Master of Pharmacy: Formulation Evaluation and Optimization of Self Micro Emulsifying Drug Delivery System of Ramipril"
Master of Pharmacy: Formulation Evaluation and Optimization of Self Micro Emulsifying Drug Delivery System of Ramipril"
Master of Pharmacy: Formulation Evaluation and Optimization of Self Micro Emulsifying Drug Delivery System of Ramipril"
Master of Pharmacy
This is to certify that the Synopsis to the dissertation entitled “Formulation
Evaluation and Optimization of Self microemulsifying drug delivery system of
Ramipril” is abonafide research work done by Ms.Nidhi.A.Shah, Enrollment
No: 092330802016, in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of
Master of Pharmacy.
I further certify that the work shall be carried out under my supervision and
guidance at Department of Pharmaceutics, Parul Institute of Pharmacy, Limda,
Waghodia, during the acadmic year 2010- 2011.
I hereby declare that this Synopsis to the dissertation entitled “Formulation
Evaluation and Optimization of Self microemulsifying drug delivery system of
Ramipril” is genuine record of the proposed work under the guidance of
Mrs.Sona.P.S, Department of Pharmaceutics, Parul Institute of Pharmacy,