Notice To Cease and Desist Redact
Notice To Cease and Desist Redact
Notice To Cease and Desist Redact
Xxxx Yyyy
c/o 97801 S. 123th St.
Suite 167.
Tukwila, WA 98168
This is a notice and demand from XXX YYY, herein after Undersigned.
Notice is hereby given to the following parties:
To CEASE AND DESIST from any further action in regards to the above referenced accounts and any associated
lien(s), claim(s), title(s) and deed(s) , filed in King County Recorders Office, King county, Washington.
To CEASE AND DESIST from any further action in regards to Mortgage # 3333_, with WELLS FARGO HOME
Any and all acts and procedures for, against or on behalf of the trust or mortgage are to be immediately abated for
the requested time of 120 (one hundred twenty) days. A notice of good faith effort is hereby tendered for an
administrative procedure pending to satisfy all legitimate claims of debt.
Parties have 10 days from the date of this notice to show in good faith and with good cause why abatement should
not be granted.
The only acceptable place held but by the Undersigned as the place for receipt for such communication is to the
notary address provided herein. Any other place, location or method of communication or presentment is regarded
as dishonor and fraud.
I, under full liability, do say that I have read the above NOTICE TO CEASE AND DESIST, and do know the
contents to be true, correct, and complete, and not misleading, the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
______________________________ ______
I, __________________________ , a notary public residing in King county, Washington state, do say that on the
date of ___________ , 2010, that a woman known to me as Xxxx Yyyyy did appear before me in her true character
and did attach her autograph to the above document.
__________________________________ _______