time.



Name: Shawn Phillips Date: 5/6/02 Start Time: 6:15 AM

4-Week Blitz Workout # 3 of 20 Stop Time: 7:02 AM
Maximum Growth Est. Time: 41 min. Total Time: 47 minutes

Group Exercise Goal F Rest Actual

Back Barbell Bentover Row 180 x 8 90 sec. 175 x 10
200 x 8 120 sec. 200 x 8
225 x 6 120 sec. 210 x 6
225 x 6 F 120 sec. 220 x 6 A New M
Narrow-Grip Lat Pulldown 150 x 10 60 sec. 150 x 8

(Machine) 165 x 8 90 sec. 165 x 8

185 x 8 120 sec. 185 x 6

185 x 8 F 120 sec. 185 x 6

Biceps Barbell Curl 110 x 8 90 sec. 110 x 8
120 x 8 120 sec. 120 x 8
135 x 8 120 sec. 135 x 8
135 x 8 F 120 sec. 135 x 10

Incline Dumbbell Curl 40 x 8 75 sec. 40 x 8


PA Lying Ab Crunch
40 x 8
40 x 8
0 x 12
0 x 12
0 x 10
0 x 10
0 x 10 F
75 sec.
75 sec.
60 sec.
90 sec.
105 sec.
105 sec.
40 x 8
40 x 6
0 x 12
0 x 12
0 x 10
0 x 10
0 x 15 What a

Great day of training! Very strong and intense workout! Biceps got a massive pump!




Name: Date: Start Time:

4-Week Blitz Workout # 1 of 20 Stop Time:
Maximum Growth Est. Time: 20 min. Total Time:

Group Exercise Planned Wt. Rest Actual Wt.

Strength Primary Lift #1:
Test Day [ ______________________________ ] x5 180 sec. x5
(Choose any primary exercise, such as
bench, squat, shoulder press, leg press, etc.)

Group Exercise Planned Wt. Rest Actual Wt.

Strength Primary Lift #2:
Test Day [ ______________________________ ] x5 180 sec. x5
(Choose any primary exercise, such as
bench, squat, shoulder press, leg press, etc.)

Group Exercise Planned Wt. Rest Actual Wt.

Strength Primary Lift #3:
Test Day [ ______________________________ ] x5 180 sec. x5
(Choose any primary exercise, such as
bench, squat, shoulder press, leg press, etc.)

Group Exercise Planned Wt. Rest Actual Wt.

Strength Primary Lift #4:
Test Day [ ______________________________ ] x5 180 sec. x5
(Choose any primary exercise, such as
bench, squat, shoulder press, leg press, etc.)

(Once completed, copy your strength test results onto your pre-measurement form / Appendix I)

Remember, after your four weeks are completed,

you’ll take another strength test and measure your body parts.



Name: Date: Start Time:

4-Week Blitz Workout # 2 of 20 Stop Time:
Maximum Growth Est. Time: 45 min. Total Time:

Group Exercise Goal F Rest Actual

Chest Bench Press x 10 60 sec. x
(Barbell) x8 90 sec. x
x8 120 sec. x
x8 F 120 sec. x
Incline Dumbbell Press x 10 60 sec. x
x8 90 sec. x
x8 120 sec. x
x8 F 120 sec. x
Shoulders Seated Barbell Press x 10 60 sec. x
x8 90 sec. x
x8 120 sec. x
x8 F 120 sec. x
Dumbbell Side Raise x8 75 sec. x
x8 75 sec. x
x8 75 sec. x
Triceps Close-Grip Bench Press x8 90 sec. x
(Barbell) x8 120 sec. x
x6 120 sec. x
x6 120 sec. x
Triceps Pushdown x 12 90 sec. x
(Machine) x 12 90 sec. x
x 12 F - x




Name: Date: Start Time:

4-Week Blitz Workout # 3 of 20 Stop Time:
Maximum Growth Est. Time: 41 min. Total Time:

Group Exercise Goal F Rest Actual

Back Barbell Bentover Row x8 90 sec. x
x8 120 sec. x
x6 120 sec. x
x6 F 120 sec. x
Narrow-Grip Lat Pulldown x 10 60 sec. x
(Machine) x8 90 sec. x
x8 120 sec. x
x8 F 120 sec. x
Biceps Barbell Curl x8 90 sec. x
x8 120 sec. x
x8 120 sec. x
x8 F 120 sec. x
Incline Dumbbell Curl x8 75 sec. x
x8 75 sec. x
x8 75 sec. x
Abs Lying Ab Crunch x 12 60 sec. x
x 12 90 sec. x
x 10 105 sec. x
x 10 105 sec. x
x 10 F - x




Name: Date: Start Time:

4-Week Blitz Workout # 4 of 20 Stop Time:
Maximum Growth Est. Time: 43 min. Total Time:

Group Exercise Goal F Rest Actual

Legs Barbell Squat x8 90 sec. x
x8 120 sec. x
x6 150 sec. x
x6 150 sec. x
x6 150 sec. x
x8 F 150 sec. x
Leg Extension x 10 60 sec. x
(Machine) x8 90 sec. x
x8 120 sec. x
x8 F 120 sec. x
Hamstring Leg Curl x 10 60 sec. x
(Machine) x 10 90 sec. x
x8 120 sec. x
x8 120 sec. x
x8 120 sec. x
Calves Standing Calf Raise x 10 60 sec. x
(Machine) x8 90 sec. x
x8 135 sec. x
x8 F - x




Name: Date: Start Time:

4-Week Blitz Workout # 5 of 20 Stop Time:
Maximum Growth Est. Time: 41 min. Total Time:

Group Exercise Goal F Rest Actual

Chest Bench Press x 10 60 sec. x
(Barbell) x8 90 sec. x
x6 120 sec. x
x6 F 120 sec. x
Flat Bench Dumbbell Flye x 10 60 sec. x
x8 90 sec. x
x8 120 sec. x
x8 F 120 sec. x
Shoulders Seated Barbell Press x 10 60 sec. x
x8 90 sec. x
x8 120 sec. x
x8 F 120 sec. x
Reverse Dumbbell Flye x8 75 sec. x
(Rear Delts) x8 75 sec. x
x8 75 sec. x
Triceps Triceps Pushdown x 12 90 sec. x
(Machine) x 12 90 sec. x
x 12 90 sec. x
Lying Triceps Extension x8 75 sec. x
(Dumbbell) x8 75 sec. x
x8 F - x




Name: Date: Start Time:

4-Week Blitz Workout # 6 of 20 Stop Time:
Maximum Growth Est. Time: 37 min. Total Time:

Group Exercise Goal F Rest Actual

Back Narrow-Grip Lat Pulldown x 10 60 sec. x
(Machine) x8 90 sec. x
x8 120 sec. x
x8 F 120 sec. x
Wide-Grip Lat Pulldown x 10 60 sec. x
(Machine) x8 90 sec. x
x8 120 sec. x
x8 F 120 sec. x
Biceps Preacher Bench Barbell Curl x8 75 sec. x
x8 75 sec. x
x8 75 sec. x
Incline Dumbbell Curl x8 75 sec. x
x8 75 sec. x
x8 75 sec. x
Abs Leg Lift x 12 75 sec. x
(Decline Bench) x 12 90 sec. x
x 10 120 sec. x
x 10 120 sec. x
x 10 F - x




Name: Date: Start Time:

4-Week Blitz Workout # 7 of 20 Stop Time:
Maximum Growth Est. Time: 35 min. Total Time:

Group Exercise Goal F Rest Actual

Legs Barbell Squat x 10 75 sec. x
x 10 120 sec. x
x8 150 sec. x
x8 150 sec. x
x8 F 150 sec. x
Leg Extension x 10 60 sec. x
(Machine) x8 90 sec. x
x8 120 sec. x
x8 F 120 sec. x
Straight-Leg Dumbbell Deadlift x 10 45 sec. x
x 10 75 sec. x
x8 90 sec. x
x8 90 sec. x
x8 90 sec. x
Calves Standing Calf Raise x 10 75 sec. x
(Machine) x 10 75 sec. x
x 10 F - x




Name: Date: Start Time:

4-Week Blitz Workout # 8 of 20 Stop Time:
Maximum Growth Est. Time: 45 min. Total Time:

Group Exercise Goal F Rest Actual

Chest Bench Press x 10 60 sec. x
(Barbell) x8 90 sec. x
x8 120 sec. x
x8 F 120 sec. x
Incline Dumbbell Press x 10 60 sec. x
x8 90 sec. x
x8 120 sec. x
x8 F 120 sec. x
Shoulders Seated Barbell Press x 10 60 sec. x
x8 90 sec. x
x8 120 sec. x
x8 F 120 sec. x
Dumbbell Side Raise x8 75 sec. x
x8 75 sec. x
x8 75 sec. x
Triceps Close-Grip Bench Press x8 90 sec. x
x8 120 sec. x
x6 120 sec. x
x6 120 sec. x
Triceps Pushdown x 12 90 sec. x
(Machine) x 12 90 sec. x
x 12 F - x




Name: Date: Start Time:

4-Week Blitz Workout # 9 of 20 Stop Time:
Maximum Growth Est. Time: 42 min. Total Time:

Group Exercise Goal F Rest Actual

Back Barbell Bentover Row x8 90 sec. x
(Machine) x8 120 sec. x
x6 120 sec. x
x6 F 120 sec. x
Narrow-Grip Lat Pulldown x 10 60 sec. x
x8 90 sec. x
x8 120 sec. x
x8 F 120 sec. x
Biceps Barbell Curl x8 90 sec. x
x8 120 sec. x
x8 120 sec. x
x8 F 120 sec. x
Incline Dumbbell Curl x8 75 sec. x
x8 75 sec. x
x8 75 sec. x
Abs Lying Ab Crunch x 12 60 sec. x
x 12 90 sec. x
x 10 120 sec. x
x 10 120 sec. x
x 10 F - x




Name: Date: Start Time:

4-Week Blitz Workout # 10 of 20 Stop Time:
Maximum Growth Est. Time: 41 min. Total Time:

Group Exercise Goal F Rest Actual

Legs Barbell Squat x 10 75 sec. x
x 10 120 sec. x
x8 150 sec. x
x8 150 sec. x
x8 F 150 sec. x
Leg Extension x 10 60 sec. x
(Machine) x8 90 sec. x
x8 120 sec. x
x8 F 120 sec. x
Hamstring Leg Curl x8 75 sec. x
(Machine) x8 90 sec. x
x6 120 sec. x
x6 120 sec. x
x6 120 sec. x
Calves Standing Calf Raise x8 105 sec. x
(Machine) x8 120 sec. x
x6 135 sec. x
x6 F - x




Name: Date: Start Time:

4-Week Blitz Workout # 11 of 20 Stop Time:
Maximum Growth Est. Time: 41 min. Total Time:

Group Exercise Goal F Rest Actual

Chest Bench Press (Barbell) x 10 60 sec. x
x8 90 sec. x
x8 120 sec. x
x8 F 120 sec. x
Flat Bench Dumbbell Flye x 10 60 sec. x
x8 90 sec. x
x8 120 sec. x
x8 F 120 sec. x
Shoulders Seated Barbell Press x 10 60 sec. x
x8 90 sec. x
x8 120 sec. x
x8 F 120 sec. x
Reverse Dumbbell Flye x8 75 sec. x
(Rear Delts) x8 75 sec. x
x8 75 sec. x
Triceps Triceps Pushdown x 12 90 sec. x
(Machine) x 12 90 sec. x
x 12 90 sec. x
Lying Triceps Extension x8 75 sec. x
(Dumbbell) x8 75 sec. x
x8 F - x




Name: Date: Start Time:

4-Week Blitz Workout # 12 of 20 Stop Time:
Maximum Growth Est. Time: 36 min. Total Time:

Group Exercise Goal F Rest Actual

Back Narrow-Grip Lat Pulldown x 10 60 sec. x
(Machine) x8 90 sec. x
x8 120 sec. x
x8 F 120 sec. x
Wide-Grip Lat Pulldown x 10 60 sec. x
(Machine) x8 90 sec. x
x8 120 sec. x
x8 F 120 sec. x
Biceps Preacher Bench Barbell Curl x8 75 sec. x
x8 75 sec. x
x8 75 sec. x
Incline Dumbbell Curl x8 75 sec. x
x8 75 sec. x
x8 75 sec. x
Abs Leg Lift x 12 45 sec. x
(Decline Bench) x 12 75 sec. x
x 10 105 sec. x
x 10 105 sec. x
x 10 F - x




Name: Date: Start Time:

4-Week Blitz Workout # 13 of 20 Stop Time:
Maximum Growth Est. Time: 41 min. Total Time:

Group Exercise Goal F Rest Actual

Legs Barbell Squat x8 105 sec. x
x8 150 sec. x
x6 180 sec. x
x6 180 sec. x
x6 180 sec. x
x8 F 180 sec. x
Leg Extension x 10 60 sec. x
(Machine) x8 90 sec. x
x8 120 sec. x
x8 F 120 sec. x
Straight-Leg Dumbbell Deadlift x 10 45 sec. x
x 10 75 sec. x
x8 105 sec. x
x8 105 sec. x
x8 105 sec. x
Calves Seated Calf Raise x 10 75 sec. x
x 10 75 sec. x
x 10 F - x




Name: Date: Start Time:

4-Week Blitz Workout # 14 of 20 Stop Time:
Maximum Growth Est. Time: 46 min. Total Time:

Group Exercise Goal F Rest Actual

Chest Bench Press (Dumbbell) x8 90 sec. x
x8 120 sec. x
x6 120 sec. x
x6 F 120 sec. x
Incline Dumbbell Press x8 90 sec. x
x8 120 sec. x
x6 120 sec. x
x6 F 120 sec. x
Shoulders Seated Barbell Press x8 90 sec. x
x8 120 sec. x
x6 120 sec. x
x6 F 120 sec. x
Dumbbell Side Raise x8 75 sec. x
x8 75 sec. x
x8 75 sec. x
Triceps Close-Grip Bench Press x8 90 sec. x
x8 120 sec. x
x6 120 sec. x
x6 F 120 sec. x
Triceps Pushdown x 12 75 sec. x
(Machine) x 10 90 sec. x
x 10 - x




Name: Date: Start Time:

4-Week Blitz Workout # 15 of 20 Stop Time:
Maximum Growth Est. Time: 41 min. Total Time:

Group Exercise Goal F Rest Actual

Back Barbell Bentover Row x8 90 sec. x
x8 120 sec. x
x6 120 sec. x
x6 F 120 sec. x
Narrow-Grip Lat Pulldown x 10 60 sec. x
(Machine) x8 90 sec. x
x8 120 sec. x
x8 F 120 sec. x
Biceps Barbell Curl x8 90 sec. x
x8 120 sec. x
x6 120 sec. x
x6 F 120 sec. x
Incline Dumbbell Curl x8 75 sec. x
x8 75 sec. x
x8 75 sec. x
Abs Lying Ab Crunch x 12 75 sec. x
x 12 90 sec. x
x 10 120 sec. x
x 10 120 sec. x
x 10 F - x




Name: Date: Start Time:

4-Week Blitz Workout # 16 of 20 Stop Time:
Maximum Growth Est. Time: 47 min. Total Time:

Group Exercise Goal F Rest Actual

Legs Barbell Squat x8 105 sec. x
x8 150 sec. x
x6 180 sec. x
x6 180 sec. x
x6 180 sec. x
x8 F 180 sec. x
Leg Extension x 10 60 sec. x
(Machine) x8 90 sec. x
x8 120 sec. x
x8 F 120 sec. x
Hamstring Leg Curl x8 75 sec. x
(Machine) x8 90 sec. x
x6 120 sec. x
x6 120 sec. x
x6 120 sec. x
Calves Standing Calf Raise x8 105 sec. x
(Machine) x8 120 sec. x
x6 135 sec. x
x6 F - x




Name: Date: Start Time:

4-Week Blitz Workout # 17 of 20 Stop Time:
Maximum Growth Est. Time: 44 min. Total Time:

Group Exercise Goal F Rest Actual

Chest Bench Press (Barbell) x8 90 sec. x
x8 120 sec. x
x6 120 sec. x
x6 F 120 sec. x
Flat Bench Dumbbell Flye x 10 60 sec. x
x8 90 sec. x
x8 120 sec. x
x8 F 120 sec. x
Shoulders Seated Barbell Press x8 90 sec. x
x8 120 sec. x
x6 120 sec. x
x6 F 120 sec. x
Reverse Dumbbell Flye x8 75 sec. x
(Rear Delts) x8 75 sec. x
x8 75 sec. x
Triceps Triceps Pushdown x 12 75 sec. x
(Machine) x 10 90 sec. x
x 10 90 sec. x
x 10 90 sec. x
Lying Triceps Extension x8 75 sec. x
(Dumbbell) x8 75 sec. x
x8 F - x




Name: Date: Start Time:

4-Week Blitz Workout # 18 of 20 Stop Time:
Maximum Growth Est. Time: 35 min. Total Time:

Group Exercise Goal F Rest Actual

Back Narrow-Grip Lat Pulldown x 10 60 sec. x
(Machine) x8 90 sec. x
x8 120 sec. x
x8 F 120 sec. x
Wide-Grip Lat Pulldown x 10 60 sec. x
(Machine) x8 90 sec. x
x8 120 sec. x
x8 F 120 sec. x
Biceps Preacher Bench Barbell Curl x8 75 sec. x
x8 75 sec. x
x8 75 sec. x
Incline Dumbbell Curl x8 75 sec. x
x8 75 sec. x
x8 75 sec. x
Abs Leg Lift x 12 45 sec. x
(Decline Bench) x 12 75 sec. x
x 10 90 sec. x
x 10 90 sec. x
x 10 F - x




Name: Date: Start Time:

4-Week Blitz Workout # 19 of 20 Stop Time:
Maximum Growth Est. Time: 39 min. Total Time:

Group Exercise Goal F Rest Actual

Legs Barbell Squat x 10 90 sec. x
x 10 150 sec. x
x8 180 sec. x
x8 180 sec. x
x8 180 sec. x
Leg Extension x 10 60 sec. x
(Machine) x8 90 sec. x
x8 120 sec. x
x8 F 120 sec. x
Straight-Leg Dumbbell Deadlift x 10 60 sec. x
x 10 90 sec. x
x8 105 sec. x
x8 105 sec. x
x8 105 sec. x
Calves Seated Calf Raise x8 90 sec. x
x8 90 sec. x
x8 F - x





Name: Date: Start Time:

4-Week Blitz Workout # 20 of 20 Stop Time:
Maximum Growth Est. Time: 20 min. Total Time:

Group Exercise Planned Wt. Rest Actual Wt.

Strength Primary Lift #1:
Test Day [ ______________________________ ] x5 180 sec. x5
(Choose any primary exercise, such as
bench, squat, shoulder press, leg press, etc.)

Group Exercise Planned Wt. Rest Actual Wt.

Strength Primary Lift #2:
Test Day [ ______________________________ ] x5 180 sec. x5
(Choose any primary exercise, such as
bench, squat, shoulder press, leg press, etc.)

Group Exercise Planned Wt. Rest Actual Wt.

Strength Primary Lift #3:
Test Day [ ______________________________ ] x5 180 sec. x5
(Choose any primary exercise, such as
bench, squat, shoulder press, leg press, etc.)

Group Exercise Planned Wt. Rest Actual Wt.

Strength Primary Lift #4:
Test Day [ ______________________________ ] x5 180 sec. x5
(Choose any primary exercise, such as
bench, squat, shoulder press, leg press, etc.)

(Once completed, copy your strength test results onto your post-measurement form / Appendix I)



To receive the guaranteed maximum results in muscle size and strength, take a few minutes of your valuable
time before you start the 4-week Blitz Weight-Training Program and complete the following strength test and
body part measurements.

Copy Your Pre-Muscle Size & Strength Measurements Here:

TIP: Choose four primary lifts, such as the bench press, barbell squat, shoulder press, barbell row, etc. to determine your
5-repetition maximum. Simply increase your weight used on each lift until you reach a full set of 5 repetitions, without help
from a spotter. This is your 5-Rep Max. Please be cautious when lifting heavy weights. As a rule of thumb, don’t ever go
below four reps, and always keep a spotter on hand, just in case you reach complete muscle failure during your lift.

Date: 5-Rep Maximum Strength Test Weight Lifted

Description (bench, squat, shoulder press, leg press, etc.) (lbs) for 5 reps

Bodyfat %*: Lift #1:

Lift #2:

Bodyweight (lbs): Lift #3:

Lift #4:
(*Note: Bodyfat measurements are optional.)

Record Your Pre-Muscle Size & Strength Measurements Here:

TIP: Use a measuring tape or the new MyoTape (from Accufitness). Simply stretch the tape around the entire girth of each
body part and measure. For example, to measure the chest: stretch the tape so it goes all the way around your upper body
(not just across the front of your chest), at or about level with your nipples, under the armpits and across your shoulder
blades. Do the same for each body part.

Body Part Dimensions Measurement (in inches) Use full circumference




Quad (use the right leg only):

Arm (use the right arm only):

Remember, after your four weeks are completed, you’ll take another
strength test and measure your body parts (on the following page).

Now, take a few minutes of your valuable time after you have completed the 4-week Blitz Weight-Training Program
to complete the following strength test and body part measurements.

Copy Your Post-Muscle Size & Strength Measurements Here:

TIP: Use the same four primary lifts you used in the pre-measurement form to determine your 5-repetition maximum now.
As you did four weeks ago, simply increase your weight used on each lift until you reach a full set of 5 repetitions, without
help from a spotter. This is your 5-Rep Max. Please be cautious when lifting heavy weights.

Date: 5-Rep Maximum Strength Test Weight Lifted Increases (in weight lifted)
Description (bench, squat, (lbs) for 5 reps Subtract your pre- from your
shoulder press, leg press, etc.) post-measurements

Bodyfat %*: Lift #1:

Lift #2:

Bodyweight (lbs): Lift #3:

Lift #4:
(*Note: Bodyfat measurements are optional.)

Record Your Post-Muscle Size & Strength Measurements Here:

TIP: Again, use a measuring tape or the new MyoTape (from Accufitness).
Simply stretch the tape around the entire girth of each body part and measure.

Body Part Dimensions Measurement (in inches) Increases (in inches)

Use full circumference Subtract your pre- from your post-measurements




Quad (use the right leg only):

Arm (use the right arm only):

Send Us Your Results...

(and you could find yourself being featured in iSatori’s national advertising campaign!)

Date Started: ________________________________________ Date Completed: ________________________________________

Name: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

City/State: ____________________________________________________________ Zip Code: ___________________________

Telephone: ____________________________________________ Email: ______________________________________________

Age: ❏ 18-25 ❏ 26-35 ❏ 36-45 ❏ 46-60 ❏ 61+ Gender: ❏ Male ❏ Female

Please return the completed pre- and post-measurement forms by fax (1-303-215-1386) or mail (iSatori, C/O “Maximum
Growth,” P.O. Box 17172, Golden, CO 80402). All participants who return their forms will be entered to win a one-year
free supply of iSatori’s supplements—and be evaluated for possible inclusion in iSatori’s national advertising campaign.

References Cited

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4-Week Muscle Size and Strength Program

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Finally… you can unlock the real, scientifically proven secrets to smarter, faster muscle
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