Word Groups

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Number Words:

- Fortnight, Mono & Uni

- Bicentennial, Brace, couple, pair, dichotomy, bicameral, bicycle, biennial
- Tercentennial, treble, triumvirate, triennial, tricycle, tripod
- Quadrennial, quadruped, quadrilateral,
- Pentagon, quintessence, epitome
- Hexagon, sexagenarian, fathom
- Septuagenarian, Octogenarian, nonagenarian, octopus, heptathlon
- Decade, decathlon, decimate, tithe
- Baker’s dozen, lagniappe, millennium, plurality, centipede, score,
sesquicentennial, sesquipedalian

Phobia, Mania and Phile Words:

- Phobia (Phobe, Phobic), Mania (Maniac, maniacal), Phile (philic)

- Acrophobia, anglophobia, Photophobic, Agoraphobia, Bibliophobe,
Claustrophobia, Xenophobia
- Beatlemania, Anglomania, Balletomania, Bibliomania, Kleptomania,
megalomania, pyromania, Dipsomaniac (spiritual, spirituous), teetotaller
- Audiophile, anglophile, photophilic, bibliophile, hemophiliac (bleeder), philology,
philanthropist, sinophile, hispanophile, russophile.

One and Many Words :

- Mono & Uni, Multi & Poly

- Monoculture, monograph, monologue, monosyllabic (All dressed up and no place
to go), monotonous, monocle, monocycle, monolith, monogamy, monomaniac,
monogram, monopoly, monotheist.
- Unison, unilateral, unicorn (horse like animal), uniform, union, unique, unisex,
unidirectional, unanimous, unicameral.
- Polysyllabic, polygamist, polyglot, polymath, polytechnic, polytheist, polyclinic,
- Multinuclear, multicultural, multifaceted, multilateral, multimedia, multinational.

Over and Under Words:

- hyper & super, hypo & sub

- Hyperacidity, hyperactive, hypercritical, hypersensitive, hypertension.
- Supererogatory (beyond the requirements of duty, performed to an extent not
demanded), superficial, supernatural, supersonic, supernumerary, superstructure,
- Hypodermic, hypoglycemic, hyposensitize, hypothermia, hypoallergenic,
hypothyroidism, hyperbole, hypervitaminiosis.
- Subaqueous, subcutaneous, sublethal, submarginal, subservient, suboceanic,
submicroscopic, subaudible.
Words from Opposites in context:

- Transitory, garrulous, veracity, refractory, exacerbated, forbearance, reconciled,

venial, slatternly, moment, penchant

Words of concealment and deception:

- Abscond, alias, anonymous, eponymous (after whom sth. is named), cache,

canard, collusion, con, connive, covert, cryptic, duplicity (double-dealing,
hypocritical deception), facade, feign, insidious, latent, malinger (er), suborn,
subterfuge (ruse, stratagem, feint).

Medical Vocabulary:

- ‘-itis’ is inflammation.
- Arthro, oto, phlebo, dermato, encephalo, gastro, gingivo, hepato, nephro, neuro,
cardio, cranio, osteo, hystero, spleno, pneumon.
- Appendicitis, bronchitis, colitis, laryngitis, peritonitis, sinusitis.
- Neuralgia, otology, cardiogram, cardiograph, nephrologist, gastrectomy,
hepatectomy, phlebotomy, arthralgia, dermatologist.
- Spleen (anger, malice, bad temper)

Words of beginning and Ending:

- antepenultimate, coup de grace, demise, finale, infinite, lapse, penultimate, swan

song (final creative work), terminal, ultimate, ultimatum.
- Debut, genesis, inchoate, initiative, maiden, preamble, premiere, rudiments, tyro.

Extra-, Intra-, and Inter- words:

- Extra (outside or beyond), Intra (within), Inter (between or among)

- Extralegal, extramarital, extramural, extraneous, extrasensory, extraterrestrial,
- Intracity, intramural, intravenous, intraorganizational, intracoastal, intranet.
- Interlinear, intermarriage, interpersonal, interurban, interracial.

Loan Words:

- Latin: ad hominem, ad infinitum, ad nauseam, in medias res, non compos mentis,

non sequitur, persona non grata, post mortem.
- Italian: alfresco, arrivederci, auf wiedersehen (G), au revoir (F), sayonara (J),
shalom (H), salaam (A).
- French: brouhaha, de rigueur, entre nous, faux pas.
- German: hoi polloi, kudos, ersatz.
- Japanese: honcho.
Anti Words :

- antibiotic, antibody, antigen, anticlimax, anticoagulant, anticorrosive, antidote,

antiestablishment, antihistamine, antihypertensive, antimacassar, antioxidant,
antipathy, antipersonnel, antipodes, antipyretic, antiscorbutic, antiseptic
(sepsis=disease/decay), antithesis, antitrust, antiviral, antivivisectionists,
antiperspirant, antifreeze, antilitter, antitoxin (antibody)

Cutting Words:

- Tom, Cid, Cis, Sect.

- Anatomy (cutting apart), entomology, gingivectomy (gums), laparotomy
(abdominal cavity), lobotomy, tome, appendectomy.
- Fratricide, herbicide, homicide, suicide.
- Conciseness, excise, incision, incisive, rescission.
- Dissect, intersect, sectionalism, trisect, vivisection.
- Ectomy, tomy.
- Craniotomy, osteotomy, hysterotomy, hysterectomy.

Before and After Words:

- ante-, pre-, pro- (before) & post-, meta- (after).

- anterevolutionary, antecedent (the runner who fell), antediluvian, antemeridian,
antepenult, anterior, anteroom.
- Pre-columbian art, predecease, prerecord, prescient, presentiment, premeditated.
- Proscenium, prognosis, prophesy, prophylaxis (guarding beforehand),
proposition, prologue, prognosticate.
- Posterior, posterity, posthumous, postprandial, postoperative, postbellum,
- Metacarpal, metatarsal, metaphysics, metastasis (after-condition),
metempsychosis (supposed after-existence), metamorphosis (after-form).

People Words:

- Adonis, Atlas, Baedeker, Bowdlerise, Boycott, Chauvinist, Cicerone, Damoclean

(Syracuse-involving imminent disaster), Gargantuan, John Hancock,
Machiavellian, Malapropism, Mentor, mesmerize, odyssey, philippic (jeremiad-
Macedon), Quisling, Quixotic, Sadistic, Stentorian, Pollyanna, Draconian.

Words from similar words in Context:

- Alchemy, Baksheesh, bellicose, carp, collation, cull, demur, desuetude (fallen into
disuse), divert, dun, empirical, equivocate, hypothetical, imprimatur, ingenuous,
mendacious, panegyric, preen, pusillanimous, rue, quagmire, taciturn.
Going Words:

- Ambulat/amble – walk/go: preamble, ambulatory, pram.

- Cur – run: curriculum, incur, excursion, precursor, concur.
- Grad/gress – step/go: ingress, progress, transgress, digress, gradual, gradient,
- It – go: circuitous, transitory, initiation.
- Amble, concomitant, congregate, exodus, flounder, founder (come to grief), gait,
incursion, itinerary, labyrinth, meander, obsolescent, peregrination, peripatetic,
retrogress, safari (any lengthy/adventurous expedition), somnambulist, transition,
yaw, wanderlust.

Words of crime and punishment:

- Accessory, capital, charlatan, contraband, culpable, embezzlement, extradition,

felony, misdemeanor, incarceration, apprehend, larceny, penal, plagiarism,
poacher, recidivist, subpoena (under penalty), venue, vandal (destroyer of public

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