The Kid Corner November 2010
The Kid Corner November 2010
The Kid Corner November 2010
Play games;
What did the farmer say to the green
pumpkin? And much more!
Answer - Page 2
November Events:
Nov. 4 - King Tut Day Coloring Contest Winners
Nov. 11 - CLOSED For October!
Nov. 13 - Nat’l Gaming Day!!!
Nov. 18 - Thanksgiving Harley Rhoades
Nov. 20 - Popcorn & a Movie
(pg. 7) Christopher Phillips
Nov. 25, 26, 27 - CLOSED for
Racquel Ransom
The Day Leo Said I Hate You!
Little Blue Truck Leads the Way JE HAR
Leo rolls tomatoes in the house until they
burst, drops string beans into the fish bowl,
Zooom! Wooeeee...! "Make way!" The big and squeezes toothpaste all over the toilet,
city sure is a speedy, noisy place for a collecting maternal "no's" as he goes.
country truck like Blue. Everywhere Blue
Ultimately pushed off the page by a fiery,
looks, he sees buses, police cars, taxis,
life-size negation, the boy enters his bedroom,
vans, a street sweeper, and even the
declares it a no-rule zone, and takes out his
mayor's limousine. With everyone pushing
frustration by coloring a frowning mommy on
to be first, soon there's a giant traffic jam! his wall.
The Teacher Who Forgot Too The Graffiti Mystery Promises! Vote for David
Much JF MIT Mortimore Baxter
JF BRE Vandals have struck at Damian’s JF TAY
school. Someone has been spray
Catalina "Cat" Duran and her class painting graffiti in the boys David Mortimore Baxter is the only
are off to the recycling center for bathroom! To make matters worse, kid in school who will stand up to
what seems like the worst field trip Rose Thornton in the class election.
the vandals can’t even spell.
ever. But when they arrive, they He'll do anything to keep her from
Damian knows he’s the school’s
find out that the recycling plant has winning, even if it means making
only hope of solving this bad spell
been sabotaged! Only Cat and her promises he can't keep.
of crime!
friends can save the day.
The Ozark-Dale County Public Library hosts a program for children:
There will be popcorn, a drink, and a movie. Refreshments will be served from
12:45 p.m. -1:00 p.m.
The movie will begin promptly at 1:00 p.m.
Please come and join in the fun!
Call 774-5480 for more information.
Kylie Proctor Nov. 21
Kaegan Faulk Nov. 1 Kierra Grider Nov. 23
Amoni Crittendon Nov. 2 Juda Lollis Nov. 23
Javaris Kennedy Nov. 2 Anthony Rosario Nov. 24
Tavaris Kennedy Nov. 2 Caroline Morgan Nov. 26
Branden Little Nov. 2 Mary Barber Nov. 30
D’Quarious Fryer Nov. 2 Mailing Label Macy Barber Nov. 30
Meagan Bonin Nov. 3
Isaiah Robinson Nov. 9
Ms. Joni Nov. 10 Hey, Kids!!
Madelyne Little Nov. 10
Ms. Lou Nov. 15 Story Time has been changed back
Brodie Cook Nov. 18 to meet on Thursdays at 10:30 a.m.
Joshua Chambers Nov. 21 and 4:30 p.m..
Jaysen Chambers Nov. 21
Selina King Nov. 21 Game Night will be incorporated
into Story Time!
November 2010
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
1 2 3 4 5 6 Pokémon - 4 p.m.
Cookie Monster Day Story Time 10:30
Kids’ Corner 4:30
Game Night 4:30
7 8 9 10 11 12 13 (No Pokémon)
X-Ray Day Veteran’s Day
Sesame Street National Game
Day! 11am - 4pm
14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Pokémon - 4 p.m.
National American Story Time 10:30
Teddy Bear Day Kids’ Corner 4:30 National Day Popcorn &
Game Night 4:30 of Play a Movie 12:45
21 22 23 24 25 Thanksgiving 26 27
28 29 30